Siamese cats are extremely smart, very vocal, and extraordinarily loving. They do take some patience as kittens, but the rewards pay off. This little one was just scared, and as frightened as he was, he NEVER flipped out into a whirling Switchblade. Kudos to his guardians:)
@@mysticyamcha3697 this video proves you wrong. the cat here didn't attack once. he was scared, but he managed to keep his cool instead of lashing out because siamese cats are, in fact, very smart.
@@WhatsMatcha exactly. I had a siamese who though got angry and batted her paws while at the vet, she NEVER extended her claws or scratched. Siamese cats are smart, and its true they get moody. But Cleo never ever attacked. Not even when my 5 year old cousin would yank her tail
So sorry you lost this lovely cat. Seems to me he is behaving amazingly well... Vocalising because he is a Siamese, but also because, I suspect, he is in real pain and distress. Poor guy!
This cat's got more bark than bite. Even though it was obviously angry, it was remarkably calm as it did not swipe or attack not even once! When it hissed it was almost as if it were showing off XD!
Wow!! Twenty-one is ancient for a cat!! The old guy sure didn't have any problems expressing himself, did he? I hope you all had a wonderful life together.
Love how he calms down a bit when he has a chance to explore his surroundings, and even more when he finds Frodo. Very scared and very unhappy, but very well behaved. My cat never complained at the vet, he just gave everybody the stink eye. Oddly, he was very.... very very good at the stink eye.
I had to put my seal point siamese cat to sleep a few months ago. We're not sure of his age because I rescued him on the streets and he was very skinny. We took him in and he was my best friend for 13 years. I miss him more then anything.
alicia alexandre I had to do a month ago and still can't handle with it. I knew it comes one day but he was only 10 years old...Siamese cats? The best cats ever...
alicia alexandre i went through the same thing w my Siamese cat 2 yrs ago, she was 16. i still think about her everyday... i miss her so much. i couldn't bare to think of putting her in the ground so i got her cremated. i don't know if we ever get over it ... i still haven't
We are on our third Siamese. Our first boy lived to 19. Our second we lost about a year ago at 13. We were so devastated we immediately found a lovely little seal point female being retired as a queen by a breeder. All three have added so much to our lives. Siamese are THE BEST!
Beautiful cat! I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost my female blue point Siamese, Sassy, a couple of years ago, at the age of 19. There is nothing like the love of a Siamese - they are just amazing cats. You never have to guess what they are thinking or where you stand with them; they will gladly tell you all about it, lol. He was very good here... no attempts at biting or scratching... just expressing his opinion :)
I had a blue point, George and when she was a kitten, she was very ill. Many vet visits later she was fine but with an absolute hatred for anyone trying to get a pill down her throat. Consequently, she only got wormed once a year when she had her shots. My vet knew her, understood the situation. So one year, there was this snotty young new vet there and when I asked if he could give her the worming tablet because...etc etc, honestly, you could just about see the rolling of the eyes and the thought "useless owner". I warned him several times that she was very difficult and he just nodded. Anyway, George, bless her, bit him right thru the fleshy part of the thumb. I never cracked a smile, just said "she really hates it". I gave George a lovely big can of tuna that night. :) :)
I'm sorry to hear your cat passed, but so very glad you were able to love him for 21 years. That's amazing & has to be down to the love & great care you showed him all those years.
He was a beautiful boy. 21 years old, he deserved a bit of crankiness :) It was great you had him so many years, a lot of memories. I lost my 23 year old cat to kidney failure, so know how it is to lose a furry friend.
My Siamese cat lived to be 21 years old. And she was ALWAYS a grumpy cat. We got her when I was a kid, she died when I was 33 years old. She was really arthritic and mostly blind but my mother just couldn't bear to put her down. She died in her sleep in her favorite spot, beside the bathroom heater. My cat had the same voice as this one, Siamese cats have such distinctive voices that set them apart from other cats, don't they?
