Dragons DogMEH 2: Devoid of Personality and Charm

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 108

  • @Amocoru
    @Amocoru 5 месяцев назад +30

    The combat system is the best part of the game. It's so visceral and fun.

    • @warmage247
      @warmage247 5 месяцев назад +1

      Literally there's so much you can do and then pawns will copy you.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      I do agree, I just wish it could be used in more diverse and challenging engagements.

  • @destruction126
    @destruction126 5 месяцев назад +7

    Pawns don't have personality?!?! My main pawns a sassy bitch that is always judging me. I hired an elf pawn that was able to speak elf and her calm tone helped me explore the area better. I hired a thief pawn that was just so sarcastic but funny and he has all of his skin covered so I couldn't tell who or what the was, he was mysterious. I hired a huge warrior chick that reminded me of Karlach and SAVED me so many times. There are the occasional dull bland boring pawn but the ones that stand out I regret replacing or watching them die. They make the experience all the better and its impressive knowing that these are real peoples pawn that they created.

  • @hackalos8348
    @hackalos8348 5 месяцев назад +20

    Wait how do you say that there's fast travel in the game but at the same time say that there isn't any fast travel. Im confused because the game i played does

    • @toneysebits8458
      @toneysebits8458 5 месяцев назад +7

      huh? i fast travel most of the time. near late game you pretty much have infinite money to buy all the ferry stones you want and can get plenty of port crystals.

    • @ghoulishgoober3122
      @ghoulishgoober3122 5 месяцев назад

      Literally, buy a ferrystone at the apothecary, fast travel to a place I'm going to be for a while. Buy the ferrystone at that apothecary and by the time I'm done I can do the same thing from that new location to the next, and while I'm doing this I'm gathering things during my exploration that makes me lots of money ​@@toneysebits8458

    • @nuttboy
      @nuttboy 5 месяцев назад +4

      this channel has 0 clue what he's talking about

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      It is easy. I am exploring having fun I find a rune stone and a cave I want to explore but my inventory is full. If I thankfully I have a ferry stone I go back back dick around in town for like 10-15mins then realize that cave is in the middle of no where. Ok I guess this other city is a little close I use an oxcart to get there, it gets ambushed cool another 5-10mins. Now that town might be closer but it is still a 10-30min walk depending on the mobs , if a cyclops in the way, whatever. I have now spend almost 30mins doing a bunch of fluff which doesn't seem like much if it happened once or twice ok but this happened more then once and those 30mins of fluff piece add up to padded hours of not having fun doing things I don't want to be doing. All I wanted to do was go to the cave explore something new and have fun, not run on the same roads killing the same monsters, doing things I have already done before. If I could have just gone to the rift stone I would have saved ~30mins and be doing the things I wanted to do and enjoying the game. Maybe some folks find these detour things fun, I don't.

  • @RaddestKid1980
    @RaddestKid1980 5 месяцев назад +5

    Oh I get it, it’s a joke review
    Didn’t play all the way
    Only played one vocation
    And didn’t experiment with anything

    • @SisyphusGamingChannel
      @SisyphusGamingChannel 5 месяцев назад

      He legit was like "id rather play this card game or stellar blade" like ok just admit this isn't your genre jfc lol
      DD2 story is weak. Loot/upgrade system? mediocre.
      Christ, it's a good game though, if it is what you are looking for. Definitely not a starfield situation.

  • @WadWizard
    @WadWizard 5 месяцев назад +1

    Despite being addicted to this game atm i kinda agree with all your points, i think combat variety is gotten largely from switching up your vocation and there are some new variations on enemies later but tbh some of them i just find more annoying. I think pawns are a little more appealing when you are using friends pawns and your friends are using yours, i like to think about how i can make my pawn more useful/fill a role in their playthrough, but it does feel really wierd when i try talking to them and they just give me their elevator pitch, i get attatched to these pawns that i repeatedly summon only to be reminded that they are purely a game mechanic despite them conversing with eachother(in canned conversations repeated a million times) and seeing them walking around the world just reminds me more every time they stop me and give their pitch(though i find it interesting checking every arisens profile to see what they look like and what vocations they have spent time in.
    Personally i like the feel of the world, im not entirely sure why, i know i got really bored of how grey skyrim was, one thing i like is how dark it gets at night, idk if people find it gimmicky but its just something most games dont do and i appreciate the realism and impact it can have. And the way its all paths sometimes does get old when you know theres only one path you can take to where you intend to go but it also feels realistic(in a resonant way that, not just realism for the sake of it) in that it reminds me of going hiking, where there will be a path and maybe itll branch off and if you take that branch theres likely a point where you will lose sight of the path you were originally on, trees and rocks and inclines putting you in a completely different place with no way of going back without literally turning around, it makes it feel more like a real journey to me, though it can be a slog about halfway through when you know its a whole journey whether you keep going or turn around but thats part of the appeal in some way as well, its not just open fields where i can run in a straight line in any direction and not have to engage with the environment or be obstructed at all like the elder scrolls or botw/totk.
    Im sure after im done obsessively playing it right now im likely to never come back to it again with how familiar im sure ill get with these limited paths and repetitive enemies and lack of characters, when i no longer have a friends pawn to play with.

