that last clip is how riot wants us to communicate in this team game. also, dont type too much or you get flagged because riot doesnt like communication
I type a lot and I have never gotten banned. So maybe you need to stop flaming so much. I flame sometimes, but that's when it's excessively terrible or if they're toxic for no reason.
Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as I do believe Lee Sin has come to dive our tower.
Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. I seem to have found myself in a dire situation at the middle lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist me as I do believe Swain is about to back under tower being really low on hitpoints.
Aurora on release - "Vastayan solo laning mage" 😎😎😎 Phreak a few months later - "Aurora's primary audience is and always has been support. The players have voted." 🐒🐒🐒
@@JarrodShadowsonng Nerfing waveclear until they're completely unviable solo and are forced into the support role and then announcing that the playerbase prefers to play them as supports. Exhausting
@@MG-zx3pxSureeee. When a champion is picked in pro play, and gets fed. Has knock ups every 2 seconds, has a shield, deals mixed damage and true damage, has an ability that lets him chase you from 2 turrets away and aoe teamwide knockup. Sureeeee. Low elo only. Stay deluded bro.
Aphelios isnt bad tho by any stretch, he is on the edge of being completely overpowered actually. if you even put 20 games onto him and actually try to learn u will understand just how broken that champion is and has the potential to be. Same with azir
Why ? Cuz you dont know how to deal with them ? When other champs have below average winrate people cry for buffs but when its these two its suddenly okay.
@@vincentdonovan6702can easily deal with a Yasuo, but a yone is just pure Bs with a million dashes, true damage on e, and free shield on W from hitting ANYTHING
@@phiphi2209 Yone does not deal true damage, he stores post mitigation damage on a mark. It works just like death's dance. Yes Yone is stupid, no he does not deal true damage.
@@davidpark9619 it's definitely dead for champs that relies on crits like Jinx, Sivir, and of course, the win shitter brothers. It's going to be a lot harder to deal with champs like Mundo or Sion when you basically have to pick between brk or Kraken instead of building both simultaneously.
You are just bad, i literally cant say anything else. Even last patch when i checked yone had an AMAZING winrate of 47.54ish wr in diamon+, you have skill issue, there is no reason to sugarcoat it.
I mean, I'll rush Greaves + Phantom Dancer for a pretty similar outcome, like if I have half of Phantom Dancer then my Q is almost capped, I just don't get ANY bonus AD but then at least less people call me slurs for playing Yone
about yasuo i can sympathise a bit since i think you need to be good on him to perform and i know he can be op at times but it still feels like there room for counterplay, for yone tho im really happy he wont be able to be a champion anymore, maybe now he got his balance he desperatly needed all these years to become fair. really praying riot doesnt buff yone
@@darkgrundi9543 Yeah, that wr is inflated by the low elo dogshit people who play with their monitors turned off Yasuo requires a lot of skill, precise timing and positioning unlike Yone who can run you down while being 1/6 lmao I'm so glad these champs now actually takes skill instead of being a boring stat checker.
@@Soul-ex8gb fun for the one playing not the one playing against it, either give him mana or reduce his early power and let him be a lategame champ or keep him in weakstate since he's not balanced or fun to play against.
One of the most underrated aspects of Bin's Camille play is his Q onto rift herald to prep his empowered Q2 before engaging. Really shows he isn't just a mechanical beast, but also has great foresight
@@gummy787 personally camille is within my champ pool and i might be wrong but i think its pretty common that camille players prep their Q before engages even when trading in lane, not saying its not impressive, just saying that many people do it.
@@drinkchan4822 oh thank u for ignoring his whole play and just focusing on the fact that i appreciated how quickly he was able to do the q buffer + the rest of the combo. IM sure your little "well actually" moment made u feel amazing tho even tho u knew what i meant initially.
@@drinkchan4822 Yeah as a camille player we do prep q, but the more impressive part is prepping q before doing the hardest camille combo (e, prep w, flash mid e while it's on the wall, ult, and Q2 BEFORE the timer for it runs out.) Doing all that in game 5 when ur down gold is unthikable.
@@gummy787 bro who hurt u? prepping camille Q2 is a staple thing to do. not to say it wasnt a nice touch to it all or whatever, but i do agree with the guy, its not THAT impressive considering the other things he did. i somewhat disagree with OP, dont think its that underrated, i think its rather expected. prepping the W for the slow purely to get the ult of is what is so impressive. im so lost tho, why are u so mad that someoen points out that prepping Q2 is normal? they even said "not saying its not impressive", and then u come here with the classic "well actually moment"... the fck? XD do u feel amazing chasing these sorts of moments? finding people to flame for having a different opinion?
Honestly, let the Int brothers sit at a low winrate for a while so Riot can gather data on how broken they actually where for a while... I miss Lethal Tempo but i am also glad it's gone, the rune was way too strong early-on, no matter what.
Now they need to nerf the champions directly. Starting with Yone E should automatically break and lock him in place if he gets hard Cc'ed while E is active. And Yasuo should not be allowed to ult off allied knockups and remove the 50% armor penetration on crits completely. That will be one start.
@@TheCentennial4 Completely dogshit take, with the amount of CC in the game Yone's E would be literally useless in 9/10 games, and why make Yasuo not R off allies? You exhale bronze energies with these suggestions.
i honestly like the fact that yone/yasuo are nerfed to the ground, the champs have high skill ceiling for sure, but most of the times autoattack+spam Q+lethal tempo wins every matchup
Ive said it once ive said it twice ,High skill ceiling doesnt equate to high skill floor. Both champs have a brain dead skill floor that is six feet under most other champs in their category
balance 2 champs around reworked rune --> remove the rune --> act suprise that champions are 45% winrate and blame players for building wrong --> name your company riot games
Wow, first good choice the balance team made since they removed stridebreaker dash. I wish nothing but to best to all Yone mains, may you all keep yourselves safe.
@@chokonnit7337 trundle and trynda are made to be stat checkers, litterally. Yone was marketed as a assasin skirmisher with high skill celling, but became just stat checker with insane cc and mobility. If you look at those same trynda and trundle, they have only slows, with trynds being conditional so he gets dash, while yone had q3, e and ult to gap close, while dealing physichal, magic, true, physichal max Hp dmg, magic max Hp dmg. So yea, there is a world of difference between those champs. His e is also a cleanse that removes even ignite if timed well. On top of all that, he gets haste from as. SO, unlike trynd or trundle, where you can at least stack armor and lower their pressure, you cant build against Yone. these nerfs were long time coming, after all only reason champ doesnt have high winnrate is becouse he has insanely big playrate.
@@markomuric1221 trynda is not a stat checker. you don’t win against him with better or worse stats. you don’t know what you are talking about. trundle is a stat checker, but he’s not meant to be fighting. he is meant to just split push and be an annoyance. yone was a stat checker with lethal tempo, and it was removed to improve the health of the game. they should also remove his crit multiplier and raise his other stats to encourage being a top bruiser instead of a mid assassin. yone deals almost no magic damage. the magic damage is there more for his character than his gameplay. and the true damage is just an amplification of his physical damage, it’s not real true damage it’s just a delayed damage boost. you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@chokonnit7337 Before I say anything I mean no offense, but... what is trynd if not a stat cheker? aside from his e he just walks up to you and aa to death, but unlike master who has to use his q to avoid critical abilities, trynd can just say no to death for 5 secs. also he is a splitpusher like trundle and nasus, who are, shocker; statchekers! As far as yone dealing mostly physical dmg, you are right. He does mostly physical, but he has magic dmg, and not in some small amount that you can ignore. Also his passive makes that building ad gives him magic dmg. His w has equal split of physical and magic max hp dmg, his ult deals equal magic and physical dmg. Trying to deny that while it is both in game and on lol wikki. His e is better death mark that makes figting him pointless unless you can chain cc him like old ryze. You cant even run from him since he gets ramping ms. He is fundamentaly a flawed design. He is skirmisher and assasin while lacking weaknesses of either. He has burst, not like talon or qiyana, but double crit is no joke. But unlike assasins he has no downtime (Period when champ cant realy interact with opponent) , since he is also skirmisher, a class known for their sustained dps, que, fiora, jax, etc. skirmishers are weak in teamfights since they are single target. Yones abilities are all aoe. Assasins are weak against tanks since they can survive their burst and cc them. Yone shreds through tanks like they are nothing. I recently had a game where I was malph, 5k hp, 700 armor (400 without shield) and 250 mr. Yone cut through me in 8 secs, and he wasnt even fed, I also slowed his as by 50 %. so tell me please, where am I wrong? I am open to flaws in my deduction
Honestly i like the change. I missed old yas and yone where i actualy could take other keystones and build paths. LT was too good but protected bad yas and yone players from mistakes. E rush atkspeed actually back. Bork rush, phantom rush, etc. All builds i miss
@@swolegolisopod7340 Yeah. All crit items were nerfed to 20% crit long ago mainly because of Yone and Yasuo and their passive that doubles all sources of crit chance, which nerfed ADC way more than either of them, but if you said anything, you got called a crybaby. Then lethal tempo gets nerfed because it's way more valuable on them than any adc, and again, if you said anything, you got called a crybaby. Then lethal tempo gets removed because it's too much for the balance team to handle and NOW yone/yas mains are crying and thinking they're justified. All they've done is get ADC items nerfed for 90% of their champs lifespan and now the first nerf that actually affects them in a major way makes them think they can cry on twitter and get sympathy.
@superlad6684 I think the 20% (and reduced crit damage because why the fuck not) wasn't just because of yasuo/yone but riot absolutely gave them buffs like crit overcap turning into ad and 2.5x crit chance so they could be 100% at 2 items again. Then a bunch of melee champs got shieldbow gutted and got compensation buffs. Then a bunch of melee champs got essence reaver nerfed and got compensation buffs. Allthe while they told adc players to just suck it up because "adc player bad". Now that they're finally getting their just desserts they don't get to cry about anything.
I don't think this is a hot take, but I don't agree with Phreak here. Crit champions in general lost a lot of rush items, and their current rush items tend to have big trade-offs. That's fine, but it does hit Yas/Yone pretty hard. I don't think big buffs are needed, probably just small adjustments if the winrates stay low. I'm happy tempo is gone tho, even tho I play the windshitters a bit. That rune was so toxic on them, and especially on Yone with his E.
They dont deserved buffs, they're two of the most played heroes in the game, people pick them without even knowing what their abilities do; champions like that should not have a wr of/higher than 50%
That's the main thing I hated about both of them. They had big powerspikes on each buy, it seemed. Boots, huge buy, long dagger with critcloak or Recurve Bow, also huge buy. And look at Yone he could rush Botrk, Irelia style, and be decently strong, but unlike Irelia he scaled a lot better into late game.
To jump on the Yone/Yasuo build discussion - T2 boots + zeal used to be something that was built on mid Yone but back then mages got ~50-60% of the AP they do now and no overloaded passives on items. Top lane is even worse because tabi's are cheaper now and with the proposed zeal item rush you will end up spending double the gold just to be weaker(BF sword rush still loses to tabi's). You're essentially forced to rush bork or you can't play the game for first 25 minutes but rushing bork means you delay your items for another 10 minutes. Riot's take on this is hot garbage and they deserve to be flamed.
