Our precious 7 year old daughter, Tara Grace, died of a brain tumour in 2014. Tara told us so much about her visions of heaven and her understanding of dying. She used to say "don't worry, I'm just going to Jesus." and "no one dies alone because God is always there." Amazingly she chose her readings for her funeral, and the gospel she chose was the Gospel of the Day! She was completely certain of her eternal happiness, which brought us so much peace.
My husbands younger 10 year old sister died of leukemia. When she was dying she told her mom of the angels, that came to get her, she described each one of them in joy, and happiness. She described the color of their clothes, and how beautifull and loving they were. Then she died smiling and in joy, leaving her mom with a faith that could never be broken.
I Henri Maréchal also have a 14 Year old son that died of luckemia than my wife AnnMarie died of a hard attack than I got a stroke and can no longer walk ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My son also died of luckemia he was 14 and the pain's remain always the only help is too always know that all the childrens are in the haven with God Almighty
As a CNA, I did ten years of "the death watch" for dying patients. I nursed my own mother until she died at home. Very near her demise, she sat up and asked me to bring tea and cookies so she could serve them to her dear friend, Galina. Galina was living in Hawaii at the time. She had a long, pleasant and happy visit with her. My mother lay back and soon passed. I called to let Galina and Misha(her spouse)to advise them mom had passed but had a pleasant "talk and visit" with Galina, altho she obviously was not there and in Hawaii. Misha was totally silent for quite awhile. I asked to speak to Galina. He then stated that she had also passed two weeks ago...before my mother. We had no idea. God grants us mercy and not only the Saints and Guardian Angels are there to escort us, but our dearest friends and loved ones. "Fear not, for I am always with you even unto the end of the world. The gates of hell shall not prevail".
A lady at a retreat shared with us that her brother was killed while jogging, because he went to assist a lady who was screaming for help. Her husband was chasing her and her little daughter, gun in hand. This brave young man placed himself in the line of fire, and was shot and killed. The little girl was shot, but lived. As it were, her injuries would eventually caused her death some time later. But before she died, she regained consciousness, and told her mom that she was not afraid, that she was going to Heaven, and that the man who saved them was there in the room to guide her there.
Judgement.................... Well, now....PAT S.: "I had a feeling of unconditional love, and it was as if all of a sudden I knew everything. AFTER PASSING ON IN THIS LIFE, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN THIS LIFE." LAURA Z.: "I felt in my heart that God is also all right with our fear, although it will not stop showing us love. God loves us regardless of everything and regardless of ourselves. EVERY CHOICE WE HAVE EVER MADE, OR EVER WILL MAKE, IS ALREADY ACCEPTED. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EVEN A THING. All of us is already LOVED and UNCONDITIONALLY, despite our ideas." VICTOR P.: "We discussed my life while I relived portions of it. We reviewed my life, proceeding from oldest to younger events. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, AND NO RIGHT OR WRONG. There was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING." Good and bad?....SHARON D.: "I was shown that each event in my life was needed for me to be exactly as I am, and how it touched and altered others lives. Not a 'life review', MORE OF AN EXPLANATION OF WHY ALL TRULY WAS WELL, and I was perfect for what I was needed for here. Unity so whole that nothing existed but truth. That is what is was like. THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD, THERE JUST 'IS'. I felt so loved, so comfortable; there was no emotional pain, no rejection, no separation." No condemnation at all....TAMARA J.: "I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/Jesus. I BELIEVED THAT MY LIFE DEPENDED ON ME DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND TRYING TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON. It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. LOVE IS PERFECT, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and IT IS WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. What I recall are a few messages. The message that THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION, that God loves us and we are all loved. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION AND NO JUDGEMENT during my NDE. We may choose to turn from God but God does not turn from us. I QUIT THINKING OF HELL THE WAY I USED TO AND NO LONGER CONDEMN ANYONE. Since my NDE I believe THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION." RAY C.: "I understood that the light that I was looking at, was my own. Once I focused past the light, I understood everything. THERE IS NO hate or JUDGEMENT. There is no pain. Everyone we ever knew here on earth is there. WE ARE ALL EQUAL THERE. It is where we come from. It is almost like we are on a vacation from there. It is like WE ARE HERE TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE EMOTIONS THAT WE DON'T HAVE THERE, LIKE GREED, ENVY, HATE, LUST, DISGUST, OR PAIN. WE ARE HERE ON VACATION FROM THERE. WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. None of that exists there because there is only intense love. Everyone is there all the time. There is no time there, so people are never really gone. WE ARE ALL 100 PERCENT EQUAL.There is an absolute understanding of everyone and everything. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GO TO THE SAME PLACE WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE. Yes, WHAT WE DO HERE HAS NO RELEVANCE THERE. Yes, WE ARE ALL LOVE. The love we can understand here at its maximum, is only a grain of sand compared to the love you have over there." Despite faults?....ERINN H.: "I was LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY DESPITE MY FAULTS and fears.” Jesus again? CARL G.: "I was standing before Christ. He showed me my whole life, the good and the bad and all the rest. HE SAID, "THAT IS ALRIGHT, LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE." More Jesus....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. Is all controlled by fear. JENNEANE E.: "Powerful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it is a feeling of just knowing what it is. I felt like I was a sinner and I WAS AMAZED THAT HE WOULD SHOW ME LOVE LIKE THAT DESPITE MY MISTAKES IN LIFE THAT MAY HAVE HURT OTHERS OR MYSELF." More judgement? ANNE MURPHY: ""All there was, was the most unconditional love, compassion, pure and total acceptance with no judgement at all. I WAS SHOWN THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AND NO HELL, NO OPINIONS, NO PUNISHMENT, not like what we are taught here, about a judgemental God and being sent to hell if you're bad, that was not the case. Now what about this?....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE." JEFFERY O.: "I 'knew' my whole life, every event both good and bad, yet standing in the presence of divinity I saw the pure love in all of it. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, ONLY THE 'KNOWING'; THAT IT WAS ALL PERFECT. That my entire life was created in love FOR me. EVEN MY CHOICES, GOOD OR BAD, HAD SERVED MY HIGHEST GOOD in every way. For I was only here to learn, and God, along with me, had provided the perfect path for my souls progression." N. DANISON: "THERE'S NO PAYBACK, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE'S NO HELL. Humans want revenge and punishment as part of their animal nature. GOD IS UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING AND HAS NO REASON TO WANT HUMANS' IDEA OF "JUSTICE", MUCH LESS REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT. THANKFULLY, GOD DOES NOT THINK LIKE HUMANS (BTW, I have worked in the justice system for 44 years)." S. BOYD.: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well." BOB L.: "My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life. They were dressed (I would say 1940's style which would have been prime years for most). Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfathers, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles and aunts who passed before I knew them. My deceased father was my main non-verbal communication point, but the love and support of all my deceased relatives flowed through him to me. I could choose to stay in their world or choose to return. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THE NDE. We are all part of a larger way of thinking. EVEN THOSE WHO WERE DESTRUCTIVE IN THIS WORLD ARE LOVED AND ACCEPTED IN THE NDE WORLD. I chose to return here knowing there was unfinished business in this life, which we all knew to be important, and my choice to return was fully supported with unconditional love from my relatives." JO B.: "In one strand I was aware that Light knew me better than I knew myself. DESPITE ANY OF MY FOIBLES, ECCENTRICITIES, POOR DECISIONS, AND PLAIN OLD HUMANNESS, IT LOVED ME TO THE CORE. It found the seriousness with which I viewed myself, amusing."
My husband had a near death episode after a car accident when he was a teenager. He said the most profound thing was he was that he was told it wasn't time for him to go to heaven yet and that he must return but he didn't want to. He said he was filled with a sense of peace and love unlike anything he knew, he still tears up when talking about it. He has contentment in life now because he knows where he is going when he dies. Interestingly he went on to become a professional firefighter/paramedic and in the course of his 27 year career he saved many lives, and brought new life into the world safely receiving the states lifesaving hero award as well as several commendations for his work. I think how many lives would have been lost if he had succumbed in that car accident. Our father definately had plans for him
I had 3 miscarriages in a row. Even though God blessed us with 4 more children after my miscarriages, it was a wound that has never completely held. Listening to this show and thinking about seeing the children I lost in Heaven has given me so much comfort, healing, and peace.
My Dad just passed away not even an hour ago, I had last rites and the Apostolic Pardon done yesterday for my Dad...I cannot tell you what a blessing it is to me that I was able to get that for my Dad. I don't know what I would do without my Catholic faith!
I am sure you meet again when the time comes. I wish you all the best. Keep looking forward to it and live a happy life knowing that you are never alone.
Colleen, I send my deepest condolences. I also got the Apostolic Pardon for my dad before his death. He went beautifully in peace. I agree, I don't know what I would do without my Catholic faith. A lot of people don't know about the Apostolic Pardon. God Bless you and God Bless your fathers soul.
On my birthday about 12 years ago, my ex husband had a cardiac arrest post op. My son woke me with the phone call from another state. I started praying and calling prayer lines. His dad survived and when released home I asked him matter of factly So, did you see Jesus? He had not shared with anyone yet, but opened up with his story. He floated above his body, saw the CPR and floated to the waiting room and saw his daughter and wife praying out loud asking God to save him. (He was agnostic at the time) he was sucked down a dark tunnel and did not want to go having no clue where he was headed when suddenly he returned to his body. He loves and serves Jesus now with a telephone encouragement ministry to shut ins. The incident left him in a wheelchair. To hear him praise the Lord after praying for his conversion all those years is music to my ears.
Please Do NOT be afraid to proclaim that you are a Roman Catholic Christian! We have been given the Pearl of Great Price! Proclaim it from the rooftops!! Thank-you to you all for this program!! ♥️
I'd rather be an Atheist than a RC. They worship a man made religion based on fear. The RC Church is full of Paedophile Priests. The Religion, is in my opinion, full of Hypocrisy. My Mother's worst fear was that I would marry a RC and be brainwashed with Dogma, fear and lies.
@@phoenixrising5088 I would not then, be listening to a Catholic podcast, unless you just want to be a pest and act UnChristian-like... Hypocrisy?.. please check yourself, and God Bless...
When my son, at age 16, had a death experience. He says, he remembers watching him being born, his Dad and I getting married etc as a film. He was close to death for 7 months. He said, he could hear everything, even though he was in a coma, nearest to death on the coma scale, for 7 holidays time period. He said, he was not dead for long. He remembers being able to see the life flight on the helicopter. This was about the same time, I was being told by a man that came up on his wreck and told me he had no pulse etc and thought he had passed away. I started praying for my son around the same time Jacob remembers being able to watch himself on the helicopter. My son has a severe brain injury. He is a miracle. Doctors can not believe he lived. I never stopped praying for my son. I still have not stopped because he says, he doesn't believe in God. Please pray for Walter Jacob Robohn and Emily N. Bolduc. I have two children that don't believe in God.
My middle daughter married a atheist and now tells us she doesn’t believe in God. I pray everyday she returns her heart to God and lead her little boys to God to know and love him. There is a man Named Keith Nester that leads a rosary everyday at five pm central time. We call ourselves the rosary crew. We put our petitions in the chat and pray for everyone’s else’s petitions. It is so nice to have many people to pray with and there is many people from around the world. Check it out. Keith is very good at giving us food for thought. I’ll pray for your two boys.
@@angelapitkin7097 Yes, it has been very difficult on my heart. I constantly pray for Walter Jacob Robohn to believe in God and follow him. 🙏 Emily is getting better because she has been sick and she has watched me pray for her. She is getting better. She is 18 and been sick for 17 months.
@@angelapitkin7097 Yes, it has been very difficult on my heart. I constantly pray for Walter Jacob Robohn to believe in God and follow him. 🙏 Emily is getting better because she has been sick and she has watched me pray for her. She is getting better. She is 18 and been sick for 17 months.
My father died 11 years before my mother died, and as she was bed-bound, my mom said he would visit her quite often during the last year of her illness. She said he would just stand next to her to keep her company, and it took her awareness off her pain. It was a huge consolation for my mom to see him, thanks be to God.
The most beautiful experience in our lives is death....WE GO HOME!!! The bliss and calm is beyond human expression. I know I didn't want to come back, I wanted to go with my Angels. They told me I had to go back.
As a hospice nurse, I've been blessed to walk with many people toward the other side. Some experiences really blew my mind... One thing though: I feel like the Divine Mercy Chaplet is a powerful tool to use when someone is dying. I pray it every time while going to my patients.
@Bo Em: Thank you for what you are doing and for praying Divine Mercy Chaplet with/for them! That’s the true help and the “ticket” that helps them to successfully cross “the border” in the right direction (you know what I mean, I hope☺️). St. Faustina Kowalska speaks exactly about this prayer! May God bless you and keep you in His peace always!❤️🙏🏻🕊
@@user-rz7cm2we3x yes, I do know 🙂. I'm originally from Poland, one of my mom's favorite books was Faustyna's "Diary", my parents prayed Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3pm after my mom retired. At first, I didn't understand that devotion, ha... it even irritated me that they would stop everything they were doing and pray. But then I noticed our neighbors would come by 3pm to pray with them. That sparkled my curiosity, I peeked a couple of times into "Diary", went with my mom to Lagiewniki... and the rest is a history. I've "infected" my family with this devotion as well, always trying to encourage Catholics to pray it. It's only mere 7 minutes to pray it! That's my argument for my teenagers, when they complain 😉
@@boem3021:Thank you for sharing! I am Polish myself😄, but now I live in Japan and can only dream about reading St. Faustyna’s „Dzienniczek. Miłosierdzie Boże w duszy mojej”! I remember my parents had this book (Oh, it’s huge!), and they also prayed this chaplet regularly, my Mum prayed it with a chaplain over my Dad in the hospital when he was already unconscious (he didn’t regain consciousness after an operation), and when my husband and I came finally to see Dad (we were in the mountains with no cellular phones - they were a rarity at that time) he was already under life support (literally the machine was pumping oxygen into him) and he passed away the same night. I was pregnant at that time and was crying awfully even before they disconnected him from the machines, because I just knew that Dad was dying. We went to the church nearby (my husband and myself) and several people there were praying, probably the Divine Mercy chaplet, it was in the afternoon), so we joined in the prayer.
@@boem3021: Maybe I’ll just ask my Mum to send me this book or I’ll try to find it online somehow, because even if I would find it here, it would probably be in Japanese, completely “unreadable” for me😅. May God bless you and keep you! ❤️🙏🏻🕊
An acquaintance of mine years ago was a pediatric nurse and a little girl was in the hospital dying. She looked toward the window and said "Look, the angels are coming for me" and shortly after passed away. I cry every time I think about it.
My first Catholic Priest, Fr. "Spike" Speichinger, was in a plane crash shortly after Ordination. He died on the operating room table, and could see all the goings-on in the room. When he came back into his body, he sat right up on the table, freaking out the surgeons. He lived 50 more years, in pain and nerve damage from the crash (not his re-entry lol). He was an excellent Priest and a victim soul. Fr. Spike, pray for us!
@Michelle ishappy: What is a victim soul? I have never heard that term. No offense but I really don't know what it means. Please reply. Thanks and God bless you!
@@XSD.1. ...someone who goes through similar suffering that Our Lord went through. Mystic Saints like Padre Pio and Blessed Catherine Emmerich went through terrible suffering, but were rewarded with visions of Jesus and Mary,as well as the gifts of prophecy. Worth studying these great Saints as well as many others.
My 21 year old son passed away a little over a month ago in a car accident. Days before he passed, I had a dream where he was hugging tightly his biological father in a very bright place, as if it was all bright clouds, and I saw him with a smile so at peace and joyful. In my dream I was able to see both faces at the same time, and I told myself it made no sense since he never met him, nor did he want to. Trying to make sense at that moment, I justified that it could be her needed acceptance from him. Then I woke up. Three days later my son died in a car accident. I cried every night. A week after he passed, I was crying again and that moment God gave me the Grace to be able to interpret my dream by having a vision. I saw my dream all over, I saw my son joyful and such internal peace in the same bright place, then when I saw his biological father his face slowly changed to our Heavenly Father’s face, then it all made sense. Our father was waiting for him and embraced him when he passed, that’s why he was so at peace and joyful. Now I remember thinking it wasn’t Jesus’ face, but our father’s face. I know this meant a lot to my son, he always wished he could have a loving father and God embraced him in that love. Now, once I knew it was our Father, my vision stopped and when it stopped, I don’t remember what our fathers face looks like. I cried afterwards thanking our Lord for giving me this dream, vision and understanding. This grieving mother still cries for her son every day, I miss him so much. But I thank the Lord for this and all he has let me know my son is resting in peace and embraced in His love.
😢wow amazing…one day we will all be together again in the presence of our Savior King Jesus Christ. And you will hug your son again. Thank you for sharing dear sister❤
Only another parent who has suffered the loss of a child understands that grief.....every second of every minute of evety hour of every day......thank God we have our faith, Gods promises to us and the assurance that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Our children are wrapped in Gods love and yet still able to comfort us. Sending big hugs and lots of love
I am so sorry for your profound loss. I humbly suggest that you pray for the boy's father, I think there was a message there, I know how hard that is, my parents had 10 marriages and very little time for their children who weren't aborted, but I have had evidence that they both repented before their deaths, which was 25 years apart, and I know they are in Heaven because after my mom's death, I entered into the Catholic Church, she was very anti-Catholic, but no more! And after my Dad's death, I learned that Jesus is the Holy Eucharist. I was a very slow learner, but God didn't give up on me, and I don't give up on anyone, I hope for the salvation of myself, and of everyone. And I pray.
In January of this year my son, who is mentally challenged and suffers from seizures was fighting covid. As we were in the E.R. for a room to transfer him, he kept sitting up because he was unable to breath, I prayed to God saying, "Your Will Be Done." About an hour later he had a seizure, I stood there looking at him and a team of nurses, technicians and the E.R. doctor appeared within seconds. The doctor said to me that son had to be put on a respiratory because he stopped breathing, he asked if they could and said yes. Two nights later praying my rosary the Lord spoke to me and I saw my son with his arms in praise standing before God saying to God that he chooses to be with me! God granted his prayer and is home.
My father, at the age of 8, crossed over from a ruptured appendix. He said one minute he was in excruciating pain and the next he was pain free in a beautiful field of flowers. All of sudden he saw his eight-year-old sister, who had passed away two years earlier, skipping towards him. She was so excited to see him and was bringing him flowers. Behind his sister, was his mother, who had also died two years prior, with a very concerned look on her face urgently telling him to go back!! He said he thought he’d better obey his mom and returned to his body. He shared this story six months before he passed away at 86. I’m certain his sister and mom were there to greet him.
I must share my experience when my mother passed, mum was a Catholic she always prayed to Our Lady, when she passed I remember seeing her lying on her bed, I place my hand on her head and prayed a wonderful feeling came over me warmth love like nothing I have felt, then my sister arrived home angry at God she ask me why did God take our mother, still to this day I have no answers how these words came out of my mouth so fast without thought , I said to her why are you angry , our mother is now looking at the face of God, I had to sit down there was overload of love incredible feeling, the morgue came to take my mother, I finally got some sleep around early morning I had this dream my mum was in the wonderful place beautiful there was stream and small foot bridge she was on the other side, she said sorry to me it was too late to come back, I know she is Heaven , and the dream was so real it was vivid it was the peace and the love that I felt, and the comfort knowing Mum is in Heaven , Mum had a full Catholic funeral, another amazing bit Sunday morning me my Dad and my sister where headed to the funeral home, this was around 8 am, we were discussing songs for the Mass, I turn on the radio in the car and song that came on first was Ave Maria we all looked stunned my mother's favourite song as I said was very devoted to Our Lady, in fact next to her bed was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima , that song was played at Mum's funeral, some people will believe this is all coincidence but for me it was Mum's of saying I am alright I am Home , and to reaffirm the importance of the Rosary which Mum also did, not any out of body for me but it's an experience that I must share with others,
Brian Marto Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience. I believe what you experienced was real. While doing in home hospice private duty nursing I was taking care of a Catholic woman. Her family wanted to make sure she had her Rosary in hand at all times. I assured them that I was would make sure of that. About an hour before she died she began looking towards the end of bed and beaming (not just smiling but beaming!); she would look at the end of the bed and then look at me and then repeat this pattern. Then she looked at me and said, "isn't she beautiful?". I looked at the end of the bed and saw no one and said "who?". She replied . "why the Blessed Mother". She died shortly after. Mary was there to take escort this lady over to Jesus. There is power in prayer and especially the Rosary. This experience, even after several decades warms my heart and strengthens my belief.
