■Original song : • bo en - my time ゲームの発売おめでとうございます。 Congratulations on the release of your game! みんな買おう→store.steampow... ■Twitter→ / 1pikime ■Sheet→ i/...
@リンジェタアイスティー aubrey was all nice and cheery before a certain someone died and then afterwards sunny stopped coming to school and hero went to college and kel was focused on sports and basil was all silent and then she beat the shit outta him lmao
ありがとう! Thank you! いろんな国の人がこの楽譜を見て、この素晴らしい曲を演奏してくれるととても嬉しいです。 I would be very happy if people from different countries could see this score and play this wonderful song. ぜひ動画が見てみたい! I want to see the video :)
I always wondered how this would sound on piano, and before i basically thought it was imposible due to the extreme like idk "chaoticness" of the song, you my friend have achieved the imposible, it came out amazing, really amazing Good job :)
それは私にとって最高の誉め言葉です… That's the highest compliment for me... この曲に惚れて、ピアノで再現したいと思ったのが動画を作るきっかけでした。 ありがとう!!! I fell in love with this song and wanted to recreate it on the piano, which is what inspired me to make the video. Thank you so much !!!
Close your eyes, you'll be here soon Ichi ni san shi go fun Tokidoki, hontou ni netai Demo, kono waado dekinai Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Days go by Shou ga nai Moments pass Shattered glass Hands of time Where's that chime? In my head I'll just I'll just I'll just I'll just Hands of time will wring my neck Every little moment spells regret But I don't have to feel this way As a voice inside my head Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do
@@azureaqua_1177 yeah that's something sunny would do just mari playing my time and sunny interrupts with megalovania or something while looking her in the soul
沢山のコメントと動画の再生ありがとうございます! Thanks for all the comments and the video views! とうとうOMORIが発売しましたね!翻訳しながら、少しづつですがゲームを進めています OMORI has finally been released! I've been working on translating the English, and I'm making my way through the game little by little. 年末年始は色々と用事があり、コメントへの返信が出来ておりませんが、すべて有難く読ませていただいています I haven't been able to reply to any of the comments because I had a lot of things to do over the New Year's holidays, but I've been reading them all with great appreciation! 余裕が出来たら返信させていただきます I will reply to you when I can afford to do so.
lyrics to sing along!! Close your eyes, you'll be here soon Ichi ni san shi go fun Tokidoki, hontou ni netai Demo, kono waado dekinai Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Days go by Shou ga nai Moments pass Shattered glass Hands of time Where's that chime? In my head I'll just I'll just I'll just I'll just Hands of time will wring my neck Every little moment spells regret But I don't have to feel this way As a voice inside my head Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do
For such words cant describe my feelings right now, but i want to sincerely thank you for you playing this piece. may you suceed in what you aim, and may your passion will never wane.
@@itscashew5535 いつかOMORIの2017トレイラー、"duet"を弾いてみたいと思っています! I would like to play OMORI's 2017 trailer "duet" someday! 早くあの世界と音楽に浸りたい…。 I want to be immersed in that world and music soon...
Hmm, I'm not as much as you think. I'm always jealous of people myself... But I'm so glad, thank you 💕 If you are a creator of any kind, I support that. Let's both do our best :)
This is amazing, I only heard about Omori just now, but I been listening to Bo en for a long as time. You emulated this one really well, I might even prefer this version on a rainy day.
I got to know Bo en through Omori. I love the sound of synthesizers, which is pleasant to the ear, and the bright yet somewhat unstable and mysterious atmosphere. I didn't want to destroy the atmosphere of the original song as much as possible, so I'm glad you said that‼
The best piano cover I've ever seen in youtube. I've been searching time to time 'til I found this one. Amazing! I can feel it. The emptiness and the agony of this piece.
お褒めの言葉をありがとうございます! Thank you for the compliment that couldn't have been better! 空虚さと苦悩というのは面白い表現ですね。 一見明るい曲調なのに、妙に暗いイメージと狂気を感じさせる、弾いててとても楽しい曲でした。 Emptiness and anguish is an interesting way to describe it. It was a very fun song to play, with a seemingly bright tone but strangely dark imagery and madness.
