Weer een Prachtige♥️ vertolking van de NBS, vooral het openingscoraal en de aria van bariton Matthew Brook., wat een expressiviteit in zn gezicht. Bravo allemaal, het blijft genieten van al jullie uitvoeringen en achtergrond uitleg👏👏, een luxe in deze coronatijd
I will never in my life get enough of this opening chorus. I’ve listened to it since I was 16 years old and 20 years later it’s still my favourite piece of music in the world. The first ‘Erscheine’ in the fuga moved me to tears in this recording. Every musician is performing so well and there’s so much movement, nothing static. I truly love it.
One of my dreams is to actually be able to hear one of your concerts in person, and maybe even sing with you. I'm from Colorado, USA, and a classically trained baritone singer of opera, oratorio, cantata, and the like. I've sung many Bach and Handel selections over the years, and I can say with all honesty that I've never heard a group as magnificent as yours is in performing Bach. Your attention to exquisite detail and stylistic performance of the baroque era, particularly Bach, is stunning! Please don't ever stop what you're doing. Additionally, the baritone soloist in this cantata, Matthew Brook, is absolutely marvelous. He pours his heart into his singing and every time I hear him it gives me goose bumps. Matthew has become my favorite baritone voice since John Shirley-Quirk and his quality transports me to heaven every time I hear his interpretation of Bach. God's blessings on you all, and may you all be kept healthy through this worldwide pandemic!
In a time ravaged by a pandemic, one in which our leaders - at least here in America - sow discord and hate for selfish motives - this cantata is a balm for the soul. Moments of tranquility are few. Matthew in particular gives a wonderful performance. Thank you. With love for the NBS, JSB,and my fellow mankind. Stu
Wer möchte da nicht mitten im Schafsstall sein, beglückt durch das beglückende Lächeln von Matthew Brook in seiner Arie "Beglückte Schafe" - zusammen mit allen Musikern der Netherland Bach- Society und zusammen mit der ganzen Menschheit?!
The whole Cantata is simply wonderful... The choir is simply a gift for our souls... And movement from 2.35 to 2.40 is simply Bach... What a smart man!!!
When JSB wrote this Cantata, He was really inspired... Actually, He was really more inspired... Oh, my Bach, I have no word to describe such beauty, depth and inspiration... Thank you...
I hear the opening chorus and all evils disappear. The fugue for four voices is frankly beautiful, heavenly and perfect. Thanks, AoB, for sharing. Thank you, Bach, for existing.
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Aufführung dieser kompakten und perfekt komponierten Kantate mit perfekt vereinigten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und, vor allem, herrlichen Stimmen beider genialen Solisten. Der gelehrte und unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut analysierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Alles ist wunderbar!
Thanks for sharing this. I can’t imagine how much informed considerations go into the production of these videos. I would love to see a video just about that process.
All composers are subject to the strict rules of harmony ... However, the harmony is subject to Bach... I have no words to describe such great beauty... Thank you, Herr Bach, for being in my life.
Such a performance always sparks such wonder in me, I can't help but feel the collection of virtuouso performers and the inclination of the performance must match the renditions of old, when this piece was first written and performed. Truly a treat
Encore une merveille absolue ! Le Chœur d'entrée est sublime, il continue de m'accompagner depuis mes 17 ans !! Avec JSB, les merveilles se succèdent dans toutes ses œuvres.
Just amazing. Cannot feel enough gratitude for the Netherlands Bach Society for providing us with such high quality, beautiful performances regularly. Thank you!
Beautiful not only to hear, but also to see! 😎 As always Netherlands Bach Society is the best! As a baroque flutist, I am learning a lot about interpretation in the Bach universe!
Como siempre, Netherlands Bach Society, Magnificos !!! Ellos, interpretando a Bach, forman una simbiosis perfecta. GRACIAS! THANK YOU SO MUCH 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Another simply beautiful performance. The opening (Du Hirte) is especially very pleasing to the ear. I love the period instruments, especially the double reeds such as Oboe and English Horn.
Duizendmaal dank, nederlandse vrienden! A great testimony of faith in these trying times of pandemic and political upheaval. What a great climax. as usual, in the beloved chorale, so gloriously harmonized by Bach. Dwyn Mounger, Knoxville, Tennessee, V.S.A.
