いつもありがとうございます☘ 私は大学生で、夢である留学に向かってIELTSを受けてきました。ついに、大学内の交換留学の推薦も通りました。 しかし、speakingの点数だけがずっと最終の目標のスコアに達さず、話すことへの自信をなくし、出願までの時間も少なく、ついに上達する方法が全くわからなくなってしまいました。 そこでRUclipsを開いたらちなつさんが動画をあげていて、今回はどんな動画だろうと思っていたら、今自分が必要としていた自分を励ましてくれるフレーズが次々と出てきて、涙が出てきました。 ずっと頑張ってきたので、絶対に諦めたくないし、英語を話すことをやめたくないと思いました。 毎日この動画をリピートして、英語脳を鍛えてハッピーな気持ちで英語学習したいです! ありがとうございます。 I believe in my ability to achieve fluency in English!✨
IELTSを頑張られたこと、素晴らしいと思います❣️ たくさんたくさん、努力なさったんだと思います。それで結果も出ているなんて、自分をぜひ褒めてあげてください!ぜひ自信にしてください☺️ 多分その基礎があれば、スピーキングやリスニングも近道できると思います。その知識が絶対、自分を助けてくれると思うので、自信を持って前に進んだらいいんじゃないかなぁって思います❣️Keep your good work, I'm so impressed with your achievements. Believe in your self! x
ちなつさんがコメントを返してくれるとのことだったので張り切って書いてます!まずは10万人登録おめでとうございます🎉見始めた時、即ファンになって素敵だからきっとすぐ10万行くだろうなと思ってました! 私はあと数年で一般的な定年を迎える年ですが、1年前全く触れて来なかった人生だったのに突如チャレンジすることを決意!超超頑張って中学文法をやり、発音は基礎から学び週に1度はカラオケに行って洋楽歌いまくりしてます。一日のうち可能な限りは英語を聞き、読んで書いています。その甲斐あってゆっくりだと文章を作れるようになり、読むのもそれなりのスピードで出来るようになったけどやっぱり聞き取りと会話は厳しいです。そんなに簡単に行くわけないのは理解してるけど、こんな年から始めたから焦っちゃう気持ちが強く出てしまいます。でも外国人観光客の方を案内するチャンスをゲットしたので、そこで会話を楽しみつつ普段の成果を出そうと日々奮闘中です。皆さんのコメントを読んでいるとゼロから始めた私が話せるようになりたいなんてとても言えたもんじゃないなと思いつつ、意気込みだけはあるので勇気を出して送ります。今回の動画で教えてくださった文章は私には高度だったけど、自分のものに出来るように教材にさせてもらいます!初心者レベルで恥ずかしいけど私が英作文してみたものも載せてみます! I love English and I'm really getting into studying English. I'm not sure why the reason that I love English, but I can't help but have fun studying English. I decided to learn English until dying. l want to be able to speak English a little more smoothly in a year. 読んでくださってありがとう!ずっと応援していきます💛次の動画も待ってまーす😊
Hi there! thank you for such a lovely comment. It means a lot to me. First of all, your English comment looks really good! Good on you! However, I think you can fix a little bit, " I've decided to learn English for the rest of my life." I think using "for the rest of my life" sounds more natural :) なんと!英語への素晴らしいやる気、そして行動力。読んでいて私も元気をもらうようなエネルギッシュさ☺️ 本当に、素晴らしいと思います。 特にゼロから始める、とても勇気がいったと思います。 でも私は「ゼロから始めた」からこそ謙虚に学べたり、大人になって何かを学ぶからこそ見えることってあると思います。 私たちが日本語をここまで流暢に話せるようになったのも、小さい頃からドラえもんを見たり、(笑)周りの会話を聞いたり、学校で友達と遊んだり・・・・そんなたくさんの「経験」から来ているんだと思います。 なので元々言語って勉強というか、経験・・・ その経験をどれだけ日常に取り入れられるか、だと思っています! 観光客の案内の件、素敵ですね。きっとそうやってアクティブに英語を使っていった方って、伸びるって思っています。(私自身の反省点でもあるので・・・笑) All the best, keep your great work. I believe in you! Again, thanks for such a wonderful comment/msg! I do appreciate it.x
@@chinatsu_the_emoちなつさんありがとうございます❤添削してくださって、私にとって最高の応援の言葉も感謝です!やっぱりゼロからというのがかえって良かったのかもしれませんよね!自信なくすことは毎日感じますがとにかく続けて行きます😊 I'm so grateful for your kind words!
Hi Chinatsu-san thanks a lot for your video again. What you say encourages me and makes me positive. One of my goals in 2024 is to get a job teaching English to Japanese because I've been interested in teaching something and have been learning English for ages. I'm also in the middle of learning English and have to improve my English further but I'm confident enough to teach that since I've been trying my best considering how I acquire English skills for a long time. いつも動画ありがとうございます。とてもいいタイミングでこの動画を見れました。先週くらいに、ミートアップで日本在住経験のあるアメリカ人とお話をし、自分のリスニングの若干の伸びとスピーキングの伸びを感じていました。しかし職場に戻ればとっても早口のアイリッシュや流暢な非ネイティブの同僚がいて、そちらに撃沈。アメリカ人といえど日本に住んでいたから、日本人慣れしているというか少し優しめに話してくれてたのかなあと、自分の成長よりダメな部分に目がいっていました。相変わらずの一喜一憂具合でしたが、この動画のようにポジティブな言葉を発することで、気持ちが前向きになれた気がします。 アイルランドでのワーホリがもう7ヶ月を迎え(時の流れがめちゃくちゃ早い)、5ヶ月働いてた仕事をもうすぐやめて、新しいことにチャレンジしようとしている今であります。自分自身の英語のレベルを上げつつ、オンラインで仕事を持って、最終的に(今年は)日本人に英語を教えたいです。 あと、来年はデンマークに住むことを決めました🇩🇰 I went to Denmark on holiday and that was amazing. Denmark was incredibly beautiful, including people, cafes, architecture, and atmosphere. When I got there, I already fell in love with the country. so I'm gonna live there next year. 次回も楽しみにしています。
Hi there, Atsushi-san! Thank you for sharing your comment both in Japanese and English; your writing looks great! I'm glad to hear that my videos helped you to get motivated! It's motivating for me indeed. Yes! As I live in Melbourne, Australia, I meet people with different backgrounds. Especially since I work in retail and encounter so many people in a day, I sometimes get confused with different accents, but in the end, they are all precious experiences. It reminds me that English learning is not only about memorizing vocabularies. It's about people. It's about communication between people in the end. Keep your great work, all the best☺️ いつも応援ありがとうございます!デンマーク素敵ですね❣️私の親友が仕事で、しばらく滞在していたので現地のことなどよく話を聞いていました。素晴らしい目標ですね〜☺️ デンマークのこと、言葉、カルチャーなどぜひお話聞きたい!笑 新しいことにチャレンジしているというのも素晴らしいと思います。これからもぜひ、お互いに何事も楽しみ〜チャレンジしていけたら良いですね〜!🍀
Native English speaker here! I've been studying Japanese recently and it just dawned on me that there are probably Japanese people studying my language too. I just found your channel and WOW you are really good. I've been studying English 😅for more than 2 decades and you're practically as good as me. A lot of people in the chat are also really good too!! みんなさん頑張ってよ! Your English is so good that I'm going to use this to learn Japanese. Love from America!
