I have the UKOKE version of this. It's the same timer basically. Mine wouldn't cut off. I found out that you cannot set an on & off under the same timer prompt number. I use number one for on, and number two for off. It's hooked up to reptile lights on aquariums. I had to reset it several times until I figured it out. Overlapping times will confuse the unit. 🐀🐾
Not quite. I ended up using a looping programmable timer. One that you can set time on/off by seconds and minutes but not days. For example, 20 min on then 5 min off.
I ended up buying a Techbee Digital Timer T319. Costs around $15 USD, and it would cycle they way you need. '1 minute on and 59 minutes off' repeat at infinitum.. I'm using a *4 minute on / 44 minutes off* cycle now to keep a water pump running. It works perfectly, seems heavy duty - rated 15amp and hasn't malfunctioned. It's very easy to program, I change the minutes of both *on/off* daily to tweak as needed.
hello brother i have the similar timmer socket with me.i am facing problem with it..after couples days or so its getting to default setting and all my setting are gone..even the timmer setting and clock as well...any idea what to do?
Good, clear instructions. Only problem is these days most lamps have switches on then that need to be turned on in order for the lamp to be lit anyway, so the idea of a timer is useless.
I got stroke understanding what you're saying. switches on lamps are turn ON/OFF whether it be push/release-type or push/push-type, so just let them ON at all times? I have one hooked up to my aquariums, set the timer 6AM to 6PM to the main lights, and 6AM to 6PM to the night lights. all lights have switches on them, and I set it to ON. the plug was rated for 16 amp.
I've set up timer "On/Off" with Monday through to Sunday....set for "Automatic", I then get lamp (turned on), Unplug until lamp goes off, and then plug lamp into timer, but lamp then turns "ON" even though it's not as requested on Timer settings....??? You would think lamp would not light up until it hits the timer setting...?
Actually I just bought the same one and I was thinking that too about it being only in 24 hour clock but if you read the instructions you can switch it to 12 hour
@@GoTechGeekI've set up timer "On/Off" with Monday through to Sunday....set for "Automatic", I then get lamp (turned on), Unplug until lamp goes off, and then plug lamp into timer, but lamp then turns "ON" even though it's not as requested on Timer settings....??? You would think lamp would not light up until it hits the timer setting...?
its as shown here, tapping week will go through each day, or full week or every other day etc, you press timer to set a ON time and tap again for OFF time if you're doing a full week i assume you tap "week' until it goes through all the options and all days are selected, pressing timer you set a a start time then a off time (his also wrong you dont' need to do 24hrs)
bought the EXACT version for a few bucks on aliexpress minus box with brand name (i'm 100% they're the exact samething but you paid more) 0.58 thats not true, these devices can be set for 24hrs OR 12hrs, the manual says HOLD "clock" and "timer" to switch from 24hr to 12hr
What is the 1 on 1 off, 2 on etc, is this to preset different scenarios? I have 1on, I've set the time for 1am for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will the timer reset once at this time based on the setting?
the timer has 10 settings of 1 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off - up to 10 on 10 off these are the different timer setting you may use...they retain these setting unless you cancel them with the RES/RCL button for 5 seconds... hope this was useful. 🙂
I have the UKOKE version of this. It's the same timer basically. Mine wouldn't cut off. I found out that you cannot set an on & off under the same timer prompt number. I use number one for on, and number two for off. It's hooked up to reptile lights on aquariums. I had to reset it several times until I figured it out. Overlapping times will confuse the unit. 🐀🐾
You can also use for wireless modem.
really good for my fish tank light, thanks for the review.
Gud morning pls can I use this for hotplates
Just asking can you use it with no power
Need to program it every week?
Excellent video - very clear and concise. Thank you.
Could I programm this to turn on every hour for only a minute 24 hrs a day?
You only have ten prompts. So no...
Not quite. I ended up using a looping programmable timer. One that you can set time on/off by seconds and minutes but not days. For example, 20 min on then 5 min off.
