Mountain Racing Pigeons VS. Birds of Prey - Sky Thriller

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 149

  • @Pigeonmaniacom
    @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +18

    Here are some selections from many hours of filming falcon and hawk attacks on my racing pigeons in October, November and December. As usual, please set the video quality to 4K.
    00:00 - Mountain Racing Pigeons VS. Birds of Prey - Sky Thriller
    01:33 - Not being able to keep a tight flock. The result of having a big flock with a majority of very young inexperienced birds, some of them being from new strains from low predation areas; also feeding heavy.
    02:34 - Falcon's "marathon" - see how long falcon chases can be; sometimes, especially high in the sky, it keeps chasing a pigeon for minutes if the pigeon resists; the falcon's goal is to make the pigeon give up and dive to the ground so the falcon has big chances of catching it. In a straight line they have the sam speed but every time the pigeon changes direction the falcon gets closer. I had pigeons that kept going like this with the falcon so far away that they returned the next day.
    04:25 - This was the daughter of "Coronitza" that you might have seen in an older video doing similar tricks when being chased by the falcon.
    06:29 - This was a foggy day. After failing several times, the falcon pretended to leave and let the pigeons calm down a bit, then it did an explosive sprint from the fog and was successful.
    07:17 - I don't know if you realize how far high in the sky these scenes were filmed but I always wanted to show (and see for myself) what happens up there, the intense competition between the falcon and the pigeons; without a camera zoom, with my eyes sometimes all the 80 pigeons flock looks like a dot. I avoid zooming out because I risk losing them from the camera viewfinder and ruin all the scene. Sorry for the shaky images but I don't use a tripod (not convinced it would be possible to use it for this).
    08:07 - Thanks to the weather and distance of the flock, I was able to film a longer scene that shows the strategy of both the flock and the falcon, and the repeated falcon attacks hoping to break their defence, shooting like a bullet through the flock.
    09:54 - "So you guys turn left, you turn right, and once the falcon is distracted the whole flock can safely change direction".
    14:00 - Biggest mistake of some pigeons after they escape the falcon: dropping in a tree. If there is a hawk around and sees that, it attacks instantly and the hawks are much better between tree branches than pigeons. I lost several pigeons this way.

    • @guillermoperez2750
      @guillermoperez2750 Год назад +1

      Thank you for breaking this up into sections, I just realized that I had missed a successful attack on 06:29

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      @@guillermoperez2750 It seems like not just you missed that one. :)

    • @IREmicfox
      @IREmicfox Год назад +1

      Great videos, your pigeons are very strong flyers to able withstand the pressure from the hawks and falcons,
      I would like to know how many pigeons are lost to falcons and hawks?
      Thanks again for the great video footage ,

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      @@IREmicfox Thank you Michael.
      Hawk -2
      Falcon -1
      Falcon -3
      Falcon -2
      It has been one of the easiest years so far. I lost 30+ in some years until spring.

    • @pigeonsman3640
      @pigeonsman3640 Год назад +1

      @@Pigeonmaniacom wow, Sărbători fericite, Andrei!🍷

  • @CorpusChristi1971
    @CorpusChristi1971 5 месяцев назад +1

    Better than Hollywood movies 💪🙏🙏🐦🐦🐦 strong and healthy pigeons ❤❤

  • @bradgibson15
    @bradgibson15 Год назад +1

    In a straight out chase, you can tell your pigeons are just as fast if not faster than the peregrine or goshawk. In a dive, man, your pigeons are just about as good too as their predators. Some of those dives and breakneck turns your pigeons do, is incredible!

  • @rogercantonjos9577
    @rogercantonjos9577 Год назад +2

    pigeon the best pigeon from philppines

  • @bradmitchell3765
    @bradmitchell3765 Год назад +3

    I always welcome the aerial dramas you've recorded. I've kept racing pigeons for over 60 years and been a falconer for just about 50 years, that sounds like an oxymoron but isn't. What you've been able to record is the essence of a wild raptor hoping to secure a meal vs a flock of raptor wise pigeons hoping to not become that meal.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Wow, thank you for letting me know Brad. I'm happy to know that you take a look at my videos, with your experience in both these opposite hobbies. It is a good reminder that it is worth filming and posting. Do you have racing pigeons at the moment and do you have wild falcon attacks on them?