Hi there! haha I always get a bit nervous to receive a comment from an English native speaker! (dunno why) I hope my videos help you to learn Japanese in some way... (I often translate my English in 意訳, hope it makes sense to Japanese leaners like you!) I hope you are having fun with Japanese learning....My partner recently started using Dualingo lol! (VERY basic stuff... like Gohan, Ocha, Kudasai!!! haha) Thank you!!! Cheers from AUS! x ☺️
@@chinatsu_the_emo The translations are perfect! 完璧です! The way you break down English clauses into Japanese clauses really helps me understand how a Japanese person would think of the same English sentence. It's kinda like the reverse of what your English learning advice haha ("...rather than simply translating from Japanese to English, I didn't want you to use Japanese-y ways of affirmations") Good luck to your partner!! I hope they realize just how insane your fluency is now that they have started their own journey. 私は、も一年日本語を勉強したんですけど、まだ話せないな~パートナーさんと頑張って💪
こちらこそビデオ見てくださって、ありがとうございます。 私も英語学習とは長い付き合いですが、アップダウンがありながらの道でした。でもやはり継続は力なり! 続けた先に、🌸待ってると思います☺️ All the best, remember, progress is made one baby step at a time ! ✨
Thanks for your comment! 毎日英語に触れる、素晴らしいと思います!私たちが日本語を毎日使っているように、英語にも毎日触れたら、英語との距離縮まると思います❣️ 私も出不精ですが、2024年は人と会うの頑張りたいと思っています!笑 All the best, hope your journey of learning English only gets better! ;)
来月から3ヶ月短期留学でニュージーランドに行きます。やっと勉強にエンジンがかかり、焦りながらも追い込みすぎないように、ニュージーランドで英語を話す自分を夢見て頑張っています。 I am determined to communicate with native speaker in English. I definitely will make good memories in New Zealand. これからもちなつさんの動画と共に英語学習頑張ります。
Hi there! That's exciting! I love Kiwi accent! I've been to New Zealand a few times, I always get owed by beautiful nature. It's unreal! ニュージーランド生活、楽しみですね。素敵な自然・優しい人々にきっと癒されると思います☺️❤️ 英語も独特で、まさにそこが魅力だと思います!今はぜひお身体を大切に、万全になさって下さいね🍀
Hi Chinatsu-san, thank you for sharing such a great video. Recently I found this channel and love your pronunciation and thinking style. I’m an office worker. (I have worked at the company for three years) Now I have been hospitalized since March for treatment of illness. Before hospitalization, I started to study English tests to join the corporate overseas training. But when I found out I had to be hospitalized, I gave up on it. However, I don’t wanna give up, and your message gave me the courage and motivation to study English. So I started to study English again! My goal in 2024 is to join the overseas training and enjoy English! I have less than 2 months until the test but I’ll do my best. Thank you for reading this message. I’ll continue to support you🍀💕 Finally, I leave my favorite phrase given by my precious person☺️ “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect!”
Hey there! Your message really made my day. I'm so glad to hear that my video gave you a boost to keep pushing forward with your English studies. You've got this! Less than two months to go? No worries, you'll smash it. I think what matters is your passion to communicate. 🌟 Sorry to hear that you had to stay in hospital before, I hope you are doing alright now. Please take care of yourself! And thanks for sharing beautiful phrase. I do appreciate it. My favourite is... it's rather affirmation though... I have the courage to live my dreams.❤️
Your very warm message gave me courage😭 “What matters is your passion to communicate” Yeah! I think so too! Your message motivates me❤️🔥 And thanks for sharing a lovely phrase too🥰 I’m going to report good news here 2 months later!
Hi! Chinatsu-san! I came back here! Yes… I achieved my goal☺️ I want to tell you about this. Thank you for giving me a warm message. It really really cheered me up❤️🔥 Thank you so much. I achieved my initial goal but I think this is a real start. Next, I have to prepare for discussing with native speakers. (pronunciation, vocabulary, business words…😅) However! I was able to gain confidence through this challenge! So I will continue to learn English (but I will never forget to enjoy English through your RUclips channel💕) Thank you for reading to the end. I wish you health and hope your challenge will be good🍀
I am determined to keep learning English every day. I will practice a lot and want to come to love my English learning journey. And then, I want to be able to read books in English!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! Well done! I think that's such a great goal! You must love reading in Japanese too, right? I love reading, and I recommend reading Japanese books in English. (First, get the story in Japanese, and then read in English. It's fun to see the difference in translation) Keep your good work!
I have been a barista in Japan for 4 years and am really passionate about coffee. I am proud of my experience. I will go to Melbourne in June with a working holiday visa. Even though my English skills aren't enough right now, I want to be a barista in Melbourne too, and I also want to communicate with professional baristas in Melbourne. I really like your videos. Whenever I watch the videos, they always give me motivation to practice English. Thank you for everything.