  • @ShepardCommander
    @ShepardCommander 5 месяцев назад +13

    Ah ok. So basically when you said you were not a fan of monster hunter, I understood your whole argument completely. The game focuses on it's combat system, and if you don't like it is like going to a pizzeria and ordering a burger.
    Personally I feel that this combat system is better than dark souls and felt similar to monster hunter. I get it that it's not everyone's cup of tea but I like my game's combat to feel impactful, and this game makes a good job at that. I don't think the game is repetitive, but I could see why you would say that if you never change vocations. I feel you were unfair at judging the variety of enemies in this game. Compared to other similar rpgs, the variety of enemies is huge, it's just that wolfs, goblins and saurians do occupy the majority of areas, so you will fight them consistently all over the game. But they are totally avoidable and skipable, as you dont have to fight everything that appears on the screen all the time. Monster hunter is a good comparison, because you don't fight every single minor monster in that game.
    It is a generic fantasy story but it has a unique twist with it's story (even though it's nothing special, but I could say the same about the Elder scrolls, unique but not special). And its reactivity is much better than any other game I have seen, both in combat situations and in relationship with npc interactions, I would say they are heavily inspired by Fable.
    I completely agree with you on multiplayer, though I understand why they didn't do it.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      Yeah Monster Hunter is a big global phenomenon and are solid games but I just don't enjoy them and this game does have that feeling a bit. I am usually not a fan of having to repeat content I have already done multiple times, like killing the same monster over and over again, or in this games case traveling the same road killing the same monsters multiple times. I think that would be the biggest thing that turns me away from monster hunter and this game. If the story was more engaging I would have pushed through, I did find combat enjoyable but repetitive because of enemies. You are probably right on the vocations maybe some of the more advanced ones would have been more interesting but I just didn't want to sink in more time at that point.

  • @josevitorcalfa2
    @josevitorcalfa2 5 месяцев назад +2

    This game is a dopamine overdose for me... BUT, I am a DMC long time fan. I ignore the jank (don't deny that it exist) and just have fun fighting monsters. Also, big fan of the sidequests of this game.

  • @shenthekinkoumaster3369
    @shenthekinkoumaster3369 5 месяцев назад +5

    typo in thumbnail

  • @marcbraun5342
    @marcbraun5342 5 месяцев назад

    It's not the game I wanted and expected it to be, a small Devil May Cry in a huge world, they even took out some familiar DMC elements from the first game, almost to make it clear.
    But what it turned out to be, what they wanted it to be, is equally addictive for completely different reasons. The things that happen in this fantasy sandbox of ai routines, physics and bonkers abilities creates anecdotes like in no other game.
    The time I thought to interrupt a kaiju fight between an oger and a chimera that ends up moving to a group of goblins and some wolves joining in, going into the night and now there's even skeletons in between the darkness, the uneven terrain and the spells containing ice, lightning and a storm, making this a mix of "this escalated quickly", "for Gondor!" and "What a day, what a lovely day!"
    And things like that are common in Dragon's Dogma 2 and nowhere else. The griffins are worth it alone, beeing on one of these cable lifts, seeing a shadow over you, a griffin attacks at the most unsuitable time, you bring it to a point where you can jump off, fight it, it wants to escape, you jump on its back and it flies you over half of the map, or the whole desert, if you will, to its nest where it apparently licks its wounds and you finally defeat it, after you had to manage your stamina the whole flight by standing up while gliding and gripping on while tossing and turning.
    Both of these things happened this weekend, I think even the same day, if you don't get exited to have things like that happen to you all the time, then it's not your game and that's fine as well. I have some points of critizism as well, as I said at the beginning but I'm having a blast as the long pause from Street Fighter 6 I have with this game confirms...

