Those of you looking to SEE better, avoid anything blue. Your eyes are designed to see warm colours (think of the sun...). If you don’t drive much in the dark and just want bling, go blue all day long. If you need to see at night or during bad weather, stick to something like a nightbreaker, you need the warmer colour to see though.
@@m3rovingian what color light are the OSRAM Night Breaker 200? my headlights are Xenon, i just have basic halogen on fogs right now, thanks for the reply
The cool blue boost runs at 80W vs the others which run at 55W. Did you modify your bulb wiring at all to handle this or was it fine with your stock wiring?
I didn't modify anything, but I was nervous the whole time. I had the impression that something will burn or blow up because of the extra power consumption. Stay away from them and from any other 5000K halogens. They are dim as F.
Hi! I have CBH+ but I'm not satisfied with the brightness...I think I'm going to keep these for the summer but for the fall and winter what do you suggest ? I need something brighter even if they're a little less bluish cause from what I noticed in your videos the whiter bulbs are brighter. I need a compromise between white and blue, suitable also during bad weather condition. Thanks a lot, I love your videos
Hello. My advice to you would be Philips WhiteVision or Osram Cool Blue Intense. Personally I like Philips the most. Thank you for your support. I am honored.
Salut dintre ce ai testat pana acum care sunt mai ok sa fie albe, vreau sa le pun pe luminile de cornering deci nu ma intereseaza vizibilitatea ci doar aspectul ca am bixenon, nu vreau sa ma complic cu leduri si adaptoare ca sa nu imi dea eroare de bec ars ca am mai incercat
Sfatul meu e sa iei LEDurile HIKARI 2023 Titanova, ACUMA Nova-S +600% sau si mai bine LUXSTER 2024 Punisher LED care consuma exact cat un halogen, sau chiar cu 2 sau 3W mai mult, insa lumina e extraordinara, mai tare ca bixenonul daca sunt mai vechi. N-o sa-ti dea nicio eroare aste, te asigur. La halogen doar cele de 5000K precul Philips DiamondVision sau OSRAM Cool Blue Hyper+ au lumina alba insa sunt literalmente degeaba. N-o sa vezi nimic, maia les la cornering si sunt atat de proaste ca se ard dupa 6 luni. ia LUXSTER LLED si nu vei regreta.
@@m3rovingian pai si sunt 130$, niste becuri sunt 130 de lei, cum am zis nu imi trebuie lumina doar sa nu se mai vada galbeneala aia de la halogen in combinație cu xenonul
Ambele sunt alb pur, insa-s chioare ca noaptea. Mi merita cumparate. Daca vrei lumina alba si vizibilitate exceptionala iti recomand LEDurile HIKARI, ACUMA sau LUXSTER.
Salut.imi poți spune te rog care dintre ele consideri ca au o culoare mai rece dintre aceste video poate nu se vede asa de clar.vreau lumina pura alba pe halogen h7.
Salut. Daca vrei lumina alba pe halogen iti trebuie unul de 5000K prcum Philips DiamondVision. problema e ca n-o sa vezi absolut nimic pe vreme buna iar pe ploaie o sa crezi ca n-aia prins farurile deloc. Lumina alba si vizibilitate deosebita poti avea doar de la LEDurile HIKARI 2023 Titanova.
I just switched from the Osram cool blue boost to the philips xtreme vision 130+ as the light output from my Audi A6 headlamp was not great at all. The bulb did look white and nicer but when it comes to performance and actual light on the road, the philips extreme vision lightbeam was much more defined and brighter though on the yellowish spectrum. I think in order to make them whiter they add a coating which is reducing the actual light on the road. Also, it may vary if used in a projector rather than reflector housing.
I have tried led as well, but currently had similar problem in terms of light cast on the road. I have to mention thst I only tried cheaper versions and have not yet spent £130 for a pair of Philips ultinon which might be better.
@@ionutvrabie5730 I'm not so sure about that. The Ultinon series are very expensive but very dim for the price and for what you would expect from a LED. Stay legit and use only halogens.
@@m3rovingian Thanks for you tip man. By the way are you from Romania? Looks like some of the videos are done in Brasov. Lively city. Lived there 5 yrs.
@@ionutvrabie5730 Anytime! My pleasure! Yes, Romania, Brasov! Nice to know that! It's ok when it's not crowded like now in the winter season :) Hope you are all good where you are now!
