I was deep into the LGBT lifestyle. It led to ruin. A kind Catholic Priest was there to help me out of the mess when I was convicted by God. I am forever thankful for the true, faithful Priests.
But this is not any someone this is the pope and whatever he is doing or saying will definitely affect millions of weak people in the Church. Don't try to.delude yourself. The Catholic chur b is dying out and the young people are leaving the church in droves because of the lack of any solud Christ-centered solid Biblically sound teaching in the church. Oh hiw far has the Catholic church fallen.
@@Hany-fu1vc You are awfully mistaken as any catholic in Florida would tell you. The Pope is not The Church. Gen Z is returning to the Catholic Church.
@@Hany-fu1vc His appointee is 79, cardinal's lose any real power past 80. You're jumping at shadows and demonizing the church with sensationalist reactionism.
"and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" oh Jesus, help us to fight for Your Holy Name and Your bride, the Church! Our Lady of Victory, pray for us
Yes - and to make sure that Satan does not triumph - Catholics must make absolute sacrifice by fighting False Prophet Francis. "Ora Et Labora" means 'pray and work'. That is, battling falsehood, wickedness and filth is the fruit of prayer - and the only way to fight Pope Francis' pervesrsion of the Eternal Word and his corruption of the Catholic faithful.
@@sergesavard636 Not anywhere close. The bride of Christ is not confined to the Vatican/Rome. The institutional Church has fallen, but the bride of Christ has not and never will.
I am not a sede vacantist, but I am finding this present Pontificate to be an INCREDIBLE trial. God is testing us to the limits. We have to know and practice our Faith, not with our Pope's guidance, but, incredibly, IN SPITE of our Pope! I can only say, with heartfelt prayer, Come Lord Jesus!
Prior to Vatican 2 anything that is professed in what is now called a sedavacantist Parrish was absolutely accepted as traditional catholic Doctrine so how is it not accepted after Vatican 2? And why should we not accept and profess it now in order to get rid of the heretical bergoglio????
If your father openly instructs all kinds of abominations, will you follow him? except to know him as your father in name only. Will it matter whatever way you consider your father's status in your perception. Commandment is honor your father and mother, same holds good for pope as well. What kind of honor you would give in both cases!
@@wolemaiI do, and I’m a mere lay person. Sadly, the so-called pope doesn’t. Or he does, and chooses to malign it repeatedly. The only logical answer to this crisis IS the sedevacantist position, sadly!
They have no tools to do anything. Peter's chair is not a popularity contest or a democracy. The Kindom of God is that, a Kindom, and the Pope has Supreme authority. Don't be discouraged.
@@gerardk51 You've never visited Rome like Luther did. Immorality was standard in the Vatican. Bastard sons of the pope were appointed as political leaders in Europe. Thats why Luther started complaining for reformation. It never came in the Catholic Church. Lgbt is still leading in the Vatican.
Heretic Francis is appointing heretic Cardinals, ensuring that Francis's replacement will be even more antichrist than he is. I believe a separation is coming, especially in the American Catholic churches.
You help the triumph of evil, if you call this manifest unrepentant public heretic "the Pope". It is Church teaching on the Papacy that a non-Catholic cannot hold any office in the Church.
I am not.I wonder if Francis has mental health issues? When I first saw him standing looking out over St Peter's after being elected and I saw the look on his face I thought now here is a man with an Axe to grind.
It is very hard for me to think that Francis has any good in him. He is very destructive to the church. I guess he is a trial that we all have to live through. He certainly is not a good pope or leader. I am so sick of hearing about the, horrible things that he does in our church.
Heretic Francis is appointing heretic Cardinals, ensuring that Francis's replacement will be even more antichrist than he is. I believe a separation is coming, especially in the American Catholic churches.
@onuegbuemmanuel5176 I've wondered if Francis is the false prophet, and he could be, but I really think it's going to be whoever replaces him. Francis appointing heretic Cardinals will ensure that his replacement is just as antichrist as he is. They may very well elect the false prophet of Revelation.
Rome is a city, it is not the Church. The Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on Earth will never lose the faith, and true Catholics will never lose the faith!
@@alhilford2345 Catholic church has two other parts which have already in triumph. The case is remaining part, Church militant which is losing faith, as Jesus told so, when the son of man comes, will He find faith on earth? That is surely a case to reflect upon. Jesus is never been wrong, nor our Lady.
