This song is on my shortlist for my funeral music. I actually own the 12 string Takamine acoustic that is played on this track. I bought it from Arjen about ten years ago. It has belly bulge and is almost unplayable without crazily light strings but it doesn't matter because I know that I have a piece of one of the most iconic prog rock tracks ever committed to tape. This song and other Ayreon tracks have had a huge influence on my own music production. I guess if I had to explain Ayreon to someone, this would be in the top three tracks that I would play. Masterpiece is often an overused term but this song is so deserving!
This is the song that ruined my perception of music when I was in high school; ruined not for the worse, but the better. Ayreon in general is gateway music, and if you follow the threads used to make up the tapestry that is all of these songs and albums, you discover so many other musicians and connections into music as artistry. Thank you Arjen, you have made the world a more beautiful place.
A trance and progressive listener here. Still the moment starting from 6:28 is one of my favorite moments in music since my friend introduced me that song a couple of years ago.
First heard this album on the internet radio. Blew me totally away. Bought it and played here at home and my two teenage sons both went "WOW". Now they play it all these years later to their kids.
No other piece of music so far was successful in giving to me the cold and mysterious feeling of the travel to the stars as conceived by the ancient egyptians. Masterpiece.
This song did it for me. I'm now committed to get rich so I can buy everything Ayreon (and a 5.1 sound system). My cats love this song by the way, especially the B-part. Funny really, maybe egyptian music was cat-friendly? Live Forever /big, big fan(s)
I noticed something... in this song it mentions that it was foretold in the legends of old, and in The Source, The Prophet tells of a 'castle deep in space'. That's such a cool callback!
Well, you healing depression with his music is the more accurate way of putting it down... : ) but thanks Arjen music is indeed taking you to another place of dreams and confusion : )))
Arjen, you are the man. I hope you'll influence other artists to follow your path so that the less fortunate of us can enjoy such beautiful art. And hopefully those who can afford to purchase music will do it, you more than deserve it
I can also recommend the "earbook" editions. The graphics alone make them worth every penny. Got one so far, but I'm considering getting the others as well, even though I already have the music on CD. Oh, and definitely looking forward to the concert next September. Saw them at Graspop this summer, and the show was absolutely amazing!
I am listening this album since 1998 and i'm still amazed at how high and prized it is, the highest peaks in rock music. Great attention to every detail. Flawless.
For some reason after listening to The Banishment in The final experiment I noticed that the line "it has been foretold in our legends of old" was used there as well and some parts of the melody seem similar. Also it further weaves into that the Prophet in The Source sees a castle in the sky in the distant future .. Just absolutely amazing.
Masterpiece! Musically its obvious - amazing arrangements, melodies, vocals, etc. Lyrically its a great example of what people like Thomas Aquinas called the search for Truth, which is (or at least should be) a collaborative effort. Each character is confronted with the transcendent and unknown and forced to come up with an explanation, then exchange and debate those views in a collaboration to discern that Truth. For the listener, they might think one "is more right" than the other, but for the unwitting characters, they are much more limited (which is how they represent us in real life). My favorite character is probably the Highlander - he's the one who carefully observes each thing, taking stock of everything, unlike the others who rush to judgement. He is perhaps the most rational. But being human like the rest, his reasoning and senses possess the same limitations as the rest, and he can't quite discern what he's found on his own. He's left to his own senses, saying "I can only sense the end is near." The one thing they don't do though at least at this stage is put their heads together to come up with some attempt at an explanation - that collaboration - and lay out the common observations and such despite their different observations. Instead they just vehemently disagree, placing validity only in their own versions of the truth, which could be folly.
I passed this album around to so many friends and family, who spread it to their friends and family. All became big fans. Simply amazing album. SO much fun and so much incredible talent present. Arjen has a mindblowing ability to bring all of these talented singers and musicians together and also bring out the absolute best of their talents. Thanks so much Arjen for your incredible works!
