ENGLISH "Crying for Rain" Domestic Kanojo (Akane Sasu Sora)

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • "This time, I'll take it all the way to the end."
    There are some things you just can't take back.
    I started reading Domestic Girlfriend about three years ago, and it remains one of my favorite series. It's one of those manga you keep expecting to end, sooner or later, but it just... keeps going. For a series that explores themes of life itself, I think that works out nicely.
    I think a lot of people may have watched the anime a few seasons back, so I don't think I have to explain the song's meaning too much. It mirrors that part of the series: trying to grow up too fast and realizing your mistake, stumbling back to reclaim your lost innocence.
    Except you can't. No one can. And now you're stuck, as this unfulfilled husk, drowning in others' pity.
    This is the 2nd cover in the Catharsis Trilogy! It's dedicated to someone I knew- someone in such a hurry to grow up. I'm definitely not one to talk about wasted youth, but...
    Don't waste your life. Don't try and skip to the end. Life is going to have good times and bad times, ups and downs, and that's okay. We all want a happy ending, but you won't get one if you try to force it. Just enjoy the ride. It'll all work out.
    I'm looking to release the last song of the Trilogy in December, so it'll be a little while. That song's actually been done for over a year now, but we've been holding off on releasing it. We worked really hard on it, and it means a lot to us, so we want it to be special.
    Editor's Note: after effects can suck my dick
    x - x - x -
    Vocals: Akane Sasu Sora (...)
    Lyrics: Akane Sasu Sora (...)
    Mixing: Sleeping Forest (bit.ly/35qwYAA)
    Tuning: BriCie (bit.ly/BriCie)
    Filming/Editing: Ely (bit.ly/theelyfo...)
    This video was funded by Patreon! (bit.ly/PatreAkane)
    Want a Download? Donate $1 to my Ko-Fi with an attached email, and you'll get one! Or, become a $3+ Patron on Patreon for unlimited access to the mp3 archive! (bit.ly/kofikane)
    x - x - x -
    "Innocent, cruel, even so...
    ...You have to be beautiful..."
    No destiny could bring us together.
    If that's the way that things are meant to be,
    then maybe we'd be better if we never see
    each other, 'cause underneath it all,
    I'm sick of almost everything.
    Déjà vu. What do you keep going on about?
    You've said and done so many selfish things.
    Haven't you taken all that you can take by now?
    But even though all that's true,
    somehow I can't seem to hate you...
    I know...
    "I don't wanna' hear you say the same old shit again..."
    This time I'll take it all the way to the end!
    I don't care if there's a way you phrase it!
    "Love me!", "Trust me!", I'll never take it!
    If you wanna' fool around, fine with me!
    Just don't kid yourself with who you'll never be!
    How long will you keep trying?
    How many more lying words
    full of shit you don't even believe?
    Either way it'll end, yeah, we already know.
    Even if our words aren't our own, I'm tired
    of getting my hopes up over nothing at all!
    So take the hint! Just take it and don't let my rain fall!
    I wish some people would just shut up.
    I really don't care. Stop talking to me.
    You have two words to convey what you mean.
    A butterfly out in the world
    never sends a text or a call.
    It spreads its "wings" out...
    Wouldn't you say that way's the greatest of all?
    If you don't know what I mean, then just get lost!
    If you're that indecisive then just fuck off!
    If every word I said never meant a thing⁠-
    all the care and thought, it only brought more crying
    and pity! If that's true, then maybe
    I'll just put my umbrella up after all!
    'Cause all that I wanted was to be this way forever,
    going on hoping it would get better...
    But I was growing older and never
    thought I couldn't turn back the clock!
    So now, I pray the rain never stops...
    Copy, paste, and delete...
    And the pattern repeats...
    Take it in... Let it out...
    And that is why, becoming someone else's self...
    It kills me inside!
    I don't care if there's a way you say it!
    "Love me!", "Trust me!", I fucking hate it!
    If you wanna' fool around, fine by me!
    Just don't kid yourself with who we'll never be!
    How long will you keep trying?
    How many more lying promises full of shit I never believed!?
    Either way it'll end, yeah, I already know.
    Even the words that aren't our own!
    I'm tired of hurting each other and myself so much!
    So I'll accept the "me" that I became and give it up!
    Crying, so I keep my umbrella closed...
    Let's get wet on the way home.
    x - x - x -
    i dont think i could get any more overt with the "butterfly" if i tried lmao

Комментарии • 583

  • @itsm3keileigh
    @itsm3keileigh 5 лет назад +1214

    Somebody at night: *spins and turns camera left and right*

    • @zahedchowdhury0
      @zahedchowdhury0 5 лет назад +2

      It was Ely who did that.