@@alhilford2345 The HQ of the Catholic Church on Earth. It *has* lost the faith and it *will* become the seat of the antichrist. The true Church will go underground soon, I would think, meaning it will be badly persecuted.
The reason we describe a married couple as self-giving in the marital act is that each gives to the other something that the other does not have and is necessary for the mutual project of creating a new life. Their embrace is externally oriented towards creation. None of this self-gift obtains in the case of a same-sex arrangement. It is wrong to use the phrase “self-gift” in such a context.
What more proof do we need that this "Pope" is choosing to do things his way rather than follow and preach the Word of God? His actions are bringing the Church down and are damaging and hurtful to true Catholics the world over. God is patient. He also won't be mocked.
Feels like this is our cross to bear, the passion of his bride. God already saw this and has won. We just have to persevere in time and space. It will be glorious, just as the first time.
His Judgment will come when his time on Earth has concluded and he will be face to face with a very displeased Lord Jesus Christ. As an ordained priest he must understand his need to change or suffer the Eternal consequences.
This "pope ??" is doing everything he can do to destroy the Catholic faith. We must pray for him. Just remember, he is not incharge... Jesus is !!!!!!! Praise be to GOD. 🙏✝🙏
Always carrying out this dastardly deeds on Our Lady's special feast days. I wonder how they explain that to Our Lord at their judgement 🤔 pray for all these dissenters
They don’t like Our Lady,She is pure,chaste,inviolate….She was born without sin! They are allergic to Her presence, they don’t like Her feast days,but they don’t like Her Son either, they took over, June , the month of the Sacred Heart! Catholics pray the Rosary, pray for the perfidious person, and his friends, to seek holiness,look up to Mary, Our Lady and follow Her instructions for Five first Saturdays in reparation for the blasphemies against Her. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Happy feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Thank you for continuing to bring us news of what is happening in the Church. The following is from the Mass of today's'' feast day: First reading Galatians 1:6-12 · The Good News I preached is not a human message but from Jesus Christ I am astonished at the promptness with which you have turned away from the one who called you and have decided to follow a different version of the Good News. Not that there can be more than one Good News; it is merely that some troublemakers among you want to change the Good News of Christ; and let me warn you that if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one we have already preached to you, whether it be ourselves or an angel from heaven, he is to be condemned. I am only repeating what we told you before: if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one you have already heard, he is to be condemned. So now whom am I trying to please - man, or God? Would you say it is men’s approval I am looking for? If I still wanted that, I should not be what I am - a servant of Christ. The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realise this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ. The word of the Lord... We are living in very sad times in the Church. It must sadden all of Heaven as it does all true Catholics, and delight Hell. We are living through the greatest assault ever on our faith because it is an assault that comes from within, from the very top guided by Pope Francis himself. St Paul speaks directly to and our situation in the Church in his letter to the Galatians recorded in Sacred Scripture and directly to all the members of the Synod now taking place in the Vatican. If the hierarchy are listening they will abandon the Synod and put on sackcloth and ashes by way of repentance. Let us choose the True Word of God as recorded and transmitted in the Deposit of Faith. For the Church and the salvation of souls... 🙏🙏🙏
We are not loosing our Catholic Church, it’s being stolen right in front of our noses. What will become of the sacraments for those of us who depend on them? Will the consecration of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist be acceptable to God when offered by a sodomite or a pedophile? Or a nun? Will you have a deviate hear your confession, and of your children? I pray God help us discern answers and become worthy of the promises of our Lord Christ.
Rome apostatized and ceased to be the center of Christianity. By divine mandate, the See of Peter was transferred to El Palmar de Troya, Spain. The Catholic Church is no longer Roman, it is Palmarian.
And then, some useful idiots will keep telling us that Francis has never betrayed the legacy of Benedict XVI and John-Paul II, that’s it’s all detraction and smearing…
Lots of popesplainers/papolaters/apologists Evil needs those idiots to flourish and to shut down dissension. I've been called a sedevacantist and a schismatic so often!😂
It just doesn't stop. Francis really is remaking the Church. The damage he is doing to the Faith cannot be fathomed. How many will decide the Faith is a lie?
