Agreed. I keep digging and digging into the lengendarium for any inkling of information that could provide anything about the identities of the Nazgul.
One of the few things I think the Shadow of Mordor did that was truly interesting was the idea that some of the Wraiths were good men, manipulated/twisted over time. I like that Tolkien himself, while not exploring their backstories, made it clear that something like that was quite possible. Look at Isildur, a truly amazing/good man twisted to his doom by the One. Just an interesting aspect/idea that I like. Amazing video guys :)
Yes! I definitely think a great thing to remember is that the Rings corrupted the men, they 100% could have been good men before! It is probably fairly safe to say someone like Boromir, a great man of his time, would have been a powerful wraith! So there is no reason others like him from the previous Age of Middle-earth could have been tempted!
I agree with most of what you said but didn’t Isildur only get twisted by the ring in the film? I thought in the book he just wanted to take the ring as payment for losing his family members in order to kill Sauron.
@@WillG1882 he did infact take it as payment for the loss of his family and his people. Unknowing taking the one ring of Sauron. He actually hated and resented the feeling the ring gave him when he wore it.
There is another between them. One less known. (Or two, spoilers for Shadow of War.........unless you count Talion as well). Helm Hamerhand. He wasn't truly evil. He didn't chose the ring. The ring was the only way he could continue to live after he was murdered. Long story. But for short, Sauron was the one that actually put the ring on Helm's hand
Was just looking through your playlists for something to listen to while I fall asleep and saw this has just been uploaded. Hooray for vampire sleep schedule!
J.R.R said he started a followup story after the fall of Sauron and gave it up. But he also had 9 stories all ready to be written with each of the 9 rings. And perhaps another book or two telling the tale of the blue wizards. There is still plenty of material yet to be written.
Why? The writing should be to the world best writer, and we should have a chapter that can conclude which one is the best, and which of those wrote the best story. So it can be 1110%% bullet proof. So mistakes can conjuct to our preaouis beloved lord of the rings universe.
@@justinbutler117 not me. But it should be a group of people that are highly involved in Tolkien LotR, relevant people with geniune intress ofcourse. which could be voted globally.
I think one of the best parts about the nazgul is the ambiguity. Not knowing who they were and how they came to be makes them more mysterious and terrifying
@@nocgenius5255 not true- only two of the Nazgûl were ever named. Yes we know they were great kings of men and who were corrupted by Sauron but we don’t know the story of their fall
I also believe that the Arnor "enchanted" knives held by the hobbits, being magically spiritually deadly to the ringwraiths, were anothe reason the black riders left for the time being. They would sense the power of these knives especially crafted to kill them. Not that they feared the hobbits but the small chance that they might be stabbed by such weapons made a further confrontation seem like an unnecessary risk. So they waited for the effects of their "magical" knife to turn Frodo into a wraith.
Here's an idea for you, though it may be short. Do a deep dive on the character of Farmer Maggot. He seems to play quite a bit in the early parts with more backstory than many others. Also not sure if he plays into the Scouring at all.
@@TheBrokenSword AND you can probably explain why Tolkien chose his name considering its connotation to fly larvae. It's always puzzled me and now I am resisting the Googs/DDGo to find out so you can answer it for me!
"Farmer Maggot, the Hobbit who told a Nazgul to its face to get the fuck off his lawn. It is rumored he had the biggest testicles of any who ever walked upon Middle Earth. He was also well renowned as a great supplier of mushrooms."
You bring up a very good, interesting point. Although Farmer Maggot's character was very limited in the story, the little that was presented really made the character stand out. From the little bit of information that was given, he was definitely not a person you want to be on the wrong side with. Wagering a guess, my theory is that Farmer Maggot was in fact a Maiar. Like the Ents we're Maiar who were the custodians of the plant life of Middle Earth, Farmer Maggot was a Maiar custodian of the hobbit kind.
What-if video idea for you to do: What if Gandalf never fell at the Bridge of Khazad-dum and continued with the fellowship to Lothlorien and on forward?
the nazgul are invisible like frodo when wearing the ring, they are not ghosts or sprits they are wights. They are always in material form. The nine just wear armour and cloaks that can be visible when wearing the ring.
Powers & abilities! Hell yeah! These are great videos: brilliant artwork, comprehensive scripts from otaku grade Tolkien geeks, well narrated. More, please and thank you!
