FRUITS Spelling Practice EP.04_10 Words Fruits Vocabulary Spelling for Kids

  • Опубликовано: 19 янв 2025
  • English Kids Easy Channel :
    We offer nice material for Kids to learn English Vocabulary by spelling word.This educational video is about fruit names (EP.04) including :
    1. CANTALOUPE (C.A.N.T.A.L.O.U.P.E.)
    2. ROSE APPLE (R.O.S.E. A.P.P.L.E.)
    3. POMELO (P.O.M.E.L.O.)
    4. RAMBUTAN (R.A.M.B.U.T.A.N.)
    5. GREEN GRAPES (G.R.E.E.N. G.R.A.P.E.S.)
    6. DRAGON FRUIT (D.R.A.G.O.N. F.R.U.I.T.)
    7. STAR FRUIT (S.T.A.R. F.R.U.I.T.)
    8. PLUM(P.L.U.M.)
    9. JACKFRUIT (J.A.C.K.F.R.U.I.T.)
    10. MULBERRY (M.U.L.B.E.R.R.Y.)
    We make it easy to learn and understand to spell fruit word at the same time. If you like our video materials please subscribe to get more interesting videos and shorts from us. Thank you for visiting and have fun with our channel. @Englishkidseasy
    FRUIT Spelling for Kids _Vocabulary Spelling for Kids EP.04#fruit#spelling#kidsvocabulary#kidslearntospellword
    #cantaloupe #cantaloupespelling #cantaloupefruit#cantaloupeword
    #roseapple #roseapplespelling #roseapplefruit #roseappleword
    #pomelo #pomelospelling #pomelonfruit #pomeloword
    #rambutan #rambutanspelling #rambutanfruit #rambutanword
    #greengrapes #greengrapesspelling #greengrapesfruit #greengrapesword
    #dragonfriut #dragonfruitspelling #dragonfruitword
    #starfruit #starfruitspelling #starfruitword
    #plum #plumspelling #plumfruit #plumword
    #jackfruit #jackfruitspelling #jackfruitword
    #mulberry #mulberryfruit #mulberryspelling #mulberryword

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