The S4 Diary: "Twilight Time" [MLP:FiM Episode 80]

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Hi, I’m Trixie the Golden Witch, and this is one of my archived channels.
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Комментарии • 756

  • @CloudCuckooCountry
    @CloudCuckooCountry 10 лет назад +11

    I've always thought that nobody should aspire to be a role model and that people looking for role models need to take responsibility for the role models they follow, rather than potential role models needing to step up into the responsibility of being a role model for them.
    Thank you, Digi. I shan't make you my role model.
    On another note: great video again. I think this style is growing on me more the more I watch it. Digi be stylish.

  • @rafael502
    @rafael502 10 лет назад +11

    The fact that you had to tell people that "they're not your mom" and how you ranted on your "life" was wrong.
    Guess what, I don't care Digi! If you want to live a life that is not "up to standards of others " as you yourself put it, that is more than fine, it is your life after all.
    But do not be an obnoxious asshat who has to prove everyone else wrong, I mean fuck dude.
    As long as your happy, with your lifestyle, then nothing or no one should be bothering it. If it is, then ask yourself why it bothers you.

  • @saranime8079
    @saranime8079 10 лет назад +8

    During your little rant
    I realize that
    People shouldn't follow your daily life, they should be following your talent.
    And that's like the episode in an nutshell

  • @AntonyCannon
    @AntonyCannon 10 лет назад +21


  • @SouthpawHare
    @SouthpawHare 10 лет назад +8

    Digi, please consider this in the best of ways - I was in your position only a few years ago in terms of being in my early 20s, drinking too much Mountain Dew, and not taking care of my teeth enough. I had to go through several avoidable, rather frightening root canals because of it. It's not something to just "accept" as a reasonable "bad habit" - it really is worth looking into as something to improve on before you regret it.

    • @flatermann97
      @flatermann97 10 лет назад

      You've got a point..... I just went 17 and go on a technical vocational school ( I don't think anyone will be able to do something with this link, but I'll just give it as an example.
      drinking to much Mirinda, never cleaning my teeth. Aren't we all the same :D

  • @Badmunky64
    @Badmunky64 10 лет назад +10

    haha, yeah the amount of people whining about you with a cigarette was funny to read on my end.
    Having warmer or lighter colors helps give off a more relaxed vibe. Also playing samurai champloo music is a great step in that direction too. I love that anime!!

  • @Trixiehobbits
    @Trixiehobbits 10 лет назад +10

    *slowly building triumphant clapping*
    Digi, you're awesome. That's all I can think to say. The fact that you're willing to sacrifice your popularity (even if it seemingly has become, as you say, 'cumbersome') in order to get your point across is admirable. Congratulations for being one of the few people in the world in such a authoritorial position (even if it is a position among ponies) who's willing to tell it like it is, stay true to themselves and not simply go on doing something simply because it's become popular and you don't want to disappoint.
    I have to say, while I liked the old Digi Anaylsis, I can respectably lay those videos to rest and watch these ones with the same respect... if not greater admiration for you and what you're standing for.

  • @Yemto
    @Yemto 10 лет назад +9

    I just wish Digi could make the character looks like he gives a shit. For right now I get the impressions that he doesn't. I think it's mostly the tired, and messy look.

    • @Dionysus24779
      @Dionysus24779 10 лет назад +1

      That's the point though. You should go back a video and read the tumblr post linked in the description.

    • @Yemto
      @Yemto 10 лет назад +3

      Dionysus24779 I get that, but It's so unappealing to look at. I think a mix between the old style, and new style would be much better.

  • @tamaskalem1492
    @tamaskalem1492 10 лет назад +5

    Forget the cigarettes man, those mountain dews will kill you.

  • @danmcilhenny1798
    @danmcilhenny1798 10 лет назад +3

    "I spend most of my time looking at a computer screen" - my life in a sentence

  • @CraigAA1028
    @CraigAA1028 10 лет назад +16

    9:34 It's creepy that you basically described me and my life.

    • @notShurit
      @notShurit 10 лет назад +4

      that moment when i see one of the gamers im subbed to also watching a digi vid :D

    • @dandundunafterdark4319
      @dandundunafterdark4319 10 лет назад +1

      ***** I once realized that takahata101 was subbed to a unboxer I watch frequently

    • @pyxis2407
      @pyxis2407 10 лет назад +1

      We all miss those videos, along with the troll videos but hopefully we can understand why he wanted to stop. Lets just be happy he did those videos in the first place. Best of luck Craig.

    • @pyxis2407
      @pyxis2407 10 лет назад

      On another note, 'god my profile pic is creepy, wtf was i thinking' lol

  • @TiMoThY211991
    @TiMoThY211991 10 лет назад +5

    Adding the cigarette to your ponysona does not make you look like someone who takes a smoke break every once in a while to relax, as you claim you do. It makes you look like a heavy smoker with a problem. Coupled with the haggard appearance, the ratty mane and sunken eyes with bags, it makes you look like someone barely holding his life together, and in need of help. I am 95% sure that is not the intended reaction you were going for.
    This isn't a relaxed smoke sitting by a fireside, this is a smoke after you've had a terrible day, and want to shut out the world and be alone. Most would try to keep such a moment private, yet instead you're showing it like "this is the real me, this is how I feel all the time". And though you vocally deny it, and paste him over a happy background, the negativity of the image is what shows through most strongly. If anything, it shows that the depression is such that no matter where he is, or what happens on the world around him, it can't positively affect his mood.
    Once again, I urge you to find a middle ground for the aesthetic style of these videos.