When my mother was dying in a hospital, I was only 10 years old andshe was 42 I also had a sister age 8, The priest with her was from the Episcopal Church, and as she was saying The Our Father, she said "Oh! the Light!I the Light! I see the Light! And then she took her last breath. So I can believe that these stories are VERY real.
I couldn't be with my father when he died due to covid restrictions. I was able to spend time with him 4 hours prior to his death. I prayed the divine mercy chaplet at least 3 times and before I was forced to leave him I put holy water on his head, a rosary in his left hand and a st. Joseph medal in his right hand. I believe without a doubt he went home to God.
The government and medical personnel who force us to leave a dying family member is pure evil. I condem their actions to the fullest. May God be with you and your Loved ones today. And may he bring you love and mercy in these trying times.
@@popepiusix7444: Or when they just disconnect the dying person from the life supporting machines in ICU and only later inform the family that the patient has passed away.
@@efandmk3382 well spoken, from someone who's more of this world... And has no idea of which he/she speaks. The covid lockdowns and restrictions were ridiculous & cruel.
Wow, I died when I was 3 years old during a routine op for tonsillectomy, 1972. I’ve come to learn from old school doctors it was not uncommon for very small children to have an NDE during that time because of the unknown amt of anesthesia to use. Supposedly iffy during that time frame for very small toddlers and babies. I did experience the bright white light and loving comfort of Jesus. I had a huge gain of knowledge and an enormous sense of compassion. I saw the anesthesiologist bawling into her hands, I knew instantly how she felt, what she was thinking, who she was who her family was her life ahead of her. I knew this would ruin her life, her heart and soul would be crushed. She kept saying a loud what am I going to tell her mother, what am I going to say? Her soul was shattered, didn’t have to be nudged or told it’s not your time, go back etc. I lined up to go back immediately!! I could not bare that type of suffering. She was a young mother a rare breed in 1972. I remembered so much more, too long to go into. A lifetime of strangeness, but I believe it was meant to happen because I know I would have thought God and Jesus was just a myth. It was a blessing I can not put into words.
About 43 years ago I had a near death dream! In it I was very ill and in ICU with lots of equipment around me. I heard someone say “ We are losing her!” I drifted up toward the ceiling and was feeling very peaceful. I did not want to go back into my body. Looking down I saw my husband with my two small sons, but he was also holding a baby in his arms. He called out to me “ Please don’t leave us, we need you” At that I came back into my body and at the same time I woke up. I wasn’t sure what had happened, it felt so real. I had to wake my husband and ask him if I had died! He was probably not too happy at being woken up but he reassured me and both of us went back to sleep. The dream appeared to me to be a premonition. We had two children at that time. A year later I had a totally unexpected third baby. A year after that, I was diagnosed with cancer. It got me on my knees to God and I was converted to real faith. I think He was telling me through this dream that although I would have a serious illness, I would live to raise my three children. Indeed that is what happened. Thank you Lord. Incidentally, I had not read anything about near death experiences until much later, so I was not influenced by them.
I remenber when my Mother passed I was the only one of her children with her. I thank God I was there. Before she passed with her last breathe she told me she loved me. I will never forget this. As she passed I felt her spirit go right through my body. I was weak for a long while. Praise God I believe she is with Our Lord in Heaven.
My grandmother died in 1976, when I was 14. She died in the hospital of a massive heart attack. I never got to say good-bye to her. Soon after her death, I had a dream of her. She was sitting down (although I did not see the chair), and she was smiling, surrounded by a beautiful bright light. She looked very content and in peace. She did not say a word.....but her smile said it all. I was at peace in my heart, because I knew she was well and she was happy. 🙏🙂†
My beloved Grandma had macular degeneration with age, but at the closeness of death God restored her perfect vision and a heavenly calm to tell us all she was about to leave this world at the hospital bed. She left a message to each one of us and passed away that very night. May God keep her.
Similarly, as my Mom passed in an out of consciousness she spoke of people she had seen. One of the last things she told us was, "That's Manny. He's come for me." Manny is our Dad who passed 20 years before Mom passed. She said this just after the 11x17 framed portrait of them over her bed moved all by itself. It hung there, above her on the wall, at an angle until my sister moved it back. Clearly, it was our Dad who had come for her. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!
I'm laying in bed feeling like I can't do my work because we're suffering out third loss at 8 weeks. This gave me hope. How much I love our Mother church.
Elizabeth, may God hold you tenderly in His arms and surround you with His comfort. There are many things I would love to share with you, but let me focus on your loss. I have a dear friend who had for miscarriages, but she fought for a real diagnosis and ultimately got a complete work-up at Georgetown Hospital. They eventually found both a clotting and a bleeding disorder. She had to be very closely monitored, had to take several blood by-products to handle both the bleeding and clotting, and she had two healthy babies. Don't give up. But offer up all your suffering so not the tiniest grief is wasted. Blessings.
(Take this from me a evil sinner no better than anyone). I say all this out of love and concern ( I'm far from perfect). At Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago Jesus Christ cried out in John 19 vs 30 it is finished meaning complete and totally done.) (Christ payment at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need ( wasn't a down payment) and than we add our half through works to make it a full one no not at all ) ( Christ payment at Calvarys cross 2000yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need (was a full and complete payment) he fully paid the whole bill once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather it's salvation, forgiveness, healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished he cried out on calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago in john19vs30 meaning complete and totally done). (And to add anything to what Christ has already fully accomplished once 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need , to add anything to it like adding our church and deeds to it , like adding confession to it is saying Jesus didn't do it all at Calvarys cross long ago only half so I got to add my half because two half's make a whole and that mindset is totally wrong ) ( what Jesus did at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door (doesn't need anything added to it) he fully paid the whole bill once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation, forgiveness healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished meaning complete and totally done he cried out on the cross in john19vs30. ( We must understand it's not about Baptist Methodist, , assembly of God these are all church titles ( no salvation in church titles ) (it's only about what Jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago alone ) (and our heart faith must be in him alone and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone. ) (While going to church isn't wrong ( it becomes wrong when we make it our salvation and idiol ( salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us long ago alone )( that's it and that's all). (According to Hebrews 12 vs2 ) Jesus at this moment is seated in heaven by the Fathers right hand and just the fact Jesus sat down in heaven says he doesn't need to get back up and die again he did it all once and for all totally and completely at Calvarys cross when he shead his blood for our sins ,fully paid the whole bill in full once totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation forgiveness, healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished he cried out on calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago meaning complete and totally done. ) ( And now the spiritual door is open to freely receive as a gift by faith alone in Christ Jesus and what he did at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which fully paid once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation, forgiveness, healing etc. ) (It's not what Jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago (plus this are that) ( it's only what jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago alone and our heart faith and acceptance of him). (Mathew chapter 23 vs 9) says call no man father (meaning in the church) for there is one Father above (and really we can't call God above our Father until we first accept his only way of salvation Jesus Christ who alone died for us). (Mathew chapter 6 vs 7) says do not pray vain repetition prayers like the heathens do ( chanting a prayer with the sames words over and over like a ritual and ceromonony). (Jesus always existed in heaven in spiritual form) way before he was born on Earth in human flesh) ( Jesus always existed and he will never ceases to exist He's God part of the trinty and God always was and always will be). ( No salvation in Mary). (Salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us alone). Acts 4 vs12 says there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved ( but the name of Jesus). (Romans 5 vs 8 God demonstrated his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.) (According to John 14 vs 6 Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father above heaven and salvation ( noone else) this is because only Jesus Christ God's only Son and Savior sent from above who always existed in heaven in spiritual form way before he was born on Earth in human flesh who will always exist because he's God part of the trinty and God always was, Jesus alone went to Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago and shead his blood for our sins which alone open the spiritual door. ) (When Jesus said unless you eat of my flesh and drink my blood u can't have life ( it was a figure of speech) he wasn't talking about literally cannbilsm literally eating his flesh and literally drinking his blood no and he wasn't talking about communion saying he literally becomes the juice in blood and literally becomes the bread in body no ( it was a figure of speech) he's not coming down at communion literally becoming the juice and bread in flesh and blood no according to Hebrews 12 vs2 Jesus at this moment is seated in heaven by the Fathers right hand and just the fact Jesus sat down in heaven says he doesn't need to get back up and die again he did it all once long ago at Calvarys cross and cried out it is finished meaning complete and totally done). (with this figure of speech) he wasn't t literally talking communion and he wasn't literally talking about cannbilsm he was only referencing to Calvary saying unless you truly by faith from deep within freely accept him and the blood he shead at Calvarys cross which he already did at this point, which would bruise his body than u can't be saved and have eternal life). (Water baptism and communion though necessary ( don't save us) ( no such thing as sacrements) they only symbols like a ring is to marriage ( but they don't save) ( salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us alone ). ( Look at theif on cross crucified next to Jesus in Luke) theif was dying he couldn't go to confession are communion only had time to cry out to Jesus Lord remember me and was instantly saved) ( which goes to show that salvation and even daily change (is not in anything we do) ( but only if Jesus Christ who died for us alone ) ( and out heart faith in him alone). (Ephesians chapter 2 vs 8 thru 9 says for by grace which is simply God's umerited favor given freely as a gift through Jesus and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone) are you saved through faith not of works it is the gift of God). (Two things about God's grace we can't abuse it living sloppy and sinful and we can't earn God's grace.) (Everything from God from (a thru z) (comes only by faith for free) (through the cross alone ) (where Christ died long ago for u and me) rather it's salvation, forgiveness, healing ,rather it's purity given to us in God's sight , rather it's God's spirit changing us and breaking the shackles of sinful addiction,. rather it's entering heaven instead of hell ( it's all freely given by heart faith alone in Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone) ( Romans 3 vs 23 all have sinned we all broke God's commandments lying, stealing , using his name in vain , thinking dirty lustful thoughts etc and no good deed we do can change the fact were guilty Sinner that deserves hell ( just like in court if we guilty of murder no good deed we do can change that (it's the same with God) (God in his love only made one way to be saved and changed) (only one way to be made totally pure in his sight and escape hell cause there is no purgatory and enter heaven when our faith is in him alone from the heart and what he did and here's the only answer. ( Romans 5 vs 8 God demonstrated his love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us (salvation is simply Roman's 10 vs 13 says Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved ( we just humbly call on God in prayer from the ❤️ heart by faith ) in humble repentance really wanting to be saved and changed broken about our sins admitting God I'm a guilty Sinner that lies steals and cheats please save my soul, through what your only Son Jesus Christ did at Calvarys cross long ago alone for my sins and I accept the risen king as Savior and Lord. ). (Than instantly right on the spot through our heart faith and acceptance of Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone we saved, forgiven, made totally pure by Christ blood he shead long ago, given by God's spirit a change of heart, granted heaven instead of hell, and than because of our heart faith alone in Christ and Calvary we than become dead to our old self ruled by the sin nature, and we than become alive unto God spiritually speaking on the inside risen with Christ as a new creature in Christ 2nd corthians5vs17 ( and we get this and keep it the same way not through our works but through our heart faith and acceptance of Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone ( agreeing and truly accepting is different) ( on utube watch sbn live)
Thanks! As my husband was about to die, he looked at a blank wall, raised his arm and seemed to see our son ( who had passed away 3 months earlier) repeating his name twice💔💔
My mother was blind . When I went to see her she was crying and I had to ask her if it was a happy cry or a sad cry. She was seeing Jesus. She always called Jesus "Our Lord". That was the first time I heard her say Jesus. She was so happy and she told me that I was going to be okay. Another time she wouldn't do her PT, she was very upset. So we left her alone for awhile and she told me how beautiful heaven was. Then she calmed down and she told me the Blessed Mother told her to do the PT.
@@BryceDAnderson1952 Jesus wanted me to tell you that he loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins. He's been knocking on the door of your heart waiting for you to open that door and let him in. Please open your heart and Let Jesus into your heart! You will never be the same. He will change your life for the best! in peace and love
@@reginasyliboy8507 Jesus did NOT die for Adolf Hitler......or Ted Bundy. After my father died in 1960, Mom paid the bills....NOT JESUS!!! I pray to Mom.....go preach to somebody else that buys into your bullshit.
The night my father-in-law died he came to let me know that he was saved. He knew that I was worry about his salvation. He had been Hindu all of his life. He accepted Jesus as his savior on his death bed, thanks to my wife praying the Rosary at his side and baptizing him with holy water. God bless you all. I planted a black fig tree on the spot, in our backyard, where he appeared to me. We named the tree after him.
Greg R, extraordinary beautiful testimony. I loved to read it. I am worried about my parents-in-law as well. I always pray for them. God bless you and your family, amen
@Me You don't have the right to tell God what He is. You're lucky that He came, personified in His only begotten son - Jesus. Jesus founded His Church on St Peter's shoulders. That church is the Catholic church.
My daughter died of brain cancer in 1978. On her death, I was holding her hand. On her actual death, her energy flowed out of her body and for an instant, I felt where she was. I saw everything at once. She's in a safe place waiting for me.
That's called a "shared death experience." I'm sorry for your loss. A shared death experience is a huge blessing to the loved ones of someone who has just died.
When I died , my soul left my body, I saw the monitor with a straight line with a noise I saw doctors and nurses working on me then my head kind looked at middle and I saw all my life like a flash go by me, then I looked up to a big bright light with two hands held out towards me inviting me to go with God. I felt unworthy , my soul did not feel ready or worthy enough to go to heaven and I asked God for another chance . At the instance I went back in my body and I came back. I was home after a major surgery within 9 days. I did not say anything for the longest time because I was afraid people would think I was crazy. Then after many many years I decided to evangelize this because people need to know there is a heaven a God and a purgatory as well as a hell🙏😊Thank you nadia
I was 10 when I had a near death experience. It was beautiful. Getting to that point was horrible and terrifying, but once I was gone it was the most tranquil and peaceful feeling you could ever imagine. I didn’t see the face of Jesus, but I saw 3 figures in the distance and knew it was Him and two people close to me that recently had passed. You knew who they were with just the feeling in your heart. The light behind them was stunning and it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. The 3 people looked at each other and shook their heads and I slowly returned to my body and then woke up. I was in a coma for over 3 days while this all took place and received the Anointing of the Sick while I was out and shortly before I flatlined. It was stunning.
God is just and merciful. He somehow gives everyone the opportunity to accept him even if it's at the last moment before death. He wants all humanity to be saved.
Praise be God I had a near death experience when I was allowed to see the aborted babies and how they played in Mary's gardens outside the gates and how happy they were but waiting for their parents
@@timward3142 "Thinking" is impersonal, and usually refers to merely rational thoughts on the natural level. " Belief" is deeply personal and refers to an intuitive understanding of of the hidden nature of another person, it is a type of "knowing" that is much closer to our hearts and more important to us than mere rational thought. When I choose to trust someone that is me deciding to act on the positive belief I have in that person. I think that maybe we can believe IN God while we think that God does not exist.
I had a dream once where my grandfather came to me warning me about over indulging in alcohol. However I didn’t stop drinking right then and shortly after this dream I had 2 bad episodes from being heavily intoxicated. One where I had a car accident and another where I had a serious argument with my cousin, my grandads grandson. We made up after this and it was forgotten about as I reached out to him in my remorse. Thankfully I don’t drink anymore, or only take one now to pass myself. The urge to drink left me after I prayed a lot in relation to it.
Praise God! I don't drink at all, because both of my parents were alcoholics, and I just know that I would become one if I drank. My Dad joined AA and I got to know him for 25 years before he passed away. My mom passed away 25 years earlier, she did not join AA, but she did come back to God before she died, and then she prayed for me, and I came to know and love Him, after her death. Our God is so GOOD.
After my foster mother had a serious surgery, she did she saw her mother but her mother said she had to go back because 3 babies were coming. She thought it meant she would get 3 more foster children. When I was pregnant with triplets, I reminded her of what she told me several years earlier.
I’m publishing a weekly RUclips video on episodes from the life of Don Bosco, entitled ST JOHN BOSCO by JOE ZAMMIT. In this series I’m narrating events and miracles from the splendid life of Don Bosco. St John Bosco used to perform a miracle almost every day, through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. From the lives of saints we can learn how to love God more and draw closer to him. Thank you.
@@martinkent333 You're disgusting. What a hateful person you are throwing your trash around to everyone because you are not satisfied with your own life. This is why I pity you. So full of hate and anger and yet claim to be free. You are enslaved to your own appetites and that is why you are full of these dark emotions. I pray that you find mercy.
When my mom was dying, my sister and sister in law were singing and suddenly they heard angelic voices singing with them. They said that they look at each other and keep singing. It was an extraordinary experience for them!!
Absolutely, so true! BVM visited my mom on Holy Thursday and she died on Good Friday 2 hrs to the minute after praying and consecrating her last 2 hrs to BVM! My mom always thought Good Friday would be best day to die! The Lord is so good
I remember when my mother was dying, she had lots of visitors. We, her family, had our own experiences with seeing blurry movements about the house. We could tell there were many visitors from Heaven coming and going. One thing that was interesting was, mom kept talking about seeing children running around the room, playing and giggling. The dying process is fascinating.
I had a revelation from God when I was in my early twenties. It may be recognized as a near death experience. Or more like an inner body experience, as opposed to an out of body experience. God took me into my most inner foundation and appeared as a little baby boy. He was about 1 years old. He took my hands and a great fire and light appeared over Him. It was like a pillar of fire all around me. The baby could look into the heart of the light in the fire but I could not. It was too powerful. The fire blasted down into the baby boy and through His Body, through His hands. It then passed into mine. I felt electricity and power running throughout my entire being, inside and out. There was no pain or fear. I was in awe! Paralyzed by His Power. It felt like God was electrocuting me with thunder and lightning and my whole body was lit on fire, but I wasn't consumed by it. And then a bold and gentle voice came from above in the heart of the pillar of fire. The voice said, " I AM, Jesus - King Of The Heavens and the Earth! Do Not Be Afraid". His power and light kept moving through me and through the room. It was everywhere. Darkness did not exist there. As this power was passing through the baby's hands the baby's face was expressing a physically impossible joyous ecstasy. HIs eyes were like shimmering crystals and His smile was so wide that His face couldn't contain the expression. It is impossible to explain. God's voice from above continued to say something to me but it became inaudible. It was more like telepathy or an imprint. I became so overwhelmed by His Majesty that I could not understand what He was saying. The whole experience became too powerful. My physical body began to cripple and my eyes began to black out. After I fainted I immediately opened my eyes again and I was back in my normal life in this reality. I just sat in complete silence. I didn't move my body at all. I was in complete consolation and awe. There is more to the vision but these are the most important parts. Over time God has helped me understand certain aspects of the vision. He revealed Himself to me so I would not doubt who He is. To tell others to trust in Him because He is who He says He is. And He is more powerful than we could ever imagine. No matter what happens on this planet or in the whole of complete existence, nothing can stand against Him to defeat Him.
@Jah Cello: Thank you for sharing your experience! I have one question, does this experience mean that God, One in the Holy Trinity, while being personal is also pure good power, good energy in essence? I have no idea if I haven’t committed any blasphemy right now, I just don’t know, but sometimes I have such inklings. That would explain virgin birth and Eternal Virginity of Our Lord’s Mother, Holy Virgin Mary, that would explain the Transfiguration on the mountain and the very Resurrection (with the traces of it left on the Shroud of Turin). May God bless you and keep you in His peace always!❤️🙏🏻🕊
@chirpywiggins5796 How was he able to "see" while unconscious? You can't see through your eyelids. I don't know why you would say "brain acfivity" and pretend that it's a valid explanation for what that person experienced.