This is such a glorious piece performed in a wonderfully joyous manner as I think was intended. Thank you all for such a profoundly cheerful rendition.
Thou, shepherd of Israel, listen: Thou, who lead Joseph like a flock, seated on the cherubs, shine forth. The Supreme Shepherd watches over me, why bother? Every morning the goodness of the shepherd is renewed. My heart, rest assured, God is faithful. Even if my shepherd stay hidden, even if the desert disturbs me, my feeble steps are hastened. My mouth invokes Thee and Thou, my shepherd, inspire in me a faithful: "Abba, Father" through Thy word. Yes, this word is nourishment for my soul, balm for my chest, the pasture that I consider my joy, a first fruit from Heaven, is everything for me. Ah, gather, oh good sheperd, us poor and lost; ah, let our journey end early and lead us to Thy fold. Blessed flock, lamb of Jesus, the world is for you the Kingdom of Heaven. Here you already have a foretaste of the goodness of Jesus and hope for the reward of faith after the sweet sleep of death. The Lord is my faithful shepherd, to whom I can entrust myself completely, He takes me, His lamb, to pasture on green and lovely meadows, to fresh waters He leads me, with strenghth He refreshes my soul by means of His blessed word.
Cantata for Misericordias Domini 1. Chor Du Hirte Israel, höre, der du Joseph hütest wie der Schafe, erscheine, der du sitzest über Cherubim. (Psalm 80:1-2) 1. Chorus You Shepherd of Israel, hear, You who watch over Joseph like a sheep, appear, You who sit above the Cherubim. 2. Rezitativ T Der höchste Hirte sorget vor mich, Was nützen meine Sorgen? Es wird ja alle Morgen Des Hirten Güte neu. Mein Herz, so fasse dich, Gott ist getreu. 2. Recitative T The Highest Shepherd watches over me, what use are my worries? Indeed every morning is the Shepherd's goodness renewed. My heart, take hold of yourself, God is faithful. 3. Arie T Verbirgt mein Hirte sich zu lange, Macht mir die Wüste allzu bange, Mein schwacher Schritt eilt dennoch fort. Mein Mund schreit nach dir, Und du mein Hirte, wirkst in mir Ein gläubig Abba durch dein Wort. 3. Aria T Though my Shepherd might remain hidden, though the wilderness makes me all too fearful, nevertheless my weak steps hurry forth. My mouth cries to You, and You my Shepherd, inspire in me a faithful "Abba"* through Your word. 4. Rezitativ B Ja, dieses Wort ist meiner Seelen Speise, Ein Labsal meiner Brust, Die Weide, die ich meine Lust, Des Himmels Vorschmack, ja mein alles heiße. Ach! Sammle nur, o guter Hirte, Uns Arme und Verirrte; Ach laß den Weg nur bald geendet sein Und führe uns in deinen Schafstall ein! 4. Recitative B Yes, this word is the nourishment of my soul, a refreshment to my breast, the pasture, which I call my delight, the fortaste of heaven, indeed my all. Ah! Only gather, o good Shepherd, us poor and erring ones; ah, let our journey soon reach an end and lead us into your sheepfold! 5. Arie B Beglückte Herde, Jesu Schafe, Der Welt ist euch ein Himmelreich. Hier schmeckt ihr Jesu Güte schon Und hoffet noch des Glaubens Lohn Nach einem sanften Todesschlafe. 5. Aria B Happy flock, sheep of Jesus, the world is a heavenly kingdom to you. Here you already taste Jesus' goodness and hope still for faith's reward after a gentle sleep of death. 6. Choral Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, Dem ich mich ganze vertraue, Zur Weid er mich, sein Schäflein, führt, Auf schöner grünen Aue, Zum frischen Wasser leit' er mich, Mein Seel zu laben kräftiglich Durchs selig Wort der Gnaden. ("Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt," verse 1) 6. Chorale The Lord is my faithful shepherd, to whom I entrust myself totally, He leads me, His lamb, to pasture in a lovely green meadow, He leads me to fresh water, to refresh my soul powerfully through the blessed word of grace. Psalm 80:1-2 (mov't. 1); "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt," verse 1: Cornelius Becker 1598 (mov't. 6) * "Abba" is Hebrew for "Father"
Siempre que escucho este coro y esta cantata veo la imagen de angeles llevando al pueblo de israel hacia la tierra prometida. Es impresionante siempre la musica de bach. Gracias Dios por Bach sino estaríamos en la inmundicia musical y espiritual .