Amazing how lovely this cat looks at 21 years of age. A testament to the loving care and good food can do. I hope you have many more happy years with this lovely animal. P.S. My cat hates the vet, too. LOL
Having a feisty spirit and such a loving owner, I can see how Raffy made it to 22. I am sorry to hear that kitty passed away. I hope you are doing better
Cats are never happy at the vet. Our teacher, Dr. Nealeigh, is a veterinarian and she told us that since cats don't usually ride in cars with us like dogs, because it freaks them out, they associate a car with the vet, and they're most often right. So they're surly and mean, but it's natural. Cats are gonna hate the vet. :/
Poor little guy! Other than the hissing and growling, he basically behaved very well. ❤️ I’m sorry you lost him only two years after this video was filmed; was he really 21 here? That’s quite amazing!
***** What an ignorant fuck. Did you think that stupid comment of yours made you look smart or cool? White people? Not only wihte people have pets xD XD. Besides, it's a life, a soul, a thing that lives, moves, sleeps, eats and reproduces, it's a living creature scientfically and psychologically. Humans aren't the only ones with a life in this planet you dumb fuck.
+InfiniteEIC do you feel that way about dogs too? Frankly, I used to think like you until I took care of some animals myself and saw how many of their behaviors are like our own. They are capable of a great deal of affection and empathy. They do become like family and so the loss can be great. They shouldn't be treated like a commodity.
Whoa, sorry for your loss there. I also have a Siamese cat, but he's still very young. He's only nearly 3 years old. Well, but I'm not saying he's deceased. No. Actually, he's watching this video right now as I'm typing this comment. Your cat's sounds attracted him here and now he's sitting beside the laptop. He had lots of attempts to step on the laptop's keyboard which quite annoyed me, haha. By the way, his name's Simon.
@alexisis22 Thanks for your lovely comment. He was just that way at the vet, it's a funny video to watch, but I always get a little worried about him stressing out, or harming the vet, or hurting himself during his vet visit. You lucky to have a sweet cat at the vet, if raffy was nicer during his vet visits it would of made it a lot easier for us and him. Raffy will be missed heaps
Siamese are known for "talking" the most. They are very talkative cats and make a lot of noise when frightened. My Siamese is like the one in the video, she makes a lot of noise too.
What a commanding voice! You are so fortunate to have kept him around for 22 years. With better diet and health care I hope more and more cats can enjoy such a long life.
I recently lost a Siamese cat to this terrible disease... I asked the Vet, what this felt like to my cat, and she replied , that it felt like a really bad flu.... My cat lasted two weeks from start to the time when we put him to sleep... He was in perfect health until he suddenly became ill.... terrible..
My cat was as friendly as could be until age 7. Then he started having accidents on the carpet and he bit me once for stepping on his tail. He never acted like this until we found out he had acute on chronic renal failure. He was only 7. The only option was a kidney transplant. Coal 2000-2007.
Better feed your present cat (if any) with canned food only, for its higher water content and animal protein, not that killer dry food bullshit. Even better, raw inexpensive meat cuts, like hearts, wings, liver, necks. My little guy almost experienced the same lethal fate until I learned about proper feline nutrition.
my siamese lived into his 20s as well...this makes me so sad yet so happy you had such a long time with him. my cat was a blue point named clouseau, he passed a few years ago but he still glows in my heart everyday.
Sorry for the loss of your Cat I can't help but laugh when Raffi got angry and meowed in a mad way like a Mountain Lion did you get a new Cat or not I love Siamese Kitties
the kidneys do not work well and do not clean the body of toxins. so the poison from the toxins builds up in the body and makes the cat very sick. (same for humans) Without medical care, the cat will die from kidney failure. There is no cure but you can extend your cat's life through prescription food and daily subcutaneous injections of fluids. However, it is a fatal condition. I have gone through this with 2 cats.
I love your vet handled him. Very sweet and without any extra stress. :) I'm sorry for your loss he was truly a beauty. May his little page prints always be with you.
Deepest condolences on Raffy's passing. I hope you can take comfort knowing you have 21 years of wonderful memories - thank you for sharing one of them with us. :)
Cats are not pieces of shit! -.- This cat just feels threatened and frightened that's why its acting like that. Cats are great jumpers and cleaner than dogs and easier to look after than dogs too. They're very patient and intelligent. Don't most animals make annoying sounds? It's also been said that cats can see spirits and dogs can too.
