You'r getting a pro in making this kind of compact video's. Everything I want to know about this product is in it with some extra usefull tips. Send it to Winnerwell as a promotion video. I love this sort of short video's on product reviews. It's becomming a practical database at hand on outdoor gear.
Ever since I saw this stove on your other channel I've been thinking about it. I don't need more stoves...I don't need more stoves...has become my mantra, but this one is so purdy...I don't need more stoves...
Nice job, you do a very good job of explaining... for guy like me with limited experience these videos are very helpful. Hope it pays off for you..and you don’t get burnt out , because agin it’s very helpful
I really like this stove, especially the size and how it's horizontal. More room and stability, especially for pans. I love the Winnerwell products. They are high quality.
I got this a few months back and due to Covid I haven’t had the chance to use it in anger. I purchased a custom strip of aluminium to act as a lid to contain the heat and enable me to use it as a sort of tent stove, I also have a bread pan with sliding lid that fit perfectly and I plan on using it as an oven with a cut down grill in it for circulation. I also plan on using it in the entrance to my tarp tent set up to stay warm in winter. I won’t able to get out there properly until August now! 😢
Thank you for sharing. I feel the stand is s little redundant, especially given that it brings the weight up to the steel version which is much cheaper. When i buy one i will improvise a tray.
Hi Andy I do like the fuel feeding for this stove instead of trying to drop it in the stove or get into the smaller opening on other set ups. Thanks for the demo. I will check into one for myself.
Another brilliant presentation Andy ! I was so impressed , I've ordered one. Looking forward to it arriving. We are also very fortunate here in Fife for locally produced delicious top quality bacon. Sorry to learn that some of your video content is being blagged. I suppose if it wasn't so excellent, no one would bother. Stay safe 🤘
Great breakdown and review. Don't know that I'd call a 12 oz stove an "ultralight backpacking stove." Probably ultralight for bushcrafting, but not backpacking. My Firebox Nano, in it's x-case, still only weighs 7 oz. Interesting design on this one, and definitely an improvement from other Chinese attempts at the large woodburning camp stove. Enjoyed the review. Always better when folks have actually used the gear before they review it.
I do like the extended fuel shelf giving you the option to feed larger pieces of wood. Would be good to see a mess tin in top as it looks perfect size.
That stove looks a bit a lot more practical than most I hope you show us a few more videos of you using it ,I would like to see if it twists or buckles after a few uses.Nice review see you soon .
Really enjoying the gear reviews!!! And you are doing a SUPER job with them! I'm actually considering a small stove to use in the back yard when in summertime I don't want to use the range in the house or the big propane grill outside. I've got PLENTY of wood too. Just to cook a burger or something. Thanks Andy!!
Just based on the prices that i've seen this seems to be a pretty good value even compared to the Bush Box offerings. Also while I was on their US site I took a look at their stoves and foldable fire pit which i've seen you use. I have to say i'm really interested in one of those fire pits with a grill grate addon.
this is a very cool stove, this looks wider then my 12 survivors folding stove which is a steel stove that I have to fold around the base and lock the front to one of the side panels to form the box
Sorry the link didn't show the stove but I've found stoves on Wish that perform just as well at a fraction of the cost despite the wait for delivery, still love the review and the weight of that thing is awesome, keep up the cool reviews dude 😎
Hey, Andy. That's an interesting piece of gear; that it basically turns into a portable fireplace. I think they should look at a hybrid Ti/stainless version or use heavier Ti on parts of it, because those grates are not handling the heat + the weight/volume of fuel you can fit in it (then send me one for recommending it 🤣). Take care and stay well.
so far just a little on the grill which isn't too unusual, I think if it was going to a lot it would have by now, be interesting to see as I use it more :)
Excellent review as always Andy, where abouts in the UK can i but this please?? Looked on Google, amazon, eBay but finding it difficult to source!! Thanks in advance and carry on the top notch work!!!
I think this is the best ive seen, the others are great but really a little small, the size an weight are incredible really. Steel or Titanium, apart from weight, is their any other advantage to the titanium one?