    • @itsm3keileigh
      @itsm3keileigh 5 лет назад +2

      @@zahedchowdhury0 ow i seee. Rip them ;-;

    • @zahedchowdhury0
      @zahedchowdhury0 5 лет назад +2

      @@itsm3keileigh he did a reply on it on the imagine someone spinning comment

  • @yimtheduck
    @yimtheduck 5 лет назад +2604

    imagine seeing someone in the street spinning around with a camera

    • @elymoji
      @elymoji 5 лет назад +438

      To make matters worse I recorded these shots at like 1 AM so imagine going for a midnight stroll and you see a maniac dancing in the middle of the intersection

    • @zahedchowdhury0
      @zahedchowdhury0 5 лет назад +70

      @@elymoji GG oof. How fun was editing?

    • @elymoji
      @elymoji 5 лет назад +142

      Zahed Chowdhury Fun process. Stressful because we had a general idea but kinda had to find it in the edit. Overall fun time tho

    • @zahedchowdhury0
      @zahedchowdhury0 5 лет назад +51

      @@elymoji Well in the end you managed to make an amazing video! Thank you for all the work and thank you for surviving after effects! :D

    • @koneeche
      @koneeche 5 лет назад +21

      @@elymoji out of curiosity, did you use a gyro-stabilizer in making the footage?

  • @LJ_Lovelee
    @LJ_Lovelee 5 лет назад +1125

    "I wish some people would just shut up"
    "I really don't care. Stop talking to me"
    M O O D

  • @calusmageimer8359
    @calusmageimer8359 4 года назад +414

    That was the most aggressive "I'll put up my umbrella" I've ever heard

    • @shallteargf5974
      @shallteargf5974 4 года назад +41

      I'll take a chip. AND EAT IT

    • @Lisa52478
      @Lisa52478 4 года назад +19

      Shalltear GF
      I’ll walk inside the room, AND THEN I’LL CLOSE THE DOOR

    • @insop6432
      @insop6432 3 года назад +2

      @@Reparanoia dont remind me of that :(

    • @justanormalguy1921
      @justanormalguy1921 3 года назад

      @@Reparanoia I am scared of big tipped umbrellas now

    • @bladefier1954
      @bladefier1954 3 года назад

      @@Reparanoia I'm never bringing umbrella even if it's raining

  • @thejsl1508
    @thejsl1508 5 лет назад +497

    people who disliked this, were the people who got dizzy by the camera spinning around.

    • @zweihgt2131
      @zweihgt2131 5 лет назад +4

      i really got the dizzy especially at the last part. great cover though

    • @kurokaen2854
      @kurokaen2854 4 года назад +4

      Those poor 67 retards

    • @thejsl1508
      @thejsl1508 4 года назад +1

      @@kurokaen2854 Lol Yeah😂

    • @SwaggerJoyce
      @SwaggerJoyce 4 года назад +3

      *3:25** spinning intensifies*

  • @minis011
    @minis011 5 лет назад +202

    “Innocent, Cruel”
    Yeah that sums up life

    • @sorasan2466
      @sorasan2466 4 года назад +3

      there was a innocent part?

    • @early7strikeland996
      @early7strikeland996 3 года назад

      I don't think we are all innocent

    • @monbub
      @monbub 3 года назад

      I dunno man, I lost whatever innocence was there

    • @kaleyerinn764
      @kaleyerinn764 2 года назад

      @@early7strikeland996 when your born your innocent to the world not knowing how cruel it is actually

  • @HandBraJeans
    @HandBraJeans 5 лет назад +714

    I was nervous to see you attempt such a vocally demanding song but you always find a way to pull it off. Your performance was amazing and the visuals felt just right. Everything you did felt respectful to the source and in tandem with the direction of the video, this was a phenomenal package of entertainment.

    • @cdeq8824
      @cdeq8824 4 года назад +12

      Yeah i totally agree with you i've seen a few covers and none of them felt right but this one really hit it out of the park.

