Environmentalist Promotes MISERABLE Existence to Save Planet

  • Опубликовано: 18 май 2024
  • How much of a real impact do these measures even help the planet? Turns out, not much. Ana Kasparian and Wosny Lambre discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show: tyt.com/team
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    "You may not be giving a second thought to setting your washing machine on the hot cycle, cranking your showers to a steamy temperature or scrubbing your dirty dishes under a stream of scalding water.
    If you did, you’d find that you probably don’t need to use so much hot water - and that you could be saving energy and cutting your utility bills. Water heating is responsible for more than 10 percent of both annual residential energy use and consumer utility costs, the biggest share after air conditioning and heating, according to the Energy Department. An American household uses an average of 64 gallons of hot water a day - close to the amount needed to fill an average bathtub - by doing laundry, showering, washing the dishes and running kitchen and bathroom faucets."
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Комментарии • 556

  • @marcm4268
    @marcm4268 24 дня назад +14

    I don’t use water anymore. My dog licks the dishes and also licks me to sleep all over.

  • @Dystopikachu
    @Dystopikachu 24 дня назад +11

    These types of suggestions are the same gaslighting that the petroleum industry uses to make us think sorting our plastic garbage will somehow make it magically reusable and good for the environment.

  • @coachtaewherbalife8817
    @coachtaewherbalife8817 24 дня назад +11

    I turned off the lights in my boss' office because no productive work happens there. He wasn't impressed.

  • @rondiggity1677
    @rondiggity1677 24 дня назад +6

    I grew up taking cold showers....because we were poor and couldn't fill the propane tank.
    So I did my part, y'all's turn 😂

  • @kiwilove2163
    @kiwilove2163 23 дня назад +5

    Even if we do everything she says, it doesnt compare to the devastating amount of pollution big corporations are doing. Stop trying to get us to change, start regulating corporations.

    • @xbfdx988
      @xbfdx988 23 дня назад

      To meet demands of public consumption

  • @ailblentyn
    @ailblentyn 23 дня назад +4

    If I ever own a house (which I never will), I will install a solar water heater and heat pump.

  • @Priss933
    @Priss933 24 дня назад +4

    I use cold water for laundry, dishes and showers (unless its really cold) . Its really not a big deal

  • @korrdxl
    @korrdxl 24 дня назад +5

    This video encapsulates everything that is wrong with left/progressive environmentalism. "I care about the environment but I don't want to do anything to save it."

    • @tanboii2015
      @tanboii2015 24 дня назад +2

      She literally spelled it out that we has individuals have no effect when large corporations are the ones causing all the damage. How is that difficult to understand. You can recycle all you want but won't matter if corps won't change. We have to go for the corps

  • @babybro70
    @babybro70 24 дня назад +5

    Not using Hot water is just not sanitary. Hot water needs to be used to clean dishes, floors & people. Taking a cold shower in the middle of the winter is just not natural & is a good way to end up w/Pneumonia.

      @IAMTHESWORDtheLAMBHASDIED 24 дня назад

      how does cold water give you a virus//bacterial situation? asking for a friend of a friend of a friend who had a friend, not so many anymore.

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      There are some people in Russia, or was it Sweden?- who "polar bear" in the middle of winter. They believe it gives them stamina and invigorates them. Not my cup of tea though. Brrr!

  • @dss1962
    @dss1962 24 дня назад +7

    This is one of the few times I have to disagree with you wholeheartedly. The idea that individuals can't make a difference. One person with one cup may not be able to fill up in Olympic pool but half a billion people doing the same could. 1 snowflake will not fill up your driveway but if enough of them accumulate you're in trouble. One person protesting on a college ground may not make a difference. But a few hundred individuals together could. Do you get my point? By the way hot water heaters in houses didn't become common until the 1930s so people have only been taking hot showers on the regular basis for less than a hundred years.

    • @hollydowns2279
      @hollydowns2279 24 дня назад

      Our DNA and the creatures of the seven seas all have plastic in it! It is actually too late . People are in favor of murdering women, to save a zygot that is not wanted and could be aborted, miscarried, by Mother Nature, God or personal anomalies! Women now have no value except as a herd of potential breeding cows! So why bother with an education ? Raped by a family member or a rapist at 10, become pregnant and be FORCED to give birth ? This has NOTHING to do with killing babies, it is a license to murder women PERIOD!!! The hate generated by the Bible to punish all women, because of a horrible story that Eve offered the poisoned apple to Adam!!! Why is that accepted ? What if the logical truth were told instead? Eve eats a bite of apple and for the first time in her life she hates herself, she WARNS Adam not to eat the vile, forbidden fruit, he declares life with out her would be hell, and says if she will be banished from Eden so shall he and eats the apple as well! If you are a wife that would poison your husband, your husband needs a divorce

