Cold Static (LSDJ chiptune on Gameboy Light)
- Опубликовано: 18 ноя 2024
- A quick preview of a post-rock-ish track I've been working on the past three days. LSDJ running on a Gameboy Light. The audio was recorded in Ableton and then layered over the video.
15 years later and it still the best
I've had this on my iPod since 2008 when someone posted this on a Gameboy hacking forum. I listen to it almost every day.
I have no idea if you'll see this, but if you do, please return to make more amazing LSDJ tracks.
I found this video in early January 09, and still can't shut up about how good this track is to anyone else in any of the chiptune communities I come across.
Holy crap, thanks for all the comments guys. I really appreciate it!
Best genre ever. 8bit + postrock = postbit.
Been listening to this for years, still my favourite chiptune track x
id kill for a mp3.
Very classy track indeed. I like the choice of the Light; it looks like a ghost in the night :)
Combatdave? I remember you back in the 8bc days!
0_0 holy shit.... and 8-bit eargasm.... not sure what the most epic part was, but the fingerwheel volume fade is high on my list.
perfect music to repair two old dmg's atm
Cheers guys! Gersh - the button pushing is nothing very exciting, just me scrolling through the song and launching loops. You can run LSDJ on a PSP, but I've never done it myself.
OMG this track is fantastic!!!!
This would have made the most epic boss battle music for... something.
Didn't know 8 bit noise could sound so good. Awesome.
I still find myself coming back to this song for a listen every now and then, i can't get enough of it, really awesome stuff man! :)
i cant believe how much i like chiptunes
One of the internet's hidden jems.
I'd love to see how this was organized as I am learning LSDJ at the moment. . Any chance of the save file? It's great!
Brilliant tune, I can't stop listening... I really like your music
That's some awesome chiptunes.
Takes so long to get started... but then HOLY SHEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I have to admit, chiptunes are a guilty pleasure for me. Very different from the music I normally listen to, but I still love 'em!
Then, at 1:43 when it all kicks in, the melody from the intro that took up 2 channels gets merged into just one channel, leaving a pulse channel open for the lead. You can hear it best at around the 2 minute mark, kick and bass on wav, arp melody on pu1, and square lead on pu2. Easy!
So, now does it qualify as true chiptune? ;)
@rockwizclown by using the L command, which is the slide, and then by messing around the numbers. so, if you have an note with an L command of lets say 08, and then you're next note is an L command of 04, the instrument will slide down from 08 to 04 and then will keep that note level until you decide to change it again with another L command
you get some biscuits and you chew them all up, and then you spit them in the cartridge slot and all over the screen, its easy.
One of my fav chiptunes man...great sound
Almost cried when I heard 1:42 and on.. Thank you soo much xD
Well, for games the sound differences are not altogether important or noticable, but for making music, it's nice to have a variety of "instruments" with different tonal qualities at your disposable. The classic DMG is generally considered to have the best all around sound, but for an edgy post-rock song like this, I think the Game Boy Light seems to have lent a really cool quality that works well with the genre and the song.
Yeah, but on the Game Boy Light, you get this almost overdriven sound that (as the video clearly demonstrates) can sound totally rad.
Also, the draining effect is -not- present when using an AC adaptor, if you're really set on using a pocket.
is this song even possibly with only one GAMEBOY? fucking crazy
I wish there was a full release of this!
very nice sound nice made!!
wow great song...sounds amazing
This song is so OG
Starts unimpressive to me, but wow, the way it develops is quite amazing. You got chops man
For some reason, all 8-bit music seems to sound better on 240p. I suspect this may be due to the fact that the sound is too "clean" at 360p and above, and that the distortion and artifacts created by the 240p version's extra compression give it a richer, more "raw" sound.
For LSDJ? I can't remember... it was maybe £20 or something for LSDJ, £40 for the cart and transferrer, and £20 for the Gameboy Light. But now LSDJ just costs $0.01 I think. I don't know.
holy shit that song is coming straight from speaker to mike no wires? that's amazing sound
@gdjonesman Google LSDJ: It's a rom called Little Sound DJ. It isn't for sale anymore, but you can download it and run in an emulator.
great fuckin job, the button work isnt crazy but this is some original shit.
very nice! Well Done!
I'm loving this. You did amazingly well.
