Nietzsche’s Politics during The Middle Period

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @rontimus
    @rontimus Год назад +17

    Fantastic thank you. If I could summarize, what you’re saying is that humans don’t mind being slaves. What matters is that there are no masters who carry a disposition of grandeur and “above the herd”. When the elites become the herd in their disposition (weakly, pitying, etc), that is the beginning of herd movements (socialism, capitalism, nationalism, etc). What is needed is higher men who stand at a distance from the herd, who give the herd a sense of meaning by virtue of just being bigger than they are

    • @rontimus
      @rontimus Год назад +10

      And that we should take the decadence/decline of culture as an opportunity to develop great works of art, and not fight the decline

    • @xenoblad
      @xenoblad 4 месяца назад

      Can you be more specific about what you mean by "humans don't mind being slaves?"
      Is it forced labor at gun point ALA the trans Atlantic slavery, or is it voluntary labor given in exchange for other things like money or out of compassion (i.e. helping one's sick grandmother).
      If it's the former, isn't that brought into question by slave revolts or just reports from slaves saying that they don't like being slaves? If it's the latter, isn't that equating all human collaboration as slavery ?

    • @rontimus
      @rontimus 4 месяца назад

      @@xenoblad Whatever the slavery type, the psychological claim of Nietzsche is that it is more easily endured by the slaves if the master has an aura of dignity and grandeur about him.

    • @xenoblad
      @xenoblad 4 месяца назад

      @rontimus I guess?
      If a figure is charismatic enough, people might go out of their way to act slave-like in their service to the figure. I'm thinking of boy bands with hyper devoted young women who constantly talk about dying for this or that boy band member.
      I'm also not sure if high charisma is equivalent to "an aura of dignity and granduer."
      It would also be somewhat unethical IMO to cultivate that kind of psychological dependence on purpose, let alone take advantage of that. Not that I'm saying that's what you or N wants.