  • @simpleryoma
    @simpleryoma 5 месяцев назад +4

    The thing about this game is that they made this game with all the original ideas that were cut out of the first game due to balancing reasons. Dragon's dogma 2 is that game were if you didn't like the original game you probably would not like the sequel.

  • @satoro26
    @satoro26 5 месяцев назад +1

    I honestly think the game got to successful. It got hyped and ended up on wishlists of people who 100% will not like it just because they thought it's a different type of game.
    I got exposed to dark souls this way. I played the original dogma and wanted something similar. I ended up trying dark souls because it looked similar on paper. I hate dark souls. That is 100% not a game for me.
    It's the same thing here. Dogma is a niche title. Barely anyone heard or played the first one until dogma 2 was announced but the people who clicked with it, love it. Dogma 1 still has small semi active community to this day.
    From what i can tell 45+h into the game dogma 2 is basically more dogma 1 some stuff is changed, some stuff got added , some stuff is missing. Maybe with dlc it will get it's equivalent of BBI and lands in the sweet spot for people who loved dogma 1 and get some new fans. But it's definitely not a game for everyone or even for a large group of players like cod or skyrims are.
    Personally i love it. It's almost exactly what i was hoping for when i heard dogame 2 was in the works. And it has the potential to be what i hoped it will.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      I agree not every game is for every person. I never really played much of one but I had a loose idea of what to expect but wasn't 100% sure if I would be into it, and I realized hey it ain't for me and that is ok. Glad you enjoyed it though!

  • @krownedkhaos4281
    @krownedkhaos4281 5 месяцев назад +12

    Omg nobody is making anyone buy anything. Microtransactions are in everything.
    DD 2 is fun and goofy.

    @SEXUAL-ABUSER 5 месяцев назад +3

    6:03 You're supposed to "sneak" (casually walk) outside of their view range which is extremely small and then hide inside the cells you unlock until the guard passes. You're supposed to time it so that your Arisen doesn't get noticed by the guards since I think one of them walks at a different pace. Or you're just supposed to get lucky with their spawning and hope they're close together when they're doing their "rounds" so that you have enough time to unlock a cell door and hide in it. You only have to unlock the cells once BTW.

  • @paulmarandet4306
    @paulmarandet4306 5 месяцев назад +1

    Played 40h, finished with the 3 ending, I agree with most criticisms and would even be harsher, I finished the game just because I wanted to like it, but after completion this game was really a pain. PS ; I liked the first one, sotry and music were better. This one for me is a ps4 sequel released way too late

  • @namechanged3044
    @namechanged3044 5 месяцев назад +2

    I respect the take on DD2 because I feel the same way, it took me longer to feel like that but still.

  • @andrewrutherford9255
    @andrewrutherford9255 5 месяцев назад +4

    The game isnt flawless, but to say it lacks personality is so objectively wrong. It might not be for everyone, but its a game unlike any other, it has a very distinct unique identify.

  • @PappaNovak
    @PappaNovak 5 месяцев назад +7

    Not sure I agree with all your points but I respect your opinion my guy! Great review keep it up

  • @relic323
    @relic323 5 месяцев назад +2

    bro don't make a hit piece on a game simply because it doesn't appeal to you.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      I think hit piece is a little extreme lol. I don't think the game is objectively bad I think there is something good here I just personally didn't enjoy it.

  • @dominicnick3334
    @dominicnick3334 5 месяцев назад

    I just wish there were more spells and other weapon abilities! There's a lot of problems that i agree with here that became less of issues for me as i continued, but the classes are too bare bone for me, and even now, the only class i continually have fun with is the thief.

  • @satoro26
    @satoro26 5 месяцев назад +1

    Just finished watching. The ideas you have. And stuff you would like to see. This is probably not a game for you. You are basically describing how to make dark souls 3/elden ring out of this game.
    Didn't finish the game yet so i can't be sure if it's the same in dogma 2 but dogma 1 was kinda like dark souls when it comes to telling the story and quests. You had the main/side quests but there was more than that beneath the surface and it was more interesting. You could beat the game and have no idea what even happened. But if you paid attention to stuff and did some digging it had a really interesting lore and story going on in the background that you were just a small part of. You just had to go out of your way to find it and piece it together. That's partially why fastravel was not so easy to use or accessible at the start. And game wanted you to go out and explore.
    You also found port crystals by exploring, this are also present in dogma 2. Basically like the teleport spots you unlock in town but you have the ability to place them wherever you want and move them somwhere else at any time. Dogma 1 also had 1 ferrystone that was permanent, not a consumable. You just had to find it. So later on teleporting was actually a lot easier.
    Basically the game is a slow burner for a specific type of people same way games like Outward is.
    There was also Dragons dogma online in Japan. Game made on dogma 1 engine. It got shut down a few years ago but it was basically a solo/co-op version of dogma 1 in a different kingdom with it's own story and with 4, 8 and 16 man raids. It was more streamlined and accessible than dogma 1 and 2 are. I think you would actually like that one more because it was more lets call it focused than the main line games are.

