Mix rice is the best way to healthy eating. 1 portion vege 1 portion meat. Or 2 portion vege 1 portion meat. Or if you need extra protein, 2 portion meat 1 portion vege. I hope malaysians will go for mix rice instead of those craving foods that we used to. After suffering high blood pressure, i realise how hazardous eating those high salt, high sugar and preservative can damage our body. Many don't realise this but mix rice is the also best way to lose weight. I used the 2 vege 1 meat portion formula and lost 15kg in few months.
oh wow what a great selection of dishes looks very delicious!
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Mix rice is the best way to healthy eating. 1 portion vege 1 portion meat. Or 2 portion vege 1 portion meat. Or if you need extra protein, 2 portion meat 1 portion vege. I hope malaysians will go for mix rice instead of those craving foods that we used to. After suffering high blood pressure, i realise how hazardous eating those high salt, high sugar and preservative can damage our body.
Many don't realise this but mix rice is the also best way to lose weight. I used the 2 vege 1 meat portion formula and lost 15kg in few months.
Do you take the dishes on your own? Means you want how much quantity also can? They will charge you based on the amount of quantity you take right?
💖 Prⓞм𝕠𝕤𝐌