Barry O'Donnell a cat's tongue is not cleaner than a humans or a dogs. they are intelligent and if you have a great bond they can be entertaining and very loving. and Some cats.. even sometimes display the personality of a dog. but if you have a cut or an open wound and a cat decides to lick it you could get infected. dogs tongues are not like that, not even a humans tongue though humans probably shouldn't be licking anyone's wound... cat's tongues are probably also scratchy to remove dirt that was in any wound they had but if it's domesticated and the wound was already cleaned. they could infect it by trying to lick it.
I saw that he had passed away in the description first and felt bad but then I read more and saw he was 21, so he lived to be 22. Nobody likes losing a pet but I'm glad he had a long healthy life :)
Thanks for sharing a slice of life with Raffy. He looks so much like my baby Cleo (sounds a lot like too) who also went to the Rainbow Bridge after a long fight with renal failure. She was almost 17. So glad Raffy made it to 22 -- you must be an awesome cat companion. God bless.
I love how he hated every minute of it, but still never bit or scratched. He just let everyone involved know how he felt. What a great cat! My Siamese, Elaine, would have required a net.
Sorry for your loss. I wish I filmed my cat at the vet, very similar to yours. Unfortunately she passed in 2008 however she had a great long life of almost 20 years :D Loved her, she was a member of the family.
If hissing and growling is all he did be thankful. We had a cat who was traumatized by a vet accidentally hurting her at a young age. The next time she went (to a different vet no less) she bit the assistant through 3 pairs of leather gloves, drew blood, and pooped all over the counter. She said she'd press charges if we ever brought her back. In all future appointments (to a 3rd vet) she was tranquilized before going so she wouldn't attempt to maul them. She also died of kidney failure interestingly. And while that and her reputation for biting makes her sound like a vicious animal, she was relatively sweet, but very proud and overly sensitive. Eventually at some point she bit me for a lousy reason and I'd had enough so I bit her back on the ear. After that she never hurt anyone again for the rest of her life (another 5-6 years after).
Yes. There's an old dog training adage that says the way to teach an aggressive animal stop biting people is to bite them on the ear. She didn't like it, but she never bit anyone again, not strangers, not family members, not the vet. She learned that it hurt like hell. She wasn't the only cat I ever had who bit people, but most of them either did it only when they were being mishandled, or to play. Pumpkin didn't play, if she disagreed with something in the slightest she'd bite as hard as she could. She could have been a liability if she'd bit a stranger. What I did was bad, but it was the right thing to do in that situation. There was no lasting anger, fear, or distrust between us. I loved her like all my animals, and respected her enough to trust that she knew why I did it and that I would never hurt anyone intentionally without a really god reason. She was smart. So smart that she'd get angry and depressed when people made fun of her for her weight, and could emote in broken English. Most famously this exchange where she explained that mom and her boyfriend were arguing. "Meow meow meooow Mom. Meow meow meow Rob. Meow meow rrrr hiss Mom. Rrrarrr rrr rarrr Rob. Meow rrr rarr his meooow. Meow meow meow mew." "I understood ever word of that." "Meow!" [nods and walks away] She was a great cat.They all were/are,
So similar to my applehead sealpoint siamese: She lived to be 20, also passed due to acute renal failure. She didn't like the vet either. I love Siamese, they are so loyal! I am sorry Raffy is gone, I bet your family misses him.
I cried so much watching this video.This cat looks like Simba.He passed out 1 month ago and their "voices" are the same.When i first heard it i thought i heard him.He had a strong meow like ive never seen before.I was kinda born with gave me as a birthday present when i was 5Now i'm25,almost26.But he died 'cause of the same thing:renal failure.He died in my arms trying to breathe while in pain,but i could see in his eyes that the fact that he had to leave me alone was hurting much more.
I love how he walked right up to the carrier and just sat there... He wanted to go home. If you had opened the door, he would have gone right in! Nice cat, really...sad to hear of his death.
I just took my Siamese to the vet as he was sick. I was so afraid they were going to tell me something was wrong with him that couldn't be fixed. Luckily he is OK. He was beautiful. Sorry for your lost.
