They Have Done an Insult to Nature Itself - St. John Chrysostom on Romans

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • A reading of St. John Chrysostom’s fourth homily on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. This is St. John the Golden-mouthed “speaking the truth in love” (Eph 4:15) and echoing the divine Apostle who revealed to him the meaning of his letters (see icon of St. Paul speaking into St. John’s ear).
    St. John addresses verses 26 and 27: “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
    St. John preaches:
    “...having dishonored that which was natural, they ran after that which was contrary to nature. But that which is contrary to nature has in it an irksomeness and displeasingness, so that they could not fairly allege even pleasure. For genuine pleasure is that which is according to nature.”
    “Here in the place of the world he sets the pleasure according to nature, which they would have enjoyed with more sense of security and greater glad-heartedness, and so have been far removed from shameful deeds. But they would not; whence they are quite out of the pale of pardon, and have done an insult to nature itself.”
    “But if you say, and whence came this intensity of lust? It was from the desertion of God: and whence is the desertion of God? From the lawlessness of them that left Him; men with men working that which is unseemly. Do not, he means, because you have heard that they burned, suppose that the evil was only in desire. For the greater part of it came of their luxuriousness, which also kindled into flame their lust. And this is why he did not say being swept along or being overtaken, an expression he uses elsewhere; but what? Working. They made a business of the sin, and not only a business, but even one zealously followed up.”
    “And name what sin you will, none will you mention equal to this lawlessness. And if they that suffer such things perceived them, they would accept ten thousand deaths so they might not suffer this evil…. For I should not only say that you have become a woman, but that you have lost your manhood, and hast neither changed into that nature nor kept that which you had, but you have been a traitor to both of them at once, and deserving both of men and women to be driven out and stoned, as having wronged either sex. And that you may learn what the real force of this is, if any one were to come and assure you that he would make you a dog instead of being a man, would you not flee from him as a plague? But, lo! You have not made yourself a dog out of a man, but an animal more disgraceful than this.”
    “It was meet, that the two should be one, I mean the woman and the man. For the two, it says, shall be one flesh. But this the desire of intercourse effected, and united the sexes to one another. This desire the devil having taken away, and having turned the course thereof into another fashion, he thus sundered the sexes from one another, and made the one to become two parts in opposition to the law of God. For it says, the two shall be one flesh; but he divided the one flesh into two: here then is one war….beside what have been mentioned they also behaved lawlessly against nature itself. For when the Devil saw that this desire it is, principally, which draws the sexes together, he was bent on cutting through the tie, so as to destroy the race, not only by their not copulating lawfully, but also by their being stirred up to war, and in sedition against one another.”
    “Now, that this may not happen, let us keep clear before our eyes the fear of God. For nothing, surely nothing, so ruins a man as to slip from this anchor, as nothing saves so much as continually looking thereto.”
    Read the full text here: www.newadvent....
    The title of this video is a quote from St. John in this homily.
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Комментарии • 463

  • @rcasey81
    @rcasey81 2 года назад +273

    Jesus Christ saved me from Homosexuality on 12/07/2021. He's pouring out his spirit upon those who are lost. God bless

    • @Jeremy-ge6zv
      @Jeremy-ge6zv 2 года назад +16

      Amen 🙏🏼

    • @orthodoxnet9677
      @orthodoxnet9677 2 года назад

      And Christ helps many many others return to the narrow road and find salvation!

    • @davidmaligo5647
      @davidmaligo5647 2 года назад +23

      I know it's hard, but you can do it. Keep resisting the temptations of the devil

    • @alicemeliksetian7981
      @alicemeliksetian7981 2 года назад +2

      🤣🤣🤣so you lovee women now? Yes?

    • @Hecca.
      @Hecca. 2 года назад +4

      Did it hurt when he zapped the gay out of you, Robert?

  • @redeemedzoomer6053
    @redeemedzoomer6053 Год назад +72

    I'm gonna show this to anyone who says "they made the Bible homophobic in 1946"

  • @Marcus-sk2xf
    @Marcus-sk2xf 2 года назад +77

    Imagine hacking the Super Bowl and playing this at half time 😂

    • @medotaku9360
      @medotaku9360 7 месяцев назад +4

      Aptly timed a year later 🤨

  • @lorenzoc.b.9809
    @lorenzoc.b.9809 2 года назад +132

    St. John Chrysostom, pray for those of us who deal with same sex atraction, so we can be faithful by the Grace of Our Lord.

    • @benrositas8068
      @benrositas8068 2 года назад

      What is there to pray for? You destroyed your soul, according to the man with an S and t and a period in front of his name.
      Soul-less b__st__d.

    • @benrositas8068
      @benrositas8068 2 года назад

      Oh, so when a man with an S and a t and period says something in a rambling word salad, everyone has nothing but whole-hearted agreement. But when someone without an S and a t and period in front of their name says THE SAME ----ING THING, albeit much more clearly and concisely, no one has anything to say.
      So that's how it is around here.
      And I say again, despite the hearts and thumbs up your comment has received, there is no point in praying for you because YOU HAVE NO SOUL. You CANNOT be saved. Do you not understand? Are you that delusional in your desperation to avoid the consequences of the truth that you just cannot see that?
      Soul-less b__t--d!

    • @robertjarman4261
      @robertjarman4261 2 года назад +15

      You can't stop someone knocking on your door but you can decide who you will let in.

    • @benrositas8068
      @benrositas8068 2 года назад

      @@robertjarman4261 So you don't need any prayers or intercessions, just make the right choices.
      One wonders why Jesus even bothered with the Passion, since all we needed from jack[axes] like you is a pep talk about good choices!

    • @benrositas8068
      @benrositas8068 2 года назад +2

      So sick of seeing Christians being the absolute WORST source when it comes to learning anything about Christ!

