thank you father you help me and make me very strong by hearing you every day some times at night while am listning to you i feel sleeping safely by forgetting all my problems
Aaron was Moses' older brother. He was born in 2365, three years before Moses, before the Pharaoh's edict requiring the death of male Hebrew children. He was the ancestor of all koheins, the founder of the priesthood, and the first Kohein Gadol (High Priest). Aaron and his descendants tended the altar and offered sacrifices. Aaron's role, unlike Moses', was inherited; his sons continued the priesthood after him (Num. 20:26). Aaron served as Moses' spokesman. As discussed above, Moses was not eloquent and had a speech impediment, so Aaron spoke for him (Ex. 4:10-16). Contrary to popular belief, it was Aaron, not Moses, who cast down the staff that became a snake before Pharaoh (Ex. 7:10-12). It was Aaron, not Moses, who held out his staff to trigger the first three plagues against Egypt (Ex. 7:19-20; Ex. 8:1-2 or 8:5-6; Ex. 8:12-13 or 8:16-17). According to Jewish tradition, it was also Aaron who performed the signs for the elders before they went to Pharaoh (Ex. 4:30). Aaron's most notable personal quality is that he was a peacemaker. His love of peace is proverbial; Rabbi Hillel said, "Be disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and drawing them near the Torah." According to tradition, when Aaron heard that two people were arguing, he would go to each of them and tell them how much the other regretted his actions, until the two people agreed to face each other as friends. In fact, Aaron loved peace so much that he participated in the incident of the Golden Calf (Ex. 32), constructing the idol in order to prevent dissension among the people. Aaron intended to buy time until Moses returned from Mount Sinai (he was late, and the people were worried), to discourage the people by asking them to give up their precious jewelry in order to make the idol, and to teach them the error of their ways in time (Ex. 32:22). Aaron, like Moses, died in the desert shortly before the people entered the Promised Land (Num. 20).
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ALMIGHTY GOD surrounds with your mercy all the defuncts who left before us this earth even all tyrants who persecuted your chosen people. Good and gentle JESUS, as you forgave from the top of your cross your opponents don’t hide your tender and radiant face from all creatures that moved away from your inexpressible love. As well as my ascendants, descendants and collaterals I beseech you HOLY LORD to weight upon the world’s destiny for the salvation of the present and future humanity awaiting the PAROUSIA. As for your poor servant, forgive me JESUS for having triumphed in your glory and your resurrection before taking part in your passion. Following the example of the right robber I implore you to remember me when you will come in your KINGDOM. HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD, help me morning tonight to share at least psychologically your passion from GETHSEMANI to the GOLGOTHA. In my turn I offer you my body and my blood at any time you desire and under any circumstance you wish. I do remember what you had learned us do you? Accordingly servant is not greater than his MASTER. Loving FATHER as you refused to consecrate Isaac the son of ABRAHAM you decided to sacrifice your only begotten SON for the redemption of the world settling thus our heavy debts and charges towards your GOODNESS. GREAT and MERCIFUL FATHER, forgive me my sins. I do not care anymore about the matter, the space and the upcoming time. In your hands I give up back my soul for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.
صلوا لي ... انا عابر ....
بشكرك يا ابونا على عظاتك ..بنعمة ربنا كانت عظات البابا شنودة وعظاتك هي النور اللي بيرشدني وبسمع من خلالك كلام ربنا يسوع وافهم اعمل ايه مع حروبي ...
لسا في بيتنا المسلم وكل حاجة فالسر ... لكني لسا متعمدتش ..لان عثراتي كتير من الشيطان . ولكني بقوم وافضل اقوم ... ودي كلمتي لأخواتي ..انتم ربنا نعمته عليكم واتولدتوا في بيت مسيحي وتربية مسيحية ويابختكم بتحضرو قداسات وعظات وصلوات وبتعترفو وبتتناولو ... ما بالكم بيا انا اللي مجربتش حاجة من دي ومشتاق ليها ... خلوني وخلو العابرين اللي زيي مثال ليكم .. ربنا يسوع يبارككم ويباركنا
ربنا معاك ويحفظك
بس حاول أنك لا تنكر مسيحيتك
لأنه مينفعش
دي فيه ايه في الانجيل بتقول حاشا لي ان افتخر الا بصليب رب المجد
ف ربنا معاك
thank you father you help me and make me very strong by hearing you every day some times at night while am listning to you i feel sleeping safely by forgetting all my problems
Aaron was Moses' older brother. He was born in 2365, three years before Moses, before the Pharaoh's edict requiring the death of male Hebrew children. He was the ancestor of all koheins, the founder of the priesthood, and the first Kohein Gadol (High Priest). Aaron and his descendants tended the altar and offered sacrifices. Aaron's role, unlike Moses', was inherited; his sons continued the priesthood after him (Num. 20:26).
Aaron served as Moses' spokesman. As discussed above, Moses was not eloquent and had a speech impediment, so Aaron spoke for him (Ex. 4:10-16). Contrary to popular belief, it was Aaron, not Moses, who cast down the staff that became a snake before Pharaoh (Ex. 7:10-12). It was Aaron, not Moses, who held out his staff to trigger the first three plagues against Egypt (Ex. 7:19-20; Ex. 8:1-2 or 8:5-6; Ex. 8:12-13 or 8:16-17). According to Jewish tradition, it was also Aaron who performed the signs for the elders before they went to Pharaoh (Ex. 4:30).
Aaron's most notable personal quality is that he was a peacemaker. His love of peace is proverbial; Rabbi Hillel said, "Be disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and drawing them near the Torah." According to tradition, when Aaron heard that two people were arguing, he would go to each of them and tell them how much the other regretted his actions, until the two people agreed to face each other as friends.
In fact, Aaron loved peace so much that he participated in the incident of the Golden Calf (Ex. 32), constructing the idol in order to prevent dissension among the people. Aaron intended to buy time until Moses returned from Mount Sinai (he was late, and the people were worried), to discourage the people by asking them to give up their precious jewelry in order to make the idol, and to teach them the error of their ways in time (Ex. 32:22).
Aaron, like Moses, died in the desert shortly before the people entered the Promised Land (Num. 20).
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ALMIGHTY GOD surrounds with your mercy all the defuncts who left before us this earth even all tyrants who persecuted your chosen people.
Good and gentle JESUS, as you forgave from the top of your cross your opponents don’t hide your tender and radiant face from all creatures that moved away from your inexpressible love.
As well as my ascendants, descendants and collaterals I beseech you HOLY LORD to weight upon the world’s destiny for the salvation of the present and future humanity awaiting the PAROUSIA.
As for your poor servant, forgive me JESUS for having triumphed in your glory and your resurrection before taking part in your passion.
Following the example of the right robber I implore you to remember me when you will come in your KINGDOM.
HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD, help me morning tonight to share at least psychologically your passion from GETHSEMANI to the GOLGOTHA.
In my turn I offer you my body and my blood at any time you desire and under any circumstance you wish. I do remember what you had learned us do you? Accordingly servant is not greater than his MASTER.
Loving FATHER as you refused to consecrate Isaac the son of ABRAHAM you decided to sacrifice your only begotten SON for the redemption of the world settling thus our heavy debts and charges towards your GOODNESS.
GREAT and MERCIFUL FATHER, forgive me my sins.
I do not care anymore about the matter, the space and the upcoming time.
In your hands I give up back my soul for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.