Sound! Euphonium Season 2 Episodes 7 & 8 Reactions | 'Choice (?)’

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @inappropriateslaveowner9800
    @inappropriateslaveowner9800 8 месяцев назад +4

    Interesting how you immediately assume the dad is a deadbeat and the mom tried to raise her well even though we literally see her physically abusing her daughter. If it had been a dad who slapped her you would have condemned it completely. "Interesting".

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  8 месяцев назад +21

      Thank you for bringing this up. Pinning this, because any comment that checks potential bias is a useful one. I only have seconds to throw out thoughts during the actual reaction, but nor do I expect anyone to slog to 1:34:21 where I did condemn abuse of any kind, by anyone, under any circumstances. Like I said in the video, I almost thought it was too obvious to even have to say... almost.
      I liked that you prompted me to retrace my thought process for why the first tentative theory I landed on was a deadbeat dad. Of course there are a dozen possibilities for why it's just Asuka and her mum (eg. Asuka's dad could just be dead. Or her mum made it impossibly difficult for him to stay etc). There's not enough in the text to be sure. But I realised I was picking up on how Asuka's taken on the role of parent to her mum; the gentle protectiveness with which she treats her, despite the toxic cycle of guilt-tripping, rage, and tearful apologies. It led me to speculate that maybe a degree of trauma bonding has occurred; something happened in the past where Asuka developed extreme sympathy and loyalty to her mum to the point of tolerating and rationalising abuse. And a common scenario under which that kind of trauma bonding happens is where the child has witnessed their remaining parent suffer abuse themselves.
      Swap Asuka's mum for Asuka's dad, and my initial guess would've been the same - a kid who feels they need to stick by their parent and can't see how their abusive behaviour is just that - abusive. It's super messed up. Clearly Asuka's mum is NOT raising her well. But she also seems to THINK she's raising Asuka the best she can, and it's important to interrogate why.
      It's also fascinating how our personal experiences colour what theory we throw out first. In my case, my own experience, the experiences of my friends, and the cases I saw during my years working at an organisation who cares for survivors of child abuse nudged me towards a particular working theory, above all the other equally possible situations.
      Again, I really appreciate how your comment brought all of this out. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on it too.

    • @blingshininglight4168
      @blingshininglight4168 7 месяцев назад

      Well, the dad is actually a deadbeat.

    • @BobJones-ip1ls
      @BobJones-ip1ls 5 месяцев назад

      @@ravenclawreacts I want to appreciate the maturity in your response here, They were absolutely baiting, there is a time and a place for this conversation about the assumptions placed on non present fathers, and the forgiveness of female presenting abusers, (And of course visa versa) and you gave the topics the respect they deserve without falling to the frankly accusatory comment. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had simply ignored it.
      I think you summed up alot of my feelings here, I myself never made the assumption that the father was a bad person, tho the thought was in consideration with a lot of theories, which im sure was the same for you, the one you chose the voice the one that was most present on your mind, A different day, and it could have been something else.

    • @BobJones-ip1ls
      @BobJones-ip1ls 5 месяцев назад

      @@blingshininglight4168 ???? Im not going to comment on whether I agree with you or not here but does the words "Spoilers" mean nothing to you?

    • @Bobbias
      @Bobbias 3 месяца назад

      @@BobJones-ip1ls Agreed. The original poster is a troll account. People outside of the US may not be aware of the connotations of their profile picture combined with that account name. They are using the confederate flag (the flag of the southern slave owners who fought the civil war in an attempt to protect their ownership of slaves) and a name that refers to owning slaves. This is highly racist and hateful.

  • @kyle1o134
    @kyle1o134 4 месяца назад +5

    Your reactions and commentary are really insightful and i hope you will continue through the rest of the series

  • @pattetuohoshijane3146
    @pattetuohoshijane3146 7 месяцев назад +6

    1:03:10 🎷Alt sax solo player is Ram Okamoto, the girl who was first warned by Matsumoto-"Sergeant"-Sensei about the length of her skirt.
    All characters in the Eupho series have detailed profiles.

  • @redlerred7
    @redlerred7 8 месяцев назад +7

    Kumiko sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone while the argument was happening is such a mood for this pair of episodes. It has that feeling of being invited over to a friend's houses only to end up witnessing an argument between them and their parents, except you were invited by multiple friends and all of them end up having that sort of argument while you're at their houses.