  • @mariorizkallah5383
    @mariorizkallah5383 2 года назад +265

    “You destroy the soul with the body.” Wow…

    • @Alexis2nd
      @Alexis2nd 2 года назад

      Aka mental illness
      Bipolarity etc ...

    • @Im_No_Expert_72
      @Im_No_Expert_72 2 года назад +1

      Hey! 👋😂

    • @tonyfrost6348
      @tonyfrost6348 2 года назад

      Why “wow” to what is an utterly meaningless statement?

    • @Alexis2nd
      @Alexis2nd 2 года назад +11

      @@tonyfrost6348 well proved though...
      Psychiatrists have made a fortune nowadays with bipolar and borderline gay ppl

    • @tonyfrost6348
      @tonyfrost6348 2 года назад

      @@Alexis2nd Can you explain what it is you think is “well proven”? - What you go on to say doesn’t appear to have any relevance to the subject at hand.

  • @regisbergeron5595
    @regisbergeron5595 Год назад +32

    The truth is truly timeless, pray for us st.john chrysostom.

  • @85AngelRogue
    @85AngelRogue 2 года назад +31

    So relevant to todays decay of what we call a society

  • @-kyrieeleison
    @-kyrieeleison 2 года назад +92

    Thank you for this. These are words that I need to hear. Romans 1:18-32 is what started my path back to Christ.
    God bless you for everything you have done.

    • @orthodoxnet9677
      @orthodoxnet9677 2 года назад

      The light of Christ illumines all. Seek the Holy Spirit and desire the Truth, righteousness, and salvation, and He will come abide in you.

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

  • @mrsaturdaynightspecial3055
    @mrsaturdaynightspecial3055 2 года назад +55

    Lord Jesus Christ the son of God have mercy on us.
    All Holy Saint John Chrysostom, please intercede with Christ our God asking great mercy for our souls.

    • @marklar2012
      @marklar2012 3 месяца назад

      Christ does not need helper.

    • @alabamamotionpictureproduc6626
      @alabamamotionpictureproduc6626 3 месяца назад

      ​@@marklar2012nowhere in his comment does it state that Christ needs a helper. OP is simply asking St John to pray for us.

  • @ivygarcia9525
    @ivygarcia9525 2 года назад +70

    Sobering reminder of the temporal nature of the worlds so called "pleasures!" May our loving and merciful God give us eyes to see and ears to hear... and HEED while we still have time. 🙏☦️

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

  • @nageldev
    @nageldev 2 года назад +59

    Such wise and pertinent words for the sickness we see around us today.

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

    • @toufa89
      @toufa89 Год назад +1

      thank you father.

  • @fran2177
    @fran2177 2 года назад +53

    Lord Have Mercy

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

  • @imanqumsieh3711
    @imanqumsieh3711 2 года назад +27

    Lord have mercy 🙏🏻

  • @donnakrauss94
    @donnakrauss94 2 года назад +27

    Lord Have Mercy ☦️

  • @vadermasktruth
    @vadermasktruth 2 года назад +44

    God bless you all, from a Roman Catholic in Detroit!

  • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
    @colmwhateveryoulike3240 2 года назад +47

    That analogy to those who thirst most for water (love, truth, God) being likely to desire to drink even mire/dirty/salt/water (unnatural passions) is so perfectly insightful! And a good manner in which to perceive those who are trapped by sin like this.

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

    • @anahata3478
      @anahata3478 Год назад

      The analogy is stupid, because gay relationships are just as fulfilling as any other form. It's not like there is a shortage of the other sex

    • @matrixnorm6672
      @matrixnorm6672 Год назад

      @@anahata3478 repent asap, you silly sodomite

    • @theeternalempire7235
      @theeternalempire7235 Год назад +6

      @@anahata3478 Perhaps the analogy is not a fault here, but rather your impotence in understanding it accurately

    • @brianhanssens7996
      @brianhanssens7996 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@theeternalempire7235no, it's downright stupid like the majority of his insane rants.

  • @danasmith3288
    @danasmith3288 2 года назад +50

    Thank you. It reminds me of when the Jews stopped their ears when they stoned Stephen. Just as then, when the Truth is spoken, those who hate the Truth are gnashing their teeth and stopping their ears and if they could, would slay the speaker of Truth.

    • @jamesr8584
      @jamesr8584 2 года назад +1

      Most of these people were born this way. They were created this way. Yet, we are expected to find fault with them. Can't accept all that the Church Father's say, we know more today than what they thought was true.

    • @vamheredur413
      @vamheredur413 2 года назад +14

      @@jamesr8584 So you're saying you believe the 'science' that says there are more genders than men and women instead of the Church Fathers which have Christ in them?

    • @josephk4310
      @josephk4310 2 года назад

      @@jamesr8584 It is impossible they were born this way. You are in denial of the work of Satan and the Demons, which do work from a young age to twist natural sexuality, in humans, into that which is demonic and unnatural. Our media aggressively promotes the homosexual way. Did you believe in evolution deny God's Word? Under those conditions Satan has a right and so do his demons to twist the person's sexuality. I know what it feels like to have my sexuality twisted. I also know we have to come back to the scriptures and simply obey God. And deny our feelings for our fleshly feelings will make us go astray. Those who walk according to the flesh will perish but those who walk according to the Holy Spirit will attain unto Eternal Life.

    • @-kyrieeleison
      @-kyrieeleison 2 года назад

      @@jamesr8584 Certainly the church fathers do not have all the scientific information that we have today, but they are more spiritually awake than any of us, and as a man that struggles with same-sex attraction I can plainly state that what St. John Chrysostom speaks is the truth.

    • @costakeith9048
      @costakeith9048 2 года назад +12

      @@jamesr8584 Such arrogance, you have just demonstrated yourself to be the epitome of ignorance, you know absolutely nothing and yet claim greater knowledge than the saints? You confuse pride with wisdom.