They asked him once: Do you worry about "special relationships" in your order? He said: We worry more about "special hate" between our brothers... I think that is a very Jesus like answer. No hate and reaching out to all men and women of good will. I gave a shout of joy when I heard this news.
Wow this channel is makimg views attacking its own Church, this is why Jesus corrected the Pharisees because they tought themselves better than others....
Pope asks for fasting and prayer today and throws this bombshell.. we are on Titanic... Pray Rosary every day. dear God please help us to keep faith and follow Our Lord IHS to Calvary
There are 'Princes' and there are 'Princes'........ Take the Prince of Darkness for example. Now he may be a Prince, but a Prince of Hell. Francis will only be with us a short time longer. Do not fear anything that one individual does. God has provided for all outcomes and in the end his justice will prevail. Let all such acts that feel so anti-Catholic make you only grow stronger in your faith in God and the pure Blood of Christ that runs through the churche's veins and through your souls will only strengthen your faith in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit ! Blessed be God, WHO WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME !
I think it's dangerous to continue to call him "Pope." _“Those who adhere to one as pope, who is not pope, offering him papal reverence, transgress the first commandment of the first tablet" ~ St. Vincent Ferrer_
Could the Lord be drawing them out. Could the Lord be allowing evil to bring the weeds forth. Could the Lord be allowing pride to sift gods of men from the men of God? Lord have Mercy on Us and the Whole world.
The gay voice isn't going away. It's getting stronger. Remember this a political voting block in the United States . The same thing is happening in the church. It will not go away. The Belgium meeting shows how strong this political block is in society.
HOW can you say Francis needs to convert to Catholicism and STILL recognize Francis as pope? Sedevacantism contains mystery, yes - but this recognize and resist (or praying for the pope to convert to Catholicism) contains contradiction.
You are absolutely rigth. That tells you how *terrified* they are of saying out loud that the emperor has no clothes even though they see that he doesn't
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners……..dear dear dear Mother of Mercy, help our Church, St. Pius X, pray that “all will be restored in Christ” in our poor, broken Church.
welcome to the New Secular Catholic Church formally known as the Holy Roman Catholic Church. St. Damain who taught about the gay community and their practices as practicing gay men in the church, pray for us. Ever wonder why St. Anthony the Great lived in solitude? after a while one needs to just leave the world as the Bishops teach the lowest common denominator of Christian praxis. Strange how a gay priest can have a active sex life with boyfriend, but a priest cannot marry. Or, are these men celibate and chaste? Perhaps gay men have a different ethics code the Vatican has created for their relationships with men? Synod on active homosexual life. lol... I need to read a work of fiction to understand gay men's reality is like watching zombie movies to learn tactical weapons and maneuvers during an Apocalypse. Pure fantasy.
"Pray for Pope Francis. He needs to convert to Catholicism." So, you're saying that Pope Francis is not currently a Roman Catholic? If he was, then why would you ask others to pray for his conversion? If that's the case, then you're saying that the head of the Roman Catholic Church is not even a part of that Church?? How exactly does that work?
@@lorichet Some are so terrified of calling a spade a spade, and an Argentinian sodomite NOT a pope, that they have to do *crazy* mental gymnastics and trample logic and reason underfoot doing so. I credit *Ann Barnhardt* for calling it as it is years ago. She saw what most of us could not fathom way before our eyes were opened.
The faithful are vexed day after day after day by this magisterium. But Jesus is still in control of His church and we must continue to trust in Him. Come Lord Jesus!
It isn’t just about the Latin Mass though. It is about the perpetuity of the Catholic faith, which goes beyond the Mass. The four substantial changes of Vatican 2 coupled with the heretical antipopes have led many to accept the inconvenient but logical conclusion of sedevacantism.
I was deep into the LGBT lifestyle. It led to ruin. A kind Catholic Priest was there to help me out of the mess when I was convicted by God. I am forever thankful for the true, faithful Priests.
jnkelley. Such a blessing to read your post. Watch out for that "jealous lover" who always wants you back.
Good on you and God bless 🙏❤️🙏
Thank GOD for that Kind Catholic Priest, John. GOD Bless You Always and Forever.🕊️💖🙏🪔🕯️🕯️🕯️
There is not such thing as LGTB lifestyle. You can be gay successful and happy and away from whatever else is hurting you.
