Jeff Probst “ It reminds me of old school survivor”  Jeff also.. OK guys that’s enough! 

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @billsenior213
    @billsenior213 Год назад +2

    Just started watch more Survivor Australia and just WOW. I’m watching season 5 “All Stars” and what a breath of fresh air. Old time Survivor with really tough challenges, no puzzles so far. They just started their current season and 2 hospitalizations. Tough Survivor, tough cast and they still say “Out wit, Out play, Out last…and mean it.

  • @jansensparks7858
    @jansensparks7858 Год назад +9

    There is no doubt in my mind that if the next seasons promotion trailer was Jeff saying we’re going back to old school survivor! 39 Days, Old school challenges, 2-3 hidden immunity idols will be the only advantages, survivor auction is back, etc. it would smoke the last 3 seasons ratings! Keep the diversity, use the 2 hour opening episode to knock out the life stories and get to the game!

  • @newenglandhustler8200
    @newenglandhustler8200 Год назад +17

    That challenge is brutal. You should rewatch when they did it in Micronesia. Ozzy came in second and when he came out of the water he looked like he was dying. His face was swollen purple. Soft school Survivor right now is too scared to let these guys put it on the line.

  • @waldemarkrecidlo8324
    @waldemarkrecidlo8324 Год назад +3

    Agree with you Russell! Since season 41 there is Pussy Survivor Era!

  • @justinrittenhouse3496
    @justinrittenhouse3496 Год назад +12

    I loved this challenge! It was incredible to see an original challenge again! I was okay with them stopping the challenge due to the tide going down because you need the tide to make this challenge work, but there is still a solution that they did not do. Change the challenge. They could have had Owen and Karla compete in a tie breaker where they both go under water and the person who stays under longer wins. I hope that time is not a factor, but if it is just go back to 39 days. If time is not a factor still go back to 39 days!

    • @Nersius
      @Nersius Год назад +3

      Probst said that the tide was too low, but:
      1) They were both dying w/ just how cold it was.
      2) The entire time the tide was swelling above the bars still.
      Amazing job by Owen and Karla, but so disappointing of Jeff to do that.

  • @queenaddi
    @queenaddi Год назад +3

    I agree with you they shouldve let the challenge play out. The reason they didnt is because with stupid 26 days they had tribal council that night.

  • @_ben_miller
    @_ben_miller Год назад +3

    like what jag519 said, they cant go forever due to tribal being that night as well. the 26 day thing is just forcing decisions left and right.

  • @lakiatrippert6894
    @lakiatrippert6894 Год назад +2

    I think it might also have to do with the shorten season because if the challenge was 12 hours then they would have to go straight to tribal council.
    They should have had a way to make it harder. Lower the bar or something.

  • @jag519
    @jag519 Год назад +3

    I guess the other two challenges people talk about other than this about being dangerous is b/c people legit got lifelong medical issues and they probably legally couldn't do it anymore. People with permanent nerve damage in their feet or impacted spines from some of the older ones probably made those challenges not allowed any more.
    Also, I think jeff got too old, he can't stand out there that long, and having the crappy 26 days means they don't have time to have a long challenge, they need time for tribal, and they can't push tribal to the next day.

  • @Hitman-316
    @Hitman-316 Год назад

    Totally agree. I couldn't believe they stopped challenges... Couldn't believe it

  • @XxStrikeStalkerxX
    @XxStrikeStalkerxX Год назад +1

    The practical reason they didn't drag it out was that they have a strict 26 day schedule and can't afford to lose a day if the challenge goes that long. No days of wiggle room to work with

  • @MarkVA71
    @MarkVA71 Год назад

    They should have made the bars lower and started the competition earlier. That way the water would have got high enough that someone would have had to quit first and the other person would have won. Seems like it may have been engineered so that the tide would go down and Jeff would say "Survivor first!"

  • @Bink1221
    @Bink1221 Год назад

    I've never been near the ocean, I'm in the middle of Canada. But I thought if you get a little bit of salt water in your lungs it could be fatal and end up to drowning in your sleep. That true? If so, that should be very dangerous. Lets bring back the old school bug eating challenge from season 2 with the spinning wheel.

  • @alwayzsmarter
    @alwayzsmarter Год назад

    He also stopped it because he thought it would make better tv for saving cody. That challenge was hard and i loved it. I can see them not wanting someone to silently drown in ocean at night but they couldve at least improvised and done like breath hold contest or something

  • @jeffreysg
    @jeffreysg Год назад

    When Jeff said it was a tie, I just about turned my TV off. That’s not the Jeff Probst that I remember. That, is some sort of weird creature that is trying to run Survivor into the ground.

  • @8notoriusinquisitorius87
    @8notoriusinquisitorius87 Год назад

    I agree that water challenge is very hard. How about how they had to be told to search for an advantage...if it was you, that advantage would have been found long before if it was out there.