Depends all on the quality of the writers whether they should add back stories to the other Nazgul imo. Thanks for making the new Nazgul video on their abilities, about to watch it. I love your videos! Not too long, not too short just enough detail. A+++
i can see sauron getting some glee about tricking nobel kings and heroes and giving them the 9 rings, then with glee see them fall to his power and beeing his ethernall slaves, forced to do his biding for eons, not able to find any rest.
Thanks for doing this video about the Nazgul. Their backstory and orgin has always been a wonder to me and also fascinating anytime I come upon information about their history. Excellent work.
Goodness; you guys are always coming out with new content. My wife and I literally gave up cable and it’s bonkers but you guys put out more stuff than some cable stations. (But I have yet to find one episode of your content I didn’t enjoy) #adultfanboy
In the movie where gandalf expressed his concerns for the witch king to the hobbit,and they showed him,I thought he was the coolest looking character out of them all.even after reading the book back in the 80s I always thought the nazgul were interesting,they were characters that stayed in my mind for years after reading the book..even till this day even.
In the MERP RPG modules, the authors did an excellent job in delving into the backgrounds of all of the Nine. Granted, this was not based on information provided by Tolkien however the Iron Crown Industries crew were obviously major league Tolkien fans and everything they wrote meshed seamlessly with the original works and expanded on the framework which Tolkien had built. A lot of love and dedication went into the ICE/Middle Earth system and the expansion on Tolkien's world. Your videos are excellent and have rekindled my interest in Tolkien. Thank you.
I absolutely applaud the work you guys do. Since I'm not really one who enjoys reading, these audio video presentations are perfect and give me a the better understanding of Tolkien's work that I've desired for a very long time. Keep up the great work, you're one of my favorite channels!
I would not mind a few backstories of some of the Nazgul. As odd as they were in the games, I do enjoy the differing ideas of what they could have been, and it makes it fun to come up with new versions of what Tolkien maybe imagined.
Speechless, that’s all I can say. Speechless. Tolkien didn’t need Peter Jackson to breathe life into his stories. They already had life in them. That’s how much details were in them. Truly speechless.
And yet JRR Tolkien expressly left his mythology to be rendered and the story expanded on in art, song, or word. Interestingly enough, he rejected the idea of him turning this into a film because he thought it was unfilmable. Peter Jackson also noted that there was no way he could get every part of Tolkien's lore on film. Jackson did not make the movies to make the Lord of the Rings better, but because he wanted to see the story on film as much as was possible.
@@sadiyarabia2496 With _Rings of Power,_ you could get clean, renewable energy for all of Tol Luinhoth--England, Wales, and Scotland alike--by hooking a drive belt to Tolkien in his grave.
Currently wearing the ring of the witch king. It made Kylo Ren step to the side instead of me stepping aside to him at Hollywood studios a few days ago
I love how the witch king as okay with fighting a white wizard Gandalf but ran away screaming from glorfindel. The guy deserves more love It is strange when given the above how Gandalf said that "even aragon and glorfindel couldn't stand against all of them" but yet Gandalf fought off 5 of them at once and the witch king wanted to solo him when he was Gandalf the white.
I think they are stronger when they are close each other or when they close their master Sauron. Witch King was alone and far away from his master when he faced Glorfindel.
Video on the powers and abilities of Nazgul would be cool to watch, also I like that there is not that much information about their backstory, I feel that makes them more mysterious and scary
If Amazon Prime's abominable show gave names to, or flushed out the stories of, any of the witch Kings, I would completely disregard it. As far as I am concerned, the Rings of Power is a bastardization of the Silmarillion, and everything Tolkienesque.
What I wonder about the amazon show. Since it's gonna be about the forging of the rings, it will no doubt include the nazguls. And since tolkien only mentioned khamul and angmar, I wonder how they're going to fill those gaps.
What are they? They were once men. Great kings of men. Then Sauron the deciever gave them the nine rings power, blinded by their greed,they took them without question, one by one fallen into darkness, now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul ringwraiths neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring. Drawn to the power of the one. They will never stop hunting you.
