Bakmi Pele Alun Alun Lor Yogyakarta

  • Опубликовано: 1 мар 2012
  • Bakmi Pak Pele adalah salah satu tempat bagi Anda yang ingin berwisata kuliner di Jogja. Terletak di samping timur pintu masuk Keraton Yogyakarta, jajanan tradisional khas Jogja ini ramai dikunjungi baik oleh warga Jogja maupun luar Jogja.
    Namun ada 2 kekurangannya apa aja itu? Silahkan Anda lihat videonya :D
    Mr. Pele's noodles is one of the culinary spot in Jogja. Located in the east of north (front) gate of Kraton Palace, this Jogja's traditional cuisine become the favorite place for dinner.
    But there are 2 lacks of this culinary spot, what are they? Just watch the video :D
    The coordinate of this culinary spot is:
    7°48'18.87"S 110°21'54.60"E
    or type this to your google map application on your phone:
    -7.805242, 110.365167
    The background music that used in the intro is
    a street group musician in Beringharjo Market
    in Malioboro street. Thanks to @beningjiwa.
    The second background music is a gamelan music
    titled "Gendhing Sumyar". Thanks to
    The Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat for using
    this gamelan music in my video and @mangott
    for upload it.
    This video was taken and edited 100% by myself,
    so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes.
    Because I'm still learning.
    Please give me suggestion if you don't mind.

Комментарии • 2

  • @rahmatmh
    @rahmatmh  11 лет назад

    waa... iki ndhelok panganane atau Mbake? ;-D