    @MVR3IWER 10 лет назад +3

    The background isn't depressing. The pony is depressing. It's just that... I use to have a grandmother. She was wonderful, and I loved her. She use to smoke when she was around your age, maybe older, and she quit eventually, before I was born. A couple years ago, she was diagnosed with lung cancer, from smoking in her youth. She had to be hooked up to a life-support automatic breather in her own home in order to, well, breath. She was eventually checked into a hospital to get treatment. She died in that hospital. And I can't help but remember her and feel bad around smokers, which is a reason I try to avoid them.
    The comment you made about it, "Never happening to you" reminded me a picture I saw when I was younger. The picture included a group of confident men circling a grave while smoking. The picture was titled "Smoker's Musical Chairs" or something like that. Everyone with a smoking problem probably said something like "It'll never happen to me" but it will. What if, one day, you wake up and grab a smoke to wake up, and you don't feel awake yet, then what? Abandon you work? Probably not, so you'll grab another smoke. As time passes, the 1 a day you promised will become a whole packet a day, then you'll get some lethal sickness and die. No one wants that.
    I might be taking this too seriously, but I can't help it. I want to make people happy, healthy, and prosperous, and drugs/smoke/alcohol won't do that. I couldn't concentrate in school today because of how worried I was. This new style is fine, I can take baggy eyes and sketchy lines, but, to me at least, someone who resorts to such a low means of bringing happiness to himself is the most depressing thing about this "new you," especially coming from you.

  • @Rottondude2
    @Rottondude2 10 лет назад +5

    Ah digi, this is why we love ya.
    Literrally just lost it when you said "fuck off"

  • @Soufriere84
    @Soufriere84 10 лет назад +5

    I enjoyed your smoking rant. Now, I actually _can't_ smoke (I'm allergic), but you make a great point about, well, everything. It must suck to be considered a role model due to the ridiculous expectations that get forced upon you. We're all just human; we're fallible.

  • @SuperSonic68
    @SuperSonic68 10 лет назад +9

    Ya know, it's funny! Before 8:48, I WAS going to comment about the smoking thing, but you shut me up before I even had the chance! And ya know what? Good for you, Digi! I think we all need a good "Go fuck yourself!" from time to time. Makes us take a look at ourselves!
    So, yeah. Good to see you hoofing into new ground! Still subscribed and I don't see that changing anytime soon!

  • @IamCaptainMan
    @IamCaptainMan 10 лет назад +3

    You know Digi, you've been under an insane amount of stress ever since you basically became the figurehead of Mlp analysis and I greatly respect how hard you've worked. It's incredible really, all the things you've juggled and accomplished and I know the feeling in my own daily life. Leaving and dropping friends because of other responsibilities and putting things I cherished on the back burner for long periods of time because I had those responsibilities.
    I am a proud sub of you, and I watch your videos because I feel you bring up good points that make my weekly new episode more interesting. I see you as a hard-working analyst who has a lot of potential.
    The problem is not the idea that your influence is going to be bad, or you're depressing people somehow, or you can't please everyone. The problem is that you forget that this whole gig is for mostly *you.* It's totally fine to wind down a bit and chill on video output. It's okay to smoke, drink mountain dew, live with your parents, wake up at 5pm and go to bed at 6am, and curse like a sailor.
    Those things don't make you a bad person or make what you say not worth listening or taking as advice. You need to relax because if you continue to stack pressure like this, you *will* lose sleep. I'm not God, but all I'm saying is that if your life is only on the computer, something needs to change.
    If you can't be happy online let alone offline, than you need a break. You don't hold a stance that is just so great that people wouldn't know what to do. You are a celebrity in the community, but that doesn't mean that people won't make it without you.
    There *is* something dangerous with getting too immersed. All in all, I just think you could use a little more sleep or some time just for you to spend however you please.
    Don't take this as an insult or some random guy trying to tell you how to live, I'm 100% NOT hostile, I just care about you man. Take that for what you will.

  • @OverTheMoon891
    @OverTheMoon891 10 лет назад +6

    Digi, I'm just going to pop in here and say that if I could, I would give yu a big hug. You seem like you need one. Love the new style!

  • @saladfingers123243
    @saladfingers123243 10 лет назад +3

    Diego's getting all defensively bitchy and has begun the inevitable downward spiral. Dammit, I was hoping this channel would last longer.

  • @TheNightmareRider
    @TheNightmareRider 10 лет назад +11

    Love the Analysis video, but the direct defensive rambling at the end about why you smoke seems kind of unnecesary. Why do you even give a shit what people think of your smoking habbits? Your words are correct, but they honestly feel mood breaking and out of place in an analysis video.

    • @benjaminmclaren8782
      @benjaminmclaren8782 10 лет назад +6

      I disagree. When people keep bothering me, I have no choice but to tell them in no uncertain terms where they can stuff it. Digi may not give a shit but he is definitely allowed to tell everyone to fuck off on his own channel.

    • @Next0gen0
      @Next0gen0 10 лет назад

      Benjamin McLaren
      Agreed. True, whenever I see somone somking that I know, I give the classic "Ya know those thing's will kill ya", by which I take whatever remark come's back and Leave It At That. I don't go into a pestering rant of "Heart Disease and Lung Cancer". They clearly already Know this in this day and age.
      Besides, I eat Wendy's on a regular basis, and I swear to god health nut's are now claiming that Lettuce is bad for you.

  • @drjoshfox
    @drjoshfox 8 лет назад +3

    ahh I remember watching these videos as they came out. It's odd how even though it's only about two or so years old, I have pretty strong memories of watching your pony analysis videos, such different times.

    • @drjoshfox
      @drjoshfox 8 лет назад +1

      ***** to be fair his channel isn't really about mlp anymore

  • @AnYEntertainment
    @AnYEntertainment 10 лет назад +16

    Okay, after the first one in the new style I wasn't entirely sure, what to think about it (hey! I am an old man - I don't like change XD )
    But I caught myself highly enjoying this one! It really fits you - especially with the bit more crude style to it. Sometimes reinventing yourself is a great way to breath new life into another wise stale format. I saw it before with the Nostalgia Critic, I just witnessed it again with you. While your old style worked great for you during your first year, I have the feeling that this more laid-back style, reflected not only in the visuals, fits your own current self more than the polished professional look.
    Oh yeah - and drinking only mount dew is definitively worse then one cigarette a day XD

    • @Rangerstorz
      @Rangerstorz 10 лет назад +3

      I agree. I myself don't like change either, Don't change a winning team right? But sometimes it good to start with a blank page. And about the health risk, Everything is dangerous if you take to much of it. Coffee, Alcohol, cigarette's. Famous brony's shouldn't be viewed as allmighty god's, we all share the same interest: Ponies.