  • @hofitel9455
    @hofitel9455 8 месяцев назад +8

    Notice who once again confronts Taki directly about a rumor. It’s Yuuko. In season 1, it was when there were rumors about Taki and Reina’s relationship. This time, it’s about the rumors surrounding Asuka’s resignation. Essentially, Yuuko hasn’t really changed, but you have to appreciate how she doesn’t appreciate rumors. She seeks the truth straight from the horse’s mouth. She’s really one of those types who you’ll hate if she is your enemy, but you’ll love her as an ally. Also, in both cases, who tries to “reign in” Yuuko? It’s Natsuki, of course!
    Another great parallel to season 1 is the coincidence(?) that episode 7s are the “Haruka episodes.” (S1E7 - Crybaby Saxophone, S2E7 - Station Concert) We have Haruka once again stepping up as bestest band president. I prefer the other set of subtitles when it comes to the reaction of Azusa (Kumiko’s friend from Rikka). She describes Haruka’s playing as “So cool.” Yes! Haruka is so cool.
    Something I adore about the 2nd Opening is that quick scene of Mamiko and Kumiko on the iconic bench. Why? Because Shuichi is there. It’s a very subtle way of showing that he is the one person in the entire show who actually witnessed the two sisters’ past relationship. And we can see how vital his role is this episode.
    Last note. I can never get over Kumiko’s cough around the 10:53 mark of episode 8. That’s like the most realistic cough I have ever heard. Just how do you voice act that??

  • @rexarcadia7256
    @rexarcadia7256 8 месяцев назад +5

    Isn’t it amazing how such a short scene can explain so much about Asuka’s personality? Seeing what she goes though, it’s no wonder she emotionally distances herself from others.
    But there’s one exception to that distance, and that’s Kumiko. Inviting someone to her house is such an un-Asuka thing to do. This presents a fascinating question: what it about Kumiko that makes others feel comfortable opening up to her? We saw it first with Reina, then Mizore to some extent, and now Asuka. All characters with completely different personalities, yet share a common inclination to be less guarded around Kumiko. The cheap answer would be “because she’s the main character” but I think there’s a lot of aspects to Kumiko that can help explain it.
    The most important is probably that Kumiko is more inclined to listen than to speak. There’s not much pretense to her - she’s non-judgmental and will say what’s on her mind (which sometimes gets her in trouble). Her awkwardness and anxieties are always on full display, making her super the complete opposite of intimidating. She’s also not someone to offer grand and enthusiastic solutions like Saphire - she’s just there to provide quiet support. And for that, I think she’s someone you can feel comfortable being vulnerable around.

  • @Schyph
    @Schyph 8 месяцев назад +4

    The relationship between Kumiko and her sister is really intriguing and honestly kinda eerie because I've felt like my life with my older brother was shown on the screen.
    This is the oldest child syndrome at play, where the parents puts all their expectations of the oldest to be the perfect child. It puts the child under so much pressure to perform to meet the parents' expectations, and often get guilt-tripped if they aren't the "good role model" for the younger siblings.
    Being the younger sibling like Kumiko, I also really looked up to my brother. The flip side was, he was always the one getting all the attention and praise from everyone. Nobody cared what I did. Even if I did put effort into something, they'll just say my brother was better. In the end, what's the point of trying anymore if I couldn't succeed anyway. I'd rather not be a disappointment to everyone and myself. I had a very similar attitude to Kumiko back in season 1.
    So as we grew up, my brother also reached the breaking point like Mamiko and wanted to go on his own path. He started getting into more and more arguments with my parents. As the younger one, I couldn't understand, I couldn't empathise. My resentment growing up towards my brother didn't allow me to empathise. "You had everything, our parents gave you everything, you're being unfair and selfish". Mamiko's "There's no way you'd understand how I feel." really hit the sore spot. It wasn't until I was older that I understood how it actually negatively affected both of us.
    I don't think my parents were malicious, but that makes it even more hurtful. When someone says something harmful to upset you, you know their words have intentions. But in most cases, parents aren't even aware their words hurt you, which makes it worse since they say it as if they genuinely believe it to be true. Unfortunately these have long-lasting consequences on a child growing up.
    Also I love your content~ Please make more videos :D Look forward to the next Hibike video~

  • @Bobbias
    @Bobbias 3 месяца назад

    I can finally get back to watching these. A bit late, but that just means I get to binge some content :)

  • @pattetuohoshijane3146
    @pattetuohoshijane3146 7 месяцев назад +1

    Welcome back😊 We have only 5 episodes and 2 completely new movies to go until Hibikake 3 starts airing on NHK on April 7, one month later!😁😁😁

  • @gulashiva
    @gulashiva 7 месяцев назад

    This person's videos are very easy to understand and fun because he evaluates anime from the perspective of someone with music experience.