Nintendo characters? Santa Clause? Yamatoots? Yamraj? For those who want to know the full story.......... THE NDE STUDIES.....(Los Angeles Times excerpts) Researchers estimate that around 17% of people have an NDE. That means about 80% don't. Scratch beneath those alleged flat EKG lines and the stories are a veritable Twilight Zone of inconsistencies. Some near-death voyagers claim to have met God - BUT A FEW SAW ELVIS PRESLEY OR GROUCHO MARX, researchers say. Others get to heaven not through the famous "tunnel", but ABOARD GHOSTLY TAXI CABS, FERRIES THAT CROSS THE RIVER STYX, OR SPANGLED COWS. Even some children - often touted as the best source of unbiased information - sometimes return from "death" CLAIMING THEY WERE GREETED IN THE OTHER WORLD by STILL LIVING TEACHERS and NINTENDO CHARACTERS. HINDUS WHO BELIEVE IN YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of death, EXPERIENCED MEETING HIM. A Hindu girl "died" AND WENT TO HEAVEN ON A COW. Would that mean western people will be riding cows to heaven? Jews who don't believe in Jesus or "hell", experienced meeting God as described in the Old Testament, while messianic Jews experienced God as Jesus. Any reports of Christians meeting Muhammad, or Muslims meeting Jesus or the Virgin Mary, or Jews meeting Guru Nanak, if they exist, have not been publicized. Dr. Richard Eby had an NDE and allegedly Jesus told him he had to back, and that he (Jesus) would be returning (2nd coming) before he died permanently. BUT DR. RICHARD EBY HAS NOW DIED AND JESUS HAS NOT RETURNED. A few hospitals have placed signs in their cardiac units - with nonsensical messages visible only from above - BUT SO FAR NOBODY HAS RETURNED FROM DEATH CLAIMING TO HAVE FLOATED UP AND SEEN ONE. In one study carried out, the experiences of 16 Asian Indians were compared with those of Americans, and IT WAS FOUND THAT THE INDIANS HAD ENCOUNTERED YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of the dead, WHILE THE AMERICANS HAD NOT. You would expect that if any one particular religious account of the afterlife was true, NDEs would be pretty much the same. BUT THESE ACCOUNTS ARE SO VARIED AND ARE ARE ALL BASED ON CULTURAL EXPOSURE. IN INDIA, PEOPLE SEE HINDU GODS; IN SAUDI ARABIA ITS ALLAH, MOHAMED, AND A BUNCH OF VIRGINS. The kid from the book/movie Heaven Is For Real, saw a Jesus with sea-green blue eyes ON A RAINBOW COLORED HORSE, GOD WITH HUGE WINGS, YELLOW HAIR AND BLUE EYES; and ONE LITTLE GIRL WENT TO HEAVEN AND WAS GREETED BY A PORTLY MAN WITH A WHITE BEARD AND RED CAP, aka SANTA CLAUSE. The Mapuche people of South America and residents of Hawaii are more likely to SEE LANDSCAPES AND VOLCANOES, whereas NDEs in Thailand rarely involve landmarks, tunnels, or light. For Tibetans, light features more heavily AS DO ILLUSIONS OF REINCARNATION. Europeans and North Americans often visualize beautiful gardens; intriguingly the Kalai of Melanesia are more inclined to SEE AN INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD OF FACTORIES. An NDEr's subjective recollections can be attributed to many factors: THE NDEr's PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, ETC., NOT JUST CULTURE. The terrain of Heaven also varies wildly - from gardens, forests, and CATTLE FILLED PASTURES in some accounts, to clouds, COMPUTER ROOMS OR CASTLES, in others. A TEXAN SAW BARBED WIRE FENCES IN THE AFTERLIFE. Micronesians describe LARGE NOISY CITIES WITH CARS AND SKYSCRAPERS. Drug addicts, felons (murder), suicides, hedonists, abusers, mean people, and gay people have all claimed to encounter heaven. Strangely, people have claimed to enter some "hell" FOR THE SAME REASONS. AND THE INFAMOUS ADOLF HITLER HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN HEAVEN. Again, strangely, he's also been seen in some "hell". Contradictions abound. There are reports of bad NDE trips involving TORTURES BY ELVES, GIANTS, MONSTERS, etc. Some parapsychologists take these as evidence of the mythical places of various religions. But, IF SO, THEN WHAT IS ONE TO CONCLUDE FROM THE FACT THAT OVER 80% OF PEOPLE NEAR DEATH DO NOT EXPERIENCE ANYTHING, neither the heavenly or the diabolical? This is a wonder. Is the hereafter actually mining and refining raw materials needed to build castles, cars, barbed wire fences, computers, and skyscrapers? From where do they get this material and tools? Not to mention the raw materials and tools needed to construct an ever increasing number of those cages and cubes in the Christian hell, as a few claim. Who builds those cages? And which of the variety of "hells" do you actually go to? Christian? Buddhist? Spiritualist? Hindu? Muslim? Some other one? The answer seems to be whichever one the experience has been exposed to, as Thai NDErs regularly claim to encounter LORD YAMA AND YAMATOOTS, COMPLETE WITH TALKING DECEASED ROOSTERS, and being sentenced to Buddhist "hell" for butchering and eating chicken, then reincarnated as birds. DOES THAT MEAN WESTERNERS WILL UNKNOWINGLY BE HEADING TO BUDDHIST "HELL" FOR EATING CHICKEN? Thai accounts state that butchers become lumps of meat in Buddhist "hell", so what then awaits Western slaughterhouse workers? Even in her rather homogeneous Western European clientele, Kubler-Ross could see the effects of early enculturation: " I NEVER ENCOUNTERED A PROTESTANT CHILD WHO SAW THE VIRGIN MARY IN HIS LAST MINUTES, YET SHE WAS PERCEIVED BY MANY CATHOLIC CHILDREN." But there also are some hard-to-explain differences, Melvin Morse says. Whereas American near-death survivors are typically sent back by God because “it’s not your time yet,” INDIA'S AFTERLIFE VISITORS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE TOLD THERE WAS A “CLERICAL ERROR.” Even more curious: SOMETIMES THE BEING OF LIGHT IS ELVIS PRESLEY. Moody has chronicled at least two such sightings. A PERSON MAY APPEAR DEAD TO OUR SENSES OR OUR SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT, BUT STILL BE PERCEIVING. In fact, we now have evidence that patients who appear brain dead, may in fact be capable of conscious thought. In 2006, scientists in the UK and Belgium did an fMRI on a woman in a vegetative state and FOUND THAT PARTS OF HER BRAIN SHOWED ACTIVITY WHEN SHE WAS SPOKEN TO, AND ASKED TO THINK ABOUT THINGS LIKE PLAYING TENNIS. Yet the evidence for near-death paranormal powers remains shaky at best. TWO STUDIES HAVE FOUND THAT PATIENTS’ “OUT OF BODY” ACCOUNTS OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPERATING ROOM WERE WRONG. So were the 1988 Armageddon forecasts hyped by Ring and others. Michael Sabom, however, offers a compromise stance: He rejects the idea that they provide glimpses of a heaven or hell. "I’m not saying these people didn’t experience something odd. But I am saying that we should take it with a grain of salt, because IF ANECDOTES MEET YOUR STANDARD FOR WHAT QUALIFIES AS EVIDENCE, then you should probably start buying tin foil and food buckets, because THERE ARE JUST AS MANY PEOPLE WHO REPORT SEEING REPTILIANS AND WHO HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS." But what about veridical NDEs - near-death experiences in which the person supposedly sees something they couldn’t otherwise have known while ‘flat-lining’ and others are able to verify that what they saw is indeed correct. The most notorious example of this is Maria’s shoe. A lady named Maria reportedly left her body, floated around and saw a shoe on a ledge outside her hospital window, that she ‘couldn’t have possibly seen.’ Her critical care provider, Kimberly Clark, looked outside and saw the shoe, just as described. BUT WHEN RESEARCHERS TRIED TO TRACK DOWN MARIA TO CONFIRM CLARK'S STORY, THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO FIND ANY SUCH PERSON OR ANYONE ELSE TO CORROBORATE THE ACCOUNT. And when they placed a shoe on the ledge, it was clearly visible from the hospital room, PROVING CLARK HAD EXAGGERATED AT LEAST PART OF THE STORY. Here’s the topper. There is no record of Maria being in that hospital. There is Dr. Melvin Morse's discovery of "a portal" in the brain that when stimulated, triggers a NDE. He writes that some are threatened by this, as the discovery makes the experience seem unreal. Sixty years ago, Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, poked around the right temporal lobe of some epileptic patients and discovered that they would hear heavenly music, relive their pasts in 3D, and have out-of-body visions. Similar experiments continue. There’s growing evidence that the temporal lobe plays a huge role in creating NDEs. When patients had their brains scanned after an NDE, it was discovered that they had increased levels of temporal lobe activity compared with those in a control group. THAT COULD EXPLAIN WHY ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE HAVE NDEs. When Dr. Olaf Blanke implanted electrodes into the brains of patients, HE WAS ABLE TO TRIGGER SUPERNATURAL AND OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES BY STIMULATING THE TEMPORAL PARIETAL JUNCTION.
What a beautiful thing our Lord does, letting children have their visions and reassuring their parents before they go. I cannot imagine losing a child, but this gift must bring great comfort to the parents at such a terrible time.
It's actually a good thing that kids pass on, before they reach an age of accountability. Otherwise they could have ended up tortured. So people shouldn't mourn.
I worked in a cardiac ward as a nurse. I had one patient who died of a cardiac arrest but we brought him back through Resuscitation. He had a guedels airway in his mouth so couldnt speak, but I remember holding his hand as he came back to life. He had a look of absolute terror in his eyes! He squeezed my hand sooooo hard as if asking for help! I automatically began praying , but he went back into cardiac arrest and died. In hindsight- I wished I had been more prayerful as an RN on the ward!
While Nursing in a Nursing Home,and sèing many death there is on death I saw that the resident's facial expressions showed a deep fear in his eyes the Nurse that was working with me began praying for him I'm so hoping he is now resting in peace this is one death I will always remember. I used to pray before entering my building to take care of my Residents during my shift
@@ceceliajamieson1852 feel free to find it whatever you wish. While you are at it, go find a safe space to nurture your feewings, find an echo chamber to voice how "offended" you are. And whatever else you need to do as a snowflake. Reality doesn't care. Nor do your 'findings' have anything to do with my comment. Whatever you read into it is the product of your snowflake mentality. Your "findings" are as relevant to my comment as your initial comment to the NDE topic.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you know someone is dying, PLEASE pray the Devine Mercy chaplet for them! Jesus said that if this chaplet is prayed for the person who is dying, He will welcome even the most harden sinner into His arms!!! Even if they’ve already passed, you can still pray it for them because our time & heaven’s time is not the same.🙏🙏🙏
I’m so happy y’all did this episode. It makes me feel more at peace about our faith and about Gods love for us. I had two miscarriages before I had my 2yr old son. It’s good to know I will see them in heaven God willing. Many Blessings to all. ❤️✝️🙏🌹
@K F: Well, I have four little angels in Heaven, as I had four miscarriages quite a few years ago and after I had my first son (who is now 21 and a half), and somehow I was always sure that my four babies are in Heaven, together with my Dad who had passed away before my first son was born. And still I started to cry watching his video... 😰 Let’s hope and pray that we will meet our dear loved ones and stay with them in Our Lord’s eternal presence for ever! 🙏🏻 May God bless you and keep you in His peace!❤️
@@lauraingeorgia5052: Well, as time passes, there are more and more family up there than down here, for sure! And I can say “we are seven” about our “nuclear family,” like in this Romantic poem by W. Wordsworth, but there are still more up in Heaven than down on earth 😅
That is so true Father! I had seven brain tumors I've had two removed. The first brain surgery the tumor was on the Thalamus (center of the brain) At that surgery I legally died. I saw Our Lady. She's breath takingly beautiful! I felt so loved, calm and peace filled. She touched me and 'giggled' and said, "no honey pray for peace". I pray every night, "please God make it tonight, don't make me wake up in the morning". He keeps making me wake up so I guess it's just not my time. Maybe tonight? "Pray for peace" ;)
We are in such need of Peace in this world, that is your special assignment from Our Lady, to pray for Peace. Please, offer up all of your discomfort for the Peace that Our Blessed Mother asked you to pray for. You are so dearly loved.
Just going to surgery tomorrow...I feel at ease and good about it.. Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother is with us at all times..ty Father's very much... Further I'll never apologize for my love of the Blessed Mother Mary....She said yes ..I say the Rosary. My mother loves me and everyone.. I choose to love my heavenly Mother Mary.. FOREVER...
Thank you for telling us! It makes me more encouraged about praying to saints for intercession. My mother was non-verbal, (I SO wish she could have told us like your mum did!) but she saw something completely awesome, as she went from a kind of stupor to staring with complete captivation and awe, a huge smile on her face fixated at something up near the corner of the room. After gazing non-stop for a while, she closed her eyes and never ate or drank or became conscious, until she died almost 2 weeks later.
Thanks for sharing. That is so beautiful! My brother is diabetic & there’s not much the doctors can do for him anymore but he goes to weekly Mass, Confession, once a month Healing of the Sick Mass...I think he’s well prepared. Soon, he will see our Lord’s Face & that’s a goal I think we all have! I will miss him but I will be happy for him as well!!!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph are not just the Holy Family but the incarnation of the Holy Trinity while on Earth and now in Heaven and they help us incarnate Jesus' work of Salvation and Redemption with our daily struggles, suffering and sacrifices united to his. Like Archbishop Fulton Sheen said about a victorious Catholic life: "There can be no ascent to a higher life without death to a lower one... If all we did during our lives was to go to Communion to receive divine life, to take it away and leave nothing behind, we would be parasites on the Mystical Body of Christ." Our dissolving Faith, especially about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is the result of us becoming takers, parasites, searching for sentimentalist emotions and spiritual entertainment at Mass and in false spiritualities, when we need to search for the Cross of Jesus that totally conquers the fear of death and gives us such assurance of Eternal Life that death becomes a celebration not a mourning. Sentimentalism and emotionalism only breeds compulsive fear.
The priest who gave my mother her Last Rites saw a vision of our Blessed Mother there in her room as he prayed with us as she was dying in May of 2018.
As a hemodialysis nurse years ago we had a BLIND, double amputee patient who wanted to die because she did not want to continue dialysis but her children would not allow her to stop dialysis. One evening while on dialysis she had a respiratory arrest. We proceeded to take her off treatment by giving back her blood which resulted in her beginning to breathe again; she had an out of body experience and told us nurses exactly what we did and very angry because we did not allow her to die. About a year later this same patient suddenly sat up in her bed, stretched out our arms and said” mama” and then she died.
Back in 1999 when my Mother was dying of lung cancer, I came home to take care of her. While taking her to the bathroom she asked me can I go home. I told her yes Mom you can go anytime you want to. She later asked my father and sister the same question they thought she was delusional they said you are home this is your home. They had no idea she was asking to go home to God. She died a week later. Rest in Peace Mom.
My grandfather spoke frequently of his mother who had unfortunately passed away when he was only 9. He knew he was going to die and he was very blessed to have passed away holding my grandmother's hands. So peaceful
God Bless you 🛐 You are hurting now but, you will be relieved of this pain when you are joined together again 🛐 I'm sorry for your earthly pain😓 I can not imagine 💔 😓🛐❣️✝️ I Love you in Christ ✝️
Dear Hope, I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know how you feel and can only imagine a part of such sorrow. Your son may not have had people around him when he died but that does not mean he died alone. May God give you solace and your son Rest In Peace.
God Bless you, sweet woman! But please know he was most definitely NOT alone! His angel was with him and, I believe, the souls of our loved ones, helping him into the most glorious of all kingdoms! You were not with him and for that, I’m sorry. But I know he was Not alone! Prayers for your comfort and strength until you are reunited! 🙏
This isn't about near-death experience but when we went home to our province in my father's hometown up the mountains to visit his tomb and clean it on his death anniversary, we encountered a brown friendly dog along the way. That dog accompanied us for 1hour+ until we reached my father's tomb. Upon reaching my father's tomb, the dog went under it and rested there while we cleaned the grasses around the tomb. We prayed and stayed there up in the mountain top for a while overlooking the mountainous region and the rivers below and bid farewell to our dearest papa afterwards . Interestingly, the dog never wandered to any place aside from staying near my father's tomb and I couldn't forget the somber look upon it's face. It seemed like he knew what we were feeling and he felt for us...we departed the place and he accompanied us till we reached the road where we were waiting for the car to arrive. I thought the dog could still stay with us and play with us for a while before we go back to town so i didnt mind playing with it. I only saw the dog afterwards heading to a house. When my uncle arrived, we went to thank the house where the dog headed to and the house owner said they didn't have a brown dog. We described the dog to the best of our memory but he said they had never seen any dog like that roaming around the area. I felt so bad I cried that I didn't even had the chance to pat the dog and play with him/her. I knew then from that moment that it was an angel perhaps or could be my father or any heavenly accompaniment. I really felt bad during that day until now but I guess I'm just thankful that during our loneliest days, a dog out of nowhere gave us hope to believe that we weren't alone. Whatever and whoever that dog could be, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us and making sure our hike up the mountain was safe and thank you for that moment we had with you even if it was just for a short time. Eternal rest grant into the soul of my father oh Lord, and let perpetual Light shine upon him. Amen.
My mother had a vision. She was pass talking, moving in the hospital bed. She had stage four colon cancer, had been in hospice for almost a month. Had a orange size tumor in her colon and in her chest. As we sat with her suddenly she reaches up in the air and says “mom, dad, I can’t get there yet,”. She passed three days later after my mom’s and dad’s anniversary. We think she was hanging on for Oct. 3rd for their anniversary of 60years. She had been very excited about going to celebrate their 60th anniversary. We had been planning it. We did a little celebration in her room and whispered in her ear Happy Anniversary mom, we talk aloud in her room about how they made their 60th anniversary and what wonderful parents we had. Dad wished her happy anniversary and kissed on her, squeezed her hand. We believe she heard us and then she knew she could let go.
Family rule: Don't freak out when someone dies. My grandmother died and came back and was angry because everyone was hysterical around her and she couldn't tell them she was OK. It scared her.
✨I had an NDE when i was 13 and the light... Its nothing like youve seen here. U cant imagine the absolute brightness. The love and peace i felt... Incomparable to anything here on earth..ppl were stsnding around me they were dressed in black and one kneeling over me said "what are u doing here? Youre not supposed to be here yet" i remember feeling so upset and devistated cause i didnt want to go. I didnt think of my mom or siblings or anyone i just wanted to stay there... I was being sucked back to earth.. Literally like a sucction sound and feeling then im in my body and open my eyes...
I died twice June 2017. I needed 4 pints of blood and surgery for appendicitis. My death experience was somewhat like you've been describing in the video. But totally different... There was no white light, or angels, or loved ones waiting for me. I was scared and confused. I met Jesus, everything he told me when I died the first time, and everything he showed me the second time has come to pass, plus I remember that there is more. I would like to share my story, but it's just too long.
I have had a near death experience too. What I went through will be pretty long story to tell as well. But I don't mind sharing what I went through with you and I would love to hear yours too.
I love Fr. Spitzer! He is a trusted source for true teachings of the church! He is also an excellent source on the Shroud of Turin! Thank you for this episode guys! I love your shows...great topics...and never just dry teaching! 💠
I have had numerous near death experiences during my life. None of my doctors can believe that I'm still alive. However rather than focus on the unknown relative to the near death experience I choose to focus upon the fact that I have nothing to fear regarding death. I continue to work to be the best Catholic that I can be and to be worthy of God's promise of a place in heaven.
I hope that you will be able to share your experiences, maybe on video or in writing, or both, because there are so many people who need to hear this. You are in my prayers.
As I stood beside my paternal grandfather's deathbed, I briefly saw a vision of his mother, who had died three and a half years prior. I said nothing about this at the time, but when we got home, my mother said that she felt her presence in the room. Only then did I recount what I saw, so there is no compromise of integrity.
What a beautiful and fantastic program! Both my parents died before I could get to them. When my husband was dying from cancer, I asked him not to do this without me. His response was "Now how do you expect me to do that?" But I was there at his side, and I saw his spirit rise up and leave his body. As hard as this was for me, it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I liked hearing about the experiences of the children who were dying, especially of the child who had met his sister.
Pardon me please, this is my second comment. You brought back a memory for me, of when my grandfather was dying. He was in and out of conscience...and he would be talking to dead relatives. At one point he was talking to someone, saying "not yet Roberta (my grandmother) isn't ready yet!" And during that conversation he was fascinated with the beautiful flowers in the vision that he was seeing. He grew flowers most of his life in greenhouses...so he knew his flowers! My takeaway is...that heaven has beautiful flowers that we haven t seen yet!!!
So many NDEs that I have read or scene documentaries on have people saying that the flowers in heaven are beyond anything here on earth and the colors too are not what we have here. Plus nothing they say is dead or dying, that is no brown leaves, etc. Its all amazing for sure. Best to you.