  • @ashes1301
    @ashes1301 5 месяцев назад +3

    the like to dislike ratio speaks volumes.

    • @warmage247
      @warmage247 5 месяцев назад

      Not really. Its slowly going up now that the less than 10h rage reviews are being drowned out by people who read tutorials and played the game. Ps store and xbox store all has over 4. 0 rating.

    • @ashes1301
      @ashes1301 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@warmage247 still 31 likes while the dislikes are growing much faster. I have an extension that allows me to see the over 80 dislikes

    • @ashes1301
      @ashes1301 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@warmage247 ps I've played 50 hours and haven't even started the main story because there's so much to do.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      Hey I expected that but won't change my opinion. Folks get upset when you don't like the things like they and put typos in the thumbnails lol.

    • @ashes1301
      @ashes1301 5 месяцев назад

      @@TheEggplantKnight it has nothing to do with the fact you dont like what they do. its that your review is disingenuous at worst or misguided at best. You sound like every other gaming journalist in this vid. Its obvious you just wanted to get this vid out asap for more views. also for a non journalist you seem to write a lot of game reviews and other game related stuff. its continuing to be a bad ratio even now and will stay that way unless you rewrite your review and actually have good criticisms which there are plenty of. also this game still has awful reviews everywhere else so it really doesnt make sense that a bunch of fanboys are suddenly here, thats just cope.

  • @magnificify
    @magnificify 5 месяцев назад +1

    I'm not going to take the opinion of someone who can't even spell boredom

  • @MarrsJ
    @MarrsJ 5 месяцев назад

    My main problem with the game is that it's too similar to DDDA. I just came off a 50 hour binge of the first game and playing DD2 just feels like DDDA, but with better graphics. There's no fundamental improvements, it's basically the same game, just a bit more refined on the combat and graphical front. None of the improvements I was hoping they would add was there and it even made solo playthroughs a big pain in the ass, which is worse than the experience I had with solos on DDDA.
    Overall for me it's a mixed bag, some parts are better, some are worse, but the structure of the game and it's features is largely exactly the same, and I'm not a fan of that, especially when DDDA sometimes costs as low as $3 while DD2 is $70

  • @tristanreza3582
    @tristanreza3582 5 месяцев назад +1

    Personally I really do like the game, but all the points you made are valid and I understand where you're coming from. I know you said that you might not continue it, but I really think you should try out the other vocations, but that might not be enough to keep you hooked seeing how you feel about the rest of the game. Also if you reach the end game you will get to see a few more variants, but yeah, just wanted to say that although I don't fully agree; I genuinely liked your review.

  • @Pokerinback
    @Pokerinback 5 месяцев назад

    You being able to get through Like a Dragon Ishin, but finding this kind of game too boring will always be hilarious to me.

  • @Terminarch
    @Terminarch 5 месяцев назад

    I've been waiting a decade for DD2. I was planning to no-life this... haven't touched it in a week and a half :(
    I don't understand why they changed the lore to 1 arisen at a time. It's wild. Set up one story beat but throw away dozens of good story opportunities involving immortals :(
    Pawns need to STFU. In a word, disappointing. Doubt I'll play again until mods...
    Also the microtransactions are so fucking bad. I get it, they're pretty niche here, but in context... developers ranted about how fast travel is bad because that means traveling and world building isn't interesting enough for players to WANT to travel. Suddenly AFTER release it's revealed that your can pay $3 for a fast travel marker and more $$$ per fast travel token. Piss the fuck off!

  • @_CoolBreeze
    @_CoolBreeze 5 месяцев назад +2

    I agree to some extent with most of the arguments. I would say that a lot of these issues can and have been remedied by mods. The biggest gripe I have that I agree with is the lack of a fascinating open world. I started the game and I remember seeing the castle at the start. I was enamored, only to be bored by the light world building of small settlements and towns. Furthermore, I hope they can add some DLC to remedy this part of player experience. But it's unlikely since it would be a large overhaul. Also, I think DD1 is a cult classic and going back it feels like DD2 is just more of the same gravy. Also, it's a toss up if they did better or worse with story delivery. It feels like it has that narrative darkness of something like NiEr or Drakengard without all the context or emotional character stories.
    I think the crux of the issue is that a game dev was shot down for 10+ years to develop what could have been a banger of a franchise. But now Capcom saw potential with other Dark Fantasy hard Open world games. Forcing them back to the grind stone to polish a dagger that could've been a sword by now.