    • @_skysick_
      @_skysick_ 10 лет назад +2

      ***** I never particularly enjoyed DigiBrony in his old incarnation. A rebranding is a good opportunity for him to turn this around, but starting out by describing himself as a self-exiled brony saint is a bad start.

  • @tocsint3464
    @tocsint3464 10 лет назад +2

    so, reading these comments, i think that people dont get that digi smoking is a life choice, and I applaud him for openly shunning the "holier than thou" crowd criticizing it. I want to tell all of the "omg dont smoke digi" crowd to go eff off, but ill just downvote each and every one of their comments complaining about it. its worth the half hour to me.

  • @YokusaHHart
    @YokusaHHart 10 лет назад +1

    Don't listen to people who are giving you flak for smoking, especially if it helps calm your nerves. I'd rather have a single cigarette than take a butt-load of anxiety medication any day. (and for those of you who are wondering, yes, I smoke and I take the before mentioned anxiety medication and while the medication works, it often leaves me in a dazed or sometimes irritable state while having a cigarette calms me down without the unwanted emotional side-effects.)

  • @AndromanKaya
    @AndromanKaya 10 лет назад +3

    Damn, didn't expect a cigarette rant, I barely noticed it myself.

  • @kingdomheartsguy44
    @kingdomheartsguy44 10 лет назад +2

    I like this new style. It's funny, chilled out, and doesn't invoke a spark of negativity while at the same time somewhat gets at an episode. Keep doing these. They're pretty much what I've been looking for in the mess of positive vs negative every week.
    Like a breath of fresh air.

  • @Miki_Alzane
    @Miki_Alzane 10 лет назад +2

    The picture actually did help lighten the atmosphere. Also as long as you don't let that smoke control you our hurt others than i see no problem with it. Hope you have a nice day Digi! :3

  • @TheBeachCityCritic2250
    @TheBeachCityCritic2250 10 лет назад +2

    I think if I had someone like him to teach me how to make my reviews better, I'd be fucking honored to be honest, I mean I've looked up to him for ages, not because he's a high-standing figure in the brony analysis community, but because of the sheer quality and thought that goes into them.

  • @mikamekaze
    @mikamekaze 10 лет назад +2

    Who gives a fuck if you smoke? People can make their own decisions. Who cares if I never want to drink? Who cares if guys like ponies? Who cares if M. Night Shamalan makes another movie- Oh, wait, no, don't make another movie M. Night, please.
    I personally am really digging the new style and can appreciate where you're coming from. As someone in the fandom who wants to contribute but doesn't have the resources to do so, watching videos like this or giving an artist positive feedback or listening to the music is all I can do, and I appreciate the people that do get to contribute.

  • @ElNeroDiablo
    @ElNeroDiablo 10 лет назад +2

    7 cans of Mt Dew daily? Presuming that's a 375mL can, that's about 2.6L of Mt Dew, which I'll admit is a bit more (like, a 600mL bottle more) than I drink (2L bottle/day).

  • @RobertLydonReviews
    @RobertLydonReviews 10 лет назад +5

    more power to you bro. I'll still be looking forward to your videos no matter what.

  • @JDueler11
    @JDueler11 10 лет назад +5

    Just cut back on the smoking once and a while, and you'll be fine.

  • @nargeta2
    @nargeta2 10 лет назад +6

    I almost unsubbed from you...then I saw the new style in this and your last video. THIS is the kind of review I want, the kind that reinforces the connection of ponies to real life and how much we love it as opposed to the now popular "Let's talk about why this episode is garbage." Most reviewers are doing. Anyway, like the new OC (even if the old one was so nice and bubbly XD), like the laid back-ness, and love the new reviews.

  • @FrenzySliver
    @FrenzySliver 10 лет назад +1

    the morals at the end of the show have basically become "whatever, people fuck up, and that's ok. forgive and forget." not that that's a bad thing necessarily. \(' - ')/

  • @xisaakurosaki6277
    @xisaakurosaki6277 10 лет назад +2

    I'm sorry, the background doesn't really work for me, you still look a little "funny" to me. Sorry

  • @Lori_P89
    @Lori_P89 10 лет назад +5

    omg Digi your rant about smoking and being a bad role-model was glorious xD
    anyway, I gotta say that I myself get lots of "OMG. You know DIGIBRONY?" so I sorta felt like the CMC in that aspect XD'
    It even gets to a point where people want me to draw their OC for them, too. I would have used it as a chance to earn commissions or something, but very few people were actually willing to pay me. Most folk just wanted me to "draw stuff for their analysis videos so they can be as popular as Digibrony", essentially.

  • @Kraigon42
    @Kraigon42 10 лет назад +2

    Still liking the style. I think that this consideration of the themes and morals of the episodes (and how they apply) is an angle that isn't quite explored as often as it should be among the analysis community -- though I will readily admit that I have a hard time reading personal feelings and impressions through most reviewer/analyst projected personas. I don't usually catch something like that unless someone says it directly. I can also understand that not every episode affects every reviewer in some personal way as these last two seem to have done for you.
    Legitimate kudos for that rant. I'm not going to say anything about that since it sounds as though I'm roughly in the same position you are.
    I should probably ultimately thank you, though; as you were my "gateway drug," so to speak, into the larger fandom. While some friends convinced me to give the show a try, it was when youtube suggested one of your reviews that I realized just how large the fandom really was. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for doing what you did and being that pillar of the community that you were/are.

  • @YamiZee
    @YamiZee 10 лет назад +1

    My only problem is the fact that cigarettes to me is the worst possible smell. I could sniff skunks all day, just dont make me sniff a cigarette...