My mother had a vision in illness in hospital of Jesus in an image on a Wall. My father saw Crosses for weeks before his accidental death as did I. My father did have Parkinsons disease and was weakened by the illness but we saw the visions as a sign god was with him in later years. I did pray the rosary everyday at that time as I have started doing again
Keep praying the Rosary every day, for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother, as she requested at Fatima in 1929 for World Peace.
I recommend learning the rosary in Latin. The devil HATES Latin, since it is one of the 3 languages nailed to the cross. 😁 It's a bit of an effort, but it's so beautiful. There are several on youtube, if you're interested.
@@lauraingeorgia5052 I would respectfully argue the devil hates every language when the name of Jesus Christ is spoken. Although I personally enjoy the beauty in listening to hyms and gregorian chants in Latin, I think your native language is just as powerful in prayer.
My Mother also saw many children in the year before her passing. I became weary of Doctors telling me she was in dementia. I just believed that she was in between.
1985 I had a near-death experience, I had a grandmal seizure, I died and the next thing I knew I was outside of the stairwell I was above looking down at my boyfriend he was crying saying help me, someone. I did not know I was dead. But what I felt was an overwhelming empathy for him. He went back unto the apartment, and I saw my body lying there on the floor. The next thing I knew, I was back in my body. When I came to My boyfriend said you died your mouth was purple. I told him I seen you crying and knocking on the neighbors door I was above you. I went through the door. All I felt was an amazing love for you I felt your pain. My boyfriend said he didn't want to hear what I saw and felt. I can't explain it. Everything around me was bright.
A few years ago, I had a vision while praying that was so profound. I was a child in heaven and was part of a choir of angels. When the song finished, I ran to God our Father and wrapped my arms around his legs. He cupped my face with his hands. I felt immense love. When I looked up at him, I could not see his face, only light. It was so beautiful and consoling. I think about that all the time. I feel like God not only showed me his unconditional love but let me see what heaven will be like.
I’m watching/listening to this while I’m folding clothes and my eyes are welling up with tears 😂! I am grateful for this show. You guys are awesome and I pray for you often. Keep up the EXCELLENT work.
Great show guys! I died in the hospital when I was given a unit of blood that had been mislabeled . I was suffering from exhaustion. No, I didn't sue. How could I sue for experiencing the most wonderful and glorious event ever. "And what do you have to say for yourself", the VOICE asked. I didn't know I had died. I thought I had passed out for a moment. The VOICE surrounded me but it was warm, comfortable and encouraging, Kind of like an old friend. We had what seemed like a long conversation about my life. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. I was moving up in the music business and had jumped through 'the hoops' to get where I was. I gave it all up and with the help of an old high school acquaintance who had become a priest, came back to the BRIGHT side, from the dark side. Even joined the church choir, lead a music ministry and taught RCIA. That's a class for adults wanting to become Catholic. Spoke at many conferences. Catholic and other Christian denominations. I sometimes wonder what would have been if I was still in the music business, but never regret giving it up. I've found my joy and fulfillment in Jesus!.
Notice what this catholic woman found out in NDE.... NDE - DIANE S.: "I walked away from the catholic church because I realized everything I was raised with was not true. It's a religion based in fear. And ON THE OTHER SIDE I REALIZED THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF BECAUSE THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE IS NO HELL. Its only unconditional love. It grew more, and I got closer to it, and all of a sudden the light was all around me and I could be at peace. This unconditional love just surrounded me. We are a direct connection from God. Everything we experience, God experiences, and GOD WANTS TO KNOW IT'S GOD-SELF IN ALL WAYS, AND WE PROVIDE THAT."
@@camell6280 You better read these for reality. NDE - A. JOHNSON: "THERE'S NO HELL, THERE'S NO PUNISHMENT. When you realize there's nothing to forgive, then there's nothing to punish either. I can tell you one thing for sure, THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NOTHING I HAD EVER DONE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, AND 'FORGIVEN' IN THAT CONTEXT MEANT IT WAS GONE. It did not exist. GOD WASN'T HOLDING ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT, God was loving me right through it, and IT WAS TOTAL AND COMPLETE FORGIVENESS. We dont have to prove ourselves to be loved by God. What I learned on the other side is that THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT ON US, NONE, ZIP, NADA. IN THE OTHER REALM, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO JUDGE. We're all pure unconditional love." He received deep knowledge, notice what it was.... NDE - JAMES T.: "The truth is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HELL, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EVIL, except for the 'hell' we create ourselves in our fearful, ignorant minds. Don't be offended by the word, ignorant. Look it up! It simply means lacking an understanding. I was on the ceiling looking back at my body. I didn't spend much time even contemplating this because I was no longer in that body, that wasn't me, I was up here on the ceiling, so it was easy to leave that shell behind." What punishment? What hell?.... NDE - WILLIAM T.: "THERE IS NO HELL. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG BEHAVIORS, NOR REWARDS FOR RIGHT BEHAVIORS. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL PROCESS. The one-ness I perceived was what is referred to as God. THE PURPOSE OF OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE IN LIFE IS TO PROVIDE EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ACTION, so a knowledge base can exist. This is why people anguish over 'why would God let that happen?' ALL EXPERIENCE, GOOD, BAD, AND MIXED, IS PART OF OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. No matter how horrible the action and how horrible the experience, ALL EXPERIENCES MUST EXIST TO MAKE UP OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. There isn't a single negative emotion on the other side. There's no need for them." Notice, what she knows.... NDE - JUDY G.: "I know God is real, an afterlife exists, and WE ARE SO LOVED. GOD IS MERCY AND LOVE. THERE IS NO HELL. I was asked, 'Do you want to continue this life, or die?' I thought, 'What's death?' The Light began to show me. I knew without a doubt that death was not an ending, but a wonderful opening to my real life. I would be more knowledgeable and live in unconditional completeness and love. I remember feeling almost unworthy of such an indescribable, unconditional love. I was in awe of how much love was enveloping me. Church is not necessary, although it awakens spirit in some people. Fear is illusionary. Only love is real." An out of control biker and drug addict, found out there's no "hell".... NDE - BILL W.: "IT NEEDS TO BE KNOWN TO ALL that ON THE OTHER SIDE THERE IS NO HELL, OR 'BAD' PLACE. If there were, I definitely would have gone there. I was just an out of control, bike riding, drug using hippie from the 1960s. So, there I was, in this 'space' of light, with these three 'beings' appearing in front of me. We had a conversation and later, I was given a choice to stay or to go back. There is no pain, no loss, NO PHYSICAL SENSES AT ALL. Only peace, calm, connectedness - a true feeling of joy, of 'home'."
@@camell6280 And then read these next. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@@ros6111" where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth"; "but these, to everlasting punishment"; "fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell"; "where the fire never goes out" These are Jesus' words on hell. I'd rather believe in His Word and take them for it
Thank to everyone who has shared their experiences or a family member’s experiences. God is Great and Heaven is real. I hope those who are uncertain about their faith that are watching this and reading the comments will draw them back to the Church or makes their faith stronger. God Bless you all.
I fell off a pier into the Weldon ship canal tangled in a rope attached to a 20 lb steel sash weight at age 4. The 2 older boys I was with waited for me to come to the surface. When I did not come up they ran 1/2 mile for help. Mean while I hit bottom of the canal and their was no light and soft mud. I got off the rope holding me and then went into a bright light. Their was some one talking in my head. Most of which I did not understand but then he said send send him back. I saw the blue surface of the water above me and I shot out of the water feet an all. I reached out and garbed the top of the pier and my fingers slid between the boards. The boards tightened locking my fingers in place. I struggled for a while until I found something to put my foot on and it pushed me up onto the Pier. As I stood up the boards released me and I looked around. The other boys were gone and no one was in sight. I brought back Empath abilities. This starts a very long story too big for here. God Loves You and so do I.
Great story, sounds like Paul Elder's story. My experience was in 1994, I was 41 years old. Jesus was not there, they sent me a woman. MY SOUL MATE. I was captivated. She protected me and kept me in fantasy. They use music.
Thank you for sharing this miracle. I am so happy you were saved to go on to spread your story and share the Love which you were given. God continue to bless you. How old are you now?
@@redbud2370 I am 50 with 27 years experience (77) God has saved me many more times since then. I think, about a dozen times that I know of . Age 8-9, Age 17, Age 19, Age 42, Age 55. Also 3-4 visions and 2 verbal instructions. I Love Jesus! God still has work for me to do.
My friend died and met Jesus. Her story is amazing ( sheila shaw NDE part 1 ) She said we need to stick close to Christ so that when He calls, we will hear Him. Now I am diving into research on this subject and found you! Wonderful show! Great channel! Thank you for being brave enough to embrace this subject! May God bless you! May God bless us all!
I love the way he, and Our Lord transends the denominational differences. I pray that we will grow closer and closer to one another, because we just cannot be divided anymore.
Hi guys, loved this episode. Got a lot to learn from it. Please make a video on Gregorian mass and ancient traditions that catholics keep up to this day. I'm sure it will be a fantastic show. Love from India 🇮🇳
My wife had a crazy story about a vision of heaven in a dream. The only image that she said looked like heaven was St. Faustina's vision of heaven. There's more to the story that connected the dots. It was a gift a week after easter and it changed my life.
This was a great episode. Fr. Spitzer is always interesting. He has a gift of getting a message through. Fr. Pagano towards the end you started that you were lite up. I could see your faith when Fr. Spitzer was talking about the paralised baby that the mother brought to the spring at the grotto. Bernadette Soubirous is very special to me, she has helped me get through decades of extreme physical suffering. Thank you guys for doing what you do.
Strange that they didn't mention these NDEs. Let's see what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what she is to tell.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse?....NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der + the hol*caust) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@@StrayDogTheExposer what are you even doing here? I doubt anyone is going to read the novel you just typed up. If you don’t have anything nice to say, you should just go troll somewhere else...
I had an OBE at 8, floated under my body while I slept. I could think, see, etc, watched the sun come up and it get brighter and brighter outside so it must have been hours. Saw my friend run down my hallway and when they entered my room I floated right up into my body. So it lead me on a long scary road through the occult looking for answers to life after death bc I KNEW we were spiritual beings in a physical body. Finally ended up catholic in 2008. 🙌 Praise God. I was lucky to be w my dad last 30 hours before he died. I got to pray for him rosaries, Divine Mercy chaplets, I was able to do an emergency baptism bc we hadn't been able to verify if he had been bc his childhood church had burned down in the 60s. Anyway, I prayed like a true soldier .. we needed 2 miracles. 1. Last Rites, and he wasn't a catholic 2. I wanted him to be alive when mybsister arrived from out of state and she was having weather delays. I raised my arms like Moses, and prayed loud and long w the help of RUclips. Both miracles happened. We got a priest for last rites about 1pm and My dad died about 3 minutes after my sister arrived at 3:10 pm. I felt like I had climbed Mt Everest. My dad was a hardened sinner almost all of his life and then his last 5 was a semi paraplegic. He had been interested in becoming catholic but his wife at the time was NOT ok w it. Her dad had been a Free Masonist! She left him in his last 3 years, thank goodness. 🙃
THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING SHOW! ND experience brought back my daughter to faith in Christ and keep my eyes looking up every day. You don’t know me, but every show ministers me in such a Blessing way. Thank you and God Bless you from Naval Base Rota
I think children know Jesus even if they have not been brought up in a religious household. I have had the experience of bringing grandchildren from a non-religious household to church where they easily identified Jesus and seemed excited to see so many representations of Him in my Catholic church. One of my favourites was a grandson looking at the stations of the cross and saying "look, Jesus with a hat on!" (His halo)
I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Got to the hospital & lost a lot of blood. My husband said I turned grey & I felt my body shutting down almost like going numb. I felt so peaceful. Then I wasn’t in my body anymore, my spirit was in an infinite place with a warm pearl white space. I felt unconditional love, mercy, joy. I was being carried towards a door with people on the other side but from where I was it was blurry. I know they saw me because o saw there heads turn. But before I made it in through the door, I woke up. My life changed a whole 360 for God’s glory after that. My transformation came from so many supernatural events.
Thank you for being brave and courageous and bringing these experiences out into the open rather than labelling them demonic. As a former nurse I have witnessed patients having NDEs. They died and were resuscitated and spoke about relatives meeting them on the other side and talked about the beauty of the place. They did not want to come back. I believe God is revealing himself more and more and we can learn so much about how to live from these events..for example the life review where people have to experience the effect of their every action on the people they encountered while here on earth. I myself have had two out of body experiences so I know that we are spirits in a physical world. It is time to embrace and learn from these sacred experiences. Like attracts like on the other side and people can also be drawn to the darkness where they feel comfortable. Dr. George Ritchie wrote about his visit to heaven and hell with Jesus as his guide. Howard Storm also. There are many, many accounts. Thank you again!
My friend has a granddaughter who had a near death experience. She is still here but has suffered very much. She is not afraid to die as she says heaven is beautiful!
I lost my father last year. I had been his full-time carer for 12 years when he died in my arms at hospital on August 20th, 2022, at 99 years of age, months shy of what would have been his 100th birthday. It became increasingly clearer to me that as each day passed leading up to his passing, that where there is Love there is most definitely Life, and where there is Life there will always be the need for Love, both in this world and the next, neither separate to be so exclusive nothing believed impossible it cannot occur. And that is the miracle of Life is it not? Love! How it heals the heart to make whole again everything you only imagined as being broken, the break a mere moment of false judgement within your perception. It was three weeks to the day my father was hospitalised, and I was left so undone by a moment of Divine Truth that I had to let go from holding his hand to wipe my eyes all wet with tears. His white hair as soft as fur, all shiny against the gelatinous pink glow of his skin but for a patch or two of dryness, he slowly opened his right eye the left as ever lazy, and looked at me. Then, almost without making a sound he began to mouth an utterance no real cause to compile a complete clause: "I... need..." "What do you need dad, tell me!" I said to him, thinking he might have wanted to take in a teaspoonful of water or perhaps a taste of tea. He did not answer. And so, I asked him again: "Dad, what do you need?" "I need you!" I stood up from my chair beside his bed, leaned over the frail form that was his body to take his head in my hands and whisper to him : "I love you!" "And I love you!" he replied back to me. I was caught by the "and", how it added weight to the truth of his words and what we were feeling for each other. I sensed the coming of a certain type of wisdom toward my father, just as I sensed it with my mother day's before she died seventeen years ago. Wisdom yes, but also purity, an instant without ideas that sees Love's choice never the illusion. There was little of confusion in my father that day, no dementia left to deal with or steal from him his mind, he fully remembered me, because Love it never forgets! Leaning over to kiss his forehead one last time before leaving I said to him in the gentlest of whispers, my lips at his ear: "Love you! Love you lots!" and he replied with an affectionate smile: "Twofold!" And there you have it - yes? - the thing we are here to experience in this time we call Life, the twofold nature of it which embraces Death and all the living done in between, that nothing should ever be so done, perhaps the greatest something we are here to learn.
Our precious 7 year old daughter, Tara Grace, died of a brain tumour in 2014. Tara told us so much about her visions of heaven and her understanding of dying. She used to say "don't worry, I'm just going to Jesus." and "no one dies alone because God is always there." Amazingly she chose her readings for her funeral, and the gospel she chose was the Gospel of the Day! She was completely certain of her eternal happiness, which brought us so much peace.
I tell you Surly God is with her. And may God be with you today.
This is beautiful!
A sweet saint , enjoying eternal reward now .
God , please continue to bless and comfort those who loved her here on earth
Wow. How wonderful.
My husbands younger 10 year old sister died of leukemia. When she was dying she told her mom of the angels, that came to get her, she described each one of them in joy, and happiness. She described the color of their clothes, and how beautifull and loving they were. Then she died smiling and in joy, leaving her mom with a faith that could never be broken.
Thanks be to God! That is such an inspiring anecdote.
I Henri Maréchal also have a 14 Year old son that died of luckemia than my wife AnnMarie died of a hard attack than I got a stroke and can no longer walk ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen God Almighty is precious Love
My son also died of luckemia he was 14 and the pain's remain always the only help is too always know that all the childrens are in the haven with God Almighty
Amen God bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
As a CNA, I did ten years of "the death watch" for dying patients. I nursed my own mother until she died at home. Very near her demise, she sat up and asked me to bring tea and cookies so she could serve them to her dear friend, Galina. Galina was living in Hawaii at the time. She had a long, pleasant and happy visit with her. My mother lay back and soon passed. I called to let Galina and Misha(her spouse)to advise them mom had passed but had a pleasant "talk and visit" with Galina, altho she obviously was not there and in Hawaii. Misha was totally silent for quite awhile. I asked to speak to Galina. He then stated that she had also passed two weeks ago...before my mother. We had no idea. God grants us mercy and not only the Saints and Guardian Angels are there to escort us, but our dearest friends and loved ones. "Fear not, for I am always with you even unto the end of the world. The gates of hell shall not prevail".
Thank you for sharing!
Wow! What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing!
We’re cool. Amen
did they believe it was the loved one from beyond the grave meeting your mom?
Hats amazing. I totally believe
A lady at a retreat shared with us that her brother was killed while jogging, because he went to assist a lady who was screaming for help. Her husband was chasing her and her little daughter, gun in hand. This brave young man placed himself in the line of fire, and was shot and killed. The little girl was shot, but lived. As it were, her injuries would eventually caused her death some time later. But before she died, she regained consciousness, and told her mom that she was not afraid, that she was going to Heaven, and that the man who saved them was there in the room to guide her there.
How beautiful.
Thank you so very much for sharing this story. I was deeply moved by it, from so many angles.
Sad but very beautiful, too.
Well, now....PAT S.: "I had a feeling of unconditional love, and it was as if all of a sudden I knew everything. AFTER PASSING ON IN THIS LIFE, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN THIS LIFE."
LAURA Z.: "I felt in my heart that God is also all right with our fear, although it will not stop showing us love. God loves us regardless of everything and regardless of ourselves. EVERY CHOICE WE HAVE EVER MADE, OR EVER WILL MAKE, IS ALREADY ACCEPTED. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EVEN A THING. All of us is already LOVED and UNCONDITIONALLY, despite our ideas."
VICTOR P.: "We discussed my life while I relived portions of it. We reviewed my life, proceeding from oldest to younger events. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, AND NO RIGHT OR WRONG. There was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING."
Good and bad?....SHARON D.: "I was shown that each event in my life was needed for me to be exactly as I am, and how it touched and altered others lives. Not a 'life review', MORE OF AN EXPLANATION OF WHY ALL TRULY WAS WELL, and I was perfect for what I was needed for here. Unity so whole that nothing existed but truth. That is what is was like. THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD, THERE JUST 'IS'. I felt so loved, so comfortable; there was no emotional pain, no rejection, no separation."
No condemnation at all....TAMARA J.: "I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/Jesus. I BELIEVED THAT MY LIFE DEPENDED ON ME DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND TRYING TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON. It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. LOVE IS PERFECT, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and IT IS WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. What I recall are a few messages. The message that THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION, that God loves us and we are all loved. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION AND NO JUDGEMENT during my NDE. We may choose to turn from God but God does not turn from us. I QUIT THINKING OF HELL THE WAY I USED TO AND NO LONGER CONDEMN ANYONE. Since my NDE I believe THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION."
RAY C.: "I understood that the light that I was looking at, was my own. Once I focused past the light, I understood everything. THERE IS NO hate or JUDGEMENT. There is no pain. Everyone we ever knew here on earth is there. WE ARE ALL EQUAL THERE. It is where we come from. It is almost like we are on a vacation from there. It is like WE ARE HERE TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE EMOTIONS THAT WE DON'T HAVE THERE, LIKE GREED, ENVY, HATE, LUST, DISGUST, OR PAIN. WE ARE HERE ON VACATION FROM THERE. WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. None of that exists there because there is only intense love. Everyone is there all the time. There is no time there, so people are never really gone. WE ARE ALL 100 PERCENT EQUAL.There is an absolute understanding of everyone and everything. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GO TO THE SAME PLACE WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE. Yes, WHAT WE DO HERE HAS NO RELEVANCE THERE. Yes, WE ARE ALL LOVE. The love we can understand here at its maximum, is only a grain of sand compared to the love you have over there."
Despite faults?....ERINN H.: "I was LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY DESPITE MY FAULTS and fears.”
Jesus again? CARL G.: "I was standing before Christ. He showed me my whole life, the good and the bad and all the rest. HE SAID, "THAT IS ALRIGHT, LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE."
More Jesus....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. Is all controlled by fear.
More judgement?