  • @DavidGarcia-kw4sf
    @DavidGarcia-kw4sf 8 месяцев назад

    I said at the beginning that Asuka was one of my favorite characters and here we start to see just how complicated and layered her character is. For most of the time up until now, including the very first time we meet her in the music room, we have been seeing the face she presents to the world, but in these two episodes, we dig deeper and see the troubled reality behind the cheerful mask that we have so often seen. More great storytelling from KyoAni.

  • @BobJones-ip1ls
    @BobJones-ip1ls 5 месяцев назад

    I'm glad theres some recognition of Shuichi here, He gets a lot of flak for being obligatory male romantic lead (And even more flak given the Kimirei ship) but none of this is particularly his fault, He himself is a decent, If bland dude, and genuinely looks out for Kumiko and knows her well, Case and point giving Mamiko some much needed perspective. Thats something nobody else in the entire show could have done. I think that alone justifies his presence. Im glad I caught up before you finished the series and look forward to the next one

  • @rexarcadia7256
    @rexarcadia7256 8 месяцев назад +1

    One more comment about the supporting cast - the alto sax solo was by Raimu Okamoto! You might remember her as the one saying her initials are “R.O.” not “L.O.” when the good-luck charms were being handed out last season. One thing I’ve enjoyed while rewatching this show is paying a lot more attention to the background characters. I mentioned Junna (cymbals girl) is a fan favorite last time - I think my personal favorites are Raina Kitamura and Mikino Oka, the two bassoon players. They're simply gorgeous. Also shoutout to percussion leader Narai Tanabe (aka Knuckles) who seems like a super chill guy.

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  6 месяцев назад

      Amazed again at how much detail and attention was given to 'mere background' characters!

  • @mzou89
    @mzou89 7 месяцев назад +1

    I've finally caught up! (granted I've had plenty of time to catch up to this watch-a-long jkjk) I was first introduced to your channel thanks to the yt algorithm recommending me some psychopath who willingly listened to every Hololive cover of "King" back to back to back to back (to back to back...). Since then I've rewatched K-On! (my favorite anime) alongside your watch-a-long of it, and your commentary was both very entertaining and insightful, and I was able to pick up more out of K-On! thanks to your commentary despite having watched the show a bazillion times.
    As for these episodes, it's interesting thinking back to my initial reactions to compared how I feel about it now that I'm -old- more "mature". I actually find myself sympathizing more with Asuka's mom and Mamiko. My read on Asuka's mom's reaction to slapping Asuka is that this is very out of the ordinary for her, given how horrified and apologetic she was after hitting Asuka. Had it been a common occurrence at home I doubt she would've been as remorseful,, and Asuka wouldn't have reacted as kindly as she did. To me it seems like Asuka is very understanding of the situation, and as you mentioned had taken upon herself to bare some of the responsibility for her single mother. To me, Asuka's very much a "take no BS" type of gal, so the fact that her reaction was to comfort her mother tells me that her mother isn't physically abusive at home. Granted I (thankfully) didn't grow up in an abusive household, and neither had my friends AFAIK, so I don't exactly know how an abuser actually act in public. And this isn't to excuse any sort of physical abuse either, just that sometimes people can lash out physically or verbally in highly stressful situations.
    As for Mamiko, I can kinda relate to the sort of unspoken pressure our parents can put on us, even if it comes from a place of love or caring. Growing up I've wanted to be a teacher but was too scared to bring it up with my parents. I feel as a child there's always that unspoken pressure to not disappoint your parents, to listen to what they say. Throw in all the usual Asian parent stuff about becoming a doctor, and then some off hand remarks here hinting at their disapproval for teaching as a career, and I got to a point where I couldn't even say it to them. So sure Mamiko could've voiced her thoughts whenever or told her parents how she felt earlier, but it's incredibly hard to say no to your parents especially when as a child you know where your parents are coming from. So I do sympathize with Mamiko, and honestly props to her for being able say how she felt, cause lord knows I couldn't for the longest time.

