Soul Mates Are Better Than Twin Flames! 👫😘

  • Опубликовано: 20 янв 2025

Комментарии • 258

  • @GirlWithAnOpinion
    @GirlWithAnOpinion 2 года назад +27

    I signed up for the coaching because I had this person come back after 25 years. The pain was long gone. Then they came back and at first all the signs pointed to them being my other self/TF. In panic, I started applying some of Kurt's coachings. About 3 months into their return I suspected they were legitimately my complicated soulmate, instead (Thank God!!). We are emotionally connected. However, regardless, continuing to apply the "Power of Now" is improving my life and I recommend you work your "spiritual journey" regardless of whether you're trying to rejoin your Twin Flame/Other Self, find your Soulmate, or just live in total peace with yourself. Listen to Kirk and try to figure out which path is best for you. I vote for attracting a Soulmate. Twin Flame is tough and not the least bit romantic or fun.

    • @cristinamariaagnes9239
      @cristinamariaagnes9239 2 года назад +4

      hey, can I ask you how did you realise they were a soulmate and not the twin flame? I am having this doubt sometimes and really can't find a way to figure it out. Mine came back after 9 years of zero contact and I am confused because I thought only twin flames come back. thank you.

    • @ciaramaricartan4728
      @ciaramaricartan4728 Год назад +1

      That last part, exactly!

    • @alicewonderland1123
      @alicewonderland1123 3 месяца назад

      I also would prefer a soulmate.
      What‘s the purpose of a relationship if there are no romantic emotions?
      And it‘s a horrible imagination to always be neutral to them, just because not to trigger them to run. That‘s insane!
      The TF is just the carot that‘s fixed in front of the donkey to make him go.🥕🐴
      Kurt is so right about everything he says! I am very glad, that I have found your videos, Kurt. They help so much! Thanks a lot!

  • @empressanddeath2167
    @empressanddeath2167 2 года назад +32

    Focus on Your life. No matter Who u end up with.. if ur a TF or not.. if you are happy w/who U are, and are True n Authentic to your Soul, you'll magnetize the right ppl towards you.

  • @valentinakotsakova6199
    @valentinakotsakova6199 2 года назад +26

    I got out of the addictive energy at the beggining of this year because of you Kurt, I am detaching from the mind and I am almost “at the end” of this journey… I feel deep peace within myself and somehow my twin flame always sticks around.. there is no push and pull anymore.. The thing is that I will probably end up alone in this journey… I dont feel the NEED to be with my twin flame or a soulmate… I feel whole and complete by myself … THANK YOU, KURT❤😊

  • @Chynasmith1330
    @Chynasmith1330 2 года назад +57

    Soulmates are definitely easier! I want to able to love someone without having to make them run off. I’m definitely going towards a soulmate at this conjuncture of my life.

    • @tammy204
      @tammy204 2 года назад +4

      It’s so true. My soulmate has seen me at my best and worst and has allowed me to grow and learn my lessons without a fear of him running away.

  • @ceralim4323
    @ceralim4323 Год назад +8

    I resonate so much with this video. In the end, twin flame doesn't even matter anymore. It's just a concept to trigger the spiritual journey. Thank you for sharing this.

  • @jamalthames6744
    @jamalthames6744 2 года назад +33

    Great video Kurt 😁 but I feel like this video is kinda a red herring and A LOT of ppl misinterpreted it lol. Saying soulmate is better than twin flame is a egoic concept; duality. Better/worse, good/bad, yin/yang, etc. Even labeling "soulmate" and "twin flame" itself is the ego identifying with concepts lol. Choosing between soulmate and twin flame is a desire. Wanting a partner, wanting love, wanting romance, are all desires. Desires stem from ego. Neither "soulmate" or "twin flame" is good or bad, it just IS. Remember everyone, this is the spiritual journey! This isn't about ending up with a partner, its about becoming one with SELF. Its about detaching from the mind, the ego. So if you're thinking about choosing a soulmate because you're looking for romance, you're straying away from the spiritual journey. Which is okay if you're happy with living life in ego and don't wanna deal with the spiritual journey. But understand, the spiritual journey is trying to teach you unconditional love, joy, and happiness from within without relying on external assistance to fulfill you (which always lead back to suffering). I see a lot of ppl are skeptical of a TF relationship because of the mental/social concept of "romance" missing and that it sounds boring. That's all ego. When you become one with SELF, you feel love towards everyone (singularity) and life becomes your playground. Just look at Kurt, Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru, etc. They aren't robots 😂. They have great loving energy, crack jokes, have relationships, kids, etc. THEY ENJOY LIFE! They just don't identify with their thoughts/emotions, they added spaciousness. Thoughts & emotions still happens for them but they come and go like clouds. They stay present. Ik I typed a lot 😂 but don't let ego draw conclusions for you. I understand Kurt made this video so ppl don't feel pressured on having to get TF and having to go full guru on the spiritual journey, you got free will to take whatever path you want. But live life and experience life. Let your experiences draw conclusions for you, not thoughts. We all going have different experiences. Detach from the ego/mind, and JUST BE. Life will play out and manifest whatever you need at the perfect moments. If life offers you a partner while in stillness, so be it. If life doesn't offer you a partner in stillness, so be it. Surrender to life and enjoy it for what it is at this present moment. Stop stressing and over thinking 😁. The future doesn't exist, only this present moment. So stop thinking about which is "better" to choose. Just be and let life choose for you 🙏🏽

    • @kirsikkamaria
      @kirsikkamaria Год назад +1

      Thank you!! This is such a good comment. I have thought of it too this way... If I choose a soulmate then I am actually choosing to be more with the ego/mind than with my "self". And that's okay, that's a choice and we can't really live in this reality without having a personality/ego and use our mind. The thing is though that we can USE our mind as a tool and not let it rule our lives. I am interested in playing with my mind and emotions to create the emotions I like to experience in some moments, like desire. I want to experience desire with my twinflame. Actually, I am a bit confused with this... Can you help me if you know?... If twinflames don't /can't feel emotions (or running occurs) then how is the sex between them? Just unconditional love? (and btw. Kurt is making some mess with feeling love with tf because Eckhart Tolle says that love and joy are not emotions. But maybe he speaks about unconditional love and Kurt speaks about romantic love)
      Last time I had sex with my tf I was still in the obsession state and he run away...There was surely passion and love involved. He isn't ready for a relationship (I don't blame him...I was scary obsessive😅) but would like to "sex buddies"...i didn't feel good about that and said no. Now I am in a state of not expecting anything from him and concentrating on my spiritual journey and I resently started to feel a strong pull to have sex with him so that i can experience unconditional love (being with him always activates changes in me and being able to be with him without future expectations is really a hard test on me). I would like to hear others experience on this🙂 thank you