    • @bradmitchell3765
      @bradmitchell3765 Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom No pigeons nor falcons at the moment.

  • @pigeonsman3640
    @pigeonsman3640 Год назад +2

    Deci acel solzat e avion, jur, se vede un porumbel sănătos și adaptat la ceea ce se întâmplă în jur. ⚡️

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Este fiica femelei Coronitza care zboara din 2017 iernile si are si ea un parcurs similar intr-o filmare. Si tatal ei zboara din 2019. Acum a fost randul ei sa demonstreze. Daca ajunge in primavara ii dau si ei nume. :) Mi-a si reprodus o pasare bunicica pentru club cred.

  • @michaelwhitman1247
    @michaelwhitman1247 9 месяцев назад +2

    Aviational brilliance of the highest class! The music so epically genius, camera footage sublime

  • @LuluIsland
    @LuluIsland 5 месяцев назад +1

    My friend you are in synchronization with it all, the birds the environment the camera the have a gift and I thank you for sharing this❤

  • @Dimarik73rus
    @Dimarik73rus Год назад +2

    Thank you for the video, Andrey. I have devoted most of my life to watching birds of prey attacking pigeons. After running after them for more than a dozen kilometers and spending many hours on it. And now I just turn on my smartphone and enjoy. The falcon in this video is a real hunter. He really wants to devour the victim. But the goshawk grives up early, he can prove that he is stronger.

  • @Pigeonmaniacom
    @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

    Since some of you ask, the losses are the following:
    Hawk -2
    Falcon -1
    Falcon -3
    Falcon -2
    85 still fighting.
    It has been one of the easiest years so far, mostly because there were less hawk attacks compared to other years. The hawk attacks have a direct influence on how many falcon attacks there are. The pigeons were also more healthy than ever. Also it looks like there is just one falcon pair in the area, we used to have 2 pairs around.

    • @valonseferi4617
      @valonseferi4617 Год назад +1

      I lost about 15 pigeons for month form hawk attack. Serbian high flyer and tiplers

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      @@valonseferi4617 Hmm, interesting. I thought these breeds have more problems with the falcon and less with the hawk.

    • @valonseferi4617
      @valonseferi4617 Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom the pergrine falcon attacked only 5 times in this year and he got 5 pigeons. But the hawk is attacking all the year. I dont know what si happening but there are so many hawks and they dont attack only in winter but also in summer. Am looking towards racing pigeons.

  • @ionescuandrei8930
    @ionescuandrei8930 Год назад +2

    Superbe filmări! Aerodinamică, acrobații aeriene, "toți ca unul" la min 20, fundal muzical sincronizat perfect... natură pură "still untamed", jungle law! Felicitări, Andrei, pentru filmare, "regie" si nu in ultimul rând, pentru echipa de "cai de curse ai văzduhului", cum ar spune Piet de Weerd!

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Multumesc, Andrei. Mai urmeaza 1-2 filmari si gata cu sezonul de iarna.

  • @stelianmariusghit784
    @stelianmariusghit784 Год назад +3

    Salutare ,si sarbatori fericite , 👍👍🤝🤝🖐🖐

  • @bradgibson15
    @bradgibson15 Год назад +1

    Fantastic footage! What I love about you pigeonmania, is that you OBVIOUSLY love the pigeon hobby and your birds but, you're not afraid to fly them or risk losing one or two to a hawk. I also know you would do anything to prevent losses. You bring a new perspective to the racing pigeon hobby here on RUclips, a perspective that is the cold hearted reality of the hobby...birds will die sometimes. I always hope your birds stay safe, damn they are fast and with the excellent care you give them, I'm sure your losses are minimal. Your videos are real nail biters!

