A HFY Story : The Borders | 2183 ~Deathworld, War, Terran and Humans

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @Inufan2005
    @Inufan2005 Год назад +15

    As far as I can tell this story is a "Don't forget the old ways, but don't be bound by them." style. Time marches ever onward, the old myths, legends, treatments, and methods shouldn't be forgotten. If only so we can continue to use what has worked in the past, discard those that don't, and improve those that need it.

  • @jeffreyharville1918
    @jeffreyharville1918 Год назад +51

    there is a book named "Ole Nathan" it is a good read and well worth the time. it explains Nathan's journey and ending.

    • @jeffreyharville1918
      @jeffreyharville1918 Год назад +10

      By David Drake.

    • @gregewing3916
      @gregewing3916 Год назад +6

      It's a quite good book. It was an homage of sorts to his friend Manly Wade Wellman. His collection of short stories titled John the balladeer is on my list of favorite books

  • @allancornell2191
    @allancornell2191 Год назад

    I like that the witch's purse was used correctly.

    • @allancornell2191
      @allancornell2191 Год назад

      Minus the witches and ol scratch. That's an "orthodox" thing.

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian Год назад

    Greetings, Mentlegent!
    For the Rhyhtm that is Algo
    A clever tale of the old ways, and mortality. Doesn't have a satisfying resolution, though. Of course, given what the story DOES say and do, not sure I'd want to see that resolution.

  • @atanaskocev7747
    @atanaskocev7747 Год назад

    Damn what a story

  • @rainynight02
    @rainynight02 Год назад

    "witches are of the devil" 🙄
    Interesting story though.

  • @pauldockins9635
    @pauldockins9635 Год назад

    Good story

  • @lupaswolfshead9971
    @lupaswolfshead9971 Год назад +1

    3 mins in

  • @JRMshadow260a
    @JRMshadow260a Год назад +33

    I always love the folk stories or ones that emulate then... Really nice story about positive persistence's even in the face of a terrible situation..

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd Год назад +19

    Very well done. The story used some actual folk tales and what was supposed to be ancient healing and white magic. A good man turns from the temptation of the devil, and also admits his sorrow at his son's death, which may have been due to his being stubborn. A well written story!

  • @alfredsutton4412
    @alfredsutton4412 Год назад +22

    For the talented author!
    For the brilliant voice actor!
    For the algorithm. May it produce great numbers that the entertainment may continue.

  • @peterwalls-qf7ii
    @peterwalls-qf7ii Год назад +7

    A sad sad tale! Old scratch eh? That's a name i 've not heard in a long time. No I never lie! I'll tell you the truth , clear and stark. Acceptance... that's your part. You think you know what the world is, how it works and why, you think you have wisdom.
    The world is an onion. Layers and layers and layers beneath that one. All stacked one on top of the other.
    The core, the root, you cannot understand the root. I can barely fathom it. I have some dim idea, but true understanding eludes me.
    The Rules are but a game you invented , I just play along. What else am i going to do children? Scold you for your foolishness, tell you things are not as you think? Time enough to discover that on your own.
    I wont take you childish joy away , not without a really good reason.
    Stubborn foolish children you may be, but we chose to watch over you and defend you; even the kneelers that know not what they worship.
    The ones that malign us. Call us names and attribute motives to us, motives that are as silly as your games.

  • @rosebloodwater13
    @rosebloodwater13 Год назад +7

    The Old Man was right about why he shouldn't take Scratches' deal. But funny thing is, humans have figured out how agriculture works on three separate occasions. If we can do that. Then we can relearn the rules if need be the hard way.

  • @SLEPhoto
    @SLEPhoto Год назад +7

    Reminds me of growing up with my grandmother's family from the swamps in Florida, and my Grandfather's people from the back hollers and the rez in NC.