Great review but you got the weight wrong my friend. The stove itself is 11 ounces and the accessory tray is 12 ounces. I got my information from the manufacturer's website. Still...great review and I appreciate it. Best wishes!
Winnerwell website states that the plate is 360 gram (just the plate) and the stove without plate is 320 gram. Which would make it 680 grams for the entire package. Have you measured the actual weight for the stove? I’m trying to decide between this stove, the bushbox LF ti or the bushbox XL ti for my backpack/bushcraft/wild camp trips.
As I’ve never used any sort of wood stove before, I’d be interested to know how long does it generally take for them to cool down before you can pack them away?
Looks like a great stove Andy...I may add it to my collection! It would be interesting to see if the stand/table could be used independently in any way?
Cracking review Andy looks like a cracking stove I have the bushbox xl it's great but heavy for it's size I like the cooking surface on this one atvb Jimmy 😎😎
Is this the most elusive camping stove ever? Help me out guys and girls......I love it, for me it beats the Bush box XL.....a purchase link would be warmly appreciated.
Here is the link to the US winnerwell amazon page, if you scroll about halfway down you will find both the stainless and titanium with the trays, although the stainless base is currently unavailable the titanium one is listed (in case that has changed since your original posting).
How much is this to buy don't say in the product link I don't think I love it titanium is a go to for me and been looking for good wood stove that's compact packable and also love the fact no burn marks keeps everyone happy init
Looks like it works well, but is quite pricey. I wish they made a stove this size that was fully sealed and had the option for a chimney. I know winnerwell makes the fastfold, but since I am looking to go moto camping for an extended period of time, the fast fold might prove to be too bulky when combined with the rest of my gear.
Great video, I've watched it heaps of times. I have two Questions. Could you use this on a table under a tarp / awning. Or would you be worried about sparks? Also, have you tried a boil time on it?
I think the euro store is easiest for uk, doesn't seem the dealers here have them:
I think if it warped that badly on two uses - i’d be really disappointed. Sacrificed thickness of grills and potentially strength for weight? Wonder if steel one fairs and wears better! Be great to see a comparison with steel after several uses.
@@kentsurvivalgearreview586 It is not shown for sale on their site. It only shows the name (not a link) of the US distributor, Dwell something. What's up with that? here it is if you need euro shipping :)
Hi Andrew. Have been trying to get hold of this stove. Went onto the link you gave. But wasn't letting me progress. Can you please help. Much appreciated.
This product is not on the Winner Well website proper; it is buried. If you follow the link below, it will take you to the description for SKU 910217 but it does not appear for sale on Winner Well and when you click their "Where to Buy" is shows one US distributor, Dwell Survival Products, with NO link. When you go to Dwell, they link you back to Winner Well! Can not find this product for sale ANYWHERE! What the?!
This is it that ships to Europe, its an authorised dealer:
Hmmm,mm I may have purchased this if I hadn't already just got a titanium twig stove...seems decent, what's the price point Andy? Seems very fuel efficient too.
I think it was about £127 which puts it in line with the bushboox xl in price. both have pros and cons. be interesting to see how the thinner Ti holds up
@@johnodwyer5146 Its genuinely under 220g too... some of the others listed on generic type shapes are 365g or more for titanium, that made me suspicious of them being titanium, I weighed mine on my scales and it came in at about 215g without the case. Enjoy
Love the Canvey Island Thames Delta blues that plays in the intro.
You'r getting a pro in making this kind of compact video's. Everything I want to know about this product is in it with some extra usefull tips. Send it to Winnerwell as a promotion video. I love this sort of short video's on product reviews. It's becomming a practical database at hand on outdoor gear.
Andy showing and playing with some gear. Probably the highlight of my afternoon
Ever since I saw this stove on your other channel I've been thinking about it.
I don't need more stoves...I don't need more stoves...has become my mantra, but this one is so purdy...I don't need more stoves...