Funny anecdote: in the original drafts of LOTR, Frodo was going to push Gollum with the Ring to his death in the Sammath Naur. Then, the entrance of the Chamber is blocked by the Witch King: either Frodo says he is the Ringmaster and commands him to jump in the fire, or Sa heroically appears and stabs the Witch-King from behind, slaying him. In the oldest version there was even a sketched duel between Sam and a surviving Ringwraith on a rock island floating over the magma. Outstanding 😃
Excellent walkthrough of the Nazgul history. Intriguing to me when you guys connect the dots, particularly the ones that aren’t well known. On another note, I have no good expectations for the Amazon series. Amazon butchered Wheel of Time, and unfortunately there will similarly be disservice to Tolkien’s legacy.
I agree. The attempts by Amazon to insert all sorts of modern political notions into the Wheel of zTime really ruined it. Now they will do the same to the Lord of the Rings/Tolkien. They can't just tell a good story anymore, it has to be political.
Amazon are restricted by the Tolkien estate who are very strict and wouldn’t allow them to change much if anything. Didn’t think Wheel of Time on Amazon was great but the fact it had black people in it didn’t bother me.
Your voice and the purity of the lore you present, provides the weight of the subject matter. I am sure J.R.R. and Christopher would approve. BTW F Amazon Prime and The Rings of Power. The world didn't deserve Christoper Tolkien but thank Eru we got him.
Question:- How were the Nazgul able to attack and even stab Frodo at weathertop? He was not only the bearer, but at that time the wearer of the one ring?
You mean as in he had the ring, therefore should have had mastery over them? Good question, actually claiming the ring for oneself is different from just possessing it. Look at when frodo refused to destroy the ring. He actually attempts to claim it then, but that's what gandalf and the wise were referring to when talking about "only someone of great strength could bend it to their will" (paraphrasing). But in short, frodo wasn't the master of the ring as he hadn't attempted to claim it as his own. And if he did try and had got further then a few seconds before having his finger bitten off, it probably would have destroyed his mind. Also, that's why in that moment Sauron finally realized his flaw. It's a great moment! Hope this helped
@@jv3198 not instantly, he would have to gain mastery over the ring. Which he would be able to do, which is the difference between him and someone like frodo who doesn't have as much(if any) innate power. So if gandalf had the ring and bent it to his will then he would be able to control the nazgul. Though the act of taking the ring wouldn't immediately allow this, he would have to put try to bend it to his will. Though it would happen regardless if he wanted to or not, it would just take a little longer. While when Frodo "claimed" the ring in mount doom at the end of ROTK, were he to have had more time to try and actually control it, it would have destroyed his mind.
The powers and abilities of Nazgûl’s would be great. The names and powers have been explored in the other works that have “fleshed out” with the Middle Earth Roleplaying game or with the Games Workshop line of war hamming products. They have developed different stories for the Nazgul, but would be great to see your take on this theme.
"They have no great physical power against the fearless," he wrote, "but what they have, and the fear that they inspire, is enormously increased in darkness." -- Letter 210
It would be good to see the Nazgul backstories on the series, however I hope they don't do the same mistakes from "Middle-Earth: Shadow of War" game, that made a huge mess on the storyline putting characters from the 3rd Age as Nazguls (!), like the King of Rohan, Helm Hammerhand. They can put some King's Men/Black Númenóreans as Nazguls, as well as some Middle-Men, Easterlings and Haradrins. If they choose to do so, to tell the backstories, the origins of the 9 Nazgûl, I guess they will want to put the Witch-King as a kind of a king's men sorcerer or something, however I think the Witch-King was indeed a king (and maybe also a powerful sorcerer) among the Middle-Men of Eriador before the Faithful led by Elendil himself arrived there during the Akallabêth, it should explain easilly why the Middle-Men from Eriador, specially the native men from both Angmar and the Hill-Men from Rhudaur easilly followed him, despite the fact they hate the Dúnedain because they took the middle-men's lands + the previous bad relations between them and the númenóreans in mid-2nd Age.
Yes, I would like to learn your views on the Nazgul's powers and abilities. I always wondered why they weren't able to grab the ring before it reached Elrond's home at Rivendell.
I've always been a fan of The Lord Of The Rings! As a kid I would read any/all of the lore books, character and bestiary, landscape/topograph, and anything else I could get my hands on. But, I never came across detailed backstory of the nazgul besides whatbqe were given in the books and movies. Watching a video of tiurs about the nazguls powers, and their roles and ranks within the army of the Dark Lord Sauron. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Can't wait for the video! Should be a banger like all the videos you make! I appreciate the time, knowledge and, care you put into each video6
You guys asked for it, so here it is! A video on the powers and abilities of the Nazgul!
