The Bruckner Society of America awarded this orchestra and this music director the 2017 Recording of the Year for the Decca recording of the Complete Symphonies of Anton Bruckner. Bravo! I wish they would record all the Beethoven symphonies (among others). It is great to hear performances like this of the standard repertoire. Thank you all! And German bows, no less! Cheers!
The Bruckner Society of America awarded this orchestra and this music director the 2017 Recording of the Year for the Decca recording of the Complete Symphonies of Anton Bruckner. Bravo! I wish they would record all the Beethoven symphonies (among others). It is great to hear performances like this of the standard repertoire. Thank you all! And German bows, no less! Cheers!
Thinking of my child hood growing up, listening this w/my brothers
넘 좋아
올해에 베토벤 5번 공연이 있는데 기대해봅니다
얼마남지 않은 2월 공연! 많관부 😍😍
환청의 악마 품에서도
열정이란 궁극심으로
교향곡이란 세계를 창조한
*음악의 아버지*
5번 운명 교향곡
심란한 시기에 수십년 만에 베토벤 5악장 들으니 멋집니다
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맥을 딱 끊어놓는구만
돈 많이 버세요~