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Brad. Fanciers should understand that the raptors take the weak pigeons first, with every loss the flock gets stronger and flies better. I don't cull any pigeon. I have very detailed records about the life of every pigeon and after a few years I have a clear idea: disease, even if it was months ago, makes the pigeon easier to get caught. When health is the same for all of them, fitness and phenotype come into play. Short distance birds are more vulnerable to predation than long distance birds because of the body features and character. I've had my share of race prizes, now my priority / passion is building a family with great resistance to disease and predation. I only treat individual birds if needed and stop breeding from them. I can't believe how much people treat, most of the discussions fanciers have are about treatments and products. I find it sad and boring. Treating healthy birds "just in case" and keeping them inside a loft for half of the year is not the right path to improve the racing pigeon I think.

  • @jhunthenowlofttv4041
    @jhunthenowlofttv4041 Год назад

    Wow..your birds are so amazing..🕊️🕊️💪💪🦅

  • @Porumbei_Voiajori
    @Porumbei_Voiajori Год назад +3

    Frumos ‼️

  • @bradgibson15
    @bradgibson15 Год назад

    And one last comment, loved to see when your pigeons came home and landed on the snowy roof of the loft.😊😅

  • @dogukansezgin5237
    @dogukansezgin5237 Год назад +2

    Maşllah hiç biri yakalnmadı helal olsun böyle kuşlara

  • @balanbros3537
    @balanbros3537 Год назад +1

    Te salut,cu mult respect!!
    Este ceva extraordinar ce vad, si te urmăresc de f mult timp, niște porumbei cu abilități extraordinare,urmărind aceste minunate filmări care sincer sunt plăcute ochiului, m-a taiat prin cap un gând, punând în balanța frica lor de zi cu zi ,cu momentul concursurilor cand vor fi eliberati...........ei fiind obișnuiți sa se protejeze prin a tine compact stolul,la concursuri cred eu ca vor avea aceeași tendința acumulând frica repetata, cred eu ca si la concurs nu vor avea puterea sa se rupă de stol vor tine stolul cel mai mare... din frică.Poate greșesc dar cam asa vad eu ,o frică care intr-un anumit context îți da o siguranță si pe care o va urma instinctiv.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Salut. Instinctul de stol il au toti porumbeii, si fara atacuri tot in stol zboara. Oricum lotul asta nu il zbor pentru etape, ii tin pentru placerea mea pentru ca nu pot sta fara zbor 6-7 luni pe an. La final de iarna opresc 20-30 din cei mai buni si ei reprezinta cam jumatate din matca mea libera. Restul ii mut cu cei pentru club si ii zbor. Ca idee anul trecut la primul fond peste munte care la noi a fost catastrofa cu viteze sub 700, singurul yearling intrat pe club in prima seara a fost un tardiv de-al meu din cei zburati iarna. Mi-a batut tot lotul de yearlingi si de maturi stati inchisi iarna. Al doilea tanar venit la mine a fost tot un tardiv din cei zburati iarna, si in prima saptamana nu mi-a mai venit niciun alt tanar, i-am pierdut pe toti. Pe drum oricum au parte de o multime de atacuri, parcurgand zeci sau sute de teritorii de rapitoare, deci mi-e greu sa cred ca mai ramane vreun stol mare dupa prima suta de Km la cum ii fragmenteaza la fiecare atac.

  • @wezzagustus4868
    @wezzagustus4868 6 месяцев назад +1

    What a delight, sublime footage of the highest quality, I'm proud for you, your flock and channel ❤

  • @arbazsk_official8584
    @arbazsk_official8584 Год назад +2

    Full injoy video

  • @Mortier18
    @Mortier18 Год назад +2

    stunning images as always. Impressive camerawork. Also like the music.