@@marcor.dimuzio7931 That's a lie. No such thing as *gay* , though. Someone is either homosexual or heterosexual.
A false Church is being created before our eyes.
Martin Luther has your answer! Onward to the Wittenberg door!
It has existed sense 1054 AD.
By his fruit you shall know him...
SSPX . . . the remnant of the Faith
A false church as been in the making since HE has open the first church .
Don't let someone else's sin keep you from Christ & the Church. Stay & PRAY!
Yeah we have been doing that and EVERYTHING has gotten worse...until the laity direct violent action nothing will change
But this is not any someone this is the pope and whatever he is doing or saying will definitely affect millions of weak people in the Church. Don't try to.delude yourself. The Catholic chur b is dying out and the young people are leaving the church in droves because of the lack of any solud Christ-centered solid Biblically sound teaching in the church. Oh hiw far has the Catholic church fallen.
@@Hany-fu1vc You are awfully mistaken as any catholic in Florida would tell you. The Pope is not The Church. Gen Z is returning to the Catholic Church.
@@Hany-fu1vc Does that mean we can't worship the pope anymore???
@@Hany-fu1vc His appointee is 79, cardinal's lose any real power past 80. You're jumping at shadows and demonizing the church with sensationalist reactionism.
"and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" oh Jesus, help us to fight for Your Holy Name and Your bride, the Church! Our Lady of Victory, pray for us
Yeah but they are getting really close...
@@sergesavard636 Yes...I agree, so lets be filled with hope and trust in God's plan and Providence..cling to the Cross! We are not left orphans :)
Yes - and to make sure that Satan does not triumph - Catholics must make absolute sacrifice by fighting False Prophet Francis. "Ora Et Labora" means 'pray and work'. That is, battling falsehood, wickedness and filth is the fruit of prayer - and the only way to fight Pope Francis' pervesrsion of the Eternal Word and his corruption of the Catholic faithful.
@@sergesavard636 Not anywhere close. The bride of Christ is not confined to the Vatican/Rome. The institutional Church has fallen, but the bride of Christ has not and never will.
I’m keeping my eyes on Jesus Christ. I will sink otherwise.
Every day I see a parallel between the government and the church.
Very sad. 🙏📿
That is terrifying (but certainly visible) ~
I started seeing that a number of years ago.
@@bettye444 I see interesting parallels between the validity of Bergoglio's and Biden's respective election.
"Pray the rosary every day" --- our Lady of Fatima --- 1917 -⚔
I am not a sede vacantist, but I am finding this present Pontificate to be an INCREDIBLE trial. God is testing us to the limits. We have to know and practice our Faith, not with our Pope's guidance, but, incredibly, IN SPITE of our Pope!
I can only say, with heartfelt prayer, Come Lord Jesus!
Prior to Vatican 2 anything that is professed in what is now called a sedavacantist Parrish was absolutely accepted as traditional catholic Doctrine so how is it not accepted after Vatican 2? And why should we not accept and profess it now in order to get rid of the heretical bergoglio????
If your father openly instructs all kinds of abominations, will you follow him? except to know him as your father in name only. Will it matter whatever way you consider your father's status in your perception.
Commandment is honor your father and mother, same holds good for pope as well. What kind of honor you would give in both cases!
Why are you not a sedevacantist?
@@NicoleE12388 If you need to ask that question then you do not fully know the Catholic Faith.
@@wolemaiI do, and I’m a mere lay person. Sadly, the so-called pope doesn’t. Or he does, and chooses to malign it repeatedly. The only logical answer to this crisis IS the sedevacantist position, sadly!
We are witnessing the crucifixion of the holy Catholic Church.
Then violent oppose it, no more just praying the Rosary.. direct action needs to happen
Yes. God's church has to go through everything He went through...Now at the Crucifixion....before Rome is wiped out . Remember it is only bricks .
What bothers me is that our current Cardinals let him get away with murder... 😡
Very few says something and with fear... 😳
They have no tools to do anything. Peter's chair is not a popularity contest or a democracy. The Kindom of God is that, a Kindom, and the Pope has Supreme authority. Don't be discouraged.