Do you have a video about the undying lands? and if not could you make one?
That's Luzon, philipi, and no, no look like that, losah now, alien
How'd sauron know Gollum used to have the ring.
I wonder if Sauron intended the Nazgûl to be analogous to Morgoth's Balrogs.
Gollum blundered into Mordor and was captured.
Definitely would love to see a powers and abilities video! The Witch King and the Nazgul are very interesting to me.
Agreed. I keep digging and digging into the lengendarium for any inkling of information that could provide anything about the identities of the Nazgul.
I would love to see them BEFORE they were corrupted..and how they slowly ended up becoming wraiths...
@@laraschauble agreed. There’s definitely a lot of story there to be told.
@@TheBrokenSword Maybe the dwarven ring bearers too?
One of the few things I think the Shadow of Mordor did that was truly interesting was the idea that some of the Wraiths were good men, manipulated/twisted over time. I like that Tolkien himself, while not exploring their backstories, made it clear that something like that was quite possible. Look at Isildur, a truly amazing/good man twisted to his doom by the One. Just an interesting aspect/idea that I like. Amazing video guys :)
Yes! I definitely think a great thing to remember is that the Rings corrupted the men, they 100% could have been good men before! It is probably fairly safe to say someone like Boromir, a great man of his time, would have been a powerful wraith! So there is no reason others like him from the previous Age of Middle-earth could have been tempted!
I agree with most of what you said but didn’t Isildur only get twisted by the ring in the film? I thought in the book he just wanted to take the ring as payment for losing his family members in order to kill Sauron.
@@WillG1882 he did infact take it as payment for the loss of his family and his people. Unknowing taking the one ring of Sauron. He actually hated and resented the feeling the ring gave him when he wore it.
Isildur is among them? I never knew that, so cool
There is another between them. One less known. (Or two, spoilers for Shadow of War.........unless you count Talion as well). Helm Hamerhand. He wasn't truly evil. He didn't chose the ring. The ring was the only way he could continue to live after he was murdered. Long story. But for short, Sauron was the one that actually put the ring on Helm's hand
Was just looking through your playlists for something to listen to while I fall asleep and saw this has just been uploaded. Hooray for vampire sleep schedule!
Ha! Glad you enjoy them all!
I think a video on their powers and abilities would be super cool
Hell yeah.
Canon wise I’m pretty sure the only unique Nazgûl’s are khumal and witch king.
Yeh it would almost all be made up
J.R.R said he started a followup story after the fall of Sauron and gave it up. But he also had 9 stories all ready to be written with each of the 9 rings. And perhaps another book or two telling the tale of the blue wizards. There is still plenty of material yet to be written.
@jdlech the author has past so no more should be written
Why? The writing should be to the world best writer, and we should have a chapter that can conclude which one is the best, and which of those wrote the best story. So it can be 1110%% bullet proof.
So mistakes can conjuct to our preaouis beloved lord of the rings universe.
@@EmanuelLjung who decides who the best writer is
@@justinbutler117 not me.
But it should be a group of people that are highly involved in Tolkien LotR, relevant people with geniune intress ofcourse. which could be voted globally.
@@EmanuelLjung rings of power came out. Can't trust anyone with it
I think one of the best parts about the nazgul is the ambiguity. Not knowing who they were and how they came to be makes them more mysterious and terrifying
@@averyallen6596 we know exactly who they were and exactly how they came to be. What are you talking about 😂😂😂
@@nocgenius5255 not true- only two of the Nazgûl were ever named. Yes we know they were great kings of men and who were corrupted by Sauron but we don’t know the story of their fall
I also believe that the Arnor "enchanted" knives held by the hobbits, being magically spiritually deadly to the ringwraiths, were anothe reason the black riders left for the time being. They would sense the power of these knives especially crafted to kill them. Not that they feared the hobbits but the small chance that they might be stabbed by such weapons made a further confrontation seem like an unnecessary risk. So they waited for the effects of their "magical" knife to turn Frodo into a wraith.