  • @dougponce5366
    @dougponce5366 Год назад

    I was also wanting them to just play it out as endurance. I think the reason they stopped it is because of the whole 26 day thing so they needed to give them time to strategize. Unfortunate causality of the change

  • @jaystrange2662
    @jaystrange2662 Год назад

    i was like WTF - let them EARN immunity

  • @AyeJewd
    @AyeJewd Год назад

    They stopped it because it got too easy with the tide going down. But, I don't think that's a good reason. There's a point where immunity isn't worth hanging there. Let's see who the immunity is worth most to.

  • @redkap5816
    @redkap5816 Год назад

    no body suffered like survivor africa

  • @jamesd7469
    @jamesd7469 Год назад

    The survivor producers made a fundamental mistake in designing the challenge. They should have lowered the grill by about an inch or half an inch in the first place and we would have had a winner.

  • @TheDollyce
    @TheDollyce Год назад +1

    I was VERY GLAD that Jeff called the Challenge a tie. Because now the tide was going out, and the only thing that would happen now is watching the final 2 get hypothermia while the tide went out, and then back in again They were coming close to hypothermia. It was becoming dangerous. I'll betcha production doctors said something in Jeff's ear bud to call it a tie NOW. Owen and Karla beat the challenge, fair and square. They beat it. I disagree with you Russell: this wasn't a challenge of the two of them hanging onto a pole in the water! They were IN the water as it was leaching away their core body temperature. Enough is enough. Don't you remember the Kaoh Rong Season where the outside temperature was 120°, and they made the Survivors participate in a brutal challenge in the heat of the day and people started dropping like flies from dehydration and overheating. An unconscious young man, Caleb, was air flighted to a local hospital and treated for heat stroke and dehydration! So IMO, Survivor owes it to the participants, and the fans, to NOT LET anyone die out there. I'll bet Survivor caught hell after Caleb's evac. Even allowing that challenge to start in 120° weather was negligent and callus. Frankly, I was pissed. Oh, but the show must go on for our entertainment??? So I was very very very happy to see Jeff declare the two as co-winners. They beat the challenge. Otherwise, next stop, death.

  • @rossmiester169
    @rossmiester169 Год назад

    I was wondering too why they stopped that challenge. OUTLAST….. in outwit outplay outlast

  • @Broknex
    @Broknex Год назад

    It's not dangerous... You can just swim out. Primal instincts would take over no matter how much you wanted to drown yourself, you'd just move a few inches and stick your head up outside the cage. LOL I get why he stopped it. The south pacific tides are so miniscule, there was no point in waiting another 12 hours till it gets deep again. These days, they're too cheap to pay the camera operators for the entire time.

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 Год назад

    I'm really good a not panicking, but open water is one of my four big fears, so for this one...I don't know. I'm hanging onto something, so not AS bad, but Gods only know my body might freak out before my rain can stop it. Yeah, though, them stopping it was kind of bullshit. I GET it: the conditions that made it difficult were no longer present, but if you wanted actual drama, you should have started earlier in the day--or hour? How do tides work and how often?00when the tide wasn't already moving up. It's an endurance challenge, right? I don't know whether you underestimate yourself by saying you'd "die" out there, unless you're speaking figuratively, but water not your thing either/ Or is it the panic element? I've had too much experience in hospital with doctors telling me "Surgery NOW or you're dead tomorrow" to really panic about much anymore, but then again, going under moving water while you're still fully conscious. Eep.

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 Год назад

    PS: No, they would pull you before you drowned. Legal obligation, eh. I do believe you even said once, anyone dies on a season, that season wouldn't be aired. Caleb and Russell Swan almost DID die on their respective seasons, but they didn't.

  • @ShermannTV
    @ShermannTV Год назад +1

    I thought you and Brandon were going to Thailand

  • @Gryphon129
    @Gryphon129 Год назад

    I wanted them to go on as well but then I thought of hypothermia

  • @craigneeve61
    @craigneeve61 Год назад

    They stopped the challenge cos they only have 26 days

  • @anthonymort5202
    @anthonymort5202 Год назад +2

    They stopped the challenge because if the tide goes down they can't complete the challenge because if the water isn't going above your head there is no challenge it's just hanging out in the water they didn't stop the challenge the baby them they did it because you can't complete the challenge without the tide

    • @trevormuir2834
      @trevormuir2834 Год назад +1

      Guess what? Idiot the tide rises and falls every day.

  • @brentmichael4770
    @brentmichael4770 Год назад

    Hey Russ, is Jeff a liberal piece of trash? We need a cohost! Someone like you to handle Tribal councel. People don't like Jeff anymore, and the show would do better having a former player help as a cohost.