Same I never knew about this game but I knew about the song and when I watched the Gameplay changed my whole prospective of that song now all I see is Sunny Free falling
As a pianist, I gain a whole other sense of admiration and respect for this person. Learning a piece this complex with so much distance between the notes of each hand... 😭😭
Thank you! まあ、コロナの影響は仕方ないと思います… Well, I think the influence of Corona is inevitable... 他のトレーラー音楽はすでに耳コピされており、練習が必要です。しかし、他にやりたいことがあるので、いつ投稿されるかわかりません。 The other trailer music is already ear-copied and needs practice. However, I don't know when it will be posted, because there is something else I want to do.
Close your eyes, you'll be here soon Ichi ni san shi go fun Tokidoki, hontou ni netai Demo, kono waado dekinai Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream Oyasumi oyasumi I know that it's hard to do Days go by Shou ga nai Moments pass Shattered glass Hands of time Where's that chime? In my head I'll just I'll just I'll just I'll just Hands of time will wring my neck Every little moment spells regret But I don't have to feel this way As a voice inside my head Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi Oyasumi oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this…
i really like this cover, it makes me feel more relaxed, the way you play it it's amazing, and i surely enjoy this. i'm not having a good during quarantine, i'm having trouble often when i want to sleep, but this actually helps me a lot. please continue like that, you're doing a good job. thank you♡♡
隔離中は不安でなかなか寝られないですよね、分かります。 It's hard to sleep during quarantine because of the anxiety, I understand. この動画があなたの睡眠の手助けになって良かった。 I'm glad this video helped you sleep. それにしても、これを聴いて寝ると面白い夢が見られそうですねw Even so, I think you're going to have funny dreams when you listen to this and go to sleep haha ありがとう、これからも動画を上げていきたいです! Thanks, I hope to keep those videos up!
Close your eyes you'll be here soon いちにさんしごふん (ichi ni san shi go fun) ときどきほんとうにねたい (toki doki hon tou ni netai) でもこのワードできない (demo kono waado dekinai) おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすー (oyasuー) おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) I know that it's hard to do Days go by しょうがない (shou ga nai) Moments pass Shattered glass Hands of time Where's that chime In my head I'll just I'll just I'll just I'll just Hands (hands!) of time will wring my neck Every little moment spells regret But I don't have to feel this way As a voice inside my head おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすみ (oyasumi) おやすー (oyasuー) おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) I know that it's hard to do おやすみ (oyasumi) Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) I know that it's hard to do おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi) I know that it's hard to do
I feel the need to give you credit, this cover really gave me the final push to learn to play my keyboard. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to, since I didn't know if I was going to be able to balance between practicing piano and guitar, but this video has filled me with will to finally start, I'll train everyday until I can play this arrangement :]
Yayyy, I'm so happy!!! XDD Good luck on the keyboard! If you're growing your nails for the guitar, don't forget to cut them in moderation so they don't break :]]
Thank you! That was a very great game!! I wish I could have wandered around in those colorful, strange, happy dreams forever, but they won't let me... ahhh...
This video is what got me interested in omori, and I can now say confidently it is probably my favorite game of all time. Thank you so much for this wonderful cover, and for introducing me to this amazing game
i love this so much, it sounds slightly more like a slow mental breakdown in contrast to bo en's more chaotic version. thanks for making this after omori made me cry like four times lol
いつか私もにひきの住処さんみたいにピアノをうまくて心に響いく歌をひけるようになりたいです<3 (すみませんちょっと私日本語下手なので許してくださいー) translation: one day i want to be able to play such wonderful piano pieces like what you do
This is great! I also thought of the idea of you suddenly pulling out a gun at the part where the gun loading sound comes in and couldn't help but laugh.
Wow this is absolutely amazing! I'm surprised at how well this was transcribed into piano, amazing job 10/10 would listen again. (Also thank you for posting sheet music!)
For some reason, I feel like this song describes my time during quarantine well. (Especially 3:02) Thank you for covering it! I loved that I could hear the upbeat and chaotic parts of the original song in such a smooth way.
Thank you! I'm glad you said that, because I wanted to keep the chaos of the original song in my arrangement! Are you feeling better already?(I'm not sure if I'm interpreting "quarantine" correctly.) Take care of yourself :)
@@にひきの住処 thanks for responding! While some days feel unreal, it has been getting better. Sometimes I have to remember every day is a gift in some way; As an example, this performance was a highlight for me the other week ago :D
コメントありがとうございます! Thank you for your comment! 私のtwitterのモーメントに投稿しました。 Posted on my Twitter Moments. ぜひ弾いてください! Please play by all means! link → twitter.com/i/events/1239820233684086784?s=13
Thank you for the beautiful cover. You posted this 3 days after my birthday! 💓
6 minutes ago?