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      @@hollydowns2279 I generally agree that man made organized religions do more to hurt people than foster goodwill. If you don't want to be a breeding cow- get an education. Knowledge is power. Adam's first wife, Lilith was literally demonized and the story of Genesis was rewritten to tell the creation story of Adam and Eve instead. Undereducated people are easier to manipulate and control and don't ask questions or have the ability to pull back and think about creation stories like Adam and Eve. Almost every culture has some form of a creation story that doesn't involve Adam and Eve. Most of the Old Testament comes from stories copied and borrowed from civilizations in old Mesopotamia. This is why I wish more people would actually take the time to study the origin of religion and its purpose in society. Be a little more anthropological and objective. I take the Bible with a grain of salt. It's a book written by self important men who worshipped a war god named Yahweh. Then it was hijacked by white European men and embroidered to support a story or stories that suited the government and those in power that was used to subjugate others into being exploited through fear of torture, being burned at the stake and going to hell when they died so these powerful people could benefit from the free labor of the "Poor, unwashed masses".
      I personally have a spiritual belief system while still understanding that the concept of God is a human construct. I believe in a Higher Power but what exactly it is or looks like I don't know. I just know there's something that's beyond my finite understanding and I have faith that it works for the Greater Good. I work on having a flexible mindset.
      I often wonder why it's so important that Eve came from Adam when in reality women carry all life- men and women are born from women. Why was it so important that the narrative changed? Does it matter? Maybe. Maybe men felt jealous of the ability to feel a kicking fetus or to give birth. Maybe... Who knows? Does it matter? Maybe. If God is the Creator of all things we know and understand, including evolution (maybe evolution could be likened to a computer program that does its thing so God can turn their attention to other things) then why did God make it so females lay eggs, carry and nurse the young (with the exception of male seahorses-they're the ones who get pregnant and carry the young) and give birth? Whiptail lizards, who are all female, still lay eggs through parthenogenesis. God could have divided reproduction more equally in terms of carrying and delivering young by making all living things hermaphroditic like worms and snails instead but yet it is the female. Hmmm. Yet the narrative changed. Why is that? Obviously someone out there felt there was an imbalance in energy and power somewhere so changes were made. We robust muscle men can't have some dainty looking woman with more life force energy outshine our achievements through the "miraculous" ability of giving birth. Is this the reason? I do know that Ancient Egyptians, especially the common folk, were free to marry and divorce. Women were able to own businesses, own property, brewed beer, write and enter into contracts and had a pretty egalitarian way of life. In Spartan society women had more rights than Athenian ones. Spartan girls were given training (but not to the extent that boys were) and educated so that they could produce the strongest, most able bodied offspring when they grew up and got married.
      Why did men have to marry women to accumulate material goods and land when they could just go out and conquer/kill whoever stood in their way? Alliances? Pfft. Why couldn't a blood oath do the same thing? I draw a little blood and you draw a little blood and we hold hands and let it mingle. There, all bonded. What's yours is mine and what's mine is mi- er- yours. Yes, yours.
      Being bitter and angry at the people who chose to red pill themselves isn't the answer. Those people will never prosper in the way they want to because they're toxic, uneducated, easily manipulated and unwilling to invest in personal growth and development for themselves. Get an education. Move to a different state or country. Work on your own happiness and kick Adam and Eve to the curb. I don't believe that God punished Eve with the pain of childbirth for eating the Apple of Knowledge and I don't believe God was really surprised that Adam and Eve ate the apple in the first place. In fact, I think God facilitated the whole thing and sent the Serpent to expedite the process of humans gaining self awareness and knowledge. In paganism, "The apple represents the heart, good health, and happiness. In ancient Celtic paganism, the apple was associated with a sacred marriage and a journey to the land of death. Our pagan ancestors believed that apples could transport your soul from this body to your next one." In some ancient cultures the snake represented fertility, transformation, healing and immortality.
      Plus, all the female animals who give birth go into labor and experience pain. I certainly didn't see, read or come across ANY lines or passages that said chimps, wolves, cats, dogs, whales, deer, pigs, moose, zebra, hamsters, rabbits, gorillas, etc.etc. ate that stupid apple.
      Plus, science, scientists and very highly educated people with Ph.D.'s have proved that humankind had polygenesis origins, not that crap monogenesis story involving Adam and Eve. I mean, how else was Cain married? It's stated he married a woman he found outside the Garden of Eden, so definitely not his sister.
      My point in this whole post is to get an education. Don't be afraid to think for yourself. You have self agency. Go somewhere that makes you happy. Don't try to educate people who don't want to educate themselves or improve themselves. You can't change their minds or mindsets. You can't change others who don't want to change so save your energy and let them find out things the hard way. If you're a wife that wants to poison your husband, divorce him yourself. Why wait on him to do the work? He's probably proven he's too lazy to do much beyond working his job, coming home, and zoning out./s

  • @phantomakreuz
    @phantomakreuz 24 дня назад +4

    Notice how they never go after companies and corporations to use less electricity/hot water/plastic. I work in a dental school and there's literally a mountain of plastic trash every few hours that builds up. But will environmentalists go after the school? Nope

    • @williamsaling9648
      @williamsaling9648 23 дня назад

      You work there. Do something, say something, or suck it up. Don't cry for mommy gubment.

  • @henryburton6529
    @henryburton6529 24 дня назад +4

    Personal decisions are irrelevant.
    Government policy globally is the ONLY thing that will help. Vote for low carbon solutions.
    Don’t shame people for individual decisions.

  • @Ojibwe1979
    @Ojibwe1979 24 дня назад +5

    F that environmentalist gone too far.

  • @christophermerlot3366
    @christophermerlot3366 24 дня назад +4

    I'm Canadian and like hell I'm taking cold showers in the middle of winter.

  • @ericpmoss
    @ericpmoss 24 дня назад +4

    Cities need to be redesigned to not be car-dependent. That would save far more, and make living much nicer.

    • @ericpmoss
      @ericpmoss 24 дня назад +2

      And in 1975, my dad (a conservative in general) installed solar water heating panels. Even in winter, it preheated the water going into the heater to 120F, so there is no need for anyone to suffer.