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English. Your writing looks amazing, good on you. And it sounds exciting! I'm sure you'll enjoy Melbourne. I think it's amazing that you have a certain skill set. I know you might get nervous about working/living in an English environment; however, in the end, what matters is your skill and your passion to communicate. I hope your stay in AUS will be the best. You'll enjoy the cafe culture here. Let me know when you get a job at a cafe in Melb! ❤️
Hi!Chinatsu. I’m going to the U.S. in november. I can't speak English fluently yet,but I'm studying hard to become fluent!! いつもちなつさんの動画見てモチベーション上げてます。アメリカ生活楽しめるように勉強頑張ります!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great! That sounds exciting! It's great that you've got a reason so study English, it's more motivating and most importantly, if just feels good to have something you are looking forward to! I hope you have heaps of fun in the US, take care, eat well! (hahaha) Again, thanks for your comment! Safe trip :)
ちなつさん今回もすてきな動画ありがとうございます! Thank you for sharing lovely phrases and I'll practice to speak English! I'll do my best everyday to study English,Because I want to speak with around world people. last year,I went to New York month trip and It was an amazing experience in my life. I met new friends in NYC trip,So my goal is I'll talk more fluently in English with friends,new people and my best friend's family when I go to NYC next time! 去年ニューヨークに住んでる友達のお家に1カ月ホームステイさせてもらった旅で、新しく友達も出来て、今もDMしたり、ビデオ電話したり繋がっているのですが、次にニューヨークに行く時には、もっと英語をすらすら話せるようになって理解できるようになってもっと会話を楽しみたいです! コミュニケーションをとることは得意なので、そこは活かして、基礎を身につけて自信を持って話せるようになります! 今自分のことで色々と悩みながら、生活していますが、英語学習を楽しみながら自分に自信を持って、これが私だ!と思えるようになりたいです! ちなつさんのRUclipsに出会って、もうすぐ、1年かな!いつもすてきな耳心地の良い声と美しい発音、ありのまま経験談を話してくれるので、大好きです! 最近は、英語のPodcastを聴いたり、字幕なしで、セサミストリートを観たり、大好きなディズニーを英語字幕でみたり、気に入ったフレーズをメモして声に出したり、伝えたいことを英語で一文書いたりしています。 自分では効果があるのか、成長しているのかわかりません笑 だけど信じて続けていれば必ず自信を持って英語を話せるようになって、自分を好きになれることを信じてマイペースに続けてみようと思います! 長く語っちゃいましたが読んでくださったら嬉しいです! 勢いで書いたので最初の英語の文章、文法とか、おやおや?があるかもです笑 添削していただけたら嬉しいです。 あ、いつも英作文つくったあとに、翻訳アプリにいれてチェックしてますが、機械的になっちゃうかな? 今回は、自分の言葉で表現してみました! Thank you for reading my long messages!! You are awesome and I respect you💖LOVE💖 ちょくみーず ななのすけ
Hi there! I think you did great! but you can fix a little bit like this... Thank you for sharing those lovely phrases, and I'll practice speaking English! I'll do my best every day to study English because I want to speak with people from around the world. Last year, I went on a month-long trip to New York, and it was an amazing experience in my life. I met new friends on my trip to NYC, so my goal is to speak more fluently in English with friends, new people, and my best friend's family when I go to NYC next time! I think you did great overall, but you missed some words! (such as speak with "people"..something like that) But your grammar and story look so great! Well done, thank you for sharing. ☺️ ななさん、いつも応援ありがとうございます❣️ ななさんのコメントを今まで拝見してきて、ここ1年くらい(NYのことが特に!)英語に関して素晴らしい期間だったのでは?と勝手に想像しています!やる気や生き生き英語を学んでらっしゃる印象を受けます☺️ ななさんはきっとこれから英語、そして英語を通してみる世界を楽しめる方だと思います。これからもぜひ、英語楽しんでください❣️ (私も実は破天荒な母を持つ) ちょくみーずちなつ
@@chinatsu_the_emo ちなつさん💖💖 さっそくお返事ありがとうございます!英文添削していただき嬉しいです! 英語ノートに書いてチェックします! ところどころ直すところはあっても伝わったことが嬉しいです! こんな感じで間違うことを恐れずに、自分なりに文章作って表現していって話す機会があったら、話しかけたり続けることが大切ですよね?✨ ちなつさんありがとう💖💖Thank you for everything!!
Hi Mina-san! I'm glad to hear that the video encouraged you☺️ Keep up the great work, and remember to believe in yourself. You've got this! Thank you for your comment! x
My goal is taking a video of speaking English myself as a diary everyday. I often tend to speak Japanese during speaking English but I don't want to give up to improve my skill. I definitely acheive it✊🏻
Hi there! What a great goal! I personally think that filming myself and reviewing it is incredibly powerful. (That's why I keep making videos for my RUclips channel as well! My channel is also my study journal!) It's worth it, I tell you! Keep up your great work, and I hope you enjoy your journey of learning English :)❤️
Recently, I got Working Holiday Visa to Irland🇮🇪 I am gonna go there this July. I promise to keep studying with you in Japan and Irland and everywhere Your video always gives me motivation. Thank you. I hope your life and our life will be happy!
Hi there! Thank you for writing the comment in English. Good on you! You can fix a tiny bit... You probably wanna put "a" before working holiday.⇨a working holiday And you can say "I'm going over there in July" Ireland sounds beautiful. You'll enjoy living there! I always get intimidated by Irish accent (I sometimes serve some customers from Ireland in retail, I'm not familiar with their accent, that's all) though, their English sounds beautiful. Hope you enjoy it too! Good luck, thanks for your lovely msg, I hope you enjoy your own journey. Cheers from Melbourne☺️
Hi, Chinatsu-san! Thank you for your video! Actually, this is my first time seeing your video and leaving a message. I'm going to Australia this year, and my goal is to get a job in Australia by using English. I hope I will be fluent in English by practicing with your great videos!
Hi there! thanks for sharing your comment in English, you did a great job! Good on you☺️
That's exciting! You can definitely do that. My dream used to be "work in a 100 English environment ' it took a while to achieve it, however, it came true. "Anything is possible as you wish!" ...I want to give the quote to you! All the best, hope you have the best time in AUS! x
Thank you for sharing this great contest. One of my goals in 2024 is to achieve fluency in English. My weakness is listening and answering at the moment. Which kind of learning methods do you suggest to me first, dictation or shadowing? Thank you for your advice in advance and look forward to your next videos as well as your archives!
Hi there! Thanks for your comment. I assume you're struggling with communication, particularly quick responses in conversation, right? I used to struggle as well. I was always concerned about grammar and pronunciation, which often left me unable to say anything, despite wanting to communicate. Here are two tips☺️ 1: Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Trust me, people don't really care!!Remaining silent is actually worse. If you want to say something, express what you can and add something like, 'Um, I'm not sure what it's called, but it's like this... blah blah.'...and explain about what you actually want to say. 2: Practice. In my opinion, shadowing isn't exactly an 'output' practice because the words you repeat after the audio aren't your own. Instead, create more opportunities to talk with actual people. Failing is part of the learning experience, I think! Hope my tips help!!!!x
Thank you for your video! This is my first time on your channel. I love your voice❤ I also agree with your way of thinking. I'm looking forward to your videos in the future!