9:26 through 16:24: Can someone who knows music well describe what's happening here. It's very beautiful and I'm fascinated by the vocal line, which seems not atypical of Bach. The harmony between the melodic line of the vocal part and that of the orchestra are arrestingly unconventional--or am I wrong. It's extraordinarily beautiful and seem somehow peculiarly Germanic. Am I going crazy or is this a "thing," i.e. a true phenomenon?
9.42 Was nimmt man mit, wenn man weiß,, dass man morgen auf eine einsame Insel muss? Ich persönlich würde auf jeden Fall eine Aufnahme dieser Arie mitnehmen....
Wat een wonder van schoonheid. Geschreven voor de Paasdienst op 23-4-1724 en dus in 1 week gecomponeerd en zoals gebruikelijk in die tijd maar 1 keer uitgevoerd: want op naar de dienst voor de volgende zondag en dat 4-5 jaar elke week opnieuw... Alleen al het Cantate oeuvre van Bach is fenomenaal (beyond comprehension) en dan te weten dat 300 jaar naar dato miljoenen mensen week in week uit naar deze schitterende muziek luisteren..... Hoe groot ben je dan?
Er zijn van de 4-5 cantate jaargangen zo'n 100 Cantates verloren gegaan. Om met Maarten 't Hart te spreken: dat is toch om krankzinnig van te worden ...
1. Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit, Sein Will, der ist der beste; Zu helfen den'n er ist bereit, Die an ihn gläuben feste. Er hilft aus Not, der fromme Gott, Und züchtiget mit Maßen: Wer Gott vertraut, fest auf ihn baut, Den will er nicht verlassen. 2. Entsetze dich, mein Herze, nicht, Gott ist dein Trost und Zuversicht Und deiner Seele Leben. Ja, was sein weiser Rat bedacht, Dem kann die Welt und Menschenmacht Unmöglich widerstreben. 3. O Törichter! der sich von Gott entzieht Und wie ein Jonas dort Vor Gottes Angesichte flieht; Auch unser Denken ist ihm offenbar, Und unsers Hauptes Haar Hat er gezählet. Wohl dem, der diesen Schutz erwählet Im gläubigen Vertrauen, Auf dessen Schluss und Wort Mit Hoffnung und Geduld zu schauen. 4. So geh ich mit beherzten Schritten, Auch wenn mich Gott zum Grabe führt. Gott hat die Tage aufgeschrieben, So wird, wenn seine Hand mich rührt, Des Todes Bitterkeit vertrieben. 5. Drum wenn der Tod zuletzt den Geist Noch mit Gewalt aus seinem Körper reißt, So nimm ihn, Gott, in treue Vaterhände! Wenn Teufel, Tod und Sünde mich bekriegt Und meine Sterbekissen Ein Kampfplatz werden müssen, So hilf, damit in dir mein Glaube siegt! O seliges, gewünschtes Ende! 6. Noch eins, Herr, will ich bitten dich, Du wirst mir's nicht versagen: Wenn mich der böse Geist anficht, Laß mich doch nicht verzagen. Hilf, steur und wehr, ach Gott, mein Herr, Zu Ehren deinem Namen. Wer das begehrt, dem wird's gewährt; Drauf sprech ich fröhlich: Amen.
@@alpinoalpini3849 This is simply not one of greatest cantatas. If you don`t like my comment, I am sorry. I would say the same thing about Handel`s Athalia as compared to Solomon, or Schumann`s first symphony compared to his second etc.
It’s not as catchy as 140, 106, or 54, but man that opening movement is wonderful. The bass aria is also exceptional. Bach always seems to surprise me with every single work of his, in some way or another... there’s no real point in saying one is greater than another. Bach probably might not care to think of it that way, anyhow. They’re all soli deo gloria :D
0:09 Du Hirte Israel (Chor)
4:51 Der höchste Hirte (Rezitativ)
5:30 Verbirgt mein Hirte (Arie)
8:40 Ja, dieses Wort (Rezitativ)
9:43 Beglückte Herde (Arie)
16:43 Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt (Choral)
Weer een Prachtige♥️ vertolking van de NBS, vooral het openingscoraal en de aria van bariton Matthew Brook., wat een expressiviteit in zn gezicht. Bravo allemaal, het blijft genieten van al jullie uitvoeringen en achtergrond uitleg👏👏, een luxe in deze coronatijd
I will never in my life get enough of this opening chorus. I’ve listened to it since I was 16 years old and 20 years later it’s still my favourite piece of music in the world. The first ‘Erscheine’ in the fuga moved me to tears in this recording. Every musician is performing so well and there’s so much movement, nothing static. I truly love it.
