My laptop (same model as this one) is making a clicking noise when it is booting up and then displays the following screen message: "PXE-E61: Media Test failure, check cables; PXE-M0F: Exiting Boradcom PXE ROM. Operating system not found." After opening the laptop and removing the hard dive and putting it back in, the clicking noise is reduced, but still there. After booting and running diagnostics, "no problems have been found with the system so far" I am running the remaining memory tests. I ewxpedt them to be ok. All that happened, I took my laptop to a tatoos studio while my friend was getting a tatto and I worked meanwhile. I shut it down properly and placed the laptop on the boot of the car. When i took it out and opened at home to continue work, I got these messages. Can anyone shed a light to what MIGHT be going on please? Thank you in advance.
***ENG: Links to screwdrivers and parts in the description under the video*
***RUS: Ссылки на отвертки и заменяемые детали в описании под видео*
Thank you my dude. I was able to clean my laptop without any experience in computers.
The keyboard comes off much easier if you carefully take the plastic bezel off first.
I broke a tab on the touchbar thing,still snapped right into place and still working
@@deadnlm7401 I think anyone who has taken apart a Dell Studio laptop has done that at least once.
@@jackdeath anyone who's taken apart ANY laptop has done at least that
Gracias por compartir
My laptop (same model as this one) is making a clicking noise when it is booting up and then displays the following screen message: "PXE-E61: Media Test failure, check cables; PXE-M0F: Exiting Boradcom PXE ROM.
Operating system not found." After opening the laptop and removing the hard dive and putting it back in, the clicking noise is reduced, but still there. After booting and running diagnostics, "no problems have been found with the system so far" I am running the remaining memory tests. I ewxpedt them to be ok.
All that happened, I took my laptop to a tatoos studio while my friend was getting a tatto and I worked meanwhile. I shut it down properly and placed the laptop on the boot of the car. When i took it out and opened at home to continue work, I got these messages. Can anyone shed a light to what MIGHT be going on please? Thank you in advance.
Dead hdd