What a beautiful cat - so sorry that you had to put him to sleep. He may have been angry at the vets but he was beautiful inside and out. Cried reading this. It’s always hard when you lose a much loved pet. May your kitty RIP
My Siamese spent his first 9 years in a home, indoor/outdoor cat, moved to an apartment and it's almost been a year, he adapted well but doesn't go outside and I felt terrible about it. He's 10 (couple missing teeth) and I've been worried about him getting old (as all things do) but your cat lived to see 21 years! Amazing
Siamese live a long time, My brother's cat Penny also made it to 21, mom's cat Nikki made it to 20, When I worked in France years ago, a French coworker had on that was about 19 and still going.
I thought he behaved well. He was unhappy and of course vocalized, however, he never laid a claw on anyone ... good boy !!
+Carmela Stotts I agree.
I agree he really wasn't that bad
He was a very good boy!
He a good boy though xd
yes, very good boy!
She doesn't try to scratch or bite, that's fine enough with me :/ good mannered cat
My cat used to do the same.
sqian2004 *He :3
More like patient or tolerant
Instead she leaves emotional scars
Why do you assumed it's a she?
Siamese cats are extremely smart, very vocal, and extraordinarily loving. They do take some patience as kittens, but the rewards pay off.
This little one was just scared, and as frightened as he was, he NEVER flipped out into a whirling Switchblade. Kudos to his guardians:)
Lovely old cat
Siamese are one of the most agressive cats lol you dont know wt ur talking about
u meant a clawnado
@@mysticyamcha3697 this video proves you wrong. the cat here didn't attack once. he was scared, but he managed to keep his cool instead of lashing out because siamese cats are, in fact, very smart.
@@WhatsMatcha exactly. I had a siamese who though got angry and batted her paws while at the vet, she NEVER extended her claws or scratched. Siamese cats are smart, and its true they get moody. But Cleo never ever attacked. Not even when my 5 year old cousin would yank her tail
Poor Raffy.
He complained a bit but was a calm guy & not that angry.
this cats. sick !? master kill cats??
+LinLin K ?
cl4 redon I agree
Is he dead ?? 😥
@@atlacpescador6205 and it's been a while
What a well behaved little darling, this cat was actually very patient even though he had a little hiss or two .
I agree.most cats become a whirling clawnado
Looks Exactly like Purugly
So sorry you lost this lovely cat.
Seems to me he is behaving amazingly well... Vocalising because he is a Siamese, but also because, I suspect, he is in real pain and distress. Poor guy!
This cat's got more bark than bite.
Even though it was obviously angry, it was remarkably calm as it did not swipe or attack not even once! When it hissed it was almost as if it were showing off XD!
This cat's got more *meow than bite. ;b
Wow!! Twenty-one is ancient for a cat!! The old guy sure didn't have any problems expressing himself, did he? I hope you all had a wonderful life together.
Love how he calms down a bit when he has a chance to explore his surroundings, and even more when he finds Frodo. Very scared and very unhappy, but very well behaved. My cat never complained at the vet, he just gave everybody the stink eye. Oddly, he was very.... very very good at the stink eye.
I had to put my seal point siamese cat to sleep a few months ago. We're not sure of his age because I rescued him on the streets and he was very skinny. We took him in and he was my best friend for 13 years. I miss him more then anything.
I'm sorry about your loss, I had a dog once, she was my childhood friend...
+alicia alexandre Sorry for your lost :(
alicia alexandre I had to do a month ago and still can't handle with it. I knew it comes one day but he was only 10 years old...Siamese cats? The best cats ever...
alicia alexandre i went through the same thing w my Siamese cat 2 yrs ago, she was 16. i still think about her everyday... i miss her so much. i couldn't bare to think of putting her in the ground so i got her cremated. i don't know if we ever get over it ... i still haven't
We are on our third Siamese. Our first boy lived to 19. Our second we lost about a year ago at 13. We were so devastated we immediately found a lovely little seal point female being retired as a queen by a breeder. All three have added so much to our lives. Siamese are THE BEST!
Cat: *Turns attention toward doctor.*
Doctor: "Ight I'mma head out."