  • @OuseynouDia-zp9ih
    @OuseynouDia-zp9ih 7 месяцев назад +1

    Merci 😊😊❤

  • @michaelwhitman1247
    @michaelwhitman1247 8 месяцев назад +1

    My dude the way you time the apex parts of the music and the formations and scenes is superb

  • @user-uo4nd1zr2x
    @user-uo4nd1zr2x Год назад

    Очень красиво, спасибо за остросюжетные моменты! Дыхание замерзает от атак!

  • @olddroneflyer6554
    @olddroneflyer6554 Год назад +3

    Epic! I hope you have a Happy Christmas

  • @trudyburns86
    @trudyburns86 Год назад +1

    Lewis Burns, the falcon plays again,with the best flying pigeons on utube,great to see, thanks Lewis

  • @EuL_Abenteuer
    @EuL_Abenteuer Год назад +3

    There is also something going on in heaven with you.😁 The poor birds of prey that are starving. 😂After the hunt they are even more hungry than before. The pigeons are doing really well, the birds of prey are completely behind. But are really good maneuvers from the birds of prey. That's so exciting. I think you always hope that the peregrine falcon or the hawk will come by to hunt when the doves are in the sky. With such pigeons, there is no need to be afraid that he will drag a pigeon away every time he attacks. But the chases are worth seeing.
    My kids are watching TV right now and I have to watch it on the small screen on my laptop. I've watched half of the video and will continue to watch it on the big screen on the TV. If you like such hunting scenes, such a video is like a blockbuster. What camera did you film that with? Sony A6600?

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Yes, I used Sony A6600 and iPhone XR for some scenes. But the videos are shaky, unfortunately. Big zooms bring a lot of video shaking. I don't like the post processing stabilisation I get so I avoid it. I think about a tripod for video but I don't know how to use a tripod for filming the sky right above my head. :) Laptop or computer full screen could be better than TV since you can select 4K on computers (on my TV I can't select video quality). Last week I had no attacks. Boring. :)) But today I had a full hour of hawk attacks, very strange since the weather got warmer.

  • @brahimbarboza209
    @brahimbarboza209 Год назад +3

    Thank you for this interesting film. I will watch it again with my friends. I work during the break, although they are not interested in racing birds. But all the videos you provide are always impressed by them and your supernatural birds. I salute you for your tremendous efforts during filming.💖

  • @MohamedAlrashede
    @MohamedAlrashede Год назад +1

    ماشاء الله حمام قادح الله يباركلك فيه

  • @grahammoore6386
    @grahammoore6386 Год назад +2

    Hi Andrei thank you for an amazing video. This is fantastic to watch. You have shared great videos throughout the year, thank you. I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023. Thank you once again.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Thank you Graham. Wishing you all the best in 2023!

  • @mariusbordeianu3897
    @mariusbordeianu3897 Год назад +3

    Salut ați place adrenalina eu😅sincer nu cred ca pot face așa ceva sa risc așa tare cum faci tu 👍

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +2

      Pai imi place mai mult natura decat imi plac concursurile. Lotul de club e inchis dar si astia sunt frati cu cei mai buni sau pui din ei.

  • @Dimarik73rus
    @Dimarik73rus Год назад +1

    18:28 an interesting moment, here the whole flock began to rise sharply. Although the falcon was definitely taller than them. Why did the pigeons behave as if they mistook a falcon for a hawk.

  • @bradmitchell3765
    @bradmitchell3765 Год назад +1

    Great video with an excellent choice of music.

  • @alanjpoole7274
    @alanjpoole7274 Год назад +2

    Absolutely exhausted after watching your compilaton. Your poor pigeones must be scared whenever they go out of the loft.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Hehe. Don't worry, they aren't scared anymore. They were scared by the beginning of autumn, when they were dropping to the loft one by one after the attacks, now they are relaxed. Today after the hawk attack both falcons arrived, they missed and then the pigeons kept flying around the loft for minutes.

  • @guillermoperez2750
    @guillermoperez2750 Год назад +2

    Superb video quality and incredible footage. I just can't get enough of it.
    Thank you Andrei and happy holidays buddy.
    The racing horses of the sky have beaten all the odds once again. They have proven their hability to overcome danger successfully. Mr. Falcon flies away in defeat, dinner was not served today.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Thank you. Happy Holidays! It has been one of the easiest winters so far because there were less hawk attacks than usual. Falcons aren't so stressful since they don't come to the loft.

