A Look at Relativity (Voyager)

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2024
  • Opinionated Voyager Episode Guide looks at Relativity, because while Star Trek loves to muck with time, nobody mucks like Voyager. Everything is slapped about with wild abandon until the end when it's all made better. Plus, Janeway literally drives a man mad, we all knew it was coming.

Комментарии • 89

  • @SirMarshalHaig
    @SirMarshalHaig 3 месяца назад +21

    Braxton: I asked her for help once. I told her to lower her shields so I could destroy her ship.
    Janeway: Oh yes, I was a bit shocked by that...never been on the receiving end before. Made me want to blow up the universe.

    • @kradeiz
      @kradeiz 3 месяца назад +5

      That bit of spin doctoring from Braxton always gets me. “I just wanted to kill her and her crew but for some reason she took exception to that and ruined my life for no reason!”

    • @SirMarshalHaig
      @SirMarshalHaig 3 месяца назад +1

      @@kradeiz yes that is the Janeway manoever and no matter how far from the future he is her copyright is based on a shot to the face ;)

  • @TheMadTube
    @TheMadTube 3 месяца назад +15

    Don’t even get me started on the fact the Relativity Lieutenant eventually retires to 20th century Earth as a boy to make inadvertent first contact with the Vulcans before their real First Contact. And then grows up to meet Picard that also time traveled to 21st century Earth from a dystopian alternate timeline.

  • @Canoby
    @Canoby 3 месяца назад +68

    Totes irrelevant but it's really wild they kept Jeri Ryan out of Starfleet uniforms despite her completely rocking them

    • @SirMarshalHaig
      @SirMarshalHaig 3 месяца назад +4

      Looks better than these carpets she wore for sure

    • @ThomasFishwick
      @ThomasFishwick 3 месяца назад +4

      I really didn’t want to see Seven in Starfleet. There were other options out there and I would have liked to see her explore them.
      That said as eye catching as her catsuits could be I would have liked to see her in more casual clothing. Or a goddamn coat!

    • @dupersuper1938
      @dupersuper1938 3 месяца назад +2

      @@ThomasFishwick Well, she was in the Fenris Rangers for quite a while...

    • @ThomasFishwick
      @ThomasFishwick 3 месяца назад +1

      @@dupersuper1938 Which I had no objection to. A "friendly" rival to Starfleet that was less... regulated was an interesting addition to the Star Trek Universe. Then she went and joined Starfleet and the rangers were never heard of again.

    • @Canoby
      @Canoby 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ThomasFishwick IDK I dug her becoming the captain of the Enterprise in Picard, but I feel you on at least keeping her someone who doesn't play well with collective orgs.
      You are completely correct on giving her less cheese cakey outfits. Ms. Ryan can make a goddamn burlap bag look good.

  • @KiltedCritic
    @KiltedCritic 3 месяца назад +47

    This demonstrates why moving into a proper uniform should have been part of 7's character arc on the show.

    • @horaciosi
      @horaciosi 3 месяца назад +4

      Unfortunately, Voyager's writers treat us like we're as stupid as they are and think Seven can't hold our attention if she doesn't have a fanservicy catsuit.

    • @fmsyntheses
      @fmsyntheses 3 месяца назад +1

      This is the dumbest and most non-heterosexual complaint I've ever heard anyone make about this awful show

    • @KiltedCritic
      @KiltedCritic 3 месяца назад +3

      @@fmsynthesesAnd yet you've provided absolutely nothing to remotely back such a weird statement up.

    • @lordmontymord8701
      @lordmontymord8701 3 месяца назад +2

      Here's what should have happened: Have Jellico (now an Admiral) talk to Voyager over the Pathfinder-array. And when he sees Seven in her catsuit he demands to know who's bright idea that was. Seven tells him it was the Doctor.
      Jellico rises an eyebrow, declares she has to wear an uniform now and demands to speak to the Doctor alone ...

    • @fmsyntheses
      @fmsyntheses 3 месяца назад

      @@lordmontymord8701 Why would someone who is not and has never been a member of Starfleet wear a uniform?
      That's generally frowned upon.