The opening chorus is a miracle and has to be my favorite cantata movement in the oeuvre.
This is exactly what I feel!
Feeling addicted to it
Perfectly expressed .!
I will never listen to the Monophonic ten tenors ever again. This chorus is what Polyphony is all about.
Bach mi stupisce ogni giorno di più. Lo ascolto da 27 anni e non mi stanca mai 😊❤
One of my dreams is to actually be able to hear one of your concerts in person, and maybe even sing with you. I'm from Colorado, USA, and a classically trained baritone singer of opera, oratorio, cantata, and the like. I've sung many Bach and Handel selections over the years, and I can say with all honesty that I've never heard a group as magnificent as yours is in performing Bach. Your attention to exquisite detail and stylistic performance of the baroque era, particularly Bach, is stunning! Please don't ever stop what you're doing. Additionally, the baritone soloist in this cantata, Matthew Brook, is absolutely marvelous. He pours his heart into his singing and every time I hear him it gives me goose bumps. Matthew has become my favorite baritone voice since John Shirley-Quirk and his quality transports me to heaven every time I hear his interpretation of Bach. God's blessings on you all, and may you all be kept healthy through this worldwide pandemic!
2arizona1990 it is a miracle indeed. We are blessed living in the Netherlands with this fantastic group of musicians around us.
@@jacobusbinnema3096 thank you for your reply! Jay Regan
Wunderbar,großartige Musikerinnen,Musiker.Großer Dank!Zu meinem Begräbnis will ich diese Musik,die auch im Himmel sein wird!
In a time ravaged by a pandemic, one in which our leaders - at least here in America - sow discord and hate for selfish motives - this cantata is a balm for the soul. Moments of tranquility are few. Matthew in particular gives a wonderful performance. Thank you. With love for the NBS, JSB,and my fellow mankind. Stu
I've said this about so many pieces by Bach, but that opening chorus is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. My goodness. Heaven on earth.
Thank you, Nederlandse Bachvereniging, for another superb performance. In these troubled times, this is music of solace and comfort.
Welch Kleinod ist diese Kantate! Ergreifend die Bassarie und wie herrlich sie von Matthew Brook vorgetragen wird! Tausend Dank!
Oh my God! What a brilliant singing, Mr Brook! That note kills me.
Wer möchte da nicht mitten im Schafsstall sein, beglückt durch das beglückende Lächeln von Matthew Brook in seiner Arie "Beglückte Schafe" - zusammen mit allen Musikern der Netherland Bach- Society und zusammen mit der ganzen Menschheit?!
Bravíssimi tutti, especially the camera and lighting crew. During the Bass solo I died and went to heaven 😊
The whole Cantata is simply wonderful... The choir is simply a gift for our souls... And movement from 2.35 to 2.40 is simply Bach... What a smart man!!!
This music by Bach is so beautiful and touches my heart deeply
Thank you NBS for an absolutely
wonderful performance 🍃
When JSB wrote this Cantata, He was really inspired... Actually, He was really more inspired... Oh, my Bach, I have no word to describe such beauty, depth and inspiration... Thank you...
I hear the opening chorus and all evils disappear. The fugue for four voices is frankly beautiful, heavenly and perfect. Thanks, AoB, for sharing. Thank you, Bach, for existing.
Wonderful. Especially Mr. Brooks expressive singing is absolutely exceptional!
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Aufführung dieser kompakten und perfekt komponierten Kantate mit perfekt vereinigten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und, vor allem, herrlichen Stimmen beider genialen Solisten. Der gelehrte und unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut analysierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Alles ist wunderbar!
Magnifieke uitvoering van een magnifieke cantate
3:24 - 4:08: Sequential four-part harmony from one camera. Like a JSB melody. It's touches like this that make the All of Bach project so great.
Thanks for sharing this. I can’t imagine how much informed considerations go into the production of these videos. I would love to see a video just about that process.
So well put!