    • @SheinelI
      @SheinelI 5 месяцев назад

      I would personally with the open world strangely. I found the fact that it was very simple very charming as it felt "realist" helped a lot with immersion

  • @trollingisasport
    @trollingisasport 5 месяцев назад +2

    Dragons Dogcrap Poo

  • @charlesmorton9845
    @charlesmorton9845 5 месяцев назад

    The combat is just heads and shoulders below the first game.

  • @theorangecandle
    @theorangecandle 5 месяцев назад

    L opinion, the only good thing about the game is personality/charm. What it lacks is enemy variety, post-game, performance, story.

  • @Razzy_82
    @Razzy_82 5 месяцев назад +1

    Play a little bit longer for serious content. The story completely falls apart, main characters just disappear. Bad guys turn in to good guys and there is no real explanation for it all. Feels completely unfinished to me

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад +1

      You really aren't selling me on playing it longer lol.

    • @Razzy_82
      @Razzy_82 5 месяцев назад

      @@TheEggplantKnight content 🤣

  • @InternetRat
    @InternetRat 5 месяцев назад +1

    booger eater opinion

  • @ashes1301
    @ashes1301 5 месяцев назад +1

    6:03 if you had a functioning brain between your shoulders you would maybe try buying the guard armor in the vermund shopping center. walk around free in the castle and prison. but alas i dont expect any journalist to write a good review because non of you actually play the game authentically. you people always want to experience as much content in the shortest amount of time to churn out your review otherwise you take too long and the game isnt fresh anymore, which in turn causes you to get less views on your vid. i have 50 hours in and i havent even done all of brants first missions because the world is so packed full of random side quests and dungeons that the game doesnt even have quests for. enemy variety is an issue but I imagine because its capcom they will follow the MH:W and MH:R formula where dlcs will come out with new monsters to fight. This game is actually different and isnt afraid to innovate unlike games like skyrim that get dumbed down for a larger audience. 99% of the complaints for this game could have been made over a decade ago against the first game. if you dont like the genre then dont buy the damn game. simple as (EDIT) 8:03 you said you feel like you have seen a game like this a million times before. that is just outright false, i can only name a few that are SIMILAR in gameplay and in story. Monster Hunter like mentioned before and shadow of the colossus. this game isnt like the elder scrolls games, dark souls, dragon age, baldurs gate, or the witcher.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      I am not a journalist by any means lol. Damn I did the armor thing in the castle but didn't do it there good call I am an idiot lol. Combat is unique but the gameplay aesthetic and loop are pretty similar to other things and the story seems alright but I did not get engaged into it. You're right I didn't like this and I didn't play the first game so yeah probably wouldn't skipped this had I played it but here we are. Glad you're enjoying it though.

    @SEXUAL-ABUSER 5 месяцев назад +1

    7:30 Enabling Dynamic Resolution in the settings and then downloading a mod called "DLSS and DLSS-G 3.7.0" on Nexus fixed this for me. Hope this helps.

  • @GarrettMiller-wr5qu
    @GarrettMiller-wr5qu 5 месяцев назад

    A flawed game I respect some if your points for sure however I like this game having played ddda and liking explorative type gameplay I support this game's flaws and all, because I want to see the devs develop this ip more. For me it is about the long term I think there is some more to tap from this series/franchise. My humble 2 cents again though I will admit the no endgame dungeons and reduced skill slots were a couple game changes I did not love.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад

      Yeah I think there is a good foundation here but for me personally it isn't there yet.

  • @hyreals182
    @hyreals182 5 месяцев назад +1

    People need to understand Dragons Dogma, both 1 and 2 are not the kind of games that shove all of the "cool" stuff in your face like most modern RPGs. The game strives from having to go out of your way to discover cool things. The world is actually really in depth and interesting to explore if you put the time in to explore the nooks and crannies of it. If you just sit on the roads and fast travel everywhere then yeah... it's gonna get bland. You won't find everything on your 1st time playing through it. There are always extra quests to discover, new hidden areas, secret bosses, etc..
    If you approach this game with half a brain cell and expect an RPG that is gonna try to show off straight out the gate with all your comboes and skills unlocked, hundreds of enemy types and cutscenes every 2minutes... then you're gonna be disappointed. This is truely a game that rewards you for the time you put into not only just playing it, but discovering things the game doesn't tell you about. I've beat the game twice with 94hrs on it and I only found out today about 2 optional bosses I havn't killed.