Great video comparison sir. one questions does the h7 cool blue hyper+ have good visibility as the regular halogen (yellow haligen) h7 at night ? Or the cool blue hyper is better or worst? Thanks
Thank you. All the 5000k halogens have a very poor brightness and I do not recommend any of them from driving at night. They are very dangerous and you can get into an accident, because you won't see much.
I bought H9 Osram Cool Blue bulbs and after comparison them with cheaper Sylvania (Osram) Basic H9 bulbs I can tell that despite H9 Cool Blue has whiter color, Sylvania is much brighter.
Salut. Preferatele mele sunt Philips WhiteVision. Insa daca ai avut xenon inainte vei fi dezamagit. Doar daca ai folosit pana acum halogene normale, atunci Philips WhiteVision iti vor placea.
Yes! You can have your electrical power fuses burned out, or some serious electric system failure. in the worst case scenario, you can have your headlamps melted because these 80W bulbs generate even more heat, althout they are so weak in brightness. I do not recommend any 5000k halogens, under any circumstances.
They light up the same. If you think your auto supports 80W and heat generated from them, get those, if not, CBH+ would be the ones to get. Still, as I said, I do not recommend any of these 3, for they are very weak on the road and unsafe to drive with.
All these headlamps are not bright enough for road use. In my opinion you'd better to take NightBreaker Laser or Xtreme Visions+130 or (if it is legal in your country) a custom LED-H7r kit.
Salut ! Am un a4 ! Folosesc becuri halogen h7 as vrea sa schimb pe ceva rece ! Spre albastru putin ! Senzatia aceea de xenon! Poti sa mi dai cateva exemple de becuri te rog ...
Salut. Numai LEDurile HIKARI iti vor da lumina si culoarea aia, insa ai toate sansele sa te opreasca Politia si sa-ti ia talonul. Sfatul meu e sa ramai in legailate, sa cumperi Philips WhiteVision 3700k si sa accepti culoarea galbuie fata de xenon inssa mult mai rece decat halogenele standard.
I just got these osram hyper blue for my audi a3 spb 2009 so I wanted give a newer look to my car but I think I did a big mistake, light is very weak and these bulbs are even OFF ROAD which I thought to see better on the side of the road compared to the warm halogen ones but in reality it means they are outlaws to drive in the city. It says more 50% in light when in reality it looks a less 50% not joking! It's ok to be stylish but It's not worth for such a weak light and with the risk that police will confiscate my car too. I am very disappointed It's just a waste of money.
I feel you. I'm sorry you didn't write me before making the purchase. I would've told you to stay away from all the 5000k halogens. They are very bad. Try Philips WhiteVison 3700k without expecting pure white xenon light.
@@Meroving1an both lamps (boost and hyper) are 5000k ... why do you say they are bad? ... some people prefer a more neutral color so they go for "5000k"
Nope. They are simply half the intensity of a normal standard halogen. If you want that light color and outstanding visibility, the HIKARI LEDs will provide it.
Hello buddy, could tel me if osram cool blue hyper plus has better bright than cool blue hyper? I have cool blue hyper on my car, but the ilumination is not good... If I change for cool blue hyper plus I got more ilumination? Thanks
Hello. Don't do it. They are all very bad in brightness and on the road you'll see nothing. It's not worth the money. If you want this look and good brightness you will need a xenon HID kit.
No no. The fog lamps were on only on the DiamondVision night time recording from the front. On the road test I used only the low beams in all the comparison videos. Thank U as well!
@@m3rovingian thank you for clearing that up. I'm in a quandary about what to replace my Xtreme visions with when they blow and your videos help a lot.
@@nicenow25 Philips WhiteVision 3700k are the best option. They offer a very good visibility in all weather conditions and last up to 2 years without a problem
@@m3rovingian I also have the Philips Xtreme Visión on my car. Not bad lights, but since I cannot use LED legally, I'm looking for a bulb with a more white light without loosing visibility/security. Would you recommend me the White Vision Ultra (range up to 4200K) or the WhiteVision Xenon Effect? I also read good reviews about OSRAM COOL BLUE ADVANCE (5000 K). Thanks
@@pablogomezsolis Buy only the WhiteVision 3700k then. Stay away from WV Ultra or any other halogen that has 5000k. They are very bad on all weather conditions.
Its so true i have the Philips and i tell u... I drive blind at night! On german autobahn u only see the signs not the road.... I testet with h7 and h1 and h1 its like u drive without light!
Glad you convinced yourself of it and didn't got into trouble because of the poor light. Get WhiteVision and you'll have a great visibility and a stylish look. Not as xenon white as these one, but you'll see perfectly fine.