  • @DakotaFord592
    @DakotaFord592 23 дня назад +4

    Corporations are the ones that are responsible for most of the pollution.

    • @xbfdx988
      @xbfdx988 23 дня назад +1

      Creating products to meet demand of the public

    • @te41157
      @te41157 23 дня назад

      @@xbfdx988 Absolutely, but some people are obviously too stupid to even realize that...

  • @EowynsResolve
    @EowynsResolve 24 дня назад +4

    I took cold showers the first half of last year because the hot water heater broke and my finances were set in stone for a period of time before I could afford to purchase and install another one.
    When I tell you nothing gets your heart rate going like easing into a stream of cold af water to bath in I'm not lying at all. Thank God it was a hot Summer because that did take so.e of the edge off but not nearly as much as you'd think.

  • @torilove4868
    @torilove4868 24 дня назад +2

    My mom taught me to wash clothes in cold water. She said that the detergent cleans the clothes, but that if you use cold water, your clothes won't shrink. We are big people. We can't afford for our clothes to shrink. She didn't care at all about the environment, either, so it was a completely different argument to this person.

    • @c0rnichon
      @c0rnichon 24 дня назад +2

      Your mom is smart. I use cold water for my clothes, too, because I want them to stay nice. A lot of clothes say on the label that they need to washed with cold water. That includes athleisure (@Ana and Christian).

  • @lannynavitka8949
    @lannynavitka8949 24 дня назад +3

    I've done this for decades, no one told me to do it, it makes me feel good, and it does save me tons of money. I don't tell anyone or ask them to do it.
    Thanks for calling me a schmuck.

  • @Christian.Laurent
    @Christian.Laurent 24 дня назад +4

    Cold water and soap are enough to sanitize your clothes, and most surfaces. Sanitizing is not the same is sterilizing.

  • @SmilingDesperado
    @SmilingDesperado 23 дня назад +5

    The problem with this argument is that people that claim to care about the environment want to have their cake and eat it too. Two things can be correct at once. Yes, it is large corporations and industries that are responsible for the bulk of the pollution.....BUT, these corporations and industries are making the stuff that INDIVIDUALS buy.
    The problem isn't just on evil companies when the vast majority of people aren't doing their part to conserve, AND contributing and helping keep these corporations going.
    Let's be real, if all of the corporations said they would drastically reduce pollution tomorrow, is Ana going to start taking cold showers? No. So let's not scapegoat the problem here. As long as the profit incentive is there, which is created by consumers, corporations will continue to do what they do.
    This is on all political sides. People want to complain about the price of eggs, but then is the right willing to pay FAIR wages to employ legal workers to do various farming jobs? Are people on the left willing to do away with factory farming and pay more ?

  • @JohnHall
    @JohnHall 24 дня назад +3

    If all of us in the US stop using hot water, then Jeff Bezos can fly all year for FREE!

  • @ebhark2012
    @ebhark2012 24 дня назад +3

    I will cross gas station parking lots to recycle bottles & cans. I'm trying to adapt my house habits to going more green & economical. I recently tried to cut back on my water bill (every 3 mos.), by only flushing my toilet after going #2, and only saved about $20.
    If our government wasn't so corrupted, they'd take climate change more seriously.
    Some good news though. I live in Minnesota, and solar panel farms are popping up all over. In Iowa, there are hundred of windmills, so at least some local governments are doing something.

  • @Pinkerton000
    @Pinkerton000 24 дня назад +5

    There is a bit of misinformation here.
    For context, I am an economics PhD who works with climate-economy models, specifically on modelling heating demand. So this is kind of exactly in my academic sphere.
    There are two problems with how Anna is presenting this data. First, we shouldn't be concerned with energy consumption, but rather with GHG emissions. The problem is that decarbonizing electricity generation doesn't really help with heating (space/water) because most of that is still done with fossil fuels in home. So, while homes seem to account for a fairly small slice of energy consumption, space and water heating in homes accounts for closer to 20% of GHG emissions. That means that big differences can be made by making changes here. Ideally, by installing high efficiency electric systems, but also by using heat sparingly if you still have a gas/oil system. The thing is, we need to change everything about our societies. Yes, big businesses need to make changes, but individual citizens and households need to change behavior as well. In many ways, not just this way. And of course, always remember that one way to make changes happen is to change the face of the market. If you consume less gas to heat your water, then gas becomes less profitable and other changes become more likely. It's no different from refusing to shop at places that use plastic bags, for instance.
    The second problem is that when you are just looking at shares in US energy consumption, you are kind of burying at least part of the lead. US energy consumption is literally insane. I say this as an American who lives abroad and who also knows about the data as part of my research. The transport sector is a huge emitter in the US because Americans drive way more. Energy consumption for heating in households looks small because American households consume obscene quantities of electricity for every other purpose. American households are just as bad about heating as other parts of the world, but it looks like a smaller problem when you present the data like this. Globally, space and water heating is one of the biggest issues to tackle for the sustainable transition, and the US is no different.
    Of course, people who live in Minnesota in the winter will need to consume more heat, but even they can make it more efficient and sustainable. If you live in LA, it should be comparatively easy, and honestly there is less adjustment to be made overall. But everyone can (and should) contribute by switching to high efficiency electric systems, keeping their homes a few degrees cooler, and taking shorter (and/or fewer) and cooler showers. It doesn't mean you need to take a fully cold shower, though that would be the most environmentally friendly. But if you can get used to taking like a lukewarm shower, especially a shorter one, that would already make a huge difference if you currently have a gas boiler.