  • @ronsorage78
    @ronsorage78 5 лет назад +662

    Every english cover I see to this song has different translation to it.

    • @nan01ynk
      @nan01ynk 4 года назад +216

      ronsorage78 theres no real "word to word" translation from japanese to english, its moreso phrases, an idea and a feeling that must be conveyed, so each person makes their lyrics a bit differently because of that but the same general feel of them remains the same

    • @Capta1nTD
      @Capta1nTD 4 года назад +85

      It's very open up to interpretation, especially with how open ended the lyrics are. Big reason why I love Unravel too, there are so many ways to portray the lyrics while keeping the vibe.

    • @ronsorage78
      @ronsorage78 4 года назад +22

      I have become a big fan of minami just from the few songs she has out thanks in all parts to this anime.

    • @listlessweeb3410
      @listlessweeb3410 4 года назад +15

      This ones the best though

    • @Qwydjandjwbnd
      @Qwydjandjwbnd 4 года назад +23

      It's almost as if you can't translate a song into a completely different language without losing the rhymes and meaning holy shit ofc

  • @kirbyotaku
    @kirbyotaku 5 лет назад +174

    oh snap

  • @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache
    @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 4 года назад +261

    Your voice is actually amazing, I just want to say that you did an amazing job!

    • @mysticz5478
      @mysticz5478 4 года назад +1


    • @Nightcorerex
      @Nightcorerex 4 года назад +10

      How are u in comments section of every video on youtube?

    • @momol2l285
      @momol2l285 4 года назад +7

      Imagine not having a mustache hahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaahhahajahahahajahajhaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhahahahahhahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahsjjahahahahajahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahaha

    • @yamlav3848
      @yamlav3848 4 года назад +2

      Its you!

    • @grilledcheese6358
      @grilledcheese6358 3 года назад +1

      yay! I found the funny comment man--

  • @aidorygregan3849
    @aidorygregan3849 5 лет назад +603

    Finally a cover of this song that has that raw emotion of the original... You are a god of music, my friend. Also epic props to the editor; this video was an absolute pleasure like no other!

    • @Zen-zt4uk
      @Zen-zt4uk 4 года назад +8

      I agree! I don't know how they can do it so well and cover this song and make it sound as good in english!

    • @aimandarwisy7505
      @aimandarwisy7505 2 года назад


  • @Guritchu-P
    @Guritchu-P 4 года назад +105

    "I'm tired of getting my hopes up over nothing at all"

    • @thejsl1508
      @thejsl1508 4 года назад +2

      Oh wild Ken kaneki appeared!!

    • @insertname6779
      @insertname6779 2 года назад

      @@thejsl1508 what will u do
      fight bag
      items run

  • @SecretNarcissist
    @SecretNarcissist 5 лет назад +457

    I love your voice omg

    • @kyldump
      @kyldump 3 года назад +1

      Hi how old are you and where are you from?

    • @AkiSanL
      @AkiSanL 3 года назад +5

      @@kyldump OH HELL NO

    • @KingDeku6967
      @KingDeku6967 2 года назад

      @@AkiSanL lol yeah like wtf

    • @Sebobstian
      @Sebobstian Год назад

      ​@@kyldump today on catching predators

  • @koneeche
    @koneeche 5 лет назад +187

    A male cover? NANIIII?

    • @SockWizard
      @SockWizard 3 года назад +2

      That was my reaction too

  • @tacopinata605
    @tacopinata605 3 года назад +70

    This song is great because it shows how people fake their emotions and put up masks which make them seem better. This song is about how people are fakes and they just make things up.
    It shows how their own fake emotions hurt people and that they shouldn’t be superficial this song follows a style of life where you don’t care what people have to say. This song is about someone who’s already accepted what other people are truly like it exposes who we are as people.
    It also says that if we don’t know each other save your breathe not everyone is supposed to like everyone so just don’t try reaching them

  • @dylanmatthisen8977
    @dylanmatthisen8977 4 года назад +47

    They really gave a romance anime just the most absolute banger, didn't they

  • @lordluckyl
    @lordluckyl 5 лет назад +83

    10/10 would cry in the rain again

  • @jacksoncastro136
    @jacksoncastro136 3 года назад +16

    2 years and this is still my favorite cover.