  • @SiunZoxdi
    @SiunZoxdi 10 лет назад +4

    Hm, this style is growing on me already. ^.^

  • @Kayclau
    @Kayclau 10 лет назад +1

    Yeah, the new style looks a little bit sad and the background does help to look less depress. And I think that random energetic comments like in 9:18 are the thing what kills the depressing atmosphere

  • @opaattack
    @opaattack 10 лет назад +9

    i like this new digibrony, but i will miss the old one

    • @xkard14
      @xkard14 10 лет назад +3

      with time things will change, all things lets just be glad its fitting

    • @TurplePurtle.
      @TurplePurtle. 10 лет назад +2

      Digibrony is dead. Long live Digibrony!

    • @xkard14
      @xkard14 10 лет назад


  • @Aimela136
    @Aimela136 10 лет назад +8

    Lately, at least in my opinion, your videos lately seem too personal. Before, you seemed to be making videos about what you liked about the episode, how it can be improved, and stuff like that; Now it seems like you're talking about how the episode directly related to you on a personal level. Not to say that what you are doing now is bad(and I have no qualms with the style, despite my dislike of cigarettes), it just seems like a big change and I can't say that it's why I personally subscribed to you in the first place.

    • @oscargordon
      @oscargordon 10 лет назад

      When I watch an episode, I like to think about how it personally affects me. What did I learn? How can I put this knowledge to use in my own life? It is easy to sit down and bitch about this inconsistent plot point or that mistake in animation, but is that really why you are watching this show?

  • @historicalequestria7939
    @historicalequestria7939 10 лет назад +1

    ?!? Holy crap, I know that background scene! It's Generator Gawl! Kudos to you, Digi, for recognizing the maiming edge of fashion!

  • @VyeBrante
    @VyeBrante 10 лет назад

    Digi has always said he wanted to see people do analysis different, and so he is showing how that can be done. Instead of hearing him repeat what many others say, he is coming at it from a different angle and I support it!

  • @bathrobeproduction
    @bathrobeproduction 10 лет назад

    I love how digi already wrote that rant twice on tumblr and twitter and enough people didn't care enough to read and kept asking him about it so he had to rant in this video as well.

  • @Elfos64
    @Elfos64 10 лет назад +4

    Impersonability isn't just an issue with education, it's an issue with leadership as a whole. For example, a politician. None of us know them or what they're like, none of us even know if they actually believe what they're telling all of us. We know next to nothing about them, and they know even less about us. How can we expect them to make good decisions on our behalf? That's just the problem: we can't, yet for some reason keeping electing them anyway- despite how consistently unsuccessful that has been. That system might have worked for a kingdom of only a few hundred... maybe even a couple thousand, and worked even better for native tribes of only several dozen, but can't work on a scale of several billion.
    On a side note, your description of your life sounded an awful lot like mine. I'm 21, only moved out from my parents less than a year ago (and only because I cheated, don't ask), have more been goofing off with minimal actual class-taking at my community college (and plan to cease classes altogether after this semester despite the fact I won't be walking away with any kind of degree to show for it. That, I will elaborate upon if asked), I am also terrible about remembering to brush my teeth, my sleeping schedule is all over the place and highly irregular (though a majority of my awake time is so late at night that most people consider it early), I just sit around doing stuff on the internet (mostly youtube) day in and day out and have employment that barely qualifies as a job (I only work like 4 hours a week), have not really had a girlfriend ever, though I do put more focus upon my health than you do.
    P.S. the bright happy background doesn't do it for me, too stark of contrast. Different poses or even slightly artistically altered eyes could relieve the depressing vibe people are getting.

    • @KnightKiller1000
      @KnightKiller1000 10 лет назад

      All I know that they want two things:
      *Power* and *control on everything and everybody.*

    • @Elfos64
      @Elfos64 10 лет назад

      That doesn't really mean anything though. WHY do they want power? WHY do they want to control people? The reason several people I know want positions of greater authority is because the ones over them are terrible managers, but nothing can really be done about it because they outrank you. Therefore, they have to get more authority just so they can actually be in a position where those issues can be addressed. If they could be addressed at their current positions, they would.

    • @KnightKiller1000
      @KnightKiller1000 10 лет назад

      It does actually that you need to know if they can be trusted or not and keep their words for it. It's not bout ranks or shitty managers, it's bout greed and power. *"Great power, comes with great responsibility"* Watch Season 2 Episode 10 _Secret of My Excess_ and you'll know that once you got the taste of it, you'll want more. Pick up a history book of this year and compare it to a history book that is 20-30 years old and you'll know the difference. They're undermining the history of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the newer books, that it'll make future generations be more slaves than free people.

  • @KnightKiller1000
    @KnightKiller1000 10 лет назад +2

    That rant though.... Wow.... O_O Finally got that out of your pony chest, eh Digi? I hope that the CMC get their Cutie Marks soon since their VA's are getting older and get more character development for them. Keeping that mentor theme for them should push more episodes for S5...

  • @ryanscanlon2151
    @ryanscanlon2151 10 лет назад +3

    i don't know what the rest of the comments were saying about the smoking but i get the feeling that a lot of the were about that cigarette looking like something a bit less legal to smoke. I think all u need to do is add the yellow bit at the end where u hold the cigarette and it will read a lot more clearly as a tired guy smoking a cigarette than, not to be rude, but a stoner. That happy background helped too, it just needs MOAR PONIES! lol

    • @concertoldham
      @concertoldham 10 лет назад

      He's probably smoking a light cigarette. Light cigs don't have orange filter ends.

    • @ryanscanlon2151
      @ryanscanlon2151 10 лет назад +1

      What kind of cigarette isn't really the point, as a non smoker I'm unfamiliar with the different types as I'm sure a lot of non smokers are and these are probably the people complaining about it. The the orange filter at the end is what most people associate with cigarettes and would help clarify that what your smoking is cigarette and not something else like weed.