  • @Myke-ix2ui
    @Myke-ix2ui Год назад +1

    Amazing brother. You and your birds. Thanks for the entertainment.

  • @abirshakib9327
    @abirshakib9327 Год назад +3

    i love your long video i very very love this Daily video Pleas Daily video upload bro 😭😭

  • @chasseurdesvagues
    @chasseurdesvagues Год назад +2

    4:28 femelle courageuse 👑

  • @involver4499
    @involver4499 Год назад +2

    the best you ever made 🙌

  • @danutbuzle4308
    @danutbuzle4308 Год назад +1

    Gut antrenor !👌😁

  • @stylestop8142
    @stylestop8142 Год назад +1

    Good qualty video perfect music ghoshawk mostly grab target birds more danger falcon when front of loft he attack our loving birds by law i never hit any wild animal or birds if someone make a video fancier have a trouble from toronto canada

  • @hendry147147
    @hendry147147 Год назад +2

    Do you have a racing family of birds that are better than others in racing? Or they all can have good days ?

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +2

      Before racing at the club they must survive at home first. What I noticed is that short and middle distance birds have a hard time resisting in my area, they are too big and heavy, they are caught easier by the birds of prey. But yes, they all have good or bad days, like us people do.

    • @hendry147147
      @hendry147147 Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom thanks, 👍

  • @PPALoft
    @PPALoft Год назад +1

    After watching this documentary I can't wait to get to my pigeons and let them out fly, hoping for a falcon attack. That bird is impressive and fair and works hard for a meal, unlike the hawk...

  • @catalistu
    @catalistu Год назад +1

    Cum ma pui tu sa curat ecranul calculatorului de fiecare data :D La multi ani! Un an nou mai bun!

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      🤣 Si eu am mai urmarit scame pe ecran de multe ori. La multi ani!

  • @pigeons5072
    @pigeons5072 Год назад +2


  • @algoritmoalgoritmo4305
    @algoritmoalgoritmo4305 Год назад +3

    The falcon's life is very hard. I think he'd better leave the pigeons alone and devote himself to hunting something else easier.

    • @liemnguyen2726
      @liemnguyen2726 Год назад +1

      The Falcon can't leave the pigeons alone because pigeons has good meat 😂

  • @djcraftgaming7537
    @djcraftgaming7537 Год назад

    Wow beautiful

  • @leonardobandiera5323
    @leonardobandiera5323 Год назад +2

    Good work !!! I enjoy the video a lot. How many of your pigeons have you lost this year ?

    • @leonardobandiera5323
      @leonardobandiera5323 Год назад

      How do you recognise the pigeon lost ?

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Hi Leonardo. Losses this autumn-winter so far:
      Hawk -2
      Falcon -1
      Falcon -3
      Falcon -2
      It has been one of the easiest years so far. I lost 30+ in some years until spring.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      @@leonardobandiera5323 I recognise all the pigeons by their face. In rare occasions I have to check the ring/band number of two almost identical pigeons.

    • @leonardobandiera5323
      @leonardobandiera5323 Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom oh my god !!! Is a lot of pigeons... I'm sorry, you care them with all your and passion, and in a second all your effort vanishes

    • @leonardobandiera5323
      @leonardobandiera5323 Год назад

      Thanks for answering Andrei
      And merry Christmas

  • @costeaursachi9407
    @costeaursachi9407 Год назад +3


  • @JaskaranSingh-er1nh
    @JaskaranSingh-er1nh 8 месяцев назад

    I saw first time Falcon catches a Racer Pigeon

  • @haroonhidayat
    @haroonhidayat Год назад +1

    As much i loved this video it was also painful reminding me of my birds... i am a new fanciest although i watch ur channel from serval years and got motivation for racing pigeons... i was at 25-30 birds range and suddenly a disease beakout at my loft.... in one week span all my birds died now only left with 4 birds... tbh i cried last night when four birds died yesterday... now with the remaing 4 left i m so confused on whether to start again or quit this hobby

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +3

      You can take it as an opportunity to learn and get to the next level. Identify the disease and why it hit. And those 4 surviving birds are enough to continue breeding stronger genetics. Such events happen in nature and the remaining ones breed stronger individuals.