  • @anselwalls3293
    @anselwalls3293 2 года назад +26

    Very good video! May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us!

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali 2 года назад

      The MOST IMPORTANT question of our lives is: Where do we go after death? Well, there are only two ways: HEAVEN OR HELL!!!
      This is the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST:
      Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. YOUR part is to REPENT of your sins and trust HIM!!! But, you MUST trust the JESUS ​​of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because if you don't, you will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and trust the RIGHT JESUS ​​TODAY and God will save you. He will grant you ETERNAL LIFE, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life for FREE!!! THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. DO IT TODAY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

  • @jamesgardner9583
    @jamesgardner9583 2 года назад +22

    Good job son 👏 Absolute TRUTH 💯... BROTHER JAMES 🙏🦉

  • @sarak6860
    @sarak6860 2 года назад +7

    I am very happy to learn the words of this incredibly spiritual Saint. Thank you.

  • @madmartigan1634
    @madmartigan1634 3 месяца назад +3

    This is the most savage take down I've ever heard.

  • @aide-toietlecieltaidera3724
    @aide-toietlecieltaidera3724 2 года назад +20

    Great 🙏

  • @christophersnedeker
    @christophersnedeker Год назад +7

    "For even if there were no hell, no threat of punishment, this were worse than any punishment", couldn't have said it better myself, could be said of any sin.

  • @jeffreybaier5312
    @jeffreybaier5312 2 года назад +17

    My grandmother couldn't understand why I wasn't married by 23. She thought I was gay, no I'm not, it's just that most of these women were either alcoholics, using drugs or already been with numerous men. No thanks I was working full time and putting myself through college

    • @jeffreybaier5312
      @jeffreybaier5312 2 года назад +8

      @Yianni Biris I've had many opportunities to marry the wrong person, don't do it. Stay in prayer and don't worry. Live your life to the fullest because it's a wonderful gift from God. It took me awhile to figure out God was only protecting me. If it isn't till death due us part , it's not what God wants for you. I've had many friends with several divorces and lives ruined, including their wives. God be with you.

  • @EastCoastGal66
    @EastCoastGal66 2 года назад +14

    Glory to Jesus Christ, The Lord! He is the TRUTH in this life!

  • @SirMillz
    @SirMillz Год назад +2

    I love what he stood for and all he did. He was a very good early church father who loved Jesus and took up the cause of the poor. However, i struggle a little trying to read his works. It's antiquated, I guess. It's better to hear it read to, though. Thanks

  • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
    @colmwhateveryoulike3240 2 года назад +30

    2:53 I was temporarily confused to hear St Chrysostom use an idiom that only arose in Ireland about a thousand years after he wrote but then I remembered it must be the translator's poetic license. Total tangent but as a mono-linguist it makes me wonder about how intricate an endeavour it must be to translate, and how much do we miss by not speaking the original. I really should try to learn Greek but it's intimidating!

    • @jakeeasterday1663
      @jakeeasterday1663 2 года назад +4

      It's a wonderful language. I'm in my second year of learning old Koine. So long as you take it steadily and think like a man from that time instead of a translator, it's both enjoyable and edifying!

    • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
      @colmwhateveryoulike3240 2 года назад +1

      @@jakeeasterday1663 Interesting, where do you learn that?

    • @jakeeasterday1663
      @jakeeasterday1663 2 года назад +2

      @@colmwhateveryoulike3240 I'm learning it at the university I attend, but there are also online courses of varying quality. I haven't checked any out yet, but my Greek Professor Andrew Burrows just published his textbook on Koine Greek, and a man named Bill Mounce has written at length on Classical and Koine Greek.

    • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
      @colmwhateveryoulike3240 2 года назад +5

      @@jakeeasterday1663 Thank you kindly I'll check them out. I attend a Greek Orthodox Church so I hear both but... ahem... it's all Greek to me (sorry). I am doing chant classes so I'm chanting some Greek and Arabic as well.

    • @jakeeasterday1663
      @jakeeasterday1663 2 года назад +2

      @@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Ah, the only pun I could ever think to use! I'm part of ROCOR, but we still hear some Greek!

  • @MaximusWolfe
    @MaximusWolfe 2 года назад +23

    I am particularly struck by St. Johns metaphor of the man standing naked, save for the filth flecked upon him from the mire, who rather than admit of his besmirchment with abashed quietude prefers to revel in such lewd comport.
    Very much the impression I get when sodomites are contiguous.
    Poor souls. Lord have mercy.
    There, but for grace itself, would I tread.
    Only Orthodoxy ended my addiction to the “iconography of the demons” (pornography).

    • @McCreeedy
      @McCreeedy Год назад

      Roland stood infront of me naked plenty of times. And he sure didn't mind sodomy, actually orgasmed 6 to 10 times. A lot for a smaller fella like him. I didn't give him even an ounce of mercy though, apparently god would do that for me. I guess ill just have to send him that way sooner than later, hes lost most of his mobility at this point, ya know from the repeated sodomy,