Here's an idea for you, though it may be short. Do a deep dive on the character of Farmer Maggot. He seems to play quite a bit in the early parts with more backstory than many others. Also not sure if he plays into the Scouring at all.
A video on Farmer Maggot could be such a fun one to do!
@@TheBrokenSword AND you can probably explain why Tolkien chose his name considering its connotation to fly larvae. It's always puzzled me and now I am resisting the Googs/DDGo to find out so you can answer it for me!
Is he Sam's future father in law?
"Farmer Maggot, the Hobbit who told a Nazgul to its face to get the fuck off his lawn. It is rumored he had the biggest testicles of any who ever walked upon Middle Earth. He was also well renowned as a great supplier of mushrooms."
You bring up a very good, interesting point. Although Farmer Maggot's character was very limited in the story, the little that was presented really made the character stand out. From the little bit of information that was given, he was definitely not a person you want to be on the wrong side with. Wagering a guess, my theory is that Farmer Maggot was in fact a Maiar. Like the Ents we're Maiar who were the custodians of the plant life of Middle Earth, Farmer Maggot was a Maiar custodian of the hobbit kind.
Tolkien himself was a mortal man; however, even he knew that there were fates worse than death.
What-if video idea for you to do:
What if Gandalf never fell at the Bridge of Khazad-dum and continued with the fellowship to Lothlorien and on forward?
A vid about powers and abilities would be nice. If you could talk about the way or form they materialized it would be even better
:D I will see what I can do!
the nazgul are invisible like frodo when wearing the ring, they are not ghosts or sprits they are wights. They are always in material form. The nine just wear armour and cloaks that can be visible when wearing the ring.
I would love a Nazgul powers and abilities video.
@@TheBrokenSword did you make one?
Nothing better than Tolkien content read by a right-proper British accent! Great channel
Wow, thanks!! Can't say I have too many people compliment my accent 😂😂
Powers & abilities! Hell yeah!
These are great videos: brilliant artwork, comprehensive scripts from otaku grade Tolkien geeks, well narrated.
More, please and thank you!
Depends all on the quality of the writers whether they should add back stories to the other Nazgul imo. Thanks for making the new Nazgul video on their abilities, about to watch it. I love your videos! Not too long, not too short just enough detail. A+++
i can see sauron getting some glee about tricking nobel kings and heroes and giving them the 9 rings, then with glee see them fall to his power and beeing his ethernall slaves, forced to do his biding for eons, not able to find any rest.
Thanks for doing this video about the Nazgul. Their backstory and orgin has always been a wonder to me and also fascinating anytime I come upon information about their history. Excellent work.
Goodness; you guys are always coming out with new content. My wife and I literally gave up cable and it’s bonkers but you guys put out more stuff than some cable stations. (But I have yet to find one episode of your content I didn’t enjoy) #adultfanboy
That is an amazing compliment! Thank you so much :D
loved this, could hear ya enthusiasm overflowing when talking about the nazzy's. Keep up the great work!
Nazgul Powers and abilities would be extremely interesting!
I would also love a video of Maiar powers and abilities, their ranks and most powerful.
😁 Those will be in the works for sure :D
It's amazing that this was all created by one man. The details, and thoughtfulness is impressive.
I think a video on the abilities of the Nine would be awesome.
I literally fall asleep listening to this guy. His dialect, accent, it's as memorizing as is the wonderful topics of LOTR is.
I appreciate ya.
In the movie where gandalf expressed his concerns for the witch king to the hobbit,and they showed him,I thought he was the coolest looking character out of them all.even after reading the book back in the 80s I always thought the nazgul were interesting,they were characters that stayed in my mind for years after reading the book..even till this day even.
not sure if you have yet, but a full video on Samwise gamgee would be cool. definitely one of my favourite characters
Yes, their powers and abilities please. Very informative! Thank you in advance. ✌🏼😎
In the MERP RPG modules, the authors did an excellent job in delving into the backgrounds of all of the Nine. Granted, this was not based on information provided by Tolkien however the Iron Crown Industries crew were obviously major league Tolkien fans and everything they wrote meshed seamlessly with the original works and expanded on the framework which Tolkien had built. A lot of love and dedication went into the ICE/Middle Earth system and the expansion on Tolkien's world.
Your videos are excellent and have rekindled my interest in Tolkien. Thank you.
