quick question, is there no way to get determined general enchants? for 4th slot i mean, @13:23 theres something called "Determined General Re-Enchant" but its actually for the 3rd slot? why'd they name it general enchant >.< the wiki is confusing
i choose the third method,....which is to buy in market or #trade,....ahaha,....not only you get the right enchants but also a +15 refine, just prepare at least 1B,..i tried enchanting myself but failed and refining to +15 is another problem,...but this instance will surely get you rich with less effort and a very short run,..you can earn 1m in just 1 run if you sell bio docs,...another 1m if you get coolant inj or any in demand weapon and if your really lucky VMA is worth 350m,....i think aoe dps like RK or WL is best in the party.
very comprehensive
quick question, is there no way to get determined general enchants? for 4th slot i mean, @13:23 theres something called "Determined General Re-Enchant" but its actually for the 3rd slot? why'd they name it general enchant >.< the wiki is confusing
No way to get guaranteed, classic RO enchanting system being confusing.
I'm still confused, what is a "fragment" enchant?
It reroll the 4th slot enchant, the "class memory fragment" enchant
i choose the third method,....which is to buy in market or #trade,....ahaha,....not only you get the right enchants but also a +15 refine, just prepare at least 1B,..i tried enchanting myself but failed and refining to +15 is another problem,...but this instance will surely get you rich with less effort and a very short run,..you can earn 1m in just 1 run if you sell bio docs,...another 1m if you get coolant inj or any in demand weapon and if your really lucky VMA is worth 350m,....i think aoe dps like RK or WL is best in the party.