Obras comentadas: Autorretrato, Alberto Durero, (1498), por Cristina Iglesias

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Con motivo de la exposición "La belleza encerrada. De Fra Angelico a Fortuny", Cristina Iglesias, artista, comenta la obra Autorretrato, Alberto Durero, (1498).
    El Autorretrato de 1498 es uno de los primeros autorretratos que se conocen. Alberto Durero no se representa haciendo alusión a cualquier otra faceta de su vida, sino reflejando la conciencia de sí mismo como creador tal y como indica la inscripción y a su vez como “gentiluomo”: hombre elegante, cortesano, como un caballero.
    La vida de Durero -considerado el introductor del Renacimiento italiano en la Alemania del siglo XV- corre paralela a la de dos personajes como Leonardo da Vinci y el Bosco. En su obra se fusionan de forma admirable la fuerza expresiva germana, el realismo flamenco y el Renacimiento italiano.
    (Subtítulos en inglés y español)
    On the occasion of the exhibition Captive Beauty from Fra Angelico to Fortuny, Cristina Iglesias, artist, comments on the work Self-portrait, Albrecht Dürer, (1498).
    Albrecht Dürer’s Self-portrait of 1498 is one of the first knownself-portraits. In his depiction of himself the artist chose not to refer to any other aspect of his life but rather to reflect on hisself-awareness as a creative figure like the inscription says and also as a “gentleman”, presenting himself as an elegant, courtly and aristocratic figure.
    Dürer is considered to be the artist who introduced the Italian Renaissance into 16th-century Germany. His life and career run parallel to those of two other artists with whom he has elements in common: Leonardo da Vinci and Hieronymous Bosch. Dürer’s work is a remarkable fusion of German expressive force, Flemish realism and the Italian Renaissance.
    (Spanish and english subtitles)

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