All composers are subject to the strict rules of harmony ... However, the harmony is subject to Bach... I have no words to describe such great beauty... Thank you, Herr Bach, for being in my life.
I couldn’t tell it any better... Thank you! 💖
@@dschonnie So nice and very kind of you. Thank you very much indeed.
Such a performance always sparks such wonder in me, I can't help but feel the collection of virtuouso performers and the inclination of the performance must match the renditions of old, when this piece was first written and performed. Truly a treat
Encore une merveille absolue ! Le Chœur d'entrée est sublime, il continue de m'accompagner depuis mes 17 ans !!
Avec JSB, les merveilles se succèdent dans toutes ses œuvres.
Thank you for the superb presentation. Here in Brazil we can not sing or listen to live presentations and you make me feel hopefull in Thaís sad days.
Just amazing. Cannot feel enough gratitude for the Netherlands Bach Society for providing us with such high quality, beautiful performances regularly. Thank you!
❤️🙏 für dieses Video, das tut der Seele & dem Herzen Gut ! 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊💫💫✨🌟😇🍀❤️🕊❤️🕊❤️🕊❤️🕊🙏Namaste 🌹🦋🐝🐋🦢🌿🌻🌸🌻🌺
I was just recently introduced to the BNS, and am totally hooked.
Beautiful not only to hear, but also to see! 😎 As always Netherlands Bach Society is the best! As a baroque flutist, I am learning a lot about interpretation in the Bach universe!
How can ANYONE hit the dislike button on this?!?! Amazing sound and interpretation!!! Absolutely beautiful!!
These people absolutely swoon their way through the first chorus. There is just nothing like it. Marvellous! And probably unrepeatable.
Bach find the universe music. The chorus is a God's gift. Thanks
Beautiful cantata! This group of soloists are excellent.
Soli Deo Gloria..La Musica Terapeutica di Bach mi ha aiutato a sconfiggere la mia Depressione ❤😊
Exquisite rendition!! Many thanks Netherlands Bach Society
Thank you so much NBS. Overtime, i am increasingly learning to interprate such beautiful piece through your performance. God Bless🙏🙏🙏
Muchísimas gracias, jedes mal wenn ich die Kantate höre finde ich neue Schönheiten und Überraschungen. Vielen Dank.
Wonderful, thank you very much! 💗 Great Opus, great performance!
Merci mille fois, chère NBS, pour ce magnifique rendu !
Como siempre, Netherlands Bach Society, Magnificos !!! Ellos, interpretando a Bach, forman una simbiosis perfecta. GRACIAS! THANK YOU SO MUCH 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Superlative. What a composition and what a performance.
2:25 I couldn't hit the like button fast enough. ❤️❤️❤️
Dizer o quê? É só ouvir e adorar a música de Bach. Esta é mais uma daquelas maravilhas musicais do mestre.
That's MAGICAL💫✨
Greetings from México 🇲🇽
Another simply beautiful performance. The opening (Du Hirte) is especially very pleasing to the ear. I love the period instruments, especially the double reeds such as Oboe and English Horn.
Duizendmaal dank, nederlandse vrienden! A great testimony of faith in these trying times of pandemic and political upheaval. What a great climax. as usual, in the beloved chorale, so gloriously harmonized by Bach. Dwyn Mounger, Knoxville, Tennessee, V.S.A.
Lyle, keep your politics to yourself.
Simply wonderful! Thanks to all!
This is such a glorious piece performed in a wonderfully joyous manner as I think was intended. Thank you all for such a profoundly cheerful rendition.
Thou, shepherd of Israel, listen: Thou, who lead Joseph like a flock, seated on the cherubs, shine forth.
The Supreme Shepherd watches over me, why bother? Every morning the goodness of the shepherd is renewed. My heart, rest assured, God is faithful.
Even if my shepherd stay hidden, even if the desert disturbs me, my feeble steps are hastened. My mouth invokes Thee and Thou, my shepherd, inspire in me a faithful: "Abba, Father" through Thy word.
Yes, this word is nourishment for my soul, balm for my chest, the pasture that I consider my joy, a first fruit from Heaven, is everything for me. Ah, gather, oh good sheperd, us poor and lost; ah, let our journey end early and lead us to Thy fold.
Blessed flock, lamb of Jesus, the world is for you the Kingdom of Heaven. Here you already have a foretaste of the goodness of Jesus and hope for the reward of faith after the sweet sleep of death.