  • @spookyturbo1618
    @spookyturbo1618 4 года назад +20

    This is definitely my favorite English Cover of this song. I actually really liked how this version didn't hold back with language like most other English covers do. This one just did it so right.

  • @Albzsure
    @Albzsure 5 лет назад +54

    Honestly, I found your channel way back when you did the Re:zero cover for wishing, and the way your voice has grown and improved is incredible. It hit me when I heard your cover of goodnight tonight just how clean you've become with hitting notes, and I love how your style has evolved. Especially in regards to how you get emotion across through your voice.
    Thanks for the music, It's a highlight of my day whenever a new song releases.

  • @MinZilla
    @MinZilla 5 лет назад +86

    I kinda like this style of video
    Kinda old school youtube, but cooler

  • @kaleyerinn764
    @kaleyerinn764 2 года назад +5

    Finally found his cover after a year of looking for it again, he has such a way of putting meaning behind his signing and the city view it’s all just gorgeous

  • @Jo---Jo
    @Jo---Jo 5 лет назад +32

    This cover is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard ❤

  • @Ansytea
    @Ansytea Месяц назад +1

    To this day, this is still my fave anime opening cover and I come back to this so often. There's something abt this that hits to the core.

  • @tiffaniet
    @tiffaniet 5 лет назад +19

    perked up when I saw this in my subscriptions because I knew you'd _nail_ this song. Then I wondered if this was part of the trilogy, and man, I _love_ the trilogy. Kudos to the emotion you convey and the amazing video!!

    • @maxwyght1840
      @maxwyght1840 5 лет назад

      What's the first one?
      The fate one?

    • @tiffaniet
      @tiffaniet 5 лет назад

      @@maxwyght1840 His cover of "Goodnight Tonight". :)

  • @jinhong91
    @jinhong91 4 года назад +9

    This one of my favourite covers for this song. The original done by Minami was so good that others following in her footsteps get overshadowed by her. This cover did some things a bit differently and somehow still conveys the main feeling while adding something fresh to it. I like this song a lot.

  • @kuru7209
    @kuru7209 5 лет назад +18

    Such a good cover with raw emotion with great visuals to pair with it. Good job!

  • @WozzaDekon
    @WozzaDekon 4 года назад +22

    Wow, this is the first English cover of the song that I believe is on par with the original! No offence to the other cover artists though, I think you nailed this.

  • @S1TH_RNG
    @S1TH_RNG 2 года назад +7

    Normally English covers are decent, but this. This right here is worth more than most would pay attention to. Most would blind eye it just for it being English, but my friend you have some talent. Being a late comment you (probably) won't see it, but this is amazing. Good day.

  • @flywhiteguy2327
    @flywhiteguy2327 Год назад +2

    This is such a good version of the song tbh. I always find myself coming back to it when I feel lost. Thanks for that.

  • @akanebenjirochihaya3003
    @akanebenjirochihaya3003 5 лет назад +13

    That was so beautiful. The sound just resonated in my system as my mind was lost in thought.

  • @ast3rnomical
    @ast3rnomical 10 месяцев назад +1

    Just remembered this cover, I will always love this cover sm

  • @KotoPlaysYT
    @KotoPlaysYT 3 года назад +22

    In the beginning. When you said, “innocent, cruel.” You sounded like Naofumi in Dub. Which is a great thing. His English VA is pretty good.

  • @HeckinRyan
    @HeckinRyan 4 года назад +3

    This song has so many layers, its really underated

  • @RahulGupta-t8p6s
    @RahulGupta-t8p6s 17 дней назад

    The passion in the voice nd the cleverness of the translations.
    Just legendary right from the start to the end.

  • @damamarlow3shelton
    @damamarlow3shelton 4 года назад +4

    Just watched the anime and OMG THIS MAN SNAPPED ON THIS SONG I LOVE ALL OF IT

  • @theblitz1687
    @theblitz1687 5 лет назад +5

    Your vocals, the way you sang this song, keeping the bored and angry emotion was just all amazing. Minami would be proud for translating and singing so beautifully :D

  • @ratulmahmud2962
    @ratulmahmud2962 Год назад +2

    Thanks for gifting us with this cover

  • @DragonHOD
    @DragonHOD 3 года назад +3

    OMG the fire in his voice and the emotion. I had tears just listening. Excellent job I felt it ALL. Please keep this up. Akane San, I can tell you feel the words when you sing. They touch your heart and that is the mark of an excellent musician and performer.