!?!? これ以上の幸せはありません…
!?!? I couldn't be happier...
Thank you too so much for making a very very nice song! 💖💖
1 day ago dang, hello Bo en :)) I hope you are well and happy late Birthday
HOLY SHIT OMG 13 likes??? also bo en ily
i love ur songs
aubrey before: 😇✨💖✨
aubrey after: 🤬😤🖤💥💢
@リンジェタアイスティー no remember when she was a child she was all innocent but growing up, she got all depressed/ emo and shit
@リンジェタアイスティー aubrey was all nice and cheery before a certain someone died and then afterwards sunny stopped coming to school and hero went to college and kel was focused on sports and basil was all silent and then she beat the shit outta him lmao
You are everywhere how
How do you have bilocation
@@Bob-aaaaa LMFAO
This game triggers so many emotions it’s insane
I agree. I played the game with intense emotions, crying, laughing, and screaming.
Ana Garcia like happy mad sad and afraid?
@@richardgibson8403 the bathroom/door jumpscare was the worst
P T now that’s a “STRESSED OUT” moment
It does I cry every time
Listening to this beauty remind me that the release is near and i shall never give up hope.
Thank you‼
I hope this video cheers the project.
When is the release time? :0
@@big-fatdumpy-head4482 some time during the spring
Sir Thomas I can’t wait haha
are u nagito komaeda or something
I can only imagine Mari playing this now...
Thank you, Maybe Mari had been watching over Sunny for a long time.
@McMari you gonna take my order or what?
@McMari mari get back to your mc donalds youre everywhere
isnt break time over already?
@@4en0 hikki
ngl started crying when i saw u included sheet music
this is a wonderful composition and the fact that u included sheets is just
bro ur awesome
Thank you!
I would be very happy if people from different countries could see this score and play this wonderful song.
I want to see the video :)
It almost seems like a reference to the game
@@sabbathx7438 the bathroom jumpscare was the worst
Omori is best game
where can u find the sheet music? :oo
December 25th, almost there guys
It's finally here...!
At last you can play 😁
I have been waiting for this date for 7 long years.
@@tommyblade8093 rn.
if there was a hidden mari boss, this should be the theme
Sounds interesting!
Man, if I could mod I would be on this in a heartbeat
Lmao I’m here now that the new fight images have been released
i think that the MARI boss would actually be the piano part of DUET, but that’s just what I think lol
I always wondered how this would sound on piano, and before i basically thought it was imposible due to the extreme like idk "chaoticness" of the song, you my friend have achieved the imposible, it came out amazing, really amazing
Good job :)
That's the highest compliment for me...
I fell in love with this song and wanted to recreate it on the piano, which is what inspired me to make the video.
Thank you so much !!!
I love this song too and I love that u made this
Nothing Is Impossible:)
check Lattice's out too! she does an amazing job on her transcriptions and works very hard on them! def worth subbing!
Try Lattice's cover, while this is good, his cover captures the chaos in so many ways
Honestly at first I was like: "How does one imitate a song like this?" And that's until this video proves me wrong.
Thank you!!
It was worth the trouble to try to recreate the original song as much as possible!
Close your eyes, you'll be here soon
Ichi ni san shi go fun
Tokidoki, hontou ni netai
Demo, kono waado dekinai
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Days go by
Shou ga nai
Moments pass
Shattered glass
Hands of time
Where's that chime?
In my head
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
Hands of time will wring my neck
Every little moment spells regret
But I don't have to feel this way
As a voice inside my head
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Oh ya sue me....
@Heaven Santos wait do-
@Heaven Santos hol up....
I'm 14 so *no*
Now i can only see mari playing this and sunny playing the crazy part. It hurts now.
Yeah, well... It hurts me to think of Sunny's feelings.
mari plays the peaceful piano parts aND SUNNY GOES BATSHIT CRAZY ON HIS VIOLIN
perfect combo, love it
@@abnormaltulip he just interrupts mari and stares at her directly, while doing so
@@azureaqua_1177 yeah that's something sunny would do
mari playing my time and sunny interrupts with megalovania or something while looking her in the soul
I wasn’t searching for this but I’m glad I found it
Thanks for finding and watching this video!
Thanks for all the comments and the video views!
