The Black Bolt line is literally "This is Black Bolt, he's got my back. I recommend not letting him speak to you. His voice can vaporize you in an instant." Also, Black Bolt has phyically fought Hulk in the comics. So you could assume that he's physically on par with strongmen in the MCU
The way that was done in evil dead was comedy and it was an evil thing done to a good man by an evil entity. Here it is an evil thing done to a decent man by a “good man” aka doctor strange. Very different circumstances
"So, in order to ensure that Wanda's storylines in Multiverse of Madness made sense, writer Michael Waldron said he collaborated a lot with Elizabeth, who has "total ownership over Wanda and the Scarlet Witch. In terms of specific elements Elizabeth helped craft, Michael said she was instrumental in fleshing out Wanda's ideas about being "reasonable" and calling out Doctor Strange for his actions that make him a hero but would make her a villain." Ahhhhhh... Michael Waldron throws Elizabeth Olsen under the bus...
Olsen got the script a few days before finishing WandaVision. She was not happy with it. Waldron, like Bendis, leans into the kids, because woman, whereas a smart writer with a brain would lean into Chthon, as it is he who poisons Wanda's life. Chthon is way more important to the narrative than Billy and Tommy. They are still alive, BTW, but Chthon has hidden them somewhere. Chthon actually drives the plot of the movie, but because Waldron doesn't show how he is doing that, most people won't notice that, because Wong mentions him once. Also, no mention of Chaos Magic in this movie. Chthon invented chaos magic, kind of important, that. I think Waldron got notes to mention Chthon, but, through his ignorance, was influenced by Bendis's "muh babies" nonsense.
Also, relying on an actress to "flesh out" a character is like asking a random teenager to "flesh out" a character. Both are creatures of emotion and self-involvement. They cannot offer valuable writing advice or consideration outside of what they "feel". And that is always the path to bad writing.
@@stonebaxter What on earth are you talking about? Plenty of actors are capable of intelligently fleshing out their characters through their portrayal. That's part of the job requirement. If you haven't seen that happen, it is because you haven't watched enough good movies. Now, it is fair to ask whether Elizabeth Olsen did well in that regard, in this particular film. Maybe not. But since the writing in this movie is all-around terrible (even apart from Wanda's character), and this is coming from one of the major writers / producers of Loki, I am willing to bet that Waldron is the one *primarily* responsible for screwing the pooch, here. (Of course, it is a collaborative effort and there's blame to go around.)
Wanda: YOU WILL NOT TAKE THEM FROM ME! Strange: Your anger and lust for power have already done that. You’ve allowed this Darkhold to twist your mind until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
See, if we got a Mustafar fight in this film, Dr. Strange would be one getting cut apart and flung into a river of lava. He wouldn't even get the decency of coming back as Darth Strange.
Wanda: Don't lecture me Strange. I see through the lies of the sorcerers. I do not fear the Darkhold as you do. Wanda: I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new multiverse.
@@SSJLucas117 Strange: Your new multiverse? Wanda: Don’t make me kill you. Strange: My allegiance is to Kamar Taj. To restore balance! Wanda: If you’re not with me. Then you are my enemy. Strange: Only a witch deals in absolutes. I will do what I must. Wanda: You will try.
Black Bolt killed a lot of people by accident when he was a kid. Because of this, he zealously threw himself into harsh training to prevent accidental vocalizations. He trained for years to get his voice perfectly under control so that he would never hurt his people by accident again. He has so much self control that he doesn't talk in his sleep, grunt during sex, or cry out when being tortured. That level of dedication and discipline is why he's (supposed to be) a good king. He could also freely control electrons when he first debuted, but I think they retconned that ability because it was so overpowered.
@@arewestilldoingphrasing6490 True, I forgot the standard issue "Peak Human" kit that most heroes get. He's also very handsome and a low-tier genius, for what it's worth.
That's basically what she's been in the comics since they decided to retcon her old origin as a mutant and the daughter of Magneto. Yeah it's pretty lame.
They have done Dark Phoenix 3 times now. They have made 2 female led solo movies. They have made 20+ male led solo movies...and done Dark Phoenix with none of their male characters. Marvel comics has, incredibly, in it's 80 year history, literally not made even one great story for its superheroines. That's why they recycle DP over and over. Look beneath Marvel's virtue signalling and the company's notorious misogyny is still there.
It blows my mind that Hawkeye and Wanda’s brother are never mentioned/considered by her in the entire movie. Her husband, the man she enslaved and tortured a town to get back, gets two offhanded mentions. I don’t get it.
I watched wandavision before going to see this.. and I regretted wasting a weekend to finish this show because it didn't really matter.. it's all hand waved by one line "and I am sure you did right in the end"... I am glad I didn't watch What If.. that would have been a waste as well..
Agreed. You’d think Wanda wants to use her multiverse powers to find a universe where her brother is still alive, but I guess not. If she does care about that sort of thing, the writers never bothered to have her mention it.
@@nont18411 The fact that this is true flabbergasts me. If one is making a sequel to something, you’d think that the OBVIOUS step numero uno would be to watch the content that precedes your story.
It’s a shame that doctor strange doesn’t know a spell that is apparently very easy to cast and allows people to forget specific individual and events. That would ruin the plot even more.
Oh hell no! From what I heard, part of the reason Avengers Disassembled happened in the comics was that Wanda lost the memory of her kids and, when Wasp unintentionally jogged said memory, Wanda went nuts and started screwing reality.
going even further, it could only be a "that universe" concept, like where she comes from that could mean anything, could be a country flag, popular current fashion, a designer logo... could mean anything really
@@grandarkfang_1482 They haven't been Marvel's characters since the Disney purchase in 2009. That's what people need to understand. You can't hate Disney and yet support Marvel. Marvel's a subsidiary of Disney now, not a brand in its own right the way it was prior. Anyone with any love for the Marvel of yore can (and should) demonstrate that regard by rejecting Disney's Marvel, not supporting it in the hopes that the table scraps of things you recognise increases. Buying anything Marvel right now is rewarding the thing which killed that thing you love and which is wearing its face. It's a ghoul. Let it die. Mourn the loss of the host victim. But stay the evil, and learn the lesson.
Timestamps 0:00 Does it make any sense? 2:21 Halo 5:05 The Artwork 6:37 Random Media Commentary 16:32 Act II Scene 1 - Earth 838 25:35 Act II Scene 2- The Memory Store 34:47 Act II Scene 3 - Mordo 41:48 Act II Scene 4 - Dreamwalk 46:27 Act II Scene 5 - Destroy The Darkhold 1:02:01 Act II Scene 6 - Prisoners 1:11:03 Act II Scene 7 - The Temple 1:18:20 Act II Scene 8- The Illuminati 1:30:30 Act II Scene 9 - Inside The Temple 1:37:55 Act II Scene 10- The Truth 1:53:11 Act II Scene 11 - Wanda vs Illuminati (1) 2:34:57 Drop Off 2:38:57 Act II Scene 11 - Wanda vs Illuminati (2) 2:42:45 Act II Scene 12 - Mordo vs Strange 2:53:47 Act II Scene 13 - Wanda vs Xavier 3:03:27 Act II Scene 14 - The Chase 3:12:38 Act II Scene 15 - The book of Vishanti 3:36:10 Act III Scene 1 - The Sinister Universe 3:44:52 Act III Scene 2 - Sinister Strange 3:54:43 Act III Scene 3 - The Music Fight 3:59:14 Act III Scene 4 - Wong 4:02:04 Act III Scene 5 Dr Strange & The Darkhold 4:05:00 Act III Scene 6 Zombie Strange 4:17:54 Act III Scene 7 The Final Fight 4:31:57 Act III Scene 8 The Awareness (1) 4:33:23 Convenience, Contradictions & Contrivances 4:41:18 Act III Scene 8 The Awareness (2) 4:51:40 Act III Scene 9 Defeat 4:53:47 Afterthoughts 4:58:39 Act III Scene 9 Dr Strange & Christinge 5:00:10 Act III Scene 10 Endings & Post Credit Scene 5:06:09 The Age Of Ultron Problem 5:07:50 Evaluations, Damage Report & Ranking 5:33:05 Up Next 5:36:22 Today's Hosts
They already had great foundation for Doctor Strange 2 here - Mordo’s quest for neutralizing sorcerers because he doesn’t trust their power. - Strange’s past about his dead sister. (A huge opportunity to make Nightmare showing his sister’s ghost to rattle him just like how Mysterio showed CGI Tony zombie to Peter. A proper execution in a horror movie) Probably the reason why he was so cynical in his first movie and could be a ground for his development about “open up himself” later on. - Scott Derrickson’s original idea of having Nightmare as a villain of this movie instead of Wanda. - Wanda fighting her own dark side which could be about prime Wanda fighting her future evil self from alternate universe. It could’ve been an amazing Doctor Strange sequel movie. Unfortunately, we never got it. Instead, we got Wandachavez guess starring Doctor Strange with a narrative being such a huge mess.
It did make me wonder why it was doctor strange 2 as opposed to just Marvel Medley... Then again at least he was in the movie, unlike Bob Feet in his series
Better yet: In Nightmare’s place is Mephisto, directly adding continuity in his looking to follow up with Strange on their “little trade” to make the universe forget Peter Parker
I cringed so hard at Peggy saying "i can do this all day" because it is indicative of the issue people are really getting at when they complain about "the m-she-u". It is not that you are elevating cool female characters to be leading, important figures. It is that you are taking generic females as hero archetypes and placing them into preestablished roles that used to be filled by inspiring, admirable, charismatic characters that we came to know and love over a well paced and well thought out story. The Peggy stuff is probably the most direct example of this. When you hear a character with basically no screen time give this line you are supposed to feel about her like you do about the other guy who said it. It is a transparent replacement of characters with a "girl-version" and its just off putting.
These things are getting a pass from the Marvel audience because well "it is in the comics idiot" 😂 they don't take it into account that these comics were failures.. they weren't popular.. female Thor wasn't popular, captain Carter wasn't popular because nobody wanted to read about these characters.. they are sticking to the source material but when the source material is stupid. I am hearing a lot of comics fans saying that Wanda is just like she is in the comics.. OP and teetering between good and bad.. which is just so stupid
Actually, it’s “you either die and have your character assassinated by incompetent writers, or live long enough to have your character assassinated by incompetent writers”.
Wanda fans should’ve been furious at what Wanda did in this movie. Because even if they don’t care about any innocent people she enslaved and killed, they should at least care that Wanda DESTROYED HER OWN ALTERNATE VERSION’S LIFE. Wanda Maximoff, their favorite character, was mind controlled by the evil villain into killing the heroes and innocent people. Which means her life will be surely destroyed after this movie because the rest of the heroes will be hunting her down and trying to kill her. Wanda turned the life of their favorite character into a living hell.