    • @MellyBelle
      @MellyBelle 24 дня назад +2

      Thank you for taking the time to respond in a reasoned, thoughtful way. Anna's knee-jerk response is unhelpful. Yes, we are all tired of the corporate subsidies and green washing, etc. Laws of nature don't give a shit about who is to blame for the insatiable consumption of finite energy and materials and the waste/byproducts. We can't solve this problem with individual choices, but it is the summation of individual/consumer demands that keep empowering the corporation/production side. It's the "use up and throw away" mentality of our culture that needs to change and adapt. We'll either do it willingly or have it forced on us as we cross more climate tipping points. Anna's reaction just exemplifies where we are as a society. We should be really worried right now.

    • @ticthak
      @ticthak 24 дня назад +1

      Thanks for taking the time and effort to defuse this crap TYT is doling out. Oddly enough the greatest contributors to human-caused climate change is humans. Maybe, just maybe, humans modifying their behavior might modify the behavior of the collectives they act in- corporate, government, institutional, etc.- is there decent data to indicate collective behavior will EVER change if people don't change their own behavior?

    • @zziicckk01
      @zziicckk01 24 дня назад

      I appreciate your well thought-out response. I don't buy into the narrative that individual consumers are not substantial enough to warrant changes in technology and behavior. It really sounded to me, as is with most people, that the main premise in this segment was to justify one's comfort for energy consumption than really drill down at what can be done, both commercially and individually to limit the impact to our rapidly declining climate.

  • @PhantomQueenOne
    @PhantomQueenOne 23 дня назад +3

    Nope, I take hot showers and wash the dishes with very hot water to kill germs. I wash my clothing in cool or cold water because that's all I had for washing clothing for years.

    • @PhantomQueenOne
      @PhantomQueenOne 23 дня назад

      I had to heat water on the stove for months because of bad plumbing in a travel trailer. I also had to wash my hair outside under a hose bib in February in Arizona. Fuck that noise!

  • @soninalphin2771
    @soninalphin2771 24 дня назад +3

    No one will be willing to give up their warm showers, & hot baths.

  • @TF2Sci
    @TF2Sci 24 дня назад +4

    I think that the cons far outweigh the pros in this instance and there is no way that anyone would give up hot showers to prevent the small amount of natural gas used in a water heater, but arguing that individuals can't mitigate climate change is not a very good counter argument. As a matter of fact, in order for new green environmental compliance laws to exist it is the individuals who vote in educated politicians who will create change. Instead, you should be discussing how switching to an electric or solar powered water heater can help you keep your hot showers while also helping reduce combustion. Cheers.

  • @Arbadee.PayZaLee
    @Arbadee.PayZaLee 24 дня назад +4

    The hot water from the tap we use daily, is around 120 - 130 degrees. Those temperatures do not kill bacteria, it is all about the chemicals and water to flush away the bacteria and the dirt and grime they multiply in. I would say use water saving shower heads and take shorter showers would be a better way to conserve energy! You can purchase a temporary shut off on the shower head to shut off the water as you soap up is another method to save water. and energy Also don't wash your cloths as often if they don't really need to be washed.

  • @johnsyler8580
    @johnsyler8580 24 дня назад +3

    No , just no. During Desert Shield we had cold showers. Took about 30 seconds to take a shower. One of the few luxuries we enjoy. You can install solar power to heat water .

    • @ericpmoss
      @ericpmoss 24 дня назад +1

      Yes - my dad installed a solar water preheater that brought the water to 120F on a clear winter day, and that was in 1975. This is not rocket science.

  • @winesap2
    @winesap2 24 дня назад +4

    You could also take shorter hot showers.

  • @YoutubeBorkedMyOldHandle_why
    @YoutubeBorkedMyOldHandle_why 24 дня назад +5

    She's not entirely wrong, just horribly naive. If we're going to turn things around, there will need to be huge sacrifices from 'everyone.' All of us need to drive less, fly less, consume less, grow our own food, fix broken things rather than just buying new stuff, and yes, reduce our heating and electricity usage etc. In fact our entire economic model will need to be replaced. Taking cold showers is just fluff that makes people feel like they are helping, when in fact it probably makes no difference at all.
    Sadly, I see little evidence that anyone is taking this seriously, so I'm not very optimistic that we have much of a future.

    • @fractalign
      @fractalign 24 дня назад

      Flying is still an absolute luxury, and flying domestically is the most self indulgent form of flying !

    • @nicholasfevelo3041
      @nicholasfevelo3041 24 дня назад

      You can start yourself

  • @bildemerath
    @bildemerath 24 дня назад +4

    Pampered much? Cold showers take getting used to is all. But yeah, personal responsibility is not as big as other, but it does help. Plastic bags don't get in the ocean because people refuse them at the store. Manufacturers don't pollute making products people don't buy. There is a way to care without being miserable especially if one looks at life changes as adventures, and isn't so worried about what others choose to try or suggest. Some people don't even have hot water or enough water to shower in. Try it for a week - you whimper out at just the idea.

  • @haitileblanc3075
    @haitileblanc3075 23 дня назад +2

    This is the corporate right that puts this out so there are not significant regulations

  • @franciscoaponte971
    @franciscoaponte971 24 дня назад +4

    Cold water showers do have tons of health benefits

    • @lumberjackdreamer6267
      @lumberjackdreamer6267 24 дня назад


    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      I had an experience when I visited family in Florida and took my first shower there. I was in the middle of washing my hair when the nice hot water I enjoyed suddenly turned cold. I didn't do a good job at cleaning myself or washing my hair properly because I was in a hurry to get out. Of course, within 3 minutes of being outside in the sticky humidity of Florida, I was very nearly tempted to jump right back into the cold shower. I'd say my experience was a mixed bag.