My goal for my English leaning in 2024 is that I want to pass the English exam in order to improve my English skill. Moreover I will try to repeat this video everyday❣️ thank you for making this video.🫶 I appreciate it🥰I will be my best🐢⛰️
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great! Good on you! I fixed a tiny bit for you...! "My goal for my English learning in 2024 is to pass the English exam to improve my English skills. Moreover, I will try to watch this video every day!" I just fixed a bit to make it a bit more natural:) But again, you did great! And it's such a great goal! Keep on your great work❤️
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! Good on you☺️ That's a great goal! I love movies, if you've got any favourites, let me know! (I tend to watch my favourites again and again...haha) I hope you enjoy your learning journey, enjoy the ride! Enjoy the process✨ All the best. Again, thanks for your comment! 😀
I would like to be able to speak English fluently this year. Because if I could speak English more fluently, I could have confidence in my English and I think I can enjoy my Scotland life more. I love the sentence in this video, "l am grateful for the opportunity to connect with others through English." Thank you Chinatsu-san, I'll do my best!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great! Good on you! but one small tip from me is, prob you didn't have to end the first sentence with "." You could have just said...... this year, because if I could speak English... it looks slightly better! And thanks for your feedback to one of my sentences! Yes, I love the one too. Gratitude is the key :) We need it everyday :)❤️ Keep your great work, all the best! x
オーストラリアにいらっしゃるんですね! 多分現地で英語を話すこと、に一度なれると「あれ、昔なんで怖がってたんだろう!?」って思うと思います! その壁を乗り越えて仕舞えば、もうこっちのもの! 素敵な留学になるよう祈ってます☺️❤️まずはお体にお気をつけて・・・ It'll be the best experience! Keep your great work, all the best from Melb! x
素晴らしいと思います!私も受験英語を頑張った経験があるので、そのパッション素晴らしいと思いますし、是非是非、無駄にしてほしくないなぁって思います❣️勉強を頑張ったということ、知識、ぜひ活かしてください☺️ 素晴らしい目標だと思います! All the best! keep your great work !!!xxx
I’m going to study abroad in England for nine months. Before leaving Japan, I want to acquire English skills to introduce Japanese culture. Also, I want to learn media studies, especially advertising. and movies. I hope that I can work with this kind of knowledge and experience. Finally, I want to get English skills that are enough to chat with my crush. I believe myself to achieve these goals.
Hi there! Thanks for your comment, your writing looks perfect. Good on you! If you insist... if you tell me to fix anything, I think you could change acquire to "get", as get is more common in casual conversation. But as I said before, your English is awesome! x Your plan sounds exciting! Studying abroad in England for nine months will be a fantastic opportunity...❤️With this knowledge and experience, you'll have many possibilities open to you. I'm also studying media, especially advertising and social media, hope you enjoy those. It's such a HOT topic! Believe in yourself, and I'm sure you'll achieve all your goals!x
Hi, Chinatsu san💖 Actually I commented on your video before ,but I couldn’t study English everyday… I have to study English hard cause Im going to go to school in Australia for my visa in this December. I’ll try to study English on your this video from today!!!!!!
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your comment in English! Your writing looks great! You can fix the last sentence just a tiny bit! You can say "I'll try to study English using this video from today! " But you did very well! Good on you!☺️ That's exciting! I'm sure you'll enjoy staying in AUS. Don't forget to bring heaps of sunscreen, and enjoy ! haha That's only one advice from me😁
Hi,Chinatsu-san!Thank you for your great video:) I really like your pronunciation and I wanna speak like you in the future,cause I still struggle with pronunciations. If Chinatsu-san often imitated the person's pronunciation, I would be glad to know!☺️
Hi there! Thank you so much! Pronunciations, or rather intonation is something that we need to work on for a while I think. It's like... you listen to English until it becomes a part of your body, if that makes sense? We've been listening to Japanese since we were born, and depending on the area you grew up in, you get the dialect, which has a specific rhythm and intonation, right? Don't rush, try to listen to English as much as you can. I don't have anyone that I'm trying to copy, haha but I listen to the contents by Chris broad (Abroad in Japan), prob his accent is cozy for me, I mean, easy to understand. Keep your good work, all the best!
@@chinatsu_the_emo Thank you for your comment and good advice!! I really appreciate that and your kindness;) I’ll try my best to achieve my goal, thank you so much ☺️🌸
You could say.... 'To keep studying English is too difficult for me, but I hope to continue studying." keepの後には必ず名詞か - ingがくるので注意してみてください☺️ そしてkeepの代わりにcontinueを使うと、ナチュラルな感じになります! Good on you! Consistency is absolutely important! Baby step is fine, keep moving forward! ☺️All the best.
My goal in 2024 is that having confident in me to speak English. To achieve it, I'm continue listening, writing, understanding and shadowing by using Chinatsu the emo package! :-)
Hi there! Thank you for your comment, and ahhhh! Thank you for purchasing the package. I'm so grateful. I fixed the stories so many times, I recorded the audio, ditched it, and recorded it again... in short, I put so much love into the package, I do hope you enjoy them! Again, thanks for your comment and support, you keep your great work.🌸
I want to use more sentens in English not one word,and I will have more convesation in the future. My job area is many traveler come from all over the world. I help they little little English. I want to improved in English 2024,step by step. I am gaved enagy from Chinatsu san's video! soooo big thanks!!
ちなみさんはじめまして! いつも動画楽しみに拝見しています☺️ ちなつさんの話し方とても心地よくて大好きです❤ 「私はホテルでセラピストをしています。最近は外国人のお客様が増えているので、もっとコミュニケーションが取れるように英語が上手くなりたいです。毎日アプリやRUclipsで勉強していますが、実際に話す時にパっと出て来ないのが今の課題です。」 「I work as a therapist at a hotel. Recently, the number of foreign customers has increased, so I want to improve my English so that I can communicate better. I study English every day using apps and RUclips, but my current challenge is that I can't speak English easily when I actually have to.」 こちら良ければ添削お願いします🙇
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English. It looks like a perfect writing to me, good on you! but I just wanted to let you know (just a small tip, "so that...(〜できるようになるために)" is not common in conversation, you can just say "to be able to communicate in English... " something like that. But again, in written English, it's perfect! ) ありがとうございます!お仕事で英語を使う機会があるんですね。ちゃんとした目標があり勉強に取り組むのって素晴らしいと思います❣️そして何より、セラピストというお仕事、本当に素敵だと思います。人に癒しとお金に変えられない、気持ちやエネルギーをgiveするお仕事なんて、尊敬します。 Keep up your great work, all the best!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! That sounds great! Here's a piece of advice from me: Instead of just memorizing vocabulary words, try to associate each word with an image or a sensation. For example, when you think of 'hot,' imagine feeling warmth in your body or tasting something spicy on your tongue. Keep up the good work! All the best☺️❤️
Hello Chinatsu-san, Thank you for your always wonderful videos. This year's goal is to "speak more in my own words." I'm currently taking English conversation lessons, and I often have to memorize and speak scripts according to the curriculum. I would like to use the grammar and vocabulary I have learned to talk what I want to say.