Nice job, you do a very good job of explaining... for guy like me with limited experience these videos are very helpful. Hope it pays off for you..and you don’t get burnt out , because agin it’s very helpful
I really like this stove, especially the size and how it's horizontal. More room and stability, especially for pans. I love the Winnerwell products. They are high quality.
Looks like Winnerwell's done it again. A fire box stove in a practical size. Love my medium Winnerwell stove👍
Now that is a great stove! Gonna have to get one.
Thanks Andy 👍
I got this a few months back and due to Covid I haven’t had the chance to use it in anger. I purchased a custom strip of aluminium to act as a lid to contain the heat and enable me to use it as a sort of tent stove, I also have a bread pan with sliding lid that fit perfectly and I plan on using it as an oven with a cut down grill in it for circulation. I also plan on using it in the entrance to my tarp tent set up to stay warm in winter. I won’t able to get out there properly until August now! 😢
Great review
Think this channel is going to be a winner.
it's always the way when you try to light the fire the wind blows
Thank you for sharing.
I feel the stand is s little redundant, especially given that it brings the weight up to the steel version which is much cheaper. When i buy one i will improvise a tray.
Hi Andy I do like the fuel feeding for this stove instead of trying to drop it in the stove or get into the smaller opening on other set ups. Thanks for the demo. I will check into one for myself.
I love that you’ve started this channel. Great information for great products. Thank you very much.
Great review of the stove Andy, it looks like a great unit.
Another brilliant presentation Andy ! I was so impressed , I've ordered one. Looking forward to it arriving. We are also very fortunate here in Fife for locally produced delicious top quality bacon. Sorry to learn that some of your video content is being blagged. I suppose if it wasn't so excellent, no one would bother. Stay safe 🤘
Great breakdown and review. Don't know that I'd call a 12 oz stove an "ultralight backpacking stove." Probably ultralight for bushcrafting, but not backpacking. My Firebox Nano, in it's x-case, still only weighs 7 oz.
Interesting design on this one, and definitely an improvement from other Chinese attempts at the large woodburning camp stove. Enjoyed the review. Always better when folks have actually used the gear before they review it.
I do like the extended fuel shelf giving you the option to feed larger pieces of wood. Would be good to see a mess tin in top as it looks perfect size.
A great stove. Plenty of room on top for a good steak!👍🏻
Another quality bit of kit, my birthday list is sorted I'm just signing the better half up to this channel😂
Nicely made! Way better than the little fire box i have
Great looking stove liking the new channel thanks for sharing
All the best Pete
That stove looks a bit a lot more practical than most I hope you show us a few more videos of you using it ,I would like to see if it twists or buckles after a few uses.Nice review see you soon .
Really enjoying the gear reviews!!! And you are doing a SUPER job with them! I'm actually considering a small stove to use in the back yard when in summertime I don't want to use the range in the house or the big propane grill outside. I've got PLENTY of wood too. Just to cook a burger or something. Thanks Andy!!
Nice video Andy 👍. Cool bit of kit, not any small bit . That could be lost 😜
Keep up the content Andy absolutely love both of your channels. Also subbed to Simon thanks to you
Just based on the prices that i've seen this seems to be a pretty good value even compared to the Bush Box offerings. Also while I was on their US site I took a look at their stoves and foldable fire pit which i've seen you use. I have to say i'm really interested in one of those fire pits with a grill grate addon.
Love these little review videos Andy, keep them coming big man.
Looks superb... love this and your main channel 👊🏻
Much larger yet still a small, light stove. Good review! 😉🇨🇦
this is a very cool stove, this looks wider then my 12 survivors folding stove which is a steel stove that I have to fold around the base and lock the front to one of the side panels to form the box
This channel is great its definitely going to be a winner
Good review on what looks like a really nice product. Like your channel 👍🇨🇦
Over time since owning how much has it warped ... Thinking may get SS version
Sorry the link didn't show the stove but I've found stoves on Wish that perform just as well at a fraction of the cost despite the wait for delivery, still love the review and the weight of that thing is awesome, keep up the cool reviews dude 😎
Awesome Video! Thank you for posting. Can't wait to see more 😊
This is a really nice stove! Love how it allows you to feed the wood on the side 👍🏼 BTW .. wish we could get that bacon in Canada ☹️
You can, in English/British ex pat shops, depending upon where you are obviously.