  • @albshel
    @albshel 24 дня назад +2

    What is the science behind women taking significantly warmer showers than men? Why is that?

    • @c0rnichon
      @c0rnichon 24 дня назад

      Muscle mass keeps you warm. Usually women have less of it and therefore feel cold quicker.

  • @EdwardYoung-df6hc
    @EdwardYoung-df6hc 24 дня назад +4

    She must be crazy how are you going to take a cold shower in the winter

    • @user-pj5ub5cp9k
      @user-pj5ub5cp9k 24 дня назад +2

      By only turning on the cold tap. Do you get someone to tie your shoes too?

    • @toab
      @toab 24 дня назад +1

      ​@@user-pj5ub5cp9kshould probably put a leash on that tism.

    • @user-pj5ub5cp9k
      @user-pj5ub5cp9k 24 дня назад

      @@toab What's that in English?

    • @Vrie.
      @Vrie. 24 дня назад

      @@user-pj5ub5cp9k it means you’re a BOZO- aka birdbrain 😂

    • @toab
      @toab 24 дня назад

      @@user-pj5ub5cp9k Asperger's 😎

  • @mapleleaf8948
    @mapleleaf8948 23 дня назад +3

    Do most people really need to shower 1-2 x a day? If you sit in front of a computer all day in an AC office probably not.

  • @montanamountainmen6104
    @montanamountainmen6104 24 дня назад +1

    Wow, nothing like a cold shower when its 30 degrees...Shows how insane these people really are.

  • @treewizard2502
    @treewizard2502 24 дня назад +2

    Feel like lazy journalism. This kind of solution goes back to the Carter administration

  • @and_rs-em5ut
    @and_rs-em5ut 24 дня назад +3

    Most of the consumption eventually ends up at the individuals. What exactly are airplane transporting? Puppets?

  • @naejin
    @naejin 24 дня назад +3

    Cold Showers are awesome....on hot summer days when you don't have your home freezing cold due to air conditioning. They are invigorating under these conditions. However, I would not want to take cold showers during the winter when the home is colder.

    • @deannepena847
      @deannepena847 24 дня назад +1

      Im 60 and we didn't have a shower only tub..In the summer I loved taking cool baths, and It was a luxury when my Mom would run our gigantic window air conditioner ok..My Mom didn't like air conditioners not to mention the electric bill would greatly go up.. Imagine my Mom a nurse by the way in the 60s/70s/80s.. only making 8/9$ To get a light or gas bill for 30/40+ could make or break us.

  • @c0rnichon
    @c0rnichon 24 дня назад +1

    Honestly, a much more viable way to save energy would be to shade windows from the sun with external shutters or canopies or to paint dark roofs white. Less AC is indeed something most people could do on an individual level. Our apartment in LA didn't have air conditioning and we were fine because buildings and trees blocked out the sun.

  • @davidvainqueur5511
    @davidvainqueur5511 24 дня назад +3

    She lost me at "cold shower."

  • @jeffgojail
    @jeffgojail 24 дня назад +6

    Washing your clothes in hot water ruins clothes. The only thing you should wash in hot water are things like towels and blankets. Anybody who's been living on their own for more than 6 months knows this.

  • @sandyvisentin4076
    @sandyvisentin4076 23 дня назад +1

    Me picturing myself having a cold shower before I go out to work at 6am in the middle of winter here in Canada, with a "feels like" of -40. No.

  • @seattlejayde
    @seattlejayde 24 дня назад +2

    I think the writer has a point re washing clothes with cold water

  • @Kate-nl4lz
    @Kate-nl4lz 24 дня назад +2

    I LIVE in MN. No WAY am I taking cool (much less cold) showers in the winter. I won't even in the summer! My household uses about 34% the avg hot water discounting our pool, still below avg COUNTING the pool. We use hot water for dishes, warm for laundry, warm to bathe, but we have low flow toilets, faucets, shower heads, & don't wait for water to heat for many things. There's NO WAY I'm not showering during a workout day (which is at least e/o day min) but I don't need a 30min shower. I do need at LEAST 7-10min (sometimes 12-15 when super sore) often w hair getting a lather/rinse/repeat, because otherwise, sweat (yuck). Cold water isn't the answer. Reducing industrial usage is key (hh low flow everything helps though).

  • @marioposavec7897
    @marioposavec7897 24 дня назад +3

    I love it how Ana every time she uses logic in her segment she is accused to be right wing

    • @williamsaling9648
      @williamsaling9648 23 дня назад

      It's as if Logic = right-wing. Who knew?

    • @marioposavec7897
      @marioposavec7897 23 дня назад

      @@williamsaling9648 no logic is logic dosent need a side world is not black and white

  • @BobMuskFan
    @BobMuskFan 24 дня назад +3

    America is not some banana republic to use cold water lol what are they smoking

  • @philliplamoureux9489
    @philliplamoureux9489 24 дня назад +3

    Most southern countries use a solar water heater on the roof tops, 100%. Even in Michigan USA roof top solar water heating can easily supply copious hot water more than half of the year. So not perfect yet in the high northern latitudes, but global warming is helping add more functional weeks to the years comfortable output :)

  • @vincentrockel1149
    @vincentrockel1149 24 дня назад +1

    Solar water heating is the most practical use of solar energy. Why it isn't mandated can only be for the producer of existing products.