This is beyond sad. Wow
He should be excommunicated. Not promoted
Are you a Bishop? I think you should create your own fake church so you could excomunicate left and right as you please, sir.
There is no such thing as LGBT Catholic. You are either Catholic or LGBT. You can't be both.
@@gerardk51 You've never visited Rome like Luther did. Immorality was standard in the Vatican. Bastard sons of the pope were appointed as political leaders in Europe. Thats why Luther started complaining for reformation. It never came in the Catholic Church. Lgbt is still leading in the Vatican.
This news just gets worse and worse... not your reporting...just the facts 😢 But take courage and have HOPE! Our Lady's Heart will triumph!!!
Part of it is his reporting😂
Pray 🙏for our misguided liberal pope and have faith. ✝️God will not let evil triumph over his church.
Heretic Francis is appointing heretic Cardinals, ensuring that Francis's replacement will be even more antichrist than he is. I believe a separation is coming, especially in the American Catholic churches.
Nor allow it into Heaven.
Francis is not our Pope
He is guided by satan
You help the triumph of evil, if you call this manifest unrepentant public heretic "the Pope". It is Church teaching on the Papacy that a non-Catholic cannot hold any office in the Church.
Dec. 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. How Our Lady must weep over these sinister appointments, especially on her Feast Day!
Is anyone surprised that Jorge Bergoglio would appoint ANOTHER homosexual?
I am not.I wonder if Francis has mental health issues? When I first saw him standing looking out over St Peter's after being elected and I saw the look on his face I thought now here is a man with an Axe to grind.
Bergoglio has always been a heretic.
Illegitimate then right? He’s not Catholic
This is sick
This is really painful
It is very hard for me to think that Francis has any good in him. He is very destructive to the church. I guess he is a trial that we all have to live through. He certainly is not a good pope or leader. I am so sick of hearing about the, horrible things that he does in our church.
Pray pray for him!
Heretic Francis is appointing heretic Cardinals, ensuring that Francis's replacement will be even more antichrist than he is. I believe a separation is coming, especially in the American Catholic churches.
False Prophet of Revelation
@onuegbuemmanuel5176 I've wondered if Francis is the false prophet, and he could be, but I really think it's going to be whoever replaces him. Francis appointing heretic Cardinals will ensure that his replacement is just as antichrist as he is. They may very well elect the false prophet of Revelation.
Francis is not our Pope
Dec 8, mocks Our Lady. Francis shames our Church again.
Please Lord a new good Holy Father
And one who is CATHOLIC!!!!!!!!!
Nothing new under the modernist sun
Man..what's next? promote the next cardinal to a character wearing horns carrying a pitchfork...
Already there but invisible ..
“The road to hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lampposts that light the path.” St. John Chrysostom
Very true. I dont think we can get even 1% good priests, same is for Bishops and upper hierarchy.
At this rate, the younger generation will be misled even further.
They will!
How true is Jesus statement as "Only a few will enter heaven", that is hardly 1 out of 1000 present times. Lot of work to do in order to enter heaven.
Our Lady of La Salette said Rome would lose the faith
Rome is a city, it is not the Church.
The Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on Earth will never lose the faith, and true Catholics will never lose the faith!
Exactly. "Not one stone will be left on top of another "
@@alhilford2345 Catholic church has two other parts which have already in triumph. The case is remaining part, Church militant which is losing faith, as Jesus told so, when the son of man comes, will He find faith on earth?
That is surely a case to reflect upon. Jesus is never been wrong, nor our Lady.
@@alhilford2345 The HQ of the Catholic Church on Earth. It *has* lost the faith and it *will* become the seat of the antichrist. The true Church will go underground soon, I would think, meaning it will be badly persecuted.
Not the Pope.
What did you expect from the great usurper?
Fr Aidan Nichols was pushed out of the Dominicans recently. And now this goofball gets a cardinal's hat? You must be joking.
How can he be a Cardinal. He's not even Catholicif he believes in The LGBT agenda.
The Good Cardinals need to call The Pope out on This appointment.
The majority of the agree with Bergoglio.
Stacking the college so he is succeded by someone who will not declare him a heretic.
Don't worry, God has plans.
While that would be ideal, we don’t need the college to declare him such.