  • @EmeralBookwise
    @EmeralBookwise 10 лет назад +4

    Not going to lie, the previous video was so unsettling that I thought this change in style and presentation had to be some kind of bad joke, but I guess you were actually serious. Given the reasons you posit now here in this video though, I guess I can understand, even if I don't agree.
    Still, I felt like the last video was more hostile than it needed to be, not just an active change of style, but an active attack against your fans. However, if video's more like this second one are to be the norm going forward, then I'll probably stick around. I never really needed you to "review" the episodes and tell me which one are good or bad. It's your deeper, and yes, even personal insight into those episodes that appealed to me in the first place.
    Though as to how to make things less "depressing" around here, probably make a further update to your avatar (or just drop it all together). It doesn't really look like off-hours casual, so much as it just looks lazy and half-assed, like someone who can't be bothered with even the barest minimum of social etiquette. I don't expect you to go back to the old model, but surely there must be some viable compromise between the two extremes.

  • @Tacotrollroll
    @Tacotrollroll 10 лет назад +3

    Cigs are bad Digi, some complain to be ass holes but some do care

  • @zacharycarrasco2801
    @zacharycarrasco2801 10 лет назад +3

    I don't care that you are a bad role model, i don't care that you smoke, actually i laughed real hard when you ranted on it but i still think we can all learn from you. Because you are one of the wisest people i ever heard of. You do whatever you want whenever you want and expect everybody else to do the same and this is a trait that we share. So this video really grabbed my attention and entertained me. So i thank you for 10 minutes of entertainment. :3

  • @Knucells
    @Knucells 10 лет назад +17

    Welp Digi, I gave you a second chance, but fuck you with your smoking rant. Just fuck you. I'll just say now that it didn't bother me until you made those comments at the end, but god damn, I'm so pissed now.
    My brother smoked once a day at school because of peer pressure. Just ONCE A DAY, not even 7 days a week. Then it became part of a routine, then he needed more nicotine as it became a crux for getting through the day.
    He couldn't even give up smoking when he had cancer and was bed bound for three and a half years. Not that I'm saying you'll get cancer because of smoking - just that it's such a difficult substance to give up and it's so easy to get addicted.
    The fact that people are mentioning it and are getting so incensed about such as a small detail means that people CARE for your health and you as a person. Why are your audience getting so up in arms? It's an easy trap to fall into, and it's such an easy trap to avoid.
    I'm not telling you what to do, but if you want to give yourself an easier time in the future, quit the smoking now. Consider spending a few minutes doing light exercise instead, do a part-time course in education if there's something needing fulfilling in your life (maybe a film or media course would be ideal), for the love of god, do what you need to do to put yourself in the right place.
    Just don't you dare bitch at your fans for getting so impassioned about your well being. There are people out there with nobody who gives a damn about them in much worse situations than you.

    • @rafael502
      @rafael502 10 лет назад +6

      I fully agree with you man, I didn't care the fact that he smokes, or that he's changing styles or whatever. That childish rant at the end was ridiculous.

  • @poporopo913
    @poporopo913 10 лет назад

    I've felt for a while that the writers didn't plan on having Twilight become an Alicorn this early in the show, and may have been asked by Hasbro to fit in into the end of S3 to sort of compensate for a shorter season. And because they didn't plan on having Twilicorn around until the last minute they may have written most if this season's episodes without that in mind, leading to it being mostly ignored except for one or two key episodes, and a few small nods here and there.

  • @ponyizbest9401
    @ponyizbest9401 10 лет назад +1

    It really fucking bugs me when people start freaking out when they see someone smoke that they didn't know smoked. People need to shut the fuck up sometimes.

  • @AilatRedear
    @AilatRedear 10 лет назад +3

    Hey Digibro I'm not criticizing but seriously curious as it helps me retain a picture in my minds eye, do you smoke near people/friends who don't smoke?

  • @Keybug55
    @Keybug55 10 лет назад +1

    I am loving this style even more when you explain it on a personal level.

  • @DrHotelMario
    @DrHotelMario 10 лет назад +2

    I'm jaded for Christ's sake....I mean...
    *I'M DEPRESSED!!!*

  • @DivineSoupCan
    @DivineSoupCan 10 лет назад +1

    Does... Does that cigarette ever burn out? Do I need to call the thermodynamics police?

  • @fenixman2
    @fenixman2 10 лет назад +25

    Wow dude, you changed alot from what I suscribed some time ago, I remember when I watched that analisis on the mane 6 cutie marks, and their age's
    Im an old fan of you for celestia's sake,
    And here you are, asking for donations when you have been uploading less and less videos, Smoking, closed your ask discorded Digibrony with your illustrator saying fuck off as a goodbye.
    Im sad this came off like this, But im even more sad you just arent Analisizing as you did before, you talk more about your life, I know you are trying to make things more personal, but the ciggarete just and the tired "Style" is just too different from the funny and over-analizer that I mostly saw for entertainment porpuses than knowing if the episode was good or not...
    Dont take this as nothing hostile, but I just dont like the way you are making videos anymore, the way you changed from the funny and happy guy who over-analized things in a smart but still funny way, to the depressed and tired mood you have now.

    • @MysterySeeker
      @MysterySeeker 10 лет назад +4

      You said exactly what i thought, but i could have never said it that well. ^^

    • @conarts_creatin9802
      @conarts_creatin9802 10 лет назад +3

      Spot on

    • @STANNco
      @STANNco 10 лет назад +1

      well... people change, and i don't think we try to make him do otherwise (not implying that you was trying to)

    • @fenixman2
      @fenixman2 10 лет назад +5

      DAT BRONY STAN No, no, Im obviously not, I just wanted to express my disgust with the change of the channel's direction.

    • @STANNco
      @STANNco 10 лет назад +3

      it's fine man, and i agree with you in some degree. But the man needs to live some way, and theres not a lot of jobs involving pony analazys so... i guess patreon and stuff like that is his only way to go. He do needs to go more in depth with the reviews though. TIP! Don't make videos at night, make em when you have slept!