  • @Rose_MidKnight
    @Rose_MidKnight 5 лет назад +18

    I dunno why, but this song breaks my heart a little. Maybe its because I've fallen back into my depression. Maybe its because its all the positive advice I can give but can never take. Its funny, "you have two words to convey what you mean" my instant response to that was help please. From what I know from this anime/manga is that it has some amazing characters. My one friend was telling me about this and how there was this one chick who thought people couldn't love her unless they got physical. I never voiced it to anyone, but I understand that feeling. The feeling of wanting to be loved but never feeling like you are until things go too far, then you learn you were only a toy to them but you do it all over again over and over praying that one day it'll happen. I lost my innocence far too soon and I wish I could have that happy innocence back but life was never fair. Life is just, pain after pain after pain with pockets of okay with the rare joy mixed in. Life is fake smiles and acting fine till you hopefully are only to realize it was all a lie and you crumble again. I don't wanna fall again but I'm finding that my ground disappeared.

    • @dariom.5831
      @dariom.5831 4 года назад

      Spero tu stia meglio, se così non è, pregherò perché domani sia così. Un abbraccio dall'italia

    • @zaynemeowzner7694
      @zaynemeowzner7694 4 года назад +1

      @rose midknight
      Whoa sounds like your going through quite a bit right now, I don’t know if this helps but I can relate to you I used to feel the exact same way till I decided that it was complete bullshit that I was feeling that way and I made reasons for myself to be happy. I hope you can do the same.
      From one weeb to another(Maybe)
      Edit: I’ve never really loved anyone other than myself but from what I know, and heard, the first step to loving others is loving yourself first

    • @dark_regent2151
      @dark_regent2151 2 года назад

      I'm sorry to hear that and I hope your feeling better and I hope your happier

  • @RelativeDimension
    @RelativeDimension 3 года назад +4

    This is the second English cover of this song that I've heard, and this translation/interpretation has just as much emotion as the original. Very nice.

  • @shahirvhora5249
    @shahirvhora5249 4 года назад +6

    After see domestic girlfriend .. not a day passway with listing this song 🖤💯...

  • @ItsKylos
    @ItsKylos 4 года назад +4

    What hurts about this song so much is that I can relate to many of the lyrics

  • @itsm3keileigh
    @itsm3keileigh 5 лет назад +46

    It's nice to see a cover that outright says the meaning of the song without holding back, 'cause it symbolizes all the shittyness of the world put into one cover xD

  • @TheJeff555
    @TheJeff555 4 года назад +29

    RIP to anyone coming here after reading the latest chapter.

    • @aaronpogi2413
      @aaronpogi2413 4 года назад +6

      😆trash ending

    • @samsonmario2305
      @samsonmario2305 4 года назад +3

      This fucking ending dude...

    • @meteoraPOW
      @meteoraPOW 4 года назад +1

      months on, and I am still scarred by that shitshow of an ending.

    • @ronduldulao2472
      @ronduldulao2472 4 года назад +1

      Wat I loved the endinggggg left me empty though

    • @Raul_may13
      @Raul_may13 3 года назад

      that ending still has me salty

  • @DuskyDawn
    @DuskyDawn 3 года назад +5

    Your voice is absolutely amazing! And as someone who's studying audiovisual design, I am absolutely in love with this music video

  • @dvorakhq
    @dvorakhq 4 года назад +6

    This is nice.
    Edit: it’s very well translated and sang, he made a music video out of it and it’s really good.

  • @Coqueluis23
    @Coqueluis23 8 месяцев назад +1

    Bro I went in where thinking it wouldn't be that good but damm you just Proved me SO wrong. OH my gotta be one of the best ive heard your insane bro ❤

  • @richardyok4026
    @richardyok4026 4 года назад +5

    for once there aren’t people running around like crazy...but just a cameraman spinning round and round in the middle of the road at night

  • @30minutegrammarlecture73
    @30minutegrammarlecture73 4 года назад +4

    Your voice is amazing! 2:14 sends chills down my spine no matter how many times I listen. I have this on my playlist and just play it over and over, you're an astounding singer and I hope you go big. Have a wonderful day! Thank you for such wonderful masterpieces.

