What happens when Allah loves you back? | Jumuaa Khutba | Sh. Yaser Birjas

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • "Abu Hrayrah narrates, Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ) said: ""When Allah loves a person, He calls Jibril (Gabriel) and says: 'I love so-and-so; so love him.' And then Jibril loves him. Then he (Jibril) announces in the heavens saying: Allah loves so-and-so; so love him; then the inhabitants of the heavens (the angels) also love him; and then people on earth love him. And when Allah hates a person, He calls Jibril and says: 'I hate so- and-so, so hate him.' Then Jibril also hates him. He (Jibril) then announces amongst the inhabitants of heavens: 'Verily, Allah hates so- and-so, so you also hate him.' Thus they also start to hate him. Then he becomes the object of hatred on the earth also"".

Комментарии • 17

  • @SayeedaSafi
    @SayeedaSafi 2 месяца назад +3

    His lectures are crisp and clear no biting around the bush direct to the point that’s why I always admire his dawa, he is putting these efforts just and just for the sake of Allah may Allah grant you best of the bests of dunya and hereafter

  • @sudaisissah
    @sudaisissah 4 месяца назад

    Jazaakullah khair

  • @adnaomar8976
    @adnaomar8976 2 года назад +4

    Masha Allah

  • @diyanaabdullah4255
    @diyanaabdullah4255 2 года назад +24

    Hope the husband of the sister interpreting is out of the hospital and in good health, ameen.

  • @QuranWorldYT
    @QuranWorldYT Год назад +1

    Allah ❤

  • @humairashah2605
    @humairashah2605 2 года назад +3

    Allah Akbar

  • @mhaniff5369
    @mhaniff5369 2 года назад +5

    Assalamu Alaikum dear sis/bros. Ya Rabb, despite our negligence but a desire to be better, Ya Rabb love us and reward us with a place in Jannaah.

  • @knisayusuf
    @knisayusuf 9 месяцев назад

    terima kasih😊😊

  • @teffygr5947
    @teffygr5947 2 года назад +10

    Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer
    “None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent.”
    Oh Allah, our Creator, Al Jabr, Al Qudus, Al Qawy... to You belong the best and most beautiful names. You alone we worship and trust, and to You alone we call out to and return ya Al'Hai Al'Qayum... Blessings and salutations on our noble Mursaleen, their families and their companions - may our entire Ummah be true followers of Your Religion and of Your chosen leaders and enjoy the intercession of Rasul'ul Allah s.a.w.
    La hawla walla quwata ila bilah - Pour in our hearts the neverending concern and objective of pleasing You, Al'Wadud. Make taqwa be the center of our existence and provide us with all that we need to pass our tests delightfuly. Please shelter us from all that displeases You and make The Straight Path our home and our way of life while we are here. Increase us in knowledge and steer us clear from that which does not benefit us.
    Oh Allah Jella Jalaluhu, You know everyone's needs best and You are the best of planners, so fulfill them lovingly and make us content and grateful with what You decree. Provide us with deep understanding, free us from debt and cleanse our sustenance by supplying us with the highest of halal opportunities in all their forms. Do not deprive us from fulfilling all 5 pillars during our life time nor from visiting Your Holy Lands, and gift us with the priviledge of enjoying the end of our days in the one You choose for us.
    Oh Allah Azzawajjal free Your creation from all forms of suffering, lead us into tawba and the wisdom of asking for forgiveness and the nobility of forgiving. Oh Al Aziz, return Your Masjids to Your rightful servants, and protect our ulamah by keeping their teachings alive and having their students apply what Your Quran and our Nabi's Sunnah have established, for us and all future generations.
    Oh Al Mutakabbir, elevate our status and purify our past, our present and our future... and grant us victory on that Day. We beg You Allah Ghafur AlRaheem for forgiveness for our sins... wipe our accounts clean to recieve our book on our right hand and allow us to be from among Your pious allies. Oh Allah we seek refuge in Your perfect words from every fitnah, from the simplest to the most dangerous... including from the trials of the Dajjal and the end of times... and every form of evil You have created... every devil, every vermin, every illness, from misguidance and ingratitude, and protect our Ummah from Shaytaan and his agenda against humanity at large. Allahuakbar!
    Please purify, strengthen and unite the Muslim Family in ways that exceed our expectations and envelope our hearts and souls. Save us from the punishment of the grave and make Jahanam Haram for us at all times. Grant us a blessed death upon being submitted to You, after uttering the most sincere 'la ilaha il Allah' , and aid us in answering the 3 questions that define our destiny. Unite us with those whom You love most upon the resurection and enter us into every level of Jannah until we are able to finally enjoy Al Firdeous, closest to Your Glorious presence and Your eternal Company.
    Amin, amin ya Rabbi Alameen.

  • @Mohammed-zj4nt
    @Mohammed-zj4nt 4 месяца назад