    • @OutofManna
      @OutofManna 5 месяцев назад

      The game isn't that deep? It's not some tough thing to crack in terms of its design choices. It's basically a soft reboot of the first game. The friction of it all is the same type of stuff you get from FromSoftware games, only they don't nail the execution. I think in a post Elden Ring world this game just feels incredibly dated and it's not just the performance or jankiness that is the problem. At least that's where I'm at after my time with it. The combat is where you kind of see why people are so high on it. It's really cool and gives you a bunch of emergent moments. Only downside is how limited the enemy variety is. Fighting the same mobs and bigger enemies over and over again just gets incredibly monotonous. The world is just kind of there. It doesn't feel like the areas have a sense of place or purpose. Same goes for the NPCs that inhabit those areas. Which is why it's wild to hear people say how alive it feels. I honestly can't even remember any memorable quests or NPCs outside of the lady from the masquerade quest that reminded me of Yennefer from The Witcher 3. You will get more out of the game if you don't rush through it, only downside is that stuff you find might not really change your mind about your journey when it ends.

  • @lexiconprime7211
    @lexiconprime7211 5 месяцев назад +4

    Combat, to me, is the ONLY part of the game that's enjoyable, and that has a very short shelf life because there aren't enough enemies to make the experience feel varied and keep it interesting. There's also a stunning lack of environmental storytelling, which for me is one of the many things that makes exploration feel empty, alongside armor and weapons being kind of bland. Overall I feel like this game's combat mechanics would be better off in a game with more ambition and more considerate system design. There's not enough deep systems or features to keep the experience interesting past a very early point in the game.

    • @TheEggplantKnight
      @TheEggplantKnight  5 месяцев назад +1

      I agree. I think there is some gold hidden in here just it isn't panned out yet and it turns me away.

  • @walkers0314
    @walkers0314 5 месяцев назад +4

    I finished the game just yesterday.
    Got over 60 hours in.
    I found the story to be intriguing. But the execution is horrendous.
    - You need a guide for everything else you miss out or might brick your whole save.
    - Most important characters have voice-overs sometimes but sometimes will have a text pop-up.
    - There's two side-characters I found likable, and they tried to do something with them, but it had no conclusion.
    To go in without spoilers, imagine a climactic moment, and you expect emotional damage afterwards as an aftermath, but get not a single mention of the character again and credit rolls.
    And whatever you do or do not in your playthrough, all endings are accessible either way at the very end which feels weird.
    And the stagger... I hate it so much, that and the fact every monster will spawn at the same spot everyday, on the same road between two towns you will have to walk hundreds of times because you are not sure what you got to find or with whom to speak.
    Most of the game is dull or outright a hindrance.
    Out of 60 hours, maybe 3 were really fun and enjoyable

    • @justinserrano4506
      @justinserrano4506 5 месяцев назад +1

      -You don’t need a guide you need to explore and think for yourself. Everything else you complained about is on the lore of the game. It’s a cycle. You could even say none of them are real to matter.

    • @ShepardCommander
      @ShepardCommander 5 месяцев назад

      Yeah. This is one of those games that if you don't enjoy the action based combat and the process of mastering it, the story isn't what is gonna carry the game. It's not a western rpg but it isn't a jrpg either. It's an action combat game with some rpg character building elements but there is not much roleplay (unless you consider your role as a combatant in the party, which can vary).
      I wish someone grabbed DD2's combat, final fantasy's (any) world-building and mixed it with some Witcher storytelling, now that would be a game of the year.

    • @moinvincible
      @moinvincible 5 месяцев назад +2

      the real question is how the hell did you play 60 hours of a game you dont like😂, i cant even manage 30mins. i did put 80 hours into this game tho

    • @walkers0314
      @walkers0314 5 месяцев назад

      @@justinserrano4506 Not if you want to see everything.
      For exemple, the sphynx riddles are the easiest way to lock yourself out of the best loot.
      Or some quests that asks you to go somewhere, but you have to do something else before, for no clear reasons and it is written or told nowhere. (last quests)

    • @walkers0314
      @walkers0314 5 месяцев назад

      @@ShepardCommander I see what you mean. To be fair, the game is absolutely unfinished and unpolished.
      And I loved The Witcher 3. But here the role-playing part and storytelling is surely lacking. And that's what I was expecting, and what most people would expect to be fair.
      The combat is fine to really fun sometimes, flashy and cool. But the stagger and the same monsters all the time at the same exact location is still a bit of an issue as I see it.

