11 28 12 Connie Blames Sonny For The Rape


Комментарии • 20

  • @caitlinmcnally4294
    @caitlinmcnally4294 9 лет назад +18

    Hahahaha!! Sometimes Sonny is hysterical- ( Connie screams ) "I'm sorry, did you say something" ?😂😂

  • @dolemitedavis
    @dolemitedavis 10 лет назад +6

    How the heck did I miss all of this?? Awesome!!!

  • @venusmoodie4874
    @venusmoodie4874 Год назад +3

    I liked this Connie she was a real special basket case

  • @tammyjackson1026
    @tammyjackson1026 3 года назад +7

    Sorry Connie but you can't blame Sonny for that the one that you need to place the blame on is the devil monster that done it

  • @victoriaford8449
    @victoriaford8449 2 месяца назад +1

    Connie hate sunny because of what happened to Kate. Kate is buried by the trauma what happened to her? That’s why Connie came out.

  • @bartlebyonline
    @bartlebyonline 12 лет назад +3

    I don't know the story. What happens after that? (when the son walks in?)

  • @nattyps3160
    @nattyps3160 Год назад +1

    Sonny is polarizing for me but I have to say how he spoke to kate/Connie about her being safe & he didn't know & had no way to know she was going to be raped ( which is true ! How do u blame sonny for what some creep that was jealous of sonny 's influefence w/ his own father good lord) but this was one of the nicer most selfless sweet sonny moments I've ever seen ! Mo did a great job too & knowing how he is always been & still is a mental health advocate is wonderful.

  • @victoriaford8449
    @victoriaford8449 2 месяца назад +1

    General Hospital was awesome back then I like Kate/Connie storyline of her multiple personalities and this was a powerful seem like she blames sunny for her getting raped Joe

  • @soapgirl15
    @soapgirl15 Год назад

    The One Life writers really screwed up GH with their rehashed One Life stories. They beat the D.I.D. storyline to death on their show then did it to GH. It's a good thing they finally fired that hack RC.

  • @tammyjackson1026
    @tammyjackson1026 3 года назад +1

    Connie dear of course sonny didn't know he was not there it's sonny was there he would have beat the crap out of him

  • @taylorstuart4424
    @taylorstuart4424 5 лет назад +1

    11 29 12 Sonny, Connie & Michael

  • @cocoaorange1
    @cocoaorange1 Год назад

    That is sad what happened to her. I liked Kate as Ice Queen Boss!

  • @taylorstuart4424
    @taylorstuart4424 5 лет назад +1

    04-18-12 Connie Takes Control.wmv

  • @sarika811
    @sarika811 8 лет назад +4

    i miss her

  • @nattyps3160
    @nattyps3160 Год назад

    Sorry but this is so so annoying ! Kate/Connie has no legit reason to blame sonny what so ever for her getting raped. Even if he was her boyfriend which he wasn't as I believe he wasn't even around bensonhurst anymore or even if he was how was I sonny s fault Joe Jr raped her !?! R u kidding me. It's so crazy I have no words.