Wisdom Bites - Antahkarana

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @happybuddhabear1155
    @happybuddhabear1155 5 лет назад +49

    Thank you. I have been drifting in a locked and debilitated state for almost a decade now. Battling cancer of the body, emotion, mind and spirit. Living a life in self-imposed exile for the last four years in a desperate attempt to reawaken the connection to the divine I once had. This video has touched me to my core and has ignited something that has literally taken my breath away. I am eternally grateful.

    • @csccryptosephardicchannel4047
      @csccryptosephardicchannel4047 4 года назад


    • @jasmineart9961
      @jasmineart9961 4 года назад

      Take a look at nd. dr Robert Morse videos and work he is a gem, a very enlightened soul. He helped so many people in regard to health and even spirituality. Much love to you and blessings, healing.

    • @legionwalker6157
      @legionwalker6157 4 года назад +2

      This comment was eternally grateful

    • @d4yonez
      @d4yonez 4 года назад

    • @MrSA1829
      @MrSA1829 4 года назад

      Stephen Wambsganss ❤️

  • @NecroLiquor.
    @NecroLiquor. 3 года назад +3

    Individual and independent enhancement of self, minimizing the ego but further developing a deeper personality through a more secure connection of the soul. ❤️

  • @legionwalker6157
    @legionwalker6157 4 года назад +7

    This channel is the only channel I feel that gives me ultimate Truth...I needed this

  • @EMFSafetyZone
    @EMFSafetyZone 5 лет назад +9

    Been studying estoeric teachings 35 years. In my opinion, excellent presentation!

  • @wolfgangmarkusgstrein8522
    @wolfgangmarkusgstrein8522 6 лет назад +16

    Wisdom Bites = like a thread through the labyrinth.

  • @deweystace
    @deweystace 2 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for this video. Great production and accessible for those who are searching for their path or treading it.

  • @nocminer9029
    @nocminer9029 6 лет назад +17

    Thank you for this knowledge; my teachers were not so articulate as you bunch - finally I have a good enough grasp on this to really work effectively. Much gratitude.

  • @ColombiayPanama
    @ColombiayPanama 5 лет назад +4

    Thank you so much for sharing this Fascinating Wisdom. Thank you!!! This is music for my ears since I discovered your channel of esoteric philosophy

  • @iuliaakasha
    @iuliaakasha 5 лет назад +3

    Great, finally I understand what is Antahkarana🙏

  • @Connectedtarot
    @Connectedtarot 5 лет назад +5

    I am greatful for all the good content🏵🌞🌈

  • @evankaden657
    @evankaden657 2 года назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @IshtarBellydancer
    @IshtarBellydancer 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you ! I understand this finally!

  • @tracyhultquist7519
    @tracyhultquist7519 6 лет назад +3

    Well said folks!! 🌹😘💚💜✈

  • @rachelverdon3078
    @rachelverdon3078 5 лет назад +1

    Merci ! Si simplement expliqué !!! Une merveille :)

  • @medg.outlaw7030
    @medg.outlaw7030 6 лет назад +5

    Thank u 😊

  • @gregorylent
    @gregorylent 4 года назад +1

    lovely video work ..

  • @standelcarlo862
    @standelcarlo862 2 месяца назад

    In the crucifixion of the triple flame, forever risen, forever received, in judgement.

  • @isisheggs8065
    @isisheggs8065 2 года назад

    Great wisdom that is definitely what the migican card is about it seems like magic

  • @stephanierandall1170
    @stephanierandall1170 6 месяцев назад

    @Monadic Media this Antherkerana sounds alot like Zerana Akerana, who the ancient texts describes as the Monad, The ABSOLUTE ONE, THE SUPREME BEING.

  • @konacreator
    @konacreator 5 лет назад +4

    Monadic Media, do you know who designed these bodies and its systems that we live in now, and who designed the original ones? How do you know this knowledge is not a part of an unseen trap, a manipulation, which certainly seems possible from history and our world status.

    • @earthwindfireable
      @earthwindfireable 8 месяцев назад

      Who do you think designed us then? If you're going to say God, he did a really bad job. All humans do is eat, poo, have sex, spawn monsters, and destroy the earth and animals.

