If someone loves good bag, thats me! Bought mine pochette at @ BAGXGO.COM , I don't know , but from my experience, these replicas on another level right now! Impressed. You will thank me when bag arrives to you. keep going girl, you are adorable!
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the LYXBAG as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I agree with you, I just purchased this bag because it looks different. Most bags today all look the same, the only difference is the logo. And, the leather is amazing, nothing like saffiano leather. This one is heavier and textured. I love it
Omg I was just looking at the Celine nano luggage a few weeks ago and was this close to purchasing it! I love it so much and I think it’s definitely a good and smart choice if you’re looking for something that has a classic style, is functional, yet holds value. The thing that stopped me was I didn’t find that it made my heart jump lol sounds so dumb but when you know, you know. And I just wasn’t that excited about it.
FENDI ALSO COMES IN DIFFERENT LEATHERS, more expensive Fendi ones have the pebble grain leather , not a fair comparison when comparing (2) different leathers
Both are great options, but I feel it would depend on how much you carry around. If you don’t carry much, I’d do the Fendi. If you carry around more items, do the Celine. Also, keep in mind the Celine is heavier than the fendi!
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAGS is your next choice?
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ?#LVGUCI por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the HIDUPZ queen picked up at Fend
While watching the video I happened to go to HIDUPZ just to see... and now I have a lovely Vancouver in my shopping bag. so cute!
Thanks Irene! I have the micro belt but the fendi peekaboo seems like a lovely option too.
Oo the micro size is adorable!! 😍
If someone loves good bag, thats me! Bought mine pochette at @ BAGXGO.COM , I don't know , but from my experience, these replicas on another level right now! Impressed. You will thank me when bag arrives to you. keep going girl, you are adorable!
HIDUPZ I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
What a great vlog. I love my Neverful Med and GM. And Longchamp. Use it on flights and road trips. To my two daughters-in-law. 😍 *Niceshopx* 😍
I’ve been debating about these bags , and I figured what are the odds someone made a comparison video on these , and what do you know !!!!! Thank you
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the LYXBAG as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Didn’t know how much I needed this video! ❤️
Thanks Diana! Hopefully it helps if you’ve been stuck between the two!!
All dat LYXBAG bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
The peekaboo is just 😍
Honestly one of my favourites!! 😊
I agree with you, I just purchased this bag because it looks different. Most bags today all look the same, the only difference is the logo. And, the leather is amazing, nothing like saffiano leather. This one is heavier and textured. I love it
@irene l bought a medium fendi peekaboo 6 months ago and l love it so much .
Congrats on your new purchase! The medium must be a great size for everyday as well as work too!
Great video love. Exactly what I needed🤗💕
Thanks Rana! I hope it helps! 🥰
The best video, reminds me of my COPYMAXY
That's why i don't like single top handle with flap bags. Very hard to open and close. Applies for Hermes kelly too!
It never even crossed my mind as a potential issue before!
hi irene, what do you think about celine nano luggage? thanks in advance.
Omg I was just looking at the Celine nano luggage a few weeks ago and was this close to purchasing it! I love it so much and I think it’s definitely a good and smart choice if you’re looking for something that has a classic style, is functional, yet holds value. The thing that stopped me was I didn’t find that it made my heart jump lol sounds so dumb but when you know, you know. And I just wasn’t that excited about it.
Celine 10 points Fendi 2points ,I love celine if you know it you know it’s celine .
FENDI ALSO COMES IN DIFFERENT LEATHERS, more expensive Fendi ones have the pebble grain leather , not a fair comparison when comparing (2) different leathers
Which one is your recommendation for daily?
Both are great options, but I feel it would depend on how much you carry around. If you don’t carry much, I’d do the Fendi. If you carry around more items, do the Celine. Also, keep in mind the Celine is heavier than the fendi!
Hi! where dod you buy the felt organizer for the peekaboo?
Hi! I purchased mine from Samorga!
It is obvious that you have conducted due diligence and the HIDUPZ information with the United States is very rich...
Come across this video randomly and I watched LYXBAGS . OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAGS is your next choice?
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ?#LVGUCI por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
All that being said, the Fendi bag is simply ugly. There's no point spending that amount on sth ugly.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! 😊
Nooo, definitely not ugly , it’s all in preference
New friend here sending may full support. # LYXBAG
I don’t miss a day a week COPYMAXY hydrate This show
The bags here look expensive and chic! Everything is going smooth. Many compliments! Great piece to add to your collection! *hidupz*