ANNE MURPHY: ""All there was, was the most unconditional love, compassion, pure and total acceptance with no judgement at all. I WAS SHOWN THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AND NO HELL, NO OPINIONS, NO PUNISHMENT, not like what we are taught here, about a judgemental God and being sent to hell if you're bad, that was not the case.
Now what about this?....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE."
JEFFERY O.: "I 'knew' my whole life, every event both good and bad, yet standing in the presence of divinity I saw the pure love in all of it. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, ONLY THE 'KNOWING'; THAT IT WAS ALL PERFECT. That my entire life was created in love FOR me. EVEN MY CHOICES, GOOD OR BAD, HAD SERVED MY HIGHEST GOOD in every way. For I was only here to learn, and God, along with me, had provided the perfect path for my souls progression."
S. BOYD.: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well."
BOB L.: "My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life. They were dressed (I would say 1940's style which would have been prime years for most). Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfathers, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles and aunts who passed before I knew them. My deceased father was my main non-verbal communication point, but the love and support of all my deceased relatives flowed through him to me. I could choose to stay in their world or choose to return. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THE NDE. We are all part of a larger way of thinking. EVEN THOSE WHO WERE DESTRUCTIVE IN THIS WORLD ARE LOVED AND ACCEPTED IN THE NDE WORLD. I chose to return here knowing there was unfinished business in this life, which we all knew to be important, and my choice to return was fully supported with unconditional love from my relatives."
JO B.: "In one strand I was aware that Light knew me better than I knew myself. DESPITE ANY OF MY FOIBLES, ECCENTRICITIES, POOR DECISIONS, AND PLAIN OLD HUMANNESS, IT LOVED ME TO THE CORE. It found the seriousness with which I viewed myself, amusing."
My husband had a near death episode after a car accident when he was a teenager. He said the most profound thing was he was that he was told it wasn't time for him to go to heaven yet and that he must return but he didn't want to. He said he was filled with a sense of peace and love unlike anything he knew, he still tears up when talking about it. He has contentment in life now because he knows where he is going when he dies. Interestingly he went on to become a professional firefighter/paramedic and in the course of his 27 year career he saved many lives, and brought new life into the world safely receiving the states lifesaving hero award as well as several commendations for his work. I think how many lives would have been lost if he had succumbed in that car accident. Our father definately had plans for him
His life was filled with the Glory of Almighty God.❤
So beautiful 🤩
I had 3 miscarriages in a row. Even though God blessed us with 4 more children after my miscarriages, it was a wound that has never completely held. Listening to this show and thinking about seeing the children I lost in Heaven has given me so much comfort, healing, and peace.
Wonderful .
My heart goes out to you. I lost my 4th child 45 years ago, I still think of him or her. I pray I will meet him or her when I pass.
@@tiffany123178 I am sure you will.
R.I.P. and I'm sorry for your loss.
heaven is real yeah! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I was hit by a car when I was 4yrs old, and Mary came to me. I was not Catholic. But my whole life I wanted to be Catholic and finally did.
What did she look like?
Glory be to God our Savior and Creator.
The Illumination of Conscience/Souls is very close, probably before June of 2022,
look up Father Michel Rodrigue.
Wow! God bless you
@@bellag6223 Like a raped choirboy! HAPPY!!!!!!
My Dad just passed away not even an hour ago, I had last rites and the Apostolic Pardon done yesterday for my Dad...I cannot tell you what a blessing it is to me that I was able to get that for my Dad. I don't know what I would do without my Catholic faith!
I am sure you meet again when the time comes. I wish you all the best. Keep looking forward to it and live a happy life knowing that you are never alone.
Colleen, I send my deepest condolences. I also got the Apostolic Pardon for my dad before his death. He went beautifully in peace. I agree, I don't know what I would do without my Catholic faith. A lot of people don't know about the Apostolic Pardon. God Bless you and God Bless your fathers soul.
It is wonderful to hear how much comfort you have found in such a trying time in your life. God bless you.
God bless you🙏
"Apostolic Pardon"? Can you explain that to me and what if anything does it cost? :)
On my birthday about 12 years ago, my ex husband had a cardiac arrest post op. My son woke me with the phone call from another state. I started praying and calling prayer lines. His dad survived and when released home I asked him matter of factly So, did you see Jesus? He had not shared with anyone yet, but opened up with his story. He floated above his body, saw the CPR and floated to the waiting room and saw his daughter and wife praying out loud asking God to save him. (He was agnostic at the time) he was sucked down a dark tunnel and did not want to go having no clue where he was headed when suddenly he returned to his body. He loves and serves Jesus now with a telephone encouragement ministry to shut ins. The incident left him in a wheelchair. To hear him praise the Lord after praying for his conversion all those years is music to my ears.
Hallelujah 🛐❣️✝️ Praise be to God! 🙌🏼
Thank God what a wonderful testimony ❤️
Why is he an Ex now?
That’s sooo beautiful Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏻
Where can I hear his testimony?! Praise Jesus !!
Please Do NOT be afraid to proclaim that you are a Roman Catholic Christian! We have been given the Pearl of Great Price! Proclaim it from the rooftops!! Thank-you to you all for this program!! ♥️
Amen! I love being a Roman Catholic!!! Praise God!
The fullness is in the Catholic church! I love it! Amen
I'd rather be an Atheist than a RC. They worship a man made religion based on fear. The RC Church is full of Paedophile Priests. The Religion, is in my opinion, full of Hypocrisy. My Mother's worst fear was that I would marry a RC and be brainwashed with Dogma, fear and lies.
@@phoenixrising5088 I would not then, be listening to a Catholic podcast, unless you just want to be a pest and act UnChristian-like... Hypocrisy?.. please check yourself, and God Bless...
@@Sheilamarie2 is everything ok at home girl?
When my son, at age 16, had a death experience. He says, he remembers watching him being born, his Dad and I getting married etc as a film. He was close to death for 7 months. He said, he could hear everything, even though he was in a coma, nearest to death on the coma scale, for 7 holidays time period. He said, he was not dead for long. He remembers being able to see the life flight on the helicopter. This was about the same time, I was being told by a man that came up on his wreck and told me he had no pulse etc and thought he had passed away. I started praying for my son around the same time Jacob remembers being able to watch himself on the helicopter. My son has a severe brain injury. He is a miracle. Doctors can not believe he lived. I never stopped praying for my son. I still have not stopped because he says, he doesn't believe in God. Please pray for Walter Jacob Robohn and Emily N. Bolduc. I have two children that don't believe in God.
My middle daughter married a atheist and now tells us she doesn’t believe in God. I pray everyday she returns her heart to God and lead her little boys to God to know and love him. There is a man Named Keith Nester that leads a rosary everyday at five pm central time. We call ourselves the rosary crew. We put our petitions in the chat and pray for everyone’s else’s petitions. It is so nice to have many people to pray with and there is many people from around the world. Check it out. Keith is very good at giving us food for thought. I’ll pray for your two boys.
That must be the hardest thing to cope with I will pray for them from another Angela x
@@angelapitkin7097 Yes, it has been very difficult on my heart. I constantly pray for Walter Jacob Robohn to believe in God and follow him. 🙏 Emily is getting better because she has been sick and she has watched me pray for her. She is getting better. She is 18 and been sick for 17 months.
@@angelapitkin7097 Yes, it has been very difficult on my heart. I constantly pray for Walter Jacob Robohn to believe in God and follow him. 🙏 Emily is getting better because she has been sick and she has watched me pray for her. She is getting better. She is 18 and been sick for 17 months.
My father died 11 years before my mother died, and as she was bed-bound, my mom said he would visit her quite often during the last year of her illness. She said he would just stand next to her to keep her company, and it took her awareness off her pain. It was a huge consolation for my mom to see him, thanks be to God.
The most beautiful experience in our lives is death....WE GO HOME!!! The bliss and calm is beyond human expression. I know I didn't want to come back, I wanted to go with my Angels. They told me I had to go back.
Daily mass
daily mass
what crap!
@@mitgraduate , you poor, lost soul!!! Stop torturing yourself, get off this site!!! You WON'T be missed!!!
@@mitgraduate how do you know that . YOU SHOULD RESPECT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE FEEL
As a hospice nurse, I've been blessed to walk with many people toward the other side. Some experiences really blew my mind...
One thing though: I feel like the Divine Mercy Chaplet is a powerful tool to use when someone is dying. I pray it every time while going to my patients.
@Bo Em: Thank you for what you are doing and for praying Divine Mercy Chaplet with/for them! That’s the true help and the “ticket” that helps them to successfully cross “the border” in the right direction (you know what I mean, I hope☺️). St. Faustina Kowalska speaks exactly about this prayer! May God bless you and keep you in His peace always!❤️🙏🏻🕊
@@user-rz7cm2we3x yes, I do know 🙂. I'm originally from Poland, one of my mom's favorite books was Faustyna's "Diary", my parents prayed Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3pm after my mom retired. At first, I didn't understand that devotion, ha... it even irritated me that they would stop everything they were doing and pray. But then I noticed our neighbors would come by 3pm to pray with them. That sparkled my curiosity, I peeked a couple of times into "Diary", went with my mom to Lagiewniki... and the rest is a history. I've "infected" my family with this devotion as well, always trying to encourage Catholics to pray it. It's only mere 7 minutes to pray it! That's my argument for my teenagers, when they complain 😉
@@boem3021:Thank you for sharing! I am Polish myself😄, but now I live in Japan and can only dream about reading St. Faustyna’s „Dzienniczek. Miłosierdzie Boże w duszy mojej”! I remember my parents had this book (Oh, it’s huge!), and they also prayed this chaplet regularly, my Mum prayed it with a chaplain over my Dad in the hospital when he was already unconscious (he didn’t regain consciousness after an operation), and when my husband and I came finally to see Dad (we were in the mountains with no cellular phones - they were a rarity at that time) he was already under life support (literally the machine was pumping oxygen into him) and he passed away the same night. I was pregnant at that time and was crying awfully even before they disconnected him from the machines, because I just knew that Dad was dying. We went to the church nearby (my husband and myself) and several people there were praying, probably the Divine Mercy chaplet, it was in the afternoon), so we joined in the prayer.
@@boem3021: Maybe I’ll just ask my Mum to send me this book or I’ll try to find it online somehow, because even if I would find it here, it would probably be in Japanese, completely “unreadable” for me😅.
May God bless you and keep you! ❤️🙏🏻🕊
Thank you for praying the Divine Mercy for your patients - Im sure those souls are helping you in heaven in return. God Bless You
An acquaintance of mine years ago was a pediatric nurse and a little girl was in the hospital dying. She looked toward the window and said "Look, the angels are coming for me" and shortly after passed away. I cry every time I think about it.
A neighbor’s daughter died at 13 and told her family she saw angels and told them about other visions shortly before she died.
Christian brainwashing dazzles you, Rube!!!
@@hlnbee Christian brainwashing dazzles you, Rube!!!
@@martinkent333 I asked you before...... Go away, get your own sad life sorted. Keep out of ours! 🏴
@@hlnbee e
My first Catholic Priest, Fr. "Spike" Speichinger, was in a plane crash shortly after Ordination. He died on the operating room table, and could see all the goings-on in the room. When he came back into his body, he sat right up on the table, freaking out the surgeons. He lived 50 more years, in pain and nerve damage from the crash (not his re-entry lol). He was an excellent Priest and a victim soul. Fr. Spike, pray for us!
@Michelle ishappy: What is a victim soul? I have never heard that term. No offense but I really don't know what it means. Please reply. Thanks and God bless you!
Amen, Father Spike pray for us!
@@richardhutchison3123 I would like to know that too!
@@XSD.1. ...someone who goes through similar suffering that Our Lord went through. Mystic Saints like Padre Pio and Blessed Catherine Emmerich went through terrible suffering, but were rewarded with visions of Jesus and Mary,as well as the gifts of prophecy. Worth studying these great Saints as well as many others.
My 21 year old son passed away a little over a month ago in a car accident. Days before he passed, I had a dream where he was hugging tightly his biological father in a very bright place, as if it was all bright clouds, and I saw him with a smile so at peace and joyful. In my dream I was able to see both faces at the same time, and I told myself it made no sense since he never met him, nor did he want to. Trying to make sense at that moment, I justified that it could be her needed acceptance from him. Then I woke up. Three days later my son died in a car accident. I cried every night. A week after he passed, I was crying again and that moment God gave me the Grace to be able to interpret my dream by having a vision. I saw my dream all over, I saw my son joyful and such internal peace in the same bright place, then when I saw his biological father his face slowly changed to our Heavenly Father’s face, then it all made sense. Our father was waiting for him and embraced him when he passed, that’s why he was so at peace and joyful. Now I remember thinking it wasn’t Jesus’ face, but our father’s face. I know this meant a lot to my son, he always wished he could have a loving father and God embraced him in that love. Now, once I knew it was our Father, my vision stopped and when it stopped, I don’t remember what our fathers face looks like. I cried afterwards thanking our Lord for giving me this dream, vision and understanding. This grieving mother still cries for her son every day, I miss him so much. But I thank the Lord for this and all he has let me know my son is resting in peace and embraced in His love.
😢wow amazing…one day we will all be together again in the presence of our Savior King Jesus Christ. And you will hug your son again. Thank you for sharing dear sister❤
May his soul rest in perfect peace and may God continue to console you. Amen.🙏
Only another parent who has suffered the loss of a child understands that grief.....every second of every minute of evety hour of every day......thank God we have our faith, Gods promises to us and the assurance that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Our children are wrapped in Gods love and yet still able to comfort us. Sending big hugs and lots of love
Maria, thank you for sharing your story. May God continue to bless you and may he provide you peace. I will pray for you internet friend.
I am so sorry for your profound loss. I humbly suggest that you pray for the boy's father, I think there was a message there, I know how hard that is, my parents had 10 marriages and very little time for their children who weren't aborted, but I have had evidence that they both repented before their deaths, which was 25 years apart, and I know they are in Heaven because after my mom's death, I entered into the Catholic Church, she was very anti-Catholic, but no more! And after my Dad's death, I learned that Jesus is the Holy Eucharist. I was a very slow learner, but God didn't give up on me, and I don't give up on anyone, I hope for the salvation of myself, and of everyone. And I pray.
In January of this year my son, who is mentally challenged and suffers from seizures was fighting covid. As we were in the E.R. for a room to transfer him, he kept sitting up because he was unable to breath, I prayed to God saying, "Your Will Be Done." About an hour later he had a seizure, I stood there looking at him and a team of nurses, technicians and the E.R. doctor appeared within seconds. The doctor said to me that son had to be put on a respiratory because he stopped breathing, he asked if they could and said yes. Two nights later praying my rosary the Lord spoke to me and I saw my son with his arms in praise standing before God saying to God that he chooses to be with me! God granted his prayer and is home.
🙏 Rosary is very powerful.
Your faith is so strong
God bless you and your faithfulness!!❤️🙏
Praise God!!!
My father, at the age of 8, crossed over from a ruptured appendix. He said one minute he was in excruciating pain and the next he was pain free in a beautiful field of flowers. All of sudden he saw his eight-year-old sister, who had passed away two years earlier, skipping towards him. She was so excited to see him and was bringing him flowers. Behind his sister, was his mother, who had also died two years prior, with a very concerned look on her face urgently telling him to go back!! He said he thought he’d better obey his mom and returned to his body.
He shared this story six months before he passed away at 86. I’m certain his sister and mom were there to greet him.
That is beautiful, and I am so glad he shared this story with you before his passing.
How did his mother and sister passaway?
I must share my experience when my mother passed, mum was a Catholic she always prayed to Our Lady, when she passed I remember seeing her lying on her bed, I place my hand on her head and prayed a wonderful feeling came over me warmth love like nothing I have felt, then my sister arrived home angry at God she ask me why did God take our mother, still to this day I have no answers how these words came out of my mouth so fast without thought , I said to her why are you angry , our mother is now looking at the face of God, I had to sit down there was overload of love incredible feeling, the morgue came to take my mother, I finally got some sleep around early morning I had this dream my mum was in the wonderful place beautiful there was stream and small foot bridge she was on the other side, she said sorry to me it was too late to come back, I know she is Heaven , and the dream was so real it was vivid it was the peace and the love that I felt, and the comfort knowing Mum is in Heaven , Mum had a full Catholic funeral, another amazing bit Sunday morning me my Dad and my sister where headed to the funeral home, this was around 8 am, we were discussing songs for the Mass, I turn on the radio in the car and song that came on first was Ave Maria we all looked stunned my mother's favourite song as I said was very devoted to Our Lady, in fact next to her bed was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima , that song was played at Mum's funeral, some people will believe this is all coincidence but for me it was Mum's of saying I am alright I am Home , and to reaffirm the importance of the Rosary which Mum also did, not any out of body for me but it's an experience that I must share with others,
Jesus never say no to His Mother Mary. She is a good advocate for everybody, especially to those whose prayers are not answered.
Brian Marto Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience. I believe what you experienced was real.
While doing in home hospice private duty nursing I was taking care of a Catholic woman. Her family wanted to make sure she had her Rosary in hand at all times. I assured them that I was would make sure of that.
About an hour before she died she began looking towards the end of bed and beaming (not just smiling but beaming!); she would look at the end of the bed and then look at me and then repeat this pattern. Then she looked at me and said, "isn't she beautiful?". I looked at the end of the bed and saw no one and said "who?". She replied . "why the Blessed Mother". She died shortly after. Mary was there to take escort this lady over to Jesus.
There is power in prayer and especially the Rosary. This experience, even after several decades warms my heart and strengthens my belief.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story about your mother.
Thanks for sharing Brian. We have our Mother Mary that takes care of us. Lets Pray the Rosary with love for all of us.
@@RamBo-yh3kz 1 Timothy 2:5 says "For there is one God, and there is ONE mediator (advocate) between God and men, the man Christ Jesus".
When my mother was dying in a hospital, I was only 10 years old andshe was 42 I also had a sister age 8, The priest with her was from the Episcopal Church, and as she was saying The Our Father, she said "Oh! the Light!I the Light!
I see the Light!
And then she took her last breath.
So I can believe that these stories are VERY real.
I couldn't be with my father when he died due to covid restrictions. I was able to spend time with him 4 hours prior to his death. I prayed the divine mercy chaplet at least 3 times and before I was forced to leave him I put holy water on his head, a rosary in his left hand and a st. Joseph medal in his right hand. I believe without a doubt he went home to God.
The government and medical personnel who force us to leave a dying family member is pure evil. I condem their actions to the fullest. May God be with you and your Loved ones today. And may he bring you love and mercy in these trying times.
Kim Lombardi what a beautiful testimony and experience. May God be praised You have done your part with faith.
@@popepiusix7444 I agree. They should have just let the relatives catch it and die.
@@popepiusix7444: Or when they just disconnect the dying person from the life supporting machines in ICU and only later inform the family that the patient has passed away.
@@efandmk3382 well spoken, from someone who's more of this world... And has no idea of which he/she speaks. The covid lockdowns and restrictions were ridiculous & cruel.
Wow, I died when I was 3 years old during a routine op for tonsillectomy, 1972. I’ve come to learn from old school doctors it was not uncommon for very small children to have an NDE during that time because of the unknown amt of anesthesia to use. Supposedly iffy during that time frame for very small toddlers and babies. I did experience the bright white light and loving comfort of Jesus. I had a huge gain of knowledge and an enormous sense of compassion. I saw the anesthesiologist bawling into her hands, I knew instantly how she felt, what she was thinking, who she was who her family was her life ahead of her. I knew this would ruin her life, her heart and soul would be crushed. She kept saying a loud what am I going to tell her mother, what am I going to say? Her soul was shattered, didn’t have to be nudged or told it’s not your time, go back etc. I lined up to go back immediately!! I could not bare that type of suffering. She was a young mother a rare breed in 1972. I remembered so much more, too long to go into. A lifetime of strangeness, but I believe it was meant to happen because I know I would have thought God and Jesus was just a myth. It was a blessing I can not put into words.
It was interesting that you said you lined up to go back.
About 43 years ago I had a near death dream! In it I was very ill and in ICU with lots of equipment around me. I heard someone say “ We are losing her!” I drifted up toward the ceiling and was feeling very peaceful. I did not want to go back into my body. Looking down I saw my husband with my two small sons, but he was also holding a baby in his arms. He called out to me “ Please don’t leave us, we need you”
At that I came back into my body and at the same time I woke up.
I wasn’t sure what had happened, it felt so real. I had to wake my husband and ask him if I had died! He was probably not too happy at being woken up but he reassured me and both of us went back to sleep. The dream appeared to me to be a premonition. We had two children at that time. A year later I had a totally unexpected third baby. A year after that, I was diagnosed with cancer.