Beautiful cat! I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost my female blue point Siamese, Sassy, a couple of years ago, at the age of 19. There is nothing like the love of a Siamese - they are just amazing cats. You never have to guess what they are thinking or where you stand with them; they will gladly tell you all about it, lol. He was very good here... no attempts at biting or scratching... just expressing his opinion :)
From Animal Alley アニマル横町
Very sorry for your loss. Beautiful kitty.
I had a blue point, George and when she was a kitten, she was very ill. Many vet visits later she was fine but with an absolute hatred for anyone trying to get a pill down her throat. Consequently, she only got wormed once a year when she had her shots. My vet knew her, understood the situation. So one year, there was this snotty young new vet there and when I asked if he could give her the worming tablet because...etc etc, honestly, you could just about see the rolling of the eyes and the thought "useless owner". I warned him several times that she was very difficult and he just nodded. Anyway, George, bless her, bit him right thru the fleshy part of the thumb. I never cracked a smile, just said "she really hates it". I gave George a lovely big can of tuna that night. :) :)
I'm sorry to hear your cat passed, but so very glad you were able to love him for 21 years. That's amazing & has to be down to the love & great care you showed him all those years.
He was a beautiful boy. 21 years old, he deserved a bit of crankiness :) It was great you had him so many years, a lot of memories. I lost my 23 year old cat to kidney failure, so know how it is to lose a furry friend.
+guleet cats normely live 15-20
I've read somewhere that Siamese
cats tend to be the longer-lived breed
compared to others.
Sandy Y.
You're so fortunate to have had your cat live so long. My kitty died of cancer when she was only 10.
My ragdoll had to be put down 2yr 6 Mon.Feline leukemia.
My Siamese cat lived to be 21 years old. And she was ALWAYS a grumpy cat. We got her when I was a kid, she died when I was 33 years old. She was really arthritic and mostly blind but my mother just couldn't bear to put her down. She died in her sleep in her favorite spot, beside the bathroom heater. My cat had the same voice as this one, Siamese cats have such distinctive voices that set them apart from other cats, don't they?
Amazing how lovely this cat looks at 21 years of age. A testament to the loving care and good food can do. I hope you have many more happy years with this lovely animal. P.S. My cat hates the vet, too. LOL
Having a feisty spirit and such a loving owner, I can see how Raffy made it to 22. I am sorry to hear that kitty passed away. I hope you are doing better
naaaw...poor baby was scared :c but still doesn't bite or scratch... must be such a sweetheart
Sorry about your loss. What a great cat
I'm so sorry for your loss. He's quite hilarious and beautiful...Raffy will be missed..he lived to a ripe old age....
He’s such a good kitty. He hissed and growled a bit but never clawed and bit. Beautiful seal point too.
My Siamese. Noonie was 22 when he passed away. He got out and was hit by a car. He was very tempermental, but I loved him. We grew up together.
Owner: He has health problems.
The Siamese are beautiful cats!
They are. Beautiful.
Veterinarians are such awesome people. I could not do that job. They are so brave
i hear ya bro, their hands are COLD and that stethoscope? BRRRR
21?! Wow! I would have never guessed he was that old! That's a testament to the good care you gave him.
Raffy was 21? Wow, he looks amazing for that age! He lived a good long life :)
21 year old cat? My god you took care of him well. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope my cat lives that long :(
Cats are never happy at the vet. Our teacher, Dr. Nealeigh, is a veterinarian and she told us that since cats don't usually ride in cars with us like dogs, because it freaks them out, they associate a car with the vet, and they're most often right. So they're surly and mean, but it's natural. Cats are gonna hate the vet. :/
Poor little guy! Other than the hissing and growling, he basically behaved very well. ❤️ I’m sorry you lost him only two years after this video was filmed; was he really 21 here? That’s quite amazing!
I'm sorry for your loss I lost my first cat to Renal Failure last year,but she was only 5 years old
It is a big deal. It's not just a cat.
It's also a pet that the owner loves and has probably been with for a long time.
***** So human loss of life is not a big deal? They're just humans.
***** What an ignorant fuck. Did you think that stupid comment of yours made you look smart or cool? White people? Not only wihte people have pets xD XD. Besides, it's a life, a soul, a thing that lives, moves, sleeps, eats and reproduces, it's a living creature scientfically and psychologically. Humans aren't the only ones with a life in this planet you dumb fuck.