  • @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313
    @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 5 лет назад +2

    • I AM the full awareness of my own being, is given to me only now and then. Why? Because, much of the time, I am lost in fantasy. I am definitely not here now. I am wandering around in the past or dreaming about the future, or thinking about something, speculating about something, *talking to someone who is not even there, imagining, indulging.
    What a way to live!
    But the full senses the I AM
    comes to me when
    With it comes awareness of place, the HERE, and awareness of time, the NOW. And with it too comes the sense of separation. The feeling of being outside spacetime, an observer standing on the bank of time’s river and watching the flow. This is zikr,
    Self remembering? But I have many selves. I am a veritable ship of fools. Which self do I remember? None of them. This Self is outside of spacetime, the white bird, messenger of pleroma, beyond change, beyond death.•
    P.s I really enjoy your content and the desire to share it, thank you Monadic Media:)

    • @andrewsnowmon2586
      @andrewsnowmon2586 5 лет назад +1

      On point an artists of preception you truly are!
      The"You" is a word of duality I am seeking the knowledge un duality. You have helped me to take another step.😎

    • @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313
      @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 5 лет назад +2

      Andrew Snowmon
      Bless you Brother:)

    • @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313
      @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 5 лет назад +2

      Man lives in a bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things. He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him. Truth is simple. Balance is simple. Rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of opposite expressions in Natural phenomena, and in human relations, is the consummate art of God's universe of Light. It is also the Law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all creative expression in God's electric wave universe of two conditioned lights IN seeming motion which record God's One Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea.
      -The great unanswered question of man has a simple answer. The Silent Voice within every man is ceaselessly whispering it to his awakening consciousness. Every desire written upon the heart of man is carried to the Source, and its answer will come, but few there are who ask comprehensively and fewer still who hear. Many are the ages of preparation for worthiness to hear it, for man's consciousness is insulated from his Source by the sensations of his electrically conditioned body which he wrongly thinks of as being his Mind and his personal Self. What he calls his objective human mind is but the seat of electric sensations of his body. What he mistakes for thinking is but an electric awareness of things sensed and recorded within the cells of his brain for repetitive usage through what is termed "memories." Memories have no more relation to knowledge of Universal Mind which is in man than Victrola records are related to the source of their recordings. What he thinks of as his living body is but an electrically motivated machine which simulates life through motion extended to it from its centering Self-Soul which alone lives and wills the body to move. What he calls his subjective mind is his consciousness, his spiritual storehouse of all-knowledge, all power, and all-presence. That consciousness is his Self, his ETERNAL Self through which his omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence are expressed as he slowly becomes aware of their presence within him. The electrically oscillating nerve-wires which operate his bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control, and to a very little extent through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of his body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelligence which occupies that body. The heartbeat, for example, is purely automatic. The white corpuscles of the blood rush to repair an injury to the body as automatically as a bell rings when a button is pushed. In this body and its electric recording brain, man thinks that he thinks and lives, loves and dies. He thinks himself conscious while awake and unconscious when sleeping; unaware that in all Nature there is no such condition as unconsciousness when sensation ceases in sleep. Man does not say that his tooth is unconscious when it is put to sleep by short-circuiting the electric current in the nerve-wire which gives sensed electrical awareness to his tooth. He knows that his tooth cannot be conscious, but he does not know that his body cannot be conscious. Nor does he yet know that consciousness never sleeps, never changes, for consciousness in man is his immortality. It is the Light which he is unknowingly seeking but assumes that the sensation of his brain is his thinking. Man is still new. He is barely out of the dark of his jungle. For the million or more years of his unfolding he has relied upon sensation for his actions and the evidence of his senses for his knowing. He has been aware of the spirit in him only a very few thousands of years. In this beginning of his new awareness he is confused, knowing not which is Mind in him, which is consciousness in him and which is sensation. He has not yet learned that bodies are but Self-created mechanisms which manifest their centering Self, and that Self manifests God as One with it. Likewise he has not yet learned that bodies neither live nor die, but repeat themselves continuously and forever as all idea of Mind likewise repeats itself. The wheel, for example, is a mechanism consisting of a hub, spokes and a rim. A little part of the wheel touches the ground, feels it, then leaves it, to disappear from reach of the sensations which connect rim, spokes and ground. But then it reappears.
      When that happens to man we say, "He was born, lived and died." When it happens to the apple, the flame" or the tree, we say, "The apple was eaten, the flame has gone out and the tree has decayed." We say that because only a small part of the cycle of any idea comes within the range of our senses. The larger part of the cycle is beyond our range of perception, just as the larger part of the wheel is beyond the sensed perception of the ground. We do not yet know that the invisible part of the cycles of all idea is as continuous as the wheel is continuous. The cycle of the apple is light reaching from the sun and earth to that positive half of the apple cycle which we hold in our hand. The negative half of the cycle is light returning to sun and earth for repetition as another manifestation of the eternal idea of the apple. The same is true of the flame, the tree or any other part of the One Whole Idea of Creation. The flame "goes out" to our sensing. But it still IS. Likewise the tree, the forest, mountain, planet and nebula of the far heavens appear, disappear and as surely reappear. Likewise man appears to disappear and reappear again and again in countless cycles to express eternal life of the spirit in eternal repetitions of that part of the man cycle which the body of man can sense. Man never dies. He is as continuous as eternity is continuous. Jesus rightly said that man shall not see death, for there is no death to see or to know. Likewise the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. The spirit alone lives. The body but manifests the spirit. That which we think of as life in the spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act. Actions thus made by the body under the command of its centering Soul have no motivative power or intelligence in themselves; they are but machines motivated by an omniscient and omnipotent intelligence extended to them. These things we do not yet know, for man is in his infancy. He is but beginning to know the Light.