    • @haroonhidayat
      @haroonhidayat Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom the only mistake i know i did is introducing a new bird without isolation.... i bought a red cheq female that did well in races was of small size and strong muscular body... i think she was the carrier of disease.... the four surviving are not of any different genes than those died but i think thats how evolution works some get better other just vanishes.... thanks for the advice

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      @@haroonhidayat I did the same last winter and the virus brought by a new bird took more than 10 youngsters, some really good falcon survivors. That's nature I guess.

    • @haroonhidayat
      @haroonhidayat Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom yeah i guess we make mistakes and we learn from it ... hoping to not do the same mistake again 🙂

  • @user-hk1ni7wp1x
    @user-hk1ni7wp1x Год назад +2

    In every video I fly in revenge with pigeons and rejoice and grieve hello Belarus

  • @martinantov6243
    @martinantov6243 Год назад

    True heroes :)

  • @user-fq8sv8ou8d
    @user-fq8sv8ou8d Год назад +1

    كالعاده تصدمنا وتعيشنا مقاطعك

  • @hristohristov4013
    @hristohristov4013 Год назад +1

    Hi Andrey, we spokes in the comments last year about a disease that kill some of your pigeons, can you tell me more about your additional care during the infection. When we spoke you tell me that the virus was “paramyxovirus”. Best regards

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Hi. Last year I only had adenovirus in the youngsters. The care is very little light food and probiotics in water. I don't know much about it, most of them recover easily in a few days. For paramyxo you need to do a good vaccine every year and they should be safe.

    • @Dimarik73rus
      @Dimarik73rus Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom Have you tested the bird for adenovirus in the laboratory? Adenovirus provokes the growth of E. coli. This is called adeno-coli syndrome. Accordingly, an antibiotic is used to suppress E. coli. order the Belgian blend 4 in 1 De Weerd or its analogues.

  • @misnannan2581
    @misnannan2581 Год назад


  • @stevenmaniacup1303
    @stevenmaniacup1303 11 месяцев назад

    Good evening🌞🌕🌏🇵🇭😅🔥

  • @livingwithraptors6173
    @livingwithraptors6173 Год назад +1


  • @sergiuvescan9662
    @sergiuvescan9662 Год назад +1

    Din ce vad soimul iti creaza probleme mai mari. Dupa cum am vazut ca se misca stolul cred ca uliul iti prinde foarte rar, si probabil in ambuscada.

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +2

      Da... nu prea apuc sa filmez ambuscadele de uliu, cateodata imi trece pe la ureche parca sa ma dea jos, pana pun mana pe aparat a si disparut. Dar pana acum a fost un an usor cu mai putine atacuri de uliu decat in alti ani... soimul nu e problema, cateodata mai ia cate unul cand nu sunt atenti dar faptul ca nu vine la cotet face sa-l prefer oricand in locul uliului.

  • @RFRP
    @RFRP Год назад +1

    How often are attacks by birds of prey? Do your bids get attacked every time they get let out, 50%, 25%?
    Super cool video as always. Your birds are superheroes

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +3

      Thank you. I would say they get attacked 50-75% of times they get outside (in this autumn-winter season). Recently I had a week with zero attacks, I couldn't believe it. But this week the falcon female attacked daily in the first 10 minutes after the release. At the beginning of autumn the pigeons were allover the place after the attacks and would drop to the loft like stones. Now they got so used to it that they even continue to fly after 10-15 failed falcon attacks. Yesterday after the falcon attacks they had a hawk attack and then they kept flying for an hour more or less relaxed, like nothing happened. This has been one of the easiest years so far partly because they were very healthy I think. I lost 8 pigeons so far (compared to 26 last year for the same period).