Bought this one a long time ago and now my girlfriend bought me The Source, I cannot stop listening to them! We love supporting you. Also, thank you for uploading your music here too!
APP (Ayreon Polonisation Project): ,,Do Elektrycznego Zamku'' część 1. 2. ,,Izyda i Ozyrys'' [A: ,,Niech Rozpocznie się Podróż''] W jakim to pogańskim miejscu się znalazłem Czyżby nadszedł czas zapłacić za moje grzechy Nie wierzę, że to dzieło Boże Ten świat ukształtowany został przez dłoń Diabła Nie, to zostało przepowiedziane, w naszych dawnych legendach Obudź skrytego w sobie ducha, niech rozpocznie się podróż Misja o której mówisz dotyczy odkupienia Jak możemy podróżować, gdy nasze dusze są zagubione Mówisz, że odnajdziemy się u wrót zbawienia Gdy ja jedynie czuję, że czeka tu koniec Nie, to zostało przepowiedziane, w naszych dawnych legendach Obudź skrytego w sobie ducha, niech rozpocznie się podróż Jesteśmy u wrót Avalonu, wyspy duchów Jesteśmy u wrót Avalonu, szukając Graala [B: ,,Sala Izydy i Ozyrysa''] Nie ma wyjścia, uwięzieni na wieki Głęboko w zaświatach, w paszczy Orkusa Wzywam Jowisza, władcę bogów Pokaż nam drogę, z potępienia do zbawienia Czekają na nas Pola Jaru Radujcie się! Sędziowie zdecydowali Zostaliśmy wybrani, by wejść do wielkiej sali Izydy i Ozyrysa Mylisz się, jesteśmy uwięzieni w ciemności Pomiędzy pomarłymi duszami i niespokojnymi duchami Wzywam Marsa, starożytnego boga wojny Daj mi siłę, bym uwolnił się z tego zła Czekają na nas Pola Jaru Radujcie się! Sędziowie zdecydowali Zostaliśmy wybrani, by wejść do wielkiej sali Izydy i Ozyrysa [C: ,,Dziwne Konstelacje''] Czy widzicie gwiazdy? Czy potraficie rozpoznać konstelacje? Gdybym tylko widział wzgórza na które moglibyśmy się wspiąć Nawet światło słoneczne... Nie daje ciepła... Nie daje ciepła... Jak mamy znaleźć drogę? Jeśli nie rozpoznajemy gwiazd, jeśli nie rozpoznajemy konstelacji Dokąd mamy pójść? [D: ,,Repryza''] Misja o której mówisz dotyczy odkupienia Jak możemy podróżować, gdy nasze dusze są zagubione Mówisz, że odnajdziemy się u wrót zbawienia Gdy ja jedynie czuję, że koniec jest bliski
Coś mi zgrzyta "góral"... ale to chyba po prostu tylko moje wrażenie... (w sumie jak by nie było definicja się zgadza...(chyba)) I wydaje mi się że zamiast "Starożytnych" dałbym "Pradawnych" (ot moje 2 grosze apropo stylistyki/estetyki)
Generalnie z "Góralem", robi się nam tu zamieszanie. Arjen jako fan filmów nawiązywał do Highlandera. Nagrał nawet z After Forever swoją wersję "Who Want's To Live Forever" Queen, a więc piosenki do filmu Highlander. Dlatego śpiewa go Fish, - Szkot właśnie. Zastanowił bym się, czy nie szukać w tym kierunku: "Szkot". to chyba lepiej odmaluje postać niż Góral. EDIT: Graal, nie Grall EDIT2: A co do Starożytnych... Przy indiance bym się zastanowił, czy skoro ich historia była głównie mówiona, czy nie powiedzieć, że "foretold in our legends of old" - przepowiedziane w "starych legendach". Za to Mars jako "ancient god of war", powinien być właśnie "starożytny". Tutaj dawny to za mało. EDIT3: "Gdybym tylko widział wzgórza na które musimy się wspiąć" - Szkot z gór w tej wstawce całej mówi, że nie umie odnaleźć drogi, bo nie widzi znanych sobie gwiazdozbiorów. On nie szuka gór na które MUSZĄ się wspiąć. Szuka góry z której wierzchołka ma nadzieję zobaczyć właściwą drogę. Chodzi o odnalezienie się, nie o zadanie. Dlatego proponuję: "Gdybym chociaż widział wzgórza na które moglibyśmy się wspiąć."