  • @Leannathebanana
    @Leannathebanana 5 лет назад +10

    Great Job Man! You really have a thing for lyrics. I've been looking for an English cover of this song because the lyrics are so powerful. When translating Japanese to English the lyrics are kinda awkward so many other covers don't really encapsulate the emotion of the original. Greatjob!! !

  • @dorianspianogallery1278
    @dorianspianogallery1278 5 лет назад +4

    Finally someome did a great job with a cover of this song

  • @WholeNoteVr
    @WholeNoteVr 5 лет назад +3

    Damn. Very nice you captured the emotion of the source material perfectly needless to say I am greatly impressed well done. I can't wait for more.

  • @arnoygayen1984
    @arnoygayen1984 3 года назад +2

    I saw someone spinning in the middle of the street at night that day. There was something in his hand but I didn't care and went home. So it was you , bro.

  • @Kiyotaka_Ayanokoji.
    @Kiyotaka_Ayanokoji. 4 года назад +4

    "Im tired of getting my hopes up over nothing at all"...
    "Im tired of hurting each other and myself so much"...

  • @SwaggerJoyce
    @SwaggerJoyce 5 лет назад +3

    Wow, this filming in real life at night somehow makes it more emotional :0

  • @AubEhrenfest
    @AubEhrenfest 5 лет назад +1

    Gonna be honest. I'm not a natural fan of the majority of original songs that you cover by any means, yet the amount of passion in your voice has got me saving more of your covers than I'd normally care to.
    For instance, your cover for Guilty Crown- I always thought the song was overhyped and never understood the appeal to it. After hearing your cover of it though, I'm addicted to listening to it. Thank you for the time you spend covering the songs you do. You have the perfect voice for it, and I can't stress enough how talented and skilled you are at doing this. From a genuine fan of your voice- Thank you for producing such wonderful ear candy.

  • @adachyyes
    @adachyyes 5 лет назад +1

    I gotta say, this is the best english cover I ever heard. 10/10 will cry again

  • @denisxux1147
    @denisxux1147 4 года назад +4

    This editing is so beautiful

  • @zahedchowdhury0
    @zahedchowdhury0 5 лет назад +4

    This is an amazing video + cover.
    I wish I could take time back and do things differently.
    But now, everything is locked in and you have to carry your choices to the end.
    Funnily enough, I feel like crying...

  • @tritondemius3723
    @tritondemius3723 5 лет назад +4

    I really enjoy the cover and the visuals

    • @thejsl1508
      @thejsl1508 5 лет назад

      You are not the only one

  • @pikenersatierf
    @pikenersatierf Год назад +1

    Tbh when i saw the thumb i thought this would be just a normal cover. But bro, you got the emotion. 10/10 and i maybe like it even more than the original one

    • @thewhat2
      @thewhat2 Год назад

      By far the best cover I heard.

  • @thatboitaiga
    @thatboitaiga 5 лет назад +17

    69th Like. Nice
    Also kawaki wo ameku is one of my favorite songs ever... didn’t expect u to cover this lol. Did a great job fam :)

  • @1Sunaaaaaa
    @1Sunaaaaaa 4 года назад +3

    I don't know but for me this is the best English version ❤️

  • @gabrielaarons6102
    @gabrielaarons6102 3 года назад +3

    No one:
    The camera: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️↕️↔️↩↪⤴️🔃🔄⤵️

  • @index_weeb8640
    @index_weeb8640 4 года назад +243

    Rui best girl in domestic girlfriend
    Fight me

    • @kamarulariff9604
      @kamarulariff9604 4 года назад +13


    • @AlphaJnx
      @AlphaJnx 4 года назад +9

      So im the only one who's neutral to all girls (execpt for Hina since she can easily well you know)

    • @zulhakimi1915
      @zulhakimi1915 4 года назад +7

      you only speak facts

    • @Renthlei_Jr
      @Renthlei_Jr 4 года назад +11


    • @hellsbreach
      @hellsbreach 4 года назад


  • @christiandaledecastro4547
    @christiandaledecastro4547 4 года назад +3

    This English Cover was so incredible ❤️

  • @lalichka_may
    @lalichka_may 4 года назад +4

    Боже, это так красиво, не передать) Никогда ранее не слышала кавер этого опенинга от парня 💕💕💕

  • @ilan2067
    @ilan2067 4 года назад +2

    Akane Sasu Sora your cover is the most energizing one. I heard a lot english adaptations but your mix of words (they're awesome) and music (it's epic) picked my soul. Also you have an awesome vocal, indeed. Thank you very much for this cover. Wish you always be creative and with good health. And of course a lot of real fans. Like and subscribe!