The sympathy angle that they took with Wanda is so bullshit.. her character is totally fucked in terms of morality because of things she did in this movie and the show.. it could have been really simple to just make Agatha the main villain by mind controlling Wanda.. and when that is broken later, should have manipulated Wanda into thinking that DarkHold can bring the children back which should have had a mind of its own.. and then darkhold affects her by trapping the good Wanda in her own head and her evil version takes hold of her...and she is evil.. when Doctor Xavier goes into her head, he could have met two Wandas both trapped and he couldn't understand who to help in the time possible.. and he gets killed.. then they could have made her evil and she could have been freed from her evilness by something by the end of this movie.. it's not that hard.. fucking stupid bullshit sympathy angle crap.
It's ultimately really depressing because the more you think about this movie (and many others) the more you realize just how much potential has been squandered.
Christ, I didn't even notice that America Chavez' character was assassinated; she apparently can control her powers now, and doesn't immediately go and find her parents who have been stuck God-knows-where for over 10 years. And her parents are causing incursions wherever they are right now. Same with America. Good job, MCU, you're literally hanging yourself with logic right now.
What the fuck are you talking about. She can't control her powers now. She's LEARNING too at the end of the fucking movie and her and strange talk about practicing it to go find her parents. Did you even WATCH the movie?
oh shit, i didn't notice that. They're probably dead and doomed whichever universe they're in. And one of the worst thing is that the writers for any next mcu movie/series will forget that this incursion rule exist in the first place.
nobody writing for Marvel has had the brains to consider cause an effect since Endgame. It's not even a 'cinematic universe' anymore because there is no continuity, just cameos...
@@deliciadeconta2596 IMO the incursion lines were requested by Feige for the upcoming avengers movie "incursion war" or something. The problem is the writers threw the lines in without even realizing the consequences of what they set up.
I thought that it said that incursions CAN happen when traveling the multiverse, not that they will happen. Also they have an easy out with saying that dream traveling with the dark hold can cause incursions, but America won’t cause incursions because that’s her powers. Idk writing for the MCU has been destroyed since endgame so caring about how things are written from here on out is just an exercise of masochism.
2:23:31 Can you imagine if the studio had the balls to let Wanda win... she gets her kids... she gets Chavez's power... then in the end credit scene, as Wanda is finally living out her dream of tucking her boys in, there are suddens screams and loud noises coming from outside the window... she goes to it, pulls back the curtains just to see her universe colliding with the universe she stole the children from... Then the studio could just reboot ALL the characters in a new universe...
So about Black Bolt, that's not how sound works, like if his power is that the sound he makes with his vocal cords destroys things he has to be immune to it as the sound bounces inside your body so he'd been dead the second his powers happened.
41:33 Remember that time, in the beginning of the movie, when she stomped on a piece of ledge and a star-shaped chunk fell onto the tentacle monster... but, she can't control her power and it only comes out as portals when she is super-freaked out... except for right then... apparently...
If you cross into another universe, you will cause an incursion because you pull your own universe towards the universe you entered. Why does it matter if you're killed or not ? Defender Strange came into the MCU continuity dead, yes, but his body is still there. It's still a foregin body, composed of matter from another universe. Why doesnt that cause the universes to collide ?
Because the writers didn't think of it lol. Maybe they'd pull some shit about how it's your soul or whatever (thanks Shang-Chi) but you're right anyway
Following up on that....America's mothers should be dead by now. After all, THEY'RE foreign matter to whichever universe they wound up in, and it's been literal *years* between America's origin story and the events of the film proper at bare minimum. They're dead, along with the universe they wound up in, from an Incursion. America's got nobody to look for anymore.
Fringy mentioning the watering down of America's trauma is spot on. It's the same thing they did to Thor and Bucky, because they don't want to deal with that level of darkness anymore. If it gets acknowledged at all, someone usually makes light of it and we are rarely allowed to accept people for who they are after their trauma. They have to speedrun recovery so they can be quirky like everyone else! It makes me sad. We're not even allowed to sit with Wanda and her trauma properly. They kind of did that in WV, but it was very muddled and unresolved. And I feel they keep making weird excuses more than delving into the trauma side of things. They're afraid to commit.
Holy shit, Monica let Wanda off the hook only for Wanda to kill her own mother. Y'know, the same mother whose death in WandaVision got Maria to sympathise with Wanda. Fuck me
I mean looking at how strange reacted to someone reacting to him seemingly openly wearing property from a dead hero and helping rob the guy, by putting what is effectively a death curse on him. I can see why the illuminatisms wanted to kill Strange, if someone trying to spray mustard on him is a death sentence then he must be a really horrible person.
Maybe the Illuminati killed strange because he used that spell on them in the fast. How many times do you have to watch that shield get thrown around before using it, y’know?
It really is incredible how so many people in real life will justify Wanda doing these horrible things simply cause she has had so many bad things happen in her life. As if she's the only one who's had bad things happen to her. It's even worse than bad writing. It's horrible morals. It's really disturbing
I came from another comment section regarding the Multiverse of Madness and its INSANE the THOUSANDS of likes I see for comments that defend Wanda's actions or simply excuse everything she did on the Darkhold. It's crazy the lack of accountability they give to Wanda. Insane.
@@stormcutter59 The case of Wanda is still “good” because there are still so many people that call out her actions. Now, let’s look at Yelena Belova and Valkyrie, a psychotic mass murderer and a slaver who sold countless innocent people to their death. Yelena is so loved by the fans (mainly because Florence Pugh is a great actress) that they forgot what she did.
@@littlebunse5 "I have to put in the work to aquire resources required for my survival just like every living being in history of the universe?! How OUTRAGEOUS!"
@@xentiment6581 how cucked do you have to be by capitalism before you start advocating for ancient labor conditions while you your dumb self are living in the most automated time period in history where the working masses are the only people not reaping the insane monetary benefits of said automization. What is income inequality? What is utopia? I love giving up 40-80 hours a week that that i could be spending with my family just to survive, personally. I fight for that existence every day bro." -this guy. Unless everyone here is self reporting that they have some level of privilege that allows them to not have to work as hard as the majority of america that currently lives paycheck to paycheck. Seriously I hate you guys, have some imagination. You're the reason nothing changes. And then you get mad at the wrong things. I'm done bruh
@@littlebunse5 Imagine a person that thinks that not working for your money and being a productive member of your society is a bad thing. Imagine a person that thinks that society would totally not collapse when no one keeps anything stable since they are all staying home enjoying their free money. Imagine a person that thinks that someone disliking a universe of only women for nothing more than pandering to lgbtq+ rather than actually trying to represent them means that they are a woman hating sexist. Oh wait, that's you.
Mordo saw how the Ancient One, someone he trusted, abused her power and lied. He sees that same recklessness in Strange as well. His whole arc in DS1 was coming to the conclusion that there were too many reckless sorcerers in the world and he should do something about it.
She didn't abuse power she used what she had to to defend the world same with strange. What's the point of following the rules if it get the world destroyed
@@chrisscott3071 i mean in the case Mordo witnessed it would be the equivalent of seeing your religous tenants broken by your pope and that the pope in the past and now used the devils power. Part of why Dormamus minions had the power they do is because the ancient one first recorded the powers of dormamu.
@@chrisscott3071 Using the powers of hell to fight the devil sounds like a really good way to get corrupted and turn evil yourself. Ends justifying the means and all that.
30:26 About that "My Two Moms" scene... every other time we have seen a portal open up it's has always gone to ONE universe... they may TRAVEL through many... but they always end up in the same one together... so, she should have ended up in the same universe as her parents... We saw that at the beginning with pretty-much dead High School Art Teacher Strange going into the portal after her... and then regular Doctor Strange jumping through with her... the only time Chavez was turned into a multi-verse remote control was with Wanda pushing the channel button on her...
For the portal to the Marianas Trench thing, it’s worth noting that the water coming out of the portal would come out with a lethal amount of force, depending on the portals size and location. For example if the portal was 10km deep and had an area of one metre squared then the water would come out with a force of 10million newtons(average human weight approx. 700N). Just another example of why the sling rings need restrictions
It annoys me because i spent an autistic amount of time giving a character who can teleport weaknesses, one of them was that they can't cut stuff with portals, if something blocks the portal from closing the character can't place it again limiting the already limited number of portals
The Goblin Slayer manga actually weaponized this. The setting is implied to be a giant D&D game between gods, with a lot of classic tabletop trappings, including single-use magic scrolls. The titular main character orders a custom portal scroll, and while normally it's used for emergency exits in case of a dungeon expedition going pear-shaped, he asked the maker to specify the end-point of the portal as the bottom of the ocean. Then in a later adventure, they encounter a greater demon they are woefully under-equipped to handle, at which point the main character rips the scroll, it creates a portal, and the jet of water coming out of it cuts the demon in half.
Charlize Theron/Clea's knife rip portal opens to the Dark Dimension. You know, where Dormammu lives? Where Dr. Strange died who knows how many times during a self-inflicted time loop to stop Dormammu? Why is he 1) trusting this lady and 2) jumping into the DARK DIMENSION with her?
As I understand, sound usually likes to travel in all directions. If Blackbolt's flesh were really as sensitive to his own power as that scene seems to suggest, his whole body would have been torn asunder, not to mention everything nearby.
A friend of mine said that Strange walking slowly in the street makes sense because, and get this, if he were to fly or ran to their location he would attract unwanted attention despite the fucking fact the Doctor Strange (who the public believed to be dead) is walking through the street. Why do people enjoy this film?
@@iamthewizardwhoknocks2845 sometimes all people want is escapism...which is fine. For instance a lot of people love the Gozilla vs Kong, Fast & furious, and Venom movies and none of those movies make a lick of sense.
Note for the Illuminati group. In the 616 (the real one, the main timeline of Marvel Comics), the Illuminatis is a group in wich each members represents a certain category of people, Xavier represents the Mutants, Namor the Sub-Mariners, Reed Richards the scientific community, Tony Stark the Avengers, Black Bolt for the Inhumans, and Dr. Strange for the wizards and others magic wielders of the universe. It ultimately led to Marvel's downfall because they turned those once beloved characters into cold people plotting behind the backs of their fellow Heroes and citizens and will lead to Heroes vs Heroes event like World War Hulk. None of the characters recovered from it, especially Tony Stark (as if Civil War wasn't enough).
This film could have used the “increase the consequences” rule and made it much better. Say wanda was dream walking every night to be with her kids, but was destroying universes in the process. But with Americas powers she can go for real, and the universe won’t be destroyed. Fixes half of the problems with the whole concept.
Lads... I just spent the last half-hour reading through normie-tier comments on the Illuminati death scenes. I read multiple variations of "Reed Richards isn't street smart", all with THOUSANDS of up-votes. The MCU is fucked.
What a great introduction to Mr.Fantastic and Professor Xavier into the MCU, the smartest man in the world was made into a moron and killed off while the other was taken out like a C-List jobber. Like Nerurotic said: In the minds of people they are dead, regardless of their future appearances in the main MCU universe would be like. (Which is NOT 616, it was stupid of them to even suggest that they are the same.)
1:01:42 Wanda: "Where is it?" Wong: "I'll never tell you anything!" Wanda: "I'll torture these four randos... wait... where'd you get a green glowing minotaur... nevermind... I will still kill these four randos..." Wong: "Fine... it's in a Valet Stand in San Francisco..."