Dziękuję, za uwagi - szczególnie za EDIT3. Zaś w temacie ,,górala''... Wiedziałem o aluzji do Highlandera... Ale wszyscy wiemy jak przetłumaczono tytuł na polski. Pomysł ze ,,Szkotem'' może być dobry, ale jeszcze troszkę nad nim pomyślę. EDIT1: Skonsultowałem się z moim ,,działem wsparcia'' i przerobimy Górala na Szkota.
One of my all time favourite songs and made all the more special as I own Arjen's Takamine 12 string acoustic guitar which plays the ryhthm part throughout. Amazing to know I own a piece of what I would consider to be prog rock history!
Portuguese lyrics Ísis e Osíris [A. Que a jornada comece] [Montanhês] Que lugar pagão é esse que eu cheguei Agora é o tempo de pagar por todos os meus pecados Eu não acredito que isso é uma criação de Deus Esse reino foi feito pelas mãos do Demônio [Índia] Não, isso tem sido anunciado, em nossas lendas dos antigos Despertam o espírito interno, vamos começar a viagem [Montanhês] Essa indagação que você fala é para redenção Como nós podemos viajar enquanto nossas almas estão perdidas? Você acha que nós mesmos encontraremos os portões da nova salvação? Quando eu só posso sentir que o fim é aqui. [Índia] Não, isso tem sido anunciado, em nossas lendas dos antigos Despertam o espírito interno, vamos começar a viagem [Cavaleiro] Nós estamos nos portões de Avalon, a ilha dos espíritos, nós estamos nos portões de Avalon, à procura do Graal [B. O salão de Ísis e Osíris] [Romano] Não há saída, escravos pela eternidade no submundo, as garras de Orcus Eu chamo Júpiter, o deus soberano mostre-nos o caminho, da perdição a salvação. [Egípcia] Os campos de Yaaru mentem a espera de todos nós Alegrem-se! Os juízes tem regido nós fomos escolhidos para entrar no grandioso salão de Isis e Osíris [Romano] Não, vocês estão errados, nós fomos aprisionados aqui na escuridão Entre almas partidas e espíritos extraviados Eu chamo Marte, o antigo deus da guerra Me dê o poder para me libertar desse demônio. [Egípcia] Os campos de Yaaru mentem a espera de todos nós Alegrem-se! Os juízes tem regido nós fomos escolhidos para entrar no grandioso salão de Isis e Osíris [C. Estranhas constelações] [Montanhês] Vocês podem ver as estrelas? Reconhecem essas constelações? Se eu pudesse só ver as colinas que estamos presumidos a escalar Até a luz do Sol... ela não esquenta ...não esquenta. Como vamos encontrar nosso caminho? Se nós nem reconhecemos as estrelas, se nem reconhecemos as constelações. Onde nós vamos? [D. Reprise] [Montanhês] A busca que vocês estão falando não é em direção a glória Não existe graal nessa terra pagã Vocês acham que nós mesmos encontraremos os portões da nova salvação? Quando eu só posso sentir que o fim está próximo
Oh my fucking god, the intro, it's only me or someone else interpret these chords like sounds like if THE BEGIN FROM EVERYTHING, The soundtrack before the big bang!!!!!