    • @jamalthames6744
      @jamalthames6744 Год назад +2

      Hey 😁 I'll try to help you with the best of my abilities and others can chime in if i miss anything lol. So a misconception a lot of ppl make with the spiritual journey is that they believe they cant think thoughts or have emotions or they feel like they're failing on the journey. Which is completely false and just the ego trying to conceptualize the spiritual journey. JUST BE. Highly recommend reading Living Untethered by Michael A Singer or listening to his free podcasts on Sounds True. You will still have thoughts and emotions on the spiritual journey no matter what, and its okay. The issue is IDENTIFYING with the thoughts and emotions. Ppl stuck in ego sees a thought or emotion and become it. If they feel sadness on the inside, they become sad instead of staying present and letting the heart feel whatever it feels during the experience. So as far as sex goes, whatever your body is feeling in the present moment at that time, let it be, don't get attached to it. You are the experiencer of the experience, nun more, nun less. Don't attach yourself to a thought or emotion in the moment, just let it flow through you, remain present. Like Eckhart Tolle says, "You're the sky and thoughts and emotions are the clouds. Just let the clouds pass by. Don't get attached to them." When you're present, you dont judge, have preferences, or desires because you're not getting attached to the "clouds". You're just being. The reason why ppl have desires and preferences is because they are attached to thoughts and emotions they experienced from the past. Relax and let go of these attachments and things become clearer. The unconditional love Eckhart Tolle and Michael A Singer speaks of is there. We're naturally loving, joyful beings (that's why they say it's not an emotion) but we lost it along the way when we started getting attached to concepts and emotions. That's why the spiritual journey is a journey of remembrance and not a journey of seeking. Kurt speaks on romantic love that is conceptualized in modern society (hugging, kissing, sex, relationship goals, etc.), none in which will ever give you unconditional love. Unconditional love can only be achieved within by releasing the ego, you can never gain that from another person or object. All in all, you experience the same stuff in a relationship with a soulmate or twinflame, only difference is twinflame won't stay if you're still attached to your thoughts and emotions, soulmate will tho lol. So the journey isn't about renunciation of your thoughts and emotions, its about adding space between yourself and them so you don't get caught up in them. "Before awakening, chop wood, get water. After awakening, chop wood, get water."

    • @jamalthames6744
      @jamalthames6744 Год назад +2

      Btw in one of Kurt videos, he said thoughts and emotions about his TF still happens, he just let them happen and pass by. The "romantic love" ppl are attached to and looking for is still there in a TF relationship (we all know this because we experienced with our own TF before the runner chaser phase 😂). The only difference is you won't be desiring it, it'll just be happening day by day without you worrying about it or trying to force it. That's why Kurt always say its a paradox 😂😂😂 cause you start off obsessing for that "romantic love" and then when you no longer desire it, that "romantic love" happens to you organically. Just stay present and dance with life 😁

    • @kirsikkamaria
      @kirsikkamaria Год назад

      Thank you so much, this is so useful for me 🙏❤️
      I get that unconditional love doesn't come from anyone else and I have reached the state of it this year more than ever (after meeting my tf. Or actually i already met him briefly 5 years ago, but i needed (we both did) to be in a karmic/toxic/ relationship first) but it still isn't a permanent state. I have noticed that when ever I start to drift back to my old ego/mind state, something happens between me and my tf (we are not together anymore but we have been meeting 1-2 times a month. And he made it so that i can't completely detach from him because he convinced me to take part of his online course... So i am "obbligated" to "see" him once a week, and sometimes we exchange messages) and I get "back on track" with my spiritual journey.
      About sex...I know (inner knowing and one time experience with karmic ex, after 1.5 years of no contact, who i thought then was my tf...) that when in a state of pure being, it is possible to enhance ones unconditional love state if two energies are unified (I can't explain it better than this). However, it wasn't possible to continue experiencing that with my karmic ex because he soon after started the old shaming and blaming and gaslighting again. And I realised that I had been in a trauma bond not in a twin flame relationship (or could it have been karmic twinflame...? I don't know if those even exist, but he surely made me realise how easily i can be manipulated and how low self-esteem I had).
      Now I feel that the ultimate "test" for me would be having sex with my tf without expecting anything to happen afterwards... No relationship, no living together, no calling, no texting, nothing. Just the moment together. Total beingness❤️
      I don't know if I can do that though...I don't have anymore obbsessive thinking about all those things (relationship, calling, texting...) I DO NOT THINK about him, but HE IS IN MY MIND ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! WTF!! I don't want him in my head but he just pops up all the time! No specific thoughts are involved but he just is there😭😭 how can I stop that!? I feel insane!!
      So, i don't know if having sex with him would make that easier or harder but because I can't detach completely (I paid for his course and I want to finish it... 3 more months🙈😅) I wondered, why not make it to an ultimate "badass" test for me😅😂😂 and I told him that I am okay now with "just" sex. He didn't answer anything yet though, so don't know what will happen... I just take even this as a "zen" practice 😁 I don't even know if he is seeing someone... He won't tell me. So, I accepted even that, I just let him do whatever he needs to experience in his life now, and I'll do the same (even though I don't feel like being with anyone else at the moment... I tried dating others but it made him get pissed and me to realise that I don't need what the others were offering). Gosh, I wrote a novel here😬😅🙈
      And I wanted to share one more thing... Last night I dreamed my good friend getting married.. I was with her, trying her wedding dress on and felt so happy for her... Until I found out that she was getting married with my tf😳 wtf?! How did they even know each other? They had just met in some party and after few encounters decided to get married!😱
      I think that this dream gave me the chance to experience the feelings of totally lose him to someone, because I can accept him not telling me if he is seeing someone but I can't betray my friend. And most of all, it doesn't seem that I would be totally okay with "whatever" he does. Or maybe the point is that, i can, unless I get personally involved to break my values. Also I felt thorn apart between feeling happy for my friend and losing him. I hope i was able to express myself in a clear enough manner (although, I am not sure why I'm sharing all this😅😂😂) and hopefully this was useful, at least, to someone 🙏

    • @kirsikkamaria
      @kirsikkamaria Год назад

      I feel i need to explain better the part where I said "whenever, I get back to my old mind/ego state something happ3ns between usband i get" back on track"with mybspiritual journey...
      I believe it is more like, whenever i feel stuck, i contact him and i get energy boost from our connection and i start to "believe in life" again and I have then the strenght to return to my spiritual practices. Or he rejects my willingness to connect and I get pushed back to my spiritual practises. I just wonder then that it seems i am "depended" on him still and not detached enough to make him approach me even just for seems like, i need to be "teasing him with a stick" in order to be motivated in my spiritual journey but by doing that i am keeping him an arms lenght away🤔
      It just doesn't seem possible to watch him once a week and not get pulled to have emotions towards him. I will practise from now on to allow those emotions in the moment (as you said, there will always be emotions...) and not "feel bad about feeling them😅" and will see if I can stay in the zen state more☺️

