Barack Obama on the Economy in Powder Springs, GA

  • Опубликовано: 6 янв 2025

Комментарии • 45

  • @KillAllHumans666
    @KillAllHumans666 16 лет назад

    You know.. I don't think I've ever smiled because of watching someone talk before.. I love this guy..

  • @1windsofchange
    @1windsofchange 16 лет назад

    There is a fine line between saying too much and saying to little. Apparently, walking that line comes naturally to you. I thoroughly enjoyed your speech on the economy. Our economy is what we should be talking about right now. Your words struck a responsive chord within me. I shared your speeches with my friends so that they too might reap the benefits of your knowledge about our economy. I know you will be great for our country. I like the way you get to the point of things.

  • @dragon8me2
    @dragon8me2 16 лет назад

    I think this is the best speach you've given to date.

  • @someperson111
    @someperson111 16 лет назад

    This is a man of the people, I can't wait to vote for him come November.

  • @plumeria66
    @plumeria66 16 лет назад

    Oil companies have bought the patents of "green" cars and made sure they are not manufactured.

  • @waffiki
    @waffiki 16 лет назад

    Obama with this sort of speech, not only America rule the world.
    God bless you,I heard the speech and felt you are the BBBEEESSSTTT.

  • @KyndestKid
    @KyndestKid 16 лет назад

    This is the only "Man" who can Save the terrible shape this country is currently in. Please people.... if you were ever going to vote for anyone... this is your man. He will not only change this country... he will change the world!!

  • @DarinSuh
    @DarinSuh 16 лет назад

    There is already a federal law called the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (SSCRA)that makes it illegal for mortgage companies to file foreclosure proceedings against deployed solidiers.

  • @ls1z28chris
    @ls1z28chris 16 лет назад

    Next time you come to Atlanta, if you would like a graduate of McEachern high school, a five year veteran of the Marine Corps, an Iraq veteran, and a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War to speak to your candidate regarding veterans' issues, just send me a message.
    I would be very interested in having a conversation with Obama regarding his policies on Iraq and veterans affairs.

  • @nirvrock77
    @nirvrock77 16 лет назад

    Incredible Groundhog's Day reference.

  • @lmagbig23
    @lmagbig23 16 лет назад

    I agree

  • @seattlereignman
    @seattlereignman 16 лет назад

    plumeria66 - can you provide those patent numbers??? They should be public information.

  • @jvgama
    @jvgama 16 лет назад

    Great Speech!

  • @akajang
    @akajang 16 лет назад

    ok you talk a good deal your an inspiration to the world

  • @Basta11
    @Basta11 16 лет назад

    Is that second home thing true? O_O

  • @ColdFormedSteel3D
    @ColdFormedSteel3D 16 лет назад

    We can put the billions of dollars that we are wasting (like buying electronics and other foreign utilities) and put them into improving technology in our country. You'd be surprised the amount of money the US can generate in a few months.

  • @plumeria66
    @plumeria66 16 лет назад

    If we do not elect Obama in Nov, then we as a nation don't deserve him. He might just be too good for America.
    But then, I certainly hope not. I hope the majority of us vote for him and put him in office. He is our only hope at this point, hope for the nation, hope for the planet.

  • @vegbeauti
    @vegbeauti 16 лет назад

    We should learn Spanish! Best thing Obama has said yet. He should continue to make these riskier statements.

  • @kawika8087
    @kawika8087 16 лет назад

    what a great man and President!

  • @mistabillz2
    @mistabillz2 16 лет назад

    I was there McEachern High School Indians!!!!!

  • @mrclean1957
    @mrclean1957 16 лет назад

    Great speech! I hope he is not like the last President say one thing before being elected and doing another when you get in the BIG house. Please do what you say we need a honest person to get us out ths messed we are in! Bring home the troops! Lower the gas prices. Let's drill at home use our own land. And not depend on other countries lets do for self!

  • @funlovelatino
    @funlovelatino 16 лет назад

    Great Speech! I hope for America... Vote 4 Obama in 08'

  • @mmaxsters
    @mmaxsters 16 лет назад

    better than nothing, obama for change, he is the man to save your dreams, not the nightmares you having now

  • @epa9975
    @epa9975 16 лет назад

    The focus on the petty. This is the problem with American politics.

  • @milloselmejor
    @milloselmejor 16 лет назад

    sadly not here in America

  • @nino0057
    @nino0057 16 лет назад

    Didn't he graduate from Harvard Law school?

  • @BertTrautmann
    @BertTrautmann 16 лет назад opposed to John McCain who couldn't even be bothered to show up to vote for or against the bil? Yes.
    But I agree with you, I wish Ron Paul was running. The only man with a true plan that could wipe off debt, make us safe and give back our goddamn freedom.
    But you play with the cards you got.
    Obama '08.

  • @ktracy999
    @ktracy999 16 лет назад

    The first couple minutes he just points out the obvious. I want to know what he is going to do.

  • @KevinThornDarkFan
    @KevinThornDarkFan 16 лет назад

    Obama For President

  • @pleetf
    @pleetf 16 лет назад

    didnt like the catcalling

  • @gsuitter
    @gsuitter 16 лет назад

    Your solution to the economic problems only address the symptoms of our failing economy. And your solution? More government programs. Never do you address the core economic problem which is an over spending congress with a Federal Reserve Bank that is more then ready to print all the money you need. And after studying your proposals, we'll need a lot!
    ALL of the problems you address are the result of existing government policies. Government is the problem, not the solution.

  • @milloselmejor
    @milloselmejor 16 лет назад

    Obama '08

  • @1zieske1
    @1zieske1 16 лет назад

    Best choice since Ron Paul dropped out. ^_^

  • @douker
    @douker 16 лет назад

    Yea let's lower gas prices by investing billions of dollars in alternative fuels and raising taxes. This guy's a joke.

  • @mlps93
    @mlps93 16 лет назад

    You talk like a president =) except you have a much better economy plan unlike the current one
    ...*clears thoat* bush

  • @nvncyble
    @nvncyble 16 лет назад

    Obama 08

  • @lmagbig23
    @lmagbig23 16 лет назад

    it's about terrorism, I understand where your coming from, but you most likely have nothing to worry about.

  • @faustogortaire
    @faustogortaire 16 лет назад

    Again, too much style, not enough substance.