Before FISH arrives, the band called SILMARILLION. In 1981 rename (was shortened) to MARILLION and FISH (voice), WILLIAM MINNITT (bass) replaced bass player and vocalist Doug Irvine, joinin' to Rothery, Pointer and Jelliman completed line-up to new Band called MARILLION... Tell it like you want BUT FISH is MARILLION and MARILLION is FISH!!!!!!
@@gusflorianschnaider1910 I didn't say he wasn't part of them, simply he wasn't a founding member. He isn't. And certainly isn't the most important either. They have had more albums without him than with him at this point. The change in name is also irrelevant. It was still the same band with most of the same people, just under a slightly different name.
@@Normaschthewanderer you're wrong! you said FISH wasn't the most important¡¡¡¡????? 1) "Script for a Jester's Tear 2) "Fugazi" 3) "Misplaced Childhood" 4) "Clutching at Straws" .... Come on!!! Give me a Break!!! THE GOLDEN-ERA for MARILLION/FISH!!!! The best 4 Records for the whole world's Fans
I cant believe people like these versions of these songs. I had once modified them from a cd I got with other songs on it that I bought in the mall. The recording was accident with a weed whacker I was trying to hear the valves in it. This was one of the songs a bunch of them was on it.
This song is on my shortlist for my funeral music. I actually own the 12 string Takamine acoustic that is played on this track. I bought it from Arjen about ten years ago. It has belly bulge and is almost unplayable without crazily light strings but it doesn't matter because I know that I have a piece of one of the most iconic prog rock tracks ever committed to tape. This song and other Ayreon tracks have had a huge influence on my own music production. I guess if I had to explain Ayreon to someone, this would be in the top three tracks that I would play. Masterpiece is often an overused term but this song is so deserving!
Deadwing brought me here to this underrated masterpiece
This is the song that ruined my perception of music when I was in high school; ruined not for the worse, but the better. Ayreon in general is gateway music, and if you follow the threads used to make up the tapestry that is all of these songs and albums, you discover so many other musicians and connections into music as artistry.
Thank you Arjen, you have made the world a more beautiful place.
Heres another fun fact, all the albums connect to one another.
Well said.
I hope you discovered Opeth^^
What a tune... Amazing to find this in 2023. Feels beyond golden < 3 #followingthethreadsnow that why I reply here.
@@maranathashalom9402 Just a thread from Human Equation, or from Porcupine Tree, or from living in Scandinavia. It's a tapestry.
This track may be the THE Greatest Piece of progressive metal ever made. A Cornerstone.
it is one of the best things ever. and not only in music.
It's definitely up there.
This and Grendel by Marrilion, in my opinion.
Clearly you have not heard A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers.
Nothing beats "Close to the edge" by YES, but this is not far behind! In fact, the live version is even better!
A trance and progressive listener here. Still the moment starting from 6:28 is one of my favorite moments in music since my friend introduced me that song a couple of years ago.
Takes you places, doesn't it?
First heard this album on the internet radio. Blew me totally away. Bought it and played here at home and my two teenage sons both went "WOW". Now they play it all these years later to their kids.
2020 and I'm still listening to this masterpiece. Love you, Arjen
Oh, this album is so good. over 20 years and still one of the albums I return time to time, all the time
2022 :)
2022, and it will be forever!
Good Guy Arjen, uploads all albuns to people apreciate these masterpieces.
arjen is pretty cool guy. no wonder he gets best musicians to play with him
No other piece of music so far was successful in giving to me the cold and mysterious feeling of the travel to the stars as conceived by the ancient egyptians. Masterpiece.
This song did it for me. I'm now committed to get rich so I can buy everything Ayreon (and a 5.1 sound system). My cats love this song by the way, especially the B-part. Funny really, maybe egyptian music was cat-friendly? Live Forever /big, big fan(s)
I noticed something... in this song it mentions that it was foretold in the legends of old, and in The Source, The Prophet tells of a 'castle deep in space'. That's such a cool callback!