+InfiniteEIC do you feel that way about dogs too? Frankly, I used to think like you until I took care of some animals myself and saw how many of their behaviors are like our own. They are capable of a great deal of affection and empathy. They do become like family and so the loss can be great. They shouldn't be treated like a commodity.
I love Siamese cats. Mine lived to be 21 years old. She looked a lot like this one, same coloring, a little smaller, same voice.
Wow-what an attitude!-he's great-certainly lets the vet know whats up!🐈
Raffi's saying Get Me Outta Here in Kitty Language 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
This cat is an angel compared to most in that situation.
This is the most well behaved cat at the vet I've seen yet.
I'm so sorry for your loss. My siamese kitty, Chester was put to sleep this last March from renal failure, and a brain tumour. I miss him so much!
Whoa, sorry for your loss there. I also have a Siamese cat, but he's still very young. He's only nearly 3 years old. Well, but I'm not saying he's deceased. No.
Actually, he's watching this video right now as I'm typing this comment. Your cat's sounds attracted him here and now he's sitting beside the laptop. He had lots of attempts to step on the laptop's keyboard which quite annoyed me, haha.
By the way, his name's Simon.
@alexisis22 Thanks for your lovely comment. He was just that way at the vet, it's a funny video to watch, but I always get a little worried about him stressing out, or harming the vet, or hurting himself during his vet visit. You lucky to have a sweet cat at the vet, if raffy was nicer during his vet visits it would of made it a lot easier for us and him. Raffy will be missed heaps
Siamese are known for "talking" the most. They are very talkative cats and make a lot of noise when frightened. My Siamese is like the one in the video, she makes a lot of noise too.
Yes. My cat is part Siamese and she is YAPPY.
Wow! Raffy took this pretty well, despite the growls and hisses. I'm surprised he didn't strike.
_"I am Siamese, if you pleeease!"_
What a commanding voice! You are so fortunate to have kept him around for 22 years. With better diet and health care I hope more and more cats can enjoy such a long life.
Wow 21year old cat!
I recently lost a Siamese cat to this terrible disease... I asked the Vet, what this felt like to my cat, and she replied , that it felt like a really bad flu.... My cat lasted two weeks from start to the time when we put him to sleep... He was in perfect health until he suddenly became ill.... terrible..
My cat was as friendly as could be until age 7. Then he started having accidents on the carpet and he bit me once for stepping on his tail. He never acted like this until we found out he had acute on chronic renal failure. He was only 7. The only option was a kidney transplant. Coal 2000-2007.
May I ask, what did you feed him till the diagnosis?
IAMs I found out later on it caused kidney disease in Dogs. I gave him vet science diet when I found out but after a month it was a loosing battle.
So, it was dry-food? I think every dry-food causes kidney-failure, if that´s the only food they get. Comes from the grain & the dryness.
Better feed your present cat (if any) with canned food only, for its higher water content and animal protein, not that killer dry food bullshit.
Even better, raw inexpensive meat cuts, like hearts, wings, liver, necks. My little guy almost experienced the same lethal fate until I learned about proper feline nutrition.
I mainly feed her Purina One. It has good reviews. She mostly eats canned.
my siamese lived into his 20s as well...this makes me so sad yet so happy you had such a long time with him. my cat was a blue point named clouseau, he passed a few years ago but he still glows in my heart everyday.
RIP Little man xxxx
Precious kitty. We had one like this who passed for the renal failure, too. They are never forgotten.
Sorry for the loss of your Cat I can't help but laugh when Raffi got angry and meowed in a mad way like a Mountain Lion did you get a new Cat or not I love Siamese Kitties
Its amazing on how he sits in front the cage like he want to go home right now. Lol
You really can't hold it against them or being scared at the vet.
So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. :(
How wonderful that you provided such a loving, long life.
wow shes older than me!!
Awwww... I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. He was very beautiful, especially for such an old boy!
What happene to a cat when he has renal failure?
Sadly, it's kidney failure...a too common of a feline disease...