  • @christinsongbird
    @christinsongbird 2 года назад +8

    Very practical beautiful teaching

  • @Unknown.00018
    @Unknown.00018 2 года назад +8

    Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding
    No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6
    Exercise ur faith...
    God will never lead us to the wrong direction..
    He will never give a wrong church and pastor
    It is prophecised by our Lord Jesus in the Revelation3:7-12...
    And God knows what will happen in the future.
    Bible is our guide... Because it's is from God.. 💜💜💜
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11
    Soul matters and Sharing the gospel shows how u loved God and saving every soul...
    Share the truth and the good news so u will be spiritually saved.. Join and always watch the Kingdom of God here in Earth..
    Listen to him.. 💜💜💜
    Lord Jesus Christ has chosen and appointed Pastor Apollo Quiboloy to save the soul of everyone 💜💜💜
    God bless everyone...
    To God Jesus Christ Be the Glory, praises and Honor💜💜💜видео.htmlRevelation 3:7-12
    7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia(A) write:
    These are the words of him who is holy(B) and true,(C) who holds the key of David.(D) What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds.(E) See, I have placed before you an open door(F) that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.(G) 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan,(H) who claim to be Jews though they are not,(I) but are liars-I will make them come and fall down at your feet(J) and acknowledge that I have loved you.(K) 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you(L) from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world(M) to test(N) the inhabitants of the earth.(O)
    11 I am coming soon.(P) Hold on to what you have,(Q) so that no one will take your crown.(R) 12 The one who is victorious(S) I will make a pillar(T) in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God(U) and the name of the city of my God,(V) the new Jerusalem,(W) which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name
    Material things will vanished but spiritual things (word of God) will remain eternally our relationship with God matters the most..
    Clean or sinners everyone are welcome to the family and church of God if u wholehearthly repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and be born again spiritually.. join and be a part of a family of God💜💜💜God bless to everyone feed ur soul with the word of God (manna) daily...💜

  • @b.r.holmes6365
    @b.r.holmes6365 Год назад +9

    I shared this sermon/commentary for the commencement of "Pride Month".

  • @christopherpollock6320
    @christopherpollock6320 2 года назад +7

    Why don't modern Orthodox priest preach verse by verse expository sermons like St. John Chrysostom did.
    Chrysostom taught literal interpretation of scripture.
    I love liturgy, but we need expository preaching in the church today

    • @George-ur8ow
      @George-ur8ow 7 месяцев назад +1

      Depends on your priest! My current one certainly does, and often quotes the Saints, Fathers and Elders of the Church during the same.

  • @adunn5173
    @adunn5173 Год назад +2

    @fr James Martin, woe to you. 🙏🏻

  • @thatsnodildo1974
    @thatsnodildo1974 Год назад +5

    Lust is so a horrible sin most struggle with. Be it Homosexuality or lust for the opposite sex. Even with these harsh words that hold truth we must remember that it is never too late to break those chains and run back to our Father and Christ until death. So deny this nature and pray and work on your soul.

  • @topskek9786
    @topskek9786 Год назад +3

    From the mouth of gold

  • @marlinavallejos2258
    @marlinavallejos2258 2 года назад +5

    ROBERT CASEY ,YOU are a brave beautiful person and stay strong and keep trusting in our Holy Lord Jesus Christ. And thank you for sharing your story, and be proud of your accomplishments but not prideful, for God loves the mink which I personally know how hard that could be. 😄 But seriously you have accomplished something that most could not understand or finish in a lifetime, of something that hard on the soul. May God bless you and All of us. (Holy TRINITY) 😇💓inspiring!

  • @NickandBear
    @NickandBear 2 года назад +37

    there nothing new under the sun

    • @jacob6088
      @jacob6088 2 года назад +4

      Same things showing up in different ways.

    • @serahkonner
      @serahkonner 2 года назад +1

      Well remove yourself from the same spiel. The same old ways thats why there is nothing new. Its the same thing over and over because you choose that way..

    • @NickandBear
      @NickandBear 2 года назад +1

      @@serahkonner I was quoting a passage from Ecclesiastes, sorry for the confusion

    • @serahkonner
      @serahkonner 2 года назад

      @@NickandBear i know what your saying but you always choose the same road same path and expect a different result.

    • @NickandBear
      @NickandBear 2 года назад

      @@serahkonner hmm. Sorry it seems there is still a miscommunication. I wasn't saying anything about myself. I was making a note that what St John is referencing is relevant to our day and age

  • @Unseen.Warfare
    @Unseen.Warfare 2 года назад +28

    The rainbow first appears in Scripture toward the end of the story of the worldwide flood in Genesis 6-9. Because of the continual evil and wickedness of mankind (Genesis 6:5-12), God decided to cause rain to fall for 40 days and nights and flood the entire earth - killing everyone and everything except for a man named Noah and his family and a bunch of animals that were kept safe inside of a wooden ark.
    40 days and nights. We see a repeat of that 40 days with Moses and The prophets and Jesus Christ in the Desert.

    • @ivygarcia9525
      @ivygarcia9525 2 года назад +9

      Oh that glorious Ark with which God has provided all those of us who wish to be saved! (The Orthodox Church!) May the souls of those poor and wounded souls find their way to it before it's too late. 🙏☦️

    • @Alex-hz2xg
      @Alex-hz2xg 2 года назад +1

      The rainbow is a sign of the covenant that God will never again destroy all life on earth by a flood or by water. How much better are we than the people of the generation of Noah? Most probably that we are worse.
      If our ancestors have had to endure two world wars, imagine what we have to endure. If there is no repentance then the next destruction will be with fire. We know it to be true.
      Many elders say horrible things are to come, especially in America. Be it nuclear explosions or underground volcanic activity, the earth's structure will change. Let us remember the Revelation from God to Saint Silouan: “KEEP THY MIND IN HELL AND DESPAIR NOT”.
      Pride comes before the fall. We must become humble again or else there's fire. Christ told Silouan "Keep your mind in hell and do not despair". This, I believe, is a revelation for our entire generation. Christ His message was not merely for Saint Silouan but for all of us.
      No matter what is coming, let us not despair but as Saint Porphyrios says, let us look towards Christ alone. Let us not get closer to Him through the fear for coming events but through love for Him. We are all the prodigal son. Let us return back home.

    • @Unseen.Warfare
      @Unseen.Warfare 2 года назад +1

      @@ivygarcia9525 Yes!