    • @rontimus
      @rontimus 4 месяца назад

      @@xenoblad No, not at all

  • @gingerbreadzak
    @gingerbreadzak 9 месяцев назад +7

    00:00 📜 Nietzsche's aphorism 463 discusses the dangers of political and social visionaries who seek to overthrow established orders based on the belief in innate human goodness, echoing Rousseau's superstition. Historical experience shows that such overthrows often lead to chaos and violence.
    01:13 🤔 Nietzsche, during this middle period, somewhat identifies with the Enlightenment, advocating for culture and criticizing those like Rousseau who threaten to destroy it with a distorted view of freedom and equity in a natural state.
    03:17 ⚔ Nietzsche believes that peace is not the absence of war but must be actively created by force, contrasting the idea of a naturally peaceful state prior to civilization.
    11:03 🔄 Nietzsche's political thought evolves over his middle period, marked by experimentation, criticism, and nuance. He explores various political perspectives, but his foundational principles remain aristocratic in outlook.
    15:41 🔍 Nietzsche's middle period, from "Human, All Too Human" to "Daybreak" and the first four books of "The Gay Science," is characterized by critical examination and the undermining of metaphysical and moral ideas, clearing the ground for his later affirmative philosophy.
    19:09 🤯 Nietzsche in "Human, All Too Human" questions the influence of language on our perception of the world, suggesting that many opposites are products of grammar, and selfless actions may have roots in vanity.
    21:09 🦁 Nietzsche's middle period emphasizes the need for free spirits to challenge convictions actively, making an enemy of one's own beliefs in the pursuit of truth and intellectual growth.
    21:24 🤔 Nietzsche believed that human beliefs are often shaped by what brings pleasure and comfort rather than a commitment to truth seeking.
    23:25 🧐 Nietzsche introduced the concept of "Vanity" as a significant factor in human actions and beliefs, suggesting that it may even override pleasure-seeking.
    25:13 🧐 Nietzsche argued that truth-seeking is driven by a passionate desire for understanding and fulfillment, which he later related to the concept of "Will To Power."
    32:30 😏 Nietzsche critiqued democracy for incentivizing simplistic and demagogic communication to appeal to the masses, which he believed led to the elevation of average values.
    35:39 😄 Nietzsche acknowledged that not everyone needs to be involved in politics, and some individuals, with more individualistic and peculiar tastes, may not align with the values promoted in mass politics.
    42:46 🤯 Language plays a crucial role in reshaping thought and ideology, as seen in George Orwell's "Newspeak" in the novel "1984."
    43:14 🧐 Nietzsche's principle of avoiding the narrow-minded collective terms in thought is reflected in Orwell's "Newspeak," where slogans and simplification stifle debate and discussion.
    44:37 🏗 Nietzsche argues that a higher culture can only develop when there are two castes in society: the working caste and the idle caste, with the distribution of happiness being less crucial for culture development.
    45:44 🔄 Nietzsche sees the potential for harmonizing modern ideas of freedom and aristocratic outlook to maintain social mobility and new goals while respecting inevitable inequalities.
    49:23 🎭 Nietzsche suggests that the state, while enabling genius, is also inherently opposed to it, as it tends to preserve itself and resist change.
    54:37 🤔 Nietzsche advises statesmen to manipulate public passions for their own advantage, using antagonism and strategic alliances to serve their political goals.
    57:21 💡 Nietzsche predicts that the traditional values of obedience and command will diminish as the belief in absolute authority wanes, impacting military and bureaucratic structures.
    01:04:27 🌌 Nietzsche views war as a cyclical phenomenon, with its effects making humanity more natural, both for good and bad, resembling a "sleep" or "winter time" for culture.
    01:04:41 🌍 Nietzsche believed that war had a positive role in civilization, preventing complacency and maintaining a connection to the state of nature.
    01:05:36 🏆 Nietzsche warned that victory can lead to self-defeat, where success can make a society weak and unable to face external threats.
    01:08:33 ⚔ Nietzsche opposed Kant's idea of perpetual peace, believing that facing external existential threats could galvanize cooperation within a society and lead to restoration.
    01:11:03 🗣 Nietzsche criticized the idea of public dialogue and institutions as means of advancing reason, as he believed they often lead to mediocrity and dishonesty.
    01:14:48 📰 Nietzsche argued that the power of the press lies in the multitude of small dishonesties and reticence committed collectively, distorting public discourse.
    01:19:02 👥 Nietzsche described the characteristics of a dangerous demagogue who reflects the masses and gains power by appearing selfless and exerting great effort.
    01:21:06 👪 Nietzsche believed that having sons makes a man unselfish and extends his selfishness over time, connecting him more firmly to the state.
    01:24:24 🌐 Nietzsche observed the dissolution of national identification due to factors like increased cultural exchange, nomadic lifestyles, and the spread of ideas. He saw this as an inevitable force, resisting traditional nationalistic identity.
    01:25:07 🌍 Nietzsche promotes the idea of being a "good European" where one identifies with European civilization as a whole rather than a single nation or ethnicity, and anti-Semitism is driven by nationalistic sentiments that need to be overcome.
    01:26:29 🇪🇺 Europe sees itself as a united geopolitical entity with open borders, trade relationships, and a federated system.
    01:28:29 🔍 Nietzsche critiques both left and right-wing political ideologies for their envy and laziness and highlights the suspicion of universalism in his criticism.
    01:29:39 💡 Nietzsche suggests that if the spirit of mass action can be turned into the spirit of the higher social classes, society will be preserved from harm, emphasizing the importance of those in power living as higher individuals to maintain social order.
    01:32:25 🏛 Nietzsche implies that the nobility, those promoting higher culture, must embody higher values to preserve the social order, and the presence of ignoble people in positions of power can lead to societal issues.

  • @BernadottesGhost
    @BernadottesGhost Год назад +23

    Jordan Peterson is flinging cubic zirconia from a parade float, but you are handing us diamonds good sir.

    • @sempressfi
      @sempressfi Год назад +1

      Gifting us with some of those blue diamonds. Now I'm wondering what gemstone Nietzsche would like...maybe a black opal? Or garnet

    • @virtue_signal_
      @virtue_signal_ Год назад

      Jordan Peterson remembered long after we've forgotten who this guy is, though I do enjoy listening.