  • @grandmabingales8778
    @grandmabingales8778 24 дня назад +1

    I live on the Gunnison River in Colorado this showering in cold water would be like running to the river and jumping in. No Way Jose !!!

  • @xanderkapral6703
    @xanderkapral6703 24 дня назад +2

    Cold water washing preserves the color of your clothes, as well as any graphic tees. Hot water and high temp dry cycles will destroy any graphics.

  • @Cameroo
    @Cameroo 24 дня назад +3

    You don't win friends with salad

    • @toab
      @toab 24 дня назад

      Feed salad to large mammal. Eat mammal?

  • @deannepena847
    @deannepena847 24 дня назад +2

    Well it won't matter in the future.. there won't be any water ti waste

  • @intricatic
    @intricatic 21 день назад

    I figured it was the power plants that burn trash and coal for power that did it, not consumer choices.

  • @jackchop1576
    @jackchop1576 24 дня назад +1

    I live on the east coast and summers are hot and muggy here. So, I love cold showers during that time of year but outside of that is a "no" for me.

  • @DayleDiamond
    @DayleDiamond 24 дня назад +1

    So if cars count under transit and meat counts under industrial, then real use from individuals is way higher than 'residential'.

    • @c0rnichon
      @c0rnichon 23 дня назад

      Yup, industrial and transit are not things that occur without our influence in some parallel society.

  • @JesusInPogForm
    @JesusInPogForm 24 дня назад +1

    Not everyone is Chuck Norris. He doesnt take cold showers exactly. Its more like cold showers giving Chuck Norris.

  • @vincentrockel1149
    @vincentrockel1149 24 дня назад +1

    While it's true that the electric energy bill of the American homeowner is not a significant draw, you have to put into context the economy of scale that is present in every house.
    All the products that you buy and take home are produced by one of those other energy users and the question that needs to be addressed, but isn't because we live in a capitalist society, is does the benefits of a product outweigh the total costs of making the product.
    We don't have unlimited resources, and everything has consequences, but do we really need crappy disposable plastic products and other wasteful items designed exclusively to make a profit?

  • @nunya2514
    @nunya2514 24 дня назад +1

    I have never met a woman that can take anything less than a boiling shower. Ladies, how your skin doesn't come off is beyond me. Also, in AZ, we can't get cold water in the summer, so, sorry.

    • @wrenbyrd1093
      @wrenbyrd1093 24 дня назад +1

      Showers are too cold for me. I get into an almost boiling tub. 🥵

  • @naejin
    @naejin 24 дня назад +1

    Although Ana & Woz makes a point that it feels like residential is a smaller portion of energy use from hot water & that it feels unfair to put the onus on individuals over industries, the thing to remember is that it's something we have control over, our selves & our behaviors. We don't control the big industries. And en masse, individuals who change behavior can result in a larger impact.
    It's like voting. An individual casting their vote may feel insignificant, but it is one of the few rights that we have control & agency over, and voiced en masse, it gathers momentum towards a result.
    The big deal that Trump has done is that he's convinced his base they have lost this right of control over their vote. They have been convinced that most people want Trump, but the ones in charge of voting & gov't are cheating them out of their voice. They are incapable of getting themselves out of this mental trap. And Trump loves them for their inability to understand this trap.

  • @crazywaffleking
    @crazywaffleking 24 дня назад +3

    Could build nuclear and use all the energy you want.

    • @stonehorn4641
      @stonehorn4641 24 дня назад +1

      Yes! But a bunch of weirdo leftists are against Nuclear Energy.

  • @OccultusLuxDeusFlamma
    @OccultusLuxDeusFlamma 24 дня назад +2

    I take cold showers in the summer if its really hot but thats it

  • @asdfasdf4924
    @asdfasdf4924 23 дня назад +1

    I can probably do without using the hot water for my hands

  • @gionova1
    @gionova1 24 дня назад +2

    Using a heat pump water heater is the simplest option. Also another option is a good old fashioned thermal solar water heating panels. Both pricy upfront but provid environmently friendly hot water and storage.

    • @Kate-nl4lz
      @Kate-nl4lz 24 дня назад +1

      I hope to do this for my pool in the future. High up front cost, but great long term for the environment AND it should pay for itself in 15-25 yrs when factoring water pump e- & maintenance costs. For bathing, etc, not useful this far north. Maybe south of Chicago, but not for Washington/Montana/Maine type states

  • @YTPrenewed
    @YTPrenewed 24 дня назад +2

    I guess you could say Ana poured cold water over this idea. :P

  • @craigswanson8026
    @craigswanson8026 24 дня назад +1

    Right on, Wos! The 90%+ that comes from industry has to be the focus.

  • @christinavuyk2026
    @christinavuyk2026 24 дня назад +2

    Unfortunately she’s absolutely spot on, maybe not about the water so much but we desperately need to make drastic changes to our lives to ensure that our descendants have a planet they can live comfortably on. It’s because we don’t want to give up our comfortable lifestyles that we’re in the mess we’re in now 😐

    • @ASaund-qb6wy
      @ASaund-qb6wy 24 дня назад +2

      Correct in theory, but it's the comfort we get from what major corporations are doing, especially in the fossil fuel and transportation industries, that are most important to give up. Not the individual small things that keep us from being miserable. Industry has been pushing INDIVIDUAL solutions to climate change for decades. It's a scam. Think about it: you take a cold shower. Does your neighbor? Does any right-winger?

