  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 336

  • @Nhutmeg
    @Nhutmeg 3 года назад +317

    “Ohhhh my zipper is getting good!”
    *tries it again*
    “Oh no, not really” lmao

  • @lanzpat0725
    @lanzpat0725 3 года назад +305

    Alem: *Runs out of english*
    Also Alem: Maybe when I start beatboxing randomly they wont notice

    • @stealth1195
      @stealth1195 3 года назад +26

      Fair play it worked bc his beats are so clean

    • @ghibzy7268
      @ghibzy7268 3 года назад +4


    • @choho7229
      @choho7229 3 года назад +28

      Alem; speaking english,
      me: sorry what?
      Alem: beatboxing
      me: oh ok, right, that's what l think.

    • @randomking2449
      @randomking2449 3 года назад

      Shut up okay you can't do it like alem

    • @stealth1195
      @stealth1195 3 года назад +4

      @@randomking2449 relax dude he was joking and ofc Alems beats are amazing if he took offence he wouldn’t have hearted the comment and not either delete or reply to it

  • @SuperHalo222
    @SuperHalo222 3 года назад +204

    That last round by dlow was absolutely astonishing, I've never heard anything like this !!

    • @Danny8Ter
      @Danny8Ter 3 года назад +1

      Azel created a couple of new sounds 🤔

    • @Fr34k777
      @Fr34k777 3 года назад +3

      That why he won 🤷‍♂️

    • @aptrevixle269
      @aptrevixle269 3 года назад

      @@Fr34k777 it was extremely close, zekka quickly became one of my fav bbxrs, D-Low won according to me in the finals.

    • @fatemehmohamadi5814
      @fatemehmohamadi5814 3 года назад

      @@Danny8Ter who asked

  • @firdausalmaghribiqodrisire5131
    @firdausalmaghribiqodrisire5131 3 года назад +74


  • @Nhutmeg
    @Nhutmeg 3 года назад +86

    Seeing all his rounds together makes me realize how hard Dlow went against zekka. Shoutout to the kickback battle format, it allows the beat boxers to come up with strong routines deeper into the competition so that the finals aren’t as weak as they usually are.

    • @sahaj366
      @sahaj366 3 года назад +5

      True, the last round especially was so hardcore compared to the rest of his rounds, even compared to those against B-Art

  • @miguelrmnc5089
    @miguelrmnc5089 3 года назад +58

    11:30 my favorite part of the whole video

    • @The_Murph
      @The_Murph 3 года назад +1

      LMAO put this on repeat, it's great XD

  • @shivamdas1801
    @shivamdas1801 3 года назад +120

    Dlow still remains undefeated after three years 2019-2021

    • @truongnguyencong711
      @truongnguyencong711 3 года назад +5

      he’s going for the 3years winning straight

    • @Edward03874
      @Edward03874 3 года назад +1

      Alem beat him in tag team

    • @klamauktechno3490
      @klamauktechno3490 3 года назад +2

      I think trung bao in gbb 2020 would be close

    • @shivamdas1801
      @shivamdas1801 3 года назад

      @@klamauktechno3490 he won't be competing in gbb 2021

    • @shivamdas1801
      @shivamdas1801 3 года назад +5

      @@Edward03874 bruh, uniteam beat kotcha, that was tag team. No one beat *d l o w*

  • @Rybosome141
    @Rybosome141 3 года назад +28

    8:45 made me spit out my water laughing

  • @xbromfieldx
    @xbromfieldx 3 года назад +16

    16:35 is insane! I keep replaying. It is hypnotic.

  • @toxic_yt8652
    @toxic_yt8652 3 года назад +47


  • @Nick-yn9zm
    @Nick-yn9zm 3 года назад +10

    White background: D-Low chills
    Black background: D-Low *kills*

  • @deinesh5560
    @deinesh5560 3 года назад +8

    Dlow:Make a technical sound

  • @nova-6919
    @nova-6919 3 года назад +8

    I really like the commentary and input from the pro himself!

  • @bharath1004
    @bharath1004 3 года назад +17

    Dlow won he deserved it...the kickback battles were amazing and was sooo fun to watch all the rounds and everything!!!...and also loved u analyse the battles it was soo good man!