Alice Cries I am so sorry to hear that.
the kidneys do not work well and do not clean the body of toxins. so the poison from the toxins builds up in the body and makes the cat very sick. (same for humans) Without medical care, the cat will die from kidney failure. There is no cure but you can extend your cat's life through prescription food and daily subcutaneous injections of fluids. However, it is a fatal condition. I have gone through this with 2 cats.
I lost my beloved Chocolate Point Siamese to this in 1978. I had Leroy for over 8 years
I am so sorry for your loss, I too lost my sweet Mona Girl a few years back. Heart disease. Very devastating. Prayers
Mine was 18 when he passed 3 and a half years ago. It still sucks and still hurts. I'm sorry for your loss.
Ohhh, that is so sad. x
If you ask me, that vet is boss for not flinching in the face of all that sass.
but it's a very good cat! my cats have destroyed the carrier with bites and nails, the next time to vet I must buy another (maybe in iron)!
Faffy was so cute and adorable, I'm sure he had a wonderful life. I would be absolutely grateful if I could live Faffy's human age. RIP, cutie pie!
Raffy although I only saw u this this video I will miss u ;-;
I love your vet handled him. Very sweet and without any extra stress. :) I'm sorry for your loss he was truly a beauty. May his little page prints always be with you.
RIP :/
Deepest condolences on Raffy's passing. I hope you can take comfort knowing you have 21 years of wonderful memories - thank you for sharing one of them with us. :)
funkyfoxz. Sorry about your cat :-(
21 years old?! That's amazing for a Siamese 🙂 gorgeous boy x
Why are cats such pieces of shit? Also, they make the most annoying sounds
Cats are not pieces of shit! -.-
This cat just feels threatened and frightened that's why its acting like that.
Cats are great jumpers and cleaner than dogs and easier to look after than dogs too.
They're very patient and intelligent.
Don't most animals make annoying sounds?
It's also been said that cats can see spirits and dogs can too.
Barry O'Donnell a cat's tongue is not cleaner than a humans or a dogs. they are intelligent and if you have a great bond they can be entertaining and very loving. and Some cats.. even sometimes display the personality of a dog.
but if you have a cut or an open wound and a cat decides to lick it you could get infected.
dogs tongues are not like that, not even a humans tongue though humans probably shouldn't be licking anyone's wound...
cat's tongues are probably also scratchy to remove dirt that was in any wound they had but if it's domesticated and the wound was already cleaned. they could infect it by trying to lick it.
A bit like men I guess.
rakel jons You're so clever
Rishu rishika alot of cats are patient
You obviously took great care of him. May be rest in peace ❤
Aww... the kitty is hissing and making all these threatening sounds, but it's not actually trying to bite or scratch the vet. So sweet.
I saw that he had passed away in the description first and felt bad but then I read more and saw he was 21, so he lived to be 22. Nobody likes losing a pet but I'm glad he had a long healthy life :)
Thanks for sharing a slice of life with Raffy. He looks so much like my baby Cleo (sounds a lot like too) who also went to the Rainbow Bridge after a long fight with renal failure. She was almost 17. So glad Raffy made it to 22 -- you must be an awesome cat companion. God bless.
Would, you, like an angry cat in the hospital? He’s vocalizing his discomforts for some reason...they’re very smart animals
Love your accents!!!! Are you Aussie or English?????
I am so sorry for your loss mine is eighteen so it does bring a tear warmest wishes to you xx
I have two fixed Siamese cats (brother and sister from birth) , and they’re so amazing. They’ll complain but never try to hurt anyone.
I love how he hated every minute of it, but still never bit or scratched. He just let everyone involved know how he felt. What a great cat! My Siamese, Elaine, would have required a net.
Sorry for your loss. I wish I filmed my cat at the vet, very similar to yours. Unfortunately she passed in 2008 however she had a great long life of almost 20 years :D Loved her, she was a member of the family.
I'm sorry for your loss. But, wow, 22 years are a lot for a cat, I'm sure you was a kind and careful owner for Raffy.
If hissing and growling is all he did be thankful. We had a cat who was traumatized by a vet accidentally hurting her at a young age. The next time she went (to a different vet no less) she bit the assistant through 3 pairs of leather gloves, drew blood, and pooped all over the counter. She said she'd press charges if we ever brought her back. In all future appointments (to a 3rd vet) she was tranquilized before going so she wouldn't attempt to maul them.