The Lord is my faithful shepherd, to whom I can entrust myself completely, He takes me, His lamb, to pasture on green and lovely meadows, to fresh waters He leads me, with strenghth He refreshes my soul by means of His blessed word.
BWV 104 - "Du Hirte Israel, höre"
Cantata for Misericordias Domini
1. Chor
Du Hirte Israel, höre, der du Joseph hütest wie der Schafe, erscheine, der du sitzest über Cherubim.
(Psalm 80:1-2)
1. Chorus
You Shepherd of Israel, hear, You who watch over Joseph like a sheep, appear, You who sit above the Cherubim.
2. Rezitativ T
Der höchste Hirte sorget vor mich,
Was nützen meine Sorgen?
Es wird ja alle Morgen
Des Hirten Güte neu.
Mein Herz, so fasse dich,
Gott ist getreu.
2. Recitative T
The Highest Shepherd watches over me,
what use are my worries?
Indeed every morning
is the Shepherd's goodness renewed.
My heart, take hold of yourself,
God is faithful.
3. Arie T
Verbirgt mein Hirte sich zu lange,
Macht mir die Wüste allzu bange,
Mein schwacher Schritt eilt dennoch fort.
Mein Mund schreit nach dir,
Und du mein Hirte, wirkst in mir
Ein gläubig Abba durch dein Wort.
3. Aria T
Though my Shepherd might remain hidden,
though the wilderness makes me all too fearful,
nevertheless my weak steps hurry forth.
My mouth cries to You,
and You my Shepherd, inspire in me
a faithful "Abba"* through Your word.
4. Rezitativ B
Ja, dieses Wort ist meiner Seelen Speise,
Ein Labsal meiner Brust,
Die Weide, die ich meine Lust,
Des Himmels Vorschmack, ja mein alles heiße.
Ach! Sammle nur, o guter Hirte,
Uns Arme und Verirrte;
Ach laß den Weg nur bald geendet sein
Und führe uns in deinen Schafstall ein!
4. Recitative B
Yes, this word is the nourishment of my soul,
a refreshment to my breast,
the pasture, which I call my delight,
the fortaste of heaven, indeed my all.
Ah! Only gather, o good Shepherd,
us poor and erring ones;
ah, let our journey soon reach an end
and lead us into your sheepfold!
5. Arie B
Beglückte Herde, Jesu Schafe,
Der Welt ist euch ein Himmelreich.
Hier schmeckt ihr Jesu Güte schon
Und hoffet noch des Glaubens Lohn
Nach einem sanften Todesschlafe.
5. Aria B
Happy flock, sheep of Jesus,
the world is a heavenly kingdom to you.
Here you already taste Jesus' goodness
and hope still for faith's reward
after a gentle sleep of death.
6. Choral
Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt,
Dem ich mich ganze vertraue,
Zur Weid er mich, sein Schäflein, führt,
Auf schöner grünen Aue,
Zum frischen Wasser leit' er mich,
Mein Seel zu laben kräftiglich
Durchs selig Wort der Gnaden.
("Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt," verse 1)
6. Chorale
The Lord is my faithful shepherd,
to whom I entrust myself totally,
He leads me, His lamb, to pasture
in a lovely green meadow,
He leads me to fresh water,
to refresh my soul powerfully
through the blessed word of grace.
Psalm 80:1-2 (mov't. 1); "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt," verse 1: Cornelius Becker 1598 (mov't. 6)
* "Abba" is Hebrew for "Father"
©Pamela Dellal
No conocía esta Cantata, que me parece magnífica, así como también la ejecución de la NBS. Ellos también son magníficos 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
JSB should be declarated World Human Heritage, please. Absolutely great. Thank you for sharing. And Bach, thank you for being with us.
RIP, Joost Mulder...
Very nice🎶
Siempre que escucho este coro y esta cantata veo la imagen de angeles llevando al pueblo de israel hacia la tierra prometida. Es impresionante siempre la musica de bach. Gracias Dios por Bach sino estaríamos en la inmundicia musical y espiritual .
Música sublime y espiritual. Gracias por hacer que Bach nos siga alimentando espiritualmente con su bella música.