That’s actually a huge plot hole. “How do you map the multiverse if you can’t travel to the other universes?” Well, Dr. Strange was able to travel to other universes (that’s how he created the incursion). Here is the question, how did he do that? They imply it’s the dark hold, but if that’s the case, scarlet witch doesn’t need America. So, either Dr strange didn’t actually travel to other universes or create an incursion and they can’t have mapped the multiverse, or Scarlet witch can travel using the dark hold and no one gives a shit because America isn’t in danger I guess.
Yeah. I mean you could have it that for some reason Scarlet Witch doesn't realize she can just use the Darkhold to travel between universes and hence hunts down America. But that's also a pretty cheap convenience that she manages to find America (how?), but doesn't learn that power of the Darkhold despite studying it for such a long time.
@@12walker92 they imply that it’s the “impact” on the universe that something or someone from a different universe has. But if that’s the case, scarlet witch should have caused an incursion on Illuminati universe, more so than Illuminati strange did by “looking for a way to defeat thanos”. That plus, how about a fucking book from another universe that allows you to defeat any enemy, that seems like a pretty big impact. So, incursions should have happened multiple times over, or, dream walking doesn’t cause incursions and the Illuminati just wanted to Rorschach dr strange and it’s the perfect solution for scarlet witch. It’s the only thing I can imagine when considering how little they give a shit about finding out scarlet witch is dream walking vs 616 strange is here.
Ok….then how would that cause an incursion? It’s said that dreams of literally everyone are pretty similar…how are there any universes left if that causes incursions
The MCU continues to be a colourful trainwreck, and tbh at this point it kinda feels like we're so off the rails in so many different directions that I have no idea how this doesn't end in the popping of the superhero bubble, leaving us with this smashed disaster on the rails to look back on.
So if we correctly understand that you risk creating an incursion by merely being present in a universe not your own, how can we peacefully have any multi-versal travel in future films? I thought multi-versal travel would be the basis for the next arc. Now we have to worry about reality being broken every time it happens.
How the fuck are they going to write Loki Season 2? I bet it'll definitely involve Loki and Morbius hopping to a bunch of random universes to search for Female Loki and Kang. So I guess there'll be a shit-ton of incursions in that show? Whatever, I bet that show will just ignore those rules, just so they could make their own. What about the F4? Kang Dynasty? Secret Wars? Even What If is fucked by incursions, I guess. What is Agatha even going to do? Darkhold spells can also cause incursions, so I guess she's fucked as well.
I don't think any movie can top the damage Loki did, Loki literally established that none of the movies or shows from Phases 1-3 had any meaning. At most M.O.M. assassinated 8-10 characters, Loki damaged dozens
1:14:03 Guess it's a good thing that Squidward guy was too focused on helping out Thanos to not check out that huge imposing temple sitting on a mountain top that would have TOTALLY helped out with the whole evil plot to gather the Infinity Stones...
Remember when people thought that Tom Cruise will show up in this movie as Superior Iron Man and Michael Fassbender/Ian McKellen will show up as Magneto? I’m glad that it didn’t happened.
I bet you they tried to get Tom Cruise and he took one look at the script, saw he was going to play an idiot who gets character assassinated and Noped right out of there.
@@jackmrsich3178 well, comics were already going downhill but it seems like it got worse after the Disney acquisition. Not that I'm going to say that Disney inherently makes everything bad. But I will say they have a pattern 1/10 in terms of movies. Especially when they're pandering to conservative and the woke weld ruining all their money in merchandising. Not to mention the Cinematic visuals they used to try and Blindside the audience.
It makes perfect sense. dr strange woke up in a bit of a sweat and turns out superhero’s don’t exist and the entire MCU was a dream and it’s now going to become a reality tv show in a hospital
What if Dr. Strange teleported Wanda to his underground dungeon and that prison where powers are nullified? Come to think of it, why not store the copy of the Darkhold there?
Orrrrrr... used those fancy ass handcuffs that prevents you from using magic? It might work on her... nahhh... just toss them to the floor when you are done with them...
I can explained Black Bolt. Thanks to that terrible TV Show, the Inhumans so I became interested Inhumans. Black Bolt's voice is the most destructive force which can level mountains and if he absorbed enough energy, destroy a planet. He also have Inhuman Physiology but because he went through Terragenesis twice, he is stronger than an average Inhuman. Also he wouldn't panic if he lost his mouth, he had learned to control and temper his emotions since HE was responsible in killing his own parents by accident. This one I don't remember through, Black Bolt is immune to his own powers so him "headshot" at the back of the head wouldn't be possible. Even if it is, Black Bolt would had cause his entire head to explode.
I think you have the Ultron thing backwards, it's not "why only one vibranium Ulron", it's "why wouldn't he also make the weaker ones". Part of the movie is him getting the vibranium and he used a bunch of it on Vision, so it's very plausible that he only had enough for one Ultron body. The biggest mistake isn't that he had all the weaker ones running around, the mistake is having them all fight instead of keeping at least one copy secure as a backup.
Personally would've loved a twist that Wanda finds out even in the infinite multiverse, there is no place where she has those two boys she made up in the WandaVision because they were completely figments of her imagination or even worse, somebody else's children she just saw in some kind of tabloid
For captain Carter, they could have just changed the line a little. Have her say "I can take all day" It communicates the same thing, while making it stand with Carter. Giving her more uniqueness.
The film's foundations lie upon sand. ....No, wet sand. Wanda is so powerful that she imagined some children and they became reality. She only knew them for a very short period of time. Her entire motivation was based on her grief for Vision who was an actual real person from the real world. Why is she not trying to find a universe where Vision is alive? Can't she make the kids again, because she is magic, since she made them before? Can't she get pregnant and have a real kid since she is young? Can't she adopt? Can she get a dog? Why is she becoming a genocidal monster to get back kids that were never real and she knew for ~2 weeks, but yet she ignores the person she was in love with who died? Why are the writers ignoring the Wanda vision arch of the acceptance of grief / loss? Then at the end she realizes that children might not want a genocidal mother. Oh! This is def the worst Marvel movie I have seen.
Here's the thing: according to a lot of other posters, there's some kind of bigger-scope-villain in the background who's manipulating her, because something similar happened in the comics, but they just forgot to telegraph it in the movie.
Fun fact! A gap junction is the term for a space between animal cells (most importantly cardiac cells and neurons) where signals, ions and metabolites can pass from cell to cell. So you’d think there would be many “gap junctions” in the multiverse between the different universes, right? Nope, just one. And its purpose is to hold the goodest book. Writing is dead, huh?
For all the Doctor Strange 2 shills who say that Witchcraft and Sorcery are different so he had to go to Wanda to understand runes; Doctor Strange used runes in No Way Home to make people forget Peter Parker was Spider-Man; the spell he used is literally named the Runes of Kof-Kol. Not only that, but saying that Wanda only uses witchcraft and strange only uses sorcery when Wong explains to Wanda that many years prior, "the first demon carved his magic into the tomb; his same spells were later transcribed into the darkhold". Wanda only uses witchcraft? She uses the darkhold. The darkhold was made with spells. Strange uses spells. Spells are sorcery. Wanda is using sorcery and witchcraft, not just witchcraft, so that argument is null.
Regarding Captain Marvel's death. There is no way that killed her. There is no way that knocked her out. The only logical conclusion we can come to is that Monica realized she can't win, so she decided to just stay down and hope Wanda would move on without killing her.
No, people are saying what happened in the scene is that Wanda sucked all her power out, making her human again. As symbolized by the mask just "vaporizing". I haven't seen the movie a second time so I can't confirm or deny if that is what the scene implies, I would need to watch it again.
@@ghostknight1865 Not so much sucked out of her, more "Oh no, I took too much damage, now my cosmic buff is gone" type deal. Still kinda screwy either way
With the dialogue about Strange's sister, would it not have made sense to have America be an alternate version of the sister he lost? It could even be that HE was the one who fell through the ice in their universe. It could have been explained that she kept opening portals to get to alternate Stephens subconsciously, because she feels desperate to get him back. Then, the "betrayal" of Defender Strange comes off as even stronger to her because an alternate version of the brother she holds so dear was prepared to consider killing her. It would also go a long way towards why main Doctor Strange is so dead-set on refusing to kill her, because he feels so much guilt about losing his version of her in his past that he can't bear to bring her harm (along with the whole Hippocratic oath that he mentions in his first film, but the rest of the MCU likes to forget about). Not that this one thing fixes all the problems, but one of them, maybe?
Do you think the writers even realized the underlying message they were sending in this movie that you need to get rid of foreigners as soon as possible or they'll destroy everything?
Jesus, the illuminati scene though... It's funny that dumbasses still try and say that the MCU isn't trying to dismantle and humiliate the male heroes while artificially propping up the women. Then again, the creators outright state that's what they're doing, and these idiots still can't get a clue. In terms of the massive plot-holes incursions have alongside Wanda's plan, it reminds me of one of the main issues with Spider-verse that was similar. With how Kingpin's entire plan is to bring his own family back, while not caring that his machine will destroy reality. It runs into the same problem where they establish people can't live outside their own universe, so his own family would just die like the other Spider-men would have. Obviously he probably wouldn't listen to the explanation or care, but it's never brought up. It also doesn't account for Doc Ock, who they never really establish a motivation for. For no reason at all she's okay with destroying reality, and already knew about "glitching", yet never brings it up. At best, you can only assume she's just a typical "Mad Scientist" and doesn't care if everyone dies so long as sciency stuff happens.
And imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed. If the female heroes get to meet their demise first due to stupidity. It would cause a public outrage.
Why do so many stories use the "you are from another universe and if you stay here it will either cause a. Both universes die or b. You will die. I never understood this as why would just bringing in some matter (nevermind the germs and atomic particles you leave behind everywhere) cause that. It's a stupid and artificial way to raise stakes and highly limits stories
@@adrianoippolito1999 Because it's cheap and simple, it's also a cliche that's been so overused that most audiences will just gobble it up without questioning the logic of it at all
When the crew were talking about how they were numbering each universe. Why don't we call our universe Universe A and this universe Universe B? Why can't we be Universe A? We called it first. Besides, this place kinda feels like a B, y'know?
wait - about the "being in another universe causes an incursion" uh............ what about the Venom symbiote left over from NWH??? Wouldn't that now cause an incursion? (ignoring the fact it was even left over, since it should have just went away with Eddy, but what ever)
The three times they've tried multiverses, they have had conflicting rules. I also hate how 1 out of 3 of them understood the concept of LIVING A DIFFERENT LIFE MAKES YOU A DIFFERENT PERSON. Loki is apparently a greedy man-child fuxkwit in 99% of the universes. The other 1% are Loki's that don't look like our Loki. Strange will sacrifice/risk anything, including himself to save his home. This bonkers movie seems to think that is a bad thing. 'I love you in every universe'. Does it not strike these people that cosmically preordained love for some random person, isn't romantic. That's some My Immortal fan fiction garbage.
Ehhh. It just doesn't work in a multiverse. Infinite Realities, infinite possibility, yet one thing is absolute? Maybe in one infinite set within an infinite set of infinite sets. If such absolutes exist, then what others? How infinite are these realities? It seems less infinite than we'd believed.
