This is Korean War battle of triangle hill 上甘岭战役, over hill 597.9 五九七点七高地 (height 697.9 meters above see level). Was it easy? Who said anything about being easy. Chinese were fighting US lead UN troops of white men alliance. China's world standing today has a lot to do with this war. Ever since europeans colonized much land outside of europe, the world order hasn't changed.
秦基伟是老紅軍, 是紅四方面軍出身的將領, 曾擔任過草地總指揮, 負責部隊能存活下來. 西征時其部隊幾乎被馬家軍圍殲, 説他不愛惜士兵生命, 完全是胡説八道. 駡他的人是沒有全局觀的近視眼.
胡扯扯錯了地方: 秦基伟是老紅軍, 是紅四方面軍出身的將領, 曾擔任過草地總指揮, 負責保障部隊的生存. 西征時其部隊幾乎被馬家軍圍殲, 説他不愛惜士兵生命, 完全是胡説八道.
Hermosa película 😊
This is Korean War battle of triangle hill 上甘岭战役, over hill 597.9 五九七点七高地 (height 697.9 meters above see level). Was it easy? Who said anything about being easy. Chinese were fighting US lead UN troops of white men alliance. China's world standing today has a lot to do with this war. Ever since europeans colonized much land outside of europe, the world order hasn't changed.
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