OMORI has finally been released! I've been working on translating the English, and I'm making my way through the game little by little.
I haven't been able to reply to any of the comments because I had a lot of things to do over the New Year's holidays, but I've been reading them all with great appreciation!
I will reply to you when I can afford to do so.
Have fun~!! It is emotional!
goodjob on the video
@@レム可愛ゆすトマト大魔王 ネタバレしてもいいならしますよ
@@scp2102 ストーリーに関わるんですね!!それではよしてもらって…😭お教えいただきありがとうございます、全て見終わってから解決してきます〜
As a classical musician I'm genuinely impressed by the quality of this adaptation
Jazz musicians happy noises
lyrics to sing along!!
Close your eyes, you'll be here soon
Ichi ni san shi go fun
Tokidoki, hontou ni netai
Demo, kono waado dekinai
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Days go by
Shou ga nai
Moments pass
Shattered glass
Hands of time
Where's that chime?
In my head
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
Hands of time will wring my neck
Every little moment spells regret
But I don't have to feel this way
As a voice inside my head
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
for all y'all that can hit the "o-ya-su-mi o-ya-su-mi o-ya-su-mi o-ya-su-mi" part i envy you
For such words cant describe my feelings right now, but i want to sincerely thank you for you playing this piece. may you suceed in what you aim, and may your passion will never wane.
With those words, I'm glad I've practiced the piano and played this song.
Thank you so much.
@@にひきの住処 You're welcome! i'm eager for more covers! (especially from omori ost)
let's hope the game will come out soon 😊
I would like to play OMORI's 2017 trailer "duet" someday!
I want to be immersed in that world and music soon...
Ahhh! I didn't even notice you did the trailer duet _after_ this one!
And my god, to have such a magical upload date. XD How awesome!
is it weird im mesmerized when you where playing the base in the frenzy bit? Like damn that was f a s t
Thank you
Being spoiled by some Omori gameplay, I cried for about 3-4 hours. Listening to this makes me bawl my eyes again.
I never thought I'd hear this song played in a scene like that...
I hope Sunny will be happy.
@@にひきの住処 wellllllll
He's Kinda Dead
@@seantaggart7382 spoilers
not if u play the good ending
@@carmyne00 i know
But by the Omori wiki
That one dislike is someone jealous of your amazing talent.
Hmm, I'm not as much as you think.
I'm always jealous of people myself...
But I'm so glad, thank you 💕
If you are a creator of any kind, I support that.
Let's both do our best :)
Now those are 43
Absolutely fantastic! You capture the mood so well!
December 25th can't come soon enough.
Thank you! Glad to hear it!
I'm really looking forward to the release date!!
This is amazing, I only heard about Omori just now, but I been listening to Bo en for a long as time.
You emulated this one really well, I might even prefer this version on a rainy day.
I got to know Bo en through Omori.
I love the sound of synthesizers, which is pleasant to the ear, and the bright yet somewhat unstable and mysterious atmosphere.
I didn't want to destroy the atmosphere of the original song as much as possible, so I'm glad you said that‼
The best piano cover I've ever seen in youtube. I've been searching time to time 'til I found this one. Amazing! I can feel it. The emptiness and the agony of this piece.
Thank you for the compliment that couldn't have been better!
Emptiness and anguish is an interesting way to describe it.
It was a very fun song to play, with a seemingly bright tone but strangely dark imagery and madness.
私も弾けるようになりたい( ߹ ߹ )
3:02 has to be my favorite part 😍
I like this part too
I like the strange afterglow after the excitement...
How do you not get noticed? This is amazing!
Thanks for noticing this video and commenting!!
この曲は私に心温まる、幸福と愛情のある雰囲気を与えてくれます...それでも背後には悲しみ、恐怖、そして恐怖があります。ピアノバージョンはとても良いです! ^^
ive listened to this multiple times I CANT GET ENOUGH OF ITT, your cover is literally the best thing ive ever heard
I love this arrangement so much! I didn’t know how much I needed to hear this until now, thanks!
My pleasure. Thank you!!
this has a different sound to me after finishing the game. not in a bad way btw :)
Yeah, I agree.
Whatever, there is no better song to describe the world of this game… :)
Same I never knew about this game but I knew about the song and when I watched the Gameplay changed my whole prospective of that song now all I see is Sunny Free falling
As a pianist, I gain a whole other sense of admiration and respect for this person. Learning a piece this complex with so much distance between the notes of each hand... 😭😭
Salty that the game is delayed yet again. Besides that, nice over. Are you planning on doing the other trailer music of the game?