  • @pallavbanerjee5807
    @pallavbanerjee5807 3 года назад +10

    ALEM " The ultimate legend 🔥🔥🔥🔥"

  • @mohammaditani13
    @mohammaditani13 3 года назад +13

    He earned his win ❤️❤️❤️ and you are a legend alem 💚💚💚💚

  • @ashtonmash8775
    @ashtonmash8775 3 года назад +6


  • @sqxmaxninja2475
    @sqxmaxninja2475 3 года назад +9

    his english is getting better !!!!

  • @vengeance_i1
    @vengeance_i1 3 года назад +12

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ALEM

  • @utkarsharya3032
    @utkarsharya3032 3 года назад +16

    11:29 😂😂

  • @swipswildwood847
    @swipswildwood847 3 года назад +3

    Dude, your reactions are epic man!! The 'uhuhuhu' imitation is legendary xD xD xD

  • @rouguecavegaming3848
    @rouguecavegaming3848 3 года назад +10


  • @fabianomartinsribeirojunio9576
    @fabianomartinsribeirojunio9576 3 года назад +3

    Ayy alem keep with the good work you're crazy!!!

  • @Flvckojorde
    @Flvckojorde 3 года назад +7

    Love you Alem❤🤗

  • @GWizJackson
    @GWizJackson 3 года назад +4

    Alem, I like that you brought up only using a few good sounds to structure many different beats there at the end. Takes me back to a Bruce Lee Quote. "I do not fear the man that's practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I do one who has practiced a single kick 10,000 times." Quality over quantity in beatboxing is starting to become more commonplace and I love it!

  • @toxic_yt8652
    @toxic_yt8652 3 года назад +23

    lets see can i get a
    "homme de culture" from alem

  • @Jisooee
    @Jisooee 3 года назад +5

    OmG! He does D-low compilation reaction vid!

  • @Yasuun
    @Yasuun 3 года назад +14

    Bro IDC how your English sounds BUT ITS FREAKING SATISFYING FOR MEEEE!!! 💖💖💖💖

    • @rufusarora
      @rufusarora 3 года назад +4

      yeah its cute

    • @sahaj366
      @sahaj366 3 года назад

      Yeah it's very stimulating to hear lmao

  • @MatthewMiller716
    @MatthewMiller716 3 года назад +1

    I'm from the USA and yeah my English isn't great hahaha. Yours is rapidly improving every video! Big up!

  • @angeloramores1269
    @angeloramores1269 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for compiling them for us Alem!

  • @demibasan1714
    @demibasan1714 3 года назад +5

    4:01 wouldnt be suprised if dlow woke up and said „ok lets do this“

  • @dhruvsr3974
    @dhruvsr3974 3 года назад +7

    I can't believe I read this title with alem's accent

  • @Msk2603
    @Msk2603 3 года назад +1

    This man is just do raw and innocent..absolutely love u champ🤗

  • @antos688
    @antos688 3 года назад +1

    Yes maannnn! Your videos are the best

  • @ElitoCh
    @ElitoCh 3 года назад +2

    We love Alem
    Alem is Love

  • @Nackah
    @Nackah 3 года назад

    11:29 I don't have caption for this but it made my day 😂Keep it up Legend

  • @allaboutlepcha2003
    @allaboutlepcha2003 3 года назад +3

    D-low 💓🤯 crazy 🔥💥

  • @DobryWalek
    @DobryWalek 3 года назад +1

    19:20 YES :D

  • @starrk4168
    @starrk4168 3 года назад +7

    Yo Alem! Love the reactions. You said multiple times throughout this video that going 2nd is a very good thing and I believe that that is a well known fact, but D-Low stated that he thinks that in this online format going 1st is actually better because you control the pace of the battle. Do you agree with his statement? Or do you think going 2nd still is better in this format just like the live battles? Much love!

  • @jjrenison4233
    @jjrenison4233 3 года назад

    Amazing video Alem, gotta love. Straight from Soutn Africa!