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your comment in English! Good on you! That sounds great. You are already working on something (such as practice via lessons), which is impressive. I think it's so so so important to experience conversations in real life. (That's how we learnt Japanese, too. Hanging out with friends, school, listening to your parents etc...) The more experience you have, the more the conversation in English gets easier! Keep your good work, all the best❤️☺️
Sorry I’m little drunk now. But I feel like express my feeling right now. I’m really impressed by this video. Thank you chinatsu san. Last year, I worked as a part-time job at a shop and there were so many foreign customers because it was near the American base. I have learned English for years at the school and by myself. But I couldn’t speak to the customers in English at all and I felt so frustrated. that’s why I was determined to learn English more. Actually I did hard work studying and I got higher score than I expected at TOEIC listening and reading test in march. I’m so happy. From now on, to be honest, I really want a friend who speaks English and who likes fujiikaze(I’m a huge fan of him). I really want to improve my English and I really want a friend who talks about fujiikaze together. So making a friend who speak in English and likes him is the best way to make my dream come true(Kill two birds with one stone). Thank you. 変なことを言っていたらごめんなさい、ネイティブに英語を話して、かつ藤井風ファンの方とお友達になれたらいいなぁ、と言いたかったのですが、うまく言えませんでした。でも今それが、1番のモチベーションで、夢です! チナツさんの動画はなんだか明るい気持ちになれるので、好きです。いつもありがとうございます!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did very well! I'll share some tips here for you☺️ - you can say "I'm A little drunk" - I feel like express my feeling →I feel like EXPRESSING my feeling - Last year, I worked as a part-time job → I worked as a part-time / part-timer - I want a friend who talks about → I want a friend who can talk about You worked hard and it's been proven! I'm so proud of you😀 I love that you immersed yourself in an English-speaking environment and learned something from the experience. Good on you. You've got a specific goal, which means you will stay motivated!!! Keep up the good work, all the best!
I have a osi ?(推し). He is an English-speaking person.💦 I'm trying my best to specialize in listening to enjoy his English. I want to undestand his stream 🔥 推しがいるのですが、その方が英語圏の方です!なのでリスニング特化で頑張ってます♪ 配信を理解したいので 英文間違ってたらすみません!!
Hi there! Your wiring is awesome, but I fixed a little bit... I think you can just say "favourite person on RUclips or some social media " I think Oshi is one of those which cannot be directly translated in other languages! haha I have a favourite celebrity (or influencer...?). He is an English speaker. I'm doing my best to understand his English. I want to understand his streams better.... something like that :)
ありがとうございます🥺 光栄です。
I believe in my ability to achieve fluency in English!✨
多分その基礎があれば、スピーキングやリスニングも近道できると思います。その知識が絶対、自分を助けてくれると思うので、自信を持って前に進んだらいいんじゃないかなぁって思います❣️Keep your good work, I'm so impressed with your achievements. Believe in your self! x
心地よい時間でした とても良い動画
ありがとうございます〜❣️ 嬉しいです☺️❤️
I love English and I'm really getting into studying English. I'm not sure why the reason that I love English, but I can't help but have fun studying English. I decided to learn English until dying. l want to be able to speak English a little more smoothly in a year. 読んでくださってありがとう!ずっと応援していきます💛次の動画も待ってまーす😊
Hi there! thank you for such a lovely comment. It means a lot to me.
First of all, your English comment looks really good! Good on you! However, I think you can fix a little bit, " I've decided to learn English for the rest of my life." I think using "for the rest of my life" sounds more natural :)
なんと!英語への素晴らしいやる気、そして行動力。読んでいて私も元気をもらうようなエネルギッシュさ☺️ 本当に、素晴らしいと思います。
All the best, keep your great work. I believe in you! Again, thanks for such a wonderful comment/msg! I do appreciate it.x
@@chinatsu_the_emoちなつさんありがとうございます❤添削してくださって、私にとって最高の応援の言葉も感謝です!やっぱりゼロからというのがかえって良かったのかもしれませんよね!自信なくすことは毎日感じますがとにかく続けて行きます😊 I'm so grateful for your kind words!
英語始められたんですね☺️ 楽しんでいらっしゃいますか?ぜひ「ゆっくり」英語を楽しんでください✨ 私もゆっくり、景色を楽しみながら行きたいなぁなんて思います。
ぜひご自分のペースで!英語以外のことも頑張ったり、楽しんだりしながら・・・🌸 素敵なコメント、ありがとうございました!私こそ感謝です。❤️
参考になったら嬉しいです。ぜひまずはお身体を大切にして・・・all the best.です☺️
Hi Chinatsu-san thanks a lot for your video again. What you say encourages me and makes me positive.
One of my goals in 2024 is to get a job teaching English to Japanese because I've been interested in teaching something and have been learning English for ages.
I'm also in the middle of learning English and have to improve my English further but I'm confident enough to teach that since I've been trying my best considering how I acquire English skills for a long time.
I went to Denmark on holiday and that was amazing. Denmark was incredibly beautiful, including people, cafes, architecture, and atmosphere. When I got there, I already fell in love with the country. so I'm gonna live there next year.
Hi there, Atsushi-san! Thank you for sharing your comment both in Japanese and English; your writing looks great! I'm glad to hear that my videos helped you to get motivated! It's motivating for me indeed.
Yes! As I live in Melbourne, Australia, I meet people with different backgrounds. Especially since I work in retail and encounter so many people in a day, I sometimes get confused with different accents, but in the end, they are all precious experiences. It reminds me that English learning is not only about memorizing vocabularies. It's about people. It's about communication between people in the end.
Keep your great work, all the best☺️
いつも応援ありがとうございます!デンマーク素敵ですね❣️私の親友が仕事で、しばらく滞在していたので現地のことなどよく話を聞いていました。素晴らしい目標ですね〜☺️ デンマークのこと、言葉、カルチャーなどぜひお話聞きたい!笑 新しいことにチャレンジしているというのも素晴らしいと思います。これからもぜひ、お互いに何事も楽しみ〜チャレンジしていけたら良いですね〜!🍀
Native English speaker here! I've been studying Japanese recently and it just dawned on me that there are probably Japanese people studying my language too. I just found your channel and WOW you are really good. I've been studying English 😅for more than 2 decades and you're practically as good as me. A lot of people in the chat are also really good too!! みんなさん頑張ってよ!
Your English is so good that I'm going to use this to learn Japanese. Love from America!
Hi there! haha I always get a bit nervous to receive a comment from an English native speaker! (dunno why) I hope my videos help you to learn Japanese in some way... (I often translate my English in 意訳, hope it makes sense to Japanese leaners like you!)