The reason we describe a married couple as self-giving in the marital act is that each gives to the other something that the other does not have and is necessary for the mutual project of creating a new life. Their embrace is externally oriented towards creation. None of this self-gift obtains in the case of a same-sex arrangement. It is wrong to use the phrase “self-gift” in such a context.
What else is to be expected from an anti-Pope?
Lord have mercy on us! Pray for the church!🙏🙏🙏🙏
Omw, how very sad. 😢😢😢we need to pray without ceasing🙏🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯God is still alive. 😭😭😭😭😭
What more proof do we need that this "Pope" is choosing to do things his way rather than follow and preach the Word of God? His actions are bringing the Church down and are damaging and hurtful to true Catholics the world over. God is patient. He also won't be mocked.
Saint Dominic must be crying 😭 continuously 😢for His Followers 🙏🏼✝️😇⛪️
Feels like this is our cross to bear, the passion of his bride. God already saw this and has won. We just have to persevere in time and space. It will be glorious, just as the first time.
His Judgment will come when his time on Earth has concluded and he will be face to face with a very displeased Lord Jesus Christ. As an ordained priest he must understand his need to change or suffer the Eternal consequences.
The Ape Of The Church....one can't not see it...unless Father God hardens hearts....
I wonder if the people at Catholic Answers do see it. They come across as effeminate and not bold.
It's a whole new church now. The global church.
This "pope ??" is doing everything he can do to destroy the Catholic faith. We must pray for him. Just remember, he is not incharge... Jesus is !!!!!!! Praise be to GOD. 🙏✝🙏
Ill pray for Him to meet Our Lord in judgement.
Our Lord is indeed in charge, but He allows men to cause immeasurable harm.
@@ChickityChicken and I will pray he stops % promoting { a bio# weapon # .
Francis is not our Pope
@@janethiser1991 He is PINO, pope in name only.
Im not worried. God has their number. ✝️❤️🔥
Jesus, Mercy! This Radclif starts to be popular in Catholic Church, here, in Romania! Blessed Mother, interceed for us!
Because 95% of the people in Europe are hoomose xuals and love back dooooor.
Have no idea how the church can survive bergolio - God help us, please.
Birds of a feather?
Makes me wonder to which flock will fly Cardinal Francis Leo of the archdiocese of Toronto... should be very telling.
😅. Praying for their souls. -and for all of us. ❤
Pope Francis says one thing and does another, coherent with his ambiguous papacy. Yet another mistake.
Always carrying out this dastardly deeds on Our Lady's special feast days. I wonder how they explain that to Our Lord at their judgement 🤔 pray for all these dissenters
They don’t like Our Lady,She is pure,chaste,inviolate….She was born without sin! They are allergic to Her presence, they don’t like Her feast days,but they don’t like Her Son either, they took over, June , the month of the Sacred Heart! Catholics pray the Rosary, pray for the perfidious person, and his friends, to seek holiness,look up to Mary, Our Lady and follow Her instructions for Five first Saturdays in reparation for the blasphemies against Her. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Especially the enemies of the church and those whom we recommend to the…
They seem to want to mock and insult our Lady.
Saint Paul informed homosexual acts is a sin and not natural also Church Sacred Tradition informs homosexual acts is a sin too !.
And Jesus Christ informed marriage is exclusively for one man and one woman !!.
How can his name still be included in the liturgy of the Mass?
It isn't in the traditional Latin Mass
@@janethiser1991 Exactly, the 1962 is not traditional. It was a transitional mass, a Bugnini creation.
Happy feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
Thank you for continuing to bring us news of what is happening in the Church.
The following is from the Mass of today's'' feast day:
First reading
Galatians 1:6-12 ·
The Good News I preached is not a human message but from Jesus Christ
I am astonished at the promptness with which you have turned away from the one who called you and have decided to follow a different version of the Good News. Not that there can be more than one Good News; it is merely that some troublemakers among you want to change the Good News of Christ; and let me warn you that if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one we have already preached to you, whether it be ourselves or an angel from heaven, he is to be condemned. I am only repeating what we told you before: if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one you have already heard, he is to be condemned. So now whom am I trying to please - man, or God? Would you say it is men’s approval I am looking for? If I still wanted that, I should not be what I am - a servant of Christ.
The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realise this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
The word of the Lord...