  • @Skywardflare758
    @Skywardflare758 10 лет назад +2

    Honestly, I personally don't like the new art for two reasons. The first is that what I originally liked about the Chanel was the crisp, clean analysis, but the new art clashes with the image and the tone of the videos. The second is the eye shadow, tired eyes, and cigarette makes your character look like a stoner, with the new style not helping. It just clashes too much.

  • @TheMithridates
    @TheMithridates 10 лет назад +3

    That rant towards the end earns the thumbsup
    Just try to keep a full third of the vids from being about yourself? At least now that you have fully explained your position and vision in two videos.
    Keep rocking Digi and hopefully, we too shall enjoy the ride.

  • @concertoldham
    @concertoldham 10 лет назад +3

    I, for one, love your new style. I like how you're incorporating more of your own personal charm into the videos. And as a smoker of 4 years, I approve. Fuck those who are pretending to "care for your health" just so they can push their own agenda on you. Keep up the good work.

  • @deft0k
    @deft0k 10 лет назад +1

    I can totally vouch for the overcrowded classroom thing. Seriously, I have a room with almost 50 students that I have to teach English to. It's stressful, not only for us the teachers, but for the students as well. But hey, that's how the government wants it and we have oblige to it... *shrugs*
    In other stuff, something that I want to add to what you said about pushing people forward to doing their own things, is that it's really rewarding to see them grow and become better at what they do and acknowledge the people that help them in their way. And not only that, they become mentors to others and inspire them to do more great stuff. It isn't it as often but damn it makes feel great when it does. =)
    And again, like I said in the previous video, I like this new style of analysis more. So keep up the good work.
    (Though do brush your teeth dude, I'm speaking from experience here and it's not pretty...)

  • @AlienWarhead
    @AlienWarhead 10 лет назад +9

    I know I should fuck off because I got my own problems like eating unhealthy foods and drinking too much diet soda that can lead to kidney stones, but whatever fuck smoking because you can lose your fucking legs to it. Smokers are 16 times more likely to develop Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and when it gets too bad the limp must be amputated. I'm not your fucking dad or mom and I can't tell you how to live your life, but I can call fucking bullshit on you when you say you can say smoke in moderation. By the way I'm glad that your chain smoking Grandma lived to old age because my chain smoking Grandma that helped raised me died before I finished elementary school. I get that you that want to live your own life and if people don't like it then tough shit, sometimes I feel the same way, but the smoking thing was crossing the line.You didn't have to talk about smoking, but no you had act all high and mighty saying you were smart enough to handle the thing that killed and hurt so many people and it sent me over the edge. I normally don't do this, write long, angry comments full of swear words and this comment will probably be down voted and shot down for the right reasons, but I had to do. My anger for smoking and frustration for MLP analysis hit its boiling point with this video and I felt it was okay to swear because Digi used swears in this video. I would like to thank everyone for this outlet and for reading this, I hope all of you live long and fruitful lives.

    • @MintedKrissu
      @MintedKrissu 10 лет назад

      At the end of the day, it's hos choice. You're not going to convince him to do something he doesn't want to do. I'm not a smoker. I don't like smoking, I hate the smell and the idea of it. But fuck if I'm going to try and tell someone off for doing it. It's not hurting me, so I don't give a fuck. Digi can do whatever he wants, and he's going to, I assume, no matter what anyone says. So saying all that is pointless.

    • @AlienWarhead
      @AlienWarhead 10 лет назад

      Sudaku Meimori I probably should have phased it better and I usually do, but yesterday I just went overboard and I wanted to type whatever was on my mind. I get that it's his life and I shouldn't get involved, but I felt I needed to say something. Should I get over myself, probably and I'll try to calm down in the future.

    • @AlienWarhead
      @AlienWarhead 10 лет назад

      krissuchann It's his choice and what I say is most likely pointless, but I still felt like saying something.

    • @rafael502
      @rafael502 10 лет назад

      I agree with what you said. I too hope Digi will be able to live a fruitful live, and I don't care if he gets pissed at the thought of living a good life. He definitely should not have acted all "high and mighty" as you said.

    • @AlienWarhead
      @AlienWarhead 10 лет назад

      rafael502 Thank you for the reply and I may have exaggerated a bit when I said "high and mighty", but that's how I felt.

  • @doctoreggnog6644
    @doctoreggnog6644 10 лет назад

    I like how personal this video was. The new style of video seems designed for hardcore fans, people who don't care so much about the style of the video but the kind of person that Digi is, and I'm happy to be in that camp.

  • @infomanica
    @infomanica 10 лет назад +2

    I'm a fan of this more down to earth, unrefined style of video analysis. It feels closer and more personal, your last video never really had that immediate click with me (What, with the dark background and starting the video with the sound of a lighter and sucking on a cigarette, it almost felt slightly narcissistic in change). I'm a person who's very sensitive to the imagery and sounds of a cigarette, mainly because everyone in my family is or has been a smoker, so it was somewhat offensive to me as an individual. Of course intentions are different than results, but I feel this video better captures what you are going for. The bright background was a great ambiance to the cold colors and harsh lines of your new OC style. I also enjoy the focus more on what you get out of each episode rather than what each episode did better than the last. It's a refreshing perspective that reminds me of the soul purpose a majority of us bronies came to this show in the first place. We sometimes forget how much expectation we place on each episode, and realistically not every episode will live up to it. Overall, I'll gladly stick with ya DigiBrony, you were once my favorite reviewers, and now you're my favorite analyst of MLP. Keep it up ^-^

  • @MooonlitSky
    @MooonlitSky 10 лет назад

    This has pretty much completely sold me on the new analysis style. As far as the background goes, I think I preferred the style from last episode; it had better contrast with the foreground, and the fact that it was constantly moving prevented any artifacts it might have had from becoming obvious, whereas this one gave an impression of having been imperfectly scaled up.