  • @fotisvon9943
    @fotisvon9943 3 месяца назад

    *breathes deeply*

  • @Chonstantin
    @Chonstantin 2 года назад +10

    The Bible is spitting fire and facts.

  • @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed
    @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed 2 года назад +21

    Why are they allowed to run churches?
    Every church you go to you will see one of them in there.
    There is a church over here where they have the rainbow flag blowing in the wind

    • @thelastgeneration1926
      @thelastgeneration1926 2 года назад +24

      Because we are in end times

    • @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed
      @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed 2 года назад

      End times are created by the demons running the world.. They create all chaos to trick the masses into believing their biblical prophecy.. Those that claimed to be gods people are the demons . If their lies don't come true they fail from the inside

    • @ivygarcia9525
      @ivygarcia9525 2 года назад +24

      Because there's only One true Church.. May the Lord help people find it!

    • @Bakamojo
      @Bakamojo 2 года назад +35

      They aren’t Churches. The Orthodox Church is the only Church created by Jesus Christ. It is the body of Christ. You should look into being received into it asap

    • @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed
      @HarryTzianakisTheGodOfSpeed 2 года назад

      @@Bakamojo I'm Greek you moron We started it . The rabbis are running it .
      The only religion on this planet is the 12 Gods . And the Greeks are it's people. The rest are bulshit

  • @terrytzaneros8007
    @terrytzaneros8007 2 месяца назад

    Coming from the Middle East, our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom knew what he was talking about! ✡️+☪️=🏳️‍🌈

  • @Sotsky
    @Sotsky Год назад +7

    Now do his Homily: Adversus Judaeos

  • @sunriseschubert4391
    @sunriseschubert4391 2 года назад +48

    Share this video before is removed from communist RUclips.

    • @marcmanolache2106
      @marcmanolache2106 2 года назад +7

      We need to get off YT entirely and move to alternative platforms. The people who run YT and Google are the descendants of the same people who crucified Christ. And they would crucify him again if they could. “And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’” -Matthew 27:25

    • @sunriseschubert4391
      @sunriseschubert4391 2 года назад +1

      @@marcmanolache2106 Exactly! There's Odyseey, Bitchute, and other ones. But like always, they infiltrate every source of communication to still be in total control.

    • @sunriseschubert4391
      @sunriseschubert4391 2 года назад

      @Big Dick Black Communist Bolshevism was even worse.

    • @Hecca.
      @Hecca. 2 года назад

      @@marcmanolache2106 Isn't the whole of religion to indoctrinate others in hopes of "saving" them? Why seclude yourself then? That seems more reminiscent of cult-like worship.

    • @Ioannikios174
      @Ioannikios174 2 года назад +2

      I think that all Orthodox youtubers need to post on an alternate platform.

  • @Unknown.00018
    @Unknown.00018 2 года назад +1

    If you want to be saved bro and sis lets repent seek God and change by being born again in spirit ... follow Gods will and live a godly life, share the word, everywhere , remind and encourage every people using Gods word...God bless you all bro and sis..

  • @Walte25
    @Walte25 2 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @OrthodoxyChronicles
    @OrthodoxyChronicles 3 месяца назад +2

    How anyone can look at the Bible and say homosexuality is okay is nuts. Paul is addressing the Romana and Corinthians on "Love is Love man" argument you here today. The people there still thought they could still "Act in Love" with the same sex as they did before. It's the reason he addressed it in his letters. He explains how it's not part of the nature of creation. It's quite clear as people would have asked, "well why does God allow them and the feelings" paul explains clearly he has given them up to a reprobate mind. He's left them to choose righteousness or be a reprobate. Ben Sirach clearly explains God has given man free will... do not say God has made me to it or this way etc...

  • @Testing329
    @Testing329 2 года назад +7

    Viva Christo Rey

  • @gezalesko3813
    @gezalesko3813 2 года назад +18

    Parents also changed the natural attraction to children and they changed their natural course to mutant, distorted animals: dogs!

    • @Hecca.
      @Hecca. 2 года назад +2

      Odd. If dogs are one of God's intended creations then why would you create negative analogies surrounding them? Do you think he had a lapse in judgement?

    • @gezalesko3813
      @gezalesko3813 2 года назад

      @@Hecca. Wolves are pure. Dogs are basically woves with a genetic disease called williams syndrome which causes them to be unnaturally hyper social and retarded just as people with this syndrome. God never created disease, He created wolves who became sick and man is breeding sick wolves for certain things like substitute human intimacy. There are many distorted animals: pigs, GMO plants, hybrid species, goldfish, hairless cat many.. that something exist does not mean it is God's creature. Distorted things are tolerated until judgement. Like satan is also tolerated because he has job to do: tempt the unworthy, just like dogs: see who is happy with the fake love...

    • @jeffreybaier5312
      @jeffreybaier5312 2 года назад +1

      Dogs are more pure than people.

    • @gezalesko3813
      @gezalesko3813 2 года назад

      @@jeffreybaier5312 Dogs are distorted wolves more preciselly genetically sick ones. God did not create sickness. The Bible is clear: beware if them!

  • @ourdictatorship
    @ourdictatorship Год назад +1

    //Born of luxury, of not knowing God// Yep.

  • @narcisioelmurza882
    @narcisioelmurza882 2 года назад +5

    I wrote a comment but it seems RUclips just decided to not post it. Which I will repeat in similar words and again if is deleted. I love what John Chrysostom says about Sodom in 15:21: "Consider how great is that sin. To have forced hell to appear even before its time"... So today. They know in themselves this is bad and still they continue. So God allows plagues like HIV and monkeypox but who pays attention? Revelation 9:20-21: "20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood-idols that cannot see or hear or walk. 21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts." Sad. 😥

  • @devildogu1284
    @devildogu1284 4 месяца назад +2

    As we see this is was never something new

  • @machinotaur
    @machinotaur 6 месяцев назад

    11:45 timestamp for where things really heat up, the "I literally can't think of anything worse than being gay" segment

  • @RPlavo
    @RPlavo 2 года назад +6

    Did he have anything to say about Jews?