We are living in very sad times in the Church. It must sadden all of Heaven as it does all true Catholics, and delight Hell. We are living through the greatest assault ever on our faith because it is an assault that comes from within, from the very top guided by Pope Francis himself. St Paul speaks directly to and our situation in the Church in his letter to the Galatians recorded in Sacred Scripture and directly to all the members of the Synod now taking place in the Vatican. If the hierarchy are listening they will abandon the Synod and put on sackcloth and ashes by way of repentance.
Let us choose the True Word of God as recorded and transmitted in the Deposit of Faith.
For the Church and the salvation of souls... 🙏🙏🙏
Well said .
Holy Spirit fall afresh on Pope Francis . Give him the courage to speak the truth of the Gospels 🙏
The fruits of Vatican -2 are ripening.
We are not loosing our Catholic Church, it’s being stolen right in front of our noses. What will become of the sacraments for those of us who depend on them? Will the consecration of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist be acceptable to God when offered by a sodomite or a pedophile? Or a nun? Will you have a deviate hear your confession, and of your children? I pray God help us discern answers and become worthy of the promises of our Lord Christ.
When something was obvious, people used to ask the rhetorical question “Is the Pope Catholic?” Sadly, few would do that anymore.
the "Ape Church" is rising right before our eyes.
Pray for the Church
Rome apostatized and ceased to be the center of Christianity. By divine mandate, the See of Peter was transferred to El Palmar de Troya, Spain. The Catholic Church is no longer Roman, it is Palmarian.
Can you explain, this is the first time I've heard that name.
@@phoenixaz8431 The true Pope of the Catholic Church is His Holiness Pope Peter III.
And then, some useful idiots will keep telling us that Francis has never betrayed the legacy of Benedict XVI and John-Paul II, that’s it’s all detraction and smearing…
Lots of popesplainers/papolaters/apologists Evil needs those idiots to flourish and to shut down dissension. I've been called a sedevacantist and a schismatic so often!😂
Najświętsza Maryjo Panno Różańcowa, módl się za nami.
And he will also name a Brazilian bishop, from liberation theology, as cardinal.
Lord have mercy on us!🙏💚💛🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💛💚🙏
It just doesn't stop. Francis really is remaking the Church. The damage he is doing to the Faith cannot be fathomed. How many will decide the Faith is a lie?
The Faith was given to us by Jesus and the Apostles. It is true. Bergoglio is an apostate.
Come soon Lord before more destruction comes to our Church.
He's NOT the Pope
The end of times is near..
It's a wonder Bergoglio didn't elevate James Martin.
Don't give him any ideas
God have mercy on us and His Mystical Body
How I wish that we had a Catholic pope 🤷🏻♂️
They asked him once: Do you worry about "special relationships" in your order? He said: We worry more about "special hate" between our brothers... I think that is a very Jesus like answer. No hate and reaching out to all men and women of good will. I gave a shout of joy when I heard this news.
So pope Frank is PACKING the conclave 😂
Follow Jesus , drop all else that does not resemble the real good shepherd….
Wow this channel is makimg views attacking its own Church, this is why Jesus corrected the Pharisees because they tought themselves better than others....
😥🙏Prayers for the Church Jesus created.
Pope asks for fasting and prayer today and throws this bombshell.. we are on Titanic... Pray Rosary every day. dear God please help us to keep faith and follow Our Lord IHS to Calvary
Why pray for the pope? Let’s pray that his words not be heard. May the Holy Spirit mute his irregular messages.
The people will have to do something to get Francis out or leave Francis to his own distruction. We have to stand with the silenced Priests
It’s not what they say, it’s what they do.
You're very smart.👏Bergoglio is a snake.
There are 'Princes' and there are 'Princes'........ Take the Prince of Darkness for example. Now he may be a Prince, but a Prince of Hell. Francis will only be with us a short time longer. Do not fear anything that one individual does. God has provided for all outcomes and in the end his justice will prevail. Let all such acts that feel so anti-Catholic make you only grow stronger in your faith in God and the pure Blood of Christ that runs through the churche's veins and through your souls will only strengthen your faith in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit ! Blessed be God, WHO WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME !
The Church has been under attack for almost two thousand years.
Still here!