Thank you for the story of the Nazgûl
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I absolutely applaud the work you guys do. Since I'm not really one who enjoys reading, these audio video presentations are perfect and give me a the better understanding of Tolkien's work that I've desired for a very long time. Keep up the great work, you're one of my favorite channels!
Thanks for your great content my fellow ringwraiths
Thank you for watching 😁
I’m running a dnd campaign set in Middle Earth. You’re Videos are super helpful in helping me brush up on my lore!
There needs to be a dark horror movie of the Nine kings of men that descended into Ringwraiths, the Nazgûl
They do it's called The Rings of Power 😂 they will get to that part eventually
@@Mark-nh2hshehe. No they won’t.
I dig this quite a bit. I sit at work for 8 hours and just listen to this in the background. Very cool!
yes. More Nazgul video please. Powers and abilities, sure thing.
2:00 Those are some interesting-looking hands!
@@jebprendergast101 take ma strong hand
I would not mind a few backstories of some of the Nazgul. As odd as they were in the games, I do enjoy the differing ideas of what they could have been, and it makes it fun to come up with new versions of what Tolkien maybe imagined.
Powers and abilities. Basically anything you can tell me about middle earth lore I'm down for.
Speechless, that’s all I can say. Speechless. Tolkien didn’t need Peter Jackson to breathe life into his stories. They already had life in them. That’s how much details were in them. Truly speechless.
And yet JRR Tolkien expressly left his mythology to be rendered and the story expanded on in art, song, or word.
Interestingly enough, he rejected the idea of him turning this into a film because he thought it was unfilmable.
Peter Jackson also noted that there was no way he could get every part of Tolkien's lore on film.
Jackson did not make the movies to make the Lord of the Rings better, but because he wanted to see the story on film as much as was possible.
@@josephnebeker7976It’s understandable that Tolkien thought his works were unfilmable then. Now I wish he was alive to see them!!!
With _Rings of Power,_ you could get clean, renewable energy for all of Tol Luinhoth--England, Wales, and Scotland alike--by hooking a drive belt to Tolkien in his grave.
Currently wearing the ring of the witch king. It made Kylo Ren step to the side instead of me stepping aside to him at Hollywood studios a few days ago
Enjoyed that! Thanks guys. Would love to see a video on their powers and abilities 👍🏽
Thank you so much! 😁
This is such a nice channel to listen to while I work
I love how the witch king as okay with fighting a white wizard Gandalf but ran away screaming from glorfindel.
The guy deserves more love
It is strange when given the above how Gandalf said that "even aragon and glorfindel couldn't stand against all of them" but yet Gandalf fought off 5 of them at once and the witch king wanted to solo him when he was Gandalf the white.
I wonder if the Nazgal became stronger after they were defeated at Rivendel and returned to Mordor?
I think they are stronger when they are close each other or when they close their master Sauron. Witch King was alone and far away from his master when he faced Glorfindel.
"Powers and Abilities", I would love to hear more, but since I am of the mind that I can't get enough then that does not say much. Loved this video.
Video on the powers and abilities of Nazgul would be cool to watch, also I like that there is not that much information about their backstory, I feel that makes them more mysterious and scary
I love, love, love the videos. Thanks for making these!
Our pleasure 😊
Gandalf :- Even Glorfindel and Arragon couldn't take them on .
Also Gandalf :- Let me show you how its done .
Yes please my teens have now picked up my love of Tolkien thanks to your videos🎉. We only just found you but big fans.
If Amazon Prime's abominable show gave names to, or flushed out the stories of, any of the witch Kings, I would completely disregard it. As far as I am concerned, the Rings of Power is a bastardization of the Silmarillion, and everything Tolkienesque.
Hit the nail on the head. It’s gay.
They should be in the show let alone the rings just being forged.
Great stuff. Appreciate your telling of the back stories
Thank you for listening :D
Powers and abilities of the Nazgul would be a great video
What an awesome and helpful video! Tysm, as always!
Glad you enjoyed it :D
What I wonder about the amazon show. Since it's gonna be about the forging of the rings, it will no doubt include the nazguls. And since tolkien only mentioned khamul and angmar, I wonder how they're going to fill those gaps.
With shit and not only the gaps but the whole production, one of the worst IP interpretations I have ever witnessed.