  • @Superphilipp
    @Superphilipp 3 месяца назад +10

    When this episode came out, I was twelve, and I thought it was the smartest Trek episode ever.
    Today, I think otherwise.

    • @lordmontymord8701
      @lordmontymord8701 3 месяца назад

      That happens sometimes ...
      I thought TNG season 1 and 2 were really great as a kid. That opinion changed slightly over the years. Now i can't watch any of the early episodes with only a few exceptions like Q Who without nearly dying from cringe.

  • @SageofStars
    @SageofStars 3 месяца назад +10

    I actually do love that this is one of the few times there's nothing accidental about the time travel. These people in this episode have perfect control of what they're doing...they just are bad at doing it. This isn't supposed to be some kind of desperation gambit tech, or something that happens once every thousand tries. This is time travel, working as intended.
    No wonder none of the evil powers(Borg, Dominion, etc) use time travel as a weapon, if the Federation can't keep it from going screwy like this.

    • @glair
      @glair 3 месяца назад +1

      Technically the Borg in the movie "first contact" tried to use time travel as a weapon,
      Which means the collective could technically use time travel at any time against the federation or other species, heck I'm surprised they didn't go back in time to stop future Janeway from screwing them over.
      Now that I think about it since the Borg have time travel why do they even bother trying to fight species advanced enough to fend them off? If they encounter any kind of actual resistance why don't they just travel back in time and assimilate the species when they are weaker and less technologically advanced?
      (I know that there's a theory that the Borg actually like to wait to harvest civilizations until they have made sufficient technological progress, but that's never been stated in Cannon as far as I know)

    • @SageofStars
      @SageofStars 3 месяца назад

      @@glair Considering that same unit of the collective didn't reach out to the Borg of their time until the events of the Enterprise episode, and then those were mindless drones, I'm going to guess they don't do it normally, and there was something wrong with that 'queen' that caused the events.
      Given they faced extinct at the hands of Species 8472(The Fluidic Space creatures), and in that instance their only need would have been to go back and warn themselves, it indicates time travel is not something they will use, even in dire circumstances.

  • @myriadmediamusings
    @myriadmediamusings 3 месяца назад +10

    Sadly would be a couple more decades before we would properly see Seven in a Starfleet uniform.

    • @BigTylt
      @BigTylt Месяц назад

      Literal Maquis criminals and deserters spent less time waiting for their uniforms than Seven of Nine did...

  • @stevenjeffrey6173
    @stevenjeffrey6173 3 месяца назад +11

    I’m probably the only one who wants this, but I’d be down to see a time ship Relativity show. No need for a holodeck for period pieces, just go there.

    • @Jokie155
      @Jokie155 3 месяца назад +8

      I think it's called Legends of Tomorrow.

    • @Canoby
      @Canoby 3 месяца назад +3

      @@Jokie155 Funny how that show had a similar energy to this ep

    • @Jokie155
      @Jokie155 3 месяца назад +3

      I used it as an example because I couldn't recall the name of another show that involved time travel and altering events. It was a much more serious tone though. I think the villains were called 'Unwritten Page'.

    • @stryke-jn3kv
      @stryke-jn3kv 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Canoby It really does, man Star Trek: Relativity with Captain Lance (new characters/same cast) and the LoT writing team would rock so dang hard

  • @michaelsinger4638
    @michaelsinger4638 3 месяца назад +48

    Seven looked so much better on a Starfleet uniform than in that stupid catsuit.

    • @sigiligus
      @sigiligus 3 месяца назад +10

      So does every woman in all of Star Trek. The catsuit was Roddenberry’s stupid future-space-sex fetish, and for some reason it became a tradition despite it looking very unsexy. I don’t even care about “muh objectification” or anything, but the Star Trek catsuits are visually appalling.

    • @BigTylt
      @BigTylt 3 месяца назад +4

      @@sigiligus Makes sense when you consider how fast and loose Gene Roddenberry was with his affairs and tendency to come onto any woman within his peripheral vision

    • @myriadmediamusings
      @myriadmediamusings 3 месяца назад +4

      I was rewatching The Big Goodbye from TNG and I was reminded of oddly sexually obsessed the show was with Data going out of the way to mention ancient automobiles being used in teenage sexcapades.