Jesus is the Boss of His Church - not Pope Francis! Remember Padre Pio's motto: pray. Hope and don't worry!
It is quite plain, Bergoglio is gay. See his body language and facial expressions when speaking with openly gay priests.
If you adk his people back home in Argentina they say the same
Ape Church as Bishop Sheen noted.
I think it's dangerous to continue to call him "Pope."
_“Those who adhere to one as pope, who is not pope, offering him papal reverence, transgress the first commandment of the first tablet" ~ St. Vincent Ferrer_
Could the Lord be drawing them out. Could the Lord be allowing evil to bring the weeds forth. Could the Lord be allowing pride to sift gods of men from the men of God? Lord have Mercy on Us and the Whole world.
@@DadInFastForward Yes. PF is a false light to draw to himself those who want evil changes in the church...like moths around a flame.
🙏🏼🙏🏼Help Us Lord
These appointments will profiundly affect the Church for the next century at least.
The gay voice isn't going away. It's getting stronger. Remember this a political voting block in the United States
The same thing is happening in the church. It will not go away. The Belgium meeting shows how strong this political block is in society.
@@JohntheBaptist-y2u This is not a good thing.
Why do these people like taking it in the number 2? I dont get it.
@@mikepistone8964 why?
@@ChickityChicken To mimick/ape a heterosexual intimate union would be my guess.
Trying to hold on to hope during these times . I must be alive at this time for a reason . 😢God has a plan . Jesus I trust in you .
Don't worry. Keep your eyes on the handful of solid, faithful shepherds. They'll show us the way forward.
HOW can you say Francis needs to convert to Catholicism and STILL recognize Francis as pope?
Sedevacantism contains mystery, yes - but this recognize and resist (or praying for the pope to convert to Catholicism) contains contradiction.
You are absolutely rigth. That tells you how *terrified* they are of saying out loud that the emperor has no clothes even though they see that he doesn't
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners……..dear dear dear Mother of Mercy, help our Church, St. Pius X, pray that “all will be restored in Christ” in our poor, broken Church.
welcome to the New Secular Catholic Church formally known as the Holy Roman Catholic Church. St. Damain who taught about the gay community and their practices as practicing gay men in the church, pray for us. Ever wonder why St. Anthony the Great lived in solitude? after a while one needs to just leave the world as the Bishops teach the lowest common denominator of Christian praxis.
Strange how a gay priest can have a active sex life with boyfriend, but a priest cannot marry. Or, are these men celibate and chaste? Perhaps gay men have a different ethics code the Vatican has created for their relationships with men?
Synod on active homosexual life.
lol... I need to read a work of fiction to understand gay men's reality is like watching zombie movies to learn tactical weapons and maneuvers during an Apocalypse. Pure fantasy.
"Pray for Pope Francis. He needs to convert to Catholicism."
So, you're saying that Pope Francis is not currently a Roman Catholic? If he was, then why would you ask others to pray for his conversion? If that's the case, then you're saying that the head of the Roman Catholic Church is not even a part of that Church?? How exactly does that work?
It doesn't work. I don't see how anyone can think he's a Vicar of Christ.
@@lorichet Some are so terrified of calling a spade a spade, and an Argentinian sodomite NOT a pope, that they have to do *crazy* mental gymnastics and trample logic and reason underfoot doing so. I credit *Ann Barnhardt* for calling it as it is years ago. She saw what most of us could not fathom way before our eyes were opened.
fortifying himself and his agenda?
The faithful are vexed day after day after day by this magisterium. But Jesus is still in control of His church and we must continue to trust in Him. Come Lord Jesus!
He is not "losing it." He knows exactly what he is doing. They all do.
Teach your kids or grandkids the true teachings of the Bible and the Church. False Pope Creating False Church.
The fall of the Catholic Church! God help us!
The Catholic Church cannot fall.
Regularly attending a Latin Mass parish preserves your Catholic Faith. Attend the Latin Mass.
It isn’t just about the Latin Mass though. It is about the perpetuity of the Catholic faith, which goes beyond the Mass.
The four substantial changes of Vatican 2 coupled with the heretical antipopes have led many to accept the inconvenient but logical conclusion of sedevacantism.
Bergolio is trully not catholic.
Such a shame. I do pray that the Pope will carry out the Traditional Catholic religion ✝️