    • @andrewsnowmon2586
      @andrewsnowmon2586 5 лет назад +1


    • @toshasimmons7258
      @toshasimmons7258 4 года назад

      @@goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 you the shit to put it bluntly dam who are you what. Are teach me these knowing

  • @johnskylight1166
    @johnskylight1166 2 года назад

    Some of the art work here, like the one in the thumbnail, is from a book series called the collected works of the wingmakers by James Mahu

  • @161157gor
    @161157gor 6 лет назад

    Convolution of Body and Soul...

  • @johnnyhalabi590
    @johnnyhalabi590 6 лет назад +2


  • @luzm1039
    @luzm1039 5 лет назад +1

    tested and tested until we let go and allow our higher self to lead. Yes?

  • @radast27
    @radast27 6 лет назад +3


  • @ONEEileenColts
    @ONEEileenColts 5 лет назад +1

    As long as you are seeking connection through obedience to your father in heaven you cannot reach your highest self.

    • @NelsonLovell
      @NelsonLovell 2 года назад +2

      Obedience in this case simply means humbling your lower ego, quieting your personality and all of the noise within to recieve the higher ego of the Creator. Letting go of one to connect to ALL which is the true one.

    • @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313
      @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 Год назад

      Obedience to truth is a must. To deviate is fantastic error.

  • @marobakrma
    @marobakrma 6 лет назад +1

    be a human being in flish , but an angle in spirit.
    then , there
    you can ascend and descend to or from heaven , using the light of the devine , the universe.

  • @csccryptosephardicchannel4047
    @csccryptosephardicchannel4047 4 года назад +1


  • @edijssubatins8320
    @edijssubatins8320 4 года назад

    True 0010110, thanks.

  • @quantumjuice228
    @quantumjuice228 2 года назад +1


  • @matthewmorrissey885
    @matthewmorrissey885 4 года назад

    Purrty sure mines built

  • @thealch3myst
    @thealch3myst 6 лет назад +2


  • @youtubebane7036
    @youtubebane7036 4 года назад

    Don't call it dementions. It's planes. Dementions are purely mathematical and geometric.

    • @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313
      @goldenmeanphaseconjunction313 4 года назад +4

      We use language to rewrite data streams of knowlegde into something that can be shared.....some things can only be experienced although nothing is wrong with trying to share

  • @matthewmorrissey885
    @matthewmorrissey885 4 года назад

    U don't like it not my problem