It was clear the winner was not going to let the other family survive and considering Byazid was rask and whent agenst his father and empire and rebelled while seeking help from the sultans enemys it is quite clear the diffrense between Byazid and Selim is ovius as dispite his faults Selim did not do what Byazid did and Selim endes up with a strong card Thoe it is quite clear the happenings around him effected Selim badly emotionaly
It was clear the winner was not going to let the other family survive and considering Byazid was rask and whent agenst his father and empire and rebelled while seeking help from the sultans enemys it is quite clear the diffrense between Byazid and Selim is ovius as dispite his faults Selim did not do what Byazid did and Selim endes up with a strong card Thoe it is quite clear the happenings around him effected Selim badly emotionaly
Things are hard, without valide sultan around what can rustem do?
Sera Rusten el Bebe