    • @Sanders4Nash
      @Sanders4Nash 2 года назад

      Yes, here's one analysis.

    • @neame-bh3uq
      @neame-bh3uq 2 года назад +8

      A lot.

    • @josephsaab7208
      @josephsaab7208 2 года назад +5

      He does, as he should.

    • @brianhanssens7996
      @brianhanssens7996 7 месяцев назад

      Yeah, it's pretty vile just like all the other excrement he spewed.

  • @ungeimpfterrusslandtroll7155
    @ungeimpfterrusslandtroll7155 2 года назад +4

    God "GAVE UP" on them is what he says here in Romans 1, that's what everyone who is trying to appease these people should understand. Think about what that means.

    • @OrthodoxWisdom
      @OrthodoxWisdom  2 года назад +13

      Did the Father give up on the Prodigal Son? Did Christ give up on St. Paul, who was murdering Christians before Christ appeared to him? God “gave them up” to their passions in hope they might repent and to respect their freedom, but he did not “give up” on them and abandon them. He is always the Father longing for his prodigal son to come home.

    • @ungeimpfterrusslandtroll7155
      @ungeimpfterrusslandtroll7155 2 года назад

      "God gave them over to a reprobate mind" it never says he gave them over so they might repent.
      There is no way back from a reprobate mind. It's like you are already dead, marked for Hell, a walking corpse.
      Everybody can be saved who can still accept Christ but they hate God and act against the nature and order of his creation itself, that's what a reprobate is.
      They don't want forgiveness and even less they want it from Christ.
      A murderer can still find forgiveness if he want's in Christ.
      But he has to see his mistakes and WANT IT though and ACCEPT CHRIST. Both these are things a reprobate can and will not do, that's the whole trademark of a reprobate.
      To hate is human nature, to lust after other women is in our sinful nature and many other things but not chomo stuff and with that i mean the desire not if someone did it against his natural disgust.

    • @josephsaab7208
      @josephsaab7208 2 года назад +4

      @@ungeimpfterrusslandtroll7155 Ahh yes you are smarter than St John Chrysostom I see🤣🤣🤣

  • @mirandarogers3595
    @mirandarogers3595 2 года назад +3

    Jesus is coming are you ready for him.

  • @biinpublications2017
    @biinpublications2017 2 года назад +3

    That's why this monkeypox outbreak is so significant...God has finally had enough and his wrath is just...those who are fornicators and men that sleep with men are finally receiving divine punishment (excluding AIDS and HIV)

  • @orthodox1717
    @orthodox1717 2 года назад +2

    I randomly came across a Orthodox Bishop state that gay people had no choice that they were gay. Huh??? Lord have mercy.

    • @marcmanolache2106
      @marcmanolache2106 2 года назад +5

      Was it Lazar Puhalo? If so, he’s not a canonical bishop and he’s been excommunicated by the OCA.

    • @somexp12
      @somexp12 Год назад

      If he's talking about the action, then he's wrong. If he's talking about the *attraction,* then good for him. He's not a lunatic. On that matter, it's Romans 1 vs every legitimate sources of information on the topic.
      If Paul (or, at least, this reading of him) is to believed, then every gay person made a *final* decision to "worship the creature rather than the creator" by the age of 13 or 14.

    • @frankelliott244
      @frankelliott244 4 месяца назад

      @@somexp12 That’s a lie. Paul is speaking of a specific group of people punished for reverting from Christianity to paganism. Your claims is as illogical as deducing that a man who has boils has refused to release his Jewish slaves from slavery.

    • @somexp12
      @somexp12 4 месяца назад

      @frankelliott244 OK, then. If *modern conservative Christians who cite Romans 1* are to be believed, then every gay person made the final decision to "worship the creature rather than the creator" before they even turned 13 and were, therefore, struck gay.
      Whatever Paul meant to say, this is how Evangelicals and other orthodox Christians choose to interpret it.

    • @frankelliott244
      @frankelliott244 4 месяца назад

      @@somexp12 it’s a mistake and interpretation. It’s the same as extrapolating Exodus to everyone in the modern world. The Egyptians got boils because they enslaved Israelites and therefore anyone who has boils has enslaved Israelites. Romans worshiped pagan gods that represented nature. Part of this worship involved orgies. There was same-sex sexual behavior during those orgies as a part of worship. If you make this mistake, you are reading other people to hell and your heretic.

  • @JamesRendek
    @JamesRendek 2 года назад +2

    It certainly insults me 😲

  • @alanbourbeau24
    @alanbourbeau24 Год назад +1

    I'm no Eastern Orthodox Christian but I do agree with them on LGBT rights and the truth is that LGBT rights is not only unruly and unlawful but also an abomination. And in today, there's an increase of LGBT rights in America especially in my home state of CT. And it's happening in public schools such as elementary school, junior high school and high school. And my nephew who is now 12 years old and attends public schools and it's likely that he might be exposed to LGBT rights and that's the last thing I want to happen to him. And who's enabling LGBT rights? Liberal Democratic politicians such as CT Senator Richard Blumenthal And some protestant Christians are making homosexual people feel welcome. Saint Paul said that in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 that we should be aware and alert of what will happen in the last days. People will do all sorts of things that are considered unruly and unlawful and contradictory towards Christianity and we were warned that we should have nothing to do with them. This world we live in has been corrupted and tainted and it needs to be redeemed and purified by fire. For fire will destroy everything but everything will be made new again in the future. Amen.