@@GandalfZolty You can't have the cake and eat it too. Either you go with the HIKARI/ACUMA LEDs and get white light or go with halogen and accept their yellowish light. This if you want good brightness and visibility. If not, get a 5000K halogen and pray you won't kill someone on the road.
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OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
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Philips DiamondVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
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Philips WhiteVision
Philips DiamondVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
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Those of you looking to SEE better, avoid anything blue. Your eyes are designed to see warm colours (think of the sun...). If you don’t drive much in the dark and just want bling, go blue all day long. If you need to see at night or during bad weather, stick to something like a nightbreaker, you need the warmer colour to see though.
very true as long as it is still Philips
Are these ok for a pair of fog lights?
It's not worth it. If you have H11 on fog, get OSRAM Night Breaker 200.
@@m3rovingian what color light are the OSRAM Night Breaker 200? my headlights are Xenon, i just have basic halogen on fogs right now, thanks for the reply
@@N0complex They are yellowish, compared to xenon. Also they cannot reach the HID performance.
The cool blue boost runs at 80W vs the others which run at 55W. Did you modify your bulb wiring at all to handle this or was it fine with your stock wiring?
I didn't modify anything, but I was nervous the whole time. I had the impression that something will burn or blow up because of the extra power consumption. Stay away from them and from any other 5000K halogens. They are dim as F.
Do you think that putting the 80w bulb in a projector would be possible or it will melt everything immediately?
not immediately but in a short period of time for sure, especially on a trip outside the town when you'll drive longer distances at night
@@m3rovingian It's a motorcycle so the low beam is on all the time...
@@ComputermanAM13 Stay away from them
@@m3rovingian I have bought a pair of high quality 18'000 lumen leds (9 each)... I hope they will fit
@@ComputermanAM13 ok.
Why is it so hard to find a headlight video with simply side by side lol
you found it now
Hi! I have CBH+ but I'm not satisfied with the brightness...I think I'm going to keep these for the summer but for the fall and winter what do you suggest ? I need something brighter even if they're a little less bluish cause from what I noticed in your videos the whiter bulbs are brighter. I need a compromise between white and blue, suitable also during bad weather condition. Thanks a lot, I love your videos
Hello. My advice to you would be Philips WhiteVision or Osram Cool Blue Intense. Personally I like Philips the most. Thank you for your support. I am honored.
m3rovingian Thanks a lot for the answer. Between those 2 which ones are the brightest? And which ones are the bluest (coldest)?
They are identical. Don't expect them to be blue like xenon because they are not. OSRAM Cool Blue Intense looks a bit colder @ night.
m3rovingian Thanks !!! :)
Salut dintre ce ai testat pana acum care sunt mai ok sa fie albe, vreau sa le pun pe luminile de cornering deci nu ma intereseaza vizibilitatea ci doar aspectul ca am bixenon, nu vreau sa ma complic cu leduri si adaptoare ca sa nu imi dea eroare de bec ars ca am mai incercat
Sfatul meu e sa iei LEDurile HIKARI 2023 Titanova, ACUMA Nova-S +600% sau si mai bine LUXSTER 2024 Punisher LED care consuma exact cat un halogen, sau chiar cu 2 sau 3W mai mult, insa lumina e extraordinara, mai tare ca bixenonul daca sunt mai vechi. N-o sa-ti dea nicio eroare aste, te asigur. La halogen doar cele de 5000K precul Philips DiamondVision sau OSRAM Cool Blue Hyper+ au lumina alba insa sunt literalmente degeaba. N-o sa vezi nimic, maia les la cornering si sunt atat de proaste ca se ard dupa 6 luni. ia LUXSTER LLED si nu vei regreta.
@@m3rovingian pai si sunt 130$, niste becuri sunt 130 de lei, cum am zis nu imi trebuie lumina doar sa nu se mai vada galbeneala aia de la halogen in combinație cu xenonul
@@alexgabi2013 LUXSTER 2024 Punisher sunt vreo 68 dolari si cred ca le poți lua si cu o reducere de 20%. Merită fiecare bănuț
Care e mai spre albastru lumina de la boost sau hyper ?
Ambele sunt alb pur, insa-s chioare ca noaptea. Mi merita cumparate. Daca vrei lumina alba si vizibilitate exceptionala iti recomand LEDurile HIKARI, ACUMA sau LUXSTER.
@@m3rovingian sunt h7
@@nede6446 Da. Iti recomand LUXSTER 2024 Punisher LED. Sunt la jumate de pret fata de celelalte si sunt cele mai puternice.