    • @tonoornottono
      @tonoornottono 3 месяца назад +1

      ⁠​⁠@@myriadmediamusingsi thought that was kinda fun. the show has always been horny and i genuinely don’t mind that at all. the catsuit just does not look good. if the goal is to make her sexy they came pretty close to failing, save for the fact that it’s Jeri Ryan wearing the atrocious thing. the costume designers on star trek frequently fucked up sex appeal, honestly. it’s like they’re afraid of being classically sexual- Risa is hardly arousing as a viewer. i LIKE the sex in star trek. i like the horniness. but so often it feels like a single writer throwing in a sexual detail instead of an entire team coordinating something that’s meant to ACTUALLY be sexually appealing. i just feel like risa could have been much cooler. that’s just an example.
      the automobiles thing is fun. it’s as if car-centric infrastructure is such a fad, such a historical blip, that cars are only really remembered for their social capital. they’re only remembered as status symbols. it’s reflective of the way times have changed for them.

    • @ravenwilder4099
      @ravenwilder4099 3 месяца назад +1

      Aside from color scheme, I never really saw the difference - they're both form-hugging bodysuits.

  • @travis7294
    @travis7294 3 месяца назад +1

    I remember when you announced the time travel theme month during the original release!
    I was so excited for this episode review, and it did not disappoint!

  • @bradwolf07
    @bradwolf07 3 месяца назад +5

    I always liked this episode and now I know why...they didn't give a SH*T. That gave it some charm. Also, i loved the jokes about recruiting Janeway.

  • @davidrohde2636
    @davidrohde2636 3 месяца назад +6

    Whole reason this episode even happened was because of the 2nd officer and timeforce combining all 3 Braxtons in to one individual, he causes the mental temporal break that causes him to destroy voyager

    • @boobah5643
      @boobah5643 3 месяца назад +1

      But if he doesn't destroy _Voyager,_ why would they hunt down the three Braxtons? Unlike a similar paradox in the first or second season, they don't seem to acknowledge that it should never have happened.
      Alternately, the characters are foolish and Braxton had some other reason than 'lol, crazy!' for attempting _Voyager's_ destruction that we don't find out about, even if merged Braxton is a kill-happy crazy man.

  • @drockjr
    @drockjr 3 месяца назад +2

    Braxton with his mental health issues was a nice touch.
    Just like when Chuck touches my insides with these videos

  • @kradeiz
    @kradeiz 3 месяца назад +4

    Irt Carey flirting with Seven, if the writers forgot they never killed him it’s quite possible they forgot he was happily married too.

    • @lordmontymord8701
      @lordmontymord8701 3 месяца назад

      Pretty sure the only thing they cared about was "is there a character from the start of the show that we could use?" and that's all. Could have been Lt. Commander "I'm going to die in the pilot" Cavit ...

  • @MrSaywutnow
    @MrSaywutnow 3 месяца назад +8

    As I've said elsewhere, despite this episode being incredibly stupid, it actually forms a solid foundation for the Psycho Janeway theory.
    Janeway is such a menace that she literally drove a time cop insane with her antics.
    What else needs to be said?

    • @MKDumas1981
      @MKDumas1981 3 месяца назад +3

      That the events Braxton refers to do not happen during Janeway's lifetime; Braxton is the victim of his very own Pogo Paradox.
      Braxton traveled back to the 24th century, to destroy Voyager in an attempt to prevent the temporal explosion that destroyed the Sol system in the 29th. _Voyager's_ deflector pulse caused the two ships to be thrown back in time, the landing decades being up to chance. It just so happened that Braxton landed far enough back for Henry Starling to discover the ship, use it to travel forward in time and cause the very temporal explosion Braxton sought to prevent.
      Had Braxton stayed in the 29th century to begin with, none of those events would have happened, and he would still have had his original face.

  • @kradeiz
    @kradeiz 3 месяца назад +4

    Personally I interpret Neelix’s ping-pong moment as a “Just another day on Voyager.” kind of thing.