Lethal was so prevalent on the windshitters that now, without it people aren't able to cheese it in early to mid laning phase when supposedly, their main weakness lies in their early game.
the actual main weakness of Yasuo is his lategame. Because he is a melee adc, he gets shit on if not massively ahead. Now with lethal tempo gone he can't get ahead anymore thus making the champ unplayable against anyone who has hands. Yone is not as bad in the lategame, but his problem is similar where he gets shit on by every Bruiser even before lethal tempo got removed, but without a windwall to compensate against ranged champs he can't be played bot, thus he needs to snowball against mid mages, who got a massive buff this patch and thus his only good matchups are terrible now making the champ useless against anyone with hands.
@@darkgrundi9543 yasuo can still win early, it's why his wr fell less. However yasuo isn't actually a bad late game champion. He's just not as good late as early.
@@darkgrundi9543 u know back in the day when lethal tempo was not as strong ys n yone can still be played why not now just test a couple of week there are many champion that is weak but didnt get buff did their main cry about it no they just play n try to find the optimal way to play the champion
@@FrostFinal You mean before they reworked the items like 5 times and adjusted hundreds of numbers in between than and now? Think about it very slowly.
@5:37 Also wanted to note that the flash is to redirect the extended camille E range that you get when targeting a champion Sanchovies has a short about the play that's very insightful
And even if he was I'll still play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster cuz he's the entire reason I even started playing LoL, cuz I thought Yone is rly cool
Yone was already 48% and in a decent spot, slightly weak, but good in the right hands, I knew that this patch he'd be shit without any compensatory buffs, it's not just lethal tempo removal, though that's big, but also removing crit on his best first item (kraken) and also PD being terrible, it's too much AS 0 AD now, I know all the 5 iq bronze players are rejoicing because yasuo/yone are so weak rn and they can win matchups that they usually lose, instead of just learning to play against the matchups, both champions have plenty of counterplay, I'm tired of getting hate for just playing the game
0:27 SUPPOSEDLY, this the problem with Riot executives and Vastyan, Vastyan require being ugly since they use animalistic looks onto something human or are just animals with human qualities. Rengar is one But others like Xayah fail to express this idea because in character they have control into what they can morph, she despises humans or well noxians more so and revolves around death, for some reason the rioters weren't allowed to let her be ugly with Raven for a head despite the fact her basically husband is best suited for it, Due to that it makes Xayah look so much worse, Ahri not being intersting as aside from somer flaws that ruined king fixed, She does fit looking the most human similar to Rakan, But since lots of them aren't allowed to look more like Rengar it leads to the species being forgotten about. Sett is the worst example as atleast Xayah has the bird attachments and she shouldn't have ears on her head because she's a bird, Rakan might use it for cuteness but her again She wants to kill and just kill her enemies. Sett just has some stupid Catboy ears and No scars, Despite being a Staidum warrrior who had to Overcoming a good bit of bullying and suffering from Noxus he has no showing of any of that so he looks like a poser, I agree with Tbskyen's suggesting of atleast adding a tail to better express his other half as all really people see is a HUman with cat ears. So for this new champion the leaked splashart isn't giving me hopes as 1. her facial structure is having the LOL women problem of not being allowed to be unique so it just looks like, ashe, Camille,Irelia,lux, Ahri, and so on. 2. the head doesn't show ANY vastyan traits to express that, so I hope the rest of her Body Finally adds something intersting to that bland chroma of a head of hers.
I definitely agree that Yasuo and Yone don't have good builds/runes right now BUT I DON'T CARE they gotta pay for their sins couple weeks and then hopefully riot makes them real champions again
So playing the champion that LITERALLY IS THE ONLY REASON I PLAY LEAGUE is a sin? Just because I LOVE Yone's lore, his desing and think his moves are goddamn epic and play him bc of that I was sinning? And I'm not even complaining about the changes, the ONLY thing I am kinda bummed about is that there's not rly an item with AD, Crit and AS since that is what Yone needs at the beginning but I'll just get used to it bc IDC about how strong or weak he is, I like him bc of his design, his lore and his epic moves.
I'm crying over all these pisslow comments. The thing is, yone/yasuo players know how disgusting it is to play them now but others that used to get shit on by them are just provoking. They were pretty strong and lethal tempo removal is good. The problem is yone/yasuo are not supposed to be adc's and can't wait for 3 items to start having an impact in game. These items are retarded. Ofc support items buffed, tanks buffed. The less skill it takes, the stronger it is. That's what this game is all about now.
>be a champ that has to crit >crit item rework >have your unbalanced keystone removed >less than a week to search for new build path >???? >"guys my champ is so weak its not like everything around it fundamentally changed or anything"
That's why all the adcs are at 45% winrate too right? Oh Jinx at 51% winrate with 35% pickrate? She suffered so much from that lethal tempo removal man. Corki at 48% after his whole identity got changed? Clearly underperforming we need to insta hotfix buff him.
@@darkgrundi9543 i cant even tell if you're advocating for or against yone yasuo at this point tbh jinx and other ADCs could always run runes other than LT to similar strength, the brothers could not. LT was fundamentally stronger on yone yasuo than any other champion in the game. jinx and other ADCs could always wait to get 3-4 items before they did anything, the brothers had to spike at 2 (or just boots i guess) yone yasuo has some of the most complicated build optimizations paths even pre-item rework, and now the players have to figure it out again. yone yasuo are definitely weak, im just clowning on the players reaction to their champ being weak for the first time ever since the previous crit rework
@@darkgrundi9543 all adcs aren't at 45% wr though. Many are liking the new crit items. It's just it does push them back to older seasons without the items that gave everything we needed with the first item so the scaling in slowed and you can't fight as much early other than against your lane opponents.
Oh no, Yone is weak?! Good riddance, I say. I don't hate him because he's strong; I know he's not. No, I hate him because of how much getting knocked up 69 times in a single fight annoys me. (I'd still let him knock me up) I hate him because of how safe his tethered trading pattern is. (I want to feel safe in his arms) I hate him because he can miss every ability and still right click me into submission. (I've been so naughty, I need him to punish me)
People saying that no one knows how to make a build is stupid cuz every main item for yasuo/yone got changed (mostly negatively for them) crit increase doesnt even mean anyting to the cuz they got %100 crit 2 item anyway. They are the sole losers of this patch.
Kinda, but at least I don't get called as many slurs when playing Yone now. And I get to ignore unit collisions cuz I build PD first item and the passive ghost can rly save me *ESPECIALLY SINCE MY OWN MINIONS USED BLOCK MY WAY TO MY TURRET AT LEAST TWICE PER MATCH SO I DIE*
Not all champions need to be good all the time Yasuo and Yone have been on a good spot for years. Remove them from the Spotlight a bit Azir and Ryze mantain piss low WR all the time and anytime they get barely decent they get nerfed. So yeah, Yone and Yasuo players can cope at least for a while
The only reason the winrate is so low is because Yone players just arent used to not having 2.5 attack speed for free level 1. They'll cry for buffs, learn how to play him without Lethal tempo, and then he'll be busted again. Lets just hope Riot stays strong on not buffing the two.
Jesus christ thank god some people realize this. They are NOT champs that are supposed to be comfortably around 50%, that really was just because of their unique lethal tempo interaction that should have just been patched out. Fleet procs on Yone Q3; between that, new absorb life rune, resolve secondary, Dshield, good luck ever moving him out of lane. Also not like he isn't perfectly fine with Conqueror or even PTA too for quick E+Q3 trades(almost like he did before tempo was added). Oh and btw, he still 1 shots everything with items; these champs were designed before that rune ever existed.
Before Lehtal there were many items that had attack speed and ad. Now u have shit runes and shit items. But yeah just proof the point people made in the Video@@firstbloodexodius8281
it's fun how ppl are happy when yas and yone are legit dogshit now even when they were doing bad those ppl were praying for nerfs while there are legit cancer broken champs like renekton/aatrox/camille and skarner but vars and reddit nation knows better
While I agree that telling a Yas/Yone main to "adapt" or "change build" is dumb I must also put an emphasis on : get karma'd, you champs were busted for far too long you should be glad they only dropped to 46% and not lower.
Adc mains had to adapt after their items and runes got nerfed because of yone and yasuo, while they still got compensatory buff because god forbid having yasuo and yone weak for more than one patch
@@pamelotms5867 yeah Yasuo wasnt busted since mythic items were removed. Still could be strong while played by Yasuo mains, since champ is actually hard to play, unlike Yone, zero sympathy to Yone mains.
Man, I just wanna play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster, I just think he's rly cool... and I like swords... AND HE'S THE ENTIRE REASON I EVEN STARTED PLAYING LoL, BC HE WAS FEATURED IN ANOTHER GAME and I thought "Hmm, he looks cool, where's he from, lemme try him in his og Game"
I started playing Yone about 2 weeks ago when he wasn't great to begin with. As a control mage main I know how painful he is to play against. As someone who has played Lissandra for 5 years, I know what it feels like to play a shit champ. As someone whose first main was Kalista and I watched her go from gamebreakingly busted to an utter dogshit troll pick, I don't think any champion deserves that. It's not a competition, just because I want Yone to be viable again doesn't mean I don't care about the others, and the solution isn't to nerf him to death, it's to also buff the others that are weak. This bitterness is dumb, Yas and Yone mains are allowed to complain and [insert bad champion here] mains are allowed to complain too. The champions' state are not the fault of the players and attacking them is childish. Karma for what? Picking a champion? No one deserves to feel like shit.
The Yone/Yasuo mains bitching is wild considering Smolder lost his actual build lol. Those two champions still function. Smolder on the otherhand is nearing 40% WR, even after his 'hotfix buffs'. What a delusional player base, Yone/Yasuo players are. Mad that they aren't being handheld by an absurdly broken rune anymore.
honestly, I think its ok that YOne and Yasou are bad champs for one. there are other champs which dont get a buff for months even if they are bad. I understand that freak might be a little disrespectful but I think its a little to early to wine about the state of Yone/Yas.
Yea they need to let the changes settle then rework their kits a bit, especially yone. Then they can buff them with the reworks once they remove or reduce the unhealthy parts of their kits.
@@nfzeta128Yep. Let's start with: If Yone gets hard CC'ed while E is active, the E breaks and he is locked in place. Yasuo should not be allowed to ult off allied knockups, especially for an ultimate that has a 20 second cooldown.
@@TheCentennial4 I don't even agree with breaking e. If anything just make the base duration 3 seconds from 5 seconds. Then have it be extended by 1 sec for each q you hit during that duration to a max of 5 or maybe even 6. Next. Make it so W only gives shield if you hit at least one CHAMPION, not one ENEMY. They can compensation buff after if needed. Yasuo HAS to ult of ally knockups. If anything they can remove smaller displacements but even that seems unnecessary. If you really need to adjust it just reduce the range at which he can ult from ally knockups, so he actually has to be closer.
yone should stay weak for another patch i dont even play league but i think a patch or two of weakness is fine if u look at how long hes stayed strong and annoying
People really act like that Camille combo is some "next level mechanics", when in reality anybody, who knows how Camille works can do that. It's only impressive to people who don't play that champ.
Just a slight correction on Bin's combo at the end there; After getting combo'd by naut taliyah, Bin Q1'd Herald to get the MS and prep his Q3 for when he lands on faker. After prepping Q1 he E1's the wall and after a short delay casts his W. Upon being pulled to the wall with his E1 and his W animation still casting, Bin flashes over the wall as his W sweep is about to finish its cast so it'll be in range to hit and slow faker. After all that he casts E2 since Camille is able to E-E-Flash OR E-Flash-E (what he used here) to get into range to ult faker. The way you had worded it was how it would have been had he done e-w-e2-flash-r but instead his combo was e-w-flash-e2-r. Regardless of that, fantastic video as per usual.
