The hills hum, the grass sharpens, *_and soon enough the occupiers will feel their wrath..._* -THE TONGBUK INSURGENCY- "We must take the lead in awakening the people. For this, we must first shed blood." - Kim Won-bong [The Hum of Mountains] See y'all soon in the Korea comp's release!
The hills hum, the grass sharpens, *_and soon enough the occupiers will feel their wrath..._*
"We must take the lead in awakening the people. For this, we must first shed blood."
- Kim Won-bong
[The Hum of Mountains]
See y'all soon in the Korea comp's release!
바닷물 우에 갈매기 날고 정든님 뱃머리에 옷자락 날린다~
This is a real banger. Hope more will listen to it. Wonder who arranged n composed this?
Min. 0:42 a 1:51 o 2:01
Where did you get this song from?
search, the korean people's state merited chorus volume 5 and it was there
very cool
이명박을 보고 범죄를 배운 윤석열은 김건희와 보고 배운대로 범죄를 저지른다
뱃노래구만. 가사도 많이 바꾸고 군가느낌으로 뱃놀이는 하지말아야했나?
조선은 지구상에서 가장 살기좋은나라이다
이것은 집적격지않은사람은 리해하기힘들거다
속담에 백번듣는것보다 한번보는게낮다 라는 말이있다
조국을떠나보니 내나라의소중함 서로돕고이끌어주는 내나라의귀증함을 더잘알게되였다