Thank you
9:26 through 16:24: Can someone who knows music well describe what's happening here. It's very beautiful and I'm fascinated by the vocal line, which seems not atypical of Bach. The harmony between the melodic line of the vocal part and that of the orchestra are arrestingly unconventional--or am I wrong. It's extraordinarily beautiful and seem somehow peculiarly Germanic. Am I going crazy or is this a "thing," i.e. a true phenomenon?
From 9minute 43second begins wonderful aria
Mooi !
נפלא !
I totally sgree
9.42 Was nimmt man mit, wenn man weiß,, dass man morgen auf eine einsame Insel muss? Ich persönlich würde auf jeden Fall eine Aufnahme dieser Arie mitnehmen....
Bach Sekt Kreuz Schönheit Schmerz ach, Bach
Wat een wonder van schoonheid. Geschreven voor de Paasdienst op 23-4-1724 en dus in 1 week gecomponeerd en zoals gebruikelijk in die tijd maar 1 keer uitgevoerd: want op naar de dienst voor de volgende zondag en dat 4-5 jaar elke week opnieuw... Alleen al het Cantate oeuvre van Bach is fenomenaal (beyond comprehension) en dan te weten dat 300 jaar naar dato miljoenen mensen week in week uit naar deze schitterende muziek luisteren..... Hoe groot ben je dan?
Er zijn van de 4-5 cantate jaargangen zo'n 100 Cantates verloren gegaan. Om met Maarten 't Hart te spreken: dat is toch om krankzinnig van te worden ...
Do you have a collection of Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen BMV 146?
Hanoukka (15 déc) et la prière juive de "Shema Yisrael" : Écoute, ô Israël
Ausgezeichneter Chor und Instrumentalisten ebenso!
Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit,
Sein Will, der ist der beste;
Zu helfen den'n er ist bereit,
Die an ihn gläuben feste.
Er hilft aus Not, der fromme Gott,
Und züchtiget mit Maßen:
Wer Gott vertraut, fest auf ihn baut,
Den will er nicht verlassen.
Entsetze dich, mein Herze, nicht,
Gott ist dein Trost und Zuversicht
Und deiner Seele Leben.
Ja, was sein weiser Rat bedacht,
Dem kann die Welt und Menschenmacht
Unmöglich widerstreben.
O Törichter! der sich von Gott entzieht
Und wie ein Jonas dort
Vor Gottes Angesichte flieht;
Auch unser Denken ist ihm offenbar,
Und unsers Hauptes Haar
Hat er gezählet.
Wohl dem, der diesen Schutz erwählet
Im gläubigen Vertrauen,
Auf dessen Schluss und Wort
Mit Hoffnung und Geduld zu schauen.
So geh ich mit beherzten Schritten,
Auch wenn mich Gott zum Grabe führt.
Gott hat die Tage aufgeschrieben,
So wird, wenn seine Hand mich rührt,
Des Todes Bitterkeit vertrieben.
Drum wenn der Tod zuletzt den Geist
Noch mit Gewalt aus seinem Körper reißt,
So nimm ihn, Gott, in treue Vaterhände!
Wenn Teufel, Tod und Sünde mich bekriegt
Und meine Sterbekissen
Ein Kampfplatz werden müssen,
So hilf, damit in dir mein Glaube siegt!
O seliges, gewünschtes Ende!
Noch eins, Herr, will ich bitten dich,
Du wirst mir's nicht versagen:
Wenn mich der böse Geist anficht,
Laß mich doch nicht verzagen.
Hilf, steur und wehr, ach Gott, mein Herr,
Zu Ehren deinem Namen.
Wer das begehrt, dem wird's gewährt;
Drauf sprech ich fröhlich: Amen.
Very nice, not a great cantata.
@@alpinoalpini3849 This is simply not one of greatest cantatas. If you don`t like my comment, I am sorry. I would say the same thing about Handel`s Athalia as compared to Solomon, or Schumann`s first symphony compared to his second etc.
It’s not as catchy as 140, 106, or 54, but man that opening movement is wonderful. The bass aria is also exceptional. Bach always seems to surprise me with every single work of his, in some way or another... there’s no real point in saying one is greater than another. Bach probably might not care to think of it that way, anyhow. They’re all soli deo gloria :D
And man oh man as I’m writing, I’m hearing the ending chorale... wow, just wow.
Was juckt es die Eiche, wenn sich die Sau an ihr reibt?
Is that because you can’t hum-along with it like an ear-worm ?