    • @frankelliott244
      @frankelliott244 4 месяца назад

      I am gay, and I’ve been abstinent for most of my life, in fact for all, but six weeks more than 40 years ago. since I’ve lived every day trying to make a contribution and to help others. I agree with you about children being taught inappropriate things. Christian
      s taught me that I was evil, but I would pray on men, and that I would corrupt children. i’ve taken great joy and not living down to what could have been a self-fulfilling prophecy. The damaged done by Christians was so great that when I had my first cancer in my 20s, I felt unworthy of surviving and begged God to kill me or cure me. The answer I got with silence followed by serenity. I no longer blamed God, for what Christian had done to me. I made my peace with him. I’ve also made my peace with death because I’ve had cancer eight times. I am glad to have known someone like you when I was young. My abusive father was bad enough. I hope God helps your child to get over his foolish and harmful father. God gave me the grace to transform attraction to admiration just by offering the respect that I wanted to other people. It would be easy for me to become very angry with your clearly violent even genocidal words however, those words are your problem and they’re on your soul.

  • @Frog_king11
    @Frog_king11 2 года назад +9

    Listen, at the end of the day they made their choice. Heaven is not for everyone

    • @notcrazy6288
      @notcrazy6288 2 года назад +7

      Right, but, they're not content to just live their lives. They're recruiting kids.

  • @Smiley_Face0
    @Smiley_Face0 2 года назад +2

    This civilization is right before collaps. I hope the viewers of this video are prepared for the coming disasters

  • @crohunter100
    @crohunter100 2 года назад

    We are the practicing Catholics and they are the practicing gays

  • @boyar3033
    @boyar3033 Год назад +2

    Another lesson I got out of this is that men should be masculine, have a purpose and for young men especially don't masturbate, but retain the semen, as with every masturbation we kill an unborn child.

  • @1TruGODreality
    @1TruGODreality 2 года назад +3

    So sad

  • @madetobelieve2345
    @madetobelieve2345 2 года назад +5

    The Bible tells us that lust is a bad thing. The Bible does not tell us that Love is a bad thing. If I genuinely Love another man in the near future, I believe God would still Love and Accept me. God does not want me to be fake or fraudulent, he wants me to be my REAL and AUTHENTIC self. I believe Jesus Loves me for who I Am. He doesn't want me to act like someone who I am not.

    • @williammuk886
      @williammuk886 2 года назад

      Are you gay?

    • @JehovahRaphasammyisrael
      @JehovahRaphasammyisrael 2 года назад +5

      Brother God love you but he did not make you guy your blood line and your ancestors sin have open the door to these spirit of lust and unclean perverse spirit to make you feel like you were born guy. God is Great and faithful repent for your self and on behalf of your ancestors for opening that door for those spirits to manipulate your mind and feeling and your sexuality. Hope this Help God is Great and the most merciful!

    • @b0bsProductions
      @b0bsProductions 2 года назад +9

      That’s absolutely right. But when I genuinely and truly love my mother or my sister, I would not ever think it right to have sex with them, because that would be an act against nature. If I were to genuinely love another man, from the bottom of my heart, it would not be a sin. It would be a sin for me to do an act against nature with him.

    • @josephsaab7208
      @josephsaab7208 2 года назад +8

      @@b0bsProductions Bingo. True love between men would not be sinning with each other

  • @phantomrio5222
    @phantomrio5222 2 года назад +2

    These things are an abomination to us humans. They don't deserve to be on earth.

    • @alicemeliksetian7981
      @alicemeliksetian7981 Год назад

      Lovely warm hearted brightening Christian statement.

    • @josephk4310
      @josephk4310 Год назад +1

      ​@@alicemeliksetian7981 God ☦️ said it first.

    • @frankelliott244
      @frankelliott244 4 месяца назад

      I had cancer eight times, and every time God and doctors have saved me. I take as much joy from being pure heart as I do in thwarting your evil wishes.

  • @katiaantonova6949
    @katiaantonova6949 2 года назад +10

    You just lost a subscriber. I’m a devout Orthodox Christian and have a dear childhood friend who identifies as queer and trans. My friend was born that way and God loves her, she also struggled a lot to make sense of things. Many others like her have a similar story and are wonderful, compassionate people. Many Orthodox Christians need to employ more critical thinking and compassion.

    • @theunknowncommenter725
      @theunknowncommenter725 2 года назад

      That person is wrong, and has made themself a nonentity before the Lord. That person was already born the God intended them to be, but that person is destroying what was already created perfect.видео.html

    • @marcmanolache2106
      @marcmanolache2106 2 года назад +1

      What are you suggesting? Sin is sin. It has been scientifically proven that certain people are born with a violence gene that increases their likelihood to kill. Temptation comes in all forms. No one can force us to act on it. Also, I hope your friend was born a woman. Otherwise, you are encouraging his irrational behavior

    • @robertjarman4261
      @robertjarman4261 2 года назад

      Hell mend her.

    • @robertjarman4261
      @robertjarman4261 2 года назад +11

      Not a sin to have thoughts, but to practice. You can't stop someone knocking on your door but you can decide who you will let in.

    • @OrthodoxWisdom
      @OrthodoxWisdom  2 года назад +40

      I am sad to see you go. We must acknowledge the truth no matter how difficult it is to embrace. I also have a few people close to me who struggle with these illnesses and I am sympathetic toward their immense struggle. What remains the same for all of us is that the truth will set us free and the healing medicine of the Church can only have its desired effects if we accept the diagnosis of our illness. God bless you.

  • @nullvoid8941
    @nullvoid8941 2 года назад +6

    do not recommend this video

  • @dansaber4427
    @dansaber4427 2 года назад +2

    You can be LGBT and Catholic 👬

    • @narcisioelmurza882
      @narcisioelmurza882 2 года назад +3

      are you a bot

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 2 года назад +2

      @@narcisioelmurza882 I'm just here to discuss the literature. I'm not an idolater

    • @patrickherb4670
      @patrickherb4670 2 года назад +8

      Absolutely not.