It got me on my knees to God and I was converted to real faith. I think He was telling me through this dream that although I would have a serious illness, I would live to raise my three children. Indeed that is what happened. Thank you Lord.
Incidentally, I had not read anything about near death experiences until much later, so I was not influenced by them.
thank you for this testimony
I remenber when my Mother passed I was the only one of her children with her. I thank God I was there. Before she passed with her last breathe she told me she loved me. I will never forget this. As she passed I felt her spirit go right through my body. I was weak for a long while. Praise God I believe she is with Our Lord in Heaven.
My grandmother died in 1976, when I was 14. She died in the hospital of a massive heart attack. I never got to say good-bye to her. Soon after her death, I had a dream of her. She was sitting down (although I did not see the chair), and she was smiling, surrounded by a beautiful bright light. She looked very content and in peace. She did not say a word.....but her smile said it all. I was at peace in my heart, because I knew she was well and she was happy. 🙏🙂†
Has anyone speak of see I g ourBlrssed mpther
How beautiful. This was a special gift for you. God’s blessings to you and your family.
@@crocecicio5783 actually many have.
What a wonderful gift!
@@lauraingeorgia5052 Thank you 😀†
My beloved Grandma had macular degeneration with age, but at the closeness of death God restored her perfect vision and a heavenly calm to tell us all she was about to leave this world at the hospital bed. She left a message to each one of us and passed away that very night. May God keep her.
May God be with you and your Loved ones
Whoa!!!!Awesome for your Grandma. Comfort for you all.
How beautiful! Our God is so kind and merciful, and He loves you so very, very much.
Similarly, as my Mom passed in an out of consciousness she spoke of people she had seen. One of the last things she told us was, "That's Manny. He's come for me." Manny is our Dad who passed 20 years before Mom passed. She said this just after the 11x17 framed portrait of them over her bed moved all by itself. It hung there, above her on the wall, at an angle until my sister moved it back. Clearly, it was our Dad who had come for her. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!
Glory to God who grants us so much mercy. May he with you.
As a mom of a child with cancer who's lost friends, this show has been so beautiful and consoling. Thank you.
God bless you 🙏
ruclips.net/video/V5wh_PtCsAY/видео.html ❤️🕊
@@clairegiban7060 Christian brainwashing makes you a happy Jesus Freak!
@@martinkent333 pathetic
I'm laying in bed feeling like I can't do my work because we're suffering out third loss at 8 weeks. This gave me hope. How much I love our Mother church.
Im so sorry. Praying for you for comfort
So sorry. I couldn't cope without my Catholic Faith.
Much love to you from Scotland 💕🏴
Elizabeth, may God hold you tenderly in His arms and surround you with His comfort.
There are many things I would love to share with you, but let me focus on your loss. I have a dear friend who had for miscarriages, but she fought for a real diagnosis and ultimately got a complete work-up at Georgetown Hospital. They eventually found both a clotting and a bleeding disorder. She had to be very closely monitored, had to take several blood by-products to handle both the bleeding and clotting, and she had two healthy babies.
Don't give up. But offer up all your suffering so not the tiniest grief is wasted. Blessings.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my two last pregnancies. This video gave me so much hope. I’ve wondered if I should name them. I believe I will.
(Take this from me a evil sinner no better than anyone). I say all this out of love and concern ( I'm far from perfect). At Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago Jesus Christ cried out in John 19 vs 30 it is finished meaning complete and totally done.) (Christ payment at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need ( wasn't a down payment) and than we add our half through works to make it a full one no not at all ) ( Christ payment at Calvarys cross 2000yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need (was a full and complete payment) he fully paid the whole bill once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather it's salvation, forgiveness, healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished he cried out on calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago in john19vs30 meaning complete and totally done). (And to add anything to what Christ has already fully accomplished once 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door to salvation forgiveness and whatever we need , to add anything to it like adding our church and deeds to it , like adding confession to it is saying Jesus didn't do it all at Calvarys cross long ago only half so I got to add my half because two half's make a whole and that mindset is totally wrong ) ( what Jesus did at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which alone open the door (doesn't need anything added to it) he fully paid the whole bill once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation, forgiveness healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished meaning complete and totally done he cried out on the cross in john19vs30. ( We must understand it's not about Baptist Methodist, , assembly of God these are all church titles ( no salvation in church titles ) (it's only about what Jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago alone ) (and our heart faith must be in him alone and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone. ) (While going to church isn't wrong ( it becomes wrong when we make it our salvation and idiol ( salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us long ago alone )( that's it and that's all). (According to Hebrews 12 vs2 ) Jesus at this moment is seated in heaven by the Fathers right hand and just the fact Jesus sat down in heaven says he doesn't need to get back up and die again he did it all once and for all totally and completely at Calvarys cross when he shead his blood for our sins ,fully paid the whole bill in full once totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation forgiveness, healing etc and it never needs to be paid again it is finished he cried out on calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago meaning complete and totally done. ) ( And now the spiritual door is open to freely receive as a gift by faith alone in Christ Jesus and what he did at Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago when he shead his blood for our sins which fully paid once in full totally and completely for whatever we need rather salvation, forgiveness, healing etc. ) (It's not what Jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago (plus this are that) ( it's only what jesus did at Calvarys cross long ago alone and our heart faith and acceptance of him). (Mathew chapter 23 vs 9) says call no man father (meaning in the church) for there is one Father above (and really we can't call God above our Father until we first accept his only way of salvation Jesus Christ who alone died for us). (Mathew chapter 6 vs 7) says do not pray vain repetition prayers like the heathens do ( chanting a prayer with the sames words over and over like a ritual and ceromonony). (Jesus always existed in heaven in spiritual form) way before he was born on Earth in human flesh) ( Jesus always existed and he will never ceases to exist He's God part of the trinty and God always was and always will be). ( No salvation in Mary). (Salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us alone). Acts 4 vs12 says there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved ( but the name of Jesus). (Romans 5 vs 8 God demonstrated his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.) (According to John 14 vs 6 Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father above heaven and salvation ( noone else) this is because only Jesus Christ God's only Son and Savior sent from above who always existed in heaven in spiritual form way before he was born on Earth in human flesh who will always exist because he's God part of the trinty and God always was, Jesus alone went to Calvarys cross 2000 yrs ago and shead his blood for our sins which alone open the spiritual door. ) (When Jesus said unless you eat of my flesh and drink my blood u can't have life ( it was a figure of speech) he wasn't talking about literally cannbilsm literally eating his flesh and literally drinking his blood no and he wasn't talking about communion saying he literally becomes the juice in blood and literally becomes the bread in body no ( it was a figure of speech) he's not coming down at communion literally becoming the juice and bread in flesh and blood no according to Hebrews 12 vs2 Jesus at this moment is seated in heaven by the Fathers right hand and just the fact Jesus sat down in heaven says he doesn't need to get back up and die again he did it all once long ago at Calvarys cross and cried out it is finished meaning complete and totally done). (with this figure of speech) he wasn't t literally talking communion and he wasn't literally talking about cannbilsm he was only referencing to Calvary saying unless you truly by faith from deep within freely accept him and the blood he shead at Calvarys cross which he already did at this point, which would bruise his body than u can't be saved and have eternal life). (Water baptism and communion though necessary ( don't save us) ( no such thing as sacrements) they only symbols like a ring is to marriage ( but they don't save) ( salvation is only in Jesus Christ who died for us alone ). ( Look at theif on cross crucified next to Jesus in Luke) theif was dying he couldn't go to confession are communion only had time to cry out to Jesus Lord remember me and was instantly saved) ( which goes to show that salvation and even daily change (is not in anything we do) ( but only if Jesus Christ who died for us alone ) ( and out heart faith in him alone). (Ephesians chapter 2 vs 8 thru 9 says for by grace which is simply God's umerited favor given freely as a gift through Jesus and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone) are you saved through faith not of works it is the gift of God). (Two things about God's grace we can't abuse it living sloppy and sinful and we can't earn God's grace.) (Everything from God from (a thru z) (comes only by faith for free) (through the cross alone ) (where Christ died long ago for u and me) rather it's salvation, forgiveness, healing ,rather it's purity given to us in God's sight , rather it's God's spirit changing us and breaking the shackles of sinful addiction,. rather it's entering heaven instead of hell ( it's all freely given by heart faith alone in Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone) ( Romans 3 vs 23 all have sinned we all broke God's commandments lying, stealing , using his name in vain , thinking dirty lustful thoughts etc and no good deed we do can change the fact were guilty Sinner that deserves hell ( just like in court if we guilty of murder no good deed we do can change that (it's the same with God) (God in his love only made one way to be saved and changed) (only one way to be made totally pure in his sight and escape hell cause there is no purgatory and enter heaven when our faith is in him alone from the heart and what he did and here's the only answer. ( Romans 5 vs 8 God demonstrated his love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us (salvation is simply Roman's 10 vs 13 says Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved ( we just humbly call on God in prayer from the ❤️ heart by faith ) in humble repentance really wanting to be saved and changed broken about our sins admitting God I'm a guilty Sinner that lies steals and cheats please save my soul, through what your only Son Jesus Christ did at Calvarys cross long ago alone for my sins and I accept the risen king as Savior and Lord. ). (Than instantly right on the spot through our heart faith and acceptance of Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone we saved, forgiven, made totally pure by Christ blood he shead long ago, given by God's spirit a change of heart, granted heaven instead of hell, and than because of our heart faith alone in Christ and Calvary we than become dead to our old self ruled by the sin nature, and we than become alive unto God spiritually speaking on the inside risen with Christ as a new creature in Christ 2nd corthians5vs17 ( and we get this and keep it the same way not through our works but through our heart faith and acceptance of Christ and what he did at Calvarys cross long ago alone ( agreeing and truly accepting is different) ( on utube watch sbn live)
Thanks! As my husband was about to die, he looked at a blank wall, raised his arm and seemed to see our son ( who had passed away 3 months earlier) repeating his name twice💔💔
My mother was blind . When I went to see her she was crying and I had to ask her if it was a happy cry or a sad cry. She was seeing Jesus. She always called Jesus "Our Lord". That was the first time I heard her say Jesus. She was so happy and she told me that I was going to be okay. Another time she wouldn't do her PT, she was very upset. So we left her alone for awhile and she told me how beautiful heaven was. Then she calmed down and she told me the Blessed Mother told her to do the PT.
Jesus ain't my lord, my mother is my savior. Too bad......I guess Jesus will throw lighter fluid on me.
What is PT?
Physical therapy
@@BryceDAnderson1952 Jesus wanted me to tell you that he loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins. He's been knocking on the door of your heart waiting for you to open that door and let him in. Please open your heart and Let Jesus into your heart! You will never be the same. He will change your life for the best! in peace and love
@@reginasyliboy8507 Jesus did NOT die for Adolf Hitler......or Ted Bundy. After my father died in 1960, Mom paid the bills....NOT JESUS!!! I pray to Mom.....go preach to somebody else that buys into your bullshit.
The night my father-in-law died he came to let me know that he was saved. He knew that I was worry about his salvation. He had been Hindu all of his life. He accepted Jesus as his savior on his death bed, thanks to my wife praying the Rosary at his side and baptizing him with holy water. God bless you all.
I planted a black fig tree on the spot, in our backyard, where he appeared to me. We named the tree after him.
Ave Maria...God bless!
God be praised!
Greg R, extraordinary beautiful testimony. I loved to read it. I am worried about my parents-in-law as well. I always pray for them. God bless you and your family, amen
@breakfast meat Jiberish, is that you?
@Me You don't have the right to tell God what He is. You're lucky that He came, personified in His only begotten son - Jesus. Jesus founded His Church on St Peter's shoulders. That church is the Catholic church.
My daughter died of brain cancer in 1978. On her death, I was holding her hand. On her actual death, her energy flowed out of her body and for an instant, I felt where she was. I saw everything at once. She's in a safe place waiting for me.
That's called a "shared death experience." I'm sorry for your loss. A shared death experience is a huge blessing to the loved ones of someone who has just died.
God is so good.He wanted to assure you that your daughter is safe, and He wanted to comfort you. I am sorry for your loss.
When I died , my soul left my body, I saw the monitor with a straight line with a noise I saw doctors and nurses working on me then my head kind looked at middle and I saw all my life like a flash go by me, then I looked up to a big bright light with two hands held out towards me inviting me to go with God. I felt unworthy , my soul did not feel ready or worthy enough to go to heaven and I asked God for another chance . At the instance I went back in my body and I came back. I was home after a major surgery within 9 days. I did not say anything for the longest time because I was afraid people would think I was crazy. Then after many many years I decided to evangelize this because people need to know there is a heaven a God and a purgatory as well as a hell🙏😊Thank you nadia
Thanks Nadia. God Bless you.
Amen, and thank you for evangelizing, you are so right!
I was 10 when I had a near death experience. It was beautiful. Getting to that point was horrible and terrifying, but once I was gone it was the most tranquil and peaceful feeling you could ever imagine. I didn’t see the face of Jesus, but I saw 3 figures in the distance and knew it was Him and two people close to me that recently had passed. You knew who they were with just the feeling in your heart. The light behind them was stunning and it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. The 3 people looked at each other and shook their heads and I slowly returned to my body and then woke up. I was in a coma for over 3 days while this all took place and received the Anointing of the Sick while I was out and shortly before I flatlined. It was stunning.
God Bless you!!!
God is just and merciful. He somehow gives everyone the opportunity to accept him even if it's at the last moment before death. He wants all humanity to be saved.
He wants this. Sadly many do not choose Him. 😢 I have heard that this was Christ's greatest agony in the garden. I believe it.
Praise be God I had a near death experience when I was allowed to see the aborted babies and how they played in Mary's gardens outside the gates and how happy they were but waiting for their parents
priscilla ashton They are "saved" (your term not mine) regardless of whether they think there is a God or not. Personally I do not think there is.
@@timward3142 "Thinking" is impersonal, and usually refers to merely rational thoughts on the natural level. " Belief" is deeply personal and refers to an intuitive understanding of of the hidden nature of another person, it is a type of "knowing" that is much closer to our hearts and more important to us than mere rational thought. When I choose to trust someone that is me deciding to act on the positive belief I have in that person. I think that maybe we can believe IN God while we think that God does not exist.
Divine mercy
Thank you so much for having a Catholic Pod cast. It is wonderful to have Catholics speaking out in this time of anti-Christian sentiment
I had a dream once where my grandfather came to me warning me about over indulging in alcohol. However I didn’t stop drinking right then and shortly after this dream I had 2 bad episodes from being heavily intoxicated. One where I had a car accident and another where I had a serious argument with my cousin, my grandads grandson. We made up after this and it was forgotten about as I reached out to him in my remorse. Thankfully I don’t drink anymore, or only take one now to pass myself. The urge to drink left me after I prayed a lot in relation to it.
Praise God! I don't drink at all, because both of my parents were alcoholics, and I just know that I would become one if I drank. My Dad joined AA and I got to know him for 25 years before he passed away. My mom passed away 25 years earlier, she did not join AA, but she did come back to God before she died, and then she prayed for me, and I came to know and love Him, after her death. Our God is so GOOD.
After my foster mother had a serious surgery, she did she saw her mother but her mother said she had to go back because 3 babies were coming. She thought it meant she would get 3 more foster children. When I was pregnant with triplets, I reminded her of what she told me several years earlier.
I’m publishing a weekly RUclips video on episodes from the life of Don Bosco, entitled ST JOHN BOSCO by JOE ZAMMIT. In this series I’m narrating events and miracles from the splendid life of Don Bosco. St John Bosco used to perform a miracle almost every day, through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. From the lives of saints we can learn how to love God more and draw closer to him. Thank you.
@@martinkent333 You're disgusting. What a hateful person you are throwing your trash around to everyone because you are not satisfied with your own life. This is why I pity you. So full of hate and anger and yet claim to be free. You are enslaved to your own appetites and that is why you are full of these dark emotions. I pray that you find mercy.
Amazing! God bless...
@@sabrinawanderer7560 Christian brainwashing is a beautiful thing!!!! Like a cold Holy Water enema on a hot day!!! Hallelujah!
@@lois2997 200,000 raped altar boys trusted their mommies. Boy were they ever surprised!!!!!!! Was God busy?
When my mom was dying, my sister and sister in law were singing and suddenly they heard angelic voices singing with them. They said that they look at each other and keep singing. It was an extraordinary experience for them!!
I don't think so.
Absolutely, so true! BVM visited my mom on Holy Thursday and she died on Good Friday 2 hrs to the minute after praying and consecrating her last 2 hrs to BVM! My mom always thought Good Friday would be best day to die! The Lord is so good
God Bless your wonderful Mom.
This episode hits all the feels. Now I have to sit in the car and wait for my tears to dry up before going into work. Thanks guys.
May God be with you, and may he give you peace during your work day.
God’s blessing on you and your family
I'm getting ready for Mass & my mascara is running. This is so moving & wonderful, especially experiences of the children!
It’s truly macho to cry and not be afraid to let other’s see you! God bless. Praise Jesus and Mary always!!!
@@simonslater9024 200,000 collapsed choirboy anuses agree! They testify to the glory of God and his wonderful protection!
I remember when my mother was dying, she had lots of visitors. We, her family, had our own experiences with seeing blurry movements about the house. We could tell there were many visitors from Heaven coming and going. One thing that was interesting was, mom kept talking about seeing children running around the room, playing and giggling. The dying process is fascinating.
I had a revelation from God when I was in my early twenties. It may be recognized as a near death experience. Or more like an inner body experience, as opposed to an out of body experience. God took me into my most inner foundation and appeared as a little baby boy. He was about 1 years old. He took my hands and a great fire and light appeared over Him. It was like a pillar of fire all around me. The baby could look into the heart of the light in the fire but I could not. It was too powerful. The fire blasted down into the baby boy and through His Body, through His hands. It then passed into mine. I felt electricity and power running throughout my entire being, inside and out. There was no pain or fear. I was in awe! Paralyzed by His Power. It felt like God was electrocuting me with thunder and lightning and my whole body was lit on fire, but I wasn't consumed by it. And then a bold and gentle voice came from above in the heart of the pillar of fire. The voice said, " I AM, Jesus - King Of The Heavens and the Earth! Do Not Be Afraid". His power and light kept moving through me and through the room. It was everywhere. Darkness did not exist there. As this power was passing through the baby's hands the baby's face was expressing a physically impossible joyous ecstasy. HIs eyes were like shimmering crystals and His smile was so wide that His face couldn't contain the expression. It is impossible to explain. God's voice from above continued to say something to me but it became inaudible. It was more like telepathy or an imprint. I became so overwhelmed by His Majesty that I could not understand what He was saying. The whole experience became too powerful. My physical body began to cripple and my eyes began to black out. After I fainted I immediately opened my eyes again and I was back in my normal life in this reality. I just sat in complete silence. I didn't move my body at all. I was in complete consolation and awe. There is more to the vision but these are the most important parts.
Over time God has helped me understand certain aspects of the vision. He revealed Himself to me so I would not doubt who He is. To tell others to trust in Him because He is who He says He is. And He is more powerful than we could ever imagine. No matter what happens on this planet or in the whole of complete existence, nothing can stand against Him to defeat Him.
Amen 🙏🏻
you are so blessed
@Jah Cello: Thank you for sharing your experience! I have one question, does this experience mean that God, One in the Holy Trinity, while being personal is also pure good power, good energy in essence? I have no idea if I haven’t committed any blasphemy right now, I just don’t know, but sometimes I have such inklings. That would explain virgin birth and Eternal Virginity of Our Lord’s Mother, Holy Virgin Mary, that would explain the Transfiguration on the mountain and the very Resurrection (with the traces of it left on the Shroud of Turin).
May God bless you and keep you in His peace always!❤️🙏🏻🕊
God bless you
@@JaCello33: OK, thank you for your answer. May God bless you and keep you in His peace always!
I drowned in 1990. Dead on the beach, i saw it all, the rescue etc. I went towards the light. It was amazing.
huh gg
Brain activity
@chirpywiggins5796 How was he able to "see" while unconscious? You can't see through your eyelids. I don't know why you would say "brain acfivity" and pretend that it's a valid explanation for what that person experienced.
I hope you will be able to share your story, your whole story, God Bless you and Bless you!