Steven Cundy There's also a "call-forward" in Cyber Reign on Final Experiment. Ayreon sees "A game brought out of hand with memories erased"
Still one of my favourites after all these years!
The album art drew me in, the music got me hooked.
Arjen, your music heals depression ❤️
Well, you healing depression with his music is the more accurate way of putting it down... : ) but thanks Arjen music is indeed taking you to another place of dreams and confusion : )))
OMG just discovered AAL what a masterpiece
Arjen, you are the man. I hope you'll influence other artists to follow your path so that the less fortunate of us can enjoy such beautiful art. And hopefully those who can afford to purchase music will do it, you more than deserve it
I can also recommend the "earbook" editions. The graphics alone make them worth every penny. Got one so far, but I'm considering getting the others as well, even though I already have the music on CD.
Oh, and definitely looking forward to the concert next September. Saw them at Graspop this summer, and the show was absolutely amazing!
this song and the harmonies of sharon and anneke are so amazing
I am listening this album since 1998 and i'm still amazed at how high and prized it is, the highest peaks in rock music. Great attention to every detail. Flawless.
Now this is real music. A masterpiece!
What a Masterpiece.
still one of the best prog albums ever made! Cudos !
12 jaar geleden dat ik deze CD voor het eerst luisterde met een stel vrienden en een tray schulten brau. Blijft gaaf.
20 jaar ofzo nu
Ed’s fills at 9:00 and 9:22 are so on point! 4/4 and 10/16 time signatures work SO good!
This is to progressive metal what Ghost Love Score is to symphonic metal. Ayreon and Nightwish are the transcendent god tiers of modern metal!! 🤟🤟
A masterpiece. Arjen, you are the description of the word 'artist'
Great....Great....Great Ayreon !!!!
For some reason after listening to The Banishment in The final experiment I noticed that the line "it has been foretold in our legends of old" was used there as well and some parts of the melody seem similar. Also it further weaves into that the Prophet in The Source sees a castle in the sky in the distant future .. Just absolutely amazing.
Masterpiece! Musically its obvious - amazing arrangements, melodies, vocals, etc. Lyrically its a great example of what people like Thomas Aquinas called the search for Truth, which is (or at least should be) a collaborative effort. Each character is confronted with the transcendent and unknown and forced to come up with an explanation, then exchange and debate those views in a collaboration to discern that Truth. For the listener, they might think one "is more right" than the other, but for the unwitting characters, they are much more limited (which is how they represent us in real life).
My favorite character is probably the Highlander - he's the one who carefully observes each thing, taking stock of everything, unlike the others who rush to judgement. He is perhaps the most rational. But being human like the rest, his reasoning and senses possess the same limitations as the rest, and he can't quite discern what he's found on his own. He's left to his own senses, saying "I can only sense the end is near."
The one thing they don't do though at least at this stage is put their heads together to come up with some attempt at an explanation - that collaboration - and lay out the common observations and such despite their different observations. Instead they just vehemently disagree, placing validity only in their own versions of the truth, which could be folly.
Thanx for bringing in FISH, Arjen!!
I passed this album around to so many friends and family, who spread it to their friends and family. All became big fans. Simply amazing album. SO much fun and so much incredible talent present. Arjen has a mindblowing ability to bring all of these talented singers and musicians together and also bring out the absolute best of their talents. Thanks so much Arjen for your incredible works!
De los mejores álbumes de la historia del rock
*Hits the blunt, press the play button*
"Enjoy the ride"
i'd recommend strapping in too xD as it will not be your regular ride :D
L.O.V.E. Great piece of art. Loved it in 1998 - and still do
I like All of your electric castle videos😀😀😀😊😀😀😊😊
Bought this one a long time ago and now my girlfriend bought me The Source, I cannot stop listening to them! We love supporting you. Also, thank you for uploading your music here too!
"Yes" is my favorite band... Nice to know Ayreon are kinda like that, too (silly me, just found them).