It amazes me the patience and forgiveness that fans of these franchises are willing to give these studios and how efficiently the studios abuse that gift. There are so many fans of Marvel, Halo, LOTR and Star Wars all have had such devoted fans. These fans will cling on to any little fan service moments because of the love of these franchises and they just keep getting shit stories. The fans keep dropping off a little at a time with every crap show and movie they make when if they just gave half, HALF a rats ass to make a story that makes sense that they could print their own money for decades to come. The fans of these franchises have proven how forgiving they are willing to be... and the studios just keep the flow of shit churning... Such a waste of such loyal fans...
Nah Lotr fans wouldn’t defend that shitty Rings of Power because all of them are devoted grown ups unlike Star Wars fans who easily shilled every friction of fanservice/new show happens
The sad but true reality that has played out multiple times again and again is that corporations don't care. Once they strike gold they'll run it into the fucking ground, they'll stripmine everything they can about it with no thought to the consequences. They're so blinded by their own greed they can't see how they're harming their future profits by trying to relentless expand with infinite growth instead of creating a sustainable pipeline to produce quality products. Honestly with how many times this exact thing has happened, beat for fucking beat, you would think that the people making these mistakes would learn from them. But I guess the people at top aren't the ones who face the consequences of these boom-and-bust cycles they make.
My friend, it's not good out there. I personally know an individual who thinks this movie is great and another who loved the Rise of Skywalker. I know a Boba Fett fan. My best friend is a TLJ fan--took me out to see it for my birthday and my reaction to the movie almost caused a fight. These are real people who also like Marvel in general and love original Star Wars. They aren't paid spokespeople. This makes me wonder what is going on.
@@fr0ck360 Careful holding your head so high, you're liable to get it lopped off. I don't think it will go any different than any other beloved franchise that's been ruined. Despite the arrogance of lotr fans.
@JerkPlaysGames that's the cringe and sussy full power of amongus. No matter how prehistoric and annoying amongus memes are they are still funny on some unspeakable level.
I’m imagining an alternative version of the movie now where Wanda messes up black bolt’s mouth and he just looks over at her and Reed and glares at them like “really? We’re doing this? Fine.” And just either sits the fight out or does a super sonic sneeze at her. That would’ve been actually funny.
Watch as Thor L&T ends up as bad/worse than this because they're going to introduce the Greek Gods and it's gonna delve into how the universe was created and all kinds of cosmic stuff that makes to sense!
It’s insane after all the absolutely horrible things she does, she snaps out of the dark hold’s influence after realizing her kids are scared of her for trying to murder their mom and that they probably wouldn’t approve of her murder spree. Kind of like any human child that ever existed would. The “I would never hurt anyone” line is so nuts to me. How do you write a line said with the same awareness as “We did it Patrick! We saved the city!” as the moment the main villain reaches their turning point at the end of the movie😔
They consistently find ways to make the infinity stones the least special things in the universe. Of all the stones, the reality stone was the last one I expected this to happen to. Bending reality is so cracked as a power. Thanos toyed with the Guardians of the galaxy with the stone. They stood no chance and he could've killed them in pretty gruesome ways. Let's give it the cuxt that learned what hexes are 1 year ago. Why? Because book of destiny but bad. *Edit* Jesus my grammar was as confused as this movie.
They consistently find ways to make the infinity stones✗ the least special things in the universe. Of✗ all the stones, the reality stone was the last one I expected this to happen to. Bending reality✗ is so cracked as a power. Thanos toyed with the -Gaurdians- Guardians of the galaxy with the stone✗, they stood no chance and he could've killed them in pretty gruesome ways. Let's give it the cuxt that learned what hexes are 1 year ago. Why? Because book of destiny but bad. 6/10
1:10:15 Are we to believe, judging from Dr. Strange's reaction, that there is NOT the Illuminati conspiracy theory in the MCU Earth? He seems to act as if he's never heard the word before...
I bet anything they'll have him create the Illuminati in the main MCU after seeing it in this movie and being "inspired" because "they do need some sort of council to deal with threats like Wanda". Either that or it exists in the MCU without his knowledge but this will make him find out about it and he'll be part of it whenever it's revealed again.
On the mountain they act like nothing has changed when everything has. -The instant change in altitude they had would kill them -The temp would kill them within minutes -The instant change in oxygen levels would cause them to quickly pass out and die
So I know everyone dunks on Return of the Jedi, but Vader's turn at the end is way better than Wanda's and people should take notes. The movie never pretends that it excuses Vader's actions, but that's what makes it meaningful, he still had his agency.
The Black Bolt line is literally
"This is Black Bolt, he's got my back. I recommend not letting him speak to you. His voice can vaporize you in an instant."
Also, Black Bolt has phyically fought Hulk in the comics. So you could assume that he's physically on par with strongmen in the MCU
Not a threat to Marvel's strong female characters though...
@@theinnerlight8016 ....or terrible writing.
Haha I was reminded of that terrible line in The Suicide Squad, too. The Black Bolt line is equally dumb.
Holy fuck this this is funny
He made Hulk bleed & if i'm not mistaken, is so powerful shattered Thanos' teeth with sheer force of his voice.
I've never seen Evil Dead, so I just saw Dr. Strange condemn a man to death for wanting to be paid for his product
Even if you've seen the other movie, it's still just as horrific
The way that was done in evil dead was comedy and it was an evil thing done to a good man by an evil entity. Here it is an evil thing done to a decent man by a “good man” aka doctor strange. Very different circumstances
@@JOBXR Marvel loved to write villainous heroes, didn’t they?
Muh evil capitalism - International multi billion dollar corporation.
@@JOBXR Man it's almost like context is important or something when you're making a reference.
"So, in order to ensure that Wanda's storylines in Multiverse of Madness made sense, writer Michael Waldron said he collaborated a lot with Elizabeth, who has "total ownership over Wanda and the Scarlet Witch.
In terms of specific elements Elizabeth helped craft, Michael said she was instrumental in fleshing out Wanda's ideas about being "reasonable" and calling out Doctor Strange for his actions that make him a hero but would make her a villain."
Ahhhhhh... Michael Waldron throws Elizabeth Olsen under the bus...
Olsen got the script a few days before finishing WandaVision. She was not happy with it.
Waldron, like Bendis, leans into the kids, because woman, whereas a smart writer with a brain would lean into Chthon, as it is he who poisons Wanda's life. Chthon is way more important to the narrative than Billy and Tommy. They are still alive, BTW, but Chthon has hidden them somewhere.
Chthon actually drives the plot of the movie, but because Waldron doesn't show how he is doing that, most people won't notice that, because Wong mentions him once.
Also, no mention of Chaos Magic in this movie. Chthon invented chaos magic, kind of important, that.
I think Waldron got notes to mention Chthon, but, through his ignorance, was influenced by Bendis's "muh babies" nonsense.
Also, relying on an actress to "flesh out" a character is like asking a random teenager to "flesh out" a character. Both are creatures of emotion and self-involvement. They cannot offer valuable writing advice or consideration outside of what they "feel". And that is always the path to bad writing.
@@stonebaxter What on earth are you talking about? Plenty of actors are capable of intelligently fleshing out their characters through their portrayal. That's part of the job requirement. If you haven't seen that happen, it is because you haven't watched enough good movies.
Now, it is fair to ask whether Elizabeth Olsen did well in that regard, in this particular film. Maybe not.
But since the writing in this movie is all-around terrible (even apart from Wanda's character), and this is coming from one of the major writers / producers of Loki, I am willing to bet that Waldron is the one *primarily* responsible for screwing the pooch, here.
(Of course, it is a collaborative effort and there's blame to go around.)
Ah fuck, it's Mark Hamill all over again...
Strange: Your anger and lust for power have already done that. You’ve allowed this Darkhold to twist your mind until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
See, if we got a Mustafar fight in this film, Dr. Strange would be one getting cut apart and flung into a river of lava. He wouldn't even get the decency of coming back as Darth Strange.
Wanda: Don't lecture me Strange. I see through the lies of the sorcerers. I do not fear the Darkhold as you do.
Wanda: I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new multiverse.
@@SSJLucas117 Strange: Your new multiverse?
Wanda: Don’t make me kill you.
Strange: My allegiance is to Kamar Taj. To restore balance!
Wanda: If you’re not with me. Then you are my enemy.
Strange: Only a witch deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.
Wanda: You will try.
@@HectorLopez0217 Wanda: Liar!!! You're with them. You brought them here to kill me.
@@sparkypack Wanda, to America.
Black Bolt killed a lot of people by accident when he was a kid. Because of this, he zealously threw himself into harsh training to prevent accidental vocalizations. He trained for years to get his voice perfectly under control so that he would never hurt his people by accident again. He has so much self control that he doesn't talk in his sleep, grunt during sex, or cry out when being tortured. That level of dedication and discipline is why he's (supposed to be) a good king.
He could also freely control electrons when he first debuted, but I think they retconned that ability because it was so overpowered.
Man, I love a character that trains and grows and works to better themselves and help others
And yet... screamed like a little bish the minute his mouth was removed...
@@cyrus2395 Yeah we haven't seen one in a while
He also has super strength and super speed nothing like the flash but he is fast
@@arewestilldoingphrasing6490 True, I forgot the standard issue "Peak Human" kit that most heroes get. He's also very handsome and a low-tier genius, for what it's worth.
So Wanda is just Dark Pheonix now? They spent $200 million to remake X-men 3... for a second time?
Ahem... THIRD TIME...
That's basically what she's been in the comics since they decided to retcon her old origin as a mutant and the daughter of Magneto. Yeah it's pretty lame.
They have done Dark Phoenix 3 times now.
They have made 2 female led solo movies.
They have made 20+ male led solo movies...and done Dark Phoenix with none of their male characters.
Marvel comics has, incredibly, in it's 80 year history, literally not made even one great story for its superheroines. That's why they recycle DP over and over.
Look beneath Marvel's virtue signalling and the company's notorious misogyny is still there.
xmen 3... dark phoenix... GoT Season 8... and now this.
@@Relugus muh soggy knee strikes again
It blows my mind that Hawkeye and Wanda’s brother are never mentioned/considered by her in the entire movie. Her husband, the man she enslaved and tortured a town to get back, gets two offhanded mentions. I don’t get it.
The writers didn’t watch the previous movies or shows.
I watched wandavision before going to see this.. and I regretted wasting a weekend to finish this show because it didn't really matter.. it's all hand waved by one line "and I am sure you did right in the end"... I am glad I didn't watch What If.. that would have been a waste as well..
Agreed. You’d think Wanda wants to use her multiverse powers to find a universe where her brother is still alive, but I guess not. If she does care about that sort of thing, the writers never bothered to have her mention it.
@@nont18411 The fact that this is true flabbergasts me. If one is making a sequel to something, you’d think that the OBVIOUS step numero uno would be to watch the content that precedes your story.
"I love you in every universe"
"Even when she's Hitler?"
The German: "especially when she's Hitler"
"Deutschland über alles"
It’s a shame that doctor strange doesn’t know a spell that is apparently very easy to cast and allows people to forget specific individual and events. That would ruin the plot even more.