    • @danieliusblackius1130
      @danieliusblackius1130 24 дня назад

      @@ASaund-qb6wy But the reality is that it is THE SAME THING driving the corporations to do as they do, and for the individual to continue to do as they do that affects the planet. Basic greed and self-centeredness. And the masses (made up of all these individuals you are so keen to exonerate), are all effectively driving the activities of the corporations anyway! WE buy the cars they produce. WE buy all the plastics. WE inform them (through our purchases) exactly what they should be making more of, and even how fast we expect them to produce it. An OBVIOUSLY these human beings, again centered on self, and as a corporation, centered on the well-being of that corporation, are going to end up doing what is most convenient for them, and what yields the greatest return. We ALL do. Some of us are apparently just delusional about it.

  • @haitileblanc3075
    @haitileblanc3075 23 дня назад +1

    10 percent of 16 is 1.6 percent savings go kick rocks and regulate industry

  • @Arbadee.PayZaLee
    @Arbadee.PayZaLee 24 дня назад +2

    One thing that has always annoyed me and it is never mentioned for saving energy. My wife when rinsing a dish or for what ever reason will always turn on the hot water tap, never leave it on long enough to get the hot water which wasn't needed any way! The cold water tap should be the go to tap and only use the hot water tap when you actually need hot water. It drives me bonkers every time i see her reach for the hot water tap 1st! It's Ok I'll get over it. Also while rinsing dishes with hot water (not necessary) she leaves the hot water tap running as she moves the dish off to the drying rack and makes space, then come back to shut off the hot water tap! Bonkers!!!!!!!!

  • @gerrymccabe7912
    @gerrymccabe7912 24 дня назад +3

    Why don't Americans use electric kettles? They are far quicker.

    • @SirPalantir
      @SirPalantir 24 дня назад

      Part culture, part availability, part need. They don't often drink hot tea, use French presses, or have the same needs for one. In south America they have them because they often drink instant coffee, in the US they don't. In parts of Europe they drink lots of tea, so they have them.
      It's like a banana cutter. If you're a monkey it makes sense.

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      This American does!😇

  • @darlaleasure4924
    @darlaleasure4924 24 дня назад +7

    Cold is good. For some clothes. Vinegar works well or baking soda

    • @littletsmom8854
      @littletsmom8854 24 дня назад

      Rinse in vinegar ,it cuts the soap and great fabric softner

  • @johnbrennan4449
    @johnbrennan4449 24 дня назад +10

    most Americans take way too many showers. totally unnecessary.

    • @toab
      @toab 24 дня назад +3

      Youre smelly.

    • @naejin
      @naejin 24 дня назад +3

      I agree with you. But to be fair, some people have stronger B.O. than others. Or maybe their vocation requires them to get very sweaty & dirty. Such people may take 2-3 showers a day. But such people needing to bath/shower more often does not mean it has to be the benchmark that all others must follow.

    • @toab
      @toab 24 дня назад

      Smash player 🙂
      Your comment has 3 wavy lines over it.

    • @iii___iii
      @iii___iii 24 дня назад +1

      Ya nasty!

    • @johnbrennan4449
      @johnbrennan4449 24 дня назад

      @@iii___iii no, people who shower too much are nasty!

  • @rmpumper
    @rmpumper 24 дня назад +5

    ana "I'm progressive, but only if it does not inconvenient me" kasparian

    • @rondiggity1677
      @rondiggity1677 24 дня назад

      Conjugation is hard huh 😂

    • @jesssss99610
      @jesssss99610 24 дня назад +1

      she’s seriously unbearable in this clip. like, yah we’re gonna have to give up some luxuries to save the planet. yes corporations play a huge role but also so do everyday people, especially americans.

    • @c0rnichon
      @c0rnichon 23 дня назад +1

      @@jesssss99610 Corporations serve consumers after all. No car company would be churning out millions of huge SUVs if nobody was buying them.

  • @msandrearobinson
    @msandrearobinson 24 дня назад +1

    The whole 8 months I lived in Israel kibbutzim, we showered in cold water. I'm sure they got hot water at some point.

  • @reddog7024
    @reddog7024 24 дня назад +1

    Team I live in the middle of nowhere in Australia. I have solar for electricity and solar hot water it's great. No bills for electricity. This cold shower thing is just rubbish we can't go back to 15 century

  • @GreenLantern1916
    @GreenLantern1916 24 дня назад +2

    Convert to solar power and then take as many hot showers as you want to.

    • @GulfbeachMateo
      @GulfbeachMateo 24 дня назад +1

      Facts! My folks have solar and it us amazing

  • @bonbonvegabon
    @bonbonvegabon 24 дня назад

    I use Tide cold detergent and always wash all my laundry in cold water to save money. I love cold showers in the summer but not in the winter .

  • @misscritique8863
    @misscritique8863 24 дня назад +7

    I always wash clothes with cold water. Really not a big deal.

    • @iii___iii
      @iii___iii 24 дня назад +1

      Does cold water effectively and efficiently clean clothing?

    • @BlueBD
      @BlueBD 24 дня назад

      It's a big deal when the clothes are heavily stained and are used in an unhygienic environment
      It's fine if your not doing anything that would get you that dirty but that's not most people

    • @littletsmom8854
      @littletsmom8854 24 дня назад +1

      @@iii___iii Yes unless its grease Cold works fine for 98% of clothes ,And never use hot if there is a blood stain,Hot sets it in like dye and will not come out only cold

    • @iii___iii
      @iii___iii 24 дня назад

      @@littletsmom8854 🤯

    • @bonbonvegabon
      @bonbonvegabon 24 дня назад +1

      @@iii___iii I use Tide cold detergent and my clothes is always clean washing them in cold water

  • @kregeckert8351
    @kregeckert8351 24 дня назад

    When I first moved to Thailand I noticed the sinks do not have hot water on tap. In places we want hot water we have an on demand water heater, rather than one that keeps a tank of water hot 24/7. This saves energy and also makes you think if you really need hot water, because you have to take the extra step to turn on the heater.