@@m3rovingian îmi ia si certificatul de naștere dacă ma oprește raru))
@@nede6446 :)) Asta cam asa e. Eu nu am avut nicio problema pana acum si m-a oprit politia de 2 ori pentru a-mi cere actele.
Salut.imi poți spune te rog care dintre ele consideri ca au o culoare mai rece dintre aceste video poate nu se vede asa de clar.vreau lumina pura alba pe halogen h7.
Salut. Daca vrei lumina alba pe halogen iti trebuie unul de 5000K prcum Philips DiamondVision. problema e ca n-o sa vezi absolut nimic pe vreme buna iar pe ploaie o sa crezi ca n-aia prins farurile deloc. Lumina alba si vizibilitate deosebita poti avea doar de la LEDurile HIKARI 2023 Titanova.
Thanks for this test, Merovingian! Keep on going the right job👍👍
Thank you so much! Will do!
I just switched from the Osram cool blue boost to the philips xtreme vision 130+ as the light output from my Audi A6 headlamp was not great at all. The bulb did look white and nicer but when it comes to performance and actual light on the road, the philips extreme vision lightbeam was much more defined and brighter though on the yellowish spectrum. I think in order to make them whiter they add a coating which is reducing the actual light on the road. Also, it may vary if used in a projector rather than reflector housing.
I am glad for you. I wish you to use them as long as possible. You can expect them to last for 1 year.
I have tried led as well, but currently had similar problem in terms of light cast on the road. I have to mention thst I only tried cheaper versions and have not yet spent £130 for a pair of Philips ultinon which might be better.
@@ionutvrabie5730 I'm not so sure about that. The Ultinon series are very expensive but very dim for the price and for what you would expect from a LED. Stay legit and use only halogens.
@@m3rovingian Thanks for you tip man. By the way are you from Romania? Looks like some of the videos are done in Brasov. Lively city. Lived there 5 yrs.
@@ionutvrabie5730 Anytime! My pleasure!
Yes, Romania, Brasov! Nice to know that! It's ok when it's not crowded like now in the winter season :)
Hope you are all good where you are now!
watch on 2x. thank me later
Thank you
:D Thanking you later lol
@@Chief_kiief anytime!
Great video comparison sir. one questions does the h7 cool blue hyper+ have good visibility as the regular halogen (yellow haligen) h7 at night ? Or the cool blue hyper is better or worst? Thanks
Thank you. All the 5000k halogens have a very poor brightness and I do not recommend any of them from driving at night. They are very dangerous and you can get into an accident, because you won't see much.
m3rovingian thank you so much sir
Wait. White vision are more white than the mtec superwhite?
I haven't mentioned those 2 here.
I bought H9 Osram Cool Blue bulbs and after comparison them with cheaper Sylvania (Osram) Basic H9 bulbs I can tell that despite H9 Cool Blue has whiter color, Sylvania is much brighter.
That's what the blue coating does to a bulb. It reduces the light intensity, but gives a whiter color.
am un megane, faruri cu lupa ce.mi recomanzi?
Salut. Preferatele mele sunt Philips WhiteVision. Insa daca ai avut xenon inainte vei fi dezamagit. Doar daca ai folosit pana acum halogene normale, atunci Philips WhiteVision iti vor placea.
if i put osram cool blue boost by 80W, can i cause damage to the headlight? The original bulbs are 55/60W
Yes! You can have your electrical power fuses burned out, or some serious electric system failure. in the worst case scenario, you can have your headlamps melted because these 80W bulbs generate even more heat, althout they are so weak in brightness. I do not recommend any 5000k halogens, under any circumstances.
Yes! 80W generates MORE heat that 55/60W. take at home a lamp of 60W and 1 of 80W...turn the lightswitch on and feel...
No. No damage
better blue boost or blue hyper?
They light up the same. If you think your auto supports 80W and heat generated from them, get those, if not, CBH+ would be the ones to get. Still, as I said, I do not recommend any of these 3, for they are very weak on the road and unsafe to drive with.
Please do a comparison including piaa hyper arros 5000k, pegasus skyline 5000k
please send them over
All these headlamps are not bright enough for road use. In my opinion you'd better to take NightBreaker Laser or Xtreme Visions+130 or (if it is legal in your country) a custom LED-H7r kit.
Aftermarket LED's are not legal here. So sticking with the NB Laser you mentioned is recommended :). Take care!
Salut ! Am un a4 ! Folosesc becuri halogen h7 as vrea sa schimb pe ceva rece ! Spre albastru putin ! Senzatia aceea de xenon! Poti sa mi dai cateva exemple de becuri te rog ...