I'm always humbled at the brilliant men and women who dedicate their lives to religious service to others. 🙏
Nintendo characters? Santa Clause? Yamatoots? Yamraj?
For those who want to know the full story..........
THE NDE STUDIES.....(Los Angeles Times excerpts)
Researchers estimate that around 17% of people have an NDE. That means about 80% don't.
Scratch beneath those alleged flat EKG lines and the stories are a veritable Twilight Zone of inconsistencies. Some near-death voyagers claim to have met God - BUT A FEW SAW ELVIS PRESLEY OR GROUCHO MARX, researchers say. Others get to heaven not through the famous "tunnel", but ABOARD GHOSTLY TAXI CABS, FERRIES THAT CROSS THE RIVER STYX, OR SPANGLED COWS.
Even some children - often touted as the best source of unbiased information - sometimes return from "death" CLAIMING THEY WERE GREETED IN THE OTHER WORLD by STILL LIVING TEACHERS and NINTENDO CHARACTERS.
HINDUS WHO BELIEVE IN YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of death, EXPERIENCED MEETING HIM. A Hindu girl "died" AND WENT TO HEAVEN ON A COW. Would that mean western people will be riding cows to heaven? Jews who don't believe in Jesus or "hell", experienced meeting God as described in the Old Testament, while messianic Jews experienced God as Jesus. Any reports of Christians meeting Muhammad, or Muslims meeting Jesus or the Virgin Mary, or Jews meeting Guru Nanak, if they exist, have not been publicized.
Dr. Richard Eby had an NDE and allegedly Jesus told him he had to back, and that he (Jesus) would be returning (2nd coming) before he died permanently. BUT DR. RICHARD EBY HAS NOW DIED AND JESUS HAS NOT RETURNED.
A few hospitals have placed signs in their cardiac units - with nonsensical messages visible only from above - BUT SO FAR NOBODY HAS RETURNED FROM DEATH CLAIMING TO HAVE FLOATED UP AND SEEN ONE.
In one study carried out, the experiences of 16 Asian Indians were compared with those of Americans, and IT WAS FOUND THAT THE INDIANS HAD ENCOUNTERED YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of the dead, WHILE THE AMERICANS HAD NOT.
The Mapuche people of South America and residents of Hawaii are more likely to SEE LANDSCAPES AND VOLCANOES, whereas NDEs in Thailand rarely involve landmarks, tunnels, or light. For Tibetans, light features more heavily AS DO ILLUSIONS OF REINCARNATION. Europeans and North Americans often visualize beautiful gardens; intriguingly the Kalai of Melanesia are more inclined to SEE AN INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD OF FACTORIES. An NDEr's subjective recollections can be attributed to many factors: THE NDEr's PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, ETC., NOT JUST CULTURE.
The terrain of Heaven also varies wildly - from gardens, forests, and CATTLE FILLED PASTURES in some accounts, to clouds, COMPUTER ROOMS OR CASTLES, in others. A TEXAN SAW BARBED WIRE FENCES IN THE AFTERLIFE. Micronesians describe LARGE NOISY CITIES WITH CARS AND SKYSCRAPERS.
Drug addicts, felons (murder), suicides, hedonists, abusers, mean people, and gay people have all claimed to encounter heaven. Strangely, people have claimed to enter some "hell" FOR THE SAME REASONS. AND THE INFAMOUS ADOLF HITLER HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN HEAVEN. Again, strangely, he's also been seen in some "hell". Contradictions abound.
There are reports of bad NDE trips involving TORTURES BY ELVES, GIANTS, MONSTERS, etc. Some parapsychologists take these as evidence of the mythical places of various religions. But, IF SO, THEN WHAT IS ONE TO CONCLUDE FROM THE FACT THAT OVER 80% OF PEOPLE NEAR DEATH DO NOT EXPERIENCE ANYTHING, neither the heavenly or the diabolical?
This is a wonder. Is the hereafter actually mining and refining raw materials needed to build castles, cars, barbed wire fences, computers, and skyscrapers? From where do they get this material and tools? Not to mention the raw materials and tools needed to construct an ever increasing number of those cages and cubes in the Christian hell, as a few claim. Who builds those cages? And which of the variety of "hells" do you actually go to? Christian? Buddhist? Spiritualist? Hindu? Muslim? Some other one? The answer seems to be whichever one the experience has been exposed to, as Thai NDErs regularly claim to encounter LORD YAMA AND YAMATOOTS, COMPLETE WITH TALKING DECEASED ROOSTERS, and being sentenced to Buddhist "hell" for butchering and eating chicken, then reincarnated as birds. DOES THAT MEAN WESTERNERS WILL UNKNOWINGLY BE HEADING TO BUDDHIST "HELL" FOR EATING CHICKEN? Thai accounts state that butchers become lumps of meat in Buddhist "hell", so what then awaits Western slaughterhouse workers?
Even in her rather homogeneous Western European clientele, Kubler-Ross could see the effects of early enculturation: " I NEVER ENCOUNTERED A PROTESTANT CHILD WHO SAW THE VIRGIN MARY IN HIS LAST MINUTES, YET SHE WAS PERCEIVED BY MANY CATHOLIC CHILDREN."
But there also are some hard-to-explain differences, Melvin Morse says. Whereas American near-death survivors are typically sent back by God because “it’s not your time yet,” INDIA'S AFTERLIFE VISITORS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE TOLD THERE WAS A “CLERICAL ERROR.”
Even more curious: SOMETIMES THE BEING OF LIGHT IS ELVIS PRESLEY. Moody has chronicled at least two such sightings.
A PERSON MAY APPEAR DEAD TO OUR SENSES OR OUR SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT, BUT STILL BE PERCEIVING. In fact, we now have evidence that patients who appear brain dead, may in fact be capable of conscious thought. In 2006, scientists in the UK and Belgium did an fMRI on a woman in a vegetative state and FOUND THAT PARTS OF HER BRAIN SHOWED ACTIVITY WHEN SHE WAS SPOKEN TO, AND ASKED TO THINK ABOUT THINGS LIKE PLAYING TENNIS.
Yet the evidence for near-death paranormal powers remains shaky at best. TWO STUDIES HAVE FOUND THAT PATIENTS’ “OUT OF BODY” ACCOUNTS OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPERATING ROOM WERE WRONG. So were the 1988 Armageddon forecasts hyped by Ring and others.
Michael Sabom, however, offers a compromise stance: He rejects the idea that they provide glimpses of a heaven or hell. "I’m not saying these people didn’t experience something odd. But I am saying that we should take it with a grain of salt, because IF ANECDOTES MEET YOUR STANDARD FOR WHAT QUALIFIES AS EVIDENCE, then you should probably start buying tin foil and food buckets, because THERE ARE JUST AS MANY PEOPLE WHO REPORT SEEING REPTILIANS AND WHO HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS."
But what about veridical NDEs - near-death experiences in which the person supposedly sees something they couldn’t otherwise have known while ‘flat-lining’ and others are able to verify that what they saw is indeed correct. The most notorious example of this is Maria’s shoe. A lady named Maria reportedly left her body, floated around and saw a shoe on a ledge outside her hospital window, that she ‘couldn’t have possibly seen.’ Her critical care provider, Kimberly Clark, looked outside and saw the shoe, just as described. BUT WHEN RESEARCHERS TRIED TO TRACK DOWN MARIA TO CONFIRM CLARK'S STORY, THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO FIND ANY SUCH PERSON OR ANYONE ELSE TO CORROBORATE THE ACCOUNT. And when they placed a shoe on the ledge, it was clearly visible from the hospital room, PROVING CLARK HAD EXAGGERATED AT LEAST PART OF THE STORY. Here’s the topper. There is no record of Maria being in that hospital.
There is Dr. Melvin Morse's discovery of "a portal" in the brain that when stimulated, triggers a NDE. He writes that some are threatened by this, as the discovery makes the experience seem unreal.
Sixty years ago, Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, poked around the right temporal lobe of some epileptic patients and discovered that they would hear heavenly music, relive their pasts in 3D, and have out-of-body visions. Similar experiments continue.
There’s growing evidence that the temporal lobe plays a huge role in creating NDEs. When patients had their brains scanned after an NDE, it was discovered that they had increased levels of temporal lobe activity compared with those in a control group. THAT COULD EXPLAIN WHY ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE HAVE NDEs. When Dr. Olaf Blanke implanted electrodes into the brains of patients, HE WAS ABLE TO TRIGGER SUPERNATURAL AND OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES BY STIMULATING THE TEMPORAL PARIETAL JUNCTION.
What a beautiful thing our Lord does, letting children have their visions and reassuring their parents before they go. I cannot imagine losing a child, but this gift must bring great comfort to the parents at such a terrible time.
It's actually a good thing that kids pass on, before they reach an age of accountability. Otherwise they could have ended up tortured. So people shouldn't mourn.
I worked in a cardiac ward as a nurse. I had one patient who died of a cardiac arrest but we brought him back through Resuscitation. He had a guedels airway in his mouth so couldnt speak, but I remember holding his hand as he came back to life. He had a look of absolute terror in his eyes! He squeezed my hand sooooo hard as if asking for help! I automatically began praying , but he went back into cardiac arrest and died. In hindsight- I wished I had been more prayerful as an RN on the ward!
While Nursing in a Nursing Home,and sèing many death there is on death I saw that the resident's facial expressions showed a deep fear in his eyes the Nurse that was working with me began praying for him I'm so hoping he is now resting in peace this is one death I will always remember. I used to pray before entering my building to take care of my Residents during my shift
what's that got to do with nde?...
Maybe he saw hell. I hope he didn’t
@@zzc8505 I find your comment rude
@@ceceliajamieson1852 feel free to find it whatever you wish. While you are at it, go find a safe space to nurture your feewings, find an echo chamber to voice how "offended" you are. And whatever else you need to do as a snowflake.
Reality doesn't care. Nor do your 'findings' have anything to do with my comment. Whatever you read into it is the product of your snowflake mentality. Your "findings" are as relevant to my comment as your initial comment to the NDE topic.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you know someone is dying, PLEASE pray the Devine Mercy chaplet for them! Jesus said that if this chaplet is prayed for the person who is dying, He will welcome even the most harden sinner into His arms!!! Even if they’ve already passed, you can still pray it for them because our time & heaven’s time is not the same.🙏🙏🙏
When did Jesus say this?
Jesus said it to saint Faustina 😌🙏
@@francinecote994 Interesting. Can you give me chapter and verse?
We pray it almost everyday at 3pm for this exact purpose !
I’m so happy y’all did this episode. It makes me feel more at peace about our faith and about Gods love for us. I had two miscarriages before I had my 2yr old son. It’s good to know I will see them in heaven God willing. Many Blessings to all. ❤️✝️🙏🌹
@K F: Well, I have four little angels in Heaven, as I had four miscarriages quite a few years ago and after I had my first son (who is now 21 and a half), and somehow I was always sure that my four babies are in Heaven, together with my Dad who had passed away before my first son was born. And still I started to cry watching his video... 😰
Let’s hope and pray that we will meet our dear loved ones and stay with them in Our Lord’s eternal presence for ever! 🙏🏻
May God bless you and keep you in His peace!❤️
@@user-rz7cm2we3x sounds like there's gonna be one heck of a Reunion when you get there! 😁
@@lauraingeorgia5052: Well, as time passes, there are more and more family up there than down here, for sure! And I can say “we are seven” about our “nuclear family,” like in this Romantic poem by W. Wordsworth, but there are still more up in Heaven than down on earth 😅
@@user-rz7cm2we3x Amen🙏🙏
@@user-rz7cm2we3x *AMÉN! That's how is going to be! By the Power of the world of God!*
That is so true Father! I had seven brain tumors I've had two removed. The first brain surgery the tumor was on the Thalamus (center of the brain) At that surgery I legally died. I saw Our Lady. She's breath takingly beautiful! I felt so loved, calm and peace filled. She touched me and 'giggled' and said, "no honey pray for peace". I pray every night, "please God make it tonight, don't make me wake up in the morning". He keeps making me wake up so I guess it's just not my time. Maybe tonight? "Pray for peace" ;)
We are in such need of Peace in this world, that is your special assignment from Our Lady, to pray for Peace. Please, offer up all of your discomfort for the Peace that Our Blessed Mother asked you to pray for. You are so dearly loved.
Thinking about the children "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Amazing stories.
@@odir.6487 ruclips.net/video/nXWqgZFyDUk/видео.html
Divine mercy
Crime and Punishment
Just going to surgery tomorrow...I feel at ease and good about it.. Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother is with us at all times..ty Father's very much... Further I'll never apologize for my love of the Blessed Mother Mary....She said yes ..I say the Rosary. My mother loves me and everyone.. I choose to love my heavenly Mother Mary.. FOREVER...
I pray for your successful surgery
Catholic Life will remember you in my prayers.
May our Lord guide the surgeons hand and grant to you awfully recovery
Jesus and Jesus alone. Mary died a human death as we all will. She was never deified in the Holy Bible.
@@danielsvision we as Catholics venerate Mary..
My mum saw Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints we ever prayed to as she was dying.
Thank you for telling us! It makes me more encouraged about praying to saints for intercession. My mother was non-verbal, (I SO wish she could have told us like your mum did!) but she saw something completely awesome, as she went from a kind of stupor to staring with complete captivation and awe, a huge smile on her face fixated at something up near the corner of the room. After gazing non-stop for a while, she closed her eyes and never ate or drank or became conscious, until she died almost 2 weeks later.
That is wonderful
Thanks for sharing. That is so beautiful! My brother is diabetic & there’s not much the doctors can do for him anymore but he goes to weekly Mass, Confession, once a month Healing of the Sick Mass...I think he’s well prepared. Soon, he will see our Lord’s Face & that’s a goal I think we all have! I will miss him but I will be happy for him as well!!!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph are not just the Holy Family but the incarnation of the Holy Trinity while on Earth and now in Heaven and they help us incarnate Jesus' work of Salvation and Redemption with our daily struggles, suffering and sacrifices united to his. Like Archbishop Fulton Sheen said about a victorious Catholic life: "There can be no ascent to a higher life without death to a lower one... If all we did during our lives was to go to Communion to receive divine life, to take it away and leave nothing behind, we would be parasites on the Mystical Body of Christ."
Our dissolving Faith, especially about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is the result of us becoming takers, parasites, searching for sentimentalist emotions and spiritual entertainment at Mass and in false spiritualities, when we need to search for the Cross of Jesus that totally conquers the fear of death and gives us such assurance of Eternal Life that death becomes a celebration not a mourning. Sentimentalism and emotionalism only breeds compulsive fear.
The priest who gave my mother her Last Rites saw a vision of our Blessed Mother there in her room as he prayed with us as she was dying in May of 2018.
As a hemodialysis nurse years ago we had a BLIND, double amputee patient who wanted to die because she did not want to continue dialysis but her children would not allow her to stop dialysis. One evening while on dialysis she had a respiratory arrest. We proceeded to take her off treatment by giving back her blood which resulted in her beginning to breathe again; she had an out of body experience and told us nurses exactly what we did and very angry because we did not allow her to die. About a year later this same patient suddenly sat up in her bed, stretched out our arms and said” mama” and then she died.
Hallelujah ❤️ To The Glory of God ✝️❣️🛐
Thank you so much for helping her live until her time came. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Back in 1999 when my Mother was dying of lung cancer, I came home to take care of her. While taking her to the bathroom she asked me can I go home. I told her yes Mom you can go anytime you want to. She later asked my father and sister the same question they thought she was delusional they said you are home this is your home. They had no idea she was asking to go home to God. She died a week later. Rest in Peace Mom.
My grandfather spoke frequently of his mother who had unfortunately passed away when he was only 9. He knew he was going to die and he was very blessed to have passed away holding my grandmother's hands. So peaceful
May God be with you today.
@@popepiusix7444 Amen🙏
Our God is so Good!
Bring tears of joy to my heart. I lost my Son. He was alone when He died.
Prayers for his soul 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
God Bless you 🛐
You are hurting now but, you will be relieved of this pain when you are joined together again 🛐 I'm sorry for your earthly pain😓 I can not imagine 💔 😓🛐❣️✝️
I Love you in Christ ✝️
Dear Hope, I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know how you feel and can only imagine a part of such sorrow. Your son may not have had people around him when he died but that does not mean he died alone. May God give you solace and your son Rest In Peace.
God Bless you, sweet woman! But please know he was most definitely NOT alone! His angel was with him and, I believe, the souls of our loved ones, helping him into the most glorious of all kingdoms! You were not with him and for that, I’m sorry. But I know he was Not alone! Prayers for your comfort and strength until you are reunited! 🙏
Peace of Christ for you and your son
This isn't about near-death experience but when we went home to our province in my father's hometown up the mountains to visit his tomb and clean it on his death anniversary, we encountered a brown friendly dog along the way. That dog accompanied us for 1hour+ until we reached my father's tomb. Upon reaching my father's tomb, the dog went under it and rested there while we cleaned the grasses around the tomb. We prayed and stayed there up in the mountain top for a while overlooking the mountainous region and the rivers below and bid farewell to our dearest papa afterwards . Interestingly, the dog never wandered to any place aside from staying near my father's tomb and I couldn't forget the somber look upon it's face. It seemed like he knew what we were feeling and he felt for us...we departed the place and he accompanied us till we reached the road where we were waiting for the car to arrive. I thought the dog could still stay with us and play with us for a while before we go back to town so i didnt mind playing with it. I only saw the dog afterwards heading to a house. When my uncle arrived, we went to thank the house where the dog headed to and the house owner said they didn't have a brown dog. We described the dog to the best of our memory but he said they had never seen any dog like that roaming around the area. I felt so bad I cried that I didn't even had the chance to pat the dog and play with him/her. I knew then from that moment that it was an angel perhaps or could be my father or any heavenly accompaniment. I really felt bad during that day until now but I guess I'm just thankful that during our loneliest days, a dog out of nowhere gave us hope to believe that we weren't alone. Whatever and whoever that dog could be, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us and making sure our hike up the mountain was safe and thank you for that moment we had with you even if it was just for a short time. Eternal rest grant into the soul of my father oh Lord, and let perpetual Light shine upon him. Amen.
Remember that God has sent dogs to His Saints for comfort and protection. I am thinking of St. John Bosco. Thank you for sharing.
My mother had a vision. She was pass talking, moving in the hospital bed. She had stage four colon cancer, had been in hospice for almost a month. Had a orange size tumor in her colon and in her chest. As we sat with her suddenly she reaches up in the air and says “mom, dad, I can’t get there yet,”. She passed three days later after my mom’s and dad’s anniversary. We think she was hanging on for Oct. 3rd for their anniversary of 60years. She had been very excited about going to celebrate their 60th anniversary. We had been planning it. We did a little celebration in her room and whispered in her ear Happy Anniversary mom, we talk aloud in her room about how they made their 60th anniversary and what wonderful parents we had. Dad wished her happy anniversary and kissed on her, squeezed her hand. We believe she heard us and then she knew she could let go.
Family rule: Don't freak out when someone dies. My grandmother died and came back and was angry because everyone was hysterical around her and she couldn't tell them she was OK. It scared her.
GHOSTS ARE HYSTERICAL. I had one with me for 14 years. Nobody believes me. She looked like Selma Hyhek. I did exactly as she said too.
✨I had an NDE when i was 13 and the light... Its nothing like youve seen here. U cant imagine the absolute brightness. The love and peace i felt... Incomparable to anything here on earth..ppl were stsnding around me they were dressed in black and one kneeling over me said "what are u doing here? Youre not supposed to be here yet" i remember feeling so upset and devistated cause i didnt want to go. I didnt think of my mom or siblings or anyone i just wanted to stay there... I was being sucked back to earth.. Literally like a sucction sound and feeling then im in my body and open my eyes...
I died twice June 2017. I needed 4 pints of blood and surgery for appendicitis. My death experience was somewhat like you've been describing in the video. But totally different...
There was no white light, or angels, or loved ones waiting for me. I was scared and confused. I met Jesus, everything he told me when I died the first time, and everything he showed me the second time has come to pass, plus I remember that there is more. I would like to share my story, but it's just too long.
I would love to hear it!
I second that! Please make a video!
@@teri03 maybe you could share yours?
I have had a near death experience too. What I went through will be pretty long story to tell as well. But I don't mind sharing what I went through with you and I would love to hear yours too.
Then why bother mentioning it at all.
I love Fr. Spitzer!
He is a trusted source for true teachings of the church!
He is also an excellent source on the Shroud of Turin!
Thank you for this episode guys!