  • @Dragonring34
    @Dragonring34 10 лет назад +1

    MY GOD. I can't tell you how much joy it brings to me just to know that you can continually make enjoyable videos(even more enjoyable with the new relaxed feeling behind the art) and be happy. I hope you're able to get into a place that will make you even more happy.

  • @psyren1711
    @psyren1711 10 лет назад

    Dear Digi,
    My name is Air Siren, and I would like to say I have the utmost respect for you as a person and as an analyst. Out of all the pony reviewers, you are by far the one I enjoy seeing most and the pure fact that you make a living doing what you love is just fantastic and takes more balls than most people have. Now, the chances are, this comment will be buried beneath other comments, but I would love it if we could possible chat or pm sometimes, as I have some aspects of the show I’d like your personal input on. I look forward to seeing your next video and I wish you all the best in life.

  • @DrHotelMario
    @DrHotelMario 10 лет назад

    It's nice that Digi is such an approachable person. I hope to meet him if he goes to a con, just to shake his hand and say hi.

  • @dragon1130
    @dragon1130 10 лет назад

    I find it funny there are grown adults who will still try to tell you that smokings bad despite the fact that most people who smoke 1) know the dangers, and 2) have every right to do what they want/need to so long as it's legal and/or not hurting, or putting in dangers, others.

  • @guitargurl37
    @guitargurl37 10 лет назад +1

    It is going to take a few more episodes to get used to the new style, but I do like how relaxed it is, more like chilling with some beers and cigs and chatting about the new episode. I really like it ^-^

  • @yesimstuntdude
    @yesimstuntdude 10 лет назад +1

    The point around 6 minutes is an inta-like from me - as someone personally still in high school it's nice to see someone recognize that yeah, the school system is kinda fucked up.
    And as for people's reactions to the cigarette, I think there were a lot of people who didn't realize that you already smoked, and so they assumed it was a new/recent development, which I assume was the cause of worry. For someone who watches your analysis videos but isn't very familiar with you as a person, the complete and sudden change in art style is just cause for worry, as it's easy to confuse that with a sudden change in you as a person.
    (although as a bit of a health nut myself, "*everything* in moderation" is just a bad idea in general - there are a lot of things you're just plain better off without, even with extreme moderation)

    • @benjaminmclaren8782
      @benjaminmclaren8782 10 лет назад +5

      I wish more people would complete that saying.
      " Everything in Moderation - Including Moderation Itself"

  • @Guilmon35249vr
    @Guilmon35249vr 10 лет назад +1

    I kind of enjoy the sketchy art style, not just because I've used a similar style for years on my own, but I just like the way pencil lines look. I'm not sure why.
    When it comes to Digibro's new pony design, it's interesting and it's good that you're making it seem more like your real self, especially since that's who it's supposed to represent.

  • @Mythough
    @Mythough 10 лет назад

    I like the new style. It's always more interesting to watch videos that reflect the person who made them rather than those that fit into some template.

  • @titanbrawl1660
    @titanbrawl1660 10 лет назад +8

    your videos aren't as entertaining as they use to be in my opinion

  • @merbinyokkel4162
    @merbinyokkel4162 10 лет назад

    I hope more people try this style of analysis, too because this pretty much what true analysis is. Many analysts are slowly moving toward reviewing without even being aware of it, and it is time for that to change.

  • @TheNameIsNori
    @TheNameIsNori 10 лет назад +1

    I don't know why, but this new video style is a bit more entertaining. Also Digi's oc reminds me of one of those laid back anime characters that always smoke.

  • @Auroraflair
    @Auroraflair 10 лет назад

    I have to say I've always enjoyed your videos and find them relaxing. I can sit back in my computer chair, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and just listen. Your voice is calming and un disturbing. It disturbs me to think some people react poorly to your recent change but then I've started to understand people differently as of late. I find some peoples reaction to change, disheartening. They tend to explode when something they like changes and don't take kindly to it. Going out of their way to try to change it back to what they were comfortable with instead of viewing with an opened mind. I could wish everyone was open minded but that would make for less learning experiences and everyone would get along (not such a bad thought but the world is not fully there yet). I think these experiences teach us who we more so resonate with and who we should just let fall to the weigh side. I think some of these lessons should be opened up and talked about in schools to show some kids you don't have to try to make everyone your friend, you don't have to please everyone and you don't have to fit everywhere. Sure try things, find out what resonates with you more and find your path then leave the unnecessary things behind. As an example I draw, sew, play games, etc. I'm not going to try to make friends with people involved in sports. Its not in my interest, why should I make friends with something I don't understand or try make them understand what I do. That's why I have friends who I play games with, have crafting parties or draw and share my art with. And that's all I need. I have been a people pleaser for so long and I'm at my point where I see what is really important and I begin to de clutter my life of people and things I no longer need that created a mental stress on my life, controlling it at some points. My point, once you've found truly what you wish to do, do it, your friends and followers who resonate with you will always be around. An odd reference could be we are like the core of a tree. We have leaves that come and go. Some can help us along, even if its only for a short time, some may fall away sooner then we thought or some can grow fungus and cling when we really need to let them go or move them along. We also need to tend to ourselves to keep some fungus from spreading or they could weaken our core. Though what keeps us strong and going are the branches, roots, water and ground that support us. I've said enough but just wanted to show you have a little pebble here giving you what support she can offer ^.~ I hope the dried up leaf comments will soon fall away for you.

  • @rede513
    @rede513 10 лет назад +2

    Wow Digi, just want to say again, my interest in your channel was starting to wain but its fully back now. Excellent decision to go back to analyzing and rambling and not reviewing. I MISSED this man, it's great to have your interesting points of views and observations back.

