The main reason why many wealthy ladies buy *condup* fake bags is because they realize that buying Birkin bags and Kelly bags is not the right investment. It is meaningless to spend money like this, but carrying a carpet bag does not match your status. .
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
The timing of this video is perfect! I went to work yesterday with my *hotdups* Mini Lindy bag and the sales assistant I was working with commented that my "green bag" reminded her of a Prada bag, haha
Very interesting well done fashion fix
The main reason why many wealthy ladies buy *condup* fake bags is because they realize that buying Birkin bags and Kelly bags is not the right investment. It is meaningless to spend money like this, but carrying a carpet bag does not match your status. .
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
The timing of this video is perfect! I went to work yesterday with my *hotdups* Mini Lindy bag and the sales assistant I was working with commented that my "green bag" reminded her of a Prada bag, haha