I ended up buying a Techbee Digital Timer T319. Costs around $15 USD, and it would cycle they way you need. '1 minute on and 59 minutes off' repeat at infinitum.. I'm using a *4 minute on / 44 minutes off* cycle now to keep a water pump running. It works perfectly, seems heavy duty - rated 15amp and hasn't malfunctioned. It's very easy to program, I change the minutes of both *on/off* daily to tweak as needed.
hello brother i have the similar timmer socket with me.i am facing problem with it..after couples days or so its getting to default setting and all my setting are gone..even the timmer setting and clock as well...any idea what to do?
Good, clear instructions. Only problem is these days most lamps have switches on then that need to be turned on in order for the lamp to be lit anyway, so the idea of a timer is useless.
Hi Matt, i have same problem, it is not working with my lamp because it has a switch on it. i just ordered three so are they useless?
you just leave the switch on...?
Exactly what I was thinking 😂 @@user-rd3ou5ev6o
I got stroke understanding what you're saying. switches on lamps are turn ON/OFF whether it be push/release-type or push/push-type, so just let them ON at all times?
I have one hooked up to my aquariums, set the timer 6AM to 6PM to the main lights, and 6AM to 6PM to the night lights. all lights have switches on them, and I set it to ON. the plug was rated for 16 amp.
I've set up timer "On/Off" with Monday through to Sunday....set for "Automatic", I then get lamp (turned on), Unplug until lamp goes off, and then plug lamp into timer, but lamp then turns "ON" even though it's not as requested on Timer settings....???
You would think lamp would not light up until it hits the timer setting...?
Can i set on a little more detailed days like for example.. saturday, sunday and friday.. for the very next week (if i have an event or aomething) ??
Actually I just bought the same one and I was thinking that too about it being only in 24 hour clock but if you read the instructions you can switch it to 12 hour
I guess the one I have doesn't work because the internal battery is dead. Are they replaceable?
Try to reset in with a pin, or let it charge for 15min
How exactly does the random work I'm looking for a timer to cycle an airbed pump
It has to be between 6:31 PM "on" & 5:30 AM "off" on the time prompts to use this function.
He doesn't explain anything. It is a terribly complicaterd device and it's totally unclear how to set the timer,
He didn't explain what I wanted to know - how to set the timing options
He dosent your right
hi, thanks for the great video, can I use this to turn off something every day e.g. 9:00pm?
that wont be necessary to set the "On" timer right?
You can and you are correct.
You can contact the factory: szwintel
@@GoTechGeekI've set up timer "On/Off" with Monday through to Sunday....set for "Automatic", I then get lamp (turned on), Unplug until lamp goes off, and then plug lamp into timer, but lamp then turns "ON" even though it's not as requested on Timer settings....???
You would think lamp would not light up until it hits the timer setting...?
this work for a year or after 7 day need to program again?
It’s resetting every week
how can get order
Not sure if or when that will be in stock. Here is something similar: amzn.to/2NLz0kC
It has 12hr function ive got the same one
How do u set a timer for every day of the week
its as shown here, tapping week will go through each day, or full week or every other day etc, you press timer to set a ON time and tap again for OFF time
if you're doing a full week i assume you tap "week' until it goes through all the options and all days are selected, pressing timer you set a a start time then a off time (his also wrong you dont' need to do 24hrs)
Yeah thats right it has 12 hr option
Really helpful, cheers
I would like this to recycle my modem and router, at least once per week, so when I lose signal from my ISP, or my equipment needs a reset.
bought the EXACT version for a few bucks on aliexpress minus box with brand name (i'm 100% they're the exact samething but you paid more)
0.58 thats not true, these devices can be set for 24hrs OR 12hrs, the manual says HOLD "clock" and "timer" to switch from 24hr to 12hr
What is the 1 on 1 off, 2 on etc, is this to preset different scenarios? I have 1on, I've set the time for 1am for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will the timer reset once at this time based on the setting?
the timer has 10 settings of 1 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off - up to 10 on 10 off these are the different timer setting you may use...they retain these setting unless you cancel them with the RES/RCL button for 5 seconds...
hope this was useful. 🙂
It doesn't like both on & off together in the same timer program number. Mine refused to turn off in auto.
Unable to set .
Green Light staying on
These things have issues. Maybe that's why I found it in a pawnshop.
"Straightforward and simple to set up"
Terrible device. Takes 10 minutes to set a 1 hour etc Countdown Timer
What a rubiish video, how many time you said same details?