They are right abt yone lmao in lolalytics Yone has a 54% wr building Beserker's to Bork to IE and a 47% and 49% wr Building Beserker's into bork into kraken slayer or Shieldbow respectively. Buffs unneeded yone will be broken asf till the next patch (also dont build pd on him especially as a second item IE is just better) lastly it seems fleet footwork is his best rune
I basically commented on every Comment about Yone and I feel like summing it up rn So, some people say that "Yone players deserve it" bc they play a broken champ. Well, I play Yone not bc he's broken, even if it was the worst champ ingame, I'd still play him. And that's because he is LITERALLY THE REASON I even started playing LoL. Yone was featured in another game I played and I was like "Hmm, this guy is rly cool, I wanna see what he's like in the game he's from." I also just rly love his lore and desing, as well as I think that his moves are just SOOOO epic. Is that really so wrong to play the character you just absolutely LOVE? The character that literally INTRODUCED YOU to the game? Next, I ain't even complaining about the changes, legit the only thing I'm kinda bummed about, is that there is no Item with AD, As and Crit since all 3 are VERY important for Yone early, but I've accepted I just gotta get used to it. Everything else, sure, I'll try new runes, I'll try new builds, I'll try to make my Yone work, it's actually a nice little challenge for myself, finding out what I can build to get decent results. Laslty, hate on me, or think that I'm not "based" bc I play Yone, it won't make me like Yone less. If you hate Yone so much, just BAN him, it's not that hard. You don't gotta call me slurs for playing him, I just rly like him, jesus christ. Anyways, have a good day. Edit: I just spaced it differently so it's better to read
Honestly they need to leave Yasuo and Yone untouched for a month or two for Yas/Yone players to figure out how to play the lane normally again. Don't forget, they were still playable and relatively viable before Lethal Tempo just not lane bullies. The winrate will stabilize soon enough and then we can make accurate judgements on how to balance the two without Lethal Tempo being their greatest shareholder in the power budget.
you’re not real. the reason why they are doing so bad is because of the item changes not coming with access to crit/and or attack speed. not lethal tempo 😂
@@Aezixx If Lethal Tempo was around you could just rush an AD crit item without worrying about the AS because you could just make up for it by hitting a rock twice. You're not wrong about the item changes gutting the two but not nearly as much as Lethal Tempo's removal did.
Yo i dont play league that much but from what im seeing about phreak is that he should either not be in his position on the riot team or just not have social media because the shit that he says must make the hr team at riot go nuts.
Riot chinese tiktok guy is on point man. Also, building zerks first on Yasuo/Yone has been meta for years. I don't see why that would change now. Also that Karthus clip hurts my soul man. It's pathetic that people can't be mature enough with basic communication to the point that Riot felt the need to remove pings.
@@kaydenvortex1984 ??? With how strong the first item rush on ADC is (and most of them needs a BF) biscuits+magical as secondary tree is the best way to sustain in lane. The few exceptions are Jinx/Cait/Jhin (for focus+storm as they can abuse the extra range / celerity+storm for jhin insane ms boost) and ashe (biscuits+velocity is a nobrainer).
@@Olenderman Big fan of his, love all the good stuff he does for the gaming and game dev community. Hard agree, and they don't even require it on MacOS. Crazy how that works...
With the removal of the tenacity in-slot runes and the nerfs to sudden impact, we’ve also seen Katarina mains (usually OTP champ) lower winrate down to 46% too, also a D tier laner.
removing lethal tempo was definitely a big change but the items definitely made the wind brothers winrates plummet into the ground. they dont have the same 1st item powerspike like they did before with old shieldbow and kraken. bork did get a buff for early game but its not an ideal item and doesnt necessarily work in every situation. rune wise pta and conq can still work but the item choices are abysmal
funny how they cry about something that was totally unfair and unbalance ( lethal temp on yone yasuo) now they have to think before trying to trade or just go in with no brain and reach 1.56 as at lvl 1 :D, always knew they where inflated champ with lethal now they seems more " normal" deal with it
The problem is not even lethal tempo, they're fine without it. The real problem is there's no actually good builds for both champions specially Yone, Yasuo you can rush PD it's not bad, but PD is really bad on Yone he doesn't need the movement speed
@@kauanjos3199 boohoo my champion cant run down others from the start of the game anymore i have to farm and get items for my powerspike what is this boohoo
it was more unfair on trynd, jax and trundle while those champs can live without it, especially Jax, cause he has a different attack pattern with his Grasp playstyle. Meanwhile Yas and Yone were nerfed to death because of lethal tempo and now they lost their whole power in the early to midgame, while both adcs and mages (most matchups they face) are clearly better than last patch.
@@darkgrundi9543So? Dogs couldn't elo inflate and win every pro play game by picking Yasuo and Yone. Watch the MSI final today, the first 2 games that they won were due to Yone being broken alone, he has LT and 2 lifesteal items and they couldn't kill him while he right clicks.
Yasuo/Yone mains complained because their champion winrate dropped to around 47% on all rank, meanwhile Smolder winrate went into the gutter at 44% (43% before the recent hp buff). Get in line buddy Ksante and Smolder are sitting at 43-44% winrate, they are the one who needed a buff. Stop whinning, play under tower and scale like the rest of hyperscaling champ.
"Noooo I can't just right click on people and auto them to death anymore!! My champ is weak >:(!! My Q doesn't crit for 500 damage anymore and I don't get bonus range for doing nothing anymore either!!!" - Yone & Yasuo players.
@@raidenfloureal2457Being the number one yone should be considered an insult. That champion is stupid broken and I bet the nerfs won't hold him back for long
Yasuo did plenty fine even before the existence of lethal tempo, so im kinda gonna lean on the fact this is definitely more a some people are so used to using something and had such a negative mentality towards the change b4 it happened theyre not performing well post the change. I would absolutely suggest changing your build path around or even practicing how other runes work in different matchups because as much as it sucks tempo was overwhelmingly strong, so it being removed was a good step in the right direction. Yone and yasuo lovers will definitely need to adapt to the changes in order to find their footing again complaining about it is less energy used towards improving how you play without it.
Funny how the whole comment section is riddled with braindead comments such as this. Cant blame riot making bad decision when they have to listen to the demands of mentally challenged people to appease them.
I actualy like playing without tempo. That is not the issue the issue is that there are semingly no good builds due to the fact that no crit items give as and ad.
the complaints are because there is no viable build path, because they legit need zeal to exist which means they need to spend 1.1k gold before building ie, botrk etc.
if you're a good yone\yasuo players you will perform well despite of removal of LT, other will whine alot cuz they're now can't spam Q with boots + dagger.
So, what do I deserve for playing Yone? His builds getting nerfed/his first item choice being VERY unclear? And why do I deserve it? Because I play the champ that literally got me into League? Because I play the champ that I just love the lore and design of? Who I just think the moves are really epic? I've never cared about how strong or weak Yone is, I just like him, his lore, his design and his moves. So I deserve having to do astrophysics to calculate what I can build first, just because you (and ig quite... A LOT of others) dislike my favorite champion?
@@darksableye tbh, if Yone gets picked and I have to play against him, I'm having MUCH, MUCH more fun than playing vs - Fizz - Akali - Shaco - Irelia - Gangplank - Garen - Trundle - Tryndamere - Amumu - Dr Mundo - Evelynn - Teemo - Heimerdinger - Lux And these were just some examples. I could list a LOT more. Ig that's bc I understand Yone and know what I should and should not do and if you hate a champ THIS much, then inform yourself about him, like I DESPISE Akali, I hate that champion SO GODDAMN much, but I regularly go to LoL wiki and look at her moves and what their weaknesses are. Same for some other champs but Akali is the main example
Ill admit I play a lot of yone, one of the 3 characters I play, but im kinda fine with him being not too strong, yas on the other has been consistently pretty bad for awhile, too reliant on team knockups to be useful, if you have 0 knockups on your team the champ becames so much more difficult and in some scenarios pretty worthless. Not only did they remove tempo which was their best rune, but the item builds now are just awkward. if you go zerk into kraken you dont get crit, if you go zerk into IE you dont max Q cd. The build that good players are going right now are zerk sitting on zeal into kraken -> pd -> ie, but then you spend so much gold on comps and delay first item spike so hard, where as old kraken was massive now you are delayed an extra zeal of gold for a marginally weaker item than what it was previously
i think the win rate of yasuo and yone going down is because the playstyle without lethal tempo needs to be changed and it's hard to break old habits. Before you could miss everything and still win, now you actually have to land your abilities which is what's leading to the malding and the loses.
Exactly. Yone and Yasuo players were abusing that rune so they got higher ranks than deserved. Now, when they have to actually use brain, they are not doing well. When they will derank it will hit ~50% winrate eventually.
yone and yasuo both need a crit item as a first item and their onli spyke crit item is IE who cost 3400 , 3400 as a first item top lane is way too much so basically they both are being lane bullied until 10 -15 min thats the amount of time you need to get 3400 gold top lane if you have to play slow wich you are forced to do in this meta . IN MY OPINION don't change the runs onli for these 2 that would be favoritism , don't change the IE price bcs adc would take too much advantage out of it , buff their crit ratio mulitplier so that they can have 50 crit rate with just the cloak so they still need 2 crit item to get 100 crit but they can also have 50 crit chance at least before 20 min.
so two cloaks with 1200 gold is 100% crit???? Sure they wont have damadge but dude everyone else still needs to spend like 10 to 12k gold for that so its is not fair. I would say maske it that one cloak is 30 or 25% crit and give them some attack speed when they do crit. but then also make it that the attack speed gets lower the higher the level or make them have a lower cap for it so they dont mashine gun aa you away.
@@blueavalon1342yone and yasuo for 7.8 k golds get around 220 ad depends of level , 50 crit chances , and around 1.40 attack speed , if you buy IE BOTRK and boots wich is the build top most of the time , now lets take champs who do well in lets say master bcs it the begun of the split , rumble for exemple has shadow flame liandry and boots for 7.3 k gold , gwen has nash tooth and cosmic drive or riftmaker and boots for 7/7.1 k , tf can have RFC and kraken plus boots for 6.7 k gold . do you understand my point ?
God forbid Yasuo and Yone are bad for one patch. Those players should be happy they aren't one-tricking a champ like Orianna who's had a low winrate for ages
All I want is to play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster. Idc how strong or Weak Yone is, I like him bc he has a cool design, cool lore and his moves are pretty epic.
Mage main here (Orianna is one of them). Having a control mage like Orianna is always good to have for her utility, but a 46% wr Yasuo not so much. Orianna is not a carry but Yasuo and Yone are. So yes these changes feel very bad.
It's more they've gotten accustomed to abusing the early full attack speed and playing the champ at max attack speed CDR from early. It's like they were playing samira or kalista without the clunky early feeling and now don't want to go back. Even if zerks into IE means really good trades during specific windows and good burst.