  • @kstefi
    @kstefi Год назад +2

    OMG I'm convinced THIS is your most important video, Kurt! 👌
    I'm constantly learning the pieces of information about TFs but now a lot of them are finally placed where they should be! And to be honest it's breaking my heart. 💔 I love him so much... and I'm a very romantic person who's longing for true, deep emotions... especially after 10+ years with a covert narc who made me insecure and taught me to be over-mistrustful. 😢
    When I met my TF I really felt I've found my Man. But after a year he's still afraid of me. Everytime I open myself up to him, he pushes me away. And when sometimes he confesses to me, I must hold some space 'cause I can't fully trust him either... We're dancing around each other but can't let the other go. And there's that weird knowing that you're always talking about, Kurt, that I "know" his feelings, thoughts, desires, fears, everything. I see through him. And I'm sure we belong together - and I "know" he feels the same.
    This whole shxt is so amazing yet it's so confusing, too... Now I know I can choose whether to be with him or not. I don't know what I'm gonna do 'cause I feel I have to think it through... although I know that mind-work won't probably help me to find out... 😅 Ahh, it's so hard. But I stepped on the road and I won't quit that's for sure. 💪
    Thank you, Kurt! 🥰

  • @btoothfairy
    @btoothfairy 2 года назад +13

    We tried so many times. The love us so deep, but the pain is also. When he left this last time, I let him go. No more trying to get him to come back. Do I love him? Yes, yes, I do. So much that I put myself side and him go. I could not bear to see him suffer anymore. I finally realized the best way to love him was to focus on my own growth and mental health.

  • @ashleypage4798
    @ashleypage4798 2 года назад +25

    I met my Twin Flame and my Soulmate the same week... I was with my Twin first and didn't realize that the other man would be a soulmate. After almost a year, I'm finally settled into a relationship with my Soulmate. It is SO much easier than things were with my twin. God I love him, but it's so much pain. Too much push and pull. My Soulmate just shows up for me every day. It's a beautiful easy love!! I never thought I'd be able to love anyone after my Twin... And here I am! ❤️

    • @123433iloveyou
      @123433iloveyou Год назад +1

      How did you react when you found out that the other person was your soulmate? Were you in shock cause you didn't see it coming/was not expecting it at all?

  • @KimEvazians
    @KimEvazians 2 года назад +11

    Thank you for reminding us that the purpose is your soul's ascension. "This is your awakening. There IS no Twin Flame journey."

  • @NancyReyes-es9rm
    @NancyReyes-es9rm 2 года назад +41

    Kurt, I completely agree! I am with a Soulmate after my Spiritual awakening. Once I became one by myself, I realized it was a Spiritual journey ✨️ thanks to your coaching. I was able to value a true passion of love with a soulmate. Some of us don't want the 3D TF. I thank him for leading me back to me.

    • @FranNoesse
      @FranNoesse 2 года назад +1


    • @yasemin6438
      @yasemin6438 2 года назад +2

      How did u find it :( every twinflame can find their soul mate surely ?

    • @FranNoesse
      @FranNoesse 2 года назад +1

      @@yasemin6438 IF you have a TF, you only have one. But you have multiple SoulMates, not just one.
      Do the work that Kurt teaches for personal ascension, then SoulMates will appear in your life.

    • @empressanddeath2167
      @empressanddeath2167 2 года назад +2

      @@FranNoesse Soulmates are around no matter if u do the work or not. Sm can be good or bad for you. If you actually Do the Work and actually Ascend.. your Tf will most likely be pulled into your life. You can have a SM in Any Condition.. healed, unhealthy.. all of it.

    • @FranNoesse
      @FranNoesse 2 года назад +2

      ​@@empressanddeath2167 Why do you feel the need to comment? You've added nothing to the conversation. Next time, scroll on by.
      One thing about ascending is you raise your vibration, so you'll attract high-quality SM.
      Who wants a low-quality SM after meeting their TF? No one!

  • @astreagalactica7920
    @astreagalactica7920 2 года назад +28

    Honestly, for a loner wolf like me, emotions (and especially romantic) were always the hell on earth. I couldn't handle the mental activity of the mind. I've been dealing with severe headaches for 10 years. After the other self triggered me 4 years ago, the emotions were literally killing me every second of my life. Just recently I started feeling this nonduality and its getting better and better. Its been 2 years of no contact but I am focusing more and more on myself and looking forward and excited for another year. This is such a serious matter and I believe without this channel we all would be 10 times dead under ground. :D Thanks Kurt for being modern Jesus of the Age of Aquarius. :D :D :D

    • @Jade-xw2ur
      @Jade-xw2ur 2 года назад +6

      I was thinking the same thing. Once you become more aware of thoughts and emotions and how most of them are negative, and they really affect your health and sleep…having little to no emotions sounds heavenly. Lol

    • @astreagalactica7920
      @astreagalactica7920 2 года назад +6

      @@Jade-xw2ur its like the other self is showing you by the most painful way to see that romance has nothing to do with real love and the only way to stop that pain is to surrender and then the real Love energizes and regenerates you constantly.

    • @badbeachindustry1615
      @badbeachindustry1615 2 года назад +2

      I'm a loner too. Being around other people is like a warzone for my head. BUT it is a great thing for you and others to be around people , especially your kind of people.
      Also WDYM dude Jesus said all of this stuff that Kurt's saying .....he just had a different way of saying it XDD the bible was written in a different lingo so it takes abit of thinking and connecting the dots to figure out wtf was happening in the bible XD :D

    • @astreagalactica7920
      @astreagalactica7920 2 года назад

      @@badbeachindustry1615 I know its the same old message repeated in different forms...I am glad that the era of idolatry and worshipping saviors is gradually falling totally destroyed and crippled the human mind

    • @AidanAidanAAA
      @AidanAidanAAA 2 года назад +1

      Interesting. Did you run away from your twin/counterpart or did they run away from you? Based on what you’ve said it might have you that distanced yourself from the connection.

  • @angystathatou1997
    @angystathatou1997 2 года назад +10

    As a spiritual teacher , you know that there is no better or worse, twin flames and soulmates are just differrent. Everyone though, has his own free will and can decide what he/she wants. True unconditional love is just what it is, partnership is just ehat it is, lust, passion etc are just what it is... The key of the journey is awakening but as you awaken nothing is ever the same , so you choose as a new self, as a new you, what serves your new path... Love and light to all! May divine guide our steps !

    • @ShineWine
      @ShineWine 2 года назад

      Beautifully stated 🌞

  • @landscapefutures
    @landscapefutures 2 года назад +8

    This had me in tears. I've been fighting myself for months now. I've been fighting away myself - and peace in extension.

  • @sofia.d6987
    @sofia.d6987 2 года назад +9

    Never clicked so fast in my life for yt video before🤩

    • @gypsyhontas9113
      @gypsyhontas9113 2 года назад +2

      Same 😂 i was watching something entirely different yet when i seen the notification i clicked so fast 😭💀

  • @suzannablakely4934
    @suzannablakely4934 2 года назад +5

    Emotion is not mental! Emotions are feelings. Energy in motion! Energy comes from the soul, not mind. Emotions are felt. Not thought.

