This is great. Would you recommend working these into a full body workout out split in addition to squats and deadlifts? As in, in a exercise “A day” performing conventional squats first, then Bulgarian deadlifts later in the workout? And then in a “B day” performing conventional deadlifts first, and then working in Split squats and/or Thrusts later in that work out? Just wondering if these should be used in conjunction with conventional compound lifts, or in replacement of them. Thanks dude!
Video was awesome. Big help on my technique and where I’ve been going wrong. Get those glutes growing
Really appreciate how you explain movements.
I’ve got plenty of padding for when I thrust thank you very much
Thank you Ryan. First time I’ve ever felt my glutes sore. The deadlift was just too hard to do even with light weight. I just can’t get it right.
This is great. Would you recommend working these into a full body workout out split in addition to squats and deadlifts? As in, in a exercise “A day” performing conventional squats first, then Bulgarian deadlifts later in the workout? And then in a “B day” performing conventional deadlifts first, and then working in Split squats and/or Thrusts later in that work out? Just wondering if these should be used in conjunction with conventional compound lifts, or in replacement of them. Thanks dude!
Thank you
This was awesome!! Thank you! 😊🙏🏽
You read my mind literally
That single leg deadlift had me hella out of breath. Feels good though!
How can I do these without weights?
Doing it tonight