Yasuo and Yone players are the only players that cry and plays the "boohooo everyone hates my champ and wont listen to me! Why is it so hard to understand that Yone/Yasuo should be able to 1v3 while being 1/6 and 2 levels behind because he takes so much more SKILL" *auto auto auto, misses every q, yones spamming W every 3 seconds and still getting a big shield for hitting nothing, yone players using a better zed ultimate on E, not having to participate in resource or real cooldown management, and still kills you.* The audacity these mains have. Just because Riot kept you in a broken state for so long doesnt mean it was balanced. They were just milking the wind brothers because they are popular in the east and made them a shit load of sales in skins. Like could a yasuo or yone main realize that is 70%+ of the community hates your champion that MAYBE just MAYBE there is a good plausible ground that those players might have a legitimate reason? So wind bros, your champs just have way to much leniency for you guys to fuck up everything and still kill your opponent, and that will NEVER be fun or welcomed in any competitive game. What you guys should be asking is for Riot to do is instead nerf your champs weaknesses a lot more to make them pronounced and easier for a opponent to take advantage of if you do misplay SO THAT WAY you guys can also get some buffs that play to your champs MAIN strength. Pretty sure if we made yasuo and yone more specialized into one facet of the game but excel in it compared to being good everything like they are now that players wouldnt hate them as much.
All this yapping and you still don't have a point Imao. People will hate regardless. That doesn't make Yasuo or Yone any special. People will still find a way to shit on a champion if they got bullied by said champion. There is no "I'm accepting I lost because I misplayed" in League, the entire game revolves around feeding your ego by making other players miserable. Players complain because they lost, simple as that. Why do you think even champions like Garen get hate?
post or opgg next time thx, aint noone is reading all that gold hardstuck nonsense. Yone E is not better than Zed R, please dont fucking ever think of having on opinion on game balance.
You dont understand, the good items that were being built by yasuo and yone are changed a lot, so the only good 1st items dont have crit on them any more like botrk kraken, and also they really got hard nerfed because the only great AS item doesnt have AD anymore which is PD so it feels like they thought of every way so that yone and yasuo cant play, dont get me wrong i hate yone he is really op even now but its over for yasuo, yones kit is too op so it compensates for the nerfs
I think no one is gonna be on yone and yasuo players side first of all cause their reputation and second of all, how bs is yone's e, why is it 6s and not 3 still blows my mind.
yep. It could even be 6 seconds but only if you actually hit qs in duration of e. The fact that's it's unconditional 5-6 seconds from first level is stupid.
3:49 But dont worry guys, Phreak is a HIGH skilled player(totally didnt abuse maokai and refusing to nerf him to hit master) and does his BEST at balancing champions. Thanks "Phreak" 😁😁.
Yone and yasuo players: BRO OUR CHAMP IS COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE WTF IS THIS?? me: So what practically saying is your champs are perfectly balanced and need no changes what so ever. Good
I saw the thumbnail and my heart filled with joy. I'm so happy that finally this champion can't run you down at levels 1-3. God bless the balance team.
Let me make a counter argument so you are saying one of the most skill expressive champion like yasuo is ok to have 50% winrate? Then why are irelia,zed rengar nerfed everytime they get close to 50%? Because ppl that dont know how to play them lower their winrate so you either admit your champion can miss everything and still win or be stuck in the below 50% winrate pit with the rest of high skill floor champs.
Yasuo and Yone were sitting at below 50% winrate for months in solo lanes. Yasuo had his Niche in botlane as a counter pick, but both were already mid at best and players were coping out of their mind that they are broken. Now they are unplayable.
In dota you have a commo rose which you can customize and theres this one specific message that says "Zeus ult now!" (Zeus's ult is a global ult same as karthus)
@@ignacioperez5479 yeah he isnt supposed to be any strong early (maybe a bit so that he can just punish whoever's playing against him but no so strong to beat them without them doing mistakes) and scales well but instead he lost the aspect of being bad earlygame and lost the aspect of being better than most champs lategame but he could snowball pretty good i guess so they felt as if "that champ is good early and he scales crazy" when in reality he wasnt good lategame
Am I missing something on why Phreak got flamed for suggesting greaves rush on Yasuo/Yone? Rushing those has been a thing for years since the Attack Speed is twice as effective on them since it also lowers the CD of their Q along with the spacing being so valuable on them as melee champs. Without Tempo it makes even more sense to want some quick attack speed and sticking power, no?
Wonder if there will be any news regarding the aram ping spikes. I thought it was my internet at first but other players reported the same issues and it only happens in aram queue....
The removal of lethal tempo lowers the skill ceiling for yasuo/yone in the early game. They are balanced around what they can do at full power and it means that they are unplayable for people wanting to learn them if the ceiling is too high. I expect them to raise base damage and maybe lower scaling. They probably wanted to wait for a patch and gather data before doing so. The wind brothers will scale with skill ceiling increasing as the game goes on and will have a more stable early game for the average player but a weaker one for the one tricks. That's probably what they are going for.
I think yasuo is ok, but yone deserves the yuumi treatment, that champion needs to have 45% wr to be balanced, I cant believe yone mains are crying that they cant kill the enemy mid laner from 2 screens away missing ult, every q killing you just autoatacking and then just come back with no risk, Im glad the bs interaction with lethal tempo is gone, and I still believe his e is busted and needs a rework
It shows in that yasuo isn't hit as hard as yone after the changes. Yasuo is actually an early game champ and the playstyle hasn't changed like Yone's it's just a bit less oppressive because LT still was broken.
everyone talking about yone, but what about evelynn that literally got nerfed 3 tiems a row and get her items always nerfed, shes unplayable in high elo and has under 47% winrate rn xD
I'm with Phreak on that one. Yasuo and Yone might feel weaker early cause LT is gone (so does every adc) but aren't just better at 2 items? Crit items givin 25% means at 2nd crit item they are full build + LT tempo being removed means they may move to Conqueror (wich was the rune to go before LT). I think even without buffs wr% will increase through the patch.
that last clip is how riot wants us to communicate in this team game. also, dont type too much or you get flagged because riot doesnt like communication
Can’t ping ults because hurt feelings
I type a lot and I have never gotten banned. So maybe you need to stop flaming so much. I flame sometimes, but that's when it's excessively terrible or if they're toxic for no reason.
@@nicklasveva Same
literal "my dearest karthus" moment right there
You can probably report him for spamming and get him banned by the system😂
Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as I do believe Lee Sin has come to dive our tower.
No "sincerely" ? I will not settle for such toxic behavior, I will not cast my ultimate ability young man.
**Banned** "L LOSER L BOZO L + RATIO + BALD XAXAXAXAXA" -Best regard Riot Games
Theres like, a 4 paragraph version of this and its hilarious
@@kaydenvortex1984 *Best regard, Phreak!
@@MrBlipman Link 🙏🏾
Varus didn't start with "Dear Karthus " . Phreak dissapointed
Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. I seem to have found myself in a dire situation at the middle lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist me as I do believe Swain is about to back under tower being really low on hitpoints.
@@PotatoSmasher420 insert winnie the pooh meme
Aurora on release - "Vastayan solo laning mage" 😎😎😎
Phreak a few months later - "Aurora's primary audience is and always has been support. The players have voted." 🐒🐒🐒
so Karma treatment =)
@@ArtaEva And Lux. And Seraphine. And Zyra. And Brand. And Morgana.
I wrote this as a Seraphine main, but it's infuriating how common it is.
@@JarrodShadowsonng And velkoz. 😢
@@JarrodShadowsonng Nerfing waveclear until they're completely unviable solo and are forced into the support role and then announcing that the playerbase prefers to play them as supports. Exhausting
Yone incident? You mean every single game he’s played in.
You just can't control yourself, if there's an opportunity to shit on him XD
Oh the low elo hero, here to crap on all the champs that you think are unfair but you actually just suck against. So intelligent
@@MG-zx3pxSureeee. When a champion is picked in pro play, and gets fed. Has knock ups every 2 seconds, has a shield, deals mixed damage and true damage, has an ability that lets him chase you from 2 turrets away and aoe teamwide knockup. Sureeeee. Low elo only. Stay deluded bro.
Hi Vars big fan
Aphelios and Azir at 46% wr for 3 years just going with the flow, Yone and Yasuo going below 50% HUGE INCIDENT
underappreciated comment. 👏
Yet the players claim they are high skill champions like those you mentioned.
Azir whenever goes higher is dominating pro play. Yasuo and Yone are not picked even they are 49-50%
Aphelios isnt bad tho by any stretch, he is on the edge of being completely overpowered actually. if you even put 20 games onto him and actually try to learn u will understand just how broken that champion is and has the potential to be. Same with azir
yone and yasuo have never been above 50% wr in a long time
Finally yone cant run me down while 1/6
Mad you bad
Yeah he can only do it if he's 2/6 now :3
@@umarA1323 "Mad you bad" me when I'm hardstuck plat 4 always picking and maining the meta champs working for McDonald's
@@umarA1323 yes, q auto q auto q auto q auto, if enemy under tower e is such a skilled gameplay loop
he still can
Yasuo Yone downfall are what i call, happy little accidents.
Why ? Cuz you dont know how to deal with them ? When other champs have below average winrate people cry for buffs but when its these two its suddenly okay.
@@vincentdonovan6702womp womp
@@vincentdonovan6702can easily deal with a Yasuo, but a yone is just pure Bs with a million dashes, true damage on e, and free shield on W from hitting ANYTHING
@@phiphi2209 Yone does not deal true damage, he stores post mitigation damage on a mark. It works just like death's dance. Yes Yone is stupid, no he does not deal true damage.
I remember the time when the og Statikk Shiv's was the rush item on Yasuo when there is no such thing as Lethal Tempo back then. Such good times..
statik shiv is dead in this split. so is kraken slayer.
No crit on Kraken @@jdogsful
@@jdogsfulKraken is definitely not dead lol
@@davidpark9619 feels shit to build. feel weak til its complete.
@@davidpark9619 it's definitely dead for champs that relies on crits like Jinx, Sivir, and of course, the win shitter brothers. It's going to be a lot harder to deal with champs like Mundo or Sion when you basically have to pick between brk or Kraken instead of building both simultaneously.
The windshitters no longer being able to miss everything and just auto me to death is, as borat would say, “very nice”
You are just bad, i literally cant say anything else. Even last patch when i checked yone had an AMAZING winrate of 47.54ish wr in diamon+, you have skill issue, there is no reason to sugarcoat it.
@@hyd3334 you're just garbage and should uninstall if you play yone there's no need to explain it's common sense
@@hyd3334 why so mad?
@@hyd3334 cry more
@@GymTanLeague_ Im not mad? I just voiced what i think. Or what is much closer to reality then what you described in your comment.
He was playing the game mathematically correct. He typed karthus ult in chat. Phreak was right all along, just type it!
Is league of legends a solved game?
@@MrAdamo it is now, the code has finally been cracked...
Yone/Yasuo mains when the Q is not almost capped after boots plus half an item are going crazy!
I mean, I'll rush Greaves + Phantom Dancer for a pretty similar outcome, like if I have half of Phantom Dancer then my Q is almost capped, I just don't get ANY bonus AD but then at least less people call me slurs for playing Yone
about yasuo i can sympathise a bit since i think you need to be good on him to perform and i know he can be op at times but it still feels like there room for counterplay, for yone tho im really happy he wont be able to be a champion anymore, maybe now he got his balance he desperatly needed all these years to become fair. really praying riot doesnt buff yone
THANK YOU! You understand yasuo well enough to not completely shit on him. Great insight brother
Their gonna buff him, substantially, so don't lie to yourself
he was on 48% winrate for months lmao. Reddit brainrot right here.