  • @sherryemard4656
    @sherryemard4656 2 года назад +9

    Just the message to affirm my current state of "being". The KNOWING point (epiphany) of experiencing the true "spiritual" journey.... I am already whole. I'm open to being with a Soulmate because I've always considered myself to be empathic, therefore, emotions do play a big role in how I perceive a romantic relationship/ marriage to be. I'm no longer living my life in a state of expectations that my "twin" will show up and make it all "better". Thank you Kurt and your Amazing team for helping us all to see the true journey for what it is...not what we "think" it should be. 🙏❤️🌎

  • @Sorenthaz
    @Sorenthaz Год назад +1

    Soul mates really do seem like the easier choice because you can actually bring someone in who reciprocates feelings freely and will invest energy into you as you invest energy into them. But being with the TF feels incredibly peaceful. In a way there's love, but it's not really love in the egoic sense; it isn't romantic/emotional. It's unconditional love that comes from the soul, and it's the same love you find for yourself and everything around you. It's essentially acceptance through letting go of the illusions that the ego creates.
    It's funny because "soul mate" is misleading as it implies that the soul needs or desires something other than itself. And the TF experience essentially forces one to realize that they are complete and need no 'other', which is exactly why the other incarnation comes back in. "TF unions" are the physical display of oneness and union with all that is, which has to be realized and cultivated on the soul level first and foremost through the spiritual journey. Then it's up to you the soul as to whether you accept the other incarnation or desire to bring in an emotional lover.

  • @gabriellamotta6291
    @gabriellamotta6291 2 года назад +10

    Soul mates are easier, but nothing compares to the UNIQUE feeling that ONLY my twin makes me feel. You are settled with your twin, Kurt, isn't amazing to achieve union with your other half? Isn't amazing the way your other half makes you feel?
    When i think about my twin, I know I CANNOT even compare the love we share, with ANY OTHER person in this whole world. I met some soulmates... but, i reassure you, IN MY EXPERIENCE, NO ONE SIMPLY COMPARE TO MY TWIN. After him, I've changed completely, he has changed along the years as well. His marriage's over, he engaged in 5 relationships over 2 years, TRYING TO FIND IN ANOTHER "SOUL MATE" what he has to find inside himself. =) and maybe, he's just having fun and spreading love elsewhere hehe =) NOW I'M OK WITH IT.. because in that freedom and love we both share, i'm LEARNING A LOT OF NEW THINGS ABOUT MYSELF, ABOUT THIS JOURNEY, ABOUT the meaning of this journey and HOW POWERFUL IT IS, BECAUSE its not easy to achieve unconditional love. I mean, NOT EASY AT ALL, "AFTER ALL". I had to transcend it, to let it go, and let it flow, baby... everytime I let it go, God sends me him back to learn another lesson, him as well... and we're both learning and EVOLVING. THATS THE REAL PURPOSE, because, true twins are already together in 5d... we cant forget that =)
    I'm sorry, but once you find your true twin, your whole perspective of love and relationships change... I feel like i'm another person, completely different from what I used to be, before we have met...
    thanks to him, I found the way back to my wholeness...
    I let him free, and it was painful as hell to let him go in the beginning... but once i got it... i saw BIG changes... in me... in him...
    DON'T FORGET THAT EVERY JOURNEY IS UNIQUE... your path is YOUR path with experiences that ONLY God send you to master lessons along the way, so okay if you feel soul mates are easier... i loved some soul mates i've met, but... not even close to what a TRUE TWIN FLAME makes you feel.
    if you're not prepared, you run... both run... only if God wants, you both will be together... divine timing always AT PLAY, even if you haven't found it yet a SOUL MATE as good as your twin, EVEN better according to you.
    My twin has a very special place in my heart, nobody can't take this off... or can't erase the memories...
    when i speak of him, tears come down my face... because its so beautiful... i never experienced unconditional love until i met my twin!! Really thankful to the Universe, because i'm a whole new woman at my 30s, I needed this change and it was only possible after my spiritual awakenings (i had a few since my 20s) and the "loss" of my twin... That later on, i realized it was not a loss... never will be...
    you and your twin will always be together in other dimensions, you wanting it or not! =)

    • @occhialcielo.Occhialcielo
      @occhialcielo.Occhialcielo 2 года назад +3

      I am living this experience in a very similar way.
      I can understand all that you say!
      My other me is great, and even if have no contact, and we have never been together, HE IS MY GUIDE. My spiritual guide.
      Because I am my guide.
      God is my purpose, being light, being love.
      And I couldn't start all this without this divine encounter.
      I am at the beginning, but I love all this.
      I don't know if there will be a 3d union. Most of the time my intuition says it is sure.
      But when I experienced the merging of the soul, it was so good, so good, that I didn't even want to meet him. I felt so complete, so well!
      And in those occasions, "his energy" was pushing me in a strong way.
      I hope I will be able to come back to that state of ecstasy, that state of merging, because it was so peaceful, so calm, so powerful...
      I hope I can again, because I lost it, and now I cannot find myself anymore.
      Have a great night

    • @chitraselvam422
      @chitraselvam422 6 месяцев назад

      Wow superb narration ,May the Divine bless all the twinflames into harmonious reunion 🎉🎊🎊🎊

  • @angelfairy5010
    @angelfairy5010 2 года назад +12

    I’ve done Kurt’s course and Ive let my twin go, went through the obsession, the dark night of the soul I’ve chosen to pursue a soulmate connection..but until I meet him right now quite happy being single until that happens I’m at peace for the first time in years and no obsession

    • @JorDel_1111
      @JorDel_1111 Год назад

      Soulmates r better honestly God !

  • @alchemicalsoul
    @alchemicalsoul 2 года назад +10

    Your course literally set me free by the time I got to the third video.
    The suffering was solely the energy of desire and attachment. I'm able to enter moments of Samadhi as each day passes. I live in solitude 90% of my days. I eat, create, vibe, exist alone. I accept that as an outcome. It's interesting because in the beginning of the journey with my yang self, "I" told yin self "don't get attached to the outcome." Yin self didn't listen, tried to control, and got blocked. Yin self was fully in ego. So now I'm learning the Wu Wei. Some days I'm better at observing and being than others, but graduallymoving toward balance. I don't cry anymore, and can witness world events and behaviors of others without much discrimination. When I do releasing meditations, yang self appears in my dreams. Learning to see this as a gift, knowing I simply came to liberate myself. The 3D codependency is fading as I learn to maintain ego transcendence. It's a process.
    I come back to tell others to partake of this Great Work if you need guidance on your journey. Don't do it alone, don't suffer, and don't think you have all the answers.