Keep it up! *thumbs up*
Wow 👍🏼 nice
@iROFLZiLLA go to the lsdj wiki, go to backup gear, and pick the third link. The first link is apperantly outdated now, secong when no longer exsits, so that's why you pick the third one. Once at the site, click on the picture that says lsdj or search it. You have to burn the ROM file to the cart, which is easy, but they don't sell the actually cart anymore. It's like impossible to find on ebay.
Holy shit. Love this. A .sav file would be awesome.
Amazing man...
I really want to get LSDJ... I love composing little 16 note loops on my gameboy camera.
it's amazing what you can do with just THAT... I really really would love to get something like this.
I plan on putting in a clock-speed pot, pro-sound, and a bunch of other fun stuff on one of my DMG's (I have 2)...
Love the GBL too, it's my favorite system to play on, especially late at night.
amazing :D
Very good!
This is pretty awesome.
amazing work man!!! love this one :) such a good feeling
i can only hope to make something this good :P
omg im blinded by this songs awesomeness lol
Magnifique, j' adore !
Dude really awwesome stuff!
Ebay, of course. Lurk for a while and sometimes you can get one on the cheap.
Cool tune
hey really cool
good stuff man jealous of your gameboy light
Dude you are awesome *-*
I would kill for a Game Boy Light. They are so expensive on ebay. I want one to use with my Game Boy Camera.
good work
luuuve the tune :3
keep them coming
You should upload this to 8BitCollective(dotcom)
If you don't know about the site already. People really well known for chiptune like Firebrand boy, Fighter X, and Sabrepulse are all on there.
No prosound mod on this, just straight out of the normal headphone socket. I've not tried this tune through a regular DMG yet, though... the bass would probably be even nicer on there.
@DreamTK I have some delay programmed into some of the instruments (its more of an echo type effect than a delay - just retriggering the envelope) but I also added a bit of delay and compression in Ableton.
best chip i've heard in a while, most of it sounds too happy and gay. Good shit good shit.
Hey, I'm on my profile now so maybe I can clear things up for you.
The gameboy *is* playing everything at once - there is no layering of any sort - so all this is just 4 channels, straight from the gameboy. You can probably hear it if you listen closely.
In the very intro, for example, that is the two pulse channels, then the bass comes in on the wav channel and the drums on the noise channel.
triggering patterns probably. constructing songs live from patterns they've made before. that's how it is on hardware sequencers like the rm1x, except you have plenty of knobs to tweak the sound as well. dunno what else they're doing.
How do you make that "pling" noise @ 0:06 ?
dat amazing!
you can clearly hear when you start up your gb that there is a slight bit of delay on the whole mix.
Nice. I always compose my songs with live mode in mind.
As for the GB light, keep rocking it! I know a lot of people pooh-pooh it for it's audio qualities, but I like the sound. I'm currently running two DMGs through a DJ mixer but I think it would really neat to grab a Light and get that going in sync with a DMG.
Do you know if the Pocket has the same kind of sound as the Light? I know they look the same but I doubt they'd sound the same.
I know I already commented, but I've gotta say this song is totally great. One of the best chiptunes songs I've heard in a long time. You haven't posted this on 8bc yet, have you? I really want an mp3!
It's a gameboy light, which in my opinion is the best type! others would disagree... but they're wrong ;)
Haha man I know, don't worry - I was just trying to clear it up :)
Nope, the only reason it went into Ableton is because the audio recording on the video recording software I used sucked and, as the whole point of this video is the song, I used Ableton to give me better recording quality.
The compression killed it a bit, though, but still.
Good stuff bro!
the best one ive heard to date 2024
only 3 days, how on earth did you make a song this long in 3 days? i spend like 2 weeks and have a minute fifty. Well, you do have a lot of repeating. But how do you get so much progress on songs, will you please tell me? i just have a bunch of really short songs, which i can never really finish. is there some secret, or mindset to get into?
Uhm what? It's a song I wrote on LSDJ which is called "Cold Static".
shocked, simply shocked,
great stuff, any chance you could post some mp3s?
Nope, this is just one gameboy and one LSDJ, nothing else.
Oh, this is combatdave - I just can't be bothered logging out of my girlfriends youtube and into mine :)
this is awesome! can you put up an mp3?
Awesome track! How is LSDJ’s performance on the GB Light?
mp3 download + more songs!
NEED MORE 5:17...
@HadyMod yeah, metalhead here too
@iROFLZiLLA LSDJ can be found at the low, low price of two bucks. Getting it on a flash cart is your problem.
Not yet, but soon...
i need to stop using nanoloop... sweet track!
Fucking Amazing