I hope you are having fun with Japanese learning....My partner recently started using Dualingo lol! (VERY basic stuff... like Gohan, Ocha, Kudasai!!! haha)
Thank you!!! Cheers from AUS! x ☺️
@@chinatsu_the_emo The translations are perfect! 完璧です! The way you break down English clauses into Japanese clauses really helps me understand how a Japanese person would think of the same English sentence. It's kinda like the reverse of what your English learning advice haha ("...rather than simply translating from Japanese to English, I didn't want you to use Japanese-y ways of affirmations")
Good luck to your partner!! I hope they realize just how insane your fluency is now that they have started their own journey. 私は、も一年日本語を勉強したんですけど、まだ話せないな~パートナーさんと頑張って💪
All the best, remember, progress is made one baby step at a time ! ✨
ちなつさんこんにちは 英語伸びないどころか退化してる気持ちになって諦めていました。久しぶりにちなつさんの動画も開くことができました。そうしたら貴方の励ましの言葉をリピートしていたら心が少し軽くなりました。ライン登録しました。読ませて頂きます。いつも諦めかけている時に励まして頂いてる。ありがとうございます。
Chinatsu san Thank you so much!
Thanks for your comment!
All the best, hope your journey of learning English only gets better! ;)
I am determined to communicate with native speaker in English.
I definitely will make good memories in New Zealand.
Hi there! That's exciting! I love Kiwi accent!
I've been to New Zealand a few times, I always get owed by beautiful nature. It's unreal!
ニュージーランド生活、楽しみですね。素敵な自然・優しい人々にきっと癒されると思います☺️❤️ 英語も独特で、まさにそこが魅力だと思います!今はぜひお身体を大切に、万全になさって下さいね🍀
Hi Chinatsu-san, thank you for sharing such a great video. Recently I found this channel and love your pronunciation and thinking style.
I’m an office worker. (I have worked at the company for three years) Now I have been hospitalized since March for treatment of illness. Before hospitalization, I started to study English tests to join the corporate overseas training. But when I found out I had to be hospitalized, I gave up on it. However, I don’t wanna give up, and your message gave me the courage and motivation to study English. So I started to study English again!
My goal in 2024 is to join the overseas training and enjoy English!
I have less than 2 months until the test but I’ll do my best.
Thank you for reading this message.
I’ll continue to support you🍀💕
Finally, I leave my favorite phrase given by my precious person☺️
“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect!”
Hey there! Your message really made my day. I'm so glad to hear that my video gave you a boost to keep pushing forward with your English studies.
You've got this! Less than two months to go? No worries, you'll smash it. I think what matters is your passion to communicate. 🌟
Sorry to hear that you had to stay in hospital before, I hope you are doing alright now. Please take care of yourself!
And thanks for sharing beautiful phrase. I do appreciate it.
My favourite is... it's rather affirmation though...
I have the courage to live my dreams.❤️
Your very warm message gave me courage😭
“What matters is your passion to communicate” Yeah! I think so too! Your message motivates me❤️🔥
And thanks for sharing a lovely phrase too🥰
I’m going to report good news here 2 months later!
Hi! Chinatsu-san!
I came back here! Yes… I achieved my goal☺️
I want to tell you about this. Thank you for giving me a warm message. It really really cheered me up❤️🔥 Thank you so much.
I achieved my initial goal but I think this is a real start. Next, I have to prepare for discussing with native speakers. (pronunciation, vocabulary, business words…😅)
However! I was able to gain confidence through this challenge! So I will continue to learn English (but I will never forget to enjoy English through your RUclips channel💕)
Thank you for reading to the end.
I wish you health and hope your challenge will be good🍀
I am determined to keep learning English every day. I will practice a lot and want to come to love my English learning journey. And then, I want to be able to read books in English!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! Well done!
I think that's such a great goal! You must love reading in Japanese too, right?
I love reading, and I recommend reading Japanese books in English. (First, get the story in Japanese, and then read in English. It's fun to see the difference in translation) Keep your good work!
メルボルン在住ですが来た頃と全く変わらぬ英語力。英語で趣味のwork shopに行けるよう頑張ろうと思ってます。
work shop!良いですね☺️私も人との交流をせねば、と思いながら、出不精で・・・笑 見習って、私も趣味で人と繋がれるようにしたい2024年です!
I have been a barista in Japan for 4 years and am really passionate about coffee. I am proud of my experience. I will go to Melbourne in June with a working holiday visa. Even though my English skills aren't enough right now, I want to be a barista in Melbourne too, and I also want to communicate with professional baristas in Melbourne.
I really like your videos. Whenever I watch the videos, they always give me motivation to practice English. Thank you for everything.
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English. Your writing looks amazing, good on you. And it sounds exciting! I'm sure you'll enjoy Melbourne. I think it's amazing that you have a certain skill set. I know you might get nervous about working/living in an English environment; however, in the end, what matters is your skill and your passion to communicate. I hope your stay in AUS will be the best. You'll enjoy the cafe culture here. Let me know when you get a job at a cafe in Melb! ❤️
ちなつさん、10万人おめでとうございます🎉 何度リピートしても心地よく学べます✨印象的なお顔立ちと声がほんとステキ❤毎日聴かせていただいて、今度こそ会話できるようになりますね!ステキな動画をありがとうございます💕
I’m going to the U.S. in november.
I can't speak English fluently yet,but I'm studying hard to become fluent!!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great!
That sounds exciting! It's great that you've got a reason so study English, it's more motivating and most importantly, if just feels good to have something you are looking forward to!
I hope you have heaps of fun in the US, take care, eat well! (hahaha)
Again, thanks for your comment! Safe trip :)
Thank you for sharing lovely phrases and I'll practice to speak English!
I'll do my best everyday to study English,Because I want to speak with around world people.
last year,I went to New York month trip and It was an amazing experience in my life. I met new friends in NYC trip,So my goal is I'll talk more fluently in English with friends,new people and my best friend's family when I go to NYC next time!
Thank you for reading my long messages!!
You are awesome and I respect you💖LOVE💖
ちょくみーず ななのすけ
Hi there! I think you did great! but you can fix a little bit like this...
Thank you for sharing those lovely phrases, and I'll practice speaking English! I'll do my best every day to study English because I want to speak with people from around the world.
Last year, I went on a month-long trip to New York, and it was an amazing experience in my life. I met new friends on my trip to NYC, so my goal is to speak more fluently in English with friends, new people, and my best friend's family when I go to NYC next time!
I think you did great overall, but you missed some words! (such as speak with "people"..something like that) But your grammar and story look so great! Well done, thank you for sharing. ☺️
@@chinatsu_the_emo ちなつさん💖💖 さっそくお返事ありがとうございます!英文添削していただき嬉しいです!