@@darkgrundi9543 Yeah, that wr is inflated by the low elo dogshit people who play with their monitors turned off
Yasuo requires a lot of skill, precise timing and positioning unlike Yone who can run you down while being 1/6 lmao
I'm so glad these champs now actually takes skill instead of being a boring stat checker.
rank, lp, winrate, games. dont be shy
I think the yone main crying that his character is weak for the first time since release for more then 1 patch is perfect
Not like Yone has a negeitve winrate since months. Just now is the lowest point
@@Nico-ys4wsand ge still has one of the biggest player bases of the entire game...
@@usarhabilidade2697 Yep, champ being fun =/= strong
@@Soul-ex8gb fun for the one playing not the one playing against it, either give him mana or reduce his early power and let him be a lategame champ or keep him in weakstate since he's not balanced or fun to play against.
@@TheMolabola "not balanced" yep, he was weak and now is shit, being unfun to face doesn't make a champ "strong"
Honestly, I'm having a BLAST playing Yone and Yasuo. LT was so braindead. but the build paths really suck
One of the most underrated aspects of Bin's Camille play is his Q onto rift herald to prep his empowered Q2 before engaging. Really shows he isn't just a mechanical beast, but also has great foresight
THATS WHAT I WAS NOTICING. It isnt even mentioned in the video cuz bin does it soo quick and smoothly. This clip is literally peak camille gameplay
@@gummy787 personally camille is within my champ pool and i might be wrong but i think its pretty common that camille players prep their Q before engages even when trading in lane, not saying its not impressive, just saying that many people do it.
@@drinkchan4822 oh thank u for ignoring his whole play and just focusing on the fact that i appreciated how quickly he was able to do the q buffer + the rest of the combo. IM sure your little "well actually" moment made u feel amazing tho even tho u knew what i meant initially.
@@drinkchan4822 Yeah as a camille player we do prep q, but the more impressive part is prepping q before doing the hardest camille combo (e, prep w, flash mid e while it's on the wall, ult, and Q2 BEFORE the timer for it runs out.) Doing all that in game 5 when ur down gold is unthikable.
@@gummy787 bro who hurt u? prepping camille Q2 is a staple thing to do. not to say it wasnt a nice touch to it all or whatever, but i do agree with the guy, its not THAT impressive considering the other things he did. i somewhat disagree with OP, dont think its that underrated, i think its rather expected. prepping the W for the slow purely to get the ult of is what is so impressive.
im so lost tho, why are u so mad that someoen points out that prepping Q2 is normal? they even said "not saying its not impressive", and then u come here with the classic "well actually moment"... the fck? XD do u feel amazing chasing these sorts of moments? finding people to flame for having a different opinion?
Honestly, let the Int brothers sit at a low winrate for a while so Riot can gather data on how broken they actually where for a while...
I miss Lethal Tempo but i am also glad it's gone, the rune was way too strong early-on, no matter what.
Now they need to nerf the champions directly.
Starting with Yone E should automatically break and lock him in place if he gets hard Cc'ed while E is active.
And Yasuo should not be allowed to ult off allied knockups and remove the 50% armor penetration on crits completely.
That will be one start.
@@TheCentennial4holy shit you’re not right in the head
@@TheCentennial4 not a good idea
maybe something else might work
@@TheCentennial4 you have a hidden talent for buffing and nerfing, you should keep it hidden tho
@@TheCentennial4 Completely dogshit take, with the amount of CC in the game Yone's E would be literally useless in 9/10 games, and why make Yasuo not R off allies? You exhale bronze energies with these suggestions.
i honestly like the fact that yone/yasuo are nerfed to the ground, the champs have high skill ceiling for sure, but most of the times autoattack+spam Q+lethal tempo wins every matchup
No it doesn't...
@@darkgrundi9543 yes it does
@@needsmoresalt817Wins every matchup? Man the delusion is intense
Ive said it once ive said it twice ,High skill ceiling doesnt equate to high skill floor. Both champs have a brain dead skill floor that is six feet under most other champs in their category
@@marseille1196 he is silver, let him cope.
balance 2 champs around reworked rune --> remove the rune --> act suprise that champions are 45% winrate and blame players for building wrong --> name your company riot games
Phreak being 0Head as always. What a surprise.
When I saw the lethal tempo being deleted I facepalmed so hard. I main yasuo and there is nothing that can compensate the lack of Q cooldowns
Looks like Yone players can't stand 1 patch without their champion being turbo broken
silver player detected
@@pathetic9869 your name says it all
ur wrong @pathetic its actually an iron player
Yone players sobbing when they can't hit their level 1 powerspike
@@niels64545 and your lack of father figure says more
Yone mains complaining that their champ isn't meta for the first time since it's release... Peak.
Meanwhile i cant even get a visual update on my boi jaravn 😢
Yone isn't meta for months, Yasuo isn't for 3 years.
since when was yone meta lmao
@@flamechicken415tell me you are delu without telling me you are delu
Yone has never been meta, bronze shitter talking like he has been
Wow, first good choice the balance team made since they removed stridebreaker dash.
I wish nothing but to best to all Yone mains, may you all keep yourselves safe.
yone isnt super broken anymore and you cant just AA enemies without using Q so it dropped ofc
i’m sure you think trundle and tryndamere are broken too bro
@@chokonnit7337 trundle and trynda are made to be stat checkers, litterally. Yone was marketed as a assasin skirmisher with high skill celling, but became just stat checker with insane cc and mobility. If you look at those same trynda and trundle, they have only slows, with trynds being conditional so he gets dash, while yone had q3, e and ult to gap close, while dealing physichal, magic, true, physichal max Hp dmg, magic max Hp dmg. So yea, there is a world of difference between those champs. His e is also a cleanse that removes even ignite if timed well. On top of all that, he gets haste from as. SO, unlike trynd or trundle, where you can at least stack armor and lower their pressure, you cant build against Yone. these nerfs were long time coming, after all only reason champ doesnt have high winnrate is becouse he has insanely big playrate.
@@markomuric1221 trynda is not a stat checker. you don’t win against him with better or worse stats. you don’t know what you are talking about.
trundle is a stat checker, but he’s not meant to be fighting. he is meant to just split push and be an annoyance.
yone was a stat checker with lethal tempo, and it was removed to improve the health of the game. they should also remove his crit multiplier and raise his other stats to encourage being a top bruiser instead of a mid assassin.
yone deals almost no magic damage. the magic damage is there more for his character than his gameplay. and the true damage is just an amplification of his physical damage, it’s not real true damage it’s just a delayed damage boost. you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@chokonnit7337 Before I say anything I mean no offense, but...
what is trynd if not a stat cheker? aside from his e he just walks up to you and aa to death, but unlike master who has to use his q to avoid critical abilities, trynd can just say no to death for 5 secs. also he is a splitpusher like trundle and nasus, who are, shocker; statchekers!
As far as yone dealing mostly physical dmg, you are right. He does mostly physical, but he has magic dmg, and not in some small amount that you can ignore. Also his passive makes that building ad gives him magic dmg. His w has equal split of physical and magic max hp dmg, his ult deals equal magic and physical dmg. Trying to deny that while it is both in game and on lol wikki. His e is better death mark that makes figting him pointless unless you can chain cc him like old ryze. You cant even run from him since he gets ramping ms.
He is fundamentaly a flawed design. He is skirmisher and assasin while lacking weaknesses of either. He has burst, not like talon or qiyana, but double crit is no joke. But unlike assasins he has no downtime (Period when champ cant realy interact with opponent) , since he is also skirmisher, a class known for their sustained dps, que, fiora, jax, etc. skirmishers are weak in teamfights since they are single target. Yones abilities are all aoe. Assasins are weak against tanks since they can survive their burst and cc them. Yone shreds through tanks like they are nothing. I recently had a game where I was malph, 5k hp, 700 armor (400 without shield) and 250 mr. Yone cut through me in 8 secs, and he wasnt even fed, I also slowed his as by 50 %.
so tell me please, where am I wrong? I am open to flaws in my deduction
@@chokonnit7337 he's just an avg silver/gold pisslow player who has no clue how the champ actually works, dont mind him
Honestly i like the change. I missed old yas and yone where i actualy could take other keystones and build paths. LT was too good but protected bad yas and yone players from mistakes. E rush atkspeed actually back. Bork rush, phantom rush, etc. All builds i miss
They just returning to normal tbh. Ive had a lot of fun on yas this season already
dzukill experiencing what it's like to say anything as an adc main.
While playing a champion that gets compensation buffs after getting the adc items nerfed for actual adcs
I mean the windshitters are basically overloaded melee adcs so it checks out.
@@swolegolisopod7340 Yeah. All crit items were nerfed to 20% crit long ago mainly because of Yone and Yasuo and their passive that doubles all sources of crit chance, which nerfed ADC way more than either of them, but if you said anything, you got called a crybaby. Then lethal tempo gets nerfed because it's way more valuable on them than any adc, and again, if you said anything, you got called a crybaby. Then lethal tempo gets removed because it's too much for the balance team to handle and NOW yone/yas mains are crying and thinking they're justified. All they've done is get ADC items nerfed for 90% of their champs lifespan and now the first nerf that actually affects them in a major way makes them think they can cry on twitter and get sympathy.
@superlad6684 I think the 20% (and reduced crit damage because why the fuck not) wasn't just because of yasuo/yone but riot absolutely gave them buffs like crit overcap turning into ad and 2.5x crit chance so they could be 100% at 2 items again. Then a bunch of melee champs got shieldbow gutted and got compensation buffs. Then a bunch of melee champs got essence reaver nerfed and got compensation buffs. Allthe while they told adc players to just suck it up because "adc player bad". Now that they're finally getting their just desserts they don't get to cry about anything.
It's fucking hilarious when their broken op champion is not broken op for 5 minutes and they are already crying
I don't think this is a hot take, but I don't agree with Phreak here. Crit champions in general lost a lot of rush items, and their current rush items tend to have big trade-offs. That's fine, but it does hit Yas/Yone pretty hard. I don't think big buffs are needed, probably just small adjustments if the winrates stay low.
I'm happy tempo is gone tho, even tho I play the windshitters a bit. That rune was so toxic on them, and especially on Yone with his E.
Bro just play safe and wait for 2 items 100% crit power spike
They dont deserved buffs, they're two of the most played heroes in the game, people pick them without even knowing what their abilities do; champions like that should not have a wr of/higher than 50%
That's the main thing I hated about both of them. They had big powerspikes on each buy, it seemed. Boots, huge buy, long dagger with critcloak or Recurve Bow, also huge buy. And look at Yone he could rush Botrk, Irelia style, and be decently strong, but unlike Irelia he scaled a lot better into late game.
@@hatsunemei3106 they are 45-46%, and that even in challanger... and i promise u they know what they are doing...
Tbh my only problem is that there isn't rly an item that gives AS, AD and Crit like old Kraken did
To jump on the Yone/Yasuo build discussion - T2 boots + zeal used to be something that was built on mid Yone but back then mages got ~50-60% of the AP they do now and no overloaded passives on items. Top lane is even worse because tabi's are cheaper now and with the proposed zeal item rush you will end up spending double the gold just to be weaker(BF sword rush still loses to tabi's). You're essentially forced to rush bork or you can't play the game for first 25 minutes but rushing bork means you delay your items for another 10 minutes. Riot's take on this is hot garbage and they deserve to be flamed.