  • @brandondavidson4085
    @brandondavidson4085 4 года назад +7

    Me: *Finally listens to the English lyrics*
    Also me: "Yep, that's pretty much the show."

  • @troll989_legit
    @troll989_legit 5 лет назад +3

    So Damn good!!!
    I finally got my wish granted
    A good cover for this song

  • @NikkiAve
    @NikkiAve 4 года назад +2

    Saw this in my page, You simply nailed the vocals in your own way! Love this cover ❤️😍
    I like the visuals xD the environment already looks so dramatic on its own

  • @ccampbell7
    @ccampbell7 4 года назад

    Man, this is just such an amazing video! The vocals just feel SO good in the ears, and heck, there are even amazing visuals to go along with the vocals!

  • @Satoshi483
    @Satoshi483 4 года назад +2

    These fuqing lyrics hit so DAM hard!!!

  • @dez678
    @dez678 4 года назад

    The cinematic and vocals are everything, thank you for this blessing.

  • @maxwyght1840
    @maxwyght1840 5 лет назад +3

    I actually wanted to post on your previous vid that you should do a cover of this song.
    One of my favorites because of the raw emotion being conveyed.

  • @marihigurashi4939
    @marihigurashi4939 4 года назад +2

    I just played this song on loop for about 4 hours. no exaggeration. no regrets.

  • @dark_regent2151
    @dark_regent2151 2 года назад +3

    Ik no one is going to care about what I say since when I usually talk about these things no one reads it or something but I'm listening to this song because it reminds me of my life right now and it's pretty much almost exactly the same but somewhat different like I didn't mean too but I sorta fell for someone who I was taking care of and they found someone sometime later after we met but it was enough time for me to care enough to feel something towards her and I noticed when she found someone I started to care a lot and to panic and I felt angry and I never really feel anger anymore but at that moment I felt angry for the first time in a while and great sadness and I started to bleed from my noise soon after not knowing how to feel and I just started to want to move heavy things to let some steam out and I got a water gallon because it was the heaviest thing I could find and boy I picked that thing up like it was a milk gallon and didn't feel that heavy to me which usually I have trouble carrying it with one hand and it's a 5 gallons of water btw and also back to the thing I was saying earlier after that I didn't want to be around them because it made me extremely upset and felt scared to even approach her for the rest of the day and the thing is someone I met before I met her liked me and I felt a bit happy someone likes me but I had trouble liking people but she seemed like a good person but then when I met the other person it wasn't my attention to fall a bit for someone but I didn't have control because it was too late before I realized how much I cared and the reason why I was talking to this person was because she felt sad and I wanted to help her feel better and make her feel happy and stuff and I spent time with her when I can and she always seemed to always want to spend time with me and I felt important to someone again and it meant a lot to me and you may ask why not just stop caring and go to the other person well it's a bit complicated because now that I have felt like this to this person now the other girl and let's call her Alex I have trouble feeling anything and it bothers me that I feel like this and that this is something I thought would never feel but feel conflicted and Alex isn't always there but I see her sometimes but she wasn't always around but the other girl and let's call her Nola I spent more time with her and now I feel that she's spending time with someone else made me feel sad but I wanted to be her friend and not try to make it something more but I feel like this which is troublesome and I was happy being her friend but now that she found someone I felt like I'm no longer that important but ik things like that happen but something is off because now I feel like she might be avoiding me a bit because I feel like she also too doesn't want to face something she's feeling but I don't want to ask or and I don't hope she would choose me or something because I want her to be happy with the person she's with and I also started to notice that when I talk to her more and more my emotions grow a bit stronger for her and it's really concerning but I'm seeing what I can do to fix that and I'm helping her friend feel better because she's really upset and feels like she has no one and I want to help her through her issues because I understand how she feels and I care and I noticed that I also feel that when I help her it helps me with the Nola girl issue but it doesn't solve it but suppresses it and the girl who I'm helping now and let's call her daisy says she really needs me as her friend and she's me as something magical or something because how how great I am feels she doesn't know what she would do if I wasn't there and feels bad she can't do much for me but says I'm here for you if you need me which I would be happy to go to if I need it but I didn't tell her this but I need her secretly more than she needs me because it helps me forget about the Nola problem and keeps me feeling safe because without her I would feel awful and feel sad and it's because it makes me happy that I'm helping someone feel better and if you need more info I can give you it on why I feel this way for caring for others feelings but I know I wrote more than the average person than you ever saw on RUclips and if you actually took the time to read all of it I'm really proud that you care this much and ik there's something wrong with me I'm sorry :(

  • @pineapplecookie9970
    @pineapplecookie9970 4 года назад +1

    Really good cover with amazing video!!! Thank you!!