Oh god...
Great point I didn't think about that. Could have helped with Wanda trying to find America......
Oh hell no! From what I heard, part of the reason Avengers Disassembled happened in the comics was that Wanda lost the memory of her kids and, when Wasp unintentionally jogged said memory, Wanda went nuts and started screwing reality.
Could it help me forget this movie?
@@johnnygyro2295 You say that as if that's a bad turn out than the one we got. That Wanda seem to come from a sensible, human reaction.
The fight between two magicians that can do almost anything was literally visual noise.
If Chavez is from a universe with only lesbians, therefore it being the norm, why does she have a pride pin which is an earth made concept?
Gotta virtue signal somehow
going even further, it could only be a "that universe" concept, like where she comes from that could mean anything, could be a country flag, popular current fashion, a designer logo... could mean anything really
Because Marvel doesn't understand anything about their own characters anymore.
@@grandarkfang_1482 They haven't been Marvel's characters since the Disney purchase in 2009. That's what people need to understand. You can't hate Disney and yet support Marvel. Marvel's a subsidiary of Disney now, not a brand in its own right the way it was prior.
Anyone with any love for the Marvel of yore can (and should) demonstrate that regard by rejecting Disney's Marvel, not supporting it in the hopes that the table scraps of things you recognise increases.
Buying anything Marvel right now is rewarding the thing which killed that thing you love and which is wearing its face. It's a ghoul. Let it die. Mourn the loss of the host victim. But stay the evil, and learn the lesson.
?? She’s been to 72 universes, could have picked that up anywhere. Did she have it as a tiny kid?
0:00 Does it make any sense?
2:21 Halo
5:05 The Artwork
6:37 Random Media Commentary
16:32 Act II Scene 1 - Earth 838
25:35 Act II Scene 2- The Memory Store
34:47 Act II Scene 3 - Mordo
41:48 Act II Scene 4 - Dreamwalk
46:27 Act II Scene 5 - Destroy The Darkhold
1:02:01 Act II Scene 6 - Prisoners
1:11:03 Act II Scene 7 - The Temple
1:18:20 Act II Scene 8- The Illuminati
1:30:30 Act II Scene 9 - Inside The Temple
1:37:55 Act II Scene 10- The Truth
1:53:11 Act II Scene 11 - Wanda vs Illuminati (1)
2:34:57 Drop Off
2:38:57 Act II Scene 11 - Wanda vs Illuminati (2)
2:42:45 Act II Scene 12 - Mordo vs Strange
2:53:47 Act II Scene 13 - Wanda vs Xavier
3:03:27 Act II Scene 14 - The Chase
3:12:38 Act II Scene 15 - The book of Vishanti
3:36:10 Act III Scene 1 - The Sinister Universe
3:44:52 Act III Scene 2 - Sinister Strange
3:54:43 Act III Scene 3 - The Music Fight
3:59:14 Act III Scene 4 - Wong
4:02:04 Act III Scene 5 Dr Strange & The Darkhold
4:05:00 Act III Scene 6 Zombie Strange
4:17:54 Act III Scene 7 The Final Fight
4:31:57 Act III Scene 8 The Awareness (1)
4:33:23 Convenience, Contradictions & Contrivances
4:41:18 Act III Scene 8 The Awareness (2)
4:51:40 Act III Scene 9 Defeat
4:53:47 Afterthoughts
4:58:39 Act III Scene 9 Dr Strange & Christinge
5:00:10 Act III Scene 10 Endings & Post Credit Scene
5:06:09 The Age Of Ultron Problem
5:07:50 Evaluations, Damage Report & Ranking
5:33:05 Up Next
5:36:22 Today's Hosts
Keep up the good work
Thank you brother
may your comes always be yomes
Thanks for having time stamps!
@@MckaysProductions Thanks
They already had great foundation for Doctor Strange 2 here
- Mordo’s quest for neutralizing sorcerers because he doesn’t trust their power.
- Strange’s past about his dead sister. (A huge opportunity to make Nightmare showing his sister’s ghost to rattle him just like how Mysterio showed CGI Tony zombie to Peter. A proper execution in a horror movie) Probably the reason why he was so cynical in his first movie and could be a ground for his development about “open up himself” later on.
- Scott Derrickson’s original idea of having Nightmare as a villain of this movie instead of Wanda.
- Wanda fighting her own dark side which could be about prime Wanda fighting her future evil self from alternate universe.
It could’ve been an amazing Doctor Strange sequel movie. Unfortunately, we never got it. Instead, we got Wandachavez guess starring Doctor Strange with a narrative being such a huge mess.
It did make me wonder why it was doctor strange 2 as opposed to just Marvel Medley...
Then again at least he was in the movie, unlike Bob Feet in his series
@@wwyd4akb hey, that’s not fair to that show!
He was onscreen long enough to get character assassinated.
Better yet: In Nightmare’s place is Mephisto, directly adding continuity in his looking to follow up with Strange on their “little trade” to make the universe forget Peter Parker
Also make the Multiverse not infinite
All because Feige wanted to pander to the X-fandom who hate Wanda.
I cringed so hard at Peggy saying "i can do this all day" because it is indicative of the issue people are really getting at when they complain about "the m-she-u". It is not that you are elevating cool female characters to be leading, important figures. It is that you are taking generic females as hero archetypes and placing them into preestablished roles that used to be filled by inspiring, admirable, charismatic characters that we came to know and love over a well paced and well thought out story.
The Peggy stuff is probably the most direct example of this. When you hear a character with basically no screen time give this line you are supposed to feel about her like you do about the other guy who said it. It is a transparent replacement of characters with a "girl-version" and its just off putting.
Personally, when I heard "I can do this all day" I knew she'd die within moments.
Girls can do stuff now!
These things are getting a pass from the Marvel audience because well "it is in the comics idiot" 😂 they don't take it into account that these comics were failures.. they weren't popular.. female Thor wasn't popular, captain Carter wasn't popular because nobody wanted to read about these characters.. they are sticking to the source material but when the source material is stupid. I am hearing a lot of comics fans saying that Wanda is just like she is in the comics.. OP and teetering between good and bad.. which is just so stupid
How else would they shove a character on top as quickly as possible? Through hard work and excellent writing? c'mon! 🤭
The lack of meaningful writing in lieu of "fanservice"
In the Disney MCU, you either die a hero or live long enough to have your character assassinated by incompetent writers.
No you don't even if you die they'll still assasinate you. Look at Black Widow and Iron Man.
Painfully accurate
Actually, it’s “you either die and have your character assassinated by incompetent writers, or live long enough to have your character assassinated by incompetent writers”.
Wanda fans should’ve been furious at what Wanda did in this movie. Because even if they don’t care about any innocent people she enslaved and killed, they should at least care that Wanda DESTROYED HER OWN ALTERNATE VERSION’S LIFE.
Wanda Maximoff, their favorite character, was mind controlled by the evil villain into killing the heroes and innocent people. Which means her life will be surely destroyed after this movie because the rest of the heroes will be hunting her down and trying to kill her.
Wanda turned the life of their favorite character into a living hell.
Wanda fans don't actually care about Wanda, they care about The Scarlet Witch. They're enabling her mental illness and Psychopathic tendencies.
Let’s not forget the fact she will probably be captured and separated from her family.
@@nhagan001 It’s funny that Wanda stans don’t give a shit about another Wanda.
The sympathy angle that they took with Wanda is so bullshit.. her character is totally fucked in terms of morality because of things she did in this movie and the show.. it could have been really simple to just make Agatha the main villain by mind controlling Wanda.. and when that is broken later, should have manipulated Wanda into thinking that DarkHold can bring the children back which should have had a mind of its own.. and then darkhold affects her by trapping the good Wanda in her own head and her evil version takes hold of her...and she is evil.. when Doctor Xavier goes into her head, he could have met two Wandas both trapped and he couldn't understand who to help in the time possible.. and he gets killed.. then they could have made her evil and she could have been freed from her evilness by something by the end of this movie.. it's not that hard.. fucking stupid bullshit sympathy angle crap.
And leaving that universe vulnerable from galactic threats attacking earth/galaxy after she killed Illuminati
It's ultimately really depressing because the more you think about this movie (and many others) the more you realize just how much potential has been squandered.
You can literally say that about any 4th phase MCU product
That's what irks me the most
Don't think. Buy and consume product.
I wonder how different it would be if sam had full control
movies used to get better the more you thought about them. now they get worse.
"You'll get your multiverse when you fix this damn pizza."
It's really disturbing that, given his age, this could be Patrick Stewart's last time playing Xavier.
He should've left it at Logan, which he said he would do.
It's a shame he survived to ruin Captain Picard.
There's always Sir Ben Kingsley...who would've been my choice.
@@notacompleteidiot...1285 You mean Trevor?
Or Ghandi.
If Reed Richards is the smartest man in his universe then I am curious how dumb everyone else is
Maybe that's why nobody recognized Strange, because everybody is a complete idiot in that universe
@@HateshWarkio This is my favorite argument
Apparently they escaped that Reeds dimension and got jobs at Disney. 😏
@@canderoussnurd4265 So apparently Reed was wrong. Incursions don't cause an entire universe to fall apart just it's entertainment industry.
Christ, I didn't even notice that America Chavez' character was assassinated; she apparently can control her powers now, and doesn't immediately go and find her parents who have been stuck God-knows-where for over 10 years.
And her parents are causing incursions wherever they are right now. Same with America. Good job, MCU, you're literally hanging yourself with logic right now.
What the fuck are you talking about. She can't control her powers now. She's LEARNING too at the end of the fucking movie and her and strange talk about practicing it to go find her parents. Did you even WATCH the movie?
oh shit, i didn't notice that. They're probably dead and doomed whichever universe they're in. And one of the worst thing is that the writers for any next mcu movie/series will forget that this incursion rule exist in the first place.
nobody writing for Marvel has had the brains to consider cause an effect since Endgame. It's not even a 'cinematic universe' anymore because there is no continuity, just cameos...
@@deliciadeconta2596 IMO the incursion lines were requested by Feige for the upcoming avengers movie "incursion war" or something. The problem is the writers threw the lines in without even realizing the consequences of what they set up.
I thought that it said that incursions CAN happen when traveling the multiverse, not that they will happen. Also they have an easy out with saying that dream traveling with the dark hold can cause incursions, but America won’t cause incursions because that’s her powers. Idk writing for the MCU has been destroyed since endgame so caring about how things are written from here on out is just an exercise of masochism.
2:23:31 Can you imagine if the studio had the balls to let Wanda win... she gets her kids... she gets Chavez's power... then in the end credit scene, as Wanda is finally living out her dream of tucking her boys in, there are suddens screams and loud noises coming from outside the window... she goes to it, pulls back the curtains just to see her universe colliding with the universe she stole the children from...
Then the studio could just reboot ALL the characters in a new universe...
So about Black Bolt, that's not how sound works, like if his power is that the sound he makes with his vocal cords destroys things he has to be immune to it as the sound bounces inside your body so he'd been dead the second his powers happened.
@Nicholas Cage exactly.