  • @sahaj366
    @sahaj366 3 года назад +11

    12:52 That sound is just eargasm, similar to Gene's lip oscillation for instance
    I guess what it makes it sound so amazing is that D-Low's tongue roll itself is very special, because unlike other people, he can actually pitch his tongue bass
    So when combined with the voice with perfect pitch, both the voice and the tongue roll mesh together very well

  • @christiantrubrig3786
    @christiantrubrig3786 3 года назад

    SO sympathetic! Thank you Alem, we all love you too!! :)

  • @Nadia-mh1rl
    @Nadia-mh1rl 3 года назад +2

    Yes to your English! Not that I know anything but I really liked both of his rounds in the final 🔥

  • @lact
    @lact 3 года назад

    Toujours un kiff d'avoir une notif d'alem ! Dlow est vachement créatif j'adore

  • @JBturntables
    @JBturntables 3 года назад +9

    When can we see another D-low/Alem collab??!

  • @giedremicke3867
    @giedremicke3867 3 года назад +2

    D-Low beats just hit different

  • @karlocaraballe1439
    @karlocaraballe1439 3 года назад +1


  • @tsachanell9722
    @tsachanell9722 3 года назад +4

    Dlow legend🔥

  • @ayush3133
    @ayush3133 3 года назад +2

    Missed intro like - " yo its Alem , Ooo Laalaaa "..😂😂😂😂

  • @ethanhanratty5897
    @ethanhanratty5897 3 года назад

    Love how someone like Alem shows respect to another great, love the respect for each others work 🤘

  • @DelightfulDiscs
    @DelightfulDiscs 3 года назад +16

    Your English isn't that bad, plus I love your accent. I'd rather have your French accent speaking English than my American accent trying to speak French. Le français est difficile pour moi.

  • @vizz2905
    @vizz2905 3 года назад

    Alem, je crois tout simplement que c'est rendu la norme d'etre musicalement fort dans ses routines. Les combos entre les "5 ou 6 sons" font aussi une enorme difference. Les transitions de D-Low sont absolument magiques... je pense que le format de la competition aide a bien reflechir avant d'envoyer la video. Comme tu as note, il est clair que les choses se seraient probablement pas passer de la meme facon, surtout contre B-Art, si les roles avaient ete inverses. Je ne suis pas 100% certain si ca se serait bien passe aussi "live" sur un stage. C'etait une bonne idee de re-ecouter toute la sequence. On peut voir l'intensite monter d'un cran a chaque ronde... genial! Merci Alem! Comme certains disent, ne change pas ton accent an anglais :) C'est ce qui fait le charme ;)

  • @platiwha9387
    @platiwha9387 3 года назад

    Alem literally the youtuber with the best positive energy

  • @toxic_yt8652
    @toxic_yt8652 3 года назад +3

    hololo letsa go ! 1UP

  • @iroxz251
    @iroxz251 3 года назад

    I understand everything you try to say Alem! Love you Alem

  • @crossbread420
    @crossbread420 3 года назад

    Thank you for producing so much content bro

  • @almighty8481
    @almighty8481 3 года назад +3

    11:28 One year old me , when asked by relatives that what do papa do...???

  • @SACrooksey
    @SACrooksey 3 года назад

    Sick videos bro, big mana man, contagious vibe

  • @sushantgautam111
    @sushantgautam111 3 года назад +2

    Alem here hearting everyone except mee

  • @fookinshelby3250
    @fookinshelby3250 3 года назад

    Alem is man of culture right now!

  • @CaydFr
    @CaydFr 3 года назад +2


  • @MuzakkiEa25
    @MuzakkiEa25 3 года назад +7

    11:29 🤣🤣

  • @mregggd8720
    @mregggd8720 3 года назад

    keep up the good videos man!

    @IAMMASED 3 года назад


  • @abdullahalsheikh318
    @abdullahalsheikh318 3 года назад

    Your analysis are perfect thanks for ur videos

  • @gamecraft6965
    @gamecraft6965 3 года назад +7


  • @felixedvard9549
    @felixedvard9549 3 года назад +1

    Every RUclipsr : Subscribe to my channel
    Alem : 0:13 (Subscribe on this video)

  • @Hijackedac
    @Hijackedac 3 года назад

    How can't you be subscribed to this guy, so good energy, let's get him to 300k!