  • @zanthimos
    @zanthimos Год назад +2

    Where I live, you got 2 different types of "other" people (no offense intended). There are people who are just simply very spiritual: herbalists, uniquely superstitious or embraced a 'new age' lifestyle. The second group are people who live in the old ways. They have many names. Brujas, wiccans, shamans. They aren't ignorant idiots. They are smart people educated in the world around them like everyone else. Yet, there is something different about them. They know Old things that are not talked about anymore. They can see and hear things that most others can't. They always have unexplainable and scary stories to tell if you ask them. Sometimes I wonder if they're just different in the head or schizophrenic and this is simply their way of coping and dealing with their poorly wired minds. Other times I wonder just how much stuff is out there that we abandoned for the sake of the hard-lined sciences. After all these years, there is still a lot of stuff that Science can't explain.

  • @AlabamaDoug317
    @AlabamaDoug317 Год назад +3

    Awesome story. Reminds me of the Jack Tales growing up. Reading the comments I see that’s a southern thing. Ol’ Scratch hasn’t been forgotten down here.

  • @kurtismiller9544
    @kurtismiller9544 Год назад +9

    Good story, makes one think. For the Skald and his family

  • @Drakkmar13
    @Drakkmar13 Год назад +5

    Another fantastic narration. Thank you for all the good work.

  • @elfeater1760
    @elfeater1760 Год назад +18

    For the Algorithm11!

    • @najroe
      @najroe Год назад

      indeed, the algorithm needs text

    • @nos2342
      @nos2342 Год назад +1

      To please the algorithm is all

  • @lupaswolfshead9971
    @lupaswolfshead9971 Год назад +3

    Is this the lost human colony who think nanite are magic

  • @rheinbewachen1211
    @rheinbewachen1211 Год назад +3

    What a great story.

  • @hughgordon6435
    @hughgordon6435 Год назад

    My bad, had akready had my finger on thumbs up, before i saw?

  • @nunjabeeswaxs4686
    @nunjabeeswaxs4686 Год назад +1


  • @bf-696
    @bf-696 4 месяца назад

    Not a fan of the fantasy stories, but this one has heart and soul, not the usual airy fairy nonsense.

  • @chrisweiss6363
    @chrisweiss6363 Год назад

    Whats with the sad stories? You doing ok?

  • @straightjacket219
    @straightjacket219 Год назад +1

    Good practices in these parables, stay on the path while walking in woods, dilution of food poisoning, don't give in to grief

  • @victortahlor4038
    @victortahlor4038 Год назад

    Thank you for the reading

  • @najroe
    @najroe Год назад

    for the AlGoRiIThM

  • @asandrewsilvaw
    @asandrewsilvaw Год назад

    For the algorithm

  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 Год назад

    19th, 31 July 2023

  • @kdmbigpig
    @kdmbigpig Год назад

    I smell onion ninjas

  • @mattbrown5511
    @mattbrown5511 Год назад

    And this to shall pass.

  • @theblackswan2373
    @theblackswan2373 Год назад

    Second that

  • @GenStallion
    @GenStallion Год назад +1

    He should write a book of his knowledge. What To Do If You Cross the Fae.

  • @calvillo635
    @calvillo635 Год назад

    This one was so sad.

  • @digger1900
    @digger1900 Год назад

    Great story

  • @justsomeguywithahandlebarm2456


  • @J3AD
    @J3AD Год назад +1

    no matter how hard of day i have, when i get home and listen to the great story telling, all seems better. thank sir

  • @genericuser984
    @genericuser984 Год назад +1


  • @r.kellycoker9387
    @r.kellycoker9387 Год назад +1

    Excellent story! Thank the author!

  • @docwil2541
    @docwil2541 Год назад

    A departure from your normal stories and quiteca nice one. Thank you for sharing this in the old storytelling spirit.

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 Год назад

    For the Algorithm, for the Author(s), for the Holographic Voice!

  • @renaissancepress247
    @renaissancepress247 Год назад

    Solid solemn tale

  • @TheJeikou
    @TheJeikou Год назад


  • @klappstock943
    @klappstock943 Год назад

    For the Algorithm the story and the voice