  • @BintyMcFrazzles
    @BintyMcFrazzles 3 месяца назад

    I love your impression of Janeway.

  • @KerbalSpaceCommand
    @KerbalSpaceCommand 3 месяца назад +3

    This episode wasn't that bad, the big problem for me is how they are using the wrong phasers and tricorders in the past. When the series started they were using the TNG phasers/tricorders, so that's what they should be using in when in the past in this episode but they are using the later phasers/tricorders. It's just stupid.

  • @Renegade2786
    @Renegade2786 3 месяца назад

    I think the Outer Limit episode *A Stitch in Time* would explain the timey whimey of Braxton remembering a different timeline that didn't exist in his point of view.

  • @lordmontymord8701
    @lordmontymord8701 3 месяца назад +1

    It's not only not giving Seven tech that is disguised as things they use in the 24th-century, which should be standard procedure especially on a ship that investigates time-travel-shenanigans. We know the crew on the Relativety should have access to things like the holo-emitter - a perfect way to disguise a person ...
    Still like the episode, despite (or maybe even because) of the nonsense. At least it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

  • @bthsr7113
    @bthsr7113 3 месяца назад

    You'd think this was Power Rangers with how much the spacetime continuum. was getting jacked up.

  • @takeru3159
    @takeru3159 3 месяца назад +1

    I kinda want to know what is the backstory on the ping pong match that resulted in Tom originally being teamed up with some nobody to play against his best friend and wife.

  • @moknbyrd
    @moknbyrd 2 месяца назад

    10:04 OMG! *LOL* That brought back childhood memories. ... "Before the Texas Rangers caught up with him, he shot 44 men. One, just for snoring too loud." ...Good times. :) ...D*mn... I'm old...

  • @sanddagger36
    @sanddagger36 3 месяца назад +2

    why does every reviewer of this episode complain that braxton should not remember his time in the 20th century?
    It is explained they retrieved him and combined all versions of him into one, which is what made the normal braxton go insane.

  • @davidrohde2636
    @davidrohde2636 3 месяца назад +1

    Multiple timelines were created

  • @Novakiller
    @Novakiller 3 месяца назад

    “Billions” 😏
    Try by Brian Cox. He’s kind of keeping the billions thing going and he’s almost as good as Carl was…

  • @alexneff
    @alexneff 3 месяца назад +1

    What's 7up 2... New drink

  • @Canoby
    @Canoby 3 месяца назад

    @5:14 OMG YOU KILLED SEVEN (you bastards!)

  • @twokool4skool129
    @twokool4skool129 3 месяца назад

    Braxton: "I asked Janeway for help once. She refused!"
    Well yeah, because he wanted her to help him with killing her and her entire crew. Janeway's awful, but she actually made the right call there. Can't believe the writer put in this dumb line. Still a surprisingly fun episode though...for Voyager.

  • @MKDumas1981
    @MKDumas1981 3 месяца назад

    8:38 - Its design was inspired by the earlier _Scholl_-class.

  • @Eyetrauma
    @Eyetrauma 3 месяца назад

    6:55 Maybe this is pedantic but after what happened in TNG when Picard stuck his hand in the time anomaly you’d think they’d institute a standing order amongst the crew to be more apprehensive around time / space anomalies. At least you get bolts in STALKER, the Federation just doesn’t care.
    (fwiw I don’t care if it’s dumb, I always enjoy this ep)

    • @mikegates8993
      @mikegates8993 3 месяца назад

      Heck, you'd think they'd have made one after City at the Edge of Tomorrow. But this is Starfleet. The only things they care about keeping people from doing are augments and finding excuses to have some of the most incompetent security possible.

  • @JerryListener
    @JerryListener 3 месяца назад

    Neelix counting that point... That's so messed up..

  • @MKDumas1981
    @MKDumas1981 2 месяца назад

    2:40 - Har har.