  • @DuPz0r
    @DuPz0r 3 года назад

    Your English explaination was great. D-low can create so many songs even with a small sound/sample set, just like you Alem. 🍻

  • @cams.21
    @cams.21 3 года назад

    Alem and D-low.. the best beatboxer i liked the most.. ❤❤❤ love you both. ❤❤❤

  • @dpend
    @dpend 3 года назад

    "It's new for me" old catchphrase.....11:14 we have new Alem catch phrase "It's funny for me" 😂

  • @Tyro2310
    @Tyro2310 3 года назад +2

    He is so wholesome 😁😁😂😂❤️❤️

  • @ShadowStrike
    @ShadowStrike 3 года назад

    i love this man!(alem).... seriously

  • @fact121
    @fact121 3 года назад +1

    Eating breakfast with Alem

  • @monbidou
    @monbidou 3 года назад

    franchement il a survolé ce SBX, dès les qualifs il a mis tout le monde d'accord, Tellement de son original et puissant, toutes ces mélodies so clean. Son level est simplement monstrueux

  • @anthonyhappy2659
    @anthonyhappy2659 3 года назад

    Best of the best brother ♥️

  • @ivanmaulana4152
    @ivanmaulana4152 3 года назад +1

    folalaaaa DLOWWW the goat 🐐 ❤️
    Big up to : alem 😘😂

  • @troy_ali8858
    @troy_ali8858 3 года назад +1

    Aleeem aleeem aleeeem
    Sulala de aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemm😇😇💕

  • @mundohuertaoswaldo7071
    @mundohuertaoswaldo7071 3 года назад

    Olalaaaa, thanks for the video Alem UwU ♥ ️

  • @malih3468
    @malih3468 3 года назад +1


  • @Metallica101ftw
    @Metallica101ftw 3 года назад

    Yes Alem you got the English on that ending lol big up bro

  • @enzosilva1340
    @enzosilva1340 3 года назад

    Last round was amazing new stuff musicality with tech :D
    and we can fully understand you man dont think about it bro ! much love from Turkey ♥

    @LSIMUSIC 3 года назад

    3:21 when ALEM exhale but sound like a POH snare

  • @khnimusic
    @khnimusic 3 года назад

    Alem you’re an inspiration to all ❤️

  • @bbxparteek4567
    @bbxparteek4567 3 года назад +1

    D-LOW: 11:22
    ALEM: 11:28

  • @danielupchurch6024
    @danielupchurch6024 3 года назад

    Dlow and Zekka gave us one of the best battles that have ever gone down, legendary! Dlows final round was the 1st of its kind and was absolutely mind blowing 🤯

  • @julianclark349
    @julianclark349 3 года назад +2

    Alem the best❤️🥰

  • @mawtion9551
    @mawtion9551 3 года назад

    Olalaaaaaaa 🔥
    Nice Analysis 👍🏻❤

  • @SoheilHab
    @SoheilHab 3 года назад +9

    How dlow has not too many sound?😂the amount of sound he has is just insane

    • @sahaj366
      @sahaj366 3 года назад +6

      It's easy to have a hundred different sounds, but the scary thing is that D-Low has mastery over each one of his sounds

    • @kblaszy96
      @kblaszy96 3 года назад

      @@sahaj366 This comment is underrated

    • @angus5427
      @angus5427 3 года назад

      He can do a lot but he doesn't need to is what he was saying, dlow won this event using a handful of sounds

  • @dimitarvasilev7957
    @dimitarvasilev7957 3 года назад +13

    My mother: Clean your room!
    Me: 11:27

  • @mollypolenio2756
    @mollypolenio2756 3 года назад

    your accent is getting better everytime .

  • @DHawkBeats
    @DHawkBeats 3 года назад

    I say yes for Alem’s English 💪👏👌

  • @Kazi.Valorant
    @Kazi.Valorant 3 года назад

    Every guy in the world says thank you watching the video at the end of the video
    Alem saying it at the starting

  • @owweocan5591
    @owweocan5591 3 года назад

    Alem legend. From indonesia hadir

  • @Tommo.
    @Tommo. 3 года назад +1


  • @firetornadobr3029
    @firetornadobr3029 3 года назад

    me: hmmm sounds fake
    ALEM: *does insane tpktptktpkpktpkpfpfppktpkfpua*
    me: okay it's really him

  • @rmoff4280
    @rmoff4280 3 года назад +1


  • @t.e.n.c.h.i.k
    @t.e.n.c.h.i.k 3 года назад +2

    love from Russia bro❤❤❤

  • @andrijaa665
    @andrijaa665 3 года назад

    Bro,his starting of video is better then half of beatbox wildcards XD

  • @MichaDasR
    @MichaDasR 3 года назад

    Right now just 6k more to reach 300k subs!