She also died of kidney failure interestingly.
And while that and her reputation for biting makes her sound like a vicious animal, she was relatively sweet, but very proud and overly sensitive.
Eventually at some point she bit me for a lousy reason and I'd had enough so I bit her back on the ear. After that she never hurt anyone again for the rest of her life (another 5-6 years after).
How can a vet press charges? LOL... and did you really bite a fucking cat???...........
Hoshimaru57 You really bit your cat?
Yes. There's an old dog training adage that says the way to teach an aggressive animal stop biting people is to bite them on the ear.
She didn't like it, but she never bit anyone again, not strangers, not family members, not the vet. She learned that it hurt like hell.
She wasn't the only cat I ever had who bit people, but most of them either did it only when they were being mishandled, or to play.
Pumpkin didn't play, if she disagreed with something in the slightest she'd bite as hard as she could. She could have been a liability if she'd bit a stranger.
What I did was bad, but it was the right thing to do in that situation. There was no lasting anger, fear, or distrust between us. I loved her like all my animals, and respected her enough to trust that she knew why I did it and that I would never hurt anyone intentionally without a really god reason.
She was smart. So smart that she'd get angry and depressed when people made fun of her for her weight, and could emote in broken English.
Most famously this exchange where she explained that mom and her boyfriend were arguing.
"Meow meow meooow Mom. Meow meow meow Rob. Meow meow rrrr hiss Mom. Rrrarrr rrr rarrr Rob. Meow rrr rarr his meooow. Meow meow meow mew."
"I understood ever word of that."
[nods and walks away]
She was a great cat.They all were/are,
You wouldn't understand, but basically I've been raised with cats since birth so I knew my cats inside and out.
Hoshimaru57 I kinda get it.
So similar to my applehead sealpoint siamese: She lived to be 20, also passed due to acute renal failure. She didn't like the vet either. I love Siamese, they are so loyal! I am sorry Raffy is gone, I bet your family misses him.
I cried so much watching this video.This cat looks like Simba.He passed out 1 month ago and their "voices" are the same.When i first heard it i thought i heard him.He had a strong meow like ive never seen before.I was kinda born with gave me as a birthday present when i was 5Now i'm25,almost26.But he died 'cause of the same thing:renal failure.He died in my arms trying to breathe while in pain,but i could see in his eyes that the fact that he had to leave me alone was hurting much more.
no matter how angry the cat wants to be and no matter how ferocious it tries to get IT'S STILL ADORABLE!!!!
It must make you sad watching this, Siamese have such incredible personality, love, intelligence and conversation!!
I love how he walked right up to the carrier and just sat there... He wanted to go home. If you had opened the door, he would have gone right in! Nice cat, really...sad to hear of his death.
how is your kitty now? has he improved? hope so, he's lovely!
I just took my Siamese to the vet as he was sick. I was so afraid they were going to tell me something was wrong with him that couldn't be fixed. Luckily he is OK. He was beautiful. Sorry for your lost.
Raffy is such a beautiful boy!
What a beautiful cat - so sorry that you had to put him to sleep. He may have been angry at the vets but he was beautiful inside and out. Cried reading this. It’s always hard when you lose a much loved pet. May your kitty RIP
I just cry in the car and then try to snuggle out of sight in moms arms on the vet table. Just, you know, a heartbreaker..
i have 2 i hope they live this long. sorry for your loss :(
So sorry for your loss, I have gone through the same thing several times, that's why I no longer have pets, it's just too heart breaking for me.
My Siamese spent his first 9 years in a home, indoor/outdoor cat, moved to an apartment and it's almost been a year, he adapted well but doesn't go outside and I felt terrible about it. He's 10 (couple missing teeth) and I've been worried about him getting old (as all things do) but your cat lived to see 21 years! Amazing
Siamese live a long time, My brother's cat Penny also made it to 21, mom's cat Nikki made it to 20, When I worked in France years ago, a French coworker had on that was about 19 and still going.
@tessinetly Awww, that is so sweet, thanks for your lovely comment.
In spite of all the hissing and grumbling, he is sooooo sweet...loving his attitude 😁