  • @user-lm5ht3tj5o
    @user-lm5ht3tj5o 3 месяца назад

    Reupload fix version old video made this episode plot slow setup he lying back in time out come backfire

  • @NCC-72545A
    @NCC-72545A 3 месяца назад +1

    Though i've liked some of your reviews about 60 to 70% of them you've torn the content of sade reviews up one side and down the other with your attitude and your smarkey remarks,.
    I wonder who's the real cynical one here. 😒 I don't care if you block me or not. Here's my rating for your whole channel. 3 out of 10

    • @-Bill.
      @-Bill. 3 месяца назад +9

      What are you talking about? What's a sade review?
      Most SFDebris reviews were originally created like 15 years ago now, he's just been releasing them on YT slowly as they used to be on sites like Vimeo and Daily Motion, and were eventually lost. I used to watch them on his website. He's always had an over the top style with Voyager, being the originator of most of the evil Janeway memes. I'm not sure what you are complaining about.

    • @whitestar0060
      @whitestar0060 3 месяца назад +2

      Next time, try proofreading.

    • @-Bill.
      @-Bill. 3 месяца назад

      @@whitestar0060 Are you talking to me or OP?

    • @NCC-72545A
      @NCC-72545A 3 месяца назад

      @-Bill. This is going to be my only reply. I have not watched every single one of his videos. The ones I have are the ones that I'm wfitting. The sky on he's not biased. He hasn't attitude towards just about everything, and this was more of me venting than attacking.
      For years, I have heard how Janeway was one of the worst captains in starfleet because of the decision she made while on the seven year journey Voyager took to get Home And out of the Delta quadrant, we'll guess what And this isn't me having blinders or nostalgia clouding my judgment Captain January and voyager did a hell of a lot more good than bad:
      Destroying the reprogrammed Cardassian dreadnought missile. (VOY Dreadnought)
      Uncovering a plot by the race called the Etanian Order how slowly conquers their neighbors by making their neighbors believe their colonies and outpost are suffering natural disasters. (VOY Rise)
      An alien race replaces the crew 1 by 1 as an alternative to warfare. (VOY Dispaced)
      Ending the species 8472 Genocide of our Galaxy because of the Borg's Actions. (VOY Scorpion pasts 1&2)
      Liberating Seven of nine, Iched, Mezoti, Azon, Rebi, and all the other billions, if not trillions, of former drones that made up the Borg resistance (VOY Scorpion PT.2, Collective, Unimatrix zero PT.1&2)
      Destroying the Omega Particles before it disstabilized and destroyed subspace in a large region of the delta quadrant. (VOY The Omega Directive)
      Saving a race from a Malon waste export vessel. (VOY Night)
      Setting up a number of warning beacons outside the range of the large Telepathic picture plant Creature. (VOY Bliss)
      Stopping the crew of the U.S.S. Equinox and a group of con artists from tarnishing the UFP's & Starfleet's reputation. (VOY Equinox PT. 1&2 and Live Fast and prosper)
      The 4 members of the crew are forced to bring a conspiracy to light when the rest of the crew are brainwashed into believing that they are workers on an alien planet after hitting a subspace mine. (VOY Workforce PT. 1&2)
      And their biggest contribution to the Galaxy as a whole. Destroying the Borg's transwarp hub network as well as crippling the hole of the Brog Collective itself with a neurolithic pathogen hand delivered straight to the Borg Queen by Alt-time line Admiral Janeway. (VOY Endgame)
      Yes, Janeway and her crew had done some questionable stuff as well, but I think all the good things that they've done tip the scales in their favor.
      P.S. Captain Braxton never asked Janeway for help the last time we saw him in VOY Future's end PT.1&2, he demanded she let him destroy Voyager to prevent the Sol system's destruction causing that pogo paradox.

    • @-Bill.
      @-Bill. 3 месяца назад +3

      @@NCC-72545A I think you are reading a lot of maliciousness into his reviews but they are meant to be humorous. He's not seriously hating on the characters, these are just his hyperbolic opinions.

  • @boobah5643
    @boobah5643 3 месяца назад

    Can't help but think it's more than a little counter-productive for a temporal police force to have a device that simultaneously preserves the memory of a timeline while making sure one of the people necessary to create it doesn't exist.
    Yes, I know, wrong episode (wrong _series)_ if I want to think about details like that.