If I had a nickel for every time scooby doo showed up around the same time as the eight legged Chinese man, I’d have 2 nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
I would’ve thought they’d get cancelled with how often they joked about convincing people to hurt themselves while they’re tripping balls 😂 especially since at least 20% of viewers are probably high on something while watching this shit lmao “If you want to stop hallucinating, scoop out your eyeballs” “Put that gun in your mouth scoob”
i LOVE the music cue whenever the 8 legged chinese man is mentioned. reminds me of the movie "the substance". they had a music sting like that every once n awhile and it really elevated any type of fear.
And now for the hypothetical I'm sure you all have been wondering. Would you rather, be 8 legged & Chinese, or lose a leg, possibly lose both your legs? 🕷
Yumi started something unstoppable
Nobody can stop the eight legged Chinese man.
Yumi started it?
@@CJ_Sipehe was the first one to say it yeah they all took it and ran with it and it's a reoccurring bit every once in a while
My friends are annoyed with me because of how much I say “the 8 legged Chinese man.”
@@CJ_Sipe yup a yumi original
You've heard of the 8-legged Chinese man, but have you also heard about the 12-armed Guatemalan dwarf?
What aboot a 2-legged white arabic?
@@justanotherdude_ Blarg?
@@der_Herrscher_der_Welt Have you heard about the 2-eyed white southerner?
@@der_Herrscher_der_Welt How about the 2 eyed red neck?
@@justanotherdude_ a 2 legged racist white Canadian Arabic addicted to minions and gooning?
Possibly my favorite reoccurring Goons bit
It’s definitely mine
Its definitely my favorite too, its so fucking funny each time💀
This became a running joke between me and friends, leading to the creation of my 8 legged Chinese man costume for Halloween
did you make a straw hat and weird mustache too
Can I see?
Post it on r/moongooning
That is perfect lmao
The 8 legged Chinese man is more terrifying than anything Hollywood can come up with
Actually is was a film too difficult and expensive to create, the visuals would've be nuts if it was done
I watched the original footage while uncomfortably high, I don’t think my face ever hurt harder from smiling
1:40 I didn't know McNasty was capable of doing that voice.
The eight legged Chinese man is my favorite reoccurring Goons character next to Ethan
This is the origin of the eight legged Chinese man
The 8 legged Chinese man and his rival the 6 armed Italian man
If I had a nickel for every time scooby doo showed up around the same time as the eight legged Chinese man, I’d have 2 nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
That spider one…low key thought soup was going to cancelled when they said “yellow” 😂😂
I would’ve thought they’d get cancelled with how often they joked about convincing people to hurt themselves while they’re tripping balls 😂 especially since at least 20% of viewers are probably high on something while watching this shit lmao
“If you want to stop hallucinating, scoop out your eyeballs”
“Put that gun in your mouth scoob”
3:47 China did try to invade Vietnam right after Saigon fell.
i LOVE the music cue whenever the 8 legged chinese man is mentioned. reminds me of the movie "the substance". they had a music sting like that every once n awhile and it really elevated any type of fear.
I love that dooo is just always ready to do the noise
5:34 this time stamp is just for me nothing to see here folks
I know yall are busy but I’m looking forward to new gameplay. Need
More 50 cent
me when i want a soda out of the soda machine
me when the parking meter runs out
Ofc Mcnasty is shooting cams on defence lmao 3:05
this might be my favorite bit from soup idk lmao it makes me laugh SO hard
Yumi was the first one to say it unless you mean the first clip
by far one of my favourite reoccurring bits
The 20 armed Arab is at the door
And now for the hypothetical I'm sure you all have been wondering.
Would you rather, be 8 legged & Chinese, or lose a leg, possibly lose both your legs? 🕷
or constantly be sticky/always shit your pants?
The return of the 8 legged chinese man was foretold long ago 😳😱🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵
this exact siege video scared me sober
I miss OG goons gaming tbh
Same they are regurgitating content we all seen dozens of times
@@Solaire_Of_Astora420 Exactly. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve watched an Soup video while eating lol
Rick said the goons are really busy right now. These compilations are to hold us over so the channel has something to watch.
The videos still exist. Go watch em and quit bitching
thats wild they joked about the spider being the 8 legged chinese man then the reporter say they are big yellow and come from asia
Imagine if Hollywood made a horror movie called The Eight Legged Chinese Man 😂
The fact that there is over 11 minutes of eight legged Chinese man lore is just staggering
Back in my day the goons played games like real they/thems
I'm watching this video on a plane. The horror game scene nearly scared me shitless
the original bit genuinely feels like a schizophrenic meltdown especially once scooby doo gets involved
Do you know the 8 legged Chinese man
Someone needs to make an 8 legged Chinese man horror game
im pregnant
Do you feel 8 little kicks?
Hi pregnant, I’m not the dad
By the 8 legged chinese man?
Your baby's the 0 leg white guy
Honestly one of my favorite bits
8 legged chinese man
Come join the 8 Legged Chinese Band 🥁🎹🎺🎸
11:00 what's that song?
I'm pretty sure it's the well known song- *Audio Jungle*
I cant stop watching this
these increasingly got better
I was hoping that was a wendigoon thumbnail 😮💨
Eight Legged Chinese Man funny moments
My favorite bit
This and Moongooning is peak goons
The 8-legged Chinese man
lol i got banned when i referenced this make-believe creature during a live stream
Goons mud snake/mud turkey moments when?
This is a work of art
I love the 8 legged chines man bits.
yumi created a new creepy pasta
My sleep paralysis demon has 8 legs and speaks mandarin
Outro was fire
welp, this was the wrong video to watch while the shrooms are kicking in.
I can’t with this bit it’s way too curse 😂
Drinking game, take a shot every time they say 8, legged, chinese, or man.
I clicked on this video so fast I think I broke my mouse.
8 legged Chinese man moments part 8
yet the man only has 6 in the intro picture.
This is definitely
never clicked on a video faster
Scary goons moments
best movement ever
Oh boy
This guy should do a compilation of Ben moments
Dude what if yumi joined the goons🙏🙏
Yall gotta start playing that new mario party game
Hell yeah
No way
Ruh roh raggy
All imma say, new tattoo idea
Do you hear that?
I'm so disappointed that goons gaming has just become a compilation channel:(
When's 8 legged chinese man merch tho??
Why did yumi even say that
Outlast outlast outLAST (please work)
No no no (please don’t let it work)
my friendings me want the og goons gaming content plssss big mamas plssss I will pay in cowssssss
Oddly enough, I fell in love with a girl because of this bit
Play a game together please
They did. You didn’t see the gameplay?
audio jungle
Da lv 8 chin chin man
What about the 30 fingered Brazilian monk?
Day 212 of asking what the outro song is??
If it is only going to be Senpapii or itsMarno type of content, just rename the Channel already!!
So more gaming videos at all huh🫤
Get over it little guy 👍🏼