    • @Beth1300
      @Beth1300 2 года назад +1

      The course really helps that quickly? I'm hoping to sign up for it soon as the stuff with my TF is making me so miserable

    • @alchemicalsoul
      @alchemicalsoul 2 года назад +1

      @@Beth1300 It did for me. I was suffering and over it. It's an energy and perspective shift that are needed. He's the real deal....sign up of you can. Many Blessings to you on your journey.

    • @Beth1300
      @Beth1300 2 года назад +1

      @@alchemicalsoul thank you. I'm very ready for the suffering to stop!

  • @amandakoopmans8901
    @amandakoopmans8901 2 года назад +7

    So well said! I’ve had a few soulmates as distractions/learning experiences & now I just want to be by myself. I’m not feeling the emotions anymore. I decided I didn’t want them. The path looks pretty clear. I don’t want to experience roller coasters of emotions anymore. Peace is my priority. I had a triggering event with a soulmate & it helped me to realize I’m whole on my own & would rather slow down than get busy in a relationship.

    • @Valerie-nk8os
      @Valerie-nk8os Год назад

      The same for me, and when we reach this step, the twinflame is around us...One

  • @bipasshasen7780
    @bipasshasen7780 2 года назад +9

    Kurt. You said it all. U just poured my insides out. Wow. Thanks for articulating it so well. Very grateful to you. 🙏

  • @bestee_2323
    @bestee_2323 2 года назад +6

    read somewhere that emotions derive from a lack of love. Where there is a "emotion", where is a lack of love. The main thing is self, the core of love. (Love of source) Long live a neutral life. Life is so beautiful ❤

  • @dawnbrown6140
    @dawnbrown6140 2 года назад +7

    Hey Kurt I hope all of you at New world Allstar had a wonderful Christmas. I just wanted to leave a wee message to say I watched this post today and I did not feel triggered at all. I accept this is my spiritual journey and I’m loving my life right now. I bought your paid coaching almost 2 years ago but I never took it seriously until about a year ago. I’ve created good daily habits for myself such as meditating twice a day and working out 3-4 times a week. My life has changed quite dramatically in many ways but all for the better. I just wanted to thank you for your help in providing me with techniques to move the mind away from the addictive thinking. Thank you. You truly are an amazing spiritual teacher. Sending love from Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @jaclynevans4869
    @jaclynevans4869 2 года назад +7

    love you Kurt! it's been beautiful to fall deeper in love with the person I'm already married to and to really innerstand this journey 🙏🏼

  • @Jessica.McDermott
    @Jessica.McDermott Год назад

    You are incredibly brilliant for this information and discovery ❤

  • @annapetrosian4717
    @annapetrosian4717 Год назад

    This is the realest video I’ve seen on twin flames

  • @briannalynn2002
    @briannalynn2002 2 года назад +18

    The love I have for my soulmate is so tender and real, I never thought I could have this connection after years of chasing my other self. I am finally learning to love myself again❤️

  • @victoriak5027
    @victoriak5027 2 года назад +5

    Haven’t been in a physical relationship with my TF for 30 years. I’m married to a Soulmate for almost 22 years. My Soulmate knows I’m a TF. I message with my TF a few times a year, I never initiate the contact. We check in with each other. They showed up physically in 2011 and it kicked off my spiritual journey and that’s when I went through the obsession the worrying we wouldn’t be together, even though I knew in my gut we would, which now I know is because we aren’t really separate. We visit in the 5 d and it feels very real (because it is 😆) He’s with a karmic, I think. They seem like they’re stuck in a fight/make up kinda deal. I’m over all that 😆 Don’t know if we will end up with a physical relationship in this life and I don’t really care. I keep adding to my knowledge to rise higher, ascension. That’s my focus. I have this incarnation to live and I’ve had a few. I like to think that I’m over there and over here 😆 and my soul is experiencing the physical life in two different bodies. Pretty cool.

  • @clarekeating5169
    @clarekeating5169 2 года назад +2

    detaching means happiness either way 🌞

  • @Elizabeth_717
    @Elizabeth_717 2 года назад +6

    I remember in the early stages of ego death this teaching made me cry my eyes out 😂

    • @astreagalactica7920
      @astreagalactica7920 2 года назад +2

      Exactly!!! Ears that are only accustomed to illusions hate to hear the truth. :D

  • @seochr
    @seochr 2 года назад

    I wouldnt judge yo. Everyone's on their own spiritual journey and I'm here for it 🌶️✨

  • @evaslife-vlog454
    @evaslife-vlog454 Год назад

    I chose n’y spiritual path long ago. I honestly wish I don’t have to deal with twin flame in any next life. I came accros many fractales pièces of my soul in many human beings this life time. I swear it feels very exhausting. So when I met what we call TF. I didn’t obsess with it because I was already in that mindfulness knowledge, it just took me some 2 years of frustration time to figure it out. And yes I went through all sort emotional roller coaster, then got clear when I realized my mind was at play. I connected with my highest self and guide I was clearly Informed of there is no such a thing as loss, harm or suffering, all are call Human experience, which geared me into unconditional Love. I actually feel sorry and forgive myself for choosing such experience this lifetime. I keep reminding myself to pursue my spiritual path. Because having him, then what next. We are totally in different path. I only pray and wish an awakening in him. Of it takes my experience to get him there, so be it!
    And I only pray for a nurturing love/romantic relationship with a soul whether that soul is a first timer or old soul? I just want to write beautiful story and experience about this type of love while I am in this planet.

  • @Agapetarot
    @Agapetarot 2 года назад +5

    Sounds like reverse psychology. To be indifferent to another . The indifference, is to be the runner. It's human nature to want what we can't have , hence the chaser. Humans are not computers we have emotions. But to realize where our emotions stem from , it's called attachment. When you can master the emotional need to hold on to things, people or the emotions. That's power. Thank you so much for your thoughts as do I share mine . BB 💚🌿

    • @belindamartinez3985
      @belindamartinez3985 2 года назад +1

      Wow! You've said so much condensed into so few words. I'm speechless, but I completely resonate.

  • @terrymondon7649
    @terrymondon7649 2 года назад +4

    I choose myself 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️❤❤❤❤

  • @mossaic13
    @mossaic13 Год назад

    My Connection is complete 100% opposites. Zero common interests. We’re more enemies that hate our insane impossibility we love each other so much we pain all the time.

  • @suzannablakely4934
    @suzannablakely4934 2 года назад +2

    I've experienced Satchitananda which is the ultimate peace. It is bliss. But bliss is an emotion too! It's peace, no mental process, no ego, but you don't stop feeling. If you're alive, you're feeling, you're experiencing emotion. If you look up high vibration emotion, you find it defined as peace, joy, love. If you're alive you experience emotion, at varying vibrational frequencies, but you're always vibrating at some frequency, so there's emotion. Any argument?