  • @TomN495
    @TomN495 5 месяцев назад +1

    Your loss

  • @veryrare432hz
    @veryrare432hz 5 месяцев назад

    The game trash ? Dont even amaze me

  • @notreallydavek7237
    @notreallydavek7237 5 месяцев назад

    Middle ages?

  • @lil_muzi_vert8190
    @lil_muzi_vert8190 5 месяцев назад +2

    feel like dragons dogma 2 should be more like skyrim but keep the combat

    • @lil_muzi_vert8190
      @lil_muzi_vert8190 5 месяцев назад

      someone make a mod for skyrim with dd2 combat...

    • @satoro26
      @satoro26 5 месяцев назад +1

      To me It should be more like dogma 1 and spent more time in development instead of being released now. The game misses some core stuff and enemies dogma 1 had that will hopefully come with dlc. If it was like skyrim it would be instant refund for me. I bought the game hoping for new better version of dogma 1 not to play skyrim clone.
      I feel like the game got to successful and suffered because of it. It's actually a niche title for specific audience like souls games are for people who like souls like games. Or whatever racing game is for people who like racing games.

  • @TheCrimsonWarden
    @TheCrimsonWarden 5 месяцев назад +1

    I didn't really like it my first time playing. I decided to give it another shot, though, and really tough through it until i learned it decently well and found a small amount of love for it. I do agree it feels very divoid of emotion except for your pawn in the open world. I will say there should be more acess to fast travel because they waste you much of your time with all of these tiny groups of enemys that do nothing for you.

  • @sandmanlive3790
    @sandmanlive3790 5 месяцев назад +3

    I did beat the game. Currently in NG+ at lvl 54 and I had a very similar experience with this game so far. Fingers crossed for the DLC.

  • @TrueKivan
    @TrueKivan 5 месяцев назад +1

    The combat is excellent and the best part of the game, however the game stops scalling around lvl 30 and loses all challenge, sadly once this happens everything falls like a house of cards because aside from combat everything else is honestly mid. Once the combat gets trivialised the game falls apart sadly.
    Oh and first few times you see those dynamic enemy interactions, some bold design choices, some nice quirks they are AMAZING however again it gets old and does not hold up repeated hundred times. My first 20-30h were 9/10 and then the rest of the way is kinda 5/10 but for those early hours it was worth it.
    Needs rebalanced challenge, more mob variety and more personality to the open world, even Palword had higher wow factor with their world design.

  • @justinserrano4506
    @justinserrano4506 5 месяцев назад +3

    None of these points make any sense.

    • @dreadedscrub1207
      @dreadedscrub1207 5 месяцев назад +1

      He explains his grievances with the game pretty well. I’m not sure how none of his points make sense to you 🤔

    • @walkers0314
      @walkers0314 5 месяцев назад

      One thing he didn't mention.
      But when we say unpolished, without talking optimization, I could give you a single telling exemple.
      A companion comes to you, says they have a request, and then you have a text pop-up with their request, you get a accept or reject buttons and then they react with voicelines.
      Why does the main characters have voicelines, and out of nowhere, text pop-ups and then back to being voiced ?
      It just feels odd and I really liked some voice actors, just to realize that they say two lines and the rest is text in the companion quests. The ones where you are supposed to bond with characters... Just an exemple from someone who finished the game

    • @himanshupandey8771
      @himanshupandey8771 5 месяцев назад +1

      It does make sense i have completed the game but still agree with him at some point.
      Like lake of enemy variety.
      Sometimes game feel clunky.
      And quests are mostly boring.
      Still that doesn't mean game is bad. I enjoyed my time

    • @justinserrano4506
      @justinserrano4506 5 месяцев назад

      @@himanshupandey8771 theirs plenty of enemy varieties for how small the game is. The game doesn’t feel clunky at all. It’s as intended. Similar to monster hunter. It’s a game with albeit some super human like abilities but the characters are still human. Takes into account human like physics with super human powers with limitations
      Quests being boring but tell me or show me a single game that doesn’t have boring quests. Theirs good quests as well.