@@UnkaStunka I completely agree. Utter garbage
They will fill the gaps with nonsense. Lots of flash without substance.
@@JacobHimmelhaver-m8g Yeah, what a damn shame is that garbage of a show
Farmer Maggot: “Sod off.” Nazgûl: “Understandable, have a nice day.”
What are they? They were once men. Great kings of men. Then Sauron the deciever gave them the nine rings power, blinded by their greed,they took them without question, one by one fallen into darkness, now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul ringwraiths neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring. Drawn to the power of the one. They will never stop hunting you.
It’s an oddly comforting thought that Sauron might could pick a lowly nobody like me to be one of his mighty ringwraiths lol
Only drums in Moria and Old forest was more creepy for 6 years old me than nazguls. They are so scary and so amazing in the same time.
So true!
So well made!! Amazing video
The Nazgul is so cool and creepiest of Saurons armies. 👍
They are great aren’t they! 😁
Great video! I would love to see a Nazgul powers videi
I would definitely be interested in more on them. The Nazgûl are my favorite characters. I have a huge forearm tattoo of the Witch King, so yeah. 👍
Excellent detail of the Nazgûl history.
Please make a video explaining their powers and abilities.
I definitely want to see the powers and abilities of the Naz ghoul!!!!!!
Funny anecdote: in the original drafts of LOTR, Frodo was going to push Gollum with the Ring to his death in the Sammath Naur. Then, the entrance of the Chamber is blocked by the Witch King: either Frodo says he is the Ringmaster and commands him to jump in the fire, or Sa heroically appears and stabs the Witch-King from behind, slaying him. In the oldest version there was even a sketched duel between Sam and a surviving Ringwraith on a rock island floating over the magma. Outstanding 😃
Excellent walkthrough of the Nazgul history. Intriguing to me when you guys connect the dots, particularly the ones that aren’t well known.
On another note, I have no good expectations for the Amazon series. Amazon butchered Wheel of Time, and unfortunately there will similarly be disservice to Tolkien’s legacy.
We can hope they will do it justice but the odds are quite simply stacked against that
@@dakotaburnem2270 yea, I don’t expect much out of the film industry anymore. I guess I’ve been spoiled from too much awesome Anime. 😜
I agree. The attempts by Amazon to insert all sorts of modern political notions into the Wheel of zTime really ruined it. Now they will do the same to the Lord of the Rings/Tolkien. They can't just tell a good story anymore, it has to be political.
Maybe the Witch King CAN be female, a real Bitch! :)
Amazon are restricted by the Tolkien estate who are very strict and wouldn’t allow them to change much if anything.
Didn’t think Wheel of Time on Amazon was great but the fact it had black people in it didn’t bother me.
A wonderful walk through on the Nazgul . Superb illustrations .
Nazgûl powers and abilities would be awesome!
Your voice and the purity of the lore you present, provides the weight of the subject matter. I am sure J.R.R. and Christopher would approve. BTW F Amazon Prime and The Rings of Power. The world didn't deserve Christoper Tolkien but thank Eru we got him.
i would love to see the powers and the abilities of the nazgul
POWERS & ABILITIES. Thank you for this video. Very nice! 🤘
Surely being the Lord of Gifts means "no backsies?"
A full tale of the creation of the Black Riders would be great.
In my mind it's certain that the Amazon series will write at least one backstory for a Ringwraith. It's an opportunity they won't miss.
It won't be canon.
"It's an opportunity they won't miss." Great- it's jinxed! 😭
“Powers & Abilities” please… Fully appreciate all your great efforts… Truly a wonderful channel… Regards🇶🇦
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it :D
You are always most welcome… Truly a pleasure… Kindly continue, I can’t wait for your next video… Regards🇶🇦
Question:- How were the Nazgul able to attack and even stab Frodo at weathertop? He was not only the bearer, but at that time the wearer of the one ring?
You mean as in he had the ring, therefore should have had mastery over them? Good question, actually claiming the ring for oneself is different from just possessing it. Look at when frodo refused to destroy the ring. He actually attempts to claim it then, but that's what gandalf and the wise were referring to when talking about "only someone of great strength could bend it to their will" (paraphrasing). But in short, frodo wasn't the master of the ring as he hadn't attempted to claim it as his own. And if he did try and had got further then a few seconds before having his finger bitten off, it probably would have destroyed his mind. Also, that's why in that moment Sauron finally realized his flaw. It's a great moment! Hope this helped
@@illuin__ so if gandalf had claimed the ring for himself he would have been able to control the nazgul?