Lethal was so prevalent on the windshitters that now, without it people aren't able to cheese it in early to mid laning phase when supposedly, their main weakness lies in their early game.
the actual main weakness of Yasuo is his lategame. Because he is a melee adc, he gets shit on if not massively ahead. Now with lethal tempo gone he can't get ahead anymore thus making the champ unplayable against anyone who has hands. Yone is not as bad in the lategame, but his problem is similar where he gets shit on by every Bruiser even before lethal tempo got removed, but without a windwall to compensate against ranged champs he can't be played bot, thus he needs to snowball against mid mages, who got a massive buff this patch and thus his only good matchups are terrible now making the champ useless against anyone with hands.
@@darkgrundi9543 yasuo can still win early, it's why his wr fell less. However yasuo isn't actually a bad late game champion. He's just not as good late as early.
@@darkgrundi9543anyone who has hands: "I stayed away from the wave for 5 minutes"
@@darkgrundi9543 u know back in the day when lethal tempo was not as strong ys n yone can still be played why not now just test a couple of week there are many champion that is weak but didnt get buff did their main cry about it no they just play n try to find the optimal way to play the champion
@@FrostFinal You mean before they reworked the items like 5 times and adjusted hundreds of numbers in between than and now? Think about it very slowly.
@5:37 Also wanted to note that the flash is to redirect the extended camille E range that you get when targeting a champion Sanchovies has a short about the play that's very insightful
yeah I'mma be honest, idc if yone is "weak", I want him to be nerfed to 45% winrate if possible
And even if he was I'll still play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster cuz he's the entire reason I even started playing LoL, cuz I thought Yone is rly cool
Yone was already 48% and in a decent spot, slightly weak, but good in the right hands, I knew that this patch he'd be shit without any compensatory buffs, it's not just lethal tempo removal, though that's big, but also removing crit on his best first item (kraken) and also PD being terrible, it's too much AS 0 AD now, I know all the 5 iq bronze players are rejoicing because yasuo/yone are so weak rn and they can win matchups that they usually lose, instead of just learning to play against the matchups, both champions have plenty of counterplay, I'm tired of getting hate for just playing the game
The one that was blindsided was T1 they were definitely eyeing for that Camille since they thought Bin would go with TF.
0:27 SUPPOSEDLY, this the problem with Riot executives and Vastyan, Vastyan require being ugly since they use animalistic looks onto something human or are just animals with human qualities.
Rengar is one But others like Xayah fail to express this idea because in character they have control into what they can morph, she despises humans or well noxians more so and revolves around death, for some reason the rioters weren't allowed to let her be ugly with Raven for a head despite the fact her basically husband is best suited for it, Due to that it makes Xayah look so much worse, Ahri not being intersting as aside from somer flaws that ruined king fixed, She does fit looking the most human similar to Rakan, But since lots of them aren't allowed to look more like Rengar it leads to the species being forgotten about.
Sett is the worst example as atleast Xayah has the bird attachments and she shouldn't have ears on her head because she's a bird, Rakan might use it for cuteness but her again She wants to kill and just kill her enemies. Sett just has some stupid Catboy ears and No scars, Despite being a Staidum warrrior who had to Overcoming a good bit of bullying and suffering from Noxus he has no showing of any of that so he looks like a poser, I agree with Tbskyen's suggesting of atleast adding a tail to better express his other half as all really people see is a HUman with cat ears.
So for this new champion the leaked splashart isn't giving me hopes as 1. her facial structure is having the LOL women problem of not being allowed to be unique so it just looks like, ashe, Camille,Irelia,lux, Ahri, and so on. 2. the head doesn't show ANY vastyan traits to express that, so I hope the rest of her Body Finally adds something intersting to that bland chroma of a head of hers.
I definitely agree that Yasuo and Yone don't have good builds/runes right now BUT I DON'T CARE they gotta pay for their sins couple weeks and then hopefully riot makes them real champions again
Same because I play a lot of control mages and these two champions are the bane of my existence.
So playing the champion that LITERALLY IS THE ONLY REASON I PLAY LEAGUE is a sin? Just because I LOVE Yone's lore, his desing and think his moves are goddamn epic and play him bc of that I was sinning? And I'm not even complaining about the changes, the ONLY thing I am kinda bummed about is that there's not rly an item with AD, Crit and AS since that is what Yone needs at the beginning but I'll just get used to it bc IDC about how strong or weak he is, I like him bc of his design, his lore and his epic moves.
I'm crying over all these pisslow comments. The thing is, yone/yasuo players know how disgusting it is to play them now but others that used to get shit on by them are just provoking. They were pretty strong and lethal tempo removal is good. The problem is yone/yasuo are not supposed to be adc's and can't wait for 3 items to start having an impact in game. These items are retarded. Ofc support items buffed, tanks buffed. The less skill it takes, the stronger it is. That's what this game is all about now.
>be a champ that has to crit
>crit item rework
>have your unbalanced keystone removed
>less than a week to search for new build path
>"guys my champ is so weak its not like everything around it fundamentally changed or anything"
That's why all the adcs are at 45% winrate too right? Oh Jinx at 51% winrate with 35% pickrate? She suffered so much from that lethal tempo removal man. Corki at 48% after his whole identity got changed? Clearly underperforming we need to insta hotfix buff him.
@@darkgrundi9543 i cant even tell if you're advocating for or against yone yasuo at this point tbh
jinx and other ADCs could always run runes other than LT to similar strength, the brothers could not. LT was fundamentally stronger on yone yasuo than any other champion in the game.
jinx and other ADCs could always wait to get 3-4 items before they did anything, the brothers had to spike at 2 (or just boots i guess)
yone yasuo has some of the most complicated build optimizations paths even pre-item rework, and now the players have to figure it out again.
yone yasuo are definitely weak, im just clowning on the players reaction to their champ being weak for the first time ever since the previous crit rework
@@darkgrundi9543 all adcs aren't at 45% wr though. Many are liking the new crit items. It's just it does push them back to older seasons without the items that gave everything we needed with the first item so the scaling in slowed and you can't fight as much early other than against your lane opponents.
the thing that make most attack speed crit adc suck is the build path not the rune at the moment.
@@darkgrundi9543 Brother Corki is insanely strong right now lmfao
Oh no, Yone is weak?! Good riddance, I say. I don't hate him because he's strong; I know he's not. No, I hate him because of how much getting knocked up 69 times in a single fight annoys me. (I'd still let him knock me up) I hate him because of how safe his tethered trading pattern is. (I want to feel safe in his arms) I hate him because he can miss every ability and still right click me into submission. (I've been so naughty, I need him to punish me)
People saying that no one knows how to make a build is stupid cuz every main item for yasuo/yone got changed (mostly negatively for them) crit increase doesnt even mean anyting to the cuz they got %100 crit 2 item anyway. They are the sole losers of this patch.
Kinda, but at least I don't get called as many slurs when playing Yone now. And I get to ignore unit collisions cuz I build PD first item and the passive ghost can rly save me *ESPECIALLY SINCE MY OWN MINIONS USED BLOCK MY WAY TO MY TURRET AT LEAST TWICE PER MATCH SO I DIE*
Not all champions need to be good all the time Yasuo and Yone have been on a good spot for years. Remove them from the Spotlight a bit
Azir and Ryze mantain piss low WR all the time and anytime they get barely decent they get nerfed. So yeah, Yone and Yasuo players can cope at least for a while
The only reason the winrate is so low is because Yone players just arent used to not having 2.5 attack speed for free level 1. They'll cry for buffs, learn how to play him without Lethal tempo, and then he'll be busted again. Lets just hope Riot stays strong on not buffing the two.
yeah true before lehal tempo existed they were fine , but lethal tempo was so busted on them ppl got used to it
Jesus christ thank god some people realize this. They are NOT champs that are supposed to be comfortably around 50%, that really was just because of their unique lethal tempo interaction that should have just been patched out. Fleet procs on Yone Q3; between that, new absorb life rune, resolve secondary, Dshield, good luck ever moving him out of lane. Also not like he isn't perfectly fine with Conqueror or even PTA too for quick E+Q3 trades(almost like he did before tempo was added). Oh and btw, he still 1 shots everything with items; these champs were designed before that rune ever existed.
Before Lehtal there were many items that had attack speed and ad. Now u have shit runes and shit items. But yeah just proof the point people made in the Video@@firstbloodexodius8281
@@AzureBarragewhy would anyone go absorb life over triumph, triumph heals too and gives gold
@@excederal9092 Because it doesn't apply any effects in the laning phase, when you need sustain the most.
it's fun how ppl are happy when yas and yone are legit dogshit now even when they were doing bad those ppl were praying for nerfs while there are legit cancer broken champs like renekton/aatrox/camille and skarner but vars and reddit nation knows better
While I agree that telling a Yas/Yone main to "adapt" or "change build" is dumb I must also put an emphasis on : get karma'd, you champs were busted for far too long you should be glad they only dropped to 46% and not lower.
Yone sure, but do you really think yasuo was op previos patch or the one beafore that or the one beafore that...
Adc mains had to adapt after their items and runes got nerfed because of yone and yasuo, while they still got compensatory buff because god forbid having yasuo and yone weak for more than one patch
@@pamelotms5867 yeah Yasuo wasnt busted since mythic items were removed. Still could be strong while played by Yasuo mains, since champ is actually hard to play, unlike Yone, zero sympathy to Yone mains.
Man, I just wanna play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster, I just think he's rly cool... and I like swords... AND HE'S THE ENTIRE REASON I EVEN STARTED PLAYING LoL, BC HE WAS FEATURED IN ANOTHER GAME and I thought "Hmm, he looks cool, where's he from, lemme try him in his og Game"
I started playing Yone about 2 weeks ago when he wasn't great to begin with. As a control mage main I know how painful he is to play against. As someone who has played Lissandra for 5 years, I know what it feels like to play a shit champ. As someone whose first main was Kalista and I watched her go from gamebreakingly busted to an utter dogshit troll pick, I don't think any champion deserves that.
It's not a competition, just because I want Yone to be viable again doesn't mean I don't care about the others, and the solution isn't to nerf him to death, it's to also buff the others that are weak. This bitterness is dumb, Yas and Yone mains are allowed to complain and [insert bad champion here] mains are allowed to complain too. The champions' state are not the fault of the players and attacking them is childish. Karma for what? Picking a champion? No one deserves to feel like shit.
The Yone/Yasuo mains bitching is wild considering Smolder lost his actual build lol.
Those two champions still function. Smolder on the otherhand is nearing 40% WR, even after his 'hotfix buffs'. What a delusional player base, Yone/Yasuo players are. Mad that they aren't being handheld by an absurdly broken rune anymore.
honestly, I think its ok that YOne and Yasou are bad champs for one. there are other champs which dont get a buff for months even if they are bad. I understand that freak might be a little disrespectful but I think its a little to early to wine about the state of Yone/Yas.
Most sane emerald 4 take lul
Yea they need to let the changes settle then rework their kits a bit, especially yone. Then they can buff them with the reworks once they remove or reduce the unhealthy parts of their kits.
@@nfzeta128Yep. Let's start with:
If Yone gets hard CC'ed while E is active, the E breaks and he is locked in place.
Yasuo should not be allowed to ult off allied knockups, especially for an ultimate that has a 20 second cooldown.
@@TheCentennial4 I don't even agree with breaking e. If anything just make the base duration 3 seconds from 5 seconds. Then have it be extended by 1 sec for each q you hit during that duration to a max of 5 or maybe even 6.
Next. Make it so W only gives shield if you hit at least one CHAMPION, not one ENEMY. They can compensation buff after if needed.