Thank you!
Well, I think the influence of Corona is inevitable...
The other trailer music is already ear-copied and needs practice. However, I don't know when it will be posted, because there is something else I want to do.
Hey, I'm from the future! It's out and looks awesome
@@mimitrusters9259 already beated the game the moment it came out
@@vincentiuschristianardana6456 the justin y of omori
i love the way your hands dance across the keys near the end it's so magical
the fact I found out a day after the release after seeing one of the trailers wondering what it was years ago
Close your eyes, you'll be here soon
Ichi ni san shi go fun
Tokidoki, hontou ni netai
Demo, kono waado dekinai
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
Oyasumi oyasumi
I know that it's hard to do
Days go by
Shou ga nai
Moments pass
Shattered glass
Hands of time
Where's that chime?
In my head
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
Hands of time will wring my neck
Every little moment spells regret
But I don't have to feel this way
As a voice inside my head
Oyasumi oyasumi
Close your eyes and you'll leave this…
Thank u
i really like this cover, it makes me feel more relaxed, the way you play it it's amazing, and i surely enjoy this.
i'm not having a good during quarantine, i'm having trouble often when i want to sleep, but this actually helps me a lot. please continue like that, you're doing a good job.
thank you♡♡
It's hard to sleep during quarantine because of the anxiety, I understand.
I'm glad this video helped you sleep.
Even so, I think you're going to have funny dreams when you listen to this and go to sleep haha
Thanks, I hope to keep those videos up!
random fact: the original song is about insomnia.
OMG, what a beautiful cover. 💕💕💕
Yay‼Thank you!
Close your eyes you'll be here soon
いちにさんしごふん (ichi ni san shi go fun)
ときどきほんとうにねたい (toki doki hon tou ni netai)
でもこのワードできない (demo kono waado dekinai)
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすー (oyasuー)
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
I know that it's hard to do
Days go by
しょうがない (shou ga nai)
Moments pass
Shattered glass
Hands of time
Where's that chime
In my head
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
I'll just
Hands (hands!) of time will wring my neck
Every little moment spells regret
But I don't have to feel this way
As a voice inside my head
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすみ (oyasumi)
おやすー (oyasuー)
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
I know that it's hard to do
おやすみ (oyasumi)
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
I know that it's hard to do
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
おやすみ、おやすみ (oyasumi, oyasumi)
I know that it's hard to do
oh boy thats great, hugs from brazil :)
Thank you!!
Returns a hug from Japan:D
@@にひきの住処 ahhh i love japan
Caraca BR
Ora ora um Br por aqui
@@にひきの住処 ooh my good the same, hugs of brasil haha🖤🔪🎻
This is one of my most favorite video game songs ever. Hearing it on a piano sounds amazing.
なんかこのピアノの演奏は確信に迫って行くような、たんたんと真相に迫るような緊張感があって好きです( 'ч' )
How does this not have more views? This was sooo good!!! 😭😭💕💕
Thank you!
Of course I'm happy with the number of views, but I'm more happy that you're saying that to me!💕💕
this is so beautifully arranged, thank you :> its a lovely song with a lovely piano cover
Thank you, too!!
It's a very fun song to play :)
@@にひきの住処 i agree! it looks very fun to play :D
I feel the need to give you credit, this cover really gave me the final push to learn to play my keyboard. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to, since I didn't know if I was going to be able to balance between practicing piano and guitar, but this video has filled me with will to finally start, I'll train everyday until I can play this arrangement :]
Yayyy, I'm so happy!!! XDD
Good luck on the keyboard!
If you're growing your nails for the guitar, don't forget to cut them in moderation so they don't break :]]
🤚🏽raise a hand if your here listening to all the many different ost, songs and covers for this game cause u can’t buy it yet? TwT
please don’t call me out like that
Same for the both of you 🙂
@o_uma same but i also know i can’t take horror games well.
I just finished it. What a fucking ride that was. This song really hits different now (though it only plays in 1 ending)
This somehow appears on my reccomended perfectly every single night without fail. So I always watch it every single night, at least for a bit.
i love the way you captured the song with its chaotic vibe. Thank you for recreating it!