  • @r.f.4668
    @r.f.4668 Год назад

    You are so right, Kurt 👍

  • @lisanathan7336
    @lisanathan7336 2 года назад +1

    Kurt, I would not judge you if you split up with your twin. I would still listen to your teachings and I’m eternally grateful for you cracking the nut on this bizarre experience 🤣. We are all on a unique ascension process so that means you may drift from your twin and go another route. If people are judging then they have not understood the True Spiritual journey as it’s to live and let live, no judgement on oneself or others. That’s where true peace and love resides. I love you abs respect your work Kurt. This is a banging and heartfelt video Kurt. Thank you for sharing Bro X

  • @On_Sacred_Ground
    @On_Sacred_Ground 2 года назад +9

    21+yrs of a simultaneous soul experience with a TF and I’m finally done.. 😊 Married my soul mate 5yrs ago and I’m extremely happy.. Moving onwards and upwards ✨🕊️✨

  • @cap98
    @cap98 Год назад

    Now thinking of it, it's odd to be deeply, head over heels, madly in love with this 3D person who is you. They are a reincarnation of you experiencing life as we know it on this planet, at the same time and space. Kinda like the movies when timelines are disrupted when oneself meets the other. It's all making sense now.

  • @A_Birds_Nest
    @A_Birds_Nest Год назад

    Im never gonna give up, even when the pain is hurtful, and very complicated to explain even to others. Because we would be seen as crazy and possessive.
    Than to be seen as compassionate and confident. Im well aware that even just talking about this woman I know is the same spirit, she's a celebrity so the whole journey has been causing me to just think about her all the time, "the obsessive thinking." which is separation from the thyself, the consciousness.
    Its hell being in the cage of the mind, and its free being free from the mind.
    I been outside of duality and with consciousness many times and then dropped right back inside of duality and detached from my own consciousness.
    Im the fool, and the fool is not bad its actually a very powerful sign because its going through lessons and cycles that teach me to remember how to be fearless when letting go and opening myself up from suppression.

  • @empressanddeath2167
    @empressanddeath2167 2 года назад +2

    Aligning with My Soul means to Emote n if that blocks my self from wanting to be around me.. then so be it. But that goes Against all of these teachings.
    I think Avoiding someone making them want to be with you works in SM connections and That's why so many ppl here say "it works." A lot of SM who watch this channel. My fulfilment Journey has Always been my Goal. My TSoul just helped my personal growth along the way. So Kurt is right abt the Journey n Saying u may not "want" them.. is I think part of the journey getting to a balanced place within. Bc the Extreme intense need of a person can push them away.. but TS are different.. U still love them.. no matter what. U just don't Need them to Make you Feel any certain way. U do that. And the more u show love for Yourself by honoring your self n Your Journey into what will make u Most Love U inside.. the Universe will reflect that back. Sometimes in another someBody. Everything is possible.

  • @StarShip200
    @StarShip200 2 года назад

    we love you . Kurt ! so much respect and gratitude for you . i’m doing so much better . no focus on any TF anymore . you’re the best

  • @hossphoenix4272
    @hossphoenix4272 Год назад

    Twin flames - sounds like a hassle - . more of something you don't want. I'm grateful for the ascension- transcend the fantasy and obsession ego. Everything else is a bonus.

  • @angiewelborn3496
    @angiewelborn3496 2 года назад +5

    it is what it is

  • @terrymondon7649
    @terrymondon7649 2 года назад +1

    One of your best videos Kurt. You have to keep hammering this home. I have heard you say this plenty of times, but this time hit differently. I felt something different from you while you were describing your interaction with your counterpart. Thank you for all the marvelous information you bestow upon us❤❤🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️

  • @996_SakshiSingh_44
    @996_SakshiSingh_44 2 года назад

    Thanks a ton for your guidance and support.. you truly change people's lives.. and only deserve gratitude in heaps and bounds 🙏💓

  • @anudesi9403
    @anudesi9403 2 года назад +2

    I would still choose my twin. I have experienced soulmates and the emotions and butterflies etc. I want to focus on my ascension and growth now....I like the has a depth that the 3D emotional experience does not have.

  • @biancaurias1318
    @biancaurias1318 2 года назад

    I am going to choose me first.

  • @eyez2c
    @eyez2c 2 года назад

    Thankyou Kurt - that was brilliant & great food for thought! There is no right or wrong or one size fits all & you’re allowed to change your mind & doesn’t make the lessons of your spiritual journey any less valuable or special

  • @trishapettit7026
    @trishapettit7026 2 года назад

    I get what you're saying! Finally this stage of my ascent is described. I get it about the No emotion. I love the idea that this is possible. It's my dream. I thought I was the only one like this. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @Nadine-mc8dx
    @Nadine-mc8dx 2 года назад

    Thank you .. I'm good! 💜💓💜💜💜😁😁😁

  • @Lucida1818
    @Lucida1818 Год назад

    I think I really need to sit and think about this one Kurt.
    Actually NO meditate on it.
    My meditations make me feel amazing in alignment with my soul and I love doing it.
    If that’s what it feels like with your twin then ……..
    Maybe that’s my answer ❤

  • @ricksta301
    @ricksta301 2 года назад +4

    At the end of the day it's what a person desire. I'm gonna ride this out and wherever I end up I end up, as long as I'm spiritually awaken and conscious I'll be good. Thanks again dude, I get your message

  • @Melisa-h7b
    @Melisa-h7b 2 дня назад

    Should have known this thirty years ago.

  • @keikacoaching
    @keikacoaching 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video Kurt! I’m trying to understand my journey so this really helps. I met my twin, soulmate, and two karmic soulmates. So it’s a whole ball of confusion and anxiety when it came to deciding which is the right path for me. But your explanations help me to choose the path that aligns the most, and that is with my soulmate. I cut my twin off when I met my soulmate, but I didn’t know there is still lingering guilt and fear about the decision although I don’t love my twin and completely detached from him. It’s something I need to heal because I grew up being told what to do and who to be with. And because I interacted with my twin first(although I actually met my soulmate a year before that in a group-I viewed his video) and had that connection first and the fact that he helped me a lot and he is a good person, it’s hard to end things with him in that way. But in the 3D sense he was also married and have kids which I found out later. Although I know that doesn’t matter there’s shame around the fact that I even entertained it. So yeah, a lot of emotions to work through and that’s what I feel will help me move forward with my soulmate. So thank you! I love that you said you could break up with your twin and that it’s your decision in the end. I’ve always felt I needed to be in the connection with my twin.

  • @HijabiRuby
    @HijabiRuby 2 года назад

    I def choose soul mate. this video helped me alot. thanks.

  • @tomm3118
    @tomm3118 2 года назад

    You just changed my GD life!

  • @flower24587
    @flower24587 2 года назад

    I thought I was with a TF. But I believe now that it is instead a soul mate relationship. That's a big relief, so we can experience romantic love.