Awesome music, with a meaning beyond the usual!
I love this one a lot! Hey Arjen, you should work with Sharon again.
This is Anneke I believe..
RArecordings -Rick- Both, the first female singer is Sharon, the second is Anneke.
Actually, the Indian is portrayed by Simone Simons from Epica ❤️
@@karenleonardo2057 Depends on the version 🙂. Live version it's Simone but this is Sharon
Underrated genius!
I'm really enjoying this crisp, pristine production and the way that all of this songs individual components are meticulously arranged. Bravo! 👍👍
The Best of The Best of The Best SPACE ROCK!!
APP (Ayreon Polonisation Project): ,,Do Elektrycznego Zamku'' część 1.
2. ,,Izyda i Ozyrys''
[A: ,,Niech Rozpocznie się Podróż'']
W jakim to pogańskim miejscu się znalazłem
Czyżby nadszedł czas zapłacić za moje grzechy
Nie wierzę, że to dzieło Boże
Ten świat ukształtowany został przez dłoń Diabła
Nie, to zostało przepowiedziane, w naszych dawnych legendach
Obudź skrytego w sobie ducha, niech rozpocznie się podróż
Misja o której mówisz dotyczy odkupienia
Jak możemy podróżować, gdy nasze dusze są zagubione
Mówisz, że odnajdziemy się u wrót zbawienia
Gdy ja jedynie czuję, że czeka tu koniec
Nie, to zostało przepowiedziane, w naszych dawnych legendach
Obudź skrytego w sobie ducha, niech rozpocznie się podróż
Jesteśmy u wrót Avalonu, wyspy duchów
Jesteśmy u wrót Avalonu, szukając Graala
[B: ,,Sala Izydy i Ozyrysa'']
Nie ma wyjścia, uwięzieni na wieki
Głęboko w zaświatach, w paszczy Orkusa
Wzywam Jowisza, władcę bogów
Pokaż nam drogę, z potępienia do zbawienia
Czekają na nas Pola Jaru
Radujcie się! Sędziowie zdecydowali
Zostaliśmy wybrani, by wejść do wielkiej sali
Izydy i Ozyrysa
Mylisz się, jesteśmy uwięzieni w ciemności
Pomiędzy pomarłymi duszami i niespokojnymi duchami
Wzywam Marsa, starożytnego boga wojny
Daj mi siłę, bym uwolnił się z tego zła
Czekają na nas Pola Jaru
Radujcie się! Sędziowie zdecydowali
Zostaliśmy wybrani, by wejść do wielkiej sali
Izydy i Ozyrysa
[C: ,,Dziwne Konstelacje'']
Czy widzicie gwiazdy? Czy potraficie rozpoznać konstelacje?
Gdybym tylko widział wzgórza na które moglibyśmy się wspiąć
Nawet światło słoneczne... Nie daje ciepła...
Nie daje ciepła...
Jak mamy znaleźć drogę?
Jeśli nie rozpoznajemy gwiazd, jeśli nie rozpoznajemy konstelacji
Dokąd mamy pójść?
[D: ,,Repryza'']
Misja o której mówisz dotyczy odkupienia
Jak możemy podróżować, gdy nasze dusze są zagubione
Mówisz, że odnajdziemy się u wrót zbawienia
Gdy ja jedynie czuję, że koniec jest bliski
Coś mi zgrzyta "góral"... ale to chyba po prostu tylko moje wrażenie... (w sumie jak by nie było definicja się zgadza...(chyba))
I wydaje mi się że zamiast "Starożytnych" dałbym "Pradawnych" (ot moje 2 grosze apropo stylistyki/estetyki)
Generalnie z "Góralem", robi się nam tu zamieszanie. Arjen jako fan filmów nawiązywał do Highlandera. Nagrał nawet z After Forever swoją wersję "Who Want's To Live Forever" Queen, a więc piosenki do filmu Highlander. Dlatego śpiewa go Fish, - Szkot właśnie.