It would also go out his eyes and ears before his brain exploded
The Memory Store is a lawsuit waiting to happen. What if someone accidently displays a memory that's supposed to be private and/or indecent?
More importantly, is projected memory admissible as evidence in a court of law?
Also why did it choose sad and traumatic memories?
@@cozyku5968 Imagine if a rape victim stepped on that tile...
Or, speaking of lawsuits, could someone involuntarily violate an NDA with this?
@@MediumRareOpinions It should, if the Judge allows
Kinda goofy seeing Chavez’s origin came from getting scared by a bee. It reminded me of that Nicolas Cage’s “Not the Bees” scene
I honestly laughed at that
The best laugh I had from a Marvel movie, not just MCU, whole Marvel, including Morbius
41:33 Remember that time, in the beginning of the movie, when she stomped on a piece of ledge and a star-shaped chunk fell onto the tentacle monster... but, she can't control her power and it only comes out as portals when she is super-freaked out... except for right then... apparently...
All visual. No story.
If you cross into another universe, you will cause an incursion because you pull your own universe towards the universe you entered. Why does it matter if you're killed or not ? Defender Strange came into the MCU continuity dead, yes, but his body is still there. It's still a foregin body, composed of matter from another universe. Why doesnt that cause the universes to collide ?
Because the writers didn't think of it lol. Maybe they'd pull some shit about how it's your soul or whatever (thanks Shang-Chi) but you're right anyway
I don't know a thing about this movie. Did they really go with the incursion shit? That is too grand and complex for a Dr Strange sequel.
@@joaomarcos2089 Yes, they did. But they were EXTREMELY vague about it.
Following up on that....America's mothers should be dead by now. After all, THEY'RE foreign matter to whichever universe they wound up in, and it's been literal *years* between America's origin story and the events of the film proper at bare minimum. They're dead, along with the universe they wound up in, from an Incursion. America's got nobody to look for anymore.
Reminder that: Whenever they use a dream sequence to showcase a character’s psychology from now on, it’s just another universe.
Fringy mentioning the watering down of America's trauma is spot on. It's the same thing they did to Thor and Bucky, because they don't want to deal with that level of darkness anymore. If it gets acknowledged at all, someone usually makes light of it and we are rarely allowed to accept people for who they are after their trauma. They have to speedrun recovery so they can be quirky like everyone else! It makes me sad.
We're not even allowed to sit with Wanda and her trauma properly. They kind of did that in WV, but it was very muddled and unresolved. And I feel they keep making weird excuses more than delving into the trauma side of things. They're afraid to commit.
Yep remember black widow where the woman who had no free will for decades is quirky and makes jokes about her horrific operation
Exactly. Marvel is simply too afraid to have dark moments in their movies anymore.
Holy shit, Monica let Wanda off the hook only for Wanda to kill her own mother. Y'know, the same mother whose death in WandaVision got Maria to sympathise with Wanda. Fuck me
Well thats just great, i think they took the mom from cap marvel and didnt consider any other apearances of the Family
Monica Rambeau heavy in the clown makeup
Was it done intentionally or the writers are just that stupid?
Sinister Strange sounds like most Final Fantasy villains: "I'm sad, so imma end the world!"'
He and Wanda should get a room.
@@knightmare_edits The good ending
Did anyone else notice that Strange's slapping spell also made Pizza Poppa push his face into a burning hot grill?
what the fuck
@@cyrus2395 Right?
I mean looking at how strange reacted to someone reacting to him seemingly openly wearing property from a dead hero and helping rob the guy, by putting what is effectively a death curse on him. I can see why the illuminatisms wanted to kill Strange, if someone trying to spray mustard on him is a death sentence then he must be a really horrible person.
Maybe the Illuminati killed strange because he used that spell on them in the fast. How many times do you have to watch that shield get thrown around before using it, y’know?
It really is incredible how so many people in real life will justify Wanda doing these horrible things simply cause she has had so many bad things happen in her life. As if she's the only one who's had bad things happen to her.
It's even worse than bad writing. It's horrible morals. It's really disturbing
I read an interview from one of the writers who actually said she was justified in her actions in this moving picture because she wants "her" kids
The very same people made fun of Thor getting fat thanks to his grief and consider him an incompetent slob.
I came from another comment section regarding the Multiverse of Madness and its INSANE the THOUSANDS of likes I see for comments that defend Wanda's actions or simply excuse everything she did on the Darkhold. It's crazy the lack of accountability they give to Wanda. Insane.
@@stormcutter59 The case of Wanda is still “good” because there are still so many people that call out her actions. Now, let’s look at Yelena Belova and Valkyrie, a psychotic mass murderer and a slaver who sold countless innocent people to their death. Yelena is so loved by the fans (mainly because Florence Pugh is a great actress) that they forgot what she did.
Chthon made all the bad things happen.
a female only utopia where you don't have to pay for anything? jesus christ this is teenage girl on tumblr level writing.
no more wage slavery and WOMEN? no thank you! ~this guy right here
@@littlebunse5 you can't go there, because only females, remember?
@@littlebunse5 "I have to put in the work to aquire resources required for my survival just like every living being in history of the universe?! How OUTRAGEOUS!"
@@xentiment6581 how cucked do you have to be by capitalism before you start advocating for ancient labor conditions while you your dumb self are living in the most automated time period in history where the working masses are the only people not reaping the insane monetary benefits of said automization. What is income inequality? What is utopia? I love giving up 40-80 hours a week that that i could be spending with my family just to survive, personally. I fight for that existence every day bro." -this guy. Unless everyone here is self reporting that they have some level of privilege that allows them to not have to work as hard as the majority of america that currently lives paycheck to paycheck. Seriously I hate you guys, have some imagination. You're the reason nothing changes. And then you get mad at the wrong things. I'm done bruh
@@littlebunse5 Imagine a person that thinks that not working for your money and being a productive member of your society is a bad thing. Imagine a person that thinks that society would totally not collapse when no one keeps anything stable since they are all staying home enjoying their free money. Imagine a person that thinks that someone disliking a universe of only women for nothing more than pandering to lgbtq+ rather than actually trying to represent them means that they are a woman hating sexist. Oh wait, that's you.
Mordo saw how the Ancient One, someone he trusted, abused her power and lied. He sees that same recklessness in Strange as well. His whole arc in DS1 was coming to the conclusion that there were too many reckless sorcerers in the world and he should do something about it.
She didn't abuse power she used what she had to to defend the world same with strange. What's the point of following the rules if it get the world destroyed
@@chrisscott3071 i mean in the case Mordo witnessed it would be the equivalent of seeing your religous tenants broken by your pope and that the pope in the past and now used the devils power. Part of why Dormamus minions had the power they do is because the ancient one first recorded the powers of dormamu.
@@zacharybreen8891 true but If the pope is fighting off the devil and it works and we are all safe.
@@chrisscott3071 agreed but I can understand wanting to leave an order of hypocrites
@@chrisscott3071 Using the powers of hell to fight the devil sounds like a really good way to get corrupted and turn evil yourself. Ends justifying the means and all that.
30:26 About that "My Two Moms" scene... every other time we have seen a portal open up it's has always gone to ONE universe... they may TRAVEL through many... but they always end up in the same one together... so, she should have ended up in the same universe as her parents...
We saw that at the beginning with pretty-much dead High School Art Teacher Strange going into the portal after her... and then regular Doctor Strange jumping through with her... the only time Chavez was turned into a multi-verse remote control was with Wanda pushing the channel button on her...
Thanks for that last sentence.
Rags's impression of Rick and morty was brilliant as well as hilarious
For the portal to the Marianas Trench thing, it’s worth noting that the water coming out of the portal would come out with a lethal amount of force, depending on the portals size and location. For example if the portal was 10km deep and had an area of one metre squared then the water would come out with a force of 10million newtons(average human weight approx. 700N). Just another example of why the sling rings need restrictions
It annoys me because i spent an autistic amount of time giving a character who can teleport weaknesses, one of them was that they can't cut stuff with portals, if something blocks the portal from closing the character can't place it again limiting the already limited number of portals
The Goblin Slayer manga actually weaponized this. The setting is implied to be a giant D&D game between gods, with a lot of classic tabletop trappings, including single-use magic scrolls. The titular main character orders a custom portal scroll, and while normally it's used for emergency exits in case of a dungeon expedition going pear-shaped, he asked the maker to specify the end-point of the portal as the bottom of the ocean.
Then in a later adventure, they encounter a greater demon they are woefully under-equipped to handle, at which point the main character rips the scroll, it creates a portal, and the jet of water coming out of it cuts the demon in half.
Charlize Theron/Clea's knife rip portal opens to the Dark Dimension. You know, where Dormammu lives? Where Dr. Strange died who knows how many times during a self-inflicted time loop to stop Dormammu? Why is he 1) trusting this lady and 2) jumping into the DARK DIMENSION with her?
He wrote Fan4stic too, that explains so much
As I understand, sound usually likes to travel in all directions. If Blackbolt's flesh were really as sensitive to his own power as that scene seems to suggest, his whole body would have been torn asunder, not to mention everything nearby.
A friend of mine said that Strange walking slowly in the street makes sense because, and get this, if he were to fly or ran to their location he would attract unwanted attention despite the fucking fact the Doctor Strange (who the public believed to be dead) is walking through the street. Why do people enjoy this film?
Popcorn munchers don't need good writing, only good visuals and feels.
@@iamthewizardwhoknocks2845 and it has sam rami directing it so that helps
@@iamthewizardwhoknocks2845 sometimes all people want is escapism...which is fine. For instance a lot of people love the Gozilla vs Kong, Fast & furious, and Venom movies and none of those movies make a lick of sense.
@@najumobi yeah and that’s fine. But an ex-mostly-coherent franchise of 3 phases of mostly beloved movies that turns randomly to shit is a bit jarring
the worst part is he immediately reveals himself in the middle of a crowded street by using magic to make a guy nearly kill himself for 3 weeks
Note for the Illuminati group. In the 616 (the real one, the main timeline of Marvel Comics), the Illuminatis is a group in wich each members represents a certain category of people, Xavier represents the Mutants, Namor the Sub-Mariners, Reed Richards the scientific community, Tony Stark the Avengers, Black Bolt for the Inhumans, and Dr. Strange for the wizards and others magic wielders of the universe. It ultimately led to Marvel's downfall because they turned those once beloved characters into cold people plotting behind the backs of their fellow Heroes and citizens and will lead to Heroes vs Heroes event like World War Hulk. None of the characters recovered from it, especially Tony Stark (as if Civil War wasn't enough).
This film could have used the “increase the consequences” rule and made it much better. Say wanda was dream walking every night to be with her kids, but was destroying universes in the process. But with Americas powers she can go for real, and the universe won’t be destroyed. Fixes half of the problems with the whole concept.
What's the details of the "consequences" rule? Sounds good
Lads... I just spent the last half-hour reading through normie-tier comments on the Illuminati death scenes. I read multiple variations of "Reed Richards isn't street smart", all with THOUSANDS of up-votes. The MCU is fucked.
Well if they didn’t say that, they would’ve been melted. 🤷♂️
Basic tactics and strategy aren't exactly street smarts...