  • @cosplaynatics
    @cosplaynatics 5 лет назад +2

    AMAZING!! Keep doing what you do Akane!

  • @vishalsingh-yx9ks
    @vishalsingh-yx9ks 4 года назад +2

    Hellyeah your cover is terrific I love it so much!!!! You really pulled it off ❤❤❤
    I can feel the same emotions that I felt when I hear the original.. 😍

  • @Jrodgamer1
    @Jrodgamer1 4 года назад

    I honestly didn't stop grinning until it was over. Fantastic my dude.

  • @CozNothingIsForever
    @CozNothingIsForever 4 года назад +1

    Fuck, I am in awe. You created a masterpiece.

  • @snick9314
    @snick9314 4 года назад

    Out of the cover for the song this one still feels like it hits the notes and the speed of the versus just perfectly. While other use the translating to ease up on the complexity you dive right into it. Plus the guts to go and use the swear words really puts the emotion into it. Just love this cover

  • @johnaguilar4595
    @johnaguilar4595 4 года назад

    look, i wasnt expecting a perfect song to be even perfected but this...this is really well sung in english. im def gonna gonna listen to your other covers

  • @titasbain
    @titasbain 4 года назад

    The raw emotion of the original song is there which is really commendable. Liked it a lot.
    Also awesome job on the video.

  • @palstime150
    @palstime150 4 года назад +40

    Is it okay for a guy to cry
    I feel like crying

    • @pnor747
      @pnor747 4 года назад +6

      why wouldn't it be okay for a guy to cry??????

    • @Hannah-xb3dr
      @Hannah-xb3dr 4 года назад +6

      Crying for rain?

    • @palstime150
      @palstime150 4 года назад

      @@pnor747 I just feel people find it funny and make fun of

    • @pnor747
      @pnor747 4 года назад +2

      @@palstime150 well I feel that you should act the way you want and be the person you are and if people don't like you then that's their loss

  • @Ryan_F.
    @Ryan_F. 4 года назад +1

    Goosebumps man! This was great

  • @Rhimune
    @Rhimune 5 лет назад

    One of the best anime ops in recent history and you freaking slayed it my dude. 10/10

  • @aaratishrestha7303
    @aaratishrestha7303 4 года назад +1

    Damn I can't seem to bored everytime I listen this song. Lyrics are so touching

  • @SepiaDaysMusic
    @SepiaDaysMusic 5 лет назад +1

    these lyrics! them vocals! so good!

  • @deef6242
    @deef6242 3 года назад

    Your voice makes this song so much better... I didn't exactly like the song much before but this is wayyyy better lol. Good shit man, I'll subscribe

  • @ast3rnomical
    @ast3rnomical 2 года назад


  • @kimanamiebabera1563
    @kimanamiebabera1563 3 года назад +1

    I feel like crying when I hear this english version and that's how I feel in the original one aswell so great

  • @piratekrook1183
    @piratekrook1183 4 года назад +1

    Great video came here to cheer myself up after that thing they called a finally

  • @ronduldulao2472
    @ronduldulao2472 4 года назад

    Ahhhhhhh I love the manga of thisssss I still can't get over how beautiful the ending was

  • @leahcimmmm
    @leahcimmmm 4 года назад +1

    I love your voice! This was a fantastic cover! You’ve got another sub pal! I love this!

  • @nonsensicalryan3815
    @nonsensicalryan3815 5 лет назад +2

    Really well done, so good!

  • @xoAbixo
    @xoAbixo 4 года назад

    Such a bassy, perfectly pitched voice smooth buttery voice ❤️

  • @shubhambanyal6173
    @shubhambanyal6173 Год назад +1

    liked and subscribed ... you did justice with this song