  • @Shelby9442606
    @Shelby9442606 24 дня назад +3

    I’m kinda lazy and not the most hygienic so not intentionally I’m saving water, and energy by taking showers every other day 😂

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад +1

      Yeah. I don't shower every day either. Every other day, or sometimes if I haven't been that active ( like not working out, breaking a sweat or a "glisten") I'll go 2 or 3 days without showering (eww, gross! I can hear you now...). I still use deodorant and put clean undies and clothes on so I think that minimizes whatever body odor I accrue on the rare occasions I chose to wait 2-3 days to shower. Just saying....

    • @bonbonvegabon
      @bonbonvegabon 24 дня назад

      I only shower daily during the summer because I jog every morning.

  • @treehouseenglish412
    @treehouseenglish412 24 дня назад +4

    In Japan it is extremely rare to use hot water for laundry.

    • @user-ui5bo5um8m
      @user-ui5bo5um8m 24 дня назад

      In Japan you can buy a 700ml bottle of whiskey for $6 USD

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      @@user-ui5bo5um8m good to know. Thanks for sharing. Seriously, thanks.

  • @markschuette3770
    @markschuette3770 23 дня назад +1

    these are the sacrifices we may end up having to do- IF we don't get on the Climate Change ASAP !!!!!!!!! and the only way to motivate people to save energy is to make energy Expensive!!!

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 23 дня назад

      For some people it already is.

  • @darlaleasure4924
    @darlaleasure4924 24 дня назад +1

    People with heart issues cant. Good lord

  • @Kryojenix
    @Kryojenix 24 дня назад

    When I'm running the tap waiting for the hot water, I collect the cold water in a bucket and use it for normal facewashing outside of showers, or use it for watering plants etc.

    • @jssitter
      @jssitter 24 дня назад

      Go, you! 🖖

  • @whafrog
    @whafrog 24 дня назад

    If the argument was "take shorter showers", I'd be on board...I'm already on board and doing exactly that. But no, unless it's summer, a cold shower is not really an option.

  • @paulballard304
    @paulballard304 23 дня назад +1

    Exactly, I’ve been to Greece and other countries where this is normal

  • @DDuMas
    @DDuMas 24 дня назад +1

    For me, I'll use power saving modes on anything I can and choose high efficiency electronic devices and try not to waste energy etc where ever I can. But that's more about not needlessly having higher bills. The eco thing, I mean there's only so much I can do. And until large companies etc are doing their part, what is my low use going to do?
    Instead of having a cold shower, why not choose a high efficiency boiler that doesn't need to be on as long. Make sure the radiators are cleaned so they work better.
    I'm more about balance. I'm not going to choose to power save somewhere if it's going to effect me more than 10%-15%.

  • @paulballard304
    @paulballard304 24 дня назад +2

    No, switch to solar heated water. low tech free energy

    • @c0rnichon
      @c0rnichon 24 дня назад

      Every hotel in Greece heats their water by pumping it through black pipes on the roof. There's no excuse why this isn't the default way of heating water in most US states.

  • @glike2
    @glike2 24 дня назад

    My grandmother took cold showers in Belgium her whole life and lived until 98

  • @jbellfield
    @jbellfield 24 дня назад

    In our house at uni we would run out of gas frequently. One time I took a shower with no gas while it was snowing outside, gave me a brain freeze type sensation on my scalp and nuts.

  • @y0urlillyness
    @y0urlillyness 23 дня назад

    I live in Florida, so cold showers are necessary in the summer. I also wash my clothes and dishes with cold water and that's worked fine for me. But I agree we're not going to save the planet on the individual level

  • @Dan-qx8sn
    @Dan-qx8sn 24 дня назад

    What laundry detergent says to use hot water

  • @malcolmjelani3588
    @malcolmjelani3588 24 дня назад +2

    I take cold showers all the time.

    • @Vrie.
      @Vrie. 24 дня назад

      My balls will shrink

  • @stecky87
    @stecky87 24 дня назад +1

    Yes, the problem is at an industrial level. But that doesn't mean the individual can't or should live more environmentally friendly lives

    • @BenjaminHartleyReturns
      @BenjaminHartleyReturns 23 дня назад

      Individuals can also adopt a vegan diet, and eat insects. Only Israelis should be allowed to eat meat. ☺️

  • @AzrenKaleBolles-Pohja
    @AzrenKaleBolles-Pohja 24 дня назад +2

    I'm all for Environmental Friendly things however this is just Crazy Talk. Environmentalist are getting more out of Touch with Reality by the Day.

  • @msandrearobinson
    @msandrearobinson 24 дня назад +1

    Waz makes a great point! Corporations and governments should be contolling the policies re climate change!

  • @wrenbyrd1093
    @wrenbyrd1093 24 дня назад +1

    I get into a tub and like to boil. 🤣😂

    @STSWB5SG1FAN 24 дня назад +1

    Increase solar and wind energy use for domestic use, industry should try to shift to advance nuclear systems like fusion or molten salt reactor technology.