Hey, Andy. That's an interesting piece of gear; that it basically turns into a portable fireplace. I think they should look at a hybrid Ti/stainless version or use heavier Ti on parts of it, because those grates are not handling the heat + the weight/volume of fuel you can fit in it (then send me one for recommending it 🤣). Take care and stay well.
↟↟Titanium folding table..🤔 definately not bad))😎👍🏻
That looks like a great piece of kit. Great feeding system and looks stable
Looked like a very well thought out design
If only I still camped, I’d love to try one of these types of stove. Very fuel efficient, compared to open fire cooking.
Well-designed kit. Warping COULD get annoying...but wire grids warp as easily. Even your light pan stayed stable, so it is all good so far.
so far just a little on the grill which isn't too unusual, I think if it was going to a lot it would have by now, be interesting to see as I use it more :)
That is an awesome camp stove,
Awesome video thanks great stove
Love this stove but it’s not available in the states. Thanks for sharing. Stay safe, healthy & happy.
Thanks for comment, I've been looking with no success.
Hi there... I wonder after 6 months owning this stove... How much you use it and how has the warping progressed?
If you remove the stand will the feet on the feed chute act as a stand for the chute? That’s what I’m seeing if you don’t use the stand
Yes please
nice video
Great as always!
🥓 I can smell that bacon from here in South Africa 🥓
Ah but the all important question did you have tomato ketchup lol great review as usual Andy thanks for sharing
Excellent review as always Andy, where abouts in the UK can i but this please?? Looked on Google, amazon, eBay but finding it difficult to source!! Thanks in advance and carry on the top notch work!!!
Everything goes better with bacon . . 👍
I think this is the best ive seen, the others are great but really a little small, the size an weight are incredible really.
Steel or Titanium, apart from weight, is their any other advantage to the titanium one?
Great review but you got the weight wrong my friend. The stove itself is 11 ounces and the accessory tray is 12 ounces. I got my information from the manufacturer's website. Still...great review and I appreciate it. Best wishes!
Winnerwell website states that the plate is 360 gram (just the plate) and the stove without plate is 320 gram. Which would make it 680 grams for the entire package. Have you measured the actual weight for the stove? I’m trying to decide between this stove, the bushbox LF ti or the bushbox XL ti for my backpack/bushcraft/wild camp trips.
As I’ve never used any sort of wood stove before, I’d be interested to know how long does it generally take for them to cool down before you can pack them away?
Are you sure that front tray is right? If you knock it, it would catapult the stove over backwards...
Question: what is the oil for? Bacon fat is literally used as grease to cook other food. That's confusing to me.
Looks like a great stove Andy...I may add it to my collection! It would be interesting to see if the stand/table could be used independently in any way?
Cracking review Andy looks like a cracking stove I have the bushbox xl it's great but heavy for it's size I like the cooking surface on this one atvb Jimmy 😎😎
cheers mate, its definitely a similar size to the xl... I like variety haha, whatever stove matches my shoes that day ;) haha
@@kentsurvivalgearreview586 🤣🤣🤣 this challenge could be bad for my pocket 🤣🤣🤣
Is this the most elusive camping stove ever? Help me out guys and girls......I love it, for me it beats the Bush box XL.....a purchase link would be warmly appreciated.
Hi just letting letting you know the weights are wrong on your video. It’s actually just over 600g combined for the titainium
Hi, thanks for sharing.
Sadly can only find the main fire box, not the base stand or the feed tray.
Here is the link to the US winnerwell amazon page, if you scroll about halfway down you will find both the stainless and titanium with the trays, although the stainless base is currently unavailable the titanium one is listed (in case that has changed since your original posting).