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  5 месяцев назад

      AHAHA I see you fellow Hololiverrr.. also man I really have to schedule in a re-watch of K-On!, I miss those girls. Happy you got something out of my rants!
      Interesting view on Asuka's mum and the slap.. hm yeah I could see how you could get that from both her and Asuka's reactions. I think I took it in the opposite direction - that this has happened many times before - because Asuka's mum is horrified after realising she 'again' had lost control, and Asuka's lack of reaction or stoicism suggested this indeed isn't the first time, but she still cares enough (feels sorry enough?) for her mum that she won't entirely push her away.
      Thanks for sharing your experience - I totally get the thing about parents meaning well, but actually causing hurt with their words. And then when/if you do ever find the courage to say something to them, it's like, 'Where is this coming from? Why would you think that? Don't you know we've only ever wanted the best for you?' etc etc.. and it's worse than if you just had never brought it up. yep, it's tough

  • @pencilsharp3
    @pencilsharp3 8 месяцев назад

    If your subs didn't get it, the title of episode 8 is "Rhapsody in Flu" :D
    The name of the 1st alto sax player is Raimu Okamoto! The Takarajima solo is usually played on alto in wind ensemble arrangements, since in T-SQUARE's original song they play an EWI.

  • @moe.m
    @moe.m 8 месяцев назад +1

    That song they played in the station (Takarajima) is very popular with Japanese school bands, and this place in Kyoto station is used for concerts very often. Since this scene in the anime it became even more popular of course, but here is a school band playing this at the exact same place before this anime came out:видео.html
    The similarities are very obvious ...

    • @ksk-p
      @ksk-p 8 месяцев назад +1

      The band performing in that video is the wind orchestra of Ms. Ayano Takeda's alma mater, who is the author of the novel. Therefore, it could be said that they are a model for the work.

  • @OliverJaJaDo
    @OliverJaJaDo 6 месяцев назад

    My first reaction to Asuka's mother was quite similar to yours. It's obvious that Asuka isn't at all shocked by her mother's outrage and subsequent emotional breakdown and it seems that she's used to having to care for her.
    Her mother is not just your typical strict Asian parent who's worried about their child's future, since we already have the contrast of Kumiko's Dad playing that role in Mamiko's story, as you've already noted, but she's clearly mentally unstable and actually needs therapy.
    Thus I think it's not a stretch to assume that there could be some underlying trauma, maybe involving Asuka's father, that would explain Asuka's mother's mental health problems.

  • @moe.m
    @moe.m 8 месяцев назад

    Because you were interested in who was playing the whistle: you're not the only one. As people asked (and also to see more of the agogô), they added that in the movie.
    Someone made a comparison of the two versions:видео.html

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  5 месяцев назад

      Nice! Just watched this again, it's so good.

  • @吉本レイモンド
    @吉本レイモンド 8 месяцев назад

  • @blingshininglight4168
    @blingshininglight4168 8 месяцев назад +1

    Its okay, all that you said in the beginning, you will get the answer on the movie: Liz & the blue bird

  • @sinnosuke981
    @sinnosuke981 8 месяцев назад +1

    It must have been Kumiko who quickly spread the word about the incident in the staff room.😅

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  8 месяцев назад +1 god. LOL. I didn't even think of that. Yep there's something to that theory

  • @eugenbermudez
    @eugenbermudez 7 месяцев назад

    Estas muy atrasada en tus reacciones en un mes se viene la tercera temporada y antes de eso te faltan capítulos de la segunda dos películas y un ova xd... Es broma pero si han gustado tus reacciones de esta serie...

  • @TheSledgehammer205
    @TheSledgehammer205 8 месяцев назад

    In case you missed the news over the time since your previous video, albeit bittersweet, the guy who committed the dreadful arson attack on the Kyoto Animation studio has had the ultimate sentence imposed on to him for the 36 deaths he caused.

    • @ravenclawreacts
      @ravenclawreacts  8 месяцев назад +1

      Ah, damn.. Thanks for the update, Sledge.