ちなつさんありがとう💖💖Thank you for everything!!
Hi, Chinatsu-san. Thank you for this video. You always encourage me. I'll do my best.
Hi Mina-san! I'm glad to hear that the video encouraged you☺️
Keep up the great work, and remember to believe in yourself. You've got this! Thank you for your comment! x
My goal is taking a video of speaking English myself as a diary everyday. I often tend to speak Japanese during speaking English but I don't want to give up to improve my skill.
I definitely acheive it✊🏻
Hi there! What a great goal! I personally think that filming myself and reviewing it is incredibly powerful. (That's why I keep making videos for my RUclips channel as well! My channel is also my study journal!) It's worth it, I tell you!
Keep up your great work, and I hope you enjoy your journey of learning English :)❤️
Recently, I got Working Holiday Visa to Irland🇮🇪
I am gonna go there this July.
I promise to keep studying with you in Japan and Irland and everywhere
Your video always gives me motivation.
Thank you.
I hope your life and our life will be happy!
Hi there! Thank you for writing the comment in English. Good on you!
You can fix a tiny bit... You probably wanna put "a" before working holiday.⇨a working holiday
And you can say "I'm going over there in July"
Ireland sounds beautiful. You'll enjoy living there! I always get intimidated by Irish accent (I sometimes serve some customers from Ireland in retail, I'm not familiar with their accent, that's all) though, their English sounds beautiful. Hope you enjoy it too!
Good luck, thanks for your lovely msg, I hope you enjoy your own journey. Cheers from Melbourne☺️
2024年の目標は、英語を使えるようにトレーニングすることです。単語や文法、フレーズを使えるように「覚える」ではなく「鍛える」にするにマインドセットしました!しばらく低空飛行で続けてきましたが、またモチベ上がってきたところに、このビデオ💓ちなつさん いつもありがとうございます
Hi, Chinatsu-san! Thank you for your video! Actually, this is my first time seeing your video and leaving a message. I'm going to Australia this year, and my goal is to get a job in Australia by using English. I hope I will be fluent in English by practicing with your great videos!
Hi there! thanks for sharing your comment in English, you did a great job! Good on you☺️
That's exciting! You can definitely do that. My dream used to be "work in a 100 English environment ' it took a while to achieve it, however, it came true. "Anything is possible as you wish!" ...I want to give the quote to you!
All the best, hope you have the best time in AUS! x
Thank you for sharing this great contest. One of my goals in 2024 is to achieve fluency in English. My weakness is listening and answering at the moment. Which kind of learning methods do you suggest to me first, dictation or shadowing? Thank you for your advice in advance and look forward to your next videos as well as your archives!
Hi there! Thanks for your comment. I assume you're struggling with communication, particularly quick responses in conversation, right? I used to struggle as well. I was always concerned about grammar and pronunciation, which often left me unable to say anything, despite wanting to communicate.
Here are two tips☺️
1: Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Trust me, people don't really care!!Remaining silent is actually worse. If you want to say something, express what you can and add something like, 'Um, I'm not sure what it's called, but it's like this... blah blah.'...and explain about what you actually want to say.
2: Practice. In my opinion, shadowing isn't exactly an 'output' practice because the words you repeat after the audio aren't your own. Instead, create more opportunities to talk with actual people. Failing is part of the learning experience, I think!
Hope my tips help!!!!x
Thank you for your video! This is my first time on your channel. I love your voice❤ I also agree with your way of thinking. I'm looking forward to your videos in the future!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English!
I'm glad that you understood what I tried to say in this video! ❤️
My goal for my English leaning in 2024 is that I want to pass the English exam in order to improve my English skill.
Moreover I will try to repeat this video everyday❣️
thank you for making this video.🫶
I appreciate it🥰I will be my best🐢⛰️
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great! Good on you! I fixed a tiny bit for you...!
"My goal for my English learning in 2024 is to pass the English exam to improve my English skills. Moreover, I will try to watch this video every day!"
I just fixed a bit to make it a bit more natural:) But again, you did great! And it's such a great goal! Keep on your great work❤️
I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think sometime! x
I want to watch foreign movies without subtitles so I started studying English
I’ll study English everyday for that !!
English is cool!!!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! Good on you☺️
That's a great goal! I love movies, if you've got any favourites, let me know! (I tend to watch my favourites again and again...haha)
I hope you enjoy your learning journey, enjoy the ride! Enjoy the process✨
All the best. Again, thanks for your comment! 😀
I would like to be able to speak English fluently this year. Because if I could speak English more fluently, I could have confidence in my English and I think I can enjoy my Scotland life more.
I love the sentence in this video, "l am grateful for the opportunity to connect with others through English."
Thank you Chinatsu-san, I'll do my best!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! You did great! Good on you! but one small tip from me is, prob you didn't have to end the first sentence with "." You could have just said...... this year, because if I could speak English... it looks slightly better!
And thanks for your feedback to one of my sentences! Yes, I love the one too. Gratitude is the key :) We need it everyday :)❤️
Keep your great work, all the best! x
It'll be the best experience! Keep your great work, all the best from Melb! x
素晴らしいと思います!私も受験英語を頑張った経験があるので、そのパッション素晴らしいと思いますし、是非是非、無駄にしてほしくないなぁって思います❣️勉強を頑張ったということ、知識、ぜひ活かしてください☺️ 素晴らしい目標だと思います!
All the best! keep your great work !!!xxx
I’m going to study abroad in England for nine months. Before leaving Japan, I want to acquire English skills to introduce Japanese culture. Also, I want to learn media studies, especially advertising. and movies. I hope that I can work with this kind of knowledge and experience. Finally, I want to get English skills that are enough to chat with my crush. I believe myself to achieve these goals.
Hi there! Thanks for your comment, your writing looks perfect. Good on you! If you insist... if you tell me to fix anything, I think you could change acquire to "get", as get is more common in casual conversation. But as I said before, your English is awesome! x
Your plan sounds exciting! Studying abroad in England for nine months will be a fantastic opportunity...❤️With this knowledge and experience, you'll have many possibilities open to you. I'm also studying media, especially advertising and social media, hope you enjoy those. It's such a HOT topic!
Believe in yourself, and I'm sure you'll achieve all your goals!x
fluently, fluencyの使い分けが知りたいです!
Fluently は流暢に、でfluencyは流暢さ、名詞になります😊
Hi, Chinatsu san💖
Actually I commented on your video before ,but I couldn’t study English everyday…
I have to study English hard cause Im going to go to school in Australia for my visa in this December.
I’ll try to study English on your this video from today!!!!!!
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your comment in English!
