Assorted Halachos- Part 54

  • Опубликовано: 1 дек 2024
  • In this shiur we discuss: 1) Maaser Money for the Hashevaynu Madness and Chinese Auction, 2) The laws of Mitzvos Tzerichos Kavana, 3) Why does Hashevaynu end shabbos later than Myzmanim?, 4) Is davening with the chazzan considered tefillah btzibbur?, 5) Fries at a meat restaurant, 6) The chazzan forgot to recite birchas kohanim, 7) Taking of tzitzis to nap and reciting brachos, 8) Must the challah be at the table during kiddush, 9) Non-religous Jew cooked on Shabbos does it treif up the vessels, 10) Does a toaster need tevilas keilim, 11) Saying "Gosh Darn"!

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