Yasuo HAS to ult of ally knockups. If anything they can remove smaller displacements but even that seems unnecessary. If you really need to adjust it just reduce the range at which he can ult from ally knockups, so he actually has to be closer.
@@TheCentennial4bro has hidden talent with balancing... keep it hidden 😁
yone should stay weak for another patch i dont even play league but i think a patch or two of weakness is fine
if u look at how long hes stayed strong and annoying
People really act like that Camille combo is some "next level mechanics", when in reality anybody, who knows how Camille works can do that.
It's only impressive to people who don't play that champ.
ikr any camille main from plat upwards can do this combo very consistently
Just a slight correction on Bin's combo at the end there; After getting combo'd by naut taliyah, Bin Q1'd Herald to get the MS and prep his Q3 for when he lands on faker. After prepping Q1 he E1's the wall and after a short delay casts his W. Upon being pulled to the wall with his E1 and his W animation still casting, Bin flashes over the wall as his W sweep is about to finish its cast so it'll be in range to hit and slow faker. After all that he casts E2 since Camille is able to E-E-Flash OR E-Flash-E (what he used here) to get into range to ult faker.
The way you had worded it was how it would have been had he done e-w-e2-flash-r but instead his combo was e-w-flash-e2-r. Regardless of that, fantastic video as per usual.
They are right abt yone lmao in lolalytics Yone has a 54% wr building Beserker's to Bork to IE and a 47% and 49% wr Building Beserker's into bork into kraken slayer or Shieldbow respectively. Buffs unneeded yone will be broken asf till the next patch (also dont build pd on him especially as a second item IE is just better) lastly it seems fleet footwork is his best rune
the playstyle is also different. No more level 3 all ins, you actually should be using trades and playing around fleet healing.
@@nfzeta128now You have to use the brain
I mean, they should let them be at this state for a month or so and see what happens, instead of rushing buffs
Have you tried linking the sources of the stuff you use in your video?
They should make that Lux laser beam a game mode to dodge. Seems fun even to me.
Google search lol dodge game
I basically commented on every Comment about Yone and I feel like summing it up rn
So, some people say that "Yone players deserve it" bc they play a broken champ. Well, I play Yone not bc he's broken, even if it was the worst champ ingame, I'd still play him. And that's because he is LITERALLY THE REASON I even started playing LoL. Yone was featured in another game I played and I was like "Hmm, this guy is rly cool, I wanna see what he's like in the game he's from." I also just rly love his lore and desing, as well as I think that his moves are just SOOOO epic. Is that really so wrong to play the character you just absolutely LOVE? The character that literally INTRODUCED YOU to the game?
Next, I ain't even complaining about the changes, legit the only thing I'm kinda bummed about, is that there is no Item with AD, As and Crit since all 3 are VERY important for Yone early, but I've accepted I just gotta get used to it. Everything else, sure, I'll try new runes, I'll try new builds, I'll try to make my Yone work, it's actually a nice little challenge for myself, finding out what I can build to get decent results.
Laslty, hate on me, or think that I'm not "based" bc I play Yone, it won't make me like Yone less. If you hate Yone so much, just BAN him, it's not that hard. You don't gotta call me slurs for playing him, I just rly like him, jesus christ. Anyways, have a good day.
Edit: I just spaced it differently so it's better to read
Honestly they need to leave Yasuo and Yone untouched for a month or two for Yas/Yone players to figure out how to play the lane normally again. Don't forget, they were still playable and relatively viable before Lethal Tempo just not lane bullies. The winrate will stabilize soon enough and then we can make accurate judgements on how to balance the two without Lethal Tempo being their greatest shareholder in the power budget.
you’re not real. the reason why they are doing so bad is because of the item changes not coming with access to crit/and or attack speed. not lethal tempo 😂
@@Aezixx every zeal item is crit and attack speed
@@Aezixx If Lethal Tempo was around you could just rush an AD crit item without worrying about the AS because you could just make up for it by hitting a rock twice. You're not wrong about the item changes gutting the two but not nearly as much as Lethal Tempo's removal did.
Yo i dont play league that much but from what im seeing about phreak is that he should either not be in his position on the riot team or just not have social media because the shit that he says must make the hr team at riot go nuts.
Yi's winrate dropped from 51.3 % to 46.8 % over the past 4 patches.
"you can type, y'know. you can type Karthus Ult."
Riot chinese tiktok guy is on point man.
Also, building zerks first on Yasuo/Yone has been meta for years. I don't see why that would change now.
Also that Karthus clip hurts my soul man. It's pathetic that people can't be mature enough with basic communication to the point that Riot felt the need to remove pings.
Or, since there's multiple mute buttons, this is just treating players like babies
Zerks was always the rush yes, but following it with IE is braindead
how do you turn this around on the players haha dumb af
zerks on 90% of adc's as well
people that go slightly magical as adc... Dont play adc please thank you
@@kaydenvortex1984 ???
With how strong the first item rush on ADC is (and most of them needs a BF) biscuits+magical as secondary tree is the best way to sustain in lane. The few exceptions are Jinx/Cait/Jhin (for focus+storm as they can abuse the extra range / celerity+storm for jhin insane ms boost) and ashe (biscuits+velocity is a nobrainer).
Thanks for all you do for the league community. This might be the last vid I watch, can’t run Vanguard on my PC so I can’t play League anymore.
Tragic. Even Thor (The owner of the channel Pirate Software) talked about how Vanguard isn't required for LoL and that it's not a good idea
@@Olenderman Big fan of his, love all the good stuff he does for the gaming and game dev community. Hard agree, and they don't even require it on MacOS. Crazy how that works...
@@fireflyslight8155 nice, Thor is just a rly chill and cool guy, and I also like his content a lot. Good seeing a fellow Pirate Software enjoyer
With the removal of the tenacity in-slot runes and the nerfs to sudden impact, we’ve also seen Katarina mains (usually OTP champ) lower winrate down to 46% too, also a D tier laner.
That really sucks too, is her wr also that tanked in masters+?
removing lethal tempo was definitely a big change but the items definitely made the wind brothers winrates plummet into the ground. they dont have the same 1st item powerspike like they did before with old shieldbow and kraken. bork did get a buff for early game but its not an ideal item and doesnt necessarily work in every situation. rune wise pta and conq can still work but the item choices are abysmal
Because champs designed around scaling shouldn't be able to oneshot at 3 minutes.
@@petrri323yasuo atleast doesnt scale at all atm.
funny how they cry about something that was totally unfair and unbalance ( lethal temp on yone yasuo) now they have to think before trying to trade or just go in with no brain and reach 1.56 as at lvl 1 :D, always knew they where inflated champ with lethal now they seems more " normal" deal with it
The problem is not even lethal tempo, they're fine without it. The real problem is there's no actually good builds for both champions specially Yone, Yasuo you can rush PD it's not bad, but PD is really bad on Yone he doesn't need the movement speed
@@kauanjos3199 boohoo my champion cant run down others from the start of the game anymore i have to farm and get items for my powerspike what is this boohoo
@@kauanjos3199pd rush on yone is literally 0 damage, maybe it’s time for on hit tank yone
it was more unfair on trynd, jax and trundle while those champs can live without it, especially Jax, cause he has a different attack pattern with his Grasp playstyle. Meanwhile Yas and Yone were nerfed to death because of lethal tempo and now they lost their whole power in the early to midgame, while both adcs and mages (most matchups they face) are clearly better than last patch.
@@darkgrundi9543So? Dogs couldn't elo inflate and win every pro play game by picking Yasuo and Yone. Watch the MSI final today, the first 2 games that they won were due to Yone being broken alone, he has LT and 2 lifesteal items and they couldn't kill him while he right clicks.
Yasuo/Yone mains complained because their champion winrate dropped to around 47% on all rank, meanwhile Smolder winrate went into the gutter at 44% (43% before the recent hp buff). Get in line buddy Ksante and Smolder are sitting at 43-44% winrate, they are the one who needed a buff. Stop whinning, play under tower and scale like the rest of hyperscaling champ.
"Noooo I can't just right click on people and auto them to death anymore!! My champ is weak >:(!! My Q doesn't crit for 500 damage anymore and I don't get bonus range for doing nothing anymore either!!!" - Yone & Yasuo players.
so you says the best yone eu is wrong tho he plays the champ literaly perfectly and can't climb ?
Wanted write the same. Finally healthy rank climb.
@@raidenfloureal2457 inflated plus he got used to his champ being easy so now he struggles lmao
yasuo hasn't been above c tier in top or mid for like 3 seasons lol
@@raidenfloureal2457Being the number one yone should be considered an insult. That champion is stupid broken and I bet the nerfs won't hold him back for long
Yasuo did plenty fine even before the existence of lethal tempo, so im kinda gonna lean on the fact this is definitely more a some people are so used to using something and had such a negative mentality towards the change b4 it happened theyre not performing well post the change. I would absolutely suggest changing your build path around or even practicing how other runes work in different matchups because as much as it sucks tempo was overwhelmingly strong, so it being removed was a good step in the right direction. Yone and yasuo lovers will definitely need to adapt to the changes in order to find their footing again complaining about it is less energy used towards improving how you play without it.
Funny how the whole comment section is riddled with braindead comments such as this. Cant blame riot making bad decision when they have to listen to the demands of mentally challenged people to appease them.
I actualy like playing without tempo. That is not the issue the issue is that there are semingly no good builds due to the fact that no crit items give as and ad.
the complaints are because there is no viable build path, because they legit need zeal to exist which means they need to spend 1.1k gold before building ie, botrk etc.
@@armin7321 Exactly.
Dear Karthus, I hope this finds you before I do...
ill take the ksante buffs in trade for yone finally being weak for once
if you're a good yone\yasuo players you will perform well despite of removal of LT, other will whine alot cuz they're now can't spam Q with boots + dagger.
As for Yone, i want to quote a little movie
So, what do I deserve for playing Yone? His builds getting nerfed/his first item choice being VERY unclear? And why do I deserve it? Because I play the champ that literally got me into League? Because I play the champ that I just love the lore and design of? Who I just think the moves are really epic? I've never cared about how strong or weak Yone is, I just like him, his lore, his design and his moves. So I deserve having to do astrophysics to calculate what I can build first, just because you (and ig quite... A LOT of others) dislike my favorite champion?
@@Olenderman pretty much yeah. cool if you like him visually, but he is extremly unfun and unfair to play against, so seeing him less is a win
@@darksableye tbh, if Yone gets picked and I have to play against him, I'm having MUCH, MUCH more fun than playing vs
- Fizz
- Akali
- Shaco
- Irelia
- Gangplank
- Garen
- Trundle
- Tryndamere
- Amumu
- Dr Mundo
- Evelynn
- Teemo
- Heimerdinger
- Lux
And these were just some examples. I could list a LOT more. Ig that's bc I understand Yone and know what I should and should not do and if you hate a champ THIS much, then inform yourself about him, like I DESPISE Akali, I hate that champion SO GODDAMN much, but I regularly go to LoL wiki and look at her moves and what their weaknesses are. Same for some other champs but Akali is the main example
Ill admit I play a lot of yone, one of the 3 characters I play, but im kinda fine with him being not too strong, yas on the other has been consistently pretty bad for awhile, too reliant on team knockups to be useful, if you have 0 knockups on your team the champ becames so much more difficult and in some scenarios pretty worthless. Not only did they remove tempo which was their best rune, but the item builds now are just awkward. if you go zerk into kraken you dont get crit, if you go zerk into IE you dont max Q cd. The build that good players are going right now are zerk sitting on zeal into kraken -> pd -> ie, but then you spend so much gold on comps and delay first item spike so hard, where as old kraken was massive now you are delayed an extra zeal of gold for a marginally weaker item than what it was previously
i think the win rate of yasuo and yone going down is because the playstyle without lethal tempo needs to be changed and it's hard to break old habits. Before you could miss everything and still win, now you actually have to land your abilities which is what's leading to the malding and the loses.