What a great introduction to Mr.Fantastic and Professor Xavier into the MCU, the smartest man in the world was made into a moron and killed off while the other was taken out like a C-List jobber.
Like Nerurotic said: In the minds of people they are dead, regardless of their future appearances in the main MCU universe would be like. (Which is NOT 616, it was stupid of them to even suggest that they are the same.)
Mr Fantastic turning into spaghetti meatball has the same vibe as Darkseid getting his ass kicked in the very first scene he showed up.
Lol, it's Nerdrotic. Although Neurotic can also be used to describe Gary
@@kirathekillernote2173 My bad, forgot to check the auto-correct. 😂
and the worst argument i heard/read trying to defend this was: '' So what? They're variants, who cares?!''
Imagine saying that defense if Wanda kills Tobey spidey and Andrew spidey after they just showed up
Wanda: "Where is it?"
Wong: "I'll never tell you anything!"
Wanda: "I'll torture these four randos... wait... where'd you get a green glowing minotaur... nevermind... I will still kill these four randos..."
Wong: "Fine... it's in a Valet Stand in San Francisco..."
Wanda should've said "Ni!" with extreme prejudice. Would've been convincing.
"It's in the Bluth banana stand"
That’s actually a huge plot hole. “How do you map the multiverse if you can’t travel to the other universes?” Well, Dr. Strange was able to travel to other universes (that’s how he created the incursion). Here is the question, how did he do that? They imply it’s the dark hold, but if that’s the case, scarlet witch doesn’t need America. So, either Dr strange didn’t actually travel to other universes or create an incursion and they can’t have mapped the multiverse, or Scarlet witch can travel using the dark hold and no one gives a shit because America isn’t in danger I guess.
Yeah. I mean you could have it that for some reason Scarlet Witch doesn't realize she can just use the Darkhold to travel between universes and hence hunts down America. But that's also a pretty cheap convenience that she manages to find America (how?), but doesn't learn that power of the Darkhold despite studying it for such a long time.
@@12walker92 they imply that it’s the “impact” on the universe that something or someone from a different universe has. But if that’s the case, scarlet witch should have caused an incursion on Illuminati universe, more so than Illuminati strange did by “looking for a way to defeat thanos”. That plus, how about a fucking book from another universe that allows you to defeat any enemy, that seems like a pretty big impact. So, incursions should have happened multiple times over, or, dream walking doesn’t cause incursions and the Illuminati just wanted to Rorschach dr strange and it’s the perfect solution for scarlet witch. It’s the only thing I can imagine when considering how little they give a shit about finding out scarlet witch is dream walking vs 616 strange is here.
He traveled by dreamwalking.
Ok….then how would that cause an incursion? It’s said that dreams of literally everyone are pretty similar…how are there any universes left if that causes incursions
I'm glad Mauler brought up the impossible angle of the memory store. I know I don't remember anything from a third person perspective.
The MCU continues to be a colourful trainwreck, and tbh at this point it kinda feels like we're so off the rails in so many different directions that I have no idea how this doesn't end in the popping of the superhero bubble, leaving us with this smashed disaster on the rails to look back on.
So if we correctly understand that you risk creating an incursion by merely being present in a universe not your own, how can we peacefully have any multi-versal travel in future films? I thought multi-versal travel would be the basis for the next arc. Now we have to worry about reality being broken every time it happens.
How the fuck are they going to write Loki Season 2? I bet it'll definitely involve Loki and Morbius hopping to a bunch of random universes to search for Female Loki and Kang. So I guess there'll be a shit-ton of incursions in that show? Whatever, I bet that show will just ignore those rules, just so they could make their own.
What about the F4? Kang Dynasty? Secret Wars? Even What If is fucked by incursions, I guess. What is Agatha even going to do? Darkhold spells can also cause incursions, so I guess she's fucked as well.
I don't think any movie can top the damage Loki did, Loki literally established that none of the movies or shows from Phases 1-3 had any meaning. At most M.O.M. assassinated 8-10 characters, Loki damaged dozens
1:14:03 Guess it's a good thing that Squidward guy was too focused on helping out Thanos to not check out that huge imposing temple sitting on a mountain top that would have TOTALLY helped out with the whole evil plot to gather the Infinity Stones...
Remember when people thought that Tom Cruise will show up in this movie as Superior Iron Man and Michael Fassbender/Ian McKellen will show up as Magneto? I’m glad that it didn’t happened.
I bet you they tried to get Tom Cruise and he took one look at the script, saw he was going to play an idiot who gets character assassinated and Noped right out of there.
Considering they would get the same treatment as Mr Fantastic and Professor X, i'm glad too that they didn't show up
@@monopolizeme funny enough he was never even contacted
Apparently, the writer wanted Cruise but he's contracted with Paramount.
@@wingedyaga2914 he only considered tom cruise AFTER the rumors blew up
There is no possible way this movie could ever make sense.
You could rewrite reality to make it make sense and it still wouldn’t make sense.
What if you rewrote the movie?
@@jackmrsich3178 I’d have consistency to continuity. I’d repair the character assassination. I’d stop using the post Disney comics as material
@@madambutterfly1997 Facts. Post Disney comics are literal cancer
@@madambutterfly1997 Wait, this was inspired by Marvel comics made by Disney? And why is that inherently bad?
@@jackmrsich3178 well, comics were already going downhill but it seems like it got worse after the Disney acquisition.
Not that I'm going to say that Disney inherently makes everything bad. But I will say they have a pattern 1/10 in terms of movies. Especially when they're pandering to conservative and the woke weld ruining all their money in merchandising. Not to mention the Cinematic visuals they used to try and Blindside the audience.
It makes perfect sense. dr strange woke up in a bit of a sweat and turns out superhero’s don’t exist and the entire MCU was a dream and it’s now going to become a reality tv show in a hospital
Plot Twist : It was actually because Wanda whispered "No more MCU". 😄
@@johannesseyfried7933 “what MCU?”
What if Dr. Strange teleported Wanda to his underground dungeon and that prison where powers are nullified? Come to think of it, why not store the copy of the Darkhold there?
Orrrrrr... used those fancy ass handcuffs that prevents you from using magic? It might work on her... nahhh... just toss them to the floor when you are done with them...
Because that would make senss
So the movie can happen.
I can explained Black Bolt.
Thanks to that terrible TV Show, the Inhumans so I became interested Inhumans.
Black Bolt's voice is the most destructive force which can level mountains and if he absorbed enough energy, destroy a planet.
He also have Inhuman Physiology but because he went through Terragenesis twice, he is stronger than an average Inhuman.
Also he wouldn't panic if he lost his mouth, he had learned to control and temper his emotions since HE was responsible in killing his own parents by accident.
This one I don't remember through, Black Bolt is immune to his own powers so him "headshot" at the back of the head wouldn't be possible.
Even if it is, Black Bolt would had cause his entire head to explode.
I think you have the Ultron thing backwards, it's not "why only one vibranium Ulron", it's "why wouldn't he also make the weaker ones". Part of the movie is him getting the vibranium and he used a bunch of it on Vision, so it's very plausible that he only had enough for one Ultron body. The biggest mistake isn't that he had all the weaker ones running around, the mistake is having them all fight instead of keeping at least one copy secure as a backup.
Personally would've loved a twist that Wanda finds out even in the infinite multiverse, there is no place where she has those two boys she made up in the WandaVision because they were completely figments of her imagination or even worse, somebody else's children she just saw in some kind of tabloid
The Ancient One talks about the multiverse about ten times in the first film. It wasn’t “created” in Loki.
Rag's to help with the Ultron dreamwalking, you've got Bluetooth Mode, WiFi Transfer, or Copyright-Free AirDrop
That's what Ultron should have done in Avengers 2.
For captain Carter, they could have just changed the line a little. Have her say "I can take all day" It communicates the same thing, while making it stand with Carter. Giving her more uniqueness.
In Logan, Caliban kills himself with grenades to 1. keep the bad guys from using him for his mutant hunting, and 2. try to kill the bad guys.
Wanda sounds like Homelander with no self awareness whatsoever!
Did Homelander even have self awareness?
@@scottski02 yes he is aware what he does is bad. He just doesn’t care.
The film's foundations lie upon sand. ....No, wet sand. Wanda is so powerful that she imagined some children and they became reality. She only knew them for a very short period of time. Her entire motivation was based on her grief for Vision who was an actual real person from the real world. Why is she not trying to find a universe where Vision is alive? Can't she make the kids again, because she is magic, since she made them before? Can't she get pregnant and have a real kid since she is young? Can't she adopt? Can she get a dog? Why is she becoming a genocidal monster to get back kids that were never real and she knew for ~2 weeks, but yet she ignores the person she was in love with who died? Why are the writers ignoring the Wanda vision arch of the acceptance of grief / loss? Then at the end she realizes that children might not want a genocidal mother. Oh! This is def the worst Marvel movie I have seen.
Here's the thing: according to a lot of other posters, there's some kind of bigger-scope-villain in the background who's manipulating her, because something similar happened in the comics, but they just forgot to telegraph it in the movie.
America creating portals by punching the air looks so incredibly stupid.
I hate it.
“When sorcerers and drywall come together- SH*T!!”
Makes me wonder if she tried to punch that wasp 🤣
Fun fact! A gap junction is the term for a space between animal cells (most importantly cardiac cells and neurons) where signals, ions and metabolites can pass from cell to cell. So you’d think there would be many “gap junctions” in the multiverse between the different universes, right? Nope, just one. And its purpose is to hold the goodest book.
Writing is dead, huh?
So nobody's neurons are communicating with each other in this universe
The first line of the Ashanti is: "It was a dark and stormy night..."
Thanks! Can I get an order of goo?
Yeah, but it's not free in this universe
For all the Doctor Strange 2 shills who say that Witchcraft and Sorcery are different so he had to go to Wanda to understand runes; Doctor Strange used runes in No Way Home to make people forget Peter Parker was Spider-Man; the spell he used is literally named the Runes of Kof-Kol.
Not only that, but saying that Wanda only uses witchcraft and strange only uses sorcery when Wong explains to Wanda that many years prior, "the first demon carved his magic into the tomb; his same spells were later transcribed into the darkhold". Wanda only uses witchcraft? She uses the darkhold. The darkhold was made with spells. Strange uses spells. Spells are sorcery. Wanda is using sorcery and witchcraft, not just witchcraft, so that argument is null.
Time to revisit the Memory Store!
Regarding Captain Marvel's death. There is no way that killed her. There is no way that knocked her out. The only logical conclusion we can come to is that Monica realized she can't win, so she decided to just stay down and hope Wanda would move on without killing her.
No, people are saying what happened in the scene is that Wanda sucked all her power out, making her human again. As symbolized by the mask just "vaporizing". I haven't seen the movie a second time so I can't confirm or deny if that is what the scene implies, I would need to watch it again.
@@ghostknight1865 wait so Wanda now has all of captain marvel's power?
@@PatrixBest No, that's not what happened, the fight was just poorly written.
Evil Captain Marvel: I came to kill all of the mulitverses.
Dr. Strange: *Opens portal and the Earth Kingdom from ATLA march in"
Stone her guys!