Salut. Numai LEDurile HIKARI iti vor da lumina si culoarea aia, insa ai toate sansele sa te opreasca Politia si sa-ti ia talonul.
Sfatul meu e sa ramai in legailate, sa cumperi Philips WhiteVision 3700k si sa accepti culoarea galbuie fata de xenon inssa mult mai rece decat halogenele standard.
The best? Or osram night breaker 200%?
All of these 5000k are very bad. The NB 200 are the most powerful halogens I measured so far.
I just got these osram hyper blue for my audi a3 spb 2009 so I wanted give a newer look to my car but I think I did a big mistake, light is very weak and these bulbs are even OFF ROAD which I thought to see better on the side of the road compared to the warm halogen ones but in reality it means they are outlaws to drive in the city.
It says more 50% in light when in reality it looks a less 50% not joking!
It's ok to be stylish but It's not worth for such a weak light and with the risk that police will confiscate my car too.
I am very disappointed It's just a waste of money.
I feel you. I'm sorry you didn't write me before making the purchase. I would've told you to stay away from all the 5000k halogens. They are very bad. Try Philips WhiteVison 3700k without expecting pure white xenon light.
you are sooo relaxing to hear 🤣🤣
\o/ Thank you so much!
cool hyper plus is the best
All the 5000k halogens are equally as bad.
@@Meroving1an both lamps (boost and hyper) are 5000k ... why do you say they are bad? ... some people prefer a more neutral color so they go for "5000k"
ok ty
Nice review my friend. So ,at the end we cannot find a competent xenon look halogen bulb, ha??
Nope. They are simply half the intensity of a normal standard halogen. If you want that light color and outstanding visibility, the HIKARI LEDs will provide it.
Hello buddy, could tel me if osram cool blue hyper plus has better bright than cool blue hyper? I have cool blue hyper on my car, but the ilumination is not good... If I change for cool blue hyper plus I got more ilumination? Thanks
Hello. Don't do it. They are all very bad in brightness and on the road you'll see nothing. It's not worth the money. If you want this look and good brightness you will need a xenon HID kit.
Thanks for your videos but I noticed you are comparing bulbs to a setup with fog lights as well. This Is not a fair rest then.
No no. The fog lamps were on only on the DiamondVision night time recording from the front. On the road test I used only the low beams in all the comparison videos.
Thank U as well!
@@m3rovingian thank you for clearing that up. I'm in a quandary about what to replace my Xtreme visions with when they blow and your videos help a lot.
@@nicenow25 Philips WhiteVision 3700k are the best option. They offer a very good visibility in all weather conditions and last up to 2 years without a problem
@@m3rovingian I also have the Philips Xtreme Visión on my car. Not bad lights, but since I cannot use LED legally, I'm looking for a bulb with a more white light without loosing visibility/security. Would you recommend me the White Vision Ultra (range up to 4200K) or the WhiteVision Xenon Effect? I also read good reviews about OSRAM COOL BLUE ADVANCE (5000 K). Thanks
@@pablogomezsolis Buy only the WhiteVision 3700k then. Stay away from WV Ultra or any other halogen that has 5000k. They are very bad on all weather conditions.
Its so true i have the Philips and i tell u... I drive blind at night! On german autobahn u only see the signs not the road.... I testet with h7 and h1 and h1 its like u drive without light!
Glad you convinced yourself of it and didn't got into trouble because of the poor light. Get WhiteVision and you'll have a great visibility and a stylish look. Not as xenon white as these one, but you'll see perfectly fine.
Thank you as well!
are the cool blue boost whit blue
yes, but the light is sh*t. not worth buying any 5000k halogens
@@m3rovingian I just want for DRLs..
@@FatalCorleone07 Get some LED stripes instead
@@m3rovingian what if LED bulbs in place of halogens are forbidden in my country but i want white lights?
@@GandalfZolty You can't have the cake and eat it too. Either you go with the HIKARI/ACUMA LEDs and get white light or go with halogen and accept their yellowish light. This if you want good brightness and visibility. If not, get a 5000K halogen and pray you won't kill someone on the road.
Which are the best
minut0 13.12 lo importante
hyper wins?
All are as bad. Stay away from the 5000k halogens. they are very weak.
Baaaddd for night driving just get some real 5k xenon hid kit
very true. or you can try the HIKARI Ultra LED
xenons are crapp get some Luxeon Leds
HID conversion is not legal anyway, I had a kit for my projectors and it failed the MOT. Go for LEDs where the MOT tester can’t see the bulb