@@jv3198 not instantly, he would have to gain mastery over the ring. Which he would be able to do, which is the difference between him and someone like frodo who doesn't have as much(if any) innate power. So if gandalf had the ring and bent it to his will then he would be able to control the nazgul. Though the act of taking the ring wouldn't immediately allow this, he would have to put try to bend it to his will. Though it would happen regardless if he wanted to or not, it would just take a little longer. While when Frodo "claimed" the ring in mount doom at the end of ROTK, were he to have had more time to try and actually control it, it would have destroyed his mind.
These characters are just so freaking cool!
The powers and abilities of Nazgûl’s would be great. The names and powers have been explored in the other works that have “fleshed out” with the Middle Earth Roleplaying game or with the Games Workshop line of war hamming products. They have developed different stories for the Nazgul, but would be great to see your take on this theme.
Powers and ab...oh, you've done it! Awesome! :)
"They have no great physical power against the fearless," he wrote, "but what they have, and the fear that they inspire, is enormously increased in darkness." -- Letter 210
The artwork of Stefano Baldo depicting Eowyn and the Witch King is by far the most beautiful and intense, I’ve ever seen.
I always believed that the Nazgul were Sauron's generals, given their history upon getting their respective rings.
No. They became enslaved by the rings of power. It slowly corrupted them and than they got turned into his generals.
@@latter-daysaintbatman2679 That's what I was thinking
Do the powers and abilities! This channel has got me wanting to rewatch all the movies with new knowledge:
It would be good to see the Nazgul backstories on the series, however I hope they don't do the same mistakes from "Middle-Earth: Shadow of War" game, that made a huge mess on the storyline putting characters from the 3rd Age as Nazguls (!), like the King of Rohan, Helm Hammerhand.
They can put some King's Men/Black Númenóreans as Nazguls, as well as some Middle-Men, Easterlings and Haradrins. If they choose to do so, to tell the backstories, the origins of the 9 Nazgûl, I guess they will want to put the Witch-King as a kind of a king's men sorcerer or something, however I think the Witch-King was indeed a king (and maybe also a powerful sorcerer) among the Middle-Men of Eriador before the Faithful led by Elendil himself arrived there during the Akallabêth, it should explain easilly why the Middle-Men from Eriador, specially the native men from both Angmar and the Hill-Men from Rhudaur easilly followed him, despite the fact they hate the Dúnedain because they took the middle-men's lands + the previous bad relations between them and the númenóreans in mid-2nd Age.
Looking forward to that powers and abilities video!
The Nazgul need to stay mysterious...
The mystery is their draw...
Would definitely love to see a powers and abilities video on the Nazgûl.
Yes, I would like to learn your views on the Nazgul's powers and abilities. I always wondered why they weren't able to grab the ring before it reached Elrond's home at Rivendell.
I wish someone would make a full animated mini series from beginning to end! Well done on your work, I love watching everything you post, thank you!
I would love to see a video where you go over their powers and abilities; I love playing these videos; please keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the great content. Can see that you care a lot. :) Bring on Powers and Abilities.
Yeah definitely a powers and abilities video would be great
I believe we are going to see what kings received the rings and more your channel is awesome and very enlightening.
I've always been a fan of The Lord Of The Rings! As a kid I would read any/all of the lore books, character and bestiary, landscape/topograph, and anything else I could get my hands on. But, I never came across detailed backstory of the nazgul besides whatbqe were given in the books and movies. Watching a video of tiurs about the nazguls powers, and their roles and ranks within the army of the Dark Lord Sauron. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Can't wait for the video! Should be a banger like all the videos you make! I appreciate the time, knowledge and, care you put into each video6
Definitely do powers and abilities. Every video you do is great work! Keep them coming.
Excellent video. I would love to see more on this topic
good stuff! Really enjoying these lore videos of yours!
Powers and abilities of the Nazgul would be really interesting to see. I didn't know much about them until I started watching your videos. Thank you.
Definitely would like a powers and abilities video
Definitely up for the video idea
Pokers and abilities! Thanks for the great content!