  • @CoyShilough
    @CoyShilough 2 года назад +14

    Soooo….being with your twin sucks? 😂 But we’re doomed to want to be with them forever. Well, that’s fucked. Lol

    • @generaldvw
      @generaldvw 2 года назад +3


    • @ashleypage4798
      @ashleypage4798 2 года назад

      Pretty much lol

    • @generaldvw
      @generaldvw 2 года назад +2

      @J listen to Kurt, go check out Eckhart Tolle…arrest the thinking…get back your life.

    • @melann420
      @melann420 2 года назад

      Y’all when I first saw my DM I thought he was just ugly long hair hippy super skinny hump backed nerdy glasses greasy hair then that energy hit 😮🥰😍 it’s fucked up! 😂

    • @CoyShilough
      @CoyShilough 2 года назад

      @@melann420 😂😂 Literally said “he seems twitchy and whiny…just another trust fund baby bitching all the time” lol Karma got us back, girl lol

  • @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623
    @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623 2 года назад +12

    At this point, I'm choosing a soul mate over my twin flame. If they come back, most I'll do is be friends, but even then I'm still deciding on that as well. I really don't care anymore if they do come back. This is extremely painful and I want nothing to do with it. I'll continue my spiritual ascension, but with a soul mate.

    • @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623
      @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623 2 года назад +3

      @@Lou_Lou48 if you watched the video, you would know why I don't care anymore

    • @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623
      @archangelsnefrimnephilli1623 2 года назад +2

      @@Lou_Lou48 also because my twin is essentially showing me they don't care as well. I give what I receive. You don't care about me? I don't care about you. 'Treat others how you want to be treated'.. I did care at first, until he ghosted me with 0 explanation. Could have at least said 'I don't feel the same' but instead just cut communication completely. IDK to me I find that extremely childish to do to someone, twin flame or not. Ijs

    • @kimberleydavies522
      @kimberleydavies522 2 года назад

      @@archangelsnefrimnephilli1623 totally agree love I feel the same ❤

  • @kimberleydavies522
    @kimberleydavies522 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for your honesty ❤

  • @paulfontillas1472
    @paulfontillas1472 2 года назад +2

    I totally agree with what you just said. I have known my TF for 24 years.. and as much as my twin flame flew back in recently, would drive over, just watch me from a distance, I started going through the Ascension. and
    Due to some issues, I suddenly got fed up and messaged the DM goodbye. I cut off even in IG, etc. I am freer and at peace. I wish my TF well; find self contentment and peace.
    I now wish for a soulmate; I am more than satisfied with just my soul's ascension.. I have no ill feelings for my TF, I am just focused on me.
    AND THANK YOU KURT... I started watching you 2 months ago just in time as I was going through all of what you said.. I was holding strong but it was good to hear it was normal. And now, with my decision to choose a soulmate instead, it's still good to know that it's also ok.

  • @margomoore4527
    @margomoore4527 2 года назад +5

    How can you say that the mind and the emotions are one? The mind is the mental body, like another auric layer. The emotions come from the heart chakra, and are consequently involved with your sexuality (sacral chakra). And the soul is solid love, and the heart chakra is the portal for that love to reach the 3D person and connects us with each other.
    How can a twin flame not need a connection between chakras?
    If the ideas that you discussed today are Zen, I have no interest in Zen-it doesn’t seem plausible.
    With respect.

    • @alchemicalsoul
      @alchemicalsoul 2 года назад +1

      Take the course. It explains completely.

  • @TwinFlameUniversity
    @TwinFlameUniversity 2 года назад

    Thanks for Saying the Obvious TRUTH...
    I'm still and will always be Subscribed, and had your Course for 3 years.
    But I have given up.

  • @paulacollewijn5681
    @paulacollewijn5681 2 года назад

    I am now in a state of life where I feel there is more beyond to experience. Feel I want to expand more from inside out and would be beautiful to share with equal. Felt all along the urge in society for completion with outside. During life I felt there must be another kind of "connection"/ energy bond. A free one. Beyond the form, beyond the mind. When I listened to what my heart was sending out, searching what that was. Could not place it then. And had to experience what it not is. Those were gifts. Cause this brought me closer to my self.

  • @ElevationOfLove
    @ElevationOfLove 2 года назад

    I think it’s probably easier not necessarily better.

  • @terrymondon7649
    @terrymondon7649 2 года назад +1

    I love you Kurt❤❤❤. #authentic 🎯🎯

  • @yungblade7
    @yungblade7 2 года назад +7

    I 100% agree, you can think about your soulmate all day and feel that nice intense feeling. Twin, you feel nothing except the feeling of enlightenment/bliss. Weird my twin keeps coming back now all the time but it's to start quarrels, it's like when a bully wants to be your friend but doesn't know how to say. I'm enjoying a soulmate right now and this is what you guys want trust me!🔥

  • @crystalaura868
    @crystalaura868 2 года назад +5

    if you don't feel emotions with your twin then how does it feel good to be with them? this just gets more confusing every day.. but i'm listening! it just ....bends my mind into a pretzel.

    • @Valerie-nk8os
      @Valerie-nk8os Год назад +1

      It means it's not a fairy tell, but if you follow your spiritual path and reach oneness, you are one with your twin, fears disappear, you just know you are one and nothing can get you apart

  • @TsholofeloEdunBaloyi
    @TsholofeloEdunBaloyi Год назад

    This is the hardest thing I've ever had to experience. It exhausting 😓

  • @tshep173
    @tshep173 5 месяцев назад +1

    Are you supposed to be able to feel the emotions of your twin? I can tell when hes angry. I can feel when he wakes up in the morning. Ive confirmed this in conversations. Is that even possible?

  • @KiranRawat_144
    @KiranRawat_144 2 года назад

    Best teaching ever ❤

  • @Transformation244
    @Transformation244 2 года назад +4

    What’s the point of being with a person, that you’re afraid to feel something with ?? I mean even if it’s your twin flame , who could handle this stress for the rest of their lives , I mean at some point in a relationship with them you’ll feel something, because we are HUMANS in the end . So ….

  • @kayegill4977
    @kayegill4977 Год назад

    Kurt I’m so happy that you make these videos. It’s helping me come out the addictive energy so much quicker than the past 2.5yrs. I am with my soulmate who is also on a spiritual path, and he’s the best thing I could ask for. I’m glad to hear this video and that emotions unheard of when you are with your twin - it allowed me to put it all lot of things into perspective on what I want. Moreover to let go and focus on me.

  • @sarahamin10
    @sarahamin10 2 года назад

    Wouldn't you say that your thoughts created that? The very thought that says; whenever you feel anything for them, they pull away. And if you wanted you can change it to "They're always having pleasant thoughts and feelings about me. No matter how I feel they love me and they will never leave me. They love me clinging to them they think It's cute and it shows interest and love and they love it and makes them love me even more. They are warm and understateding and kind with me. My energy - "if travels to them" - it pulls them in like a magnet, It's pleasant, and it never pushes them away."
    Why not create that?!