  • @TaleshicMatera
    @TaleshicMatera 10 лет назад +1

    The bright backgrounds gels much better for the effect for which you were going.
    (I loved the rant so much)
    --Are there things I don't like about the new format? Yes. Were there things I didn't like about the old format? Yes. It's just a shift in style, so I'm not gonna let my jimmies get too rustled. I am rather interested in seeing how this new series goes.
    (And for the people complaining about the Egotistical Rant about himself: It's in the format of a diary--relating the episode to his own life. If he relates to a character that puts him in a slightly "self proclaimed saint" aspect for the "diary", that's not a fault for which you place blame, it's simply a side effect.
    A quaint new little installment from DigiBro, thank you sir.
    (I do miss the "hey hey, every ponay"--but I can get over that)

  • @michaelmorgan4291
    @michaelmorgan4291 10 лет назад

    This is what I like about you Digi. You are who you are with no apologies and no excuses. And it doesn't seem like it's just a facade, but genuine. It's the kind of person I admire myself.

  • @serverborny
    @serverborny 10 лет назад +3

    I LOVE RANTS!!!!!!

  • @ytsejam58
    @ytsejam58 10 лет назад +1

    "And more importantly, you're jot my mom so kindly fuck off!"
    Epicness ^^

  • @ThisGirlGot2game
    @ThisGirlGot2game 10 лет назад +4

    Digi please calm down........ Please?

  • @unpronouncable2442
    @unpronouncable2442 10 лет назад

    yup the background really helped out. now it is deffinately less depressing and more mellow.

  • @maddie9602
    @maddie9602 10 лет назад

    I loved how the CMC seem to have matured a bit recently, and I hope that this trend will continue, perhaps spreading to other characters as well. I used to not like CMC episodes -- I found most of them to be simplistic and uninteresting, but starting with Sleepless in Ponyville, I really began to enjoy these characters for the first time. Perhaps the trend will spread -- we have already seen the Mane Six beginning to transition more into adult lives (I've always assumed that they're roughly equivalent to kids fresh out of college; slightly older adolescents, just starting to build a life for themselves) -- perhaps Spike will begin to grow up as well.

  • @nerevar117
    @nerevar117 10 лет назад +3

    Uh, the rant at the end. Okay...

  • @exploshaun
    @exploshaun 10 лет назад +1

    I am not worried about your smoking, I am worried about your 7 cans of mountain dew.

  • @BeaglzRok1
    @BeaglzRok1 10 лет назад +1

    God damn I loved that cantankerous rant. You could easily fit a Z-snap anywhere in there.

  • @MrFlame6666
    @MrFlame6666 10 лет назад +1

    Well first off, congrats on the one cigarette a day thing, personally don't know a single smoker that has that kind of will power.
    Second, to all the people bitching about the cigarette/OC in general and his rant at the end. Kindly keep your opinions to yourselves. Put a sticky note or something over it if it's bothering you that much... Hell you can even draw your own Digi on it.

  • @LittleSlimeGoblin
    @LittleSlimeGoblin 10 лет назад +4

    9:25 HOLY SHIT DIGI! I love you more now for just being realistic and being such a bro. Loved your vids before, but now I come to your channel for something much more unique. Thanks, and I hope you post more Anime talks c:

  • @Goremize
    @Goremize 10 лет назад

    Starts doing these - makes himself even more popular while getting rid of people that just want to hear the show hated on - I myself is really really happy that Digi is doing these :D Keep at it!

  • @wakelyn
    @wakelyn 10 лет назад

    Your Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle video and your season 3 recap are what made me see that season 3 was a good season, and they're what really inspired me to start thinking more deeply about episodes of MLP. They're still two of my favorite videos of yours to date. :)

  • @qwertopchicken
    @qwertopchicken 10 лет назад +4

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm i don't like the new look the old one looked presentable and i don't know why just less suspicious and it's better in my opinion

  • @DeadEyeMaverick
    @DeadEyeMaverick 10 лет назад

    Absolutely loving the new format, it seems like you've rekindled your fire for analysis. Great to see you back Digi.

  • @TheGlassAddiction
    @TheGlassAddiction 10 лет назад +1

    Someone's ego is waaaayyyyy to inflated like DAMN.

  • @leonasnake
    @leonasnake 10 лет назад

    God damn, Digi. I fucking love your honesty. I have had similar experiences when I draw, everyone came and asked me to teach them. I tried, but they just weren't passionate enough about drawing to take the time to learn. They just wanted me to teach them to draw and actually yelled at me when they saw that their drawings weren't amazing and professional looking. I lost my will to teach, I don't draw for anyone anymore, I don't try to help anymore, I've lost most of my close friends around then. No one asks for my help anymore, which is great... But I really miss helping the people who really did care.

  • @GrantDeezNutz
    @GrantDeezNutz 10 лет назад +2

    Last video bummed me out a little. I think it was the combination of it being unexpected(yet not surprising), the dark tone, and the unpleasant looking OC. It gave me the impression the you have grown angry with the fandom and the show. But after reading your tumblr I guess you just want to step back and not be as involved in the fandom and be a more casual brony. But I do enjoy this new format and your new approach to discussing MLP episodes and hope you keep it and not abandon the show entirely. And I look forward to you discussing non MLP content as well.

  • @RosesAndKnives
    @RosesAndKnives 10 лет назад

    Hi Digi, I've always really liked your videos, ever since I started watching them, they have really put some things into perspective for me and I really enjoy listening to you talk about stuff. (I tend to just listen to your videos while I draw and it's actually pretty relaxing.) It's been a long time since I last watched one of your videos though, so when I came back and decided "hey... I haven't watched anything from Digi in a long time and I'm all caught up on MLP, I'll check some of his new stuff out." Your new style really surprised me. So the first thing I did was watch your "Thoroughly Analyzing Digi's New Style" and I think that it's really cool you decided to go ahead with that change for yourself. The reason I'm talking about this HERE instead of in the comments on that video is because this one helped me understand even more why you decided to make that change. This'll probably get buried under other comments, but thanks for being yourself. I wish I could have gotten to meet you at Bronycon 2013, because from all of the videos I've seen from you, you seem like a really awesome person. I'm looking forward to the about two week long period of time where I catch up with all of your videos. I suck at ending things so I'm just going to kind of trail off now...