How much is this to buy don't say in the product link I don't think I love it titanium is a go to for me and been looking for good wood stove that's compact packable and also love the fact no burn marks keeps everyone happy init
Hey, if your in Europe this distributer sells it :)
You had me at bacon
Base Stand and Feeder Tray sold separately. Not much change out of £100 for the complete kit. You can't buy the complete kit as one.
:-) nice looking stove * Nicely reviewed
Does anyone know that has used this stove for say a year or 2 whether the titanium buckles under the heat ? Or does it retain its shape?
Great Review ❤️🌲🌳❤️
Where can you buy this stuff?
Looks like it works well, but is quite pricey. I wish they made a stove this size that was fully sealed and had the option for a chimney. I know winnerwell makes the fastfold, but since I am looking to go moto camping for an extended period of time, the fast fold might prove to be too bulky when combined with the rest of my gear.
Great video, I've watched it heaps of times. I have two Questions. Could you use this on a table under a tarp / awning. Or would you be worried about sparks? Also, have you tried a boil time on it?
Love the stove cant find it in the uk help thank you
I think the euro store is easiest for uk, doesn't seem the dealers here have them:
@@kentsurvivalgearreview586 great thank you
Just a thought. With the meshed base, is there any problem with ash clogging airflow?
I like the look of that but it does look a bit warped already.
Didn't your winnewell titanium shelf fail and drooped over the fire because of the heat on your main channel
On the site I found only the steel stove
How to order im in the Philippines how much is it in Philipine money?
Had me at bacon, Andy.
139 euros is about $157 . Winner well does make quality equip
Being able to add those bigger sticks means you really don't have to bother with feeding, not like those rocket stoves.
Anyone know where these are made ?
I think if it warped that badly on two uses - i’d be really disappointed. Sacrificed thickness of grills and potentially strength for weight? Wonder if steel one fairs and wears better! Be great to see a comparison with steel after several uses.
it isn't badly warped, just a little on the grill but will be interesting to see how it does over time :)
What pan is this?
I do not see this model on their website....?
the link in the description should take you right to it :)
@@kentsurvivalgearreview586 It is not shown for sale on their site. It only shows the name (not a link) of the US distributor, Dwell something. What's up with that?
Cant find that winnerwell stove anywhere ...... here it is if you need euro shipping :)
Did you ever use the Kelly kettle?
I havnt, they look novel but bulky and not too versatile, I could be wrong about that, I said the same about the Trangia until I got one haha.
Anyone got a link to purchase this bad boy?
for a $200 set up I'd expect it not to warp so bad as if was $20.
I like my stoves how i like my woman. Strong, hot, and takes three big ones in the base.
Hi Andrew. Have been trying to get hold of this stove. Went onto the link you gave. But wasn't letting me progress. Can you please help. Much appreciated.
this distributer ships uk:
Thanks Andrew much appreciated for replying. Problem solved. 😊
Cant seem to find thease atal??
are you Europe?
This product is not on the Winner Well website proper; it is buried. If you follow the link below, it will take you to the description for SKU 910217 but it does not appear for sale on Winner Well and when you click their "Where to Buy" is shows one US distributor, Dwell Survival Products, with NO link. When you go to Dwell, they link you back to Winner Well! Can not find this product for sale ANYWHERE! What the?!
This is it that ships to Europe, its an authorised dealer:
i like that :D
Hmmm,mm I may have purchased this if I hadn't already just got a titanium twig stove...seems decent, what's the price point Andy? Seems very fuel efficient too.
I think it was about £127 which puts it in line with the bushboox xl in price. both have pros and cons. be interesting to see how the thinner Ti holds up
@@kentsurvivalgearreview586 How much!! Jeez mine was £27.00 LOL
@@johnodwyer5146 Here ya go
@@johnodwyer5146 Its genuinely under 220g too... some of the others listed on generic type shapes are 365g or more for titanium, that made me suspicious of them being titanium, I weighed mine on my scales and it came in at about 215g without the case. Enjoy