    • @RFRP
      @RFRP Год назад +1

      @@Pigeonmaniacom wow! That’s crazy, but very interesting that they have adapted to it so well! Keep up the great content, and Happy New Year!!

    • @Dimarik73rus
      @Dimarik73rus Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom Wow, 26 pieces for the same period until December is a lot. Considering that the most dangerous attacks occur in January-March. You need to write about the losses somewhere. Otherwise, there are certain people with weak minds who claim that a predator cannot catch a pigeon. And catches only the crippled and defective. Not realizing that they just didn't see the real attacks. By the way, in support of their words, these people throw off links to your videos as proof that pigeons always leave. Without realizing that the right moments are chosen in the video...

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      @@RFRP You too. Happy New Year!

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      ​@@Dimarik73rus Last year the pigeons were sick this is why the hawks got so many. Which confirms the idea that hawks focus on sick, young or fat birds. My videos are made to show that pigeons do escape most of the time because I was always told that hawks and especially the falcon never miss, which is nonsense, and I wanted to show that. I confirm that I don't have mature hawk attacks which can be more successful but I think this is clear from the videos that only juveniles attack. Even with mature hawks, it depends what your observations are made on. Did you made the statistics based on your own pigeons (a fast breed like the racers and not an ornamental one)? If the statistics were made on wild street pigeons, you can't know their level of health and fitness. But yes, I got used to being told on these videos that the birds of prey were just playing or weren't hungry so I will slow down or stop filming. I got the same reaction at the club often when I had a good race (the others didn't have the time to prepare, the competition was weak and I didn't compete with the best ones during that race, I gave them some performance winning pills, lol, etc). I already had a few impressive attacks of falcon and hawk females that I enjoyed for the first time entirely without looking at them through the camera. This is so liberating. Getting older I will stop club racing and filming and will get to enjoy pigeons even more.

  • @user-fq8sv8ou8d
    @user-fq8sv8ou8d Год назад +1


  • @badralamrani8959
    @badralamrani8959 Год назад

    يجب ان تشتري كميرة خارقة تقرب البعد اكثر ، او الزوم .

  • @stval2474
    @stval2474 Год назад

    Salut. Cum se numește camera cu care filmezi așa secvențe Frumoase și clare?

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад

      Salut. Este Sony A6600.

    • @stval2474
      @stval2474 Год назад

      Mersi! Și succes in ceea ce faci pentru că o faci bine!

  • @user-fq8sv8ou8d
    @user-fq8sv8ou8d Год назад +1

    اول. ❤️ اتمنا وضع اللغه العربيه.

  • @fastrun7307
    @fastrun7307 Год назад +2

    Sub ce nume concurezi?

    • @Pigeonmaniacom
      @Pigeonmaniacom  Год назад +1

      Nu au legatura, cei pentru club sunt inchisi.

    • @fastrun7307
      @fastrun7307 Год назад

      @@Pigeonmaniacom ok, dar totuși sub ce nume concurezi? 😁

  • @tontonel1000
    @tontonel1000 Год назад


  • @luksus8172
    @luksus8172 Год назад +1


  • @highflyergiribus4919
    @highflyergiribus4919 Год назад


  • @dimonus1738
    @dimonus1738 Год назад +1

    bro you need to buy a good drone

    • @mikev2116
      @mikev2116 Год назад

      I chase hawks with my race drones, they don't like it!

  • @iamjeckikay5821
    @iamjeckikay5821 Год назад

    Musta idol Ang la lakas nang ibon mo 💪💪💪 na ba baliw na ang palcon kaka habol 😂😂😂✌

  • @evedeguzman-lm7pg
    @evedeguzman-lm7pg Год назад

    😂pinaglalaroan lang ung falcon hahahahhaha

  • @user-gr3qp5uw9k
    @user-gr3qp5uw9k 8 месяцев назад

    А можно расказат о голуба