Exactly. Yone and Yasuo players were abusing that rune so they got higher ranks than deserved. Now, when they have to actually use brain, they are not doing well. When they will derank it will hit ~50% winrate eventually.
@@konradnowak159 i guess the best solo queue Yone player is just boosted then. Unlucky.
@@darkgrundi9543 the boosted applied to all players playing them with the old runes.
Yes challenger top 10 and rank 1 yone in the EU misses everything and wins. You know better i guess being probably in silver :/
Yes the rank 1 yone EUW is just boosted. You drool over your keyboard in silver but u know better about the champs for sure.
Crazy how these bullshid champs were winrate inflated by this trash rune. Thank god its gone.
yone and yasuo both need a crit item as a first item and their onli spyke crit item is IE who cost 3400 , 3400 as a first item top lane is way too much so basically they both are being lane bullied until 10 -15 min thats the amount of time you need to get 3400 gold top lane if you have to play slow wich you are forced to do in this meta . IN MY OPINION don't change the runs onli for these 2 that would be favoritism , don't change the IE price bcs adc would take too much advantage out of it , buff their crit ratio mulitplier so that they can have 50 crit rate with just the cloak so they still need 2 crit item to get 100 crit but they can also have 50 crit chance at least before 20 min.
so two cloaks with 1200 gold is 100% crit???? Sure they wont have damadge but dude everyone else still needs to spend like 10 to 12k gold for that so its is not fair. I would say maske it that one cloak is 30 or 25% crit and give them some attack speed when they do crit. but then also make it that the attack speed gets lower the higher the level or make them have a lower cap for it so they dont mashine gun aa you away.
lot of yapping here
@@meowgumin344 So be brain rot instead then.
@@blueavalon1342yone and yasuo for 7.8 k golds get around 220 ad depends of level , 50 crit chances , and around 1.40 attack speed , if you buy IE BOTRK and boots wich is the build top most of the time , now lets take champs who do well in lets say master bcs it the begun of the split , rumble for exemple has shadow flame liandry and boots for 7.3 k gold , gwen has nash tooth and cosmic drive or riftmaker and boots for 7/7.1 k , tf can have RFC and kraken plus boots for 6.7 k gold . do you understand my point ?
@@meowgumin344 give me real arguments instead of being disrespectful and btw i don't play yone or yasuo so i can't be bias .
God forbid Yasuo and Yone are bad for one patch. Those players should be happy they aren't one-tricking a champ like Orianna who's had a low winrate for ages
Singed win rate being HARD carried by the OTP's, and even in this case hes currently stuck in 48%
@@usarhabilidade2697to be fair if singed came even remotely close to being meta it would be fucking miserable
All I want is to play the Epic Anime Ionian Ghostbuster. Idc how strong or Weak Yone is, I like him bc he has a cool design, cool lore and his moves are pretty epic.
Mage main here (Orianna is one of them). Having a control mage like Orianna is always good to have for her utility, but a 46% wr Yasuo not so much. Orianna is not a carry but Yasuo and Yone are. So yes these changes feel very bad.
Whats wrong with beserks into IE? Especially if it's a more burst oriented matchup (most matchups in mid) it makes sense?
It's more they've gotten accustomed to abusing the early full attack speed and playing the champ at max attack speed CDR from early. It's like they were playing samira or kalista without the clunky early feeling and now don't want to go back. Even if zerks into IE means really good trades during specific windows and good burst.
@@nfzeta128 so basically wind brother players are just used to being spoiled 💀?
@@Mars30999 yep, pretty much.
Yone and yasuo players finally getting eloinflation karma (they are crybabies)
Yasuo and Yone players are the only players that cry and plays the "boohooo everyone hates my champ and wont listen to me! Why is it so hard to understand that Yone/Yasuo should be able to 1v3 while being 1/6 and 2 levels behind because he takes so much more SKILL" *auto auto auto, misses every q, yones spamming W every 3 seconds and still getting a big shield for hitting nothing, yone players using a better zed ultimate on E, not having to participate in resource or real cooldown management, and still kills you.*
The audacity these mains have. Just because Riot kept you in a broken state for so long doesnt mean it was balanced. They were just milking the wind brothers because they are popular in the east and made them a shit load of sales in skins. Like could a yasuo or yone main realize that is 70%+ of the community hates your champion that MAYBE just MAYBE there is a good plausible ground that those players might have a legitimate reason? So wind bros, your champs just have way to much leniency for you guys to fuck up everything and still kill your opponent, and that will NEVER be fun or welcomed in any competitive game. What you guys should be asking is for Riot to do is instead nerf your champs weaknesses a lot more to make them pronounced and easier for a opponent to take advantage of if you do misplay SO THAT WAY you guys can also get some buffs that play to your champs MAIN strength. Pretty sure if we made yasuo and yone more specialized into one facet of the game but excel in it compared to being good everything like they are now that players wouldnt hate them as much.
Adcs when they need to build lethality instead of crit: Buuhuu my class is unplayable, riot pls fix omg wtf waaaaaaaah.
All this yapping and you still don't have a point Imao.
People will hate regardless. That doesn't make Yasuo or Yone any special. People will still find a way to shit on a champion if they got bullied by said champion.
There is no "I'm accepting I lost because I misplayed" in League, the entire game revolves around feeding your ego by making other players miserable. Players complain because they lost, simple as that.
Why do you think even champions like Garen get hate?
post or opgg next time thx, aint noone is reading all that gold hardstuck nonsense. Yone E is not better than Zed R, please dont fucking ever think of having on opinion on game balance.
I see a shredded beefy man under that jacket
just shows how reliant some champs with those runes. Now it exposes their actual skills
Now yone players don't hit their lvl 1 powerspike 😔
I think Phreak might by right on that one, Yasuo and Yone main are downplaying their champion as usual.
lethal tempo got remove and still uses the old build path that rely too much on a rune and you call yourself a high elo? what a joke
You dont understand, the good items that were being built by yasuo and yone are changed a lot, so the only good 1st items dont have crit on them any more like botrk kraken, and also they really got hard nerfed because the only great AS item doesnt have AD anymore which is PD so it feels like they thought of every way so that yone and yasuo cant play, dont get me wrong i hate yone he is really op even now but its over for yasuo, yones kit is too op so it compensates for the nerfs
I think no one is gonna be on yone and yasuo players side first of all cause their reputation and second of all, how bs is yone's e, why is it 6s and not 3 still blows my mind.
yep. It could even be 6 seconds but only if you actually hit qs in duration of e. The fact that's it's unconditional 5-6 seconds from first level is stupid.
3:49 But dont worry guys, Phreak is a HIGH skilled player(totally didnt abuse maokai and refusing to nerf him to hit master) and does his BEST at balancing champions. Thanks "Phreak" 😁😁.
I have been have a lot of success with yone I run conquer absorb life alacrity last stand second wind over growth boots into bork
Phreak try not to be obnoxious challenge: *impossible*
funniest part he types his first R in all chat lmao
me: So what practically saying is your champs are perfectly balanced and need no changes what so ever. Good
the triple H production of the new champion has already begun, i love how fast our community artists work c:
I saw the thumbnail and my heart filled with joy. I'm so happy that finally this champion can't run you down at levels 1-3. God bless the balance team.
Let me make a counter argument so you are saying one of the most skill expressive champion like yasuo is ok to have 50% winrate? Then why are irelia,zed rengar nerfed everytime they get close to 50%? Because ppl that dont know how to play them lower their winrate so you either admit your champion can miss everything and still win or be stuck in the below 50% winrate pit with the rest of high skill floor champs.
Yasuo and Yone were sitting at below 50% winrate for months in solo lanes. Yasuo had his Niche in botlane as a counter pick, but both were already mid at best and players were coping out of their mind that they are broken. Now they are unplayable.
@@darkgrundi9543 Yone jumped ahead many times throughout the seasons since his release. Yasuo is the only one that wasn't usually that high.
"I'm no windshitter expert but that sounds absolutely hot garbage"
I cannot stop laughing XD
In dota you have a commo rose which you can customize and theres this one specific message that says "Zeus ult now!" (Zeus's ult is a global ult same as karthus)
I dont think theyre weak btw im a yone/yasuo main but again i dont
People just lost any skill on them due to that shit rune lethal tempo
Yeah. I played yone with conqueror for a time when lethal tempo existed and the champ felt way more fair to everyone
@@ignacioperez5479 yeah he isnt supposed to be any strong early (maybe a bit so that he can just punish whoever's playing against him but no so strong to beat them without them doing mistakes) and scales well
but instead he lost the aspect of being bad earlygame and lost the aspect of being better than most champs lategame but he could snowball pretty good i guess so they felt as if "that champ is good early and he scales crazy" when in reality he wasnt good lategame
Yone being low winrate ? Enjoy while it last guys (spoiler, it probably won't last long).
Honestly, the only thing that I hate about Yasuo is that the windwall spawns behind him, making him block skillshots he already got hit by.
With no cast time also
Am I missing something on why Phreak got flamed for suggesting greaves rush on Yasuo/Yone? Rushing those has been a thing for years since the Attack Speed is twice as effective on them since it also lowers the CD of their Q along with the spacing being so valuable on them as melee champs. Without Tempo it makes even more sense to want some quick attack speed and sticking power, no?
Wonder if there will be any news regarding the aram ping spikes. I thought it was my internet at first but other players reported the same issues and it only happens in aram queue....
The removal of lethal tempo lowers the skill ceiling for yasuo/yone in the early game. They are balanced around what they can do at full power and it means that they are unplayable for people wanting to learn them if the ceiling is too high. I expect them to raise base damage and maybe lower scaling. They probably wanted to wait for a patch and gather data before doing so. The wind brothers will scale with skill ceiling increasing as the game goes on and will have a more stable early game for the average player but a weaker one for the one tricks. That's probably what they are going for.
Yas and Yone plays are getting the S8 bruiser treatment before we had conqueror
I think yasuo is ok, but yone deserves the yuumi treatment, that champion needs to have 45% wr to be balanced, I cant believe yone mains are crying that they cant kill the enemy mid laner from 2 screens away missing ult, every q killing you just autoatacking and then just come back with no risk, Im glad the bs interaction with lethal tempo is gone, and I still believe his e is busted and needs a rework
It shows in that yasuo isn't hit as hard as yone after the changes. Yasuo is actually an early game champ and the playstyle hasn't changed like Yone's it's just a bit less oppressive because LT still was broken.
everyone talking about yone, but what about evelynn that literally got nerfed 3 tiems a row and get her items always nerfed, shes unplayable in high elo and has under 47% winrate rn xD
I'm with Phreak on that one. Yasuo and Yone might feel weaker early cause LT is gone (so does every adc) but aren't just better at 2 items? Crit items givin 25% means at 2nd crit item they are full build + LT tempo being removed means they may move to Conqueror (wich was the rune to go before LT). I think even without buffs wr% will increase through the patch.