I love your shows...great topics...and never just dry teaching! 💠
You aught to hear him preach on evolution . A true desciple of Tielhard De Chardin. Jesuits doncha ya know.
I have had numerous near death experiences during my life. None of my doctors can believe that I'm still alive. However rather than focus on the unknown relative to the near death experience I choose to focus upon the fact that I have nothing to fear regarding death. I continue to work to be the best Catholic that I can be and to be worthy of God's promise of a place in heaven.
I hope that you will be able to share your experiences, maybe on video or in writing, or both, because there are so many people who need to hear this. You are in my prayers.
As I stood beside my paternal grandfather's deathbed, I briefly saw a vision of his mother, who had died three and a half years prior. I said nothing about this at the time, but when we got home, my mother said that she felt her presence in the room. Only then did I recount what I saw, so there is no compromise of integrity.
What a beautiful and fantastic program! Both my parents died before I could get to them. When my husband was dying from cancer, I asked him not to do this without me. His response was "Now how do you expect me to do that?" But I was there at his side, and I saw his spirit rise up and leave his body. As hard as this was for me, it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I liked hearing about the experiences of the children who were dying, especially of the child who had met his sister.
God Bless you!
Pardon me please, this is my second comment.
You brought back a memory for me, of when my grandfather was dying.
He was in and out of conscience...and he would be talking to dead relatives.
At one point he was talking to someone, saying "not yet Roberta (my grandmother) isn't ready yet!" And during that conversation he was fascinated with the beautiful flowers in the vision that he was seeing. He grew flowers most of his life in greenhouses...so he knew his flowers!
My takeaway is...that heaven has beautiful flowers that we haven t seen yet!!!
May God be with you Today
Flowers are a very common feature of NDEs, as well as colours that don't exist in our realm, check out Betty Cone's NDE.
So many NDEs that I have read or scene documentaries on have people saying that the flowers in heaven are beyond anything here on earth and the colors too are not what we have here. Plus nothing they say is dead or dying, that is no brown leaves, etc. Its all amazing for sure. Best to you.
@@misererenobis8900 Hers has always been one of my favorite NDE’S( Betty Cone)!
@@misererenobis8900 ruclips.net/video/nXWqgZFyDUk/видео.html
Being a Catholic is like having wonderful relations all over the world- we share a beautiful, holy faith and are united in this way.
God bless you all
My mother had a vision in illness in hospital of Jesus in an image on a Wall. My father saw Crosses for weeks before his accidental death as did I. My father did have Parkinsons disease and was weakened by the illness but we saw the visions as a sign god was with him in later years. I did pray the rosary everyday at that time as I have started doing again
May God be with you today.
Keep praying the Rosary every day, for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother, as she requested at Fatima in 1929 for World Peace.
I recommend learning the rosary in Latin. The devil HATES Latin, since it is one of the 3 languages nailed to the cross. 😁 It's a bit of an effort, but it's so beautiful. There are several on youtube, if you're interested.
@@lauraingeorgia5052 I would respectfully argue the devil hates every language when the name of Jesus Christ is spoken. Although I personally enjoy the beauty in listening to hyms and gregorian chants in Latin, I think your native language is just as powerful in prayer.
@@popepiusix7444: There must be something special about Latin though, since the exorcisms are supposedly performed in Latin (if I’m not mistaken)
When my mother died she said she saw little girls in what looked like 1st Communion dresses. She was completely coherent
The Lord has freed us from the shackles of fear. Glory to Him who has concurred death
My Dad, as well ;o)
My Mother also saw many children in the year before her passing. I became weary of Doctors telling me she was in dementia. I just believed that she was in between.
1985 I had a near-death experience, I had a grandmal seizure, I died and the next thing I knew I was outside of the stairwell I was above looking down at my boyfriend he was crying saying help me, someone. I did not know I was dead. But what I felt was an overwhelming empathy for him. He went back unto the apartment, and I saw my body lying there on the floor.
The next thing I knew, I was back in my body. When I came to My boyfriend said you died your mouth was purple. I told him I seen you crying and knocking on the neighbors door I was above you. I went through the door. All I felt was an amazing love for you I felt your pain. My boyfriend said he didn't want to hear what I saw and felt. I can't explain it. Everything around me was bright.
I am sorry he didn't want to hear it. I hope that has changed now. He was probably just really frightened.
Pray the *_Rosary_* everyday for protection &
pray for the Pope on Sunday.
pray to JESUS and JESUS ALONE!!!!!
A few years ago, I had a vision while praying that was so profound. I was a child in heaven and was part of a choir of angels. When the song finished, I ran to God our Father and wrapped my arms around his legs. He cupped my face with his hands. I felt immense love. When I looked up at him, I could not see his face, only light. It was so beautiful and consoling. I think about that all the time. I feel like God not only showed me his unconditional love but let me see what heaven will be like.
Praise be to God!!
I’m watching/listening to this while I’m folding clothes and my eyes are welling up with tears 😂! I am grateful for this show. You guys are awesome and I pray for you often. Keep up the EXCELLENT work.
Heaven is beautiful! I saw it and no painter can paint it’s beauty,
Great show guys! I died in the hospital when I was given a unit of blood that had been mislabeled . I was suffering from exhaustion. No, I didn't sue. How could I sue for experiencing the most wonderful and glorious event ever.
"And what do you have to say for yourself", the VOICE asked. I didn't know I had died. I thought I had passed out for a moment. The VOICE surrounded me but it was warm, comfortable and encouraging, Kind of like an old friend. We had what seemed like a long conversation about my life. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. I was moving up in the music business and had jumped through 'the hoops' to get where I was.
I gave it all up and with the help of an old high school acquaintance who had become a priest, came back to the BRIGHT side, from the dark side. Even joined the church choir, lead a music ministry and taught RCIA. That's a class for adults wanting to become Catholic. Spoke at many conferences. Catholic and other Christian denominations. I sometimes wonder what would have been if I was still in the music business, but never regret giving it up. I've found my joy and fulfillment in Jesus!.
Notice what this catholic woman found out in NDE....
NDE - DIANE S.: "I walked away from the catholic church because I realized everything I was raised with was not true. It's a religion based in fear. And ON THE OTHER SIDE I REALIZED THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF BECAUSE THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE IS NO HELL. Its only unconditional love. It grew more, and I got closer to it, and all of a sudden the light was all around me and I could be at peace. This unconditional love just surrounded me. We are a direct connection from God. Everything we experience, God experiences, and GOD WANTS TO KNOW IT'S GOD-SELF IN ALL WAYS, AND WE PROVIDE THAT."
What a turnaround! So inspiring. Thanks for sharing, Linda.
@@camell6280 You better read these for reality.
NDE - A. JOHNSON: "THERE'S NO HELL, THERE'S NO PUNISHMENT. When you realize there's nothing to forgive, then there's nothing to punish either. I can tell you one thing for sure, THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NOTHING I HAD EVER DONE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, AND 'FORGIVEN' IN THAT CONTEXT MEANT IT WAS GONE. It did not exist. GOD WASN'T HOLDING ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT, God was loving me right through it, and IT WAS TOTAL AND COMPLETE FORGIVENESS. We dont have to prove ourselves to be loved by God. What I learned on the other side is that THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT ON US, NONE, ZIP, NADA. IN THE OTHER REALM, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO JUDGE. We're all pure unconditional love."
He received deep knowledge, notice what it was....
NDE - JAMES T.: "The truth is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HELL, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EVIL, except for the 'hell' we create ourselves in our fearful, ignorant minds. Don't be offended by the word, ignorant. Look it up! It simply means lacking an understanding. I was on the ceiling looking back at my body. I didn't spend much time even contemplating this because I was no longer in that body, that wasn't me, I was up here on the ceiling, so it was easy to leave that shell behind."
What punishment? What hell?....
NDE - WILLIAM T.: "THERE IS NO HELL. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG BEHAVIORS, NOR REWARDS FOR RIGHT BEHAVIORS. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL PROCESS. The one-ness I perceived was what is referred to as God. THE PURPOSE OF OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE IN LIFE IS TO PROVIDE EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ACTION, so a knowledge base can exist. This is why people anguish over 'why would God let that happen?' ALL EXPERIENCE, GOOD, BAD, AND MIXED, IS PART OF OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. No matter how horrible the action and how horrible the experience, ALL EXPERIENCES MUST EXIST TO MAKE UP OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. There isn't a single negative emotion on the other side. There's no need for them."
Notice, what she knows....
NDE - JUDY G.: "I know God is real, an afterlife exists, and WE ARE SO LOVED. GOD IS MERCY AND LOVE. THERE IS NO HELL. I was asked, 'Do you want to continue this life, or die?' I thought, 'What's death?' The Light began to show me. I knew without a doubt that death was not an ending, but a wonderful opening to my real life. I would be more knowledgeable and live in unconditional completeness and love. I remember feeling almost unworthy of such an indescribable, unconditional love. I was in awe of how much love was enveloping me. Church is not necessary, although it awakens spirit in some people. Fear is illusionary. Only love is real."
An out of control biker and drug addict, found out there's no "hell"....
NDE - BILL W.: "IT NEEDS TO BE KNOWN TO ALL that ON THE OTHER SIDE THERE IS NO HELL, OR 'BAD' PLACE. If there were, I definitely would have gone there. I was just an out of control, bike riding, drug using hippie from the 1960s. So, there I was, in this 'space' of light, with these three 'beings' appearing in front of me. We had a conversation and later, I was given a choice to stay or to go back. There is no pain, no loss, NO PHYSICAL SENSES AT ALL. Only peace, calm, connectedness - a true feeling of joy, of 'home'."
@@camell6280 And then read these next.
NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE."
Another Christian...and notice, again....
NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian."
Again, no "hell" and
no judgement....
NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY."
Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated....
NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are."
Again, no "hell" and no reward....
NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one."
Notice, he clearly understood....
NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@@ros6111" where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth"; "but these, to everlasting punishment"; "fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell"; "where the fire never goes out" These are Jesus' words on hell.
I'd rather believe in His Word and take them for it
Thank to everyone who has shared their experiences or a family member’s experiences. God is Great and Heaven is real. I hope those who are uncertain about their faith that are watching this and reading the comments will draw them back to the Church or makes their faith stronger. God Bless you all.
I fell off a pier into the Weldon ship canal tangled in a rope attached to a 20 lb steel sash weight at age 4. The 2 older boys I was with waited for me to come to the surface. When I did not come up they ran 1/2 mile for help. Mean while I hit bottom of the canal and their was no light and soft mud. I got off the rope holding me and then went into a bright light. Their was some one talking in my head. Most of which I did not understand but then he said send send him back. I saw the blue surface of the water above me and I shot out of the water feet an all. I reached out and garbed the top of the pier and my fingers slid between the boards. The boards tightened locking my fingers in place. I struggled for a while until I found something to put my foot on and it pushed me up onto the Pier. As I stood up the boards released me and I looked around. The other boys were gone and no one was in sight. I brought back Empath abilities. This starts a very long story too big for here. God Loves You and so do I.
Great story, sounds like Paul Elder's story. My experience was in 1994, I was 41 years old. Jesus was not there, they sent me a woman. MY SOUL MATE. I was captivated. She protected me and kept me in fantasy. They use music.
love you too Joseph. Sometimes we need to hear that someone loves us. Hope your having a beautiful day. God is love.
Wow that's awesome!!
Thank you for sharing this miracle. I am so happy you were saved to go on to spread your story and share the Love which you were given. God continue to bless you. How old are you now?
@@redbud2370 I am 50 with 27 years experience (77) God has saved me many more times since then. I think, about a dozen times that I know of . Age 8-9, Age 17, Age 19, Age 42, Age 55. Also 3-4 visions and 2 verbal instructions. I Love Jesus! God still has work for me to do.
My friend died and met Jesus. Her story is amazing ( sheila shaw NDE part 1 ) She said we need to stick close to Christ so that when He calls, we will hear Him. Now I am diving into research on this subject and found you! Wonderful show! Great channel! Thank you for being brave enough to embrace this subject! May God bless you! May God bless us all!
Amen! I felt drawn into this subject about a year ago, and everytime I listen to a NDE story, I experience a deeper faith and more healing.
As a Methodist, I love Father Spitzer. You guys keep up the awesome work on your show!
I love the way he, and Our Lord transends the denominational differences. I pray that we will grow closer and closer to one another, because we just cannot be divided anymore.
Hi guys, loved this episode. Got a lot to learn from it. Please make a video on Gregorian mass and ancient traditions that catholics keep up to this day. I'm sure it will be a fantastic show. Love from India 🇮🇳
I struggle a lot with repeated sins and scrupulosity, and this helped me a lot. Thank you Father Spitzer ❤
My wife had a crazy story about a vision of heaven in a dream. The only image that she said looked like heaven was St. Faustina's vision of heaven. There's more to the story that connected the dots. It was a gift a week after easter and it changed my life.
This was a great episode. Fr. Spitzer is always interesting. He has a gift of getting a message through. Fr. Pagano towards the end you started that you were lite up. I could see your faith when Fr. Spitzer was talking about the paralised baby that the mother brought to the spring at the grotto. Bernadette Soubirous is very special to me, she has helped me get through decades of extreme physical suffering. Thank you guys for doing what you do.
May God be with you today. May his mercy and Love be upon you.
I've noticed his face light up at different times as well during the conversation.
I also like when they tease each other.
Father Spitzer is the greatest. I am at a loss for words. This podcast blows the books written on near death experience out of water. Thank you
Strange that they didn't mention these NDEs. Let's see what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown.
NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home."
Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love."
Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what she is to tell....
NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life."
Again, told directly from God....
NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD."
Jesus again....
NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this."
Notice, he was told....
NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew."
Again, notice what she's told....
NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!"
Yet again, he was told....
NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience."
And this....NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife."
Another one...NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction."
Again, she was told....
NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back."
And again....NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn."
No "hell", and religions are abuse?....NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt."
Now, notice this one....
NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der + the hol*caust) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.”
See this one...
NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
A few weeks before my mother died suddenly, she kept saying she could see my deceased father walking around the yard.
Before my Mom passed she started talking about her dead brother & Her Dad
My friend saw her deceased husband sitting in his favourite chair two weeks before she passed over.
My Mom saw her family all around her too!
It happened to me in the middle of emergency surgery. I will never forget it.🕊💜
@@StrayDogTheExposer what are you even doing here? I doubt anyone is going to read the novel you just typed up. If you don’t have anything nice to say, you should just go troll somewhere else...
@@juneweimar1064 Well I would've, but now the "novel" is gone
The Dove
Wow!! What was it like?
God Bless you 🛐❣️✝️
I had an OBE at 8, floated under my body while I slept. I could think, see, etc, watched the sun come up and it get brighter and brighter outside so it must have been hours. Saw my friend run down my hallway and when they entered my room I floated right up into my body. So it lead me on a long scary road through the occult looking for answers to life after death bc I KNEW we were spiritual beings in a physical body. Finally ended up catholic in 2008. 🙌 Praise God.
I was lucky to be w my dad last 30 hours before he died. I got to pray for him rosaries, Divine Mercy chaplets, I was able to do an emergency baptism bc we hadn't been able to verify if he had been bc his childhood church had burned down in the 60s. Anyway, I prayed like a true soldier .. we needed 2 miracles. 1. Last Rites, and he wasn't a catholic 2. I wanted him to be alive when mybsister arrived from out of state and she was having weather delays. I raised my arms like Moses, and prayed loud and long w the help of RUclips. Both miracles happened. We got a priest for last rites about 1pm and My dad died about 3 minutes after my sister arrived at 3:10 pm. I felt like I had climbed Mt Everest.
My dad was a hardened sinner almost all of his life and then his last 5 was a semi paraplegic. He had been interested in becoming catholic but his wife at the time was NOT ok w it. Her dad had been a Free Masonist! She left him in his last 3 years, thank goodness. 🙃
THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING SHOW! ND experience brought back my daughter to faith in Christ and keep my eyes looking up every day.
You don’t know me, but every show ministers me in such a Blessing way. Thank you and God Bless you from Naval Base Rota
My mother had a brain tumour , and the last days of her life she told us that she had been visited by her saints and angels and she was ready to go .
That is so beautiful!
I think children know Jesus even if they have not been brought up in a religious household. I have had the experience of bringing grandchildren from a non-religious household to church where they easily identified Jesus and seemed excited to see so many representations of Him in my Catholic church. One of my favourites was a grandson looking at the stations of the cross and saying "look, Jesus with a hat on!" (His halo)
I pray for children every day. We have 12 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, and I pray for God to keep them all safe.
Fr. Spitzer is brilliant! What consolation he gives us.
Amen, I thank God for him.
I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Got to the hospital & lost a lot of blood. My husband said I turned grey & I felt my body shutting down almost like going numb. I felt so peaceful. Then I wasn’t in my body anymore, my spirit was in an infinite place with a warm pearl white space. I felt unconditional love, mercy, joy. I was being carried towards a door with people on the other side but from where I was it was blurry. I know they saw me because o saw there heads turn. But before I made it in through the door, I woke up. My life changed a whole 360 for God’s glory after that. My transformation came from so many supernatural events.
I have been blessed,to be brought into the cloud of witnesses,while at my sister's bedside before she died.The Glory 🔥 was amazing.Thank you Jesus.
Please may I ask what do you mean, ‘brought into the cloud of witnesses’ may i ask what did you see/experience. Thank you
Thank you for being brave and courageous and bringing these experiences out into the open rather than labelling them demonic. As a former nurse I have witnessed patients having NDEs. They died and were resuscitated and spoke about relatives meeting them on the other side and talked about the beauty of the place. They did not want to come back. I believe God is revealing himself more and more and we can learn so much about how to live from these events..for example the life review where people have to experience the effect of their every action on the people they encountered while here on earth. I myself have had two out of body experiences so I know that we are spirits in a physical world. It is time to embrace and learn from these sacred experiences. Like attracts like on the other side and people can also be drawn to the darkness where they feel comfortable. Dr. George Ritchie wrote about his visit to heaven and hell with Jesus as his guide. Howard Storm also. There are many, many accounts. Thank you again!
Thank you and God Bless you!
My friend has a granddaughter who had a near death experience. She is still here but has suffered very much. She is not afraid to die as she says heaven is beautiful!
I lost my father last year. I had been his full-time carer for 12 years when he died in my arms at hospital on August 20th, 2022, at 99 years of age, months shy of what would have been his 100th birthday.
It became increasingly clearer to me that as each day passed leading up to his passing, that where there is Love there is most definitely Life, and where there is Life there will always be the need for Love, both in this world and the next, neither separate to be so exclusive nothing believed impossible it cannot occur.
And that is the miracle of Life is it not? Love! How it heals the heart to make whole again everything you only imagined as being broken, the break a mere moment of false judgement within your perception.
It was three weeks to the day my father was hospitalised, and I was left so undone by a moment of Divine Truth that I had to let go from holding his hand to wipe my eyes all wet with tears.
His white hair as soft as fur, all shiny against the gelatinous pink glow of his skin but for a patch or two of dryness, he slowly opened his right eye the left as ever lazy, and looked at me. Then, almost without making a sound he began to mouth an utterance no real cause to compile a complete clause:
"I... need..."
"What do you need dad, tell me!" I said to him, thinking he might have wanted to take in a teaspoonful of water or perhaps a taste of tea.
He did not answer.
And so, I asked him again: "Dad, what do you need?"
"I need you!"
I stood up from my chair beside his bed, leaned over the frail form that was his body to take his head in my hands and whisper to him : "I love you!"
"And I love you!" he replied back to me. I was caught by the "and", how it added weight to the truth of his words and what we were feeling for each other.
I sensed the coming of a certain type of wisdom toward my father, just as I sensed it with my mother day's before she died seventeen years ago.
Wisdom yes, but also purity, an instant without ideas that sees Love's choice never the illusion.
There was little of confusion in my father that day, no dementia left to deal with or steal from him his mind, he fully remembered me, because Love it never forgets!
Leaning over to kiss his forehead one last time before leaving I said to him in the gentlest of whispers, my lips at his ear: "Love you! Love you lots!" and he replied with an affectionate smile: "Twofold!"
And there you have it - yes? - the thing we are here to experience in this time we call Life, the twofold nature of it which embraces Death and all the living done in between, that nothing should ever be so done, perhaps the greatest something we are here to learn.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us, oh, what a Blessing to have such a love between father and daughter.
@@joanhaselman444 Father and son :) Thank you Joan, for your kind words and appreciation. Blessings!