you remember incorrectly. Addition and subtraction hold the same value in the equation and are done in order written unless in brackets. Same is for Multiplication and division. This is a point many people forget when solving equations. If you were indeed taught that one holds a higher position as in multiplication before division or addition before subtraction your teacher misunderstood the order of operations which has been used to solve math the same every where in the world to be sure all math has one correct answer.
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We learned additions before subtraction and then multiplication then división why is everything literally backwards in America
you remember incorrectly. Addition and subtraction hold the same value in the equation and are done in order written unless in brackets. Same is for Multiplication and division. This is a point many people forget when solving equations. If you were indeed taught that one holds a higher position as in multiplication before division or addition before subtraction your teacher misunderstood the order of operations which has been used to solve math the same every where in the world to be sure all math has one correct answer.
I dont wear socks😂