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 2 года назад

      @@patrickherb4670 wrong

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 2 года назад

      @@narcisioelmurza882 are you your authentic self? Or did you become a flesh robot?

  • @RocketDRA
    @RocketDRA 2 года назад +6

    youtube should get rid of this type of content

    • @Bakamojo
      @Bakamojo 2 года назад +26


    • @e.danielritter193
      @e.danielritter193 2 года назад +28

      Please explain why you think certain content should be censored. You’re are defending the party of “inclusion” aren’t you?

    • @RocketDRA
      @RocketDRA 2 года назад +2

      @@e.danielritter193 not really, I advocate for promoting creativity, education, and the promulgation of positive, correct and true information. Religious topics are always full if misdirection, immorality and apologists, my fellow Americans don’t need any more of that.

    • @RocketDRA
      @RocketDRA 2 года назад +2

      @@Bakamojo why would anyone want this hateful, inmoral content to be available for kids and anyone to watch?

    • @Bakamojo
      @Bakamojo 2 года назад +43

      @@RocketDRA I don’t see how it’s hateful or immoral. Literally the opposite on both accounts. Comforting people in their sins should be removed from RUclips as it destroys the body and soul. No one is beyond repentance but how can that happen if what is evil is called good and what is good is called evil? I assume you aren’t Christian?

  • @muirgheasa73
    @muirgheasa73 2 года назад +2

    It’s a pity this saint didn’t get off his high horse and put himself in the shoes of someone for whom homosexual desire IS natural (ie. the only type of sexual desire they have) then maybe he wouldn’t have been so merciless (eg. comparisons to dogs and rants about gays being worse than murderers).
    He presumed homosexuality was just committed by a bunch of debauched heterosexuals looking for something more perverted to entertain themselves with.

    • @emmetsweeney9236
      @emmetsweeney9236 2 года назад +28

      Most, if not all homosexuality comes from being abused or at least groomed as a child. So, why don't you get off your own high horse.

    • @Henriquefer02
      @Henriquefer02 2 года назад +8

      That's not what natural means, and it's not a matter of them chosing to desire this, he says the devil perverts the natural desire, it's not their fault that they feel that, but they go after this desire and become immoral by their own choice, thus insulting nature by their acts
      And there are indeed heterosexuals that do exactly what you said

    • @mutahmarriagecounselor2272
      @mutahmarriagecounselor2272 2 года назад +12

      That's not what the word natural means.

    • @theunknowncommenter725
      @theunknowncommenter725 2 года назад +14

      St John Chrysostom had the wisdom of Christ. He sees through the sinful nature of all of us

    • @brianhanssens7996
      @brianhanssens7996 7 месяцев назад

      He was a truly, truly awful human.

  • @ReplyToMeIfUrRetarded
    @ReplyToMeIfUrRetarded Год назад +7

    hopefully the LGÞT realizes what its doing is wrong and disbands itself, the heresy of the modern world is sickening.
    “If the world is against the truth, then i am against the world.” St Athanasius Of Alexandria

  • @NFTdealerClips
    @NFTdealerClips 2 года назад

    Get rid of the Egyptian sun disc (research what this actually is), get rid of religion like Jesus Christ warned us about and draw near to God. May God show you the truth.

    • @thegodpill914
      @thegodpill914 Год назад +1

      Hezekiah's seal featured egyptian symbols that are referenced in Malachi

    • @theunknowncommenter725
      @theunknowncommenter725 Год назад +2

      It's a Halo. Not "egyptian sun disc".
      You can't get rid of religion. The definition of religion is a devout falling to a set of beliefs or individual deity.

    • @NFTdealerClips
      @NFTdealerClips Год назад

      @@theunknowncommenter725 The "halo" is an Egyptian sun disc, please do some research. Not trying to get rid of religion, just identifying it's origins to show that it's not worth following. We should only worship God and not false religions.

    • @alicemeliksetian7981
      @alicemeliksetian7981 Год назад


    • @theunknowncommenter725
      @theunknowncommenter725 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@NFTdealerClips as if I'm going to believe some random lunatic on the internet.

  • @sezonalova2201
    @sezonalova2201 2 года назад

    It is a scandal how much hate and no compassion othodox church dont have for gays. I just listen this and had a conclusion. This is the ultimate question for the church. Like to be or not to be. If God let men be gay then why are you hating so much and acting like hypocrites with scandalous reactions and hate? I think every sex act is a sin. Heterosexual and homosexual. So if you had sex with 10 girls and me with 10 gays, it is a sin. We gonna die for the k.orthodoxia is not about moral standard. S

    • @sezonalova2201
      @sezonalova2201 2 года назад +1

      There is a lot mistakes sorry for that. So please admit to yourself: If out Lord ISUS HRISOS came to save us, to be the king of our hearts, then please dont hate those ill people so much. It you think it is an illnes and they are “mad” then you as a christian should have mercy on them! Shame on you

    • @JehovahRaphasammyisrael
      @JehovahRaphasammyisrael 2 года назад +3

      Brother God love you but he did not make you guy your blood line and your ancestors sin have open the door to these spirit of lust and unclean perverse spirit to make you feel like you were born guy. God is Great and faith repent for your self and on behalf of your ancestors for opening that door for those spirits to manipulate your mind and feeling and your sexuality. Hope this Help God is Great and the most merciful!

  • @frankelliott244
    @frankelliott244 4 месяца назад

    He’s the man who almost convinced me to kill myself when I was 12. He’s also the man who convinced me I was too evil to have friends. I will testify against him on the day of Judgement.

  • @terrorists-are-among-us
    @terrorists-are-among-us Год назад +2

    The phrase "burning of sodom" 🤔😬