EverlookRogue - Zone 3 - Deathstalker (Mulgore Part 5)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Netheras ? Not quite what I was expecting, considering Carkad himself has taken an interest to you. Looks can be deceiving though, right?
    Either way, you should go see him as soon as possible. You wouldn't want to know what happened to the last few that chose to ignore his summons.
    Hm. No doubt you made your way here at first mention of my summons, yes? Of course. I would expect no less from a prospective Deathstalker.
    If you wish to join the Deathstalkers, Lord Varimathras' elite guard, you will have to prove your worth.
    I will not lie to you, Netheras, this task could mean your death.
    I have some things that need attending to. I require the personal effects of Astor Hadren, a messenger who travels between Silverpine and the Undercity. I will leave the method of procurement to your discretion.
    It will be better for you if you know less of the nature of this business. Succeed and I shall tell you more.
    Success to report?
    Well done, Netheras. You've passed the first part of this test. Hopefully Andron will not have caught wind of your activities, and we will be able to convince him that you are, in fact, the messenger he is expecting.
    The letter of introduction should be enough to convince Andron that you are the messenger he's been waiting for. I've met Andron before, he doesn't quite have the mental capacity to be that suspicious.
    Lord Varimathras suspects that Andron has been providing aid to some other group. He wishes to know what organization this is and requires proof of it.
    I want you to speak with Andron, and obtain this information. You'll find him at his shop near the Apothecarium.
    Hello. Something I can do for you?
    Ah, yes, I've been expecting you. I have no doubt our mutual acquaintances are pleased with the information that I have provided so far?
    I suppose there's no point in asking you, I doubt they would burden you with this knowledge. Why place so much trust in the messenger, hm?
    You'll find the ledger with the information your employers seek on the bookshelf behind me. Deliver it with my regards, and tell them that I would prefer it if they sent you, if they find enough value that they should wish to continue our arrangement.
    Success, Netheras ?
    Well, this is certainly more information than I suspected to get out of Andron. Give me a moment to peruse it, before I set you to your next task.
    The Syndicate? I would never have suspected. It seems the lords of Alterac have fallen far in the years since their betrayal.
    Lord Varimathras will be pleased to learn of this, and as you were so instrumental in this discovery, it would be fitting if you were the one to deliver it to him.
    Ah, and how could I forget?
    Welcome to the Deathstalkers.
    Hmm, this is interesting. The Deathstalkers have performed their duties admirably in ferreting this out.
    From what I understand, you also deserve commendation for your performance. I hope that this will become routine for you, Netheras, my Deathstalkers always have use of a good man.
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