@ 0:58 & 1:12 - Stock spark dont have this premium quality type central console.. The space between 2 front seats is very small. Did replaced with smalles seats? How did installed this console in between?. Was this from any other vehicle or custom made ??
АЛЛОХГА БЕХИСОБ ШУКУР Спарк олдим. Энди навбат тюнингга. Ин шо Аллох униям киламан
Zo'r gap so's bo'lishi mumkinmas klasssss
Zor gap yoq😎😎😎😎
Spark 180 tezlikdan uyogʻiga chiqa olmaydi
Vawe klasss men xam xudo xollasa nasib uzbga qaytsam spark olaman
Гап йук тачкалани тозаси
@ 0:58 & 1:12 - Stock spark dont have this premium quality type central console.. The space between 2 front seats is very small. Did replaced with smalles seats? How did installed this console in between?. Was this from any other vehicle or custom made ??
Aka moshina sotilmaydimi vapshi zõr taxlapsiz.
que bacano de casualidad se le puede hacer la conversión de tambor a disco alas ruedas de atrás y que referencia es le agradezco 👍
Donde puedo conseguir esas calaveras? Información por favor
Que tanto afecta esos aros 17 ?
Moxir ustalarga gap bulsh mymkun emas
Blaa sparkchani daxwatiku
esos rines como lo hacen
Narxi qancha bolarkan oka
Ха яхши лекин шу пулларни бошка савоблирок ишга сарф килса хам булади
Oka uzingizni insofli qib kursatmeng uzingiz qilmagan ishni gapirmang
Барибир ни то. Кани кожа салонлар? 👎👎👎
Jaaa zuuuuuur deb bulmaydiku likin yaxwi buladi diyman
Aka shunaqa qilib bizarnikini xam qilib bersangiz qancha boladi javob uchun oldindan raxmat