Zastanowił bym się, czy nie szukać w tym kierunku: "Szkot". to chyba lepiej odmaluje postać niż Góral.
EDIT: Graal, nie Grall
EDIT2: A co do Starożytnych... Przy indiance bym się zastanowił, czy skoro ich historia była głównie mówiona, czy nie powiedzieć, że "foretold in our legends of old" - przepowiedziane w "starych legendach".
Za to Mars jako "ancient god of war", powinien być właśnie "starożytny". Tutaj dawny to za mało.
EDIT3: "Gdybym tylko widział wzgórza na które musimy się wspiąć" - Szkot z gór w tej wstawce całej mówi, że nie umie odnaleźć drogi, bo nie widzi znanych sobie gwiazdozbiorów. On nie szuka gór na które MUSZĄ się wspiąć. Szuka góry z której wierzchołka ma nadzieję zobaczyć właściwą drogę. Chodzi o odnalezienie się, nie o zadanie. Dlatego proponuję:
"Gdybym chociaż widział wzgórza na które moglibyśmy się wspiąć."
Dziękuję, za uwagi - szczególnie za EDIT3. Zaś w temacie ,,górala''... Wiedziałem o aluzji do Highlandera... Ale wszyscy wiemy jak przetłumaczono tytuł na polski. Pomysł ze ,,Szkotem'' może być dobry, ale jeszcze troszkę nad nim pomyślę.
EDIT1: Skonsultowałem się z moim ,,działem wsparcia'' i przerobimy Górala na Szkota.
One of my all time favourite songs and made all the more special as I own Arjen's Takamine 12 string acoustic guitar which plays the ryhthm part throughout. Amazing to know I own a piece of what I would consider to be prog rock history!
Amazing Song, one of the best of my life!
Portuguese lyrics
Ísis e Osíris
[A. Que a jornada comece]
Que lugar pagão é esse que eu cheguei
Agora é o tempo de pagar por todos os meus pecados
Eu não acredito que isso é uma criação de Deus
Esse reino foi feito pelas mãos do Demônio
Não, isso tem sido anunciado, em nossas lendas dos antigos
Despertam o espírito interno, vamos começar a viagem
Essa indagação que você fala é para redenção
Como nós podemos viajar enquanto nossas almas estão perdidas?
Você acha que nós mesmos encontraremos os portões da nova salvação?
Quando eu só posso sentir que o fim é aqui.
Não, isso tem sido anunciado, em nossas lendas dos antigos
Despertam o espírito interno, vamos começar a viagem
Nós estamos nos portões de Avalon, a ilha dos espíritos,
nós estamos nos portões de Avalon, à procura do Graal
[B. O salão de Ísis e Osíris]
Não há saída, escravos pela eternidade
no submundo, as garras de Orcus
Eu chamo Júpiter, o deus soberano
mostre-nos o caminho, da perdição a salvação.
Os campos de Yaaru mentem a espera de todos nós
Alegrem-se! Os juízes tem regido
nós fomos escolhidos para entrar no grandioso salão de
Isis e Osíris
Não, vocês estão errados, nós fomos aprisionados aqui na escuridão
Entre almas partidas e espíritos extraviados
Eu chamo Marte, o antigo deus da guerra
Me dê o poder para me libertar desse demônio.
Os campos de Yaaru mentem a espera de todos nós
Alegrem-se! Os juízes tem regido
nós fomos escolhidos para entrar no grandioso salão de
Isis e Osíris
[C. Estranhas constelações]
Vocês podem ver as estrelas? Reconhecem essas constelações?
Se eu pudesse só ver as colinas que estamos presumidos a escalar
Até a luz do Sol... ela não
esquenta ...não esquenta.
Como vamos encontrar nosso caminho?
Se nós nem reconhecemos as estrelas, se nem reconhecemos as constelações.