    • @himanshupandey8771
      @himanshupandey8771 5 месяцев назад

      @@justinserrano4506 i didn't said game is boring or bad and ya for me game feels sometime clunky.
      And ya about boring side quests Thease are some games which side quests are not boring.
      1. Elden ring
      2.baldurs gate 3
      3.dark souls 3
      4.both zelda ttkd and btw
      6. Witcher 3

  • @austink4596
    @austink4596 5 месяцев назад +2

    I really wish you would’ve finished the game because your opinion nailed it and finishing the game would’ve just made your points that much stronger. This game was super okay and it seems like people ether say it was horrible or one of the best rpgs they’ve played and it’s definitely just mid imo.

  • @chriskotte8468
    @chriskotte8468 5 месяцев назад +1

    Nobody needs your opinion

  • @VaporCun
    @VaporCun 5 месяцев назад +2

    The best part of critiquing this game is when 50 people who never played the first game tell you, your critiques are invalid because you didn't do x, y, z. Despite having 1000 hrs in the first game, I guess I wouldn't understand the sequels problems.

  • @metalhev3989
    @metalhev3989 5 месяцев назад +1

    A big drab world with samey-looking vistas and the same 5 enemies everywhere to explore, and for what? Loot thats utterly uninteresting? All equipment is just "previous equip but 2% stronger". The combat is good, but everything else is just so bad that I don't think the combat alone can carry it, specially being a 70$ game with day 1 microtransactions.

  • @shortshins
    @shortshins 5 месяцев назад


  • @gaddiusgaddium9082
    @gaddiusgaddium9082 5 месяцев назад

    And it's still fresher and more fun than Asset Flippe- I mean Elden Ring.

  • @daisakura
    @daisakura 5 месяцев назад

    100% agree

  • @ericstrahler5767
    @ericstrahler5767 5 месяцев назад

    Its pretty boring. If you can put up with it. Its pretty good in the long haul. If youre hauln crap back to your house cuz youre heavy. It sucks.

  • @NoxozD
    @NoxozD 5 месяцев назад +1

    Game feels unfinished and rushed. terrible ui for PC, repetetive pawn dialogue, way to many reskins of the same monsters, WEEEEAK story and give me a fucking mount, nothing is interesting enough for the "exploration" aspect they want to push onto you... "wooow, a cave - same lizard/goblin/skeletons you've been fighting all game, and then you get to loot a shit item that's only worth the gold it sells for to buy better items from a vendor"

  • @hayabusa09
    @hayabusa09 5 месяцев назад +3

    Wow you eviscerated this game...I just didn't buy it. The world layout being "open world for dummies" turned me off. It has some good qualities in my opinion, but every time I look at a vid of the game I'm just...turned off.

  • @dreadedscrub1207
    @dreadedscrub1207 5 месяцев назад +1

    I agree with pretty much all this. The game just feels boring. Feel like it was way over hyped because of the love for the first one. Combats ok but gets old pretty fast to me and being a struggle just to hit 30fps on console is annoying. Trying to make myself beat it because of the money I spent on it , but I don’t think it’s happening lol

    • @simpleryoma
      @simpleryoma 5 месяцев назад

      The issue is that it is heavily not recommended to buy a capcom game day one. I have on it PC and have 100+ fps on it BUT only because I had to mod the game to put Fsr frame generation on it. Other then that game can drop down to like 30 for me in cities. Definitely a game that is most likely just gonna be better on PC then consoles. Other than that, I can see why he didn't like it. I love it only because I was a fan of the original one but it looks like this game got shafted by capcom. All of the previous games by capcom had at least 1.2k people or more working on the game. Dragons Dogma 2 at best only had around 400 people working on it. Not even like 1/4 of the staff that worked on MH World and it makes me upset that Capcom always butchered this game since the original only had 40% of its ideas implemented and 60% scrapped because of the higher ups

  • @pureeternallight
    @pureeternallight 5 месяцев назад


  • @amanda1646
    @amanda1646 5 месяцев назад +1

    The harsh truth 🎉

  • @codymatrix1995
    @codymatrix1995 5 месяцев назад +1

    living rent free in your head hahahahaha

    @SEXUAL-ABUSER 5 месяцев назад +1

    The Sweet Baby Stink is strong. The early game is super fucking boring but the mid and late game is fun as hell.

  • @ItzyYou
    @ItzyYou 5 месяцев назад

    you like what you like i guess story was never a major thing for me ive always put gameplay first if the game is fun to play for me i can get over the story stuff i want to play a game not watch a movie or read a book the game is fine as is we dont need another souls game the climbing yea it dont make sense and yes there is fast travel although limited