Your writing looks great! You can fix the last sentence just a tiny bit! You can say "I'll try to study English using this video from today! " But you did very well! Good on you!☺️
That's exciting! I'm sure you'll enjoy staying in AUS. Don't forget to bring heaps of sunscreen, and enjoy ! haha That's only one advice from me😁
Hi,Chinatsu-san!Thank you for your great video:)
I really like your pronunciation and I wanna speak like you in the future,cause I still struggle with pronunciations. If Chinatsu-san often imitated the person's pronunciation, I would be glad to know!☺️
Hi there! Thank you so much!
Pronunciations, or rather intonation is something that we need to work on for a while I think. It's like... you listen to English until it becomes a part of your body, if that makes sense?
We've been listening to Japanese since we were born, and depending on the area you grew up in, you get the dialect, which has a specific rhythm and intonation, right?
Don't rush, try to listen to English as much as you can. I don't have anyone that I'm trying to copy, haha but I listen to the contents by Chris broad (Abroad in Japan), prob his accent is cozy for me, I mean, easy to understand.
Keep your good work, all the best!
Thank you for your comment and good advice!! I really appreciate that and your kindness;)
I’ll try my best to achieve my goal, thank you so much ☺️🌸
なんとー!イギリスで😀 素晴らしいですね。学会の発表だなんて、お仕事でそんなふうに英語を使われるなんて素晴らしいですね。尊敬です。(私は本当に、自慢できるようなお仕事やスキルを持っていないので・・・笑!)
私たちが毎日日本語に触れるように、英語にも触れられたら、英語との距離、グッと縮まると思います❣️All the best!
To keeping study English, that is too difficult for me.
But I hope to keep study.
You could say....
'To keep studying English is too difficult for me, but I hope to continue studying."
keepの後には必ず名詞か - ingがくるので注意してみてください☺️
Good on you! Consistency is absolutely important! Baby step is fine, keep moving forward! ☺️All the best.
@@chinatsu_the_emo お忙しい中返信ありがとうございます!keepの使い方調べてみます☆温かい励ましも、とても嬉しかったです(^^)/
My goal in 2024 is that having confident in me to speak English.
To achieve it, I'm continue listening, writing, understanding and shadowing by using Chinatsu the emo package! :-)
Hi there! Thank you for your comment, and ahhhh! Thank you for purchasing the package. I'm so grateful.
I fixed the stories so many times, I recorded the audio, ditched it, and recorded it again... in short, I put so much love into the package, I do hope you enjoy them!
Again, thanks for your comment and support, you keep your great work.🌸
I want to use more sentens in English not one word,and I will have more convesation in the future.
My job area is many traveler come from all over the world.
I help they little little English.
I want to improved in English 2024,step by step.
I am gaved enagy from Chinatsu san's video! soooo big thanks!!
「I work as a therapist at a hotel. Recently, the number of foreign customers has increased, so I want to improve my English so that I can communicate better. I study English every day using apps and RUclips, but my current challenge is that I can't speak English easily when I actually have to.」
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English. It looks like a perfect writing to me, good on you! but I just wanted to let you know (just a small tip, "so that...(〜できるようになるために)" is not common in conversation, you can just say "to be able to communicate in English... " something like that. But again, in written English, it's perfect! )
Keep up your great work, all the best!
I determined to memorize whole English words on
English vocabulary book (ターゲット1900)within 2024.
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! That sounds great! Here's a piece of advice from me: Instead of just memorizing vocabulary words, try to associate each word with an image or a sensation. For example, when you think of 'hot,' imagine feeling warmth in your body or tasting something spicy on your tongue. Keep up the good work! All the best☺️❤️
I believe in my ability to have consistency practicing English every-single-day!
""I believe in my ability to consistently practice English every single day!""
@@chinatsu_the_emo さん、ありがとうございます❣️
お父さんともコミュニケーション取れたら素敵ですね〜!(ブリスベンだと、オージー英語強そう!なイメージあります!笑 オージーのカタカナ?)
All the best! x
@@chinatsu_the_emo ありがとうございます😊
2:17 毎日頑張る!
Hello Chinatsu-san, Thank you for your always wonderful videos. This year's goal is to "speak more in my own words." I'm currently taking English conversation lessons, and I often have to memorize and speak scripts according to the curriculum. I would like to use the grammar and vocabulary I have learned to talk what I want to say.
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your comment in English! Good on you!
That sounds great. You are already working on something (such as practice via lessons), which is impressive. I think it's so so so important to experience conversations in real life. (That's how we learnt Japanese, too. Hanging out with friends, school, listening to your parents etc...) The more experience you have, the more the conversation in English gets easier!
Keep your good work, all the best❤️☺️
Sorry I’m little drunk now. But I feel like express my feeling right now. I’m really impressed by this video. Thank you chinatsu san. Last year, I worked as a part-time job at a shop and there were so many foreign customers because it was near the American base. I have learned English for years at the school and by myself. But I couldn’t speak to the customers in English at all and I felt so frustrated. that’s why I was determined to learn English more. Actually I did hard work studying and I got higher score than I expected at TOEIC listening and reading test in march. I’m so happy. From now on, to be honest, I really want a friend who speaks English and who likes fujiikaze(I’m a huge fan of him). I really want to improve my English and I really want a friend who talks about fujiikaze together. So making a friend who speak in English and likes him is the best way to make my dream come true(Kill two birds with one stone). Thank you.
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English!
You did very well! I'll share some tips here for you☺️
- you can say "I'm A little drunk"
- I feel like express my feeling →I feel like EXPRESSING my feeling
- Last year, I worked as a part-time job → I worked as a part-time / part-timer
- I want a friend who talks about → I want a friend who can talk about
You worked hard and it's been proven! I'm so proud of you😀 I love that you immersed yourself in an English-speaking environment and learned something from the experience. Good on you. You've got a specific goal, which means you will stay motivated!!! Keep up the good work, all the best!
Thank you for your kind reply!
keep motivatedでがんばります!
I have a osi ?(推し). He is an English-speaking person.💦 I'm trying my best to specialize in listening to enjoy his English. I want to undestand his stream 🔥
推しがいるのですが、その方が英語圏の方です!なのでリスニング特化で頑張ってます♪ 配信を理解したいので 英文間違ってたらすみません!!
Hi there! Your wiring is awesome, but I fixed a little bit...
I think you can just say "favourite person on RUclips or some social media " I think Oshi is one of those which cannot be directly translated in other languages! haha
I have a favourite celebrity (or influencer...?). He is an English speaker. I'm doing my best to understand his English. I want to understand his streams better.... something like that :)
@@chinatsu_the_emo I appreciate it❗わざわざ英文で😳有難うございます✨