Onde nós vamos?
[D. Reprise]
A busca que vocês estão falando não é em direção a glória
Não existe graal nessa terra pagã
Vocês acham que nós mesmos encontraremos os portões da nova salvação?
Quando eu só posso sentir que o fim está próximo
Pure nectar.
A masterpiece.
one of the best songs i know
We have been chosen to enter the great haaaaall of Isis and Osiriiiiiiiis
Masterpiece Indeed. Much Love and Respect
Sensacional isso
Show essa musica, conheci ela lá no começo dos anos 2000, numa coletânea chamada "Hellion Colection vol 2, escuto até hoje...
Please tour again Arjen.....
FISH is brilliant on this.
2024 November listeners here 👍🤘🤘🤘
Oh my fucking god, the intro, it's only me or someone else interpret these chords like sounds like if THE BEGIN FROM EVERYTHING, The soundtrack before the big bang!!!!!
Zeppelin strikkers , beatles sitar , yet a great piece of music
music is great, wish the lyrics were in a different language so I didn't get distracted by their silliness lol
One must ✨embrace✨the silliness
@@odothedoll2738 thank you for replying and bringing me back to this wonderful piece ✨
man this is kind of stuff you want to hear when you are stone
Marillion's creator FISH is the most tremendous storyteller frontman
Fish wasn't a founding member of Marillion.
Before FISH arrives, the band called SILMARILLION. In 1981 rename (was shortened) to MARILLION and FISH (voice), WILLIAM MINNITT (bass) replaced bass player and vocalist Doug Irvine, joinin' to Rothery, Pointer and Jelliman completed line-up to new Band called MARILLION... Tell it like you want BUT FISH is MARILLION and MARILLION is FISH!!!!!!
@@gusflorianschnaider1910 I didn't say he wasn't part of them, simply he wasn't a founding member. He isn't. And certainly isn't the most important either. They have had more albums without him than with him at this point. The change in name is also irrelevant. It was still the same band with most of the same people, just under a slightly different name.
@@Normaschthewanderer you're wrong! you said FISH wasn't the most important¡¡¡¡????? 1) "Script for a Jester's Tear 2) "Fugazi" 3) "Misplaced Childhood" 4) "Clutching at Straws" .... Come on!!! Give me a Break!!! THE GOLDEN-ERA for MARILLION/FISH!!!! The best 4 Records for the whole world's Fans
@@gusflorianschnaider1910 and they've had dozens of other albums without him. He was valuable, but not essential.
OMG!!!! Fish is uncompareble.
Fish is the man!
and now we can on enjoy all of them vinyl,
This album was recorded digitally, on DAT. So if you like the experience of playing Vinyl, by all means. But the sound won't be any better.
the intro with the mandolin reminds me of bruce's dickinson's jerusalem... but both albums went out the same year, so who copied whom?!
I cant believe people like these versions of these songs. I had once modified them from a cd I got with other songs on it that I bought in the mall. The recording was accident with a weed whacker I was trying to hear the valves in it. This was one of the songs a bunch of them was on it.
reminds me of The Song of the North by Brunuhville.
Hmm, get this shit on bandcamp, I want to buy it
Arjen Anthony Lucassen is a genius.
De vrouwelijke stem is toch van Sharon Den Adel? Ik meen dat te horen.
De eerste die zingt wel, de tweede is Anneke van Giersbergen!
i foundly out of order
Lol.. toothpaste commercial in the middle of the song? Really RUclips? Really? WTF..? Hahaha. What has happened to our reality? 🤯
You have to pay to avoid it. 🙂
Roughly 100.000 vieuws/listeners, 1% of them likes it, 0,0015% likes Madonna better;) I still don't get those dislikes?
Ah 6 meses
15 thumbs down. Bloody Niki Minaj fans wondering were all the lip synch, auto tune and dancers are. Oh and lets not forget the massive plastic arse.