  • @chamalabesinghe1763
    @chamalabesinghe1763 2 года назад +2

    I totally agree with you...😢😢

  • @jessiefreeman319
    @jessiefreeman319 2 года назад +4

    Who in the hell would want to live like a reptile no emotion that's absolutely insane

  • @biancaurias1318
    @biancaurias1318 2 года назад

    No, I would not judge you Kurt.

  • @fantasymakersmedia1558
    @fantasymakersmedia1558 2 года назад

    I say that once you know this it’s hard to be with anyone else. Personally I never had a soulmate before or after tf ,all were karmic ones. The tf experience was/is difficult but then you get on your journey and you are knocking down mountains. It’s a big deal. No real judgement about a soulmate but just have never really loved anyone besides my kids,and that is in a different way. I think I have experience short term infatuation with various people , but not real love… I realized after meeting my tf. Just the feeling of being with yourself was what I think I always looked for but never knew what it was called. I used to write dating ads saying looking for male version of me. I felt like that was love because we ARE love. I don’t know how to love another person however romantically.

  • @marivg8948
    @marivg8948 2 года назад +4

    This is one of your best videos yet!! I am with a soulmate at the mo; I enjoy all the positive emotions although negative emotions such as jealousy and anger still abound. With the TF: it's totally different. I once sat in a room with" him" waiting for a class to start. No butterflies, no embarrassment, no "crush" like feelings. My God it was so .... nothing. It felt like I was alone in the room, I guess being one soul I was alone....I was with myself! I was surprised by the lack of emotions I had but now I understand. Thank you, Kurt!

  • @megangilbert1094
    @megangilbert1094 2 года назад +1

    I literally have no idea what I'm going to do. I know what I want right now... Which is a sm. But honestly who the heck knows!

  • @divinelightunconditionally1236
    @divinelightunconditionally1236 2 года назад

    Yes its true.. i was so much pain with my tf, but i end up my soulmate now.. ❤️

  • @hollyprincipato3287
    @hollyprincipato3287 2 года назад

    He is in WI. I am in GA

  • @dorinazebrapaw
    @dorinazebrapaw 2 года назад +2

    Kurt, isnt it more like that your body can feel emotion towards your twin flame but its not the real you, the real you just observes the emotion but you not become the emotion? Its said, that thoughts cant be stopped, just observed. So emotions cant be stopped too, just observed. So if your body feels emotion towards your twin and you are just observing the emotion as the observer, it cant make them run away? Because you are aligned still with your soul and in that case what is happening in your mind or body towards them doesnt matter. I dont think that you can "say" to your body to not feel anything as you cant say your mind to stop having thoughts. Do you know what i mean?

  • @paulahansen4102
    @paulahansen4102 2 года назад

    so helpful!

  • @annavickers524
    @annavickers524 2 года назад

    I think that a twin flame is a opportunity for one to have a spiritual awakening when the one Wakes and leave’s then the other has the chance to awaken it is there turn at the moment you decide to let the twin flame go to awaken but it is up to them to wake up some do some don’t but it is good that the both wakes each other and if the doth is awaken then nether are upset because the both understanding that they was good for each other the doth are at peace now and awakened which is what the Heart and soul needs so the both can be reunited if the tow are on the same level in the Journey

  • @Beth1300
    @Beth1300 2 года назад +6

    I don't get the part about not being able to feel emotions for your twin flame as it pushes them away. Given the amount of people with their tf, even married to them, how would that work if they can't feel emotion towards them? Surely you'd feel things like love and empathy - yes they are you, but feeling those emotions for yourself isn't a bad thing either. Really confused after this video.

  • @FranNoesse
    @FranNoesse 2 года назад +4

    "There's no emotion at all" with the Twin Flame.
    No thank you! I want passion. I want to be loved so deeply that my toes curl!'
    I'm looking for a SoulMate.

    • @yungblade7
      @yungblade7 2 года назад +2

      Exactly, someone gets it🕯️

  • @stefanojkd1605
    @stefanojkd1605 2 года назад +1

    So basically i should be with someone that I do not have to care about.. no love, no emotions, i don't care what they do, how about transforming into plants... Seems like a lot of fun
    I heard that the Heart Is the place of the soul.. and you love with your Heart... Not ur mind. When It hurts, it's the Heart that hurts. I suppose even that one is wrong.

  • @BellaZen13
    @BellaZen13 2 года назад +6

    Agree 100% I am married to my SoulMate and it’s so peaceful. So content.
    My Twin is Me, and my Other Soul is doing okay. We don’t have to date to be One Soul. I am living my life purpose with my SoulMate. All is well. Thanks Kurt and fellow Zen Masters ♥️💚⭐️

    • @jaclynevans4869
      @jaclynevans4869 2 года назад +1

      me too:)

    • @123433iloveyou
      @123433iloveyou 2 года назад +1

      When did you meet your soulmate? Was it after you've already been through this journey?

    • @123433iloveyou
      @123433iloveyou 2 года назад +1

      @@BellaZen13 were you ina relationship with your "false twinflame" im still ina relationship which i have labeled it a "karmic" which Is for lessons

    • @123433iloveyou
      @123433iloveyou 2 года назад +1

      @@BellaZen13 yes exactly...were you ina relationship with yours and if so what were your lessons?...ima little stuck in mine

    • @BellaZen13
      @BellaZen13 2 года назад +1

      @@123433iloveyou Too many lessons for a RUclips. I was in a relationship, when I was done suffering I got out. I almost died, and now I live life fully every day. Staying Present. Best Wishes to you and yours. 🧘🏻‍♀️

  • @Fam1stILLAtainment
    @Fam1stILLAtainment 2 года назад

    I’d do the interview

  • @bipasshasen7780
    @bipasshasen7780 2 года назад +2


  • @DaMustacheGamer
    @DaMustacheGamer 2 года назад +1

    You're only doing yourself. 😉

  • @Agapetarot
    @Agapetarot 2 года назад +3

    So Kurt what if you have a emotion about yourself? If you are one soul doesn't that effect them as well ?

    • @yungblade7
      @yungblade7 2 года назад +1

      No because your not looking at yourself as an other , but the minute you look at them as other or another person they would then run makes sense.

    • @piumikok1234
      @piumikok1234 2 года назад +1

      That’s why it says to be the observer of your emotions. If you become the observer of ur emotions then u are conscious
      Actually for me, these things can’t be practiced 😂 continuously LOL

  • @williambryson8998
    @williambryson8998 Год назад


  • @justchristine369
    @justchristine369 2 года назад +3

    No judgment here Kurt… but I have to wonder the same thing… would a soulmate be a better choice. Although I am grateful about my own growth 🙏💜🙏

  • @ydontudance
    @ydontudance 2 года назад +2

    I like your video, but I can't agree with this one. My spiritual guide doesn't say I'm going to meet someone other than Twin. The guide said he will my last.