Thank you! I remember having a lot of trouble arranging this song, but I'm glad I tried :)
This is my favorite cover now
The hand movements and chords were all unexpected and brillian! Really nice work! I aspire to be a refreshing pianist like you someday!
This is by far the best interpreted version of My Time that I’ve found!
Beats to play while falling of a building
Favorite part
Really love this cover! This game has a special place in my heart now
Thank you! That was a very great game!!
I wish I could have wandered around in those colorful, strange, happy dreams forever, but they won't let me... ahhh...
1:33 best part
Mari when Sunny jumps of high building.
Let's just say when it was announced this song would be in the game, I did NOT expect it to be in the way it is--
Yeah, I was really surprised that this song was played in that scene, but in light of the lyrics, I can understand why it was played...
This video is what got me interested in omori, and I can now say confidently it is probably my favorite game of all time. Thank you so much for this wonderful cover, and for introducing me to this amazing game
this is amazing.
im always suprised by how good this song sounds on piano even tho ive heard so many different piano covers
This is amazing ! Thanks for posting the sheets, it means a lot to me since I've been searching the sheet to play for such a long time !!
Thanks for finding this video !
I'm rooting for you to play this song !!
にひきの住処 (❁´ω`❁)
i love this so much, it sounds slightly more like a slow mental breakdown in contrast to bo en's more chaotic version. thanks for making this after omori made me cry like four times lol
Thank you for listening too!
That's a very nice way of putting it, and I'm glad you said that
@@にひきの住処 haha i think kel is my favorite, i was definitely surprised to see him there as well
one day i want to be able to play such wonderful piano pieces like what you do
This song got me back into piano after a long time not playing. I can only hope to one day play a rendition this good. Absolutely phenomenal!
holy shit dude, you are incredibly talented!! you deserve so much more recognition
Thank you!
That word is so energizing
How To Cry-
POV: are you watching Mari play
Thank you!
Others have mentioned it, but I couldn't figure out what the POV was by looking it up, sorry...
@@にひきの住処 POV means
“Point of view”
@@maihopop Wow, that's very kind of you!!
@@にひきの住処 You're welcome :)
And your piano cover is gold!
@@maihopop Thank you!! :DD
This is great! I also thought of the idea of you suddenly pulling out a gun at the part where the gun loading sound comes in and couldn't help but laugh.
Watching their hands jump around like a spider is cool af, I hope to be this good one day, let hope Mari gives me her skills 🤩
Your so talented!
this is so beautiful. nice work!
Thank you!!
so beautiful omg
Wow this is absolutely amazing! I'm surprised at how well this was transcribed into piano, amazing job 10/10 would listen again. (Also thank you for posting sheet music!)
Thank you
It sounds amazing! By far my favorite cover.
Thank you
I have the urge to learn this on violin somehow
İt is perfect game and it is very great music you are so good at this job
I love this arrangement! Thank you for including sheet.
before i knew alot from omori, i thought that the game fits bo en's my time soo much and here i am realizing its, its trailer song X'D
Thank you!
I think this song is a great representation of the OMORI game world.
I've been captivated by this song and the world since that trailer...
also plays in one of the endings
I stumbled upon this song today, and after finding your cover, I am loving this song even more. Only regret is finding about this so late!
For some reason, I feel like this song describes my time during quarantine well. (Especially 3:02)
Thank you for covering it! I loved that I could hear the upbeat and chaotic parts of the original song in such a smooth way.
Thank you!
I'm glad you said that, because I wanted to keep the chaos of the original song in my arrangement!
Are you feeling better already?(I'm not sure if I'm interpreting "quarantine" correctly.)
Take care of yourself :)
@@にひきの住処 thanks for responding! While some days feel unreal, it has been getting better. Sometimes I have to remember every day is a gift in some way; As an example, this performance was a highlight for me the other week ago :D
The piano is my happy place it droning my thoughts as i know it only lasts intill my fingers bleed and it’s impossible to play
Can you post some sheet music I really want to be able to play this
second this
Thank you for your comment!
Posted on my Twitter Moments.
Please play by all means!
link → twitter.com/i/events/1239820233684086784?s=13
This sounds amazing
The sole reason I wanna learn piano is to learn this one song and show off to my music class and teacher even though I don’t even play omori
It’s so beautiful ❤️
Thank you! ❤️
Amazing performance
this looks just plain hard- the long jumps up a octave in the beginning and the general chaotic-ness of the song