    • @andyroobrick-a-brack9355
      @andyroobrick-a-brack9355 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@virtue_signal_Being remembered is a sign of popularity, not quality.

    • @virtue_signal_
      @virtue_signal_ 5 месяцев назад

      @@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 it can be both.

  • @SlickDissident
    @SlickDissident Год назад +2

    Love your work. Hope the road is being kind to you.
    32:00 - The Voltaire reference woven into the "Earthquake changing property value" likely reflects back to 1755 Lisbon disaster on All Saints day, where Voltaire nudged the global moral compass with his poem, and accessed that Overton Window/ teachable moment touch point also.

  • @user-hu3iy9gz5j
    @user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад +2

    Meritocracy does only weight one person's (or a number of person's) personal preferences against other persons' relative qualities. It doesn't strive to distribute cosmic justice to every worker, but only exists within the bounds of systematic processes. The case of "failing upwards" only tells us that particular merits are failing in delivering what they promise, not that the merits doesn't exist. A person can be in demand for a position without later meeting those demands. Indeed, the very merits who equipped a person with the job can be insignificant to how the work is later conducted. Or the merits might be significant to grant an occupation, but insufficient or obsolete to perform the necessary tasks

  • @cheri238
    @cheri238 Год назад +2

    Thank you again.

  • @winniethuo9736
    @winniethuo9736 Год назад +2

    Jiddu Krishnamurti on the challenge of change.

  • @abcrane
    @abcrane Год назад +3

    is colonial exploration as sublimated "war instinct" analogous to herding/planting/shopping (and later merchant trading) as sublimated hunting/gathering? is each new epoch a sublimation/domestication of the former? serfdom a sublimation of slavery? wage slavery a sublimation of serfdom? today, we surf the net... a cyber sublimation of taking to the open road in the old Kerouac style?

  • @alohm
    @alohm Год назад +6

    I have never understood the discussion of his politics. He was a man of his times, yet we forget he was a man ahead of his times. He asked us to think for ourselves, thus we cannot judge, condemn, or even analyze his politics... These are personal and perspectival - thus a waste of time to discuss. This has little to do with the subject of the upload, apologies, but I just read two articles. One about the worst biography recently published, where the author states 'we all know Fred was crazy" only to follow up on the same page with " We cannot know for sure his mental state since we did not study his brain as we did with his father". The other article spoke about his appropriation by many cults - they mention the yatzees and the faar riight... Yet fail to mention he was against all this... They even mention his Deutchland above all remarks - He was against Nationalism, and the idea of a homogeneous German identity - but that ignores the same idolatry in this same article for other German thinkers...Thus begging the question: Is being proud of your heritage, lineage, or even influences wrong to appreciate? No.

    • @AGamer1177
      @AGamer1177 Год назад +3

      Yes, I understand that, but Existence precedes Essence. Something had to come before you in order to exist, but as a free agent you are not beholden to the past, but you can learn from it.

  • @The-Interpreter
    @The-Interpreter Год назад +3

    Yes sir, beautiful show. Isn't the humans an interesting creature? I couldn't have done it better myself.

  • @sempressfi
    @sempressfi Год назад +2

    BRB writing a satirical open letter about Brexit from Nietzsche to Boris Johnson and the harx right Tories lol can only imagine what he would have had to say about it, especially since some of the themes in his writing about democracy seem to have been mirrored in the way it took root.

    • @veerswami7175
      @veerswami7175 Год назад +1

      Plz share the link brother

    • @Verziroo
      @Verziroo 10 месяцев назад

      “Hard right Tories” don’t exist.

  • @abcrane
    @abcrane Год назад +3

    Do we strive to be equal in our greatnesses, or settle into universal mediocrity? I believe this may be FN's ultimate inquiry here. Mercedes and rusty old Chevvys can today be seen passing through the drive-thru at McDonald's. Decadence has been democratized and super-sized.

  • @dannyteal1020
    @dannyteal1020 Год назад +2

    Too many F ads

  • @Reldas
    @Reldas Год назад +1

    Like, Tucker Carlson is the inevitable conclusion of democracy, according to Nietzsche.