@@ghostknight1865 Not so much sucked out of her, more "Oh no, I took too much damage, now my cosmic buff is gone" type deal. Still kinda screwy either way
Disney to Strange: I hate you in every universe.
How does the memory lane thing even work? They’re watching their memories from the 3rd person. Wouldn’t they be in first person??
Shut up bigot! XD
Don’t y’all know that when someone is a “bad guy” they get a power bump. Like those times you unlock a villain to play in a video game
That's usually the other way around
I may have misworded that. I mean, when they are the actual bad guy they are super powerful, but when you unlock them they are meh
@@storminmormon Many such cases
@@superbusstarodub Sad!
@@storminmormon play DMCV, Virgil's moveset is insane... sadly he requires actual skill to use, so I'll never get to see most of it.
If John Krasinski wasn’t melted he would have been melted
It’s like Dwight Schrute wrote the script to make Jim Halpert die in the most pathetic way possible.
If he wasn't turned into spaghetti first 🍝, he would have been melted like cheese.
So true. If America didn’t have the virtue signal flag pin, she would have Been melted.
With the dialogue about Strange's sister, would it not have made sense to have America be an alternate version of the sister he lost? It could even be that HE was the one who fell through the ice in their universe. It could have been explained that she kept opening portals to get to alternate Stephens subconsciously, because she feels desperate to get him back. Then, the "betrayal" of Defender Strange comes off as even stronger to her because an alternate version of the brother she holds so dear was prepared to consider killing her.
It would also go a long way towards why main Doctor Strange is so dead-set on refusing to kill her, because he feels so much guilt about losing his version of her in his past that he can't bear to bring her harm (along with the whole Hippocratic oath that he mentions in his first film, but the rest of the MCU likes to forget about).
Not that this one thing fixes all the problems, but one of them, maybe?
It would definitely make more sense
Do you think the writers even realized the underlying message they were sending in this movie that you need to get rid of foreigners as soon as possible or they'll destroy everything?
White liberals in a nutshell
Doctor Strange just feels like a huge, strange fever dream.
In What If, the watcher leaves a black widow from one universe in another that didnt have a black widow. Guess that universe is going up in smoke
That's exactly what I thought too. So I guess the wacher just doesn't know about incursions lel
Jesus, the illuminati scene though... It's funny that dumbasses still try and say that the MCU isn't trying to dismantle and humiliate the male heroes while artificially propping up the women. Then again, the creators outright state that's what they're doing, and these idiots still can't get a clue.
In terms of the massive plot-holes incursions have alongside Wanda's plan, it reminds me of one of the main issues with Spider-verse that was similar. With how Kingpin's entire plan is to bring his own family back, while not caring that his machine will destroy reality. It runs into the same problem where they establish people can't live outside their own universe, so his own family would just die like the other Spider-men would have.
Obviously he probably wouldn't listen to the explanation or care, but it's never brought up. It also doesn't account for Doc Ock, who they never really establish a motivation for. For no reason at all she's okay with destroying reality, and already knew about "glitching", yet never brings it up. At best, you can only assume she's just a typical "Mad Scientist" and doesn't care if everyone dies so long as sciency stuff happens.
And imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed. If the female heroes get to meet their demise first due to stupidity. It would cause a public outrage.
Spider-Verse is overrated
@@sparkypack But she did though. She died before Kingpin by jumping on Spidermen and being knocked by a bus.
Why do so many stories use the "you are from another universe and if you stay here it will either cause a. Both universes die or b. You will die. I never understood this as why would just bringing in some matter (nevermind the germs and atomic particles you leave behind everywhere) cause that. It's a stupid and artificial way to raise stakes and highly limits stories
@@adrianoippolito1999 Because it's cheap and simple, it's also a cliche that's been so overused that most audiences will just gobble it up without questioning the logic of it at all
I love 185 & 186 , probably my fourth watch through. Always entertaining to listen to while gaming . Love ya’ll !
When the crew were talking about how they were numbering each universe.
Why don't we call our universe Universe A and this universe Universe B?
Why can't we be Universe A?
We called it first. Besides, this place kinda feels like a B, y'know?
I absolutely love your avatars, guys .
Almost commented to ask about them, and the first timestamp I click shows me the art!
wait - about the "being in another universe causes an incursion" uh............ what about the Venom symbiote left over from NWH??? Wouldn't that now cause an incursion? (ignoring the fact it was even left over, since it should have just went away with Eddy, but what ever)
Strange the memory store didn’t show him is sister drowning if it was such a significant and core memory of his life
Cared more abot getting a watch from regina than his sister drowning
The three times they've tried multiverses, they have had conflicting rules.
I also hate how 1 out of 3 of them understood the concept of LIVING A DIFFERENT LIFE MAKES YOU A DIFFERENT PERSON.
Loki is apparently a greedy man-child fuxkwit in 99% of the universes. The other 1% are Loki's that don't look like our Loki.
Strange will sacrifice/risk anything, including himself to save his home. This bonkers movie seems to think that is a bad thing. 'I love you in every universe'. Does it not strike these people that cosmically preordained love for some random person, isn't romantic. That's some My Immortal fan fiction garbage.
Whoa there, let's not get onto the level of My immortal now.
For that it would need a lot more black fishnets and pentagram forehead tattoo's.
Ehhh. It just doesn't work in a multiverse. Infinite Realities, infinite possibility, yet one thing is absolute? Maybe in one infinite set within an infinite set of infinite sets. If such absolutes exist, then what others? How infinite are these realities? It seems less infinite than we'd believed.
@@TheAdarkerglow infinite in these writers minds means like 10
Strange is no simp. He is a narcissist . He truly loves his work and himself.
This was bs
@@MediumRareOpinions I dunno man it gets pretty close with them weird runes on the demons Wanda summons
It amazes me the patience and forgiveness that fans of these franchises are willing to give these studios and how efficiently the studios abuse that gift.
There are so many fans of Marvel, Halo, LOTR and Star Wars all have had such devoted fans. These fans will cling on to any little fan service moments because of the love of these franchises and they just keep getting shit stories.
The fans keep dropping off a little at a time with every crap show and movie they make when if they just gave half, HALF a rats ass to make a story that makes sense that they could print their own money for decades to come.
The fans of these franchises have proven how forgiving they are willing to be... and the studios just keep the flow of shit churning...
Such a waste of such loyal fans...
Nah Lotr fans wouldn’t defend that shitty Rings of Power because all of them are devoted grown ups unlike Star Wars fans who easily shilled every friction of fanservice/new show happens
The sad but true reality that has played out multiple times again and again is that corporations don't care. Once they strike gold they'll run it into the fucking ground, they'll stripmine everything they can about it with no thought to the consequences. They're so blinded by their own greed they can't see how they're harming their future profits by trying to relentless expand with infinite growth instead of creating a sustainable pipeline to produce quality products. Honestly with how many times this exact thing has happened, beat for fucking beat, you would think that the people making these mistakes would learn from them. But I guess the people at top aren't the ones who face the consequences of these boom-and-bust cycles they make.
@@fr0ck360 Agreed, Tolkien fans won't stand for this. Rings of Power will be a catastrophe.
My friend, it's not good out there. I personally know an individual who thinks this movie is great and another who loved the Rise of Skywalker. I know a Boba Fett fan. My best friend is a TLJ fan--took me out to see it for my birthday and my reaction to the movie almost caused a fight.
These are real people who also like Marvel in general and love original Star Wars. They aren't paid spokespeople. This makes me wonder what is going on.
@@fr0ck360 Careful holding your head so high, you're liable to get it lopped off. I don't think it will go any different than any other beloved franchise that's been ruined. Despite the arrogance of lotr fans.
The multivent of mad sus!
The Multitude of Marmites
@JerkPlaysGames that's the cringe and sussy full power of amongus. No matter how prehistoric and annoying amongus memes are they are still funny on some unspeakable level.
I’m imagining an alternative version of the movie now where Wanda messes up black bolt’s mouth and he just looks over at her and Reed and glares at them like “really? We’re doing this? Fine.” And just either sits the fight out or does a super sonic sneeze at her. That would’ve been actually funny.
2:38:25 I seriously thought Nerdrotic was referencing Kirby the pink cute puffball. Kirby is dealing with portals too in the least game.
I've listened to this dozens of times and only just now, reading your comment, have been made aware he didn't mean pink Kirby.
@@Klespyrian (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づPOYO
"the final nail in the coffin"
as opposed to being screwed. XD
Watch as Thor L&T ends up as bad/worse than this because they're going to introduce the Greek Gods and it's gonna delve into how the universe was created and all kinds of cosmic stuff that makes to sense!
A prophet. A goddamn prophet.
In a recent interview, Elizabeth Olsen said she’s never met John Krasinski before so that means they never filmed those scenes together
She was prolly worried his wife would insist that SHE be cast as the Scarlett Witch instead of Olsen...
It’s insane after all the absolutely horrible things she does, she snaps out of the dark hold’s influence after realizing her kids are scared of her for trying to murder their mom and that they probably wouldn’t approve of her murder spree. Kind of like any human child that ever existed would. The “I would never hurt anyone” line is so nuts to me. How do you write a line said with the same awareness as “We did it Patrick! We saved the city!” as the moment the main villain reaches their turning point at the end of the movie😔
Gotta say, these black-and-white userpics go really well with the rest of the EFAP stream layout.
They consistently find ways to make the infinity stones the least special things in the universe. Of all the stones, the reality stone was the last one I expected this to happen to.
Bending reality is so cracked as a power. Thanos toyed with the Guardians of the galaxy with the stone. They stood no chance and he could've killed them in pretty gruesome ways.
Let's give it the cuxt that learned what hexes are 1 year ago. Why? Because book of destiny but bad.
*Edit* Jesus my grammar was as confused as this movie.
They consistently find ways to make the infinity stones✗ the least special things in the universe. Of✗ all the stones, the reality stone was the last one I expected this to happen to. Bending reality✗ is so cracked as a power. Thanos toyed with the -Gaurdians- Guardians of the galaxy with the stone✗, they stood no chance and he could've killed them in pretty gruesome ways. Let's give it the cuxt that learned what hexes are 1 year ago. Why? Because book of destiny but bad.
1:10:15 Are we to believe, judging from Dr. Strange's reaction, that there is NOT the Illuminati conspiracy theory in the MCU Earth? He seems to act as if he's never heard the word before...
I bet anything they'll have him create the Illuminati in the main MCU after seeing it in this movie and being "inspired" because "they do need some sort of council to deal with threats like Wanda".
Either that or it exists in the MCU without his knowledge but this will make him find out about it and he'll be part of it whenever it's revealed again.
On the mountain they act like nothing has changed when everything has.
-The instant change in altitude they had would kill them
-The temp would kill them within minutes
-The instant change in oxygen levels would cause them to quickly pass out and die
So I know everyone dunks on Return of the Jedi, but Vader's turn at the end is way better than Wanda's and people should take notes. The movie never pretends that it excuses Vader's actions, but that's what makes it meaningful, he still had his agency.
Yeah but what